EM32-03 Design + Env risk assessment

Designer's Risk Assessment & Hazard Identification
Analysed by:
Analysed by (person):
Sheet Number:
Project No:
Drawing Ref:
Design Hazard
Design Hazard of Task/Element
1. Modifications to fire
alarm systems, HIGH
1 False Fire alarms, incorrect installation.
Non competent staff for such work. No
expansion in system. Existing System out
of date.
2. Removal of wall/forming 2.Collapse of structure, Non competent
openings HIGH
staff for such work
3. Hazardous material
3. Asbestos within structure
Contamination of duct work
4. Demolition material
4. Material from activity and transport
through building. Interaction with users in
the building, noise, dust
5. Installation of new
ceilings HIGH
5. Non competent staff for such work
Use of metal grids. Working at
Cuts, punctures from metal. Collapse
of ceiling incorrect installation,
6. New electrical services
6. Electrical shock/burns, electrocution
Non competent staff for such work
7. Decorating HIGH
7. Non competent staff for such work
Working at height/falls
8. Installation of floor
coverings HIGH
8. Manual handling adhesives, levelling
9. Plastering and fixing
plasterboard HIGH
9. Manual handling , fixing, cutting
drilling . Non competent staff for such
Document Control
Document ref: EM32-03 Design Risk Assessment
Approved: Simon Chubb, Environment Manager, 09/11/11
Residual Risk Assessment
1.1 Check existing system can be extended.
1.2 Only certified and competent contractor
for such works carries out installation.
2.1 Check walls none load bearing.
2.2 Any doubt get Struc Engr report/details.
3. 1 Check asbestos survey for the area.
3.2 Obtain a schedule of materials used in
ductwork from client department. Any
doubt treat as contaminated.
3.3 Allow for specialist contractor to
3.4 Only certified and competent contractor
for such works to carry out work
3.5 Contractors method statement required
4.1 Segregate storage areas,.
4.2 Carry out work out of tuition time.
4.3 Segregate routes out of building
Contractors method statement required
5.1 Only certified and competent contractor
for such works to carry out works
5.2 Works to be installed to manufactures
written instruction for such ceilings
5.3 Contractors method statement required
for all works including access equipment.
5.4 Use only approved steps, ladders and
access towers. LOW
6.1 Only certified and competent contractor
for such works to carry out work
6.2 Contractors method statement required
for all works including temporary electrical
7.1 Contractors method statement required
for all works including access equipment
7.1 Use only approved steps, ladders and
access towers. LOW
8. 1 Only certified and competent contractor
for such works to carry out work
8.2 Contractors method statement required
for all works COSHH statement for
materials used. LOW
9. 1 Only certified and competent contractor
for such works to carry out work.
9.2 Segregated waste disposal required from
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Design Hazard
Design Hazard of Task/Element
Residual Risk Assessment
general builders rubble.
9.3 Contractors method statement required
for all works including disposal of the off
9.4 Specific PPE required to be worn. Face
mask. LOW
10. Movement of staff,
students including
interaction with
contractors. HIGH
11. Disabled access and
egress HIGH
10. Moving equipment and waste through
corridors. Obstructing fire exits and
10.1 All demolition materials to be bagged
up and moved through agreed route.
10.2 All new materials to be moved through
agree route ensuring protection of students,
staff. Use of a banks man.
10.3 All fire exit routes and exits to be
10.4 No fire exits to be blocked or routes unless
agreed by the University or its agents. Such
needs to be recorded and alternatives agreed.
11. Access and Egress of disabled persons. 11.1 All work shall be designed and
Lack of compliance with Equality Act and constructed to the Equality Act and DDA Act.
DDA Act.
11.2 Use of powered access and egress to
doors. In areas agreed with Risk Management.
11.3 Use of localised Fire detection on each
side of Fire doors in such areas of access.
Risk Rating Assessment
To be Actioned by
High Risk
Medium Risk
Low Risk
Environmental Risk Analysis will be carried out by Authorising Building/Project Officer. Environment Team will audit selected
projects. Where assistance is required contact Environment Team. Copy of this assessment to be retained in project file
Is hazard covered by existing control
Dust, fumes,
noise & nuisance
Work Instruction 01-01: Control of Dust, Noise &
Nuisance Work Instruction issue 1
Work Instruction 06-01: Control of Emissions to Air
Work Instruction issue 1
Work Instruction 04-01: Storage of Fuels, Oils &
Chemicals Work Instruction issue 1
Work Instruction 05-01: Oil and chemical spill procedure
Work Instruction 08-01: Storage of Paints & Solvents
Work Instruction issue 1
Work Instruction 09-01: Procedure for Using Spill Kits
Work Instruction issue 1
Work Instruction 07-01: Wildlife and Archaeology Work
Instruction issue 1
Standard Specifications – Materials & Workmanship
Design Guide
Pollution of land
or water
Wildlife or
Energy, water or
Document Control
Document ref: EM32-03 Design Risk Assessment
Approved: Simon Chubb, Environment Manager, 09/11/11
Please tick to confirm and
consult Environment Team
regarding residual risks.
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Environmental Risk Analysis will be carried out by Authorising Building/Project Officer. Environment Team will audit selected
projects. Where assistance is required contact Environment Team. Copy of this assessment to be retained in project file
Is hazard covered by existing control
Work Instruction 02-01: Waste Management Work
Instruction issue 1
Work Instruction 03-01: Hazardous Waste Management
Work Instruction issue 1
Please tick to confirm and
consult Environment Team
regarding residual risks.
Fire : Is the design in accordance with BS9999 and the Anglia Ruskin Red Book ? Y/N
Possible Control Measures : Briefly outline measures required to avoid or minimise residual risk.
Delete/add as required.
Isolate all services to avoid electrical shock, false fire
7. Trained and competent electrical installer shall be
alarms, water damage.
employed. All work to be current IEE regulations.
2. Provide temp support to structure, check load bearing walls
8. Manual handling assessment required,
before removal of walls
9. Use of adhesives and levelling screed and all other
3. Asbestos register shall be checked by the contractor before
materials/substances that are products that could have an
works start in the area.
effect on people. The contractor shall provide COSHH
4. Agree removal process and segregation of the area/route
assessment needed included within the method statement.
before works starts. This route to include Maintaining
10. Contractor to use appropriate PPE when cutting.
means of Escape and Fire exit routes during the course of
11. Contractor to dispose of cuttings in separate designated
the works both in the area and its immediate area/corridors
container and in accordance with National regulations for
adjacent to the works. Contractor shall allow for any
disposal of waste from the project.
barriers/tape/.direction signs as required.
5. Installation of ceiling/falls from height use approved steps,
ladders and or mobile scaffolding.
6. The contractor shall comply with working at height
regulations in respect to all steps, scaffolding, working
platforms used during the work/project.
GENERAL NOTES/REQUIREMENTS FROM CONTRACTOR. Contractor to submit full method statement for each activity
together with Construction risk assessment and necessary COSHH assessment to the Building Officer before work starts on site.
Document Control
Document ref: EM32-03 Design Risk Assessment
Approved: Simon Chubb, Environment Manager, 09/11/11
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