IQ Michelle Gabela Resume

Michelle Gabela, MPH, BS.
Senior Health Resource Specialist-Bilingual
 M.P.H., Health Promotion, Liberty
University, Lynchburg VA
 B.S., Exercise Science, Towson
University, Towson MD
Total Years Experience
 5 years, 3 months
Professional Experience
 Bilingual Senior Health Resource
 Wellness Fitness Program Manager
 Healthy Lifestyle Coach
 Fitness Director
 Associate Fitness Director
 Wellness Coordinator
 Regional Fitness Specialist
Employment History
 IQ Solutions, Inc., January 2014 to
 Federal Occupational Health,
National Cancer Institute, January
2013 to January 2014
 Federal Occupational Health, Veteran
Affairs, February 2011 to October
 Take Care Health, Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, December
2009 to November 2011
 Corporate Fitness Works, October
2008 to December 2009
Employment Status
 Current Employee
 Certified Personal Trainer, American
Council on Exercise
 Certified Group Exercise Instructor,
Aerobics and Fitness Association of
 Certified in AED/CPR and First Aid,
American Red Cross
Awards Received
 Customer Service Satisfaction and
Quality Award, Federal Occupational
Health 2013
IQ Solutions, Inc.
Background and Qualifications Summary
Michelle Gabela is a bilingual health resource specialist supporting the National,
Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI). She is currently working on expanding
her knowledge of information related to conditions affecting the cardiovascular,
pulmonary, and circulatory systems and the logistics associated with the
campaigns that NHLBI supports. She responds to telephone and written inquiries
in both English and Spanish using standard and custom responses based on plain
language principals. She updates standard responses for accuracy, including
verification of URLs, links, and contact information for referral organizations. Her
expertise as a bilingual information specialist will allow her to provide back-up
support for several other NIH clearinghouses and information centers, broadening
her content expertise and perfecting her Spanish-language medical terminology.
Professional Experience
IQ Solutions, Inc., Rockville, MD (January 2014 to present)
Senior Bilingual Health Resource
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Office of Communications
Major Responsibilities and Accomplishments:
 Supports Task 2, Response Center Operations, of the NHLBI Health Information
Center (HIC) contract by responding to inquiries from health professionals,
educators, students, and the public on the prevention and treatment of heart,
lung, blood diseases, and sleep disorders.
 Responds to telephone calls from the public and health professionals and
provides information or referrals to appropriate resources; enters orders for
publications into the Knowledge Management System (KMS) in real-time.
 Responds to email and telephone inquiries from the media or Congress within 1
hour of receipt.
 Drafts responses to inquiries and consults with the Response Center Manager,
NHLBI staff, or Subject Matter Experts (SME’s) as needed to respond to
difficult or custom inquiries.
 Searches government and NHLBI-approved Web sites for relevant, reliable
information and resources that can be used as referrals.
 Searches MedlinePlus, PubMed, Clinical, NIH RePORTER, and other
NHLBI-approved resources for information pertinent to inquiries.
 Responds to written (mail) inquiries from prisoners and others who do not have
access to a computer by printing out and mailing copies of relevant NHLBI
Health Topic articles (limit 5).
 Updates standard responses and templates as needed to include/revise NHLBI
promotional language.
 Monitors the NHLBI Facebook page as assigned.
 Reviews comments, posts, and messages on an hourly basis
 Recommends action, prepares draft response (if needed), and sends to NHLBI
staff for review and approval
 Posts the response (or deletes or “likes” it) once it is approved by NHLBI.
 Monitors Live Chat as assigned
 Responds in real time to inquiries received from the public and health
professionals via the website’s chat service.
 Participates in NHLBI HIC continuing education (CE) activities by researching,
preparing, and giving 1.5 hour CE presentations at staff meetings (as assigned).
 Identifies appropriate topic materials and processes publication requests into the
inventory management system for order fulfillment.
Michelle Gabela, MPH, BS
 Staffs exhibits and provides onsite support for client-related outreach and
promotion activities at national meetings and conferences.
 Assists with the development of new brochures and health education materials
including hard copy publications and web-based information.
 Provides back-up support as a bilingual information specialist on other health
information clearinghouses:
The National Institute of Deafness and Communication Disorders (NIDCD),
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research National Oral Health
Information Clearinghouse (NOHIC), National Institute of Child Health and
Human Development (NICHD), Office of Disease Prevention (ODP) Consensus
Development Program’s Information Center (CDPIC).
Previous Work Experience:
Wellness Fitness Program Manager
Federal Occupational Health, National Cancer Institute, Rockville, MD
 Planned, implemented and evaluated health and fitness center operations.
 Evaluated procedures, practices and precedents for accomplishing the center’s
goals and objectives.
 Created weekly and monthly center reports and finances.
 Developed and delivered a variety of Health/Fitness programs, promotions and
other marketing materials.
 Supervised facility; interacted with participants and monitored equipment and
participant safety.
Healthy Lifestyle Coach
Federal Occupational Health, Veteran Affairs, Bethesda, MD
 Planned, implemented and evaluated health and fitness center operations.
 Reviewed population demographics to assess worksite culture and identify health
risks to develop a tailored health promotion program for over 300,000 Veterans
Affairs (VA) employees nationwide.
 Engaged participants in coaching sessions to reduce or eliminate high risk
behaviors using counseling, consultation, health education, and referral services.
 Coached sixty clients monthly.
 Co-developed health communication/marketing materials for various health
topics, including breast cancer, skin cancer, diabetes, physical activity, women’s
and men’s health, osteoporosis, heart disease, emotional wellbeing and nutrition,
among others.
 Co-developed quarterly newsletters and monthly health education articles.
 Supported daily operational aspects of program by directing participants to
appropriate program components such as: lifestyle management center, incentive
programs, health awareness events, and health education materials.
Fitness Director/ Associate Fitness Director
Take Care Health, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Rockville, MD
 Planned, implemented and evaluated health and fitness center operations.
 Evaluated procedures, practices and precedents for accomplishing the center’s
goals and objectives.
 Created weekly and monthly center reports and finances.
 Developed and delivered a variety of Health/Fitness programs, promotions and
other marketing materials.
 Supervised facility; interacted with participants and monitored equipment and
participant safety.
IQ Solutions, Inc.
Michelle Gabela, MPH, BS
Wellness Coordinator/Regional Fitness Specialist
Take Care Health, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Rockville, MD
 Supervised a team of fifteen or more health screeners and coordinated work
schedules; delivered performance appraisals; provided necessary orientation.
 Worked closely with account managers to ensure a high level of service delivery.
 Provided a variety of preventative health screening: pulmonary lung function,
dermis scan, blood pressure, cholesterol.
 Supervised all wellness/fitness facilities in the metro area
 Taught a variety of group exercise classes
IQ Solutions, Inc.