No. 216/09
1. The two leaders continue the discussion on property
2. Talat addressed the Turkish Cypriots over the 26 th anniversary from the
“unilateral declaration of independence”
3. Cicek reiterates Turkey’s stance that the negotiations will not last for
ever and underlines that they will always be by the side of the Turkish
4. Eroglu reiterates that there are “two separate sovereign governments
and two separate people” on the island
parliamentarians over the Cyprus problem
6. Turkish Deputy Prime Minister held contacts in the occupied areas of
7. Cicek inaugurated a new five-star hotel in the occupied areas of Cyprus
8. Ersan Saner stated from London that the number of British tourists who
visited the occupied areas of Cyprus during the first six months of 2009
increased by 8%
9. UK prioritizes Cyprus agreement and Turkey’s EU bid; Statements by the
new British Ambassador to Ankara
10. Bagis urges the Swedish Parliament not to adopt bill on the Armenian
11. Turkish Supreme Court of Appeals to launch investigation against
ruling AKP on wiretapping
1. Column in Turkish Cypriot newspaper argues that if the solution was
near, Turkey would not have done investments in occupied Cyprus
2. From the Turkish Press of 13, 14 and 15 November 2009
1. The two leaders continue the discussion on property
Illegal Bayrak television (13.11.09) broadcast the following:
“President Mehmet Ali Talat and Greek Cypriot Leader Demetris Christofias met
again today to continue their discussions on the property issue. Speaking at the
end of today’s meeting, President Mehmet Ali Talat said that convergence had
been reached during today’s meeting. President Talat and Greek Cypriot Leader
met this morning during which they resumed discussions on the property issue.
Speaking upon his return to the Presidential Palace, President Mehmet Ali Talat
has been
regarding categorization
classification of property types. He said that convergence has been reached on
areas taken up by the special representatives during the week. ‘We have grown a
little closer to reaching an agreement on the property issue. Areas marked in red
and blue were changed into black today. There are still a few differences
remaining but we found the opportunity to converge on a number of issues’ he
added. The President also expressed his belief that more convergence will be
reached on the property issue when they meet next Tuesday.
Responding to a question, the President said that it was still too early to
determine criteria and that there will still much work to be done on the issue of
2. Talat addressed the Turkish Cypriots over the 26 th anniversary from the
“unilateral declaration of independence”
Illegal Bayrak television (14.11.09) broadcast the following from occupied
“Official celebrations marking the 26th anniversary of the establishment of the
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus kicked off today with a speech by President
Mehmet Ali Talat broadcast live on BRT 1 at noon.
In his address to the nation, President Mehmet Ali Talat said that the Turkish
Republic of Northern Cyprus was the highest expression of the Turks of Cyprus’s
right to self-determination. The President also reminded that the Turks of Cyprus
have been waging a peace and freedom struggle for more than 50 years.
Pointing out that much has been achieved during those 50 years; Talat said that
the people of the TRNC have been exerting a superhuman effort to stand strong
in the face of the injustices committed against them, particularly by the
international community which continues to impose unjust embargoes against
Stating that the goal of creating a federal Cyprus aimed at unifying the two
peoples on the island was embraced by the TRNC’s declaration of
independence, President Talat said that the TRNC, contrary to claims by the
Greek Cypriot leadership, was not established with the aim of partitioning the
island. ‘Despite all our goodwill, we continue to feel the disappointment of being
unable to achieve international recognition for the TRNC and to transform it into a
contemporary state, one which can freely exercise international relations with
other countries’, he said. President Talat pointed out that the ultimate mission of
the TRNC was to establish the rightful place of the Turks of Cyprus within the
international community. Talat added that he and his team were putting forward
an intense yet silent and cautious effort to reach a lasting and just solution to the
Cyprus Problem.
Talat also pointed out that he witnessed from time to time attempts to associate
the TRNC with those who opposed a solution. He said it was wrong to perceive
the TRNC as an entity which was opposed to peace and solution in Cyprus as
well as integration with the rest of the world.”
Moreover, illegal Bayrak television (15.11.09) broadcast the following:
“The President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Mehmet Ali Talat said
that the Turks of Cyprus are today celebrating the establishment of the TRNC
which is a concrete expression of its right for self determination.
