Information Technology Policy - Maryland Public Service Commission

IT Policy:
Standard Operating Procedures
Email and Internet Accepted Use Policy
This document states the Information Technology Department’s policy and
provides guidance for managing the use of the Internet and email by
Maryland Public Service Commission employees.
The goal is to ensure economical, effective and efficient management of
Internet/email usage and encourage collaborative efforts among the PSC
staff to achieve this end.
The Internet was established as a cooperative effort providing worldwide
networking services among educational institutions, government agencies
and various commercial and non-profit organizations. High speed
networking technologies and developments have made the Internet a
desirable source for expanding research interest and information
dissemination and communications. More recently the Internet has
expanded to include government information, educational information
systems, archives and business resources. The Internet also includes
functions such as those for electronic mail (email), remote computer
network access, file transfers, World Wide Web (WWW), and wide area
information servers.
Use of the Internet has grown exponentially and on-line services have
greatly increased user access to a wider and more diverse user
community of information resources. This dramatic increase in
communication capabilities makes it necessary to establish policies
regarding the proper and efficient use of the Internet.
The Internet/email is considered to be a fundamental communications tool
that may be used to support the PSC’s missions and information
dissemination requirements. These policies and guidelines apply to the
management of Internet and email services within all organizational units
of the Maryland Public Service Commission, including the use of PSC
provided telecommunications resources in employees’ private residences.
Policy Statement
It is the policy of the Information Technology Department to allow and
encourage the use of Internet services to support the accomplishment of
the various missions of the PSC. Use of the Internet requires responsible
judgement, supervisory discretion and compliance with applicable laws
and regulations. Users must be aware of information technology security
and other privacy concerns. Users must also be aware of and follow
management directives for Internet usage.
Generally, Internet/email services provided by the PSC, like other
equipment and resources, are to be used only for authorized purposes.
However, the Information Technology Department recognizes that it is in
the interest of the PSC that employees become proficient and maintain
proficiency in using the Internet. To this end, the restrictions outlined
below regarding Internet use during official working hours and nonworking hours should be followed by PSC employees using Internet
services provided by the PSC.
Internet services provided by the IT Department during
official duty hours are to be used for authorized purposes
only. This may include using Internet services to train
personnel on using the Internet, provided prior approval is
obtained from an employee’s supervisor.
Internet access should be achieved using standard and
commonly available tools, unless a specific requirement calls
for a unique approach. The IT Department should be
informed in advance of requirements for unique solutions or
The IT Department will ensure that the PSC presence on the
Internet fulfills mission requirements in a professional
manner. The IT Department will work cooperatively to
ensure that information made available via the Internet is
accurate, relevant, and up-to-date.
PSC employees may use the Internet to exchange
information with the public and internally as an information
technology tool. It is to be considered as one of a number of
tools to accomplish PSC tasks.
Users must take adequate precautions when processing
data or storing data on computers connected to the Internet
and when transmitting data on or through the Internet. Data
integrity and security ramifications exist under these
circumstances and questions or concerns should be directed
to the Director of Information Technology.
Users must take responsibility to understand the basic
vulnerabilities to viruses and other malicious software
occasioned by use of the Internet.
This policy will assist employees in becoming proficient in
using the Internet and will enhance their professional
development. However, Internet and email services provided
by the PSC shall not be used during non-working hours for
the following activities:
the pursuit of private commercial business activities or
profit-making ventures (i.e. employees may not
operate a business with the use of PSC computers
and Internet resources);
matters directed toward the success or failure of a
political party, candidate for partisan political office, or
partisan political group;
prohibited direct or indirect lobbying;
the exercise or promotion of a religion;
engaging in prohibited discriminatory conduct;
the obtaining or viewing of sexually explicit material;
any activity that is unlawful or would bring discredit on
the PSC
Of course, the IT Department expects PSC employees to conduct
themselves professionally while using Department resources, and
employees must refrain from using Department resources for activities
that are disruptive to the work place, such as activities that are offensive to
co-workers or to the public, or in sharp contrast to public trust.
Like all other Government computer use, personal use of the computer
system may be monitored and recorded. Anyone using PSC equipment
consents to such monitoring and is advised that if such monitoring reveals
possible evidence of criminal activity or employee misconduct, evidence of
such monitoring may be brought to the attention of law enforcement
officials at the discretion of the Chairman of the Maryland Public
Service Commission. Individuals are not entitled to an expectation of
privacy while using Government computers. To the extent that employees
wish that their private activities remain private, they should avoid using
PSC computers and systems for such activities.
Limited personal use of email during duty hours is
permissible, as such use will help promote proficiency in
electronic communications, including use of the Internet, and
provides an alternative method for other authorized personal
communications, which will promote PSC efficiency.
At no time may PSC email addresses be used in a manner
which will give the impression that an otherwise personal
communication is authorized by the Maryland Public Service
Personal use of IT systems cannot interfere with official
business, such as spending an inappropriate amount of time
during duty hours filling PSC email delivery systems with
personal messages so as to prevent official messages from
being delivered, or disseminating chain letters.
The IT Department has instituted the following email
retention policy:
There is NO single retention period for email messages.
The value of email messages is based upon their
informational content. Messages that are deemed to be
records need to be retained the same length of time that
they would be retained if they were hard copy.
Determination of record status of an email message is
the responsibility of the individual employee.
Inbox messages older than 60-days are automatically
removed once a month
Email databases have been allocated a disk quota size
not to exceed 70MB
Archived email is not subject to a size limitation
Status of email
The state of Maryland and the Federal government recognize that email
messages may contain records in the form of content or attachments.
Email is playing an ever-increasing role in litigation. It is therefore extremely
important that all Maryland Public Service Commission employees recognize
the significance of email messages they create and maintain and do the best
they can to manage them properly
Email is subject to disclosure and discovery. Any public record is subject to
discovery requests as part of a legal proceeding. Discovery may include all
information and data in email that may pertain to the particular court case or
Email is subject to State Public Records and Open records laws.
Email is subject to copyright laws