Your company details
General plumbing including; installation and
maintenance of ball valves, soil pipes, Taps, pipe
soldering, hot work etc
Site Address
Project Start Date
Expected Duration
Projected Completion Date
Authorised by
Authorised by
Authorised by
(for Client)
Emergency Contact Details
Data Protection Statement
The information and data provided herein shall not be duplicated, disclosed or disseminated
by the recipient in whole or in part for any purpose whatsoever without the prior written
permission from Company.
Disclaimer please read (delete before use)
The details provided in this example method statement are intended as a guide only,
the hazards and control procedures listed are not a comprehensive list. You must
ensure that you carry out a risk assessment to determine and control the significant
hazards that will be present in your particular circumstance. All information and
advice is given in good faith. We cannot accept any responsibility for your
subsequent acts or omissions. If you have any doubts queries or concerns, you
should refer to the relevant regulations and take further professional advice.
Please delete all red text prior to use
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Use this page to highlight the significant hazards your staff and others will be
exposed to, also highlight the most important preventative/control measures that
must be taken, HAZARDS and CONTROL MEASURES will be taken from your RISK
ASSESSMENT. You can also highlight quality and environmental issues. The
following are examples; please delete/enter your own
Staff Information Sheet
The following method statement has been developed to provide a safe system of work and
must be adhered to at all times, any significant deviation from this system must first be
authorised by your manager or safety representative. Please read the entire sheet before
beginning, if you have any questions please contact your manager or safety
The main hazards to your safety and health are;
Injury from slips trips and falls.
Injury from Manual Handling.
Ill health from breathing solder fumes.
Injury to other contractors during works.
Injury from machine and tool hazards.
Fire from hot work.
Working at height.
Possible presence of Asbestos.
Main Preventative Measures you must take;
You must be “competent” to carry out the task.
Barriers and/or warning signs must be placed around the work area where
Fire extinguishers will be on hand during hot work.
Protective heat shields must be used.
Visitors and other members of staff are prohibited from entry unless accompanied
by competent person, all visitors issued with personal protective equipment where
You must read and be familiar with the COSHH Safety Data Sheets for solder.
You must follow all directions given by the project manager or his agents.
Review the asbestos survey before starting work.
Personal Protective Equipment you must wear;
Hard Hat.
Hi Visibility Vest.
Dust Mask.
Safety Glasses.
Safety boots.
Environmental Protection Measures you must take;
a) You must dispose of waste and spoil to the designated area or skip provided for
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Quality Control
Adhere strictly to the following procedure to ensure quality of service.
If in doubt contact your manager for clarification before proceeding.
Add in other relevant sections such as the items listed below. Your risk assessment
will tell you which control procedures must be in place (Remove any that do not apply
to you)
General Precautions
To be observed by all staff at all times, any deviation from these control procedures
must be authorised by the site foreman or safety representative.
Staff, Training & PPE
Plumbing and maintenance work will be carried out by staff from Company, all staff are time
served plumbers with relevant experience, and hold the following qualifications; List
Qualifications. A site manager will be appointed to each contract he/she will be responsible
for quality and safety. Apprentices and young workers will be supervised and are not
allowed to carry out tasks or operate machinery for which they have not been trained.
All site workers will wear Safety boots, and protective clothing at all times, other items of
PPE such as eye protection, respiratory masks and gloves are available to be worn as and
when necessary.
Preparation & Induction
A risk assessment will be prepared for all maintenance tasks which will be discussed with
members of staff and the building manager, any queries or concerns will be raised with the
contract manager who will ensure it is dealt with. Staff will be inducted onto site by the
building manager and will follow all safety procedures advised by the client.
The Client is responsible for providing adequate washing, toilet, drying and refreshment
facilities for Company staff and sub-contractors, Company are responsible for ensuring that
such welfare facilities are maintained in a clean and wholesome manner. This will be your
responsibility when you are the principal contractor, it may be necessary occasionally for
your company to identify suitable local amenities.
First Aid
It is the responsibility of the company to ensure adequate first aid provision for its staff.
Adequate means provision of a trained first aider, suitable first aid equipment and/or the
provision of an appointed person at the minimum.
A trained first aider will be a suitable person who has attended an approved course of at
least 3 days training repeated every 3 years and attended a refresher course every year in
An Appointed Person is a person provided by the employer to take charge of the situation
(e.g. to call an ambulance) if a serious injury/illness occurs in the absence of a first aider.
The Appointed Person can render emergency first aid if trained to do so. Often principal
contractors will ensure sufficient first aid cover for sites under their control
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Access egress
The principal contractor is responsible for providing safe access and egress to the site,
YOUR COMPANY staff will ensure safe access and egress is maintained for themselves and
other contractors in the area they are working in, good standards of housekeeping will be
maintained. YOUR COMPANY will be responsible for safe access and egress when you are
the principal contractor
Material Handling
All materials required for site will be unloaded to a designated unloading and storage area
which will be away from the work area as far as is practicable. This area will be kept tidy to
minimise trip hazards. Materials, as and when required, will be transferred from the storage
area to the work area. All staff will take care when handling materials.