Making his speech at the military parade that took place at the Dr Fazil Kucuk
Boulevard today, the President pointed to the fact that the Turks of Cyprus had
announced to the world its desire for a solution through TRNC institutions. ‘By
putting forward our desire for a solution we have glorified the Turkish Republic of
Northern Cyprus and we have made its acceptance by the world a little more
possible, but not as a separate existence but as the lawful representative of the
Turks of Cyprus ’.
During his speech, the President also called on the Greek Cypriot people by
saying ‘I want to remind our Greek Cypriot friends of the good will message that
is in the TRNC’s declaration of establishment. The Turks of Cyprus are ready to
share this beautiful island with you. Come and contribute towards the solution
process. Don’t prevent our beautiful island from being an island of friendship and
3. Cicek reiterates Turkey’s stance that the negotiations will not last for
ever and underlines that they will always be by the side of the Turkish
Ankara Anatolia news agency (15.11.09) reported the following from occupied
“State Minister and Deputy Premier Cemil Cicek said Turkey wanted a settlement
to the Cyprus issue, but not at all costs. Addressing the official parade held in
Lefkosa on the occasion of the 26th Anniversary of Turkish Republic of Northern
Cyprus, Cicek said Turkey would not support just any settlement in Cyprus, ruling
out any solution that would deprive Turkish Cypriots of their legitimate rights.
Cicek said Turkey's reply to those who use the Cyprus issue as a leverage
against Turkey in the accession negotiations with the EU by asking "Cyprus or
the EU?" would always be standing by the Turkish Cypriots.
Cicek underlined that settlement negotiations could not go on infinitely and the
existing window of opportunity would not be there for ever. He said everybody
should well understand that Turkish Cypriots would not give up their rights and
Turkey would not put aside its rights and responsibilities as a Guarantor state.
Cicek called on parties not to sacrifice another opportunity to intransigence.
Minister Cicek said a comprehensive settlement of the issue should be a
partnership that would bring together the island on the basis of two equal
communities with political equality, a single bi-zonal republic with two equal
founding states. ‘Turkey's active and de facto guarantee will continue. The
permanence of the settlement to be reached will be secured. We will never allow
the integrity of the settlement to be corroded within the EU’, said Cicek.
Cicek said TRNC was the utmost embodiment of Turkish Cypriots' struggle for
survival and the most resolute expression of its will to defend its freedom and
rights. ‘Turkish Cypriot people set an example, with their democratic institutions,
their state structure built on human rights and the rule of law and their libertarian
and pluralist tradition’, said Cicek.
Cicek expressed Turkey's support to the comprehensive settlement talks carried
out in Cyprus under the auspices of the UN SG, noting that it stood by the
Turkish Cypriots which actively and sincerely partakes in talks for a settlement.
‘However we will never accept, an approach that would make Turkish Cypriots
pay for the consequences of a deadlock, as it happened in the past’, said Cicek.
Cicek said Turkey's greatest aspiration was to help TRNC reach a healthy,
sustainable, productive, competitive and economic structure adding that Turkey
supported TRNC's leading sectors to this end.”
4. Eroglu reiterates that there are “two separate sovereign governments
and two separate people” on the island
Illegal Bayrak television (15.11.09) broadcast the following:
“Messages have been issued by many political parties and non-governmental
organizations to mark the significance of the 26th anniversary of the
establishment of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Prime Minister Dervis
Eroglu in his message emphasized that our state is our futures guarantee.
He reiterated once again that the Turks of Cyprus will not just accept any solution
and added that ‘the Turks of Cyprus are not without alternatives. The alternative
is the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus’. Eroglu said the Turks of Cyprus are
determined to continue to exist as in the past with the support of motherland
The Prime Minister said the biggest responsibility is to leave behind a future for
the coming generations which is established on a solid basis and added that the
gains obtained with the establishment of the Republic cannot be wasted for small
gains and to please others. He concluded his message by saying that the rights
of the Cyprus Turks and interests must be secured.”
Meanwhile, illegal Bayrak television (15.11.09) broadcast the following:
“Prime Minister Dervis Eroglu gave a lunch in honour of the Turkish Deputy
Prime Minister Cemil Cicek and guest delegations which are in the Turkish
Republic of Northern Cyprus to attend the 26th anniversary celebrations of
Republic Day.
