to the official Word Document

Grand Council Teleconference
January 4, 2005
Attendees: Gregory Pelley, WGA; Laura Schmidt, WGAA; Vicki Horton, WGS; Frank Kitchel, WGE; J. Scott
MacKay, GA. Excused: Shani Redmond, ND; Chooch Pickard, ED; Nicole Dress, DD
Called to Order Tuesday, January 4, 2005 at 8:06PM (CST).
WGA requests approval of minutes from July 2004 through December 15, 2004 meetings, as revised per
edits. Hearing no further required edits, motion made and duly seconded to accept the official minutes and
post to the national website. Motion passes. [Note: see WGS report for update on 57th Convention minutes]
A. Officer Reports
WGA Report
1. WGA spoke with Kim Novak, the Risk Management Director at Arizona State University. She is very
respectful of fraternity rituals in general and has expressed a sincere willingness to work with us. As
such, WGA has asked RD8 to set up a mutually agreed upon date and time for Satyros Chapter to
perform the portion of Ritual in question for Ms. Novak or her designee. WGA will be meeting with
Ms. Novak in Tempe next week, but the meeting is more general in nature, with plans to discuss
information and strategies for developing a Risk Management program for the fraternity. Depending
on the results of this meeting, WGA feels she may be a strong candidate for a presentation at our
next Leadership Conference or another similar event.
2. Domitian has received acceptance from a faculty member to initiate as the colony’s 10 th member on
January 29, thereby clearing the way for chapter installation immediately afterward.
3. WGA is in receipt of Senenmut’s petition for affiliation and has responded to their president with
comments on their Bylaws (nothing critical). We shall take this up under New Business.
4. WGA has also received a “draft” copy of the Hadrian petition for affiliation. It is still under review in
its entirety, but will try to complete and respond today. Of particular concern is the affiliated
Universities consideration in their Bylaws. While consideration could be given to a directly adjacent
school (Loyola, in their case), WGA is not in support of a broad interpretation to include all schools in
the area.
5. WGA anticipates petitions from Metagenes and Dinocrates to be forthcoming and asked that the
Board be prepared to confer on these as needed.
6. Leadership Conference 2005 will be held in State College the weekend of September 23-25. Please
email any and all ideas and suggestions pertaining to the professional program to the WGA. We
would like to get a good sense of the program and develop promotional materials by Convention.
7. Summer meeting will be held in Des Moines, IA the weekend of July 10. Please check your
schedules and advise of any conflicts as soon as possible. WGA will notify the Foundation board
members and invite them to attend.
8. WGA had originally planned to attend the Apollodorus Reunion gathering in February, but it appears
a trip from Des Moines will simply be too costly. WGA requests other Board members check their
schedules and advise if they will be able to attend.
9. WGA requests bullet points for inclusion in the Grand Council’s Report to the 58th National
Convention by February 15. The WGE is requested to have fiscal year to date figures available for
inclusion just prior to convention.
10. Motions for constitutional changes to be made at the 58th National Convention are due to the WGA
by January 14. Please publicize this information at any and every opportunity.
11. WGA did not reissue the latest version of the Constitution and Bylaws, due to a lack of official
convention minutes. However, WGA will request that the national webmaster post the newest
revision of the Constitution and Bylaws, without the updates in question.
12. WGA will send notice to all chapters and alumni associations for awards nominations to be given at
the 58th convention.
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January 4, 2005
13. Joshua Thompson (RD8) has asked that the fraternity establish a structured Pledge Education
program for colonies so that sponsoring chapters’ resources are not strained in the education of the
Colonies. WGA has asked him to head a committee to do so, and will contact the VITR Colony
Directors, Jimmy Wall from APOL, Terri Boothman (RD5), and possibly Chooch Pickard (ED) to
develop the program. WGA recommends that they use the ‘National’ Pledge Education program as
the starting point and will forward this document to the committee once formed.
