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Corresponding Author
Farooq Ahmad
Sustainable Development Study Centre
G.C. University Lahore, Pakistan.
Cell # +923004654450
Other Authors:
Mehmood Abbas
Sustainable Development Study Centre
G.C. University Lahore, Pakistan
Adnan Skhawat Ali
Sustainable Development Study Centre
G.C. University Lahore, Pakistan.
Short Running Title: Production of Biodiesel from Used Frying Oil
A Study on the Production of Biodiesel from Used Frying Oil
Corresponding Author’s Email:
Used frying oil is the residue collected from restaurants, kitchens and food processing
factories, it is not recommended to be used again for cooking or frying purpose. It is
normally disposed in wastewater channels where it increases treatment cost, if utilized
repeatedly it can cause harmful health effects. The objective of the study was to utilize
waste frying oil for biodiesel production because it was cheap, easily available and
renewable raw material. In this study used frying oil was analyzed for water contents
(0.43 %), iodine value (52), sponification value (205), free fatty acids (8.7 %) and acid
value (0.8mg KOH.g-1). Esterification and transesterification was conducted to convert
free fatty acids and triglycerides to methyl ester (biodiesel) respectively. One step and
two step tranesterification reactions were carried out to measure the efficiency of these
processes for biodiesel production. The biodiesel produced from used frying oil was
examined for flash point (185 0C), kinematic viscosity (4.86 mm2/s) and specific gravity
(0.884 g/ml) that was meeting the limits of ASTM and Thai standards hence it was
proved to be a useful technique for biodiesel production at commercial scale.
Keywords: Biodiesel, Used frying oil, Esterification, Transesterification, Waste cooking
oil, Renewable raw material.
1. Introduction
In 2000, total worldwide oil consumption was 3571.6 million tons, but in 2010, the
number reached 4028.1 million tons, with average annual increase of 3.1%. According to
BP Statistical Review of World Energy, 2011 the world oil reserves were estimated 188.8
million tons with a reserve to production (R/P) ratio of 46.2 years at the end of 2010
(Goldemberg, 2008).
Dr. Rudolf Diesel built the first diesel engine that ran on vegetable oil in 1893 and gave
the idea of using vegetable oil as a transportation fuel. Recently vegetable oil gets more
attraction for its renewable properties and environmental benefits (Balat, 2008). The
worldwide energy demand increases day by day and mostly it is fulfilled by conventional
energy resources such as petroleum, coal and natural gas. Petroleum based reserves of
fuel are reaching scarcity and will get depleted in the near future (Sheehan et al., 1998).
The price of petroleum is only increasing day by day but it also causing environmental
pollution particularly gases produced by incomplete combustion of fuel (Marchetti et al.,
Renewable fuels are getting attraction in the recent years with particular focus on
biodiesel production from cheaper sources. Due to environmental considerations and
depletion of petroleum based resources, biodiesel fuel is getting importance over fossil
fuels in recent decades because it is a renewable, eco-friendly, biodegradable and non
toxic fuel. Moreover, biodiesel is a comparatively clean combusting fuel with no sulfur
emissions and slightly lower heat of combustion than that of petro-diesel (Srivastava et
al., 2000). Biodiesel produced from vegetable oils, animal fat and used frying oil is ecofriendly and good alternative to diesel fuel (Demirbas, 2005).
Recently scientists all over the world biodiesel are trying to produce more and more
biodiesel because it can be used as substitute for petro diesel without the modification in
diesel engines (Demirbas, 2008). Biomass, vegetable oil, animal fat and used frying oil
cab be used to produce biodiesel by reacting with alcohol such as methanol or ethanol
and strong base catalyst such as potassium or sodium hydroxide (Kalam et al., 2002).
Liquid or Gaseous fuels produced mainly from biomass are referred to as bio-fuels
(Demirbas, 2008). The major barrier to biodiesel commercialization is high cost
compared to petroleum based diesel so major target is to reduce biodiesel production
cost. The cost of raw material for biodiesel production is 70-85% approximately higher
than fossil fuels. Here the golden opportunity is to use waste frying oil as it is renewable
and cheaper raw material. Huge quantity of used frying oil is generated throughout the
world from restaurants and food processing industries. In China 22 million tons of edible
oil is consumed annually that produces more than 4.5 million tons of used oil so number
of current biodiesel production industries are smoothly operated by using this 2 million of
used oil in China. Moreover biodiesel is successfully obtained from used frying oil by a
method of alkali catalyzed transesterification (Lee et al., 2002).