Speaking here, the Prime Minister said he was very honoured that the
representatives from the Turkish Presidency, Assembly, government and the
Turkish Armed Forces were standing by the Turks of Cyprus on such an
important day. ‘Especially the speech made by Mr Cicek relieved the Cyprus
Turks’ said the Prime Minister and added that ‘we established the Turkish
Republic of Northern Cyprus on the geographic plain that was created after the
Turkish Peace Operation in 1974. Our desire is to make it live forever’. ‘We want
the negotiations process to be carried our baring some realities in mind. These
realities are that there are two separate sovereign governments and separate
peoples. If the negotiations process is carried out with these realities in mind then
no accidents will be occurred. Our biggest worry is that a surprise agreement will
be brought to the table. We as the government has already put forward our views
on this issue’, stated Eroglu.
Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Cemil Cicek for his part wished the Turks of
Cyprus to live forever independently and in freedom in the TRNC that was
established 26 years ago. He reiterated motherland Turkey’s unwavering support
to the Cyprus Turkish people and stressed that the Cyprus issue was also a
national cause for Motherland Turkey.”
5. Talat,
parliamentarians over the Cyprus problem
Illegal Bayrak television (14.11.09) broadcast the following:
“President Mehmet Ali Talat has once again underlined the need to set a
timetable for the current talks aimed at reaching a solution to the Cyprus
Problem. He also expressed his personal view that the Greek Cypriot leader
Demetris Christofias was committed to reaching a settlement in Cyprus but
added he had doubts whether Christofias would be successful in doing so.
Speaking at a briefing at the Ataturk Cultural Centre, where he informed foreign
journalists, who are in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus to attend
Republic Day celebrations, the Cyprus Problem as well as the latest stage
reached in the ongoing negotiations, President Talat said that the TRNC was the
outcome of the determination by the Turks of Cyprus to administer themselves.
The President also explained how the Cyprus Turkish people who had been
kicked out of the 1960 partnership republic through the force of arms had been
left with no choice but to create their own state. Reminding that the TRNC had
been declared on the 15th of November 1983, President Talat stressed that the
TRNC state nevertheless continued to express it desire for peace as well as a
federal solution ever since.
Pointing out that negotiations were continuing to find a political settlement to the
Cyprus Problem, which has become an international problem, Talat said that
progress at the talks were slower than expected. He said it was highly unlikely
that a solution can be reached before the end of this year, despite an earlier
prediction to do so.
Stating that great injustices were made against the Turks of Cyprus, President
Talat explained how the international community, particularly the UN and the EU
recognized the Greek Cypriots, which he added had kicked out the Cyprus Turks
from the 1960 partnership, as the legitimate government on the island.
The President also informed the foreign journalists on the course of the ongoing
talks as well as the joint convergence papers prepared by the two sides.”
In addition, illegal Bayrak television (13.11.09) broadcast the following:
“We have an alternative. Our alternative is our state which is celebrating the 26th
year of its establishment. We are now more powerful than when we were
established’. These striking statements were made by Prime Minister Dervis
Eroglu who briefed foreign journalists from 41 countries, who are in the Republic
to attend Republic Day celebrations.
Prime Minister Dervis Eroglu gave a briefing at the Lefkosia Merit Hotel this
morning. He informed journalists about how the Turkish Republic of Northern
Cyprus (TRNC) was established and used the Turkish expression ‘bad
neighbours make people house owners, our Greek Cypriot neighbours have
made us State owners’. The basis of an agreement that will be reached on the
Cyprus issue was founded at the 1977 and 1979 summit noted Eroglu and
recalled that the Turkish Federated State of Cyprus had been declared in 1975
with the objective of establishing what would have been the Turkish wing of a
federated future Cyprus to be based on bizonal, bicommunal Republic that would
have rest on the political equality of the two sides.
The TRNC was established as a result of the Greek Cypriot sides’ insistence on
limiting itself to discussing only minority rights for Cypriot Turks. Pointing to the
fact that for the past 41 years negotiations have been taking place to find a
solution in Cyprus, Prime Minister Eroglu said the Turks of Cyprus are not
helpless and without alternatives. ‘We are not doomed to establish a federation
with the Greek Cypriot side our alternative is the Turkish Republic of Northern
Cyprus’ emphasized the Prime Minister.
Meanwhile the Commander of the Turkish Navy General Erdal Ceylanoglu who is
representing the Turkish Armed Forces paid a courtesy visit to Prime Minister
Dervis Eroglu.”
