Migratory birds for The European ark MIGRATORY BIRDS FOR THE EUROPEAN ARK To start with this didactic unit, we can watch a video about migratory birds. These birds travel all over the world, and they are bonds between civilizations. They have the same purpose as our project, we seek common bonds to other European countries. First, we will watch these videos. About migratory birds:……http://youtu.be/i3fn2qrxJxo And now we are going to fly with birds:….. http://youtu.be/3Cc9dVawy14 The World Migratory Bird Day aims to preserve cultural ties that we have in common with migratory birds and to encourage the economic and environmental benefits. We must ensure that these cultural, economic and environmental benefits are preserved for future generations. Therefore on The World Migratory Bird Day, we should encourage in our pupils the awareness and education to protect migratory birds and their habitats. There are about 10,000 different species of birds around the world, among which 1,800 are classified as migratory birds because they need to move from one place to another due to climatic changes over the seasons. They have to find the best conditions for mating and bringing up their young. For more information: www.worldmigratorybirdday.org When is the World Migratory Bird Day? 11 - 12 May 2013 Page 1 Migratory birds for The European ark FINAL TASK: Make a large mural about migratory birds to establish bonds between different European countries, exchanging information between the five countries which are involved in The European Ark Project. ACTIVITIES ACTIVITY 1.- The European Ark’s travellers ACTIVITY 2.- Wetlands as their home during the year ACTIVITY 3.- We visited each other ACTIVITY 4.- Natural Parks associated with Ramsar (I) ACTIVITY 5.- Natural Parks associated with Ramsar (II) ACTIVITY 6.- European Natural Parks connected by migratory birds ACTIVITY 7.- Migratory birds through the ages ACTIVITY 8.- Migratory birds on the Internet network ACTIVITY 9.- Name migratory birds ACTIVITY 10.- Environmental Code of Conduct ACTIVITY 11.- Crafts ACTIVITY 12.- Alphabet Soup ACTIVITY 13.- Our country, our natural area ACTIVITY 14.- Colour these birds Page 2 Migratory birds for The European ark ACTIVITY 1.- The European Ark’s travellers Examples of European travellers, such as:…. Greylag Goose (Anser anser) Gadwall (Anas strepera) Pintail (Anas acuta) In this website http://blx1.bto.org/ai-eu/ We can enter our country’s name and seek for migratory birds that visit two of The European Ark’s countries at least. We can get information there to complete the chart below about the three proposed examples, and look for two more birds. BIRD Greylag Goose (Anser anser) CHARACTERISTICS / PICTURE COUNTRIES IT VISITS The Greylag Goose is a large grey waterbird with Denmark pink legs. He has black spots on the abdomen. The Holland head is lightgrey and the forewings are grey-white. Spain The beak is orange. The Dutch name of this bird is “Grauwe gans”. The Grey Goose eats plants. The body length is 75-90 cm. The bird weights 3-4 kg. Migration: Some birds migrate, others don’t. Some birds stay in their nesting-area. Birds from Scandinavia come to Holland in the winter. They fly in the shape of a “V”, calling “gakgak”. Page 3 SEASON All year, above all in Summer All year, above all in Summer All year, above all in Winter Migratory birds for The European ark Gadwall (Anas strepera) The Dutch name of this waterbird is “Krakeend”. The Gadwall is a little smaller than a wild duck. The body length is 50 cm. If they fly you see the pointed wings and the white patch on the belly. The female looks like a wild duck, but has en orange border around the dark beak. The breeding male is grey-brown with fine dark markings. The female is grey-brown with dark spots. In autumn both look similar. Denmark Holland Italy Spain Summer and Autumn Winter and Spring Autumn and Winter Winter Weerribben The gadwall breeds in the Netherlands in wetlands like the Weerribben where they are common. The nest is made of grass and leaves, hidden under vegetation.The 8-12 eggs are breeded 28 days, then the young come out. They first dry and then they go straight to the water. You see them often under water, the tails just above the surface. They search for food on the bottom: plants, roots and leaves. The Gadwall is the whole year a common bird in our country: In winter there are lots of