MBA – CONCENTRATION ELECTIVE APPROVAL SHEET Concentration: General Name: Email Address: Phone Number: Sem. & Yr. Admitted: CWID# : Mihaylo College has put together a list of courses to choose from. If you are unsure of which courses would be useful for your professional, personal, or educational goals please schedule an appointment with your Graduate Concentration Exploration Advisors for a personal consultation. During your first semester in the program a copy of the Concentration Elective Approval form must be submitted, by the deadlines found in your GSH, via email to or you may drop a copy off in SGMH4210. o When you make any changes to your electives simply choose alternatives from the list below. You are not required to resubmit a new form as long as the elective courses are included in this list. Concentration courses are offered less frequently then required courses. Picking your concentration elective courses within the first semester provides you with the opportunity to enroll in the courses as they are offered. It is your responsibility to check the prerequisites when selecting your concentration elective courses. You are responsible for completing any prerequisite coursework prior to enrolling in a course. Choose / Mark a Maximum of “FOUR” Electives The concentration consists of 12 units or four electives with no more than two courses from the same thematic discipline. Courses must be chosen from the provided list. Two courses must be at the 500 level and no more than two courses may be at the 400 level. No course numbered below 400 may be used. Check 2-4 500 Level Electives (course descriptions are found in the University Catalog) ACCT 502 ACCT 503 ACCT 505 ACCT 506 ACCT 507 ACCT 508 ACCT 518 ACCT 521 ACCT 535 ECON 502 ECON 503 ECON 504 ECON 505 ECON 506 Seminar in Accounting Theory Seminar in Contemporary Acct Problems Seminar in Auditing Seminar in Professional Acct Communication Seminar in Accounting Information Sys Seminar in Tax Planning Seminar in International Accounting Seminar in Management Control Systems Corporate Governance Theory and Practice Advanced Microeconomic Analysis Advanced Macroeconomic Analysis Econometric Analysis Economic Models and Forecasting Economics of Aging ECON 516 Economics and Benefit-Cost Analysis FIN 523 Seminar in Corporate Financial Management FIN 528 Financial Economics FIN 533 Seminar in Financial Administration FIN 540 Seminar in Mergers and Acquisitions FIN 541 Seminar in Investment Management -- Students may not receive credit for both Finance 442 and 541 FIN 542 Seminar in Financial Engineering ISDS 516 Introduction to Logistics Analysis Techniques ISDS 521 Revenue Management Modeling ISDS 526 Forecasting, Dec. Analysis and Exper Design ISDS 550 Business Data Communications ISDS 551 Information Resources Management ISDS 552 Sys. Analysis, Design and Develop. ISDS 553 Electronic Comm: Analysis and Eval. ISDS 554 E-Commerce: Technological Perspective ACCT 570 Seminar in Tax of Corps and Shareholders Corp I ACCT 572 Sem. in Tax of Corps and Shareholders Corp II ACCT 573 Seminar in Tax of Property Transactions ACCT 574 Seminar in Tax of International Bus Operations ACCT 575 Sem. in Estate, Gift, Inherit Tax and Estate Plan ACCT 576 Seminar in State and Local Taxation ACCT 577 Sem. in Tax of Employee Compensation ACCT 578 Seminar in Taxation of Partnerships ACCT 580 Sem. in Tax of S Corp, LLCs & LLPS ECON 528 Financial Economics (same as Fin 528) ECON 531 International Economics ECON 590 Topics in Economic Analysis and Policy ECON 595 Current Research in Economics ECON 521 Macroeconomic Perspective for Mgrs (if used as an elective may not be taken as a required course) FIN 543 FIN 551 FIN 560 FIN 570 FIN 562 Entrepreneurial Finance Seminar in Real Estate Investment Corporate Risk Mgmt and Insurance Seminar Seminar in International Financial Mgmt Enterprise Risk Management ISDS 557 ISDS 558 ISDS 560 ISDS 561 ISDS 563 ISDS 565 ISDS 568 ISDS 576 Issues in Bus Info Sys & Global Telecom Adv. Software Dev with Web Applications Advanced Deterministic Models Advanced Probabilistic Models Geographic Info. Sys. for Business Wireless Information Systems Info. Systems for Knowledge Mgmt Business Modeling and Simulation ISDS 555 Bus. Databases: Design & Processing ISDS 556 Data Warehousing and Found. of Bus. Intelligence Mgmt510 Professional Ethics for Managers Mgmt520 International Legal Environment of Bus. Mgmt525 Seminar in Team Leadership Skills Mgmt535 Production / Operations Management Mgmt539 Supply Chain Management Mgmt540 New Venture Leadership and Mgmt Mgmt542 Labor and Employment Relations Seminar Mgmt515 Mgmt of Info in the Corp. Environment (if used as an