In the meantime, illegal Bayrak television (15.11.09) broadcast the following:
“Foreign Minister Huseyin Ozgurgun yesterday received foreign parliamentarians
that are in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus to join in on the 26th
anniversary celebrations. Speaking during the visit the Foreign Minister touched
upon the Cyprus issue and said that the existence of the Turks of Cyprus is the
security of their determination to live in freedom and sovereignty.
Ozgurgun said the Greek Cypriot side did not support a solution being found that
gave political equality to Cyprus Turks, based on bi-zonality, bi-communality,
sovereignty, two equal sides with two states based on equal status. He added
‘the international community must seriously encourage South Cyprus to properly
start negotiating at the talks or if needed, pressurize the South, as the
negotiations process cannot last forever’.
Noting that the state has made major progress with the support of motherland
Turkey since its establishment Foreign Minister Ozgurgun said despite South
Cyprus’s inhumane embargoes and the world’s unjust embargoes against the
north, the Turks of Cyprus are working with all of its strength to exalt the state.
He also noted that the Cyprus issue has been going on for over 40 years and
although the international community too has shown interest on the issue, the
Cyprus problem has yet to be solved.
Meanwhile, the Italian Peoples Freedom Party member who is one of the foreign
parliamentarians Senator Paolo Amato has applied for TRNC citizenship. Mr
Amato said he had signed all the necessary documentation and he wanted to
become a citizen to support the rightful cause of the Turks of Cyprus.”
6. Turkish Deputy Prime Minister held contacts in the occupied areas of
Illegal Bayrak television (14.11.09) broadcast the following:
“The Turkish Minister of State-Deputy Prime Minister Cemil Cicek who is in the
TRNC to take part in celebrations marking the 26th anniversary of the
establishment of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus met with state and
government officials today. The Cyprus Problem as well as the economy was
high on the agenda of the Turkish Minister’s contacts. The Turkish Minister of
State’s first of visit of the day was to President Mehmet Ali Talat.
Speaking during the meeting, Cemil Cicek expressed his country’s sincere desire
and support to see the successful conclusion of the ongoing negotiations on the
island. ‘We hope that a lasting peace will be reached in Cyprus in the shortest
period of time’, he added.
For his part, President Mehmet Ali Talat thanked the Turkish Minister for his
country’s support and reminded that the Cyprus Turkish people have been living
under unjust isolation for 46 years. Pointing out that the Greek Cypriot side was
trying to exert pressure on Turkey to abandon the Turks of Cyprus, Talat said
‘strangely enough they believe that this is possible but we are telling them at
every opportunity that they are wasting their time. We tell them that such hopes
are nothing but wishful dreams’.
As part of his other contacts, the Turkish Minister of State and Deputy Prime
Minister Cemil Cicek was received by the speaker of the Republic’s Assembly
Hasan Bozer and Prime Minister Dervis Eroglu respectively. Speaking during the
visit, the parliamentary speaker Hasan Bozer said that such visits gave strength
and morale to the people of the TRNC and stressed that Turkey’ contributions to
the TRNC over the past 26 years were vast.
Cicek was then received by Prime Minister Dervis Eroglu. Congratulating the
Prime Minister on the 26th anniversary of the TRNC, the Turkish Minister of State
said that Turkey will continue to be by the side of the TRNC and gave the
example of the pipeline project to bring water from Turkey. He said that they
aimed to lay the first foundations of the project approved recently by the Turkish
parliament by the end of this year. ‘This project will be our 26th anniversary
present to the TRNC’, he said.
For his part, Prime Minister Dervis Eroglu thanked the Turkish Minister and
expressed the TRNC’s gratefulness for Turkey’s constant and unconditional
support in all fields.”
In addition, Turkey is getting ready to launch an under-sea water pipeline project
between Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), to provide
water to this country, on the occasion of its 26th anniversary. Turkish State
Minister Cemil Cicek, who travelled to TRNC for the 26th anniversary
celebrations, announced the project during his visit to TRNC Premier Dervis
He said the cabinet decided to conclude the project, allocated the necessary
funds and was getting ready to invite tenders for the project which will carry water
from Dragon brook to TRNC. Cicek said they wanted to conclude the tender
process until the end of the year and lay the foundation of the pipeline early
2010, together with TRNC Premier Eroglu.
Eroglu said it gave them morale and strength to see Turkish officials by their side
in this important day, adding that they would discuss issues relating to TRNC.
