Editing Practice

There are some mistakes in the paragraph below. Some sentences may have more than one mistake, and other
sentences may contain no mistakes at all. There are NO mistakes in spelling. Read the paragraph and find the
mistakes. Draw a line through each mistake in the paragraph. Then write the correction above it.
Passage 1
What was floating above Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on January 9, 1793. It was Jean-Pierre Francois Blanchard
on the first manned hot-air balloon flight in American History. Observe by president George Washington the
balloon stay in the air for about 15 miles and 45 minute. Blanchards flight sparked national interest in
ballooning. Its reported that he take just one passenger with him on the flight, a little black dog!
Passage 2
Did you knows that the first game of basketball was played with real baskets. The game of basketball begun on
December 1, 1891 when physical education teacher James Naismith created a game that his students could play
indoors during the cold Massachusetts Winter. He hung two peach baskets in opposite end's of the gym, and the
students tossed soccer balls into them? James game had just 13 rules.
Passage 3
On December 1, 1955, an african american named Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white
man. As a result, she was arrest and fined. The event sparked a year-long boycott of Montgomery Alabama,
busses by her many supporter. One of Rosa's biggest supporters was a young minister named Martin Luther
King Jr.. Many consider Rosa Parks bus ride to be the birth of the civil rights movement?
Passage 4
Woodrow Wilson was born in Virginia on December 28, 1856 in 1912, he was elect the 28th president of the
United States. The slogan "He kept us out of the war helped him win re-election in 1916, but the next year he
had to asked Congress to declare war on germany. "No one but the President seems to be expected...to look out
for the general interests of the country Wilson said.
Passage 1 Answer Key
What was floating above Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on January 9, 1793? It was Jean-Pierre Francois
Blanchard on the first manned hot-air balloon flight in American history. Observed by President George
Washington, the balloon stayed in the are for about 15 miles and 45 minutes. Blanchard's flight sparked
national interest in ballooning. It's reported that he took just one passenger with him on the flight -- a little
black dog!
Passage 2 Answer Key
Did you know that the first game of basketball was played with real baskets? The game of basketball began on
December 1, 1891, when physical education teacher James Naismith created a game that his students could play
indoors during the cold Massachusetts winter. He hung two peach baskets in opposite ends of the gym, and the
students tossed soccer balls into them. James's game had just 13 rules.
Passage 3 Answer Key
On December 1, 1955, an African American named Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white
man. As a result, she was arrested and fined. The event sparked a year-long boycott of Montgomery, Alabama,
busses by her many supporters. One of Rosa's biggest supporters was a young minister named Martin Luther
King Jr. Many consider Rosa Parks' bus ride to be the birth of the civil rights movement.
Passage 4 Answer Key
Woodrow Wilson was born in Virginia on December 28, 1856. In 1912, he was elected the 28th president of
the United States. The slogan "He kept us out of the war" helped him win re-election in 1916, but the next year
he had to ask Congress to declare war on Germany. "No one but the president seems to be expected...to look
out for the general interests of the country , " Wilson said.