KIELCE SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS TOURISM AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Main course: FINANCE AND BANKING Unit: ECONOMIC DEPARTMENT Faculty: ECONOMICS Level of education: FIRST LEVEL STUDIES Profile of education: GENERAL ACADEMIC Language: ENGLISH Year of study: II Coordinator Leader Type of course Prof. Jaroslava Heckova Prof. Jaroslava Heckova major Type of classes /Number of hours: N L 18 Aims: C S L LAB. Credit Form ECTS points exam 3 The transfer of knowledge about the nature, functions and models of market financial system of the state The transfer of knowledge and skills to use these basic financial instruments The transfer of knowledge about the structure of the banking system and the leading actors of this sector, the central bank and operational banks The transfer knowledge and skills to use the operational activity of a bank (active, passive and intermediary, banking risks), the interbank market, supporting institutions, financial supervision, the theory of money. LEARNING OUTCOMES No. Student who completed the course: 01 has a basic knowledge of the structure of the financial system of the state and the relations between the bank subsystem knows the typology and the mechanisms of the functioning of key financial markets, division into: banking, interbanking, money, currency knows the basic characteristics of financial instruments of the money market, the structure and function of the central bank has a basic knowledge of the theoretical basis of financial intermediary institutions and supporting financial and banking system knows the organizational-legal forms of investment intermediary institutions and the general characteristics of services and investment intermediary activities knows the models and types of banks and the general characteristics of banking services and operations in the scope of KNOWLEDGE: 02 03 04 05 06 07 knows the organizational-legal forms of insurance institutions and general characteristics of insurance services and activities 08 has a basic knowledge from the scope of the construction of the pension system 09 has a basic knowledge of the instruments of financial supervision of markets and financial intermediary institutions, which are the entities of public trust in the scope of SKILLS: 01 02 03 04 05 has the ability to identify the relations between the public and market financial system is able to distinguish the forms of money market instruments with a particular focus on bank one is able to identify financial markets and financial instruments is able to point out the opportunities, costs and consequences of the use of banking products and services is able to point out the opportunities, costs and effects of participation in collective investment institutions 06 has the ability to identify the needs of insurance organizations 07 is able to indicate the possibility of using a voluntary pillar of pension insurances in the scope of SOCIAL COMPETENCES: 01 02 03 04 demonstrates the awareness of existing financial markets, the recognition of financial instruments and their principles functioning understands the need for evolution of market financial system associated with economic changes and the role of the banking market on economic growth sees the signs of temptation to abuse and moral hazard in the activity of financial intermediary institutions (especially banks) and moral hazard in the clients' proceedings of these institutions in ethical terms learns to look at the banking system through the prism of the financial stability of the market economy demonstrates ability to assess individually and in a team offers of commercial banks and the analysis of their profitability and risk assessment demonstrates the awareness of the need to protect revenues, by linking the phenomena of saving and 06 investing in terms of social development demonstrates the awareness of the possibilities and limitations in the use of banking products and 07 services in the socio-economic life Introductory subject: macroeconomics, microeconomics, finance basis, public Admission finance, financial mathematics, economic policy requirements 05 (knowledge, skills and competences): Course content: The concept of the state financial system and the financial system instruments The essence, structure and importance of financial markets with a particular emphasis on money markets and the risk theory Essence, objectives and functions of central banking theory and the role of money in the financial system The concept of banking and interbank market, its structure and functions of the financial system. The concept of banking activities: passive, active, intermediate and principles of their functioning in legal and operational terms Foreign exchange market, principles of functioning, instruments, intermediate institutions, the risk theory Financial supervision with the division into banking, insurance and securities and stock market Typology of regulated markets. The infrastructure of the financial market (stock exchange and OTC institutions). Theories justifying the appropriateness of functioning financial intermediaries. Types of money market intermediaries W1, U1, U2, K1 W2, U3, K2 W3, U3 W3, U3, U5, K1 W3, U3, U4 W1, W2, U2, U3 W4, U2 W1, W4, W5, U1, K1, K4 W5, U4, K7 The structure of the banking sector. Models and types of banks. The role of banks in the economy. Banking segments Characteristics of banking services and operations. Contracting procedures for the provision of banking services Passive banking operations. The nature and types of bank deposits. Guaranteeing deposits Intermediate banking operations. Basic forms of money settlements. Active banking operations. The credit and the loan. The nature and types of credits and loans. Credit capacity W5, U4, K7 The structure of the insurance industry. Characteristics of insurance services and activities. Channels of services distribution. Elements of social and economic security. Collective investment institutions W4, W6, U5, D6 The pension system in Poland. The importance of the third pillar to maintain the level of consumption in the life cycle W5, U4, K7 W5, U4, K7 W4, W6, U5 W4, W7, U6, K3, K6 W7, W8, U1, U7, K6 W1, W9, U1, K3, K4 Teaching methods: informative lecture, problem lecture, practical- activating methods Basic literature: [1] Pietrzak B., Polański Z., Woźniak B. (red) (2008), System finansowy w Polsce. Część 1, PWE, Warsaw. [2] Flejterski S., Świecka B. (ed) (2006), Elementy finansów i bankowości, CeDeWu, Warsaw. [3] Capiga M.(2011), Finanse Banków, Oficyna a WoltersKluwer business, Warsaw. [4] Jaworski W.L., Zawadzka Z. (ed.) (2006), Bankowość: podręcznik akademicki, Publ. Poltext, Warsaw. Additional literature: [1]Freixas X., Rochet J-Ch., Mikroekonomia bankowa, Warsaw, Wydawnictwo Ce De Wu PL. 2007 [2] Dębski W. (2005), Rynek finansowy i jego mechanizmy. Podstawy teorii i praktyki. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warsaw. [3] Dobosiewicz Z. (2011), Bankowość, PWE Warsaw. [4] Przybylska-Kapuścińska W. (2009), Pośrednictwo finansowe w Polsce. CeDeWu.PL Wydawnictwa Fachowe, Warsaw. ECTS CREDIT BALANCE - student workload Student workload Category Full-time studies Part-time studies Contact time with the teacher (didactical classes scheduled according to plan of classes) 18 Exam preparation 20 Training preparation Audit work preparation 5 Getting to know the literature on the subject and teaching materials provided by the teacher 24 Laboratories preparation Draft preparation Others (please specify) consultations, participation in the exam / passing General: 75 The total number of ECTS credits for the course: 3 8 METHODS OF MEASURING THE EFFECTS OF EDUCATION (please tick X) Methods of verification Learning outcomes Audit Classes Own for the subject Credit Drafts work Activity work Percentage at the final 50 30 20 10 W1 X X X X W2 W3 X X X X X X X X W4 X X X X W5 X X X X U1 X X X X U2 X X X X K1 X X X X K2 X X X X Other (Attendance) Matrix Verification of learning outcomes for the course associated with the learning outcomes for the field of study Learning Learning outcomes for the course outcomes for the field of study W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 U1 U2 U3 K_W01 x K_W02 K_W03 x X x x K_W04 K_W05 K_W06 K_W07 x x x X U4 U5 U6 U7 K1 K2 K_W08 K_W09 K_U01 K_U02 x x x x x x X K_U03 K_U04 K_U05 K_U06 K_U07 K_K01 x x K_K02 x x K_K03 K_K04 K_K05 K_K06 K_K07