Cicek said they supported all efforts towards the happiness and welfare of the
Turkish Cypriots. He said unjust isolation of the Turkish Cypriots should be
ended. He said they sincerely desired the Cyprus talks to succeed, noting that
the Greek Cypriot side should also desire a solution and recognise the facts in
Cyprus to this end. He said talks could not go on forever adding that Turkish
Cypriots could not be confined to an uncertain future.”
7. Cicek inaugurated a new five-star hotel in the occupied areas of Cyprus
Turkish Cypriot daily Afrika newspaper (16.11.09) reports in its front page that
Turkey, which is seen to be settling down for good in “North Cyprus”, during the
past years with its big capital, is, on the one hand carrying out investments in
hotels with casino and, on the other hand, it makes investments in the education
field. According to the paper, the Turkish State Minister and Deputy Prime
Minister, Cemil Cicek participated in three different opening ceremonies which
took place in the occupied areas of Cyprus and laid the foundation for a new
college which is about to open by the Turkish Association for Education and for
the Centre of Science and Technology of the “International Cyprus University”
(UKU). According to the paper, Mr Cicek participated also in the opening
ceremony of the five-star Golden Tulip hotel which is among the five-star hotels
opened in the occupied areas of Cyprus after Mercure, Merit and Artemis hotel.
The hotel opened with the contribution and capitals of Turkey.
8. Ersan Saner stated from London that the number of British tourists who
visited the occupied areas of Cyprus during the first six months of 2009
increased by 8%
Under the title, “Saner is optimistic from London for the year 2010”, Star Kibris
newspaper (16.11.09) reports on exclusive statements made by the self-styled
minister of Tourism, Environment and Culture, Ersan Saner before his departure
from London where he participated in the Excel International Tourist Fair. Mr
Saner, stated, inter alia, that the number of the British tourists who visited the
occupied areas of Cyprus during the first six months of this year increased by 8%
adding that their expectations from tourism for the year 2010 would be much
more than this year. He also added that the total number of the British tourists
who visited the occupied areas of Cyprus during the previous year was 60.000.
The paper writes that Mr Saner held different contacts with representatives of the
tourism sector in London.
9. UK prioritizes Cyprus agreement and Turkey’s EU bid; Statements by the
new British Ambassador to Ankara
Under the above title, Turkish daily Hurriyet Daily News (13.11.09) reported the
”The United Kingdom’s recently appointed ambassador to Ankara, Mr David
Reddaway, said his priorities would be a Cyprus settlement and Turkey’s
European Union accession process. The U.K. will encourage negotiations
between Turkish and Greek Cypriot leaders to reach a settlement over the
divided island, Ambassador Reddaway told diplomatic correspondents at a
reception at his residence.
Britain offered to hand over half the territory (45 square miles) of its bases on the
island if a settlement is reached. 4,000 troops and 7,000 dependents currently
live in the territory. The British bases were retained after the island attained
independence in 1960. Reddaway vowed to keep the Cyprus issue among his
priorities in the coming weeks and asserted he would take further steps to back a
permanent solution.
The British ambassador also reiterated his country’s support for Turkey’s full
membership in the EU. Reddaway said Turkey would play a key role as a bridge
between the East and West, noting its increasing diplomatic role and zeroproblem policy as offering stability to the region.
Reddaway was Director of the Southern Europe Desk at the British Foreign
Office and dealt with issues including Cyprus and Turkey's candidacy for EU
membership from 1997 to 1999. After his appointment to Ankara, Ambassador
Reddaway presented his credentials to President Abdullah Gul on September 7.”
10. Bagis urges the Swedish Parliament not to adopt bill on the Armenian
Ankara Anatolia news agency (13.11.09) reported the following from Stockholm:
“Turkish State Minister and Chief Negotiator for the EU talks Egemen Bagis said
on Friday that Turkey was not disregarding its problems any more but try to solve
them. ‘If we work hand in hand, Turkey may become the centre of peace and
tranquillity in its region in the next 10 years’, Bagis said.
Bagis took the floor at "Security and Development Policies Institute", and at a
meeting where journalists, representatives of think-tank organizations and
politicians attended and briefed them about the developments in Turkey and
relations with the EU.
Releasing a statement after the talks, Bagis said the decisions made related with
the Armenian allegations in the congress of Social Democrat Party in Sweden
regarding 1915 incidents offended Turkish people. ‘I hope the decisions in
question would not be passed from the Swedish Parliament’, Bagis said.