14. WGA still plans to set up a time to visit RHOE and PYTH. Will keep that on his agenda.
15. On the WGA’s To Do list:
a. Activate the Nominations Committee
b. See if there has been any action on any of the Committees
c. Organize the Business Meeting for Convention (including ballots, Standing Rules, etc.)
d. Keynote Speaker for Convention? (need the tentative schedule from the WGAA)
16. Projects not started/completed (from Summer Meeting):
a. National Historian (although a version of this is active via Renay Marquez.). Will follow up.
b. National Service Project/relationship with Habitat for Humanity
c. Annotated Constitution and Bylaws
d. Risk Management Procedures (will work with Ms. Novak on this next week.)
e. WGA Policy and Procedure
f. GC Orientation Guide and Board member agendas.
WGAA Report
1. 58th Annual Convention Planning
 The Convention Packet Mailer had to be significantly reduced, due to cost restrictions. It went
from a full packet to a single 11x17 b&w folded sheet, taped and mailed. The mailer includes a
registration form, and a taste of what the potential attendee will need to know, and directs them
to the full information packet to be stored on our website.
 The committee’s next conference call is Tuesday, 1/11/05.
 The fee schedule has been finalized.
o Full Convention Registration: $135 early bird, $155 regular price
o Banquet Registration: $64 early bird, $73 regular price
o Spouse (for banquet only): $32 early bird, $37 regular price
o Deadline for Early Bird Registration: 2/15/05
o Deadline for mail-in registration: 3/10/05
 Frank had requested an invoice before making the deposit for the Delaware Park casino. Lori
Beth submitted an invoice on December 28th. WGE will make the deposit via credit card 1/5/05.
2. 59th Annual Convention Planning
Lori Beth Wilson and the WGAA will be heading to Denver on January 14th.
Hotels we will be checking out are Doubletree Hotel Denver, the Embassy Suites Denver Aurora,
and Adam's Mark. Lori Beth has been working with Brian Douglas Stanwood to seek the right
venues and develop an appropriate schedule for our visit.
3. Alumni Outreach
 Alumni Association Expansion
o Apollodorus: I haven’t heard from them in a while. I’m sure the holiday has slowed them
down. I’ll be sure to contact Danny Lee as soon as I can.
o Seshait: RD3 Shawn Vann is still working hard to get the Seshait AA started back up.
o Imhotep: I just put a post-it note on my screen to remind me to contact Duke.
 Regional Development
o Metro Liason Plan: The Metro Plan is coming together slowly but surely. I have spoken with
RD4 and RD7 about metro development in their regions.
Region 4: Elizabeth Laske is the Chicago Area ML
Region 7: Kurt Johansen is the Seattle Area ML. John Lawrence has been appointed the
Portland Area ML. Scott Swanson is very excited about this prospect and has requested a
budget to mail the alumni in the Seattle and Portland areas to generate more interest, and
also obtain more email addresses. I agree that this is a good, and inexpensive idea, and he
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January 4, 2005
and I, plus the 2 ML’s of that region will work together to develop this further. When it is
done, it should come out of the Alumni Development line-item (5635).
Washington DC: The happy Hour events continue. Also a snow-tubing event has been
planned for February 5th at White Tail Ski resort.
4. Alumni Projects
 Alumni Association Commendation: Upon receipt of the WGE report, this office will be able to
determine the winner of this award.
o Pete Heinz is still on board to create the artwork for the design, and he is anxiously awaiting
the winner so he can begin to design his piece.
 Alumni Association Commendation: Upon receipt of the WGE report, this office will be able to
determine the winner of this award. An outline for the next report to our alumni boards has been
developed. The final write up should be ready in a week. Topics include:
o Alumni Association Establishment Fee - Reimbursement P&P
o Metro-Liaison Project
o Alumni Database Project Update
o Living History Project
o Convention: Important Dates and Deadlines
o Upcoming Alumni Association Events
5. Alumni Dues Invoices
It has been suggested that the Board group together this year’s alumni dues invoices with the
unveiling of the new database system. As the database will not be ready for unveiling until February,
the WGAA has concerns that this would only allow a very short time frame in which to send out the
Other concerns (pros and cons) of grouping them together: would introduce the alumni to the
fraternity’s new online payment options; this option is less expensive than sending two separate
mailings (one for the database unveiling and one for dues invoicing); the two functions could cause
confusion, leading to a loss in dues collection. This office would appreciate any and all input on the
subject, especially from the Development Director, as it pertains to collecting contributions.