gadwalls here, staying here for the winter or migrating to the south. In summer they breed here not often. Page 4 Eggs of the Gadwall Migratory birds for The European ark Pintail (Anas acuta) The Dutch name of this waterbird is “Pijlstaarteend”. The pintail is a migratory bird that flies far to the south, to the equator. Outside the breeding season, the pintail swims often in large mixed groups with other ducks. Denmark Ireland Holland Italy Spain All year Autumn, Winter and Spring All year Winter Autumn and winter The males are easy to recognize. During the breeding season The male has a pale gray body and a white chest, a stripe on the side of the neck and a dark brown head. The back is yellow and black and has a long pointed tail. The females are light brown with a whiter throat and a shorter tail, but they can be easily identified by their long neck. Outside the breeding season the male looks more like the female. The species is quite large for a duck. Males range from 65 to 75 cm in length and females are smaller: 50 to 55 cm. Page 5 eggs of the Pintail Migratory birds for The European ark ACTIVITY 2.- Wetlands as their home during the year Most of migratory birds spend a long time in wetlands, where they can eat, regain strenght and even breed. This network of protected areas for migratory birds is very important for them, without this protection they could never make long trips. In this activity, we are going to calculate the number of kilometers / miles that some of these birds fly every year. We can use this tool ( http://maps.google.es/maps?hl=es&tab=wl ) to complete the chart below. BIRD FROM … TO KILOMETRES / MILES The average speed for these birds is 200 kilometres per day NUMBER OF KILOMETRES / MILES IN A YEAR NUMBER OF DAYS Greylag Goose (Anser anser) Gadwall (Anas strepera) Pintail (Anas acuta) Form Denmark to Holland 500 km 2,5 days From Holland to Ireland 975 km 4,875 days From Holland to Spain 1875 km 9,375 days From Denmark to Spain 2325 km 11,625 days From Denmark to Italy 1350 km 6,75 days From Holland to Italy 950 km 4,75 days From Denmark to Ireland 1200 km 6 days 1800 km 9 days From Ireland to Spain Page 6 73.000 kilometres 45.625 miles Migratory birds for The European ark ACTIVITY 3.- We visited each other Now, we are going to calculate the distance between The European Ark’s countries and the time that we are going to spend in our meetings in Spain and Holland. These websites will be very useful for us: http://www.horlogeparlante.com/distancia-entre-2-ciudades.html SCHOOL DEPARTURE AIRPORT ----------- http://www.guiacom.es/e-viajes/distancias.asp Meeting in Cabezas Rubias (Spain) May 2013 ARRIVAL Kilometres and time spent AIRPORT by plane Time spent by a migratory bird CPR ADERAN I de Cabezas Rubias (ESPAÑA) CARRICK NS Roscommon (IRLANDA) STJAERSKOLEN Galten (DINAMARCA) INSTITUTO COMPRENSIVO ASOLO Asolo (ITALIA) DE WOLDSCHOOL Steenwijkerwold (HOLANDA) 16.40 19.40 (Amsterdam) (Sevilla) 1870 km in three hours Page 7 6 days, 8 hours and 24 minutes Migratory birds for The European ark SCHOOL Meeting in Steenwijkerwold (Holland) May 2014 DEPARTURE ARRIVAL Kilometres and time spent AIRPORT AIRPORT by plane CPR ADERAN I de Cabezas Rubias (ESPAÑA) CARRICK NS Roscommon (IRLANDA) STJAERSKOLEN Galten (DINAMARCA) INSTITUTO COMPRENSIVO ASOLO Asolo (ITALIA) DE WOLDSCHOOL Steenwijkerwold (HOLANDA) Page 8 Time spent by a migratory bird Migratory birds for The European ark ACTIVITY 4.- Natural Parks associated with Ramsar We are going to look for places near our schools where these birds can eat, regain strength and breed. These places are known as Natural Parks, and we are going to seek these places, specially the ones associated to RAMSAR organization. This is the link for the organisation´s website (http://www.ramsar.org). We are going to look for the required information about it to complete the following chart: RAMSAR’s main aim Main aim is the conservation and wise use of all wetlands; orking together in a local, regional, national and international way, so that a sustainable development in the world is created First meeting’s place and date 2nd of February 1971, the city of Ramsar in Iran. The Ramsar Convention is the oldest international treaty in the field of nature conservation. It makes a significant contribution to the conservation of wetlands. Birds in an Ramsar area get a higher protection status. Relation