Bagis later proceeded to Swedish Parliament and met Swedish Parliament's
Foreign Affairs Commission Chairman Goran Lennmark. Lennmark extended
support to Turkey's EU bid and noted that Turkey's membership to the EU would
be in the interests of both parties. He also eulogized Turkey's reforms.
Bagis is expected to attend a lunch to be hosted by International Development
Cooperation Minister Gunilla Carlsson and later have a tete-a-tete meeting with
Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt.”
11. Turkish Supreme Court of Appeals to launch investigation against
ruling AKP on wiretapping
Turkish NTV television (15.11.09) broadcast that the Office of the Chief Public
Prosecutor of the Supreme Court of Appeals has launched in investigation
against the AKP [Justice and Development Party] in connection with the
wiretapping claims on the grounds that the AKP has become the locus of
activities detrimental to the law-based state.
The Office of the Chief Public Prosecutor, which is responsible for keeping
records on the activities of the political parties, is said to have launched the new
investigation on the grounds that the party has acted contrary to Article 68th of
the constitution, thus becoming the locus of activities detrimental to the lawbased state. As part of the investigation, the wiretapping of some judges and
prosecutors on the basis of court decisions secured by the Inspection Group at
the Justice Ministry and reports on technical monitoring were placed under
scrutiny. The Office of the Chief Public Prosecutor is also investigating the claim
that the First Department of the Supreme Court of Appeals was wiretapped by a
ministerial decision.
Answering questions on the issue, Sabih Kanadoglu, the Honorary Chief Public
Prosecutor of the Supreme Court of Appeals, said that no political party has the
freedom to destroy the law-based state.
Kanadoglu said: “Anyone could be wiretapped provided that it is done according
to the law. And the decision for that can only be issued by the First Department of
the Supreme Court of Appeals. Those who attempt wiretapping for investigative
purposes without such permission commit crime; they destroy the law-based
state. The picture that has now emerged is one of a police state. If you want to
establish a police state in this manner, then the regime that you will usher in is
called fascism and dictatorship.”
1. Column in Turkish Cypriot newspaper argues that if the solution was
near, Turkey would not have done investments in occupied Cyprus
Under the title, “If the solution was close would Turkey have done these
investments?”, Turkish Cypriot daily Afrika newspaper (16.11.09) publishes the
following article in its daily column “Afrika’dan mektup” (Letter from Afrika).
The article goes on as follows:
“We say that this country is ours, but Turkey is settling down here as if it will
never abandon its sovereignty in Cyprus.
It both settles here permanently and also continues the “We want solution”
In order to understand that there will be no solution in the near future in Cyprus, it
is enough to look at the investments Turkey makes in Cyprus…
Is there a sign that Turkey is getting ready to abandon the island? Or is its
permanency [in the island] secured?
The big Turkish capital, which was quite reluctant whether to make or not
investments to Cyprus up to the time of the referendum for the Annan Plan,
started to rapidly flow after the first “yes” came out from the ballot box.
This was the result of the guarantees it was given for the non-solution.
By the [Turkish] state turning its own taps on, and the TRNC allowing the looting
of the Greek Cypriot properties, the inflow [of the capital] into the island started…
Look at the hotels which were built after 2004…
The Mercur in Keryneia…
The Artermis in the Karpass area…
The Merit in Lefkosia…
And the Golden Tulip…
And everything belongs to the Republic of Turkey…
To Republic of Turkey capital…
The five stars hotels…
The hotels with casinos…
And all of them belong to the circles of the AKP (Justice and Development
Officials of the Republic of Turkey come and it is they who cut the inauguration
Along with these investments which are made for the gambling tourism, Turkey
also carries out education investments…
First, the Middle East Technical University was established…
Now the turn of others has come…
The Istanbul Technical University…
The Cukurova University…
And the Association of the Turkish Education College…
In the coming years their opening ceremony ribbons will be cut as well…
While the horizons of Cyprus are opening to the capital, Turkey is also trying to
eliminate the deficiencies of the infrastructure in the island...
This project is now on the way...
Water will be transferred here from the Dragon Dam in Anamur...
75 million cubic meters of water in a year...
A 550-million dollars project...
Would all these be carried out if there was to be a solution in the near future in
If Cyprus was to be united, that is, if a United Cyprus Federal Republic was to be
established, would these projects not be abandoned?
Esteemed readers,
One more anniversary came and went...