6. Computer Related Projects
 National Database
The bulk of the work I’ve done this month falls under this category.
The database has been loaded into the program, and as I suspected there are still a lot of bugs
to work out. Mike is committed to making sure that all of our bells and whistles work the way we
want them to, and as they were initially contracted. To access the site please copy the following
address into your web browser:
For full GC access: user= demo; password= ****
For alumni association/ active chapter access: user= anthemios; password: ****
For individual access: user= demouser; password: ****
Please take a look at this. Play around with it. Even though the WGS will continue to be the
primary officer inputting updates, you may find yourself updating the database as well in the
future. Please submit all comments and concerns to this office directly. It would be most helpful
if they are numbered and clear.
o We still need to decide on a final server location. Several options are available, but due to
the programming language used, our current ISP will not be able to support the database.
The job board is also written in this language, which is why we have kept it on the
Anchorwave server. Options: we can move the entire website onto a single server, or leave
the basic website with our current ISP and keep the database and the job board on a
separate server. Anchorwave has expanded, and has plenty of server space to support us,
but this office wants to ensure there are no issues pertaining to conflict of interest. A 3rd
party server that can support us may also be an option. Mike will be able to help us decide,
should we go this route.
WGS Report
1. Meeting minutes (sans 57th national convention) are complete. The 57th Convention President has
indicated that she is making progress and hopes to finish convention minutes by January 9. She was
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January 4, 2005
missing information from the Convention Secretary, but has filled with notes from her own file. I will
advise as updates become available.
The WGE forwarded several E-1's and membership reports. Because of progress on the database
project by Anchor Wave, I have not yet entered information from these or alumni address updates
received in the past month. The WGAA is working with Anchor Wave to test the system using the
database and will use recent alumni address updates from the website to determine if all is going as
expected. Upon verification from the WGAA, this office will utilize only the new online database for
address updates and mailers.
Need verification that the WGE has received an invoice from Custom Color Graphics for the alumni dues
reminder sent in December. [Note: WGE received and will pay well within the 30 day time]
This office received a second check from Cal Poly for Daedalus active dues and will forward it to the
WGE as soon as possible. WGS will follow up with Cal Poly's Accounts Payable department and ensure
they have the correct mailing information on file for all future payments.
This office is aware of no recent changes to the Master Directory so the December version is still correct.
Nothing new to report on the national website. The message boards appear to have quieted significantly
during the holidays and semester breaks. Will monitor to see if activity increases as the semesters start.
This office is severely behind on fraternity-related emails. I appreciate everyone’s patience as I work
through all of them, as I’m sure there are project updates and questions to be answered.
WGS has been working with Cleisthenes and Xenocles Alumni Association to set up an initiation here in
the DFW area for Cleisthenes' Beta class the weekend of January 14. Recent conversations with the
chapter shed light again on the fact that the fraternity needs to fill the gaps in information regarding the
role of colony sponsor post-chapter installation. Recently, the ED suggested that perhaps the role of
colony sponsor should be formally broadened to include the sponsor's guidance through the first few
semesters as the new chapter gets its feet under it. This would/should include running chapter
meetings, initiation materials, rush support, etc. WGS will notify ND, ED, APOL WA, and VITR Colony
Advisor and ask that they formulate an outline for this information to be added to the current Colony
Policy and Procedures document for Alpha Rho Chi members. RD8 has also been instructed to
formulate a colony pledge education program.
This office received a message from the Daedalus Alumni president outlining their Mentor Program. It is
very promising. I have requested they send the final version to the WGAA for suggestions and
consideration of national utilization.