between RAMSAR and the United Nations (UN) The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the institutional host for the Ramsar Secretariat Where is RAMSAR in your country? The National Ramsar Committee has not a special building. Chairman is Herman Verheij. Where is the RAMSAR’s Secretariat? The Secretariat of the Convention on Wetlands is housed by IUCN - the International Union for the Conservation of Nature in its headquarters building in Gland, Switzerland, on Lac Léman (Lake Geneva). Number of wetlands associated to RAMSAR in your country 44 Number of wetlands associated to RAMSAR in the world 1912 wetlands all over the World. The total surface of these wetlands is 186.9653.216 hectare. 1 hectare is 10.000 square meters. So it’s about 1870 billion square meters. RAMSAR’s logo ….. Page 9 Migratory birds for The European ark ACTIVITY 5.- Natural Parks associated with Ramsar (II) Now, we are going to look for the two nearest wetlands to your school associated with RAMSAR. We seek for information in the website (http://www.ramsar.org) to complete the following chart. COUNTRY: ___________________ NATURAL PARK’S NAME National park “Weerribben-Wieden” WHERE IS IT? CHARACTERISTICS The national park “Weerribben-Wieden is The national park “Weerribben-Wieden” lies southwest of Steenwijkerwold, in the north of the a combination of three wetlands: province Overijssel Weerribben, Wieden and Rottige Meenthe. MAP WEBSITE Together they form one of the most important wetlands of Europe. The wetland is very large: 100 square km. www.np-weerribbenwieden.nl Water and land are a good combination in Weerribben-Wieden National Park. Thats why there is space to live for all kinds of plants and animals. The large copper, the otter and the black tern feel at home here. And there are growing rare plants such as marsh spurge, parnassus and fen-orchid. Migrating birds find lots of food and a place to rest. Page 10 Migratory birds for The European ark PICTURES: 2 MIGRATORY BIRDS IN THIS NATURAL PARK PICTURES: NATURAL PARK’S LANDSCAPE Page 11 Migratory birds for The European ark COUNTRY: ___________________ NATURAL PARK’S NAME National park Lauwersmeer WHERE IS IT? In the north of the Netherlands, between Friesland and Groningen. CHARACTERISTICS The National Park Lauwersmeer was declared on November 12, 2003 a National Park. It is about 60 km ². MAP WEBSITE Until 1969 the Lauwersmeer was a part of the Waddenzee (UNESCO World Heritage List, 2009). Some 40 years fishermen were fishing with their shrimp trawlers here. After the closure of the Lauwersmeer in 1969, the seabed elevated and the mudflats came to be dry. In these early years large parts of this area were wasteland, with a beautiful nature. This was a real bird paradise. http://www.np-lauwersmeer.nl Nature in the area around Lauwersmeer is so special that the area is designated as a National Park. East of the Lauwersmeer are some small forests. For migratory birds is this a resting place on their long journeys from north to south and vice versa. It’s a birdwatchers paradise. Spoonbills, all kind of ducks and geese: you can see large numbers of them in the national park Lauwersmeer. Page 12 Migratory birds for The European ark PICTURES: 2 MIGRATORY BIRDS IN THIS NATURAL PARK PICTURES: NATURAL PARK’S LANDSCAPE Page 13 Migratory birds for The European ark ACTIVITY 6.- European Natural Parks connected by migratory birds Exchanging information through our twinspace about the nearest wetlands to the schools. We will complete a map with the information about all countries. Natural Parks connected by migratory birds National park Weerribben-Wieden National park Lauwersmeer Page 14 Migratory birds for The European ark ACTIVITY 7.- Migratory birds through the ages At first, we read the information about migratgory birds in this website: http://www.worldmigratorybirdday.org/2012/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2&Itemid=5 We are going to relate migratory birds to cultures through the ages, therefore we will finish these sentences: Over time and cultures, humans have relied on birds to supply food, to deliver messages, or to serve as symbols of power and prestige. Birds and their eggs have been an indispensable part of the human diet, as an important source of rich protein and nutrients. Migratory birds are also a source food. Artists around the world have been inspired by birds