Vancouver Christian School

Nom et classe: ___________________________
Français 6
Course Outline 2014 - 2015
Mlle (Mademoiselle) Lau
Course Outline 2012-13
Blog site:
French/Art room
Course Rationale
Language is a creational gift that reflects the image of God and is not merely a human invention. The
power of language is such that it shapes how and what we understand of other cultures as well as our
own. In Canada, where one quarter of the population comprises speakers of French, one of Canada’s
two official languages, we are privileged to be able to learn a language that honours our country’s
past and that opens the door to other francophone (French-speaking) cultures in the world.
Ultimately, the ability to communicate with our neighbour in his/her native tongue is the first step in
demonstrating love, respect, and appreciation for that person. Our French program emphasizes
practical use of the language, where grammar instruction plays a supportive role to provide useful
strategies to facilitate communication and comprehension.
Course Description
At VCS, we follow the Accelerated Integrated Method (AIM) Histoires en action! program.
We will be reading and dramatizing two plays this year: Chat Angora and Le bistro des animaux, plus
we will be doing a number of other activities, including:
 Singing songs, learning raps, playing games involving vocabulary, greetings and expressions
 Completing written work related to vocabulary and grammar
 Producing short oral presentations using commonly used phrases and vocabulary
By the end of this year, students will be able to:
 Ask for and give simple information
 Exchange information about themselves
 Begin to derive meaning in new language situations
Nom et classe: ___________________________
 Extract and retrieve specific information from French-language resources to complete
authentic tasks
 Manipulate the language in written and oral form through a variety of structured and creative
activities, as well as spontaneously with teachers and peers
The term grade is calculated based on the following categories:
 Class participation – Students are expected to speak in French at all times
 Written assignments
 Oral Presentations
 Quizzes & Tests
Course Materials
There is no textbook for this course, but students will need to have their own copy of the (light blue)
Histoires en action! #2 Student DVD, which can be purchased directly from the school office.
Students are asked to bring the following items to every class:
 A separate 3-ring binder for French class
 Lined loose leaf paper
 5-pack dividers
 A pencil and an eraser
 A black OR blue pen + a red pen
 Correction fluid or pen (white-out)
There will be times when students may be asked to bring supplies such as costumes and props to
dramatize the play. Mlle Lau will remind students when they are required to do so.
Homework Policy
Students are asked to check for daily homework updates at Students
are expected to hand in their work on time. Please notify Mlle Lau at least two school days before the
due date, either in person or via email, and she will do her best to help you and to accommodate your
If homework has not been handed in, the student may be asked to stay in at lunch and/or after school
until the work is completed. The student may lose privileges to participate on a sports team or in
other extracurricular activities.
________ Yes! My child has a copy of the (light blue) Histoires en action! #2 Student DVD.
Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________________________