WGS received a petition package from Senenmut Colony. All appears in order with their petition. As
such, this office requests the WGA add this to New Business.
See ND's report for regional chapter/association updates.
The Expansion Director is in receipt of a letter of interest from students at the University of Hartford and
has begun the standard procedure for colonization. WGA and WGS request that the ED begin proactive
efforts to recruit at least four more active colonies by May, 2005.
WGE Report
1. Checking Account Balance & Investment (Liquidity)
The Fraternity’s checking account balances as of 12-31-04 is $89,860.35. Our Merrill Lynch investment
account was closed on 8-31-04 and the proceeds were forwarded to the WGE and have been deposited
in the checking account. The amount we “owe to the investment account is $66,640.44.
Major Changes in Cash Balance, Position or Investment Value since last report
Major cash expenditures during the month were as follows:
ARCHI Postage
Anchor Wave (final payment)
Total expenses paid this fiscal year total $45,500.
2. Accounts Receivable Update
Major cash receipts during the previous month were actives’ dues and pledge fees totaling $4,746.
Total cash receipts this fiscal year to date are $26,435. A year to date actual v. budget income
statement covering the period July 1 to December 31, 2004 is attached.
3. Chapter Reporting
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January 4, 2005
As of December 31, 2004, we have 14 active chapters. Five chapters (ANTH, IMHO, PYTH, SATY,
SESH) are up to date with their monthly membership reports and are fully paid up through
December. Details of chapters reporting and dues are shown in the attached file.
 Nicon was installed without paying installation fees or initiation fees and owes a significant sum to
start out the year. They have promised to start filing E-2 forms and paying their dues, but this office
has still not seen anything. This office suggests this problem requires immediate action.
 Domitian initiation fees were received in the amount of $828.90, which corresponds to 11.04 new
initiates. As nine members were initiated, will apply the overage to the initiation fee for their 10 th
initiate and charter fees.
4. Projects Update
 No progress has been made on writing a P&P for the automatic payment of our Fraternity Visa card.
 No progress has been made regarding a liability umbrella policy for the Fraternity, especially as it
pertains to corporate risk management.
 On or around January 15, Alumni Association annual dues invoices will be sent.
Grand Advisor Report
1. Will follow up with convention speaker, but request the Convention Committee provide a specific
schedule so that this office knows when to request the speaker present.
2. An individual (outside of the fraternity) has expressed interest in attending convention for the express
purpose of earning continuing education credits. Would like to find out as soon as possible if these
credits will be available and, if so, the specifics.
3. Will follow up on leads in Denver if requested by the Convention
4. Note: will be unable to attend LC’05 due to prior commitments for the stated dates.
Expansion Director’s Report
See WGS report for updates
National Director’s Report
1. Region 1: Nine pledges from DOMI were initiated on December 4th. NJIT Professor Navin has agreed to
initiate as a faculty member and will become the 10th member of Domitian, allowing them to install as a
chapter, tentatively scheduled for January 29. SENE has submitted their petition for installation as a
chapter, tentatively scheduled February 25. VITR initiated four new members on December 4. They
have held elections, at which Linda Lewis was reelected WA. RD indicates a regional retreat is being
planned for a weekend in April.
2. Region 2: META petition for installation should have been received January 3rd as they have tentatively
proposed March 11th for their initiation and installation. META AA is planning a snow tubing event for
February 5th. No DC Happy Hour was scheduled for December due to the holidays. However, RD is
scheduling the next one for January 12th.
3. Region 3: APOL has completed several community service projects. The WA is concerned with what
appears to be a lack of participation, but they are looking forward to the 20th anniversary formal
scheduled for next month. HADR is working on corrections made to their petition draft and should have
those completed by the end of this week. They will submit a final petition at that time. They recently
held the AIAS Forum in New Orleans. NICO is still struggling with financial issues and the debt owed to
the fraternity. They are currently working on the recruiting efforts for fall semester. SESH plans to work
on community service projects this semester and have recently initiated ten new members. They are
also planning a portfolio workshop this spring.