to their paintings, stories, for their music and even in fashion. Different aspects of birds - their colourful feathers, brilliant songs and their ability to fly across the globe - are all represented in art. Many coins are decorated with birds, and also stamps and bank notes. In some shields and flags are birds as a symbol of national pride and strength. Migratory birds are important culturally, economically and enviromentally because the phenomenon of migration has fascinated people for centuries, and continues to do so today. Migratory birds are present in many countries’ culture such as they completely ignore national borders along their migration paths, and cross entire countries and even continents. Page 15 Migratory birds for The European ark ACTIVITY 8.- Migratory birds on the Internet network We are going to search for the following information online. These aspects reflect the importance of birds to our European culture. We can write the website address where you find it: a) Title of a song about birds: of course “Birds” written and performed by Anouk. http://www.anouk.nl b) A country with a bird in its flag: Albania. http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vlag_van_Albani%C3%AB c) A coin having a bird: The Belarus coin of 1 ruble has a bird on both sides. We found it on http://www.coincommunity.com d) A trademark’s logo containing a bird: Dove (soap etc. ) We found it at www.unilever.nl e) A football team with a bird in its shield. The Netherlands: Vitesse, Ado, Go Ahead Eagles, IJsselmeervogels, SVZW, Spakenburg, HBS. England: Liverpool, Norwich City, Swansea City, Tottenham Hotspur, West Bromwich Albion, Brighton and Hove Albion, Cardiff City, Coventry city, Crystal Palace, Colchester United, Oldham Athletic AFC, Notts County, Sheffield Wednesday, Walsall, Wycombe Wanderers. Spain: AD Alcorcon. Germany: Eintracht Frankfurt , SC Freiburg, Alemannia Aachen, FSV Frankfurt. Italy: AS Bari, Juventus, SS Lazio, US Palermo, Albino Leffe. France: Olympique Nice, Valenciennes, Dijon FCO. Denmark: HB Køge, We Could not find logo’s of Ireland, sorry. Website: http://www.voetballogos.nl/overig-europa.html f) A story and a book where a bird is the main character: Akka of Kebnekajse is the leader of the group of wild geese from the book Nils Holgersons miraculous journey (1907) of the Swedish writer and Nobel Prize winner Selma Lagerlöf (1858-1940). Website: http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nils_Holgersson g) A cartoon where a bird is the main character is Road Runner. His partner is called Wile E. Coyote . Road runner doesn’t talk but only says ‘miep-miep’ when he runs by. Website: http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Road_Runner_en_Wile_E._Coyote Page 16 Migratory birds for The European ark ACTIVITY 9.- Name migratory birds We found the Dutch names. Find out these birds’ names we see in the pictures. This website will be helpful for you (http://blx1.bto.org/ai-eu/ ) BIRDS’ NAMES Wigeon. = Smient (Anas penelope) Mallard. = wilde eend (Anas platyrhynchos) Mute Swan = knobbelzwaan (Cygnus olor) Pintail = pijlstaarteend (Anas acuta) Garganey = zomertaling (Anas querquedula) White-fronted Goose = kolgans (Anser albifrons) Page 17 Migratory birds for The European ark ACTIVITY 10.- Environmental Code of Conduct GROUP WORK……..Write a code of conduct for enviromental conservation and preserving the environment. We make a list with positive and negative attitudes in each country. Then we will pick out the most important ones and we will create a common decalogo. ENVIRONMENTAL DECALOGO POSITIVE ATTITUDES 1. The Netherlands is a country with many parts of rich nature NEGATIVES ATTITUDES 1. The parts are not connected to eachother. The should be connected. 2. In the Netherlands there are 44 wetlands pointed to be preserved. 2. There is a shortage of money, so the management of these wetlands is in danger. We should preserve the wetlands for the future. 3. Not only the wetlands according to Ramsar are important, but there are also lots of small wetlands which are important to migrating birds, like drainage Canals. 3. Because of the lack of control these drainage Canals can be easily polluted by pesticides and fertilizers. There should be more effort on controlling the water. 4. Parts of other National Parks, like Dwingelerveld, get a higher waterlevel to give place to waterbirds. 