An alternative fuel to petroleum based diesel should be economically competitive,
technically feasible, readily available and most important environmentally acceptable.
This present alternative biodiesel for diesel fuel would allow a balance to be sought
between economic development, agriculture and environment (Meher et al., 2006).
Biodiesel refers to as the monoalkyle esters of vegetable oils and animal fats. This oil can
be converted into its corresponding fatty ester (biodiesel) by transesterification. The
transesterification process can proceed with or without alkali catalyst by using primary or
secondary monohydric aliphatic alcohols. For the production of biodiesel, various types
of oils as raw material, homogeneous catalysts such as potassium hydroxide, sodium
hydroxide, sulfuric acid and supercritical fluids and heterogeneous catalysts such as
enzyme lipase can be used (Marchetti et al., 2007).
The blends of biodiesel with petro-diesel are used in diesel fuel marketplaces. The blends
of biodiesel are denoted as Bxx where xx shows the quantity of biodiesel blend. B100
referred to as 100% biodiesel and B80 referred to as 80% biodiesel and 20% petrodiesel
and so on (Demirbas, 2007). Used frying oil would be a good option as raw material as
its price is 2 to 3 times lower than fresh vegetable oils which inturn reduces the
production cost of biodiesel (Hameed and Phan, 2009). Although the physical and
chemical characteristics of used frying oil are different from edible oil but both oils
staples can be transformed into biodiesel by applying same method i.e. transeterification
reaction by alkali catalyst, acid catalyst or using enzymes. The more effective process
that is recently reported in literature is to convert used frying oil into biodiesel by two
step transesterification reaction. The two steps transesterification reaction consists of first
alkali catalyzed reaction, and then acid catalyzed reaction. Almost all the properties of
biodiesel produced from used frying oil were certainly similar to those produced from
their respective fresh vegetable oil (Loh et al., 2006).
Objectives of the study
The current study was conducted to measure efficiency of used frying oil for the
production of biodiesel. Analysis of used frying oil was carried out to measure the
impurities present in it. Biodiesel was analyzed after its production from used frying oil
and compared with ASTM standards to check the efficiency of one step and two step
transesterification reactions.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Sampling of frying oil collection
Used frying oil was purchased from two different charga frying shops from different
locations of Shahdara Town Lahore. The price of used frying oils was 33.33 rupees per
liter. The collected oil was stored in plastic bottles and transferred to laboratory for
further processes.
2.2. Processing and analysis of used frying oil
2.2.1. Filtration
Used frying oil contains number of impurities that does not allow its transesterification to
methyl esters. These impurities must be removed before its conversion to biodiesel. Used
frying oil contained large solid particles due to its utilization for cooking purposes. For
the filtration of solid particles a sieving plate with mesh size 170mm was used and to
remove all suspended particles whattman filter paper was used.
2.2.2. Heating
Water contents remained in used frying oil during cooking process must be removed. For
this purpose used frying oil was heated for 30 minutes to remove water contents after
2.2.3. Fatty acid composition of used frying oil
The fatty acid profile was analyzed by Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GCMS) in a gas chromatograph, Shimadzu GC-14-A.
2.3. Analysis of pretreated used frying oil for various parameters
Analysis of used frying oil for the acid value, free fatty acid value, iodine value and
saponification value was carried out by methods devised by Raie (2008).
2.4. Preparation of sodium methoxide
Sodium methoxide was prepared by mixing NaOH and pure methanol. The sodium
hydroxide was used1%wt (dry weight basis) to oil and methanol was used 10% (dry
weight basis) to used frying oil with molar ratio 6.1:1 (Charoenchaitrakool and
Thienmethangkoon, 2011). The measured amount of NaOH and pure methanol was
mixed in beaker and stirred for 30 minutes.
2.5. Transesterification process
Transesterication is the process which takes place with the help of basic catalyst sodium
methoxide in which NaOH was mixed with an alcohol (methanol or ethanol) to prepare
methyl esters (Biodiesel) from fatty acids (triglycerides) of used frying oil. When the
temperature of heated used frying oil reached 60oC, sodium methoxide was mixed in it
and continuously stirred for 30 min, after that the whole mixture was allowed to stand in
separating funnel for at least 8 hours. Two layers were produced with glycerol in the
bottom and methyl ester at the top. Upper layer was mixed with hexane to dissolve
methyl esters but hexane was separated by distillation afterwards to get pure biodiesel
(Ahmad et al., 2009).