4. Region 4: very short report. ANTH is doing well. They held elections with turnover taking place in
virtually every office. This appears to have given the chapter a much needed morale boost. They are
initiating nine new members during the weekend of January 15. IKTI is holding initiation January 15 for
15 new members. They have several events planned for the semester and are upbeat. They are
overwhelmed with their outstanding financial debt to the fraternity, but are working to find ways to
become current. As always, RABI is under new leadership due to the co-op schedule. They are
initiating two members January 9. The RD plans to attend all three initiations, weather permitting.
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January 4, 2005
5. Region 5: CLEI is headed to the DFW area on January 14 for their initiation in order to take advantage
of XENO Alumni experience. RD has attempted to contact DINO Colony with reminders and assistance
on their petition, but has received no response. This is a major concern. XENO AA is preparing for
CLEI’s initiation in less than two weeks.
6. Region 6: PYTH hosted a party with great turnout. They have held elections and Amy Vrtiska is now
their WA. Initiation is scheduled for the weekend of January 15. RHOE is initiating 13 members on
January 20 and they plan to have all indebtedness paid in full to the fraternity by convention.
7. Region 7: MSU currently has eight people interested in starting a chapter and the RD is working actively
with them to build their numbers. RD is also working with alumni in the Portland and Seattle areas to set
up regional retreats.
8. Region 8: No formal report from RD as of yet. However, in light of recent events at SATY, the ND
expects he is actively working to resolve the issues at hand. RD7 notes that DAED AA is having an
annual alumni retreat the weekend of January 15.
9. National Director contacted Region 3 Director regarding issues facing NICO and informed RD that
resolution must be reached and notification sent to the Grand Council by January 16.
Development Director Report
1. Outstanding projects
 Per WGAA’s request, will send letters to potential 58th National Convention corporate sponsors. This
will be completed by January 9.
 Will also send a similar letter for 59th National Convention sponsors to the Denver area. This office
will research potential Denver sponsors after the 58th NC letters are complete.
 Apollodorus Chapter asked for assistance in planning their upcoming alumni reunion event. This
office will be following up this week to see if they need any last minute assistance.
 Will also contact Vitruvius recent graduates and help motivate them to continue and expand their
attempts to promote the chapter’s upcoming 50th anniversary. All alumni on the e-list received basic
information, but would like to check in and see what else they have planned thus far.
2. Other projects:
 Foundation profiles on the webpage - have received basic bio info and photos for some Foundation
Board members. Would like to retool the info and upload to the website so that potential donors feel
more comfortable with the personnel at the helm. Will focus on this after sponsor letters are sent.
 Initial contact with prospects: met with John Filip and we mapped strategies to personally contact a
number of Vitruvians in an effort to garner support for the fraternity. This office will make initial
contact with one of the Vitruvius founding members and see if he is willing to contact several others.
This will be complete prior to the next Conference call.
 Recap of fundraising discussion at Leadership Conference: This office will sum up the fundraising
discussion held at the Fall 04 LC and email it to all LC attendees and WA’s. WGA may review this
prior to issuance if he’d like. Self imposed deadline on this project: early February.
 Addition of Development Director to national C&BL: Will get some verbiage to WGA per his request
so that this can be issued before the deadline.
 Consolidation of Development Info / Staff Handbook: This has not been started, but this office plans
to be 90% complete before convention. It includes a compilation of all of the resources, personnel,
donation opportunities, past donors, prospect bios, mission, current marketing efforts, etc. of all of
the fraternity’s organizations. This was mentioned to the Foundation in October, but they have not
responded in any way. Research has already begun started with the Grand Council, but expect to
receive requests from this office to fill in the blanks at some point.