4. In other parts of our land is the waterlevel lower because of the agriculture. Agriculture must adapt to nature. 5. Illuminated drilling platforms in the North Sea are a great danger: migrating birds are confused by the lights. Research showed that the birds were mainly affected by the red component in the white light. Not illogical, because bird eyes are extra sensitive to red light (infrared and ultraviolet). To protect migratory birds there has been developed a special fluorescent lamp that gives light without red component in it. 5. Several drilling platforms equipped with these lights. With positive results: birds that pass these rigs at night do not become more confused. They are flying in the right direction. But there are only several drilling platforms with those lights. So there are still lots of migrating birds dying at sea. All the drilling platforms should get special lamps. Page 18 Migratory birds for The European ark 6. Electricity pylons and wind turbines are dangerous obstacles as they are on the migration route. The Dutch government tries to avoid such places. 6. On the Afsluitdijk, the dyke between Holland and Friesland, stand a lot of windturbines. That is an important route for migrating birds. The Dutch government has to do more to preserve this route. 7. On most lakes the waterbirds have not much inconvenience of fishermen 7. Migratory birds are also threatened by fishing shells in the Wadden Sea. Fishing shells must be strictly regulated. 8. The Dutch government takes measures to get the CO2-level down. 8. Because of the global warming habitats are disappearing. Together we should protect our world against global warming. 9. In The Netherlands shooting a migrating bird is not common and mostly forbidden. 9. In other countries of the world people are shooting freely migrating birds. It should be forbidden in the whole World. 10. We know a lot about migrating birds… 10. .. but not enough. We should learn more about them. The Eco-Code is a mission statement. It should demonstrate, in a clear and imaginative way, your school's commitment to improve its environmental performance Page 19 Migratory birds for The European ark ACTIVITY 11.- Crafts In this activity we are going to make a bird and a ship with paper. These websites will be very useful: Ship:… http://www.dibujosparapintar.com/manualidades_pap_barca.html Bird:..... http://www.webplastica.es/images/diagramas/pajarita1-1.pdf We can paint our models and decorate our “THE EUROPEAN ARK” corner. Besides we can write on birds the name of a migratory bird which visits our country every year Page 20 Migratory birds for The European ark ACTIVITY 12.- Alphabet Soup Search in this alphabet soup, migratory birds that will be useful to complete activity number 9. Wigeon (Anas penelope) Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) querquedula) White-fronted Goose (Anser albifrons) Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) W L I A T G E O N D Y E I I U M U T E S W A N M P A G A R G A N E Y L A L T N E Y U W A T M L L A N H Y O T H U Y U A L M I W D A N I D I T M A D P Y P I N T P G A N R W H I T E F R O N T E D Look at the pictures. What are the differences between anser, anas y cygnus? Page 21 Pintail (Anas acuta) Garganey (Anas Migratory birds for The European ark ACTIVITY 13.- Our country, our natural area Search for the required information, fill in the areas.http://ramsar.wetlands.org/Portals/15/Statplanet/web/StatPlanet.swf Netherlands presently has ______ sites, with a surface area of ________ hectares. gaps and match the countries to the different 1.Horsens Fjord & Endelave Karrebaek, Dybsø & Avnø Fjords 2.Maribo Lakes 3.Lago dei Monaci 4.Isola Boscone Ireland presently has ______ sites, with a surface area of ________ hectares. 5. Laguna di Marano: Foci dello Stella. 6.Baldoyle Bay Spain presently has ______ sites, with a surface area of ________ hectares. 7.Blacksod Bay and Broadhaven 8.Coole Lough & Garryland Wood. 9.Bahía de Cádiz 10. Doñana 11. Marismas del Odiel Italy presently has ______ sites, with a surface area of ________ hectares. 12. IJsselmeer 13. Lauwersmeer 14. Waddeneilanden, Page 22 Noordzeekustzone, Breebaart Denmark presently has ______ sites, with a surface area of ________ hectares. natural Migratory birds for The European ark ACTIVITY 14.- Colour these birds. Page 23 Migratory birds for The European ark Page 24