Manual Handling
All staff and contractors have been instructed on the potential dangers of manual handling,
and have received manual handling training. Staff and contractors will not lift items, tools or
equipment beyond their capabilities. Heavy or awkward items will be broken down into
smaller units or dual lifted where this is not possible. It is the responsibility of the site
foreman to identify and control potentially dangerous manual handling situations as they
occur on site on a day to day basis.
Working from Step Ups
The majority of tasks that involve working at height will be carried out using the step up,
before use the floor area should be clear, free from waste and on level ground. The step up
should be checked for any sign of damage before use and if damaged removed from use
Working from Step Ladders
The majority of tasks carried out at height involve working below 2 metres from step ladders;
all staff have been made aware of the dangers of working from step ladders and have been
instructed on the safe use of ladders. Staff are required to read and understand HSE leaflet
INDG402 the Safe use of Ladders & Stepladders. Only competent members of staff will be
allowed to work from step ladders and it is the responsibility of the site foreman to ensure
conditions are safe before allowing any ladder work to take place. Only short duration work
will be performed from ladders. Alternative access methods will be used when longer
duration work is required.
Please also see Practical Alternatives to Using Step Ladders Part 1 and Practical
Alternatives to Using Step Ladders Part 2
Contractor/Visitor Safety
YOUR COMPANY will liaise with other contractor’s staff on a day to day basis and ensure
they are aware of the risks present during the works. Staff and contractors will not leave any
area of work in a dangerous condition or with risks to themselves, other contractors, tenants,
or visitors, all tools and equipment will be cleared to secure storage at the completion of
each shift. Scaffold, ladders and any other access to height will be made inaccessible.
Tools and Electrical Equipment
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All items of tools and equipment will be visually inspected on a regular basis defective or
damaged equipment will be removed from service. Electrical tools will be 110V where
possible, sub contractors will not be allowed to bring on to site any damaged or defective
tools, the site foreman is responsible for ensuring all tools and equipment brought onto the
site is fit for purpose.
Solder Flux
Solder flux fumes are potentially dangerous all staff must read and understand the safety
data sheet regarding solder flux. (HSE Publication INDG248 Solder Fume and You). It is
the responsibility of the site foreman to ensure adequate ventilation where soldering is being
carried out.
Method Statements
Describe the task or process you are writing about;
Task Description
This method statement describes the work process for general plumbing and plumbing
maintenance work.
Describe in detail the step by step the tasks or process someone must follow in order
to complete the task safely. Delete any that do not apply to your situation
Report to site office and inform site manager of arrival, collect permit to work
where required.
Attend any induction as required by the principal contractor or building manager.
Put on your personal protective equipment.
Take tools and equipment to the work area.
Cordon off work area if required to do so.
Ensure the area to be worked on and the exit points are clear of obstruction and
that safe access and egress is maintained.
Check any electrical or hand tools for damage or faults, faulty or damaged tools
must be removed from service immediately.
Do not leave tools and equipment unattended at any time.
Ensure the work area is left safe at end of each shift and when unattended.
Maintenance/repair work
Liaise with other contractors and facilities manager to isolate water supplies.
Isolate Hot & cold water pipes where necessary.
Drain down the water system where necessary.
When chasing out the walls firstly use the cable/pipe finder to locate any electric
cables or pipe work.
5) Mark the wall for the area to be chased out.
6) On plasterboard walls carefully cut out using a knife or saw.
7) On plaster walls chase out using a Kango power chisel or hand bolster.
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8) If necessary remove any skirting boards by driving the bolster chisel behind the board
and carefully levering it away from the wall (gloves should always be worn)
9) If necessary to take up any floorboards these should first be checked with the
cable/pipe finder to ensure the area below the board is clear.
10) Set the circular saw to 18mm depth and along the length of the board on both sides
through the tennon (on some floors it may be necessary to reset the saw to a
depth of 22mm and take a second cut
11) Using the bolster chisel lever up the board, remove all nails.
12) When taking up carpet and lifting floorboards attention will be paid to the trip hazard
created, do not leave open floorboards and upturned carpets any longer than is
necessary, sufficient warning signs must be posted where there is a risk of other
contractors entering the site.
13) Carry out replacement of parts or repairs.
14) Ensure waste pipes and other plastic pipe work are connected correctly.
15) Where plastic pipe is connected with solvents, staff will follow all safe use instructions.
16) Where solder work has to be carried out, prepare pipe work for solder joints.
17) Obtain the appropriate hot work permit from the facilities manager.
18) Ensure the correct type of fire extinguisher is on hand during hot work.
19) Protect surrounding area with heat shields.
20) Ensure adequate ventilation for solder work.
21) Connect and solder all necessary joints.
22) Check all joints.
23) Liaise with facilities manager to turn water supplies back on.
24) Carry out further checks for water tightness and quality of finish.
25) Chlorinate the system if required and check for successful completion.
26) Request facilities manager to inspect works.
27) Issue certificate of completion and chlorination to facilities manager.
28) Pack tools and equipment and leave area clean and tidy.
29) Maintain fire watch for 30 minutes where hot work has been carried out.
30) Report to site office and sign off permit to work.
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