Chapter 7 Quiz

Real Estate Economics – 5th Edition - by Huber, Messick, and Pivar
Chapter 7 Quiz
Copyright January 2011, Educational Textbook Company
1. A suburb is described as:
a. the economic center of a metropolitan area.
b. communities beyond commuting distances to a central city.
c. a community outside the central city but without the metropolitan area.
d. an economically self-sufficient entity.
2. Suburban dwellers are more likely to have:
a. a traditional household.
b. more education.
c. more income.
d. all of the above.
3. Residential communities where the inhabitants commute to work in other areas are
known as:
a. commuters.
b. bedroom communities.
c. working communities.
d. bedroom residents.
4. Which main development allowed industry to locate away from rail lines?
a. Road transportation
b. Automobiles
c. Bicycles
d. Train transportation
5. What was the main reason for increased automobile ownership?
a. Closeness of plants
b. Economics of assembly line production
c. Closing of street car lines
d. None of the above
6. After World War II, which of the following allowed people to commute greater
distances than previously would have been possible?
a. Rivers
b. Sidewalks
c. Freeways/expressways
d. Trolley lines
7. A build up of unsatisfied wants and needs is referred to as:
a. greed.
b. pent up demand.
c. high demand.
d. wishing.
8. In the 1880s, Henry Huntington started an electric trolley car system known as the:
a. Red Car Line.
b. Pasadena Line.
c. Huntington’s Trolley Line.
d. Southern California Trolley Association.
9. Post World War II, white collar and factory workers were able to move to the suburbs
due to:
a. G.I. Bill of Rights.
b. VA loans.
c. pent up demand
d. all of the above.
10. To help gain revenue in property and sales taxes, many suburban areas have been
a. more houses.
b. more freeways.
c. more shopping centers.
d. higher tax brackets.
Real Estate Economics – 5th Edition - by Huber, Messick, and Pivar
Chapter 7 Quiz Answers
Copyright January 2011, Educational Textbook Company
1. c (p223)
2. d (p225)
3. b (p227)
4. a (p229)
5. b (p227)
6. c (p227)
7. b (p229)
8. a (p228)
9. d (p229)
10. c (p236)