The TRNC celebrated its 26th year...
The voice of the peacemakers faded...
The tanks and the military janissary band of musicians roared...
The nationalists got enthusiastic...
However, should not the peacemakers be given a voice in such critical days?...
They remained silent on the 20th of July...
They remained silent on the 15th of November...
Is there nothing to be said?
We got it, you do not send any congratulation messages…
But that is not enough...
You don’t celebrate but at least make a protest...”
2. From the Turkish Press of 13, 14 and 15 November 2009
Following are the summaries of reports and commentaries of selected items from
the Turkish press on 13, 14 and 15 November 2009:
Foreign Policy issues
In his daily column in Radikal (13.11.09), Murat Yetkin views the remarks by
Pierre Lelouche, French minister for EU affairs, who recently told the French
parliament that a secret agreement was reached with Turkey. When the Turkish
Presidential Office denied the existence of such an agreement, the French
Embassy in Ankara said that the two countries agreed to disagree on the issue of
EU accession, but that this should not affect bilateral relations. Yetkin asserts: “At
this stage, the Turkish public gains the right to expect an official statement on the
situation, rather than remarks by unidentified spokesmen."
In a commentary entitled "While Asia is emerging as a centre of grand strategies"
in Milli Gazete (13.11.2009) writer Oya Akgonenc discusses what she presents
as developments suggesting that the global political and economic centre of
gravity is shifting to Asia in a way that promises to make the 21st century "the
century of Asia."
Viewing the recent visit to Ankara of Phil Gordon, the US assistant secretary of
state, in preparation for Prime Minister Erdogan's forthcoming visit to
Washington, in Hurriyet (14.11.09) columnist Sedat Ergin in his column maintains
that there are serious differences of views between Turkey and the United States
regarding three major topics, namely Turkey's stand on Sudan, Turkish-Israeli
relations, and Erdogan's support for Iran's nuclear program.
In an article entitled "The chains that need to be broken", in Vakit (14.11.09)
columnist Ahmet Varol discusses what the Islamic world could do to free itself
from the "chains of global imperialism." He asserts that Islamic countries should
look into establishing their own monetary fund, developing their industrial
production capabilities to the point where they can rely on their own resources to
create consumer products, and enhancing cooperation among one another. He
also underlines the need for the recent OIC-COMCEC meeting in Istanbul to
generate the sort of "solidarity" needed to put enough pressure on Israel to end
its "inhuman embargo" against Gaza.
In an article entitled "Serbian overture: Door of hatred for Turks broken down", in
Vakit (14.11.09) columnist Mehmet Kocak discusses the "historic" significance of
the reopening of one of the main doors to a church in the Serbian town of Karofci
at a recent ceremony attended by the Serbian and Turkish presidents of state
some 310 years after it was closed as a symbol of "hatred for the Turks."
Under the headline, "[Erdogan:] We must think as big as we used to in 1923,"
Zaman (14.11.09) carries a front-page report which outlines the messages issued
by Prime Minister Erdogan and other speakers at yesterday's parliamentary
meeting on the "national unity and brotherhood project."
Following the concessions we made to the Armenians and the PKK, is it the turn
of the Cyprus overture? Asks Rahmi Turan in a commentary in Hurriyet
(15.11.09) and underlines that it is very difficult to establish an independent
Turkish Cypriot state in Cyprus with a mentality that is based on "giving away."
Why was Rauf Denktas who had dedicated his life to the freedom of the Turkish
Cypriots eliminated, asks Turan and, stressing that Denktas had merely resisted
against those who wanted to surrender, says: "We are pursuing a surrendering
policy. If this continues, Cyprus will also be given away."
In an article entitled "Barzani must be involved in the process," in Vakit (14.11.09)
columnist Ayhan Bilgin says that the Barzani clan in northern Iraq should be
regarded as a key and indispensable player in the Turkish Government's plan to
resolve the Kurdish question. Accusing the Barzani clan of hating Turks and
remaining indifferent to the PKK's presence in their region while maintaining
close ties with Israel, Bilgin says: "Mas'ud Barzani and his peshmerga should be
involved in this process one way or the other under strict control and supervision
of Turkish officials in order to ensure that the 'overture' leads to a satisfactory
outcome acceptable to people living in all parts of Turkey (despite Israel and the
United States). Otherwise, nobody should think that PKK militants will eventually
lay down their arms and surrender themselves or leave the region."