elective may not be taken as a required course) MKTG 535 Marketing New Ventures MKTG 545 MKTG 565 Social and Nonprofit Marketing Strategic Market Intelligence ISDS 578 Seminar in Logistics Models Mgmt544 Mgmt543 Mgmt555 Mgmt547 Mgmt570 Mgmt582 Mgmt585 Mgmt588 Project Management Seminar in Human Resource Management Leadership Dynamics Comparative Management Commercialization of Technology Organizational Development and Change Negotiations Leadership, Power, and Influence MKTG 596T Contemporary Topics in Marketing (may be repeated three times, in different topics, for credit) MKTG 599 Independent Graduate Research MKTG 599 Independent Graduate Research (European Tour) MKTG 575 Product & Brand Management Check a maximum of 0 - 2 400 Level Electives (course descriptions are found in the University Catalog) ACCT 401 ACCT 402 ACCT 403 ACCT 405 ACCT 408 ECON 410 ECON 411 ECON 412 Advanced Accounting Auditing Acct for Govt. & Nonprofit Entities Fraud Detection Problems in Taxation Industrial Organization International Trade Labor Economics ACCT 420 ACCT 422 ACCT 460 ACCT 470 ECON 421 ECON 431 ECON 433 Economy ECON 441 ECON 440 ECON 450 ECON 461 ECON 462 Advanced Cost Accounting Internal Audit and Control Sem. in Financial Statement Analysis Tax Research, Practice and Proced. Monetary and Fiscal Policy International Macroeconomics and Growth The Less Developed Countries and the World ECON 413 Law and Economics Introduction to Mathematical Economics ECON 415 Economics of Health Introduction to Econometrics ECON 416 Benefit Cost and Micro Policy Analysis History of Economic Thought ECON 417 Public Finance Ecological Economics ECON 418 Behavioral Economics Natural Resource Economics ECON 420 Money and Banking FIN 410 Theory and Practice of Personal Fin. Planning FIN 444 Options and Futures FIN 411 Retirement and Estate Planning FIN 454 Real Estate Market Analysis FIN 425 Commercial Bank and Fin. Institution Mgmt FIN 461 Bus. Property and Liability Risk Mgmt FIN 432 Financial Forecasting and Budgeting FIN 462 Life and Health Insurance FIN 435 Capital Markets and Fixed Income Analysis FIN 463 Professional Ethics, Corporate Compliance and Reg. FIN 442 Advanced Investment Analysis – FIN 464 Insurance Marketing and Distribution Students may not receive credit for both Finance 442 and 541 FIN 495 Internship - (See STEP 3C of your Graduate Student Handbook for details – internship must be in finance) ISDS 402 Database Management Systems ISDS 440 Integrative Dec. Tools for Bus. Operations --Students may not receive credit for both ISDS555 & 402 ISDS 405 Pgm Concepts for Information Technology ISDS 442 Bus. Modeling Using Spreadsheets ISDS 408 Database Management Systems ISDS 443 Mktg Analytics Decision-Making in Info Age (Same as Mktg443) ISDS 409 Bus. Telecomm. for Info Sys Design ISDS 461 Statistical Theory for Mgmt Science ISDS 411 Business Application Design ISDS 465 Linear Pgmng in Mgmt Science ISDS 415 Principles of Business Intelligence ISDS 467 Statistical Quality Control ISDS 418 Privacy and Security ISDS 472 Design of Experiments ISDS 422 Surveys and Sampling Design and Apps ISDS 473 Applied Business Forecasting ISDS 431 Enterprise Sys Implementation,Config & Use ISDS 474 Data Mining for Managers ISDS 433 Enterprise Systems Administration ISDS 475 Multivariate Analysis ISDS 435 Integrated Enterprise Information Sys. ISDS 490 Que and Stoch Models in Mgmt Science ISDS 437 Enterprise Networks for Info. Systems Mgmt422 Operations Planning and Control Mgmt440 Emerging Issues in Management Mgmt423 Purchasing and Supply Management Mgmt442 Managerial Leadership Mgmt425 Quality Management and Improvement Mgmt443 Team Leadership Skills Mgmt426 Global Operations Mgmt444 Project Management Mgmt427 Management of Technology and Innovation Mgmt446 Entertainment Business Law Mgmt430 Integrated Supply Chain Management Mgmt447 Internet Legal Issues Mgmt432 Staffing Mgmt434 Compensation Mgmt435 Management of Service Organizations Mgmt436 Training and Development Mgmt440 Emerging Issues in Management MKTG 401 Professional Selling MKTG 405 Integrating Marketing Communications MKTG 415 Managing the Sales Force MKTG 425 Retail & Mktg Channel Strategies MKTG 430 Sports Marketing MKTG 443 Mktg Analytics Decision-Making in Info Age (Same as ISDS443) MKTG 445 International Marketing Mgmt465A New Venture Creation and Funding Mgmt465B New Venture Launch Mgmt470 Media Entertainment Business Mgmt471 Tourism Management Mgmt480 Global Strategic Management MKTG 450 Visual Marketing MKTG 455 Strategic Internet Marketing MKTG 462 Marketing for Entrepreneurs MKTG 465 Managing Services Marketing MKTG 475 Export Marketing Strategies MKTG 485 Multicultural Marketing