SOUTH WARWICKSHIRE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Appendix C WORKFORCE ACTION PLAN - April 2011 WORKSTREAM ACTION RESPONSIBILITY TIMESCALE COMMENTS Continue to implement 'Developing Our Managers' paper Review delivery of management development programme in light of TCS Well structured teams Where appropriate, managers to use communications channels and team objectives to support understanding of team and individual roles and priorities STAFF RESOURCING/STAFF RATIOS Executive Directors and senior managers Ongoing Associate Director Organisational Development and HR Manager (GD) Ongoing Evaluation of programme undertaken by first cohort ongoing. Divisional management teams and line managers 31.03.11 – now ongoing 2010 Staff survey results show improved responses in relation to clarity of roles and objectives. Continue to promote appraisal process and team meetings to discuss these issues. Team objectives incorporated into revised appraisal paperwork. Nursing Acuity reviews Continue to undertake regular Acuity reviews, reviewing and refining nurse staffing levels Manage and monitor sickness absence effectively to ensure adequate staffing levels Continue to monitor effectiveness of nursing and admin Bank Director of Nursing Ongoing All line managers, with support from HR Managers/Advisers Ongoing Finance & Performance Committee to receive monthly sickness reports by exception (>4%) with action plan. Director of Human Resources/ Director of Nursing Ongoing Trust has purchased upgraded bank system (Trinity) which will be installed in early summer and which will work alongside new E-rostering system to improve booking of temporary staff. Ensure Pledge 7 (Workload) of Leadership Charter embedded in Trust leadership culture Executive team Ongoing LEADERSHIP Leadership and Management Development Sickness absence management Nursing and admin Bank 1 SOUTH WARWICKSHIRE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST WORKSTREAM ACTION RESPONSIBILITY TIMESCALE COMMENTS E-rostering Roll out of new Erostering software across the Trust RECRUITMENT AND RETENTION Director of Human Resources / Associate Director of Operations – Surgical Division Ongoing Will help the Trust to ensure it uses efficient and equitable rosters that optimise operational effectiveness. Ensure appropriate staffing levels to deliver safe care Improve recruitment and retention in key areas All line managers Ongoing Recruitment & Retention Group to discuss issues in specific areas and develop action plan. HR Manager (SL) Ongoing Continue to deliver Recruitment & Selection workshops HR Manager (GD) / HR Adviser, Resourcing (CM) Ongoing Continue to deliver and monitor effectiveness of Dignity at Work awareness training in Mandatory training for all staff HR team and Staff Side to continue working jointly on awareness raising in line with NHS Employers campaign HR Adviser, Equality and Diversity (LB) Ongoing via evaluation at Mandatory Training Group HR Managers/Advisers and Trust Convenors Ongoing Continue to review and improve recognition of staff contribution Communications Manager / HR Adviser Ongoing ESR project Employee Self Serve project has been rolled out throughout the Trust. Policy being reviewed in light of TCS before further workshops delivered. DIGNITY AT WORK E&D training was reviewed to reflect Equality Act 2010. Now being reviewed in light of TCS. RECOGNITION Recognition Group 2 Star Awards and Recognition board ongoing. Currently recruiting members of Warwickshire Community Services staff to join Recognition Group. SOUTH WARWICKSHIRE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST WORKSTREAM ACTION RESPONSIBILITY TIMESCALE COMMENTS Continue to deliver half day workshop for managers on managing stress in the workplace Review Management of Stress Policy HR Manager (GD)/ Clinical Psychologist Ongoing Workshop expanded to include self care - has been included in Management Development Programme HR Director / HR Manager (GD)/ Health & Safety Adviser/ Occupational Health Adviser/ Head of Clinical Psychology 31.03.11 Review of policy by Health and Safety, HR, Occupational Health and Clinical Health Psychology still ongoing to ensure meets NHSLA Level 3 criteria. Develop Stress management programme for all staff Head of Clinical Health Psychology / HR Director Ongoing Wellbeing Strategy Group continues to meet quarterly to review wellbeing initiatives. Yoga and Pilates sessions for staff commenced in January 2011. Trust key objective to deliver a further staff engagement exercise LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT Chief Executive/HR Director Autumn 2011 Further staff engagement sessions planned for Autumn 2011, following TCS. Staff Appraisal Associate Director of Organisational Development Ongoing Staff survey 2010 results showed disappointing performance compared with other acute trusts nationally. Appraisal rates have remained steady over the last quarter. Approximately 70% of staff have received an appraisal within the last 12 months. WELL-BEING Managing work-related stress STAFF ENGAGEMENT Ensure commitment to importance of appraisal maintained. Continue delivery of revised Appraisal training. Focus on the quality of appraisal and potential benefits for managers and staff. Further appraisal training is underway. 3 SOUTH WARWICKSHIRE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST WORKSTREAM ACTION RESPONSIBILITY TIMESCALE Local induction needs to be improved to support new starters/newly qualified staff Continue delivering induction training for managers Associate Director of Organisational Development Ongoing Line managers to ensure quality local induction is in place for all new starters Line managers Ongoing An audit of local induction arrangements will be undertaken within the next 3 months, in line with NHSLA requirements. Continue to deliver HCA Development programme; introduce and implement apprenticeship schemes; expand on existing NVQ and foundation degree programmes; continue to support Medical Secretarial staff in achieving AMSPAR Diploma and NVQs; develop assistant practitioner role and ODP development programme Appointment of Unison Learning Representative to work with Learning & Development team to support Bands 1-4 development. Associate Director of Nursing/Associate Director of Organisational Development Ongoing Theatre apprenticeship programme commenced in November 2010. Apprenticeship programmes continue in: pharmacy and medical secretariat and general management. Improvements to intranet required Project Group formed from staff volunteers Communications Manager Ongoing Managers not communicating decisions/updating on progress Communications module included in management development programme Associate Director of Organisational Development Ongoing Continue to deliver development opportunities for Bands 1-4 COMMENTS There are currently 6 apprenticeships in the Medical Secretariat and 6 medical secretaries undertaking the AMSPAR Diploma. Further cohorts of the HCA development programme commenced in February 2011. Trust Convenor Unison representative now a member of the Learning Group. COMMUNICATIONS 4 A new website has been launched. The Intranet project will be reactivated following TCS.