2.6. Two steps catalyze process
Two steps catalyzed process was used to produce biodiesel from used frying oil involving
esterification and transesterification. In the esterification process, free fatty acids (FFA)
were reduced in the used frying oil using sulfuric acid as a catalyst. The optimum
conditions were obtained using molar ratio of methanol to used frying oil 6.1:1 with 0.68
wt% of sulfuric acid and reaction time one hour at 51oC. In the transesterification
reaction, methanol and alkali (NaOH) catalyst was used to convert triglycerides portion
of used frying oil to methyl ester and glycerol. The optimum conditions were obtained
using molar ratio of methanol to used frying oil 9.1:1 with 1 wt% of base catalyst and
reaction time one hour at 55oC (Lotero et al., 2005; Charoenchaitrakool and
Thienmethangkoon, 2011).
2.7. Biodiesel identification
The final product of methyl ester was identified with the help of Thin Layer
Chromatography (TLC) at Applied Chemistry Research Centre PCSIR Laboratories
2.8. Thin Layer Chromatography
In thin layer chromatography, thin layer chromatogram was prepared with particular
length, width and thickness (20 cm × 20cm × 0.25 mm) by utilizing water and silica gel.
The plate was air dried and activated on heating at 105 0C in the oven for one hour. The
biodiesel was dissolved in pure n-hexane as n-hexane and diethyl ether (80:20) were used
as solvent system. The 2, 7-dichlorofluorescein as non-destructive locating agent was
required to see color bands (purple-yellow) under ultra violet light of 366nm wavelength.
3. Results and Discussions
3.1 Sample description and preparation
Used frying oil collected from chicken fried restaurant, where oil was repeatedly used for
frying early morning to mid night and on closure of the restaurant it was put into a plastic
can for sale or thrown in sewage drain. The collected used frying oil was contaminated
with suspended carbon particles and water contents. Sieving and filtration was used to
remove those suspended particles.
3.2 Analysis of used frying oil
3.2.1. Water contents
Water contents were removed up to 0.43% by heating the used frying oil for 35 minutes
(Table 1). The water contents present in used frying oil decrease the efficiency of the
transesterification process because these decompose the ester present in the oil and results
in the saponification of oil by base catalyst. The presence of high water content in the oil
can be tackled by acid catalyst, which increases the efficiency of transesterification
process named as two step transesterification process. The contents of water in pretreated
used frying oil were determined to be 0.1 % by weight (Charoenchaitrakool and
Thienmethangkoon, 2011). Minimum water content and free fatty acid content in oil were
very important for getting optimal results in the process of transesterification. Basic
catalyst can only be utilized in transesterification process, when there is low water and
free fatty acid contents. If the content of water and fatty acid are high then two step
transesterification process is suitable in which first step carried out with acid catalyst and
second step with basic catalyst. Reaction rate can be increased by increasing reaction
time (Ahmad et al., 2009). In the current study both processes were used to measure their
3.2.2 Nature of food
The frying oil used in the current study contains food contents (either in their original
form or burned to carbon particles) as it was collected from chicken fried restaurant or
charga point (Table 1).
3.2.3. Iodine Value
Iodine value can be used to measure the unsaturation of oils. It is the percentage of iodine
in centi-grams which one gram of sample absorbed. Iodine value of used frying oil
sample was calculated to be 52 (Table 1). Balat and Balat (2010) calculated iodine value
35-61 for palm oil and 110-143 for sunflower oil. According to Oliveira (2010) the oil
showed Iodine index 7.21g/100g, low value of iodine indicated lower unsaturated
compounds of carbon and the biodiesel produced from that oil was resistant to oxidation
3.2.4. Saponification Value
The process of saponification of sodium soap obtained from vegetable oil can be
described in the following chemical equation;
Vegetable oil + NaOH → RCOONa + Glycerin
(Demirbas, 2002).
