10 28 15 Math Portion Day 17 Skills for Test Taking

Wednesday, October 28, 2015
3 (Skills for Test Taking)
PSAT schedule.
Class from 12:55 to 1:36
1. 2015 PSAT Practice scores (only for those taking PSATs on Wednesday)
1. Thanks for being good while I was out sick.
2. Question of the Day
 Log into your CollegeBoard.com account
 Go to the Question of the Day page at https://sat.collegeboard.org/practice/sat-questionof-the-day
 Choose the QOD from October 22, 2015
3. PSAT students: you’ve got a study hall today; you’ve earned it
 Ryan DeBarberie
 Michael Dice
 Hallie Mahan
 Gina Perricone
 Michael Slavin
 Sarah Verzella
4. As of Friday, October 23rd, ONE person in class has completed everything that is due
(this includes vocabulary and modifier fixes). Your grade in this course is based on
your effort and your improvement. If you’re not putting any effort into this course
and you still owe me something, that is going to affect your grade. Everyone else owes
me at least one of the following:
 2013-14 SAT math score was due Wednesday, October 14th
 2013-14 ACT math score was due Friday, October 16th
 2012-13 SAT math score was due Monday, October 19th
 2011-12 ACT English score due Tuesday, October 20th
 2011-12 ACT Math score due Tuesday, October 20th
 2011-12 ACT Reading score due Tuesday, October 20tgh
 2011-12 ACT Science score due Tuesday, October 20th
 2012-13 SAT practice exam essays are still missing: please turn them in NOW
5. Resources at your disposal
 Collegeboard.com account at https://sat.collegeboard.org/home
 ACT student account at http://www.actstudent.org/
 IvyBound.net
 Ivy Bound offers a PSAT review for students (and possibly parents who'd convene
via internet) when the scores are returned in December or January. For schools
wanting a convocation (perhaps with dessert) an Ivy Bound senior staffer will help
 Prospects for the SAT
 Prospects for the ACT
 Whether to take both SAT and ACT
 Who should take Subject Tests
 How to build strength in each weak area.
There is no charge for an evening or weekend session if parents are attending. For a
student only session (or students and counselors), there is a charge based on how
extensive you'd like our work to be. The session can be done with
Skype/GoToMeeting so student or parents stuck at home that evening can still
Outside of the PSAT, if you have juniors or seniors who would profit from a class
or private tutoring, please encourage them or their parents to view our offerings at
List of IvyBound tutors at http://www.ivybound.net/tutor-search/
Mark Greenstein, Founder and Lead Instructor
860-666-7715 (7:00 AM to 7:00 PM EST) and www.ivybound.net
Flocabulary at http://www.flocabulary.com/join-class
 Class code: KZ8PGY
 New to Flocabulary or already have an account (choose one)
 Additional information to join class (“Skills for Test Taking”)
Veritas Prep YouTube tutorials available at
Veritas Prep tutorials
 Go to http://www.veritasprep.com/online-sat-prep-seminar/ to sign up for one or
both of the FREE online SAT prep tutorial(s).
 November 7th and November 21st, all from 4:30 to 6:30 PM EST
1. 2013-14 SAT Practice Exam (#4)
2. SAT essay scoring guide (#5)
3. 2013-14 SAT Practice essay (#6)
4. 2013-14 SAT vocabulary #1 (#10)
5. 2013-14 ACT practice exam (#11)
6. ACT essay scoring guidelines (#12)
7. 2013-14 ACT practice essay (multitasking high school students) (#13)
8. 2013-14 SAT vocabulary #2 (#15)
9. Misplaced and dangling modifiers handout (#16)
10. Misplaced and dangling modifiers worksheet #1 (#17)
11. 2013-14 SAT vocabulary #3 (#18)
12. Question of the Day sheet for the week of September 28, 2015 (#19)
13. Veritas Prep’s “4 Ways to Rock that SAT Reading Passage” handout (#20)
14. 2012-13 SAT exam booklet (#21)
15. 2012-13 SAT essay sheet (#22)
16. 2012-13 SAT essay scoring sheet (#23)
17. SAT Skills Insight packet (#24)
18. 2013-14 ACT Science practice section (no number, as not everyone wanted it)
19. 2011-12 ACT practice exam (#25)
20. 2015 PSAT practice exam (no number, as only six students have it)
1. Wednesday, October 28, 2015: PSATs at Haverford in the morning
2. Friday, November 6, 2015: Last day of the first quarter (there is no final for this class)
3. Saturday, November 7, 2015: SAT
4. Saturday, December 5, 2015: SAT
5. Saturday, December 12, 2015: ACT
6. Saturday, January 23, 2016: SAT (current version)
7. Saturday, February 6, 2016: ACT
8. Saturday, March 5, 2016: SAT (new version)
9. Saturday, April 9, 2016: ACT
10. Saturday, May 7, 2016: SAT (new version)
11. Saturday, June 4, 2016: SAT (new version)
12. Saturday, June 11, 2016: ACT