Demonstration Speech Unit Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 16 17 18 19 20 Collect Final Research Paper Approve and record topics Check your list of process steps for completion View sample outline in class Computer lab Introduce public speaking, demonstration speech Breaking down a procedure—sample process with partner, review as a class Discuss sample topics, rules and guidelines Begin breaking down your topic into it’s smallest, most detailed steps HW: Know your speech topic tomorrow 23 HW: have your printed list of steps and materials in class tomorrow 24 Computer lab Collect outlines Work time on outline Discuss speech rubric HW: typed outline due tomorrow Peer edit each others’ steps—what are you missing? Begin lesson on outlining Work time on outline Receive rubric for outline, review HW: typed outline due Tuesday Work time to complete your outline HW: typed outline due Tuesday – find the document on the calendar on my website. Type right in that document. You may want to cut and paste the text into Google docs. 25 26 27 View and assess sample speeches in class How to make note cards Check for note card completion Work time Practice speeches using timers Dos and Don’ts of public speaking HW: note cards due tomorrow 30 31 1 2 3 NO SCHOOL Practice speeches using timers Speeches Speeches Speeches 6 7 8 9 No Speeches Speeches Speeches Field Trip You will not be allowed to give your speech until you hand in your outline (with rubric) AND RECEIVE IT BACK with my feedback. You must perform on the day you chose. Speech must be within 3-6 minute time frame. If your technology does not work, you will still go as planned. If you forgot your materials, you will still go as planned. You must test all technology and props the day before your speech to make sure they work properly. Just before you give your speech, you will hand me your speech rubric (outline rubric is on the back side). Immediately after you give your speech, you will hand me your note cards.