- University of Leeds

SAP Training
University of Leeds
SAP 3.1  SAP 4.6
Features and Differences
SAP Frequently Used Buttons – Quick Reference
Summary of Feature Changes
What’s new with Version 4.6?
Accessing SAP
Logging on to SAP
Logging off from SAP
The SAP Interface
New Features
Creating Favourites
Extra Settings
SAP Easy Access Menus
User Options
Creating a new session
Creating a Shortcut
Status Bar
Screen Differences
FBL1 Display Vendor Line Items: Initial Screen
Field Help
Using Matchcodes
Document Information
David Graham, ISS, University of Leeds
2.1, April 2001
SAP Frequently Used
Buttons – Quick Reference
Possible entries button - matchcode (F4)
Save (F11)
Back (F3)
Exit (Shift + F3)
Cancel (F12)
Print (Ctrl + P)
Find (Ctrl + F)
Find more (Ctrl + G)
First page (Ctrl + PageUp)
Previous page (PageUp)
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Last page (Ctrl + PageDown)
SAP Frequently Used Buttons – Quick Reference | 3
Help (F1)
User options
NEW! Create a new session
NEW! Creates a shortcut on the desktop to current transaction
Sort ascending (F6)
Sort descending (Ctrl + F3)
Multiple selection
Execute (F8)
Export (F8)
Call up report (Ctrl + F6)
Select all (F7)
Deselect all (F8)
Next screen (F8)
Previous screen (F7)
Next Item (Shift + F7)
Summary of Feature Changes
Different look for SAP logon icon.
The logon pad icon sits on your desktop. Double clicking on it brings up
the logon pad. It looks different but it does the same thing.
Different look for SAP logon screen
SAP has changed the logon so a front end with graphics loads before the
initial screen appears. Again , it looks different, but it still logs you in
The first screen you see is also different. It looks similar to Windows
Explorer. It has triangular icons beside menu options. Clicking these
icons expand the menus further.
Role based menus now available in version 4.6.
What’s new with Version 4.6?
SAP Interface
The basic functionality is the same but the screens look different, with a
few new features.
Screen features
There are some new features:
o You can now create shortcuts for individual transactions to your
PC desktop.
o There is a new button that allows you to create a new session
without having to use a menu path.
o The command box and status bar have icons that allow you to
show/hide each of them.
o You can create, add to and delete from a list of your most used
transactions kept in folders on the SAP front screen.
o SAP User Menus
SAP 4.6 features a role based user menu. This menu will appear
when you log in to SAP.
There are also some changes to the way you can select your own user
options and preferences.
Some screens appear completely different from what you are used to.
What they do is the same. It may take some time to get used to the
changes. Before, a single transaction may have taken several screens,
now you can process it from the one place by using tabs, table controls
and roller blinds.
The new features and what has changed are explained in more detail in further
Navigation | 5
Accessing SAP
Logging on to SAP
1. Double-click on the SAP icon
2. Select MAIS/PRD or QAS and press
3. If QAS is selected, overtype the client number with
4. Enter your username and password and press enter.
Logging off from SAP
Do one of the following:
Click on the close (x) button
The button lights up when you hover the mouse over
Choose System > Log off
<Shift + F3>
The SAP Interface
Menu bar
Create a new session
Command field
Create a shortcut
Button bar
The command field may not appear initially. Click on the triangular icon to hide/display
the command field.
New Features
Creating Favourites
The new version of SAP allows you to create a list of your favourite transactions
and store them in folders at the Easy SAP Front screen. From there you can
access them quickly.
NB. Please note the spelling of favorite. In SAP, American spelling is used.
Say you want to create a link to Create a Purchase Requisition:
1. Expand the menu path to get you where you want to go, then choose the
transaction by selecting it.
2. Click on the add to favorites icon.
The other option is to drag and drop the transaction into the Favorites
3. The menu path (or transaction) is added to your list of favorites.
4. To access your favourite, simply click on the icon beside the menu path
5. You can add any number of favourites to the folder. To remove a favourite,
just select the icon beside the menu path of the transaction you wish to
New Features | 7
remove and click the remove icon
on the button bar.
6. You can also change the order in which your favourites are listed by clicking
the favourite you wish to move and selecting the move buttons.
7. Favourites can be grouped in folders for easier access. Select the menu
options as follows:
8. Name the folder and then you can add the transactions as you wish by
dragging and dropping into the relevant folder.
9. Individual transactions can be inserted int Favorites folders by following the
Favorites > Insert transaction menu path. You need to enter the transaction
code of the transaction into the field. When you are complete, click on
Extra Settings
You can customise how your front screen is displayed by following the steps as
1. Select the menu path Extras > Settings
2. A Settings dialog box displays. If you wanted only to display your favourites,
click on the second check box. Other options are available.
3. Click on
4. Your amended screen now displays.
New Features | 9
5. Other settings options include showing technical names (transaction codes) in
menu paths or displaying your favourites at the end of list.
SAP Easy Access Menus
You can choose to display your SAP Easy Access menu or the SAP standard
Click on
to display the Easy Access menu. Click on
Standard menu.
to display the SAP
User Options
Click on the user option button
display of your screen.
User Options (General)
and select the various tabs to change the
User Options (Cursor)
User Options (Colour settings)
Creating a new session
In version 4.6, you can create a new session by clicking on the new session icon.
Using the menu path System > Create session still creates extra sessions.
Creating a Shortcut
SAP R/3 4.6 allows you, as the user, to create a shortcut for a specific transaction
to your PC desktop. When created, you can access the transaction directly from
the desktop. Follow the steps to create a shortcut for a transaction. Shortcuts can
be made for any transaction in SAP.
1. Access the transaction that you want to create as a shortcut. For example, you
may be an Invoice Parker so you would access the Park Document: Initial Screen.
2. At the Park Document: Initial Screen, click on the shortcut icon
New Features | 11
3. The New Sapgui Shortcut dialog box is displayed:
4. Select the system you are using, e.g. MAIS. Note that the transaction is listed
in the Application area of the box.
5. Click on OK
6. The transaction icon appears on your desktop.
7. Double clicking the icon takes you to a logon screen.
8. Enter your password, click on Logon and SAP takes you directly to the
NOTE: You can only access the transaction if you are NOT logged in to
Status Bar
Click on the triangular icon to hide/display the status bar at the bottom of the
Messages still appear in the status bar. All messages flash once after they appear.
Screen Differences
Compare the same screen in version 4.6 with a version 3.1 screen:
FBL1 Display Vendor Line Items: Initial Screen
Version 4.6
| 13
Version 3.1
Field Help
Field help is basically the same. It can be accessed in the same way. Only some
of the icons on the field help screen are different. Compare the two.
Version 4.6
Version 3.1
Using Matchcodes
Matchcode searches remain the same, only the resulting screen looks different.
Instead of using the other selections button on the search help screen, you can
now select a search term by clicking on a series of tabs. Scroll through the
options by clicking on the next and back icons in the top right hand corner of the
screen. Display a list of options by clicking the list icon.
In this document, some of the basic differences between version 3.1 and 4.6 have
been explained. Further changes to specific functionality will be covered in
training sessions.
Screen Differences | 15
David Graham, Information Systems Services
University of Leeds