The saponification value of used frying oil was measured to be 205 (Table 1). Demirbas
(2009) calculated the sponification value 188.2. High level of saponification required that
sample must be esterified with sulfuric acid with methanol. If the free fatty acid level
exceeds 0.5% by weight then the saponification reduces the formation and yield of
methyl ester (biodiesel) and hindered settling of products obtained (Canakci and Gerpen,
3.2.5. Free Fatty Acids value
The free fatty acid (FFA) value is the amount of milligram of KOH needed to neutralize
fatty acids in 1g of oil. The FFA value measured in used frying oil of current study was
8.7% (Table 1). Balat and Balat (2010) calculated FFA value 5.6 for frying oil and >20
for waste palm oil while Berrios et al. (2010) measured FFA value 2.14 for used frying
oil. High free fatty acid content can be esterified using acid catalyst. Good quality
methyle esters can be obtained by basic catalyst if free fatty acid content remained lower
than 1.0 wt. % (Menga et al., 2008).
3.2.6. Acid value
The acid value is the amount in milligram of aqueous potassium hydroxide (KOH) in 1
gram of oil to neutralize the total free fatty acids. The acid value of sample studied was
determined to be 0.8mg KOH.g-1 of oil (Table 1). Berrios et al., (2010) measured acid
value 0.14 for used frying oil. In the process of base catalyzed transesterification the acid
value of the oil must be less than 1 (Demirbas, 2009). If the acid value exceeds 1 then
additional alkali must be used to neutralize the free fatty acids (Canakci and Ozsezen,
(Table 1 should be near here)
3.3. Fatty acid composition:
Fatty acid composition of used frying oil was analyzed by gas chromatography. It was
found that the used frying oil contained 0.1 wt.% myristic acid, 7.88 wt.% palmitic acid,
0.35 wt.% stearic acid, 54.54 wt.% oleic acid, 28.96 wt.% linoleic acid, 7.546 wt.%
linolenic acid, 0.18 wt.% arachidonic (Fig. 1 & Table 2). Charoenchaitrakool and
Thienmethangkoon (2011) reported the percentage composition of fatty acids in waste
frying oil as 1.1 wt.% myristic acid, 25.8 wt.% palmitic acid, 4.7 wt.% stearic acid, 34.6
wt.% oleic acid, 29.4 wt.% linoleic acid, 2.5 wt.% linolenic acid, and 0.2 wt.%
arachidonic acid. Demirbas (2009) calculated fatty acid composition of waste cooking oil
from sunflower seed oil as 6.8 wt. % C16:0 (palmitic acid), 3.7 wt. % C18:0 (stearic
acid), 22.8 wt.% C18:1 (oleic acid), 65.2 wt.% C18:2 (linoleic) and 0.1 wt.% C18:3
(Figure 1 and Table 2 should be near here)
3.4. Yield of reactions
In one step transesterification process the yield of biodiesel was calculated to be 88%
with glycerine as a byproduct (Table 3). In two steps process the yield of biodiesel was
higher (92%) than one step process because FFAs were esterified by sulphuric acid in this
process (Table 3). Zhang et al. (2003) described that high free fatty acid contents required
to have pretreatment process in which the acid catalyst such as sulfuric acid was used to
reduce the free fatty acid (FFA) contents.
3.5. Analysis of biodiesel
One step and two step transesterification processes were used for the production of
biodiesel from used frying oil under reaction conditions shown in table 4.
(Table 3 & 4 should be near here)
3.5.1. Quality Assessment of Biodiesel using Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC)
In sample 1 the used frying oil was almost completely converted to biodiesel (methyl
ester) and was according to ASTM standard of biodiesel because there were no fatty
acids and glycerides found in final product (biodiesel). Therefore, the biodiesel produced
from used frying oil was of good quality by two step transesterification process using
acid and base catalyst than by using one step transesterification process using base
catalyst as the final product contained some amount of fatty acids and glycerides (Plate 1
& Fig. 2).
(Figure 2 should be near here)
3.5.2. Kinematic Viscosity
Kinematic Viscosity is the quotient of the dynamic viscosity divided by density (Va/d) at
same temperature. The viscosity of biodiesel produced from used frying oil determined
by ASTM D445 method was 4.86 at 40
C (Table 5). Charoenchaitrakool and
Thienmethangkoon (2011) reported the viscosity of biodiesel 4.61. Balat (2008) reported
that biodiesel has viscosity close to diesel fuel. Viscosity effects the injection equipment
at the time of operation of fuel and at low temperature the increase in the viscosity effects
fluidity of fuel. By increasing the temperature of reaction, viscosity decreased and
miscibility of methanol and oil increased that ultimately increase the free fatty acid
conversions (Park et al., 2010).
