DT11 Forum minutes 8 October 2013

DT11 Forum Community Partnership minutes
Date: Tuesday 8 October 2013
Venue: Durweston Village Hall
Apologies, Sarah Wilkinson (DT11), Margo Kirk (Bus2go), Sara Loch(BTC), Amanda Selway – Ansbury
,Val Pothecary (NDDC). Hilary Richtie (NDDC), Keith Yarwood (NDTG),Joe Hickish(NDDC),Jane
Gregory(Bryanston PC),Sara Loch(BTC),Jennifer Harrison(Milton Abbas PC), David Burgess
Attending: Scott Norman (Chair), Peter Slocombe (Treasurer), Dianne Cooper (Vice Chair), Steve
Adamson (CPEND Trailway BB project), Nic Nicol (Blandford TAG), Nicci Brown (Forum Focus), Ian
Watson, Jacquie Bolson (Dorset POPP), Mike Jones(Iwerne Minster PC), Barbara Thomson
(StourpainePC), Jo Rose(CPEND), Graham Rains (Dorset Trailway Network), Tony Harrocks (BTC),
Doc Addison (Friends of Blandford Hospital), Pam Eaton (South Tarrant PC), Hugh De Iongh( NDDC),
Margaret Kirk(BustoGo),Pam Eaton, Doc Addison (Friends Blandford Hos),Sue Chandler, Bob
In Attendance: Julie Wigg (DT11 Community Resource Worker), Sarah Wilkinson (DT11 Community
Resource Worker)
Agenda item
Discussion points
Minutes of
the meeting held
on 14 August2013
Minutes of 14 August 2013 agreed. No discussion points.
4. Treasurers
Peter Slocombe explained since April the expenditure to DT11 is
£8924.93 with an income of £2235.99 (main income subletting of office
space) High outgoings due to replacement
computers/printers/health&safety requirements.
Agreed to bank statement 8October £17563.35
5. Update from
Blandford TAG
A mystery notice had been put in the hospice shop informing people
there was a TAG meeting tonight so the update is earlier to allow those
people only attending for the TAG to leave early should they need to.
Nic Nichol continued welcoming all those extra that had come but
informing them that the consultation had closed with DCC. DT11 has
sent out copies of Blandford TAG response to DCC to all those
interested.DT11 had received a couple of letters regarding the success
of the recent TAG meeting. The bottom line from the TAG letter is
that all villages need at least a weekly bus service and the weekend
routes need to be maintained. We are not due to hear of the outcome
on the changes until the DCC cabinet meeting in Nov. DT11 will advise
all those interest as soon as we know of the results. Please contact the
office should anyone want to join the TAG group.
6. Chairs report
7. Update of
DT11 Projects
No matters arising from chairs report.
North Dorset Broadband- Steve Adamson reported that we are now
awaiting a letter from DCC stating whether the Trailway project will
be considered. BDUK and Defra changed the regulations regarding the
funding requirements after our project was submitted. North Dorset
along with 5 other similar projects had meetings with MP Maria Miller
who was determined to make the projects work. It appears that
government has tried to ‘pass the buck’ to local authority which NDBG
feels is incorrect. If the project fails DT11 will be looking for
considerable compensation which indicates the level of volunteer time
the project has taken over the last 2 years. RT Hon Margaret Hodge has
reported national mishandling of rural Broadband delivery. Scott feels
that the silver lining is that due to the Broadband group’s existence
then at least BT have been forced into recognising the value of
providing a Broadband service to North Dorset. Ian Wilson asked
whether the figure of 150k mentioned regarding compensation had
actually been spent. Scott reassured us that it shows volunteer time. If
the project goes ahead it will be the larger project including that
Tarrants to make the business plan work. We will keep everyone
updated with news as we find out. Scott thanked everyone for their
continued patience.
East Street- When we had discussion with NDDC/Asda is had been
suggested that it would be ideal to fund the community resource
centre. However, since then it’s been decided that it would be better
to have a pot of community money from which everyone bids from.
However the town centre manager that will make the decision is not
yet appointed. Scott feels that another opportunity will disappear due
to admin complications.
Rural Enterprise Company- Feedback from Jo Rose showed that this
company was formed to bring new funding into North Dorset. She is
currently looking into the development of the North Dorset Trailway
(50k bid) and has been involved with the Local Enterprise Partnership
(LEP) in securing funding for projects within the North Dorset Area. She
explained that the Defra managed, Sowing Seeds has come to an end
so they are researching another process of dealing with funding
projects. Recently North Dorset asked its communities for project
ideas which were then put forward to the LEP. North Dorset gave the
best response from Dorset with a varied selection of projects. It was
asked whether we could see the list of projects to which Jo replied
that due to data protection it was difficult to see the individual
project put she will put together a list of types and costs. Scott
mentioned that at a recent LEP meeting the amount of funding Dorset
should receive was 42.6 million; however the amount of projects
submitted totals 700 million. Scott feels it’s important that North
Dorset acts together. Hilary has been working hard for the north Dorset
Market Towns and It’s been noted that most of the community lead
projects come from North Dorset. Jo is concerned that a large amount
of the funding doesn’t go towards more urban projects so has asked
our local community to makes lots of publicity about north Dorset
projects. Doc asked about whether the Rural Enterprise Company
would then have responsibility for the project once funding. Jo is
hoping for a fair easier way of managing the funding company and
although will manage the finance then the projects will manage
themselves. Obviously the projects will need to show they are meeting
their economic outcomes.
Community Partnerships- DT11 and its partners are all under review
with reference to the recent cutbacks that North Dorset have to
undertake. Hugh asked for thoughts from the local community
8. Charitable
9. AOB
regarding the partnerships.
Trailway- Look at European funding for a larger project putting the
Trailway into a larger umbrella organisation to enable it to bid for
larger amount of money. Looking at the benefit of the economic spine
by using the survey that DT11 secured the funding for last year.
Graham mentioned that there is now a business link page on the
Trailway website www.northdorsettrailway.org for businesses to
advertise on at a cost of £25 per year.
Fordingpoint- Plans will be submitted in November. Jon finalising
details with William Williams Trust.
Healthweek- DT11 looking into running a ‘Feel good Forum’ week for
Blandford next year. A week long health and fitness event with a fun
run at the end. Watch this space
Town Team- Lots of interest ideas. Meeting 15th Oct with the sub
groups leaders for discussion on the next stage.
DT11s future. Sue Chandler said, we are presently funded by NDDC
which is under threat with cutbacks. Becoming a charity will help with
funding bids to secure our future. It will also help with employment
issues as the whole charity will employ rather than just one person. Its
very easy to do with little costs. We are informing you of this decision
and will circulate the Articles of Assoc once completed and look to
pass a vote on this at the next DT11 meeting in Dec. (poss new date 10
Dec) Objectives will be taken from the constitution set in May. Ian
Wilson asked if there were any downsides to which Sue replied that
they don’t seem to be. Members will need to appoint Trustees.
Scott thanked Sue for all her help.
Mike (Iwerne Minster) mentioned the rumored NDDC cutbacks totaling
1.1 million. Where will they get them? Tony Harrocks replied that
NDDC are looking into this at the moment and will report back asap.
New house grant has been taken away hitting North Dorset harder than
most other areas of Dorset. All departments of NDDC are been hit
including the Rangers and Parish Councils.
Date of next meeting Tuesday 10th December 2013 6.30 for 7pm at
Blandford Parish Centre