3.5.3. Flash point
Flash point is the temperature recorded on thermometer at the time of application that
causes a distinct flash in the interior of cup. The flash point of biodiesel produced in this
study was determined by ASTM D93 testing method and the value obtained was 185 0C
(Table 5). Charoenchaitrakool and Thienmethangkoon (2011) reported the flash point of
biodiesel was 160.The ASTM D6751-02 standard for flash point of biodiesel is more than
130. Demirbas (2009) reported the flash point for biodiesel prepared from waste cooking
oil was 469 K (196oC).
3.5.4. Specific gravity
Specific gravity is the ratio of weight of given volume of material to weight of an equal
volume of water. In this method both weights recorded in vacuum condition and the
standard reference temperature for both, material and water was 60 F. The specific
gravity of biodiesel measured by ASTM D1298 testing method was 0.884 g/ml (Table 5).
The minimum values of specific gravity indicate the removal of heavy glycerine and thus
completion of reaction (Sharma et al., 2008). Balat and Balat (2010) calculated the
specific gravity of biodiesel 0.88 g/ml. Berrios et al., (2010) measured the specific
gravity of biodiesel obtained from used frying oil in pressure system was 0.875 g/cm-3.
Demirbas (2009) measured density of biodiesel from waste cooking oil as 0.897 kg/L at
(Table 5 should be near here)
5. Conclusions
Petroleum and its products have limited reserves and high consumption as a result these
are declining at a rapid rate due to their nonrenewable nature. Pollution production due to
combustion of these fossil fuel is creating environmental problems and health hazards
throughout the world. There is need of the time to search its alternative therefore;
biodiesel production from cheaper raw material can be a fruitful technology. Used frying
oil is the best raw material because if it is disposed in water or soil then it can cause
environmental and health problems. Utilization of this used frying oil for biodiesel
production is the best use of it. In this study biodiesel is produced from used frying oil by
two methods and it was found that the biodiesel produced from two step
transesterification methods give good quality in comparison to one step transesterification
process. The parameters of biodiesel such as kinematic viscosity, flash point, and specific
gravity were analyzed that showed result within limits of ASTM standards for biodiesel.
6. Recommendations
Used frying oil should not be used again and again as it can cause health problems
instead its market value can be created by using it for production of biodiesel.
Biodiesel Production from used frying oil should be launched at commercial scale
as it is an efficient, cheaper and feasible technology as compared to other methods
of biodiesel production.
Efficiency of transesterification process can be enhanced by doing further
research on its synthetic pathways and reaction conditions.
The authors acknowledge Sustainable Development Study Centre at Government College
University Lahore for providing funding for the current study and Director General,
Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR) and Dr. Zeeshan at
Applied Chemistry Research Center (ACRC), PCSIR laboratories Lahore for guiding and
providing testing facilities of oil and biodiesel.
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Table 1: Analysis of pretreated used frying oil for various parameters;
Parameters tested
Water content (%)
Nature of food (fried)
Chicken Meat
Iodine value
Saponification value
Free fatty acid (%)
Acid value (mg KOH.g-1)
Table 2: Percentage composition of fatty acids in used frying oil.
Sr #
Fatty acid profile
Result (%)
C14:0 Tetradecanoic (myristic)
Traces (0.1)
C16:0 Hexadecanoic (palmitic)
C18:0 Octadecanoic (stearic)
C18:1 Octadecenoic (oleic)
C18:2 Octadecadienoic (linoleic)
C18:3 Octadecatrienoic (linolenic)
C20:0 Eicosanoic (arachidonic)
Total saturated fatty acids
Total unsaturated fatty acids
Table 3. Measurement of amount and yield of products from 200ml of used frying oil.
Products of the processes
Biodiesel produced (ml)
One step process
Two step process
Glycerin and other byproduct (ml)
Yield of biodiesel (%)
Table 4: Optimization of reaction conditions for transesterification of used frying oil.
Reaction conditions
Methanol to oil ratio
Temperature (0C)
One step process
Reaction time (min)
Two step process
Table 5: Analysis of biodiesel produced from used frying oil and its comparison with
international standards.
Properties of biodiesel
Biodiesel of
Thai standard
this study
EN 14214
> 130
> 101
Kinematic viscosity at
40 0C (mm2/s)
Flash point (0C)
Specific gravity (g/ml)
Fig. 1: Composition of fatty acids in used frying oil by GC-MS
Fig. 2 Separation and identification of biodiesel (methyl ester) production from used
frying oil by using solvent system at n-hexane to diethylether ratio of 80:20.