B. Old Business
C. New Business
The Grand Council is in receipt of a petition for affiliation as a Chapter of Alpha Rho Chi from the
Senenmut Colony at University at Buffalo. After careful review by all Board members, everything
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January 4, 2005
appears to be in order. A couple of questions have been posed by the WGS to their sponsor regarding
the colony’s completion of the requirements prior to installation. However, these items are minor and
would not affect the final decision on this petition. Motion is made by the WGS and duly seconded by the
WGAA to accept the petition for affiliation as the Senenmut Chapter of Alpha Rho Chi. Motion passes
unanimously. The WGA will notify the colony, their sponsor and the Grand Lecturer of this decision so
that final plans for the chapter’s initiation and installation can be made accordingly.
D. Suggestions for the Betterment of the Fraternity
Next conference call is scheduled for Tuesday, February 8 at 8PM CST. Please notify the WGA if this
date will not work for you. There will be a March conference call, per the WGAA’s request, to be held on
Thursday, March 3 at 8PM CST.
Motion made and duly seconded to adjourn, 9:16PM CST. Passes unanimously.
I do attest and affirm that the above text is an accurate record of the proceedings of the teleconference of the
Grand Council of Alpha Rho Chi Professional Architecture Fraternity, held Tuesday, January 4, 2005.
Respectfully submitted this 5th day of January, 2005:
Vicki J. Horton
Vicki J. Horton, WGS
to the Official Minutes
from the Grand Council Teleconference
Attendees: Gregory Pelley, WGA; Laura Schmidt, WGAA; Vicki Horton, WGS; Frank Kitchel, WGE; J. Scott
MacKay, GA; Shani Redmond, ND; Christine Brazill, RD2; Rick Jenkins, META AA Ritual Director, Kim
Clark, META Colony Pledge Trainer. Excused: Chooch Pickard, ED; Michele LeTourneur, META Alumni
Special Meeting Called to Order Friday, January 7, 2005 at 8:03PM (EST).
The Grand Council is in receipt of a formal Petition for Affiliation as a Chapter of Alpha Rho Chi from
members of Metagenes Colony.
All appears to be in order, the colony having met all criteria as set forth by the fraternity in the Colony
Requirements Prior to Installation as a Chapter of Alpha Rho Chi
General discussion ensues, including question and answer period. Comments and suggestions:
 Brother Clark speaks on behalf of the Colony, expressing his satisfaction in the group. The Colony
has already been operating as a chapter for several months, they are very strong professionally and
academically. The group has taken a long time to gel, but they appear stronger than many other
organizations at this stage because of the challenges they have had to face.
 WGA is particularly proud of the film series and the promotional materials the colony put together for
the events.
 WGAA is very impressed with the fact that the colony chose to include detailed financial statements
in their petition, as many other colonies tend to treat this portion of the petition as a necessary evil.
 WGS is very impressed by not only the graphic skills represented in the petition, but also in the
content. It is obvious more than one person spent a good deal of time on the petition. The concerns
mentioned by the WGS to other Grand Council officers bear repeating here, but are still minor and
do not preclude an affirmative vote on the petition as is.
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WGE is very pleased with the presentation and is only slightly concerned about the limitations set in
the chapter’s Constitution and Bylaws regarding membership restrictions. However, the WGE is also
prepared to vote in favor of acceptance.
Grand Advisor feels the presentation is exceptional and agrees with the minor concerns raised by
the WGS. A vote on the petition is highly warranted.
National Director has yet to see the petition, as she was inadvertently omitted on distribution to the
original message. WGA will forward her the message in question.
Region 2 Director is very impressed with their final presentation and is proud of the efforts put forth
as a group by the colony. RD2 is particularly pleased to see that the entire colony worked together
as a team to produce such a quality presentation.
Clarification of previous discussions, for the record: all pledge fees have been paid. There was an error
made in April of 2004 regarding the charter fee to be charged to the colony. The national bylaws indicate
that a charter fee must be assessed, regardless of the previous error. Brother Clark will notify the colony of
the $250 charter fee.
Motion is made by the WGS and duly seconded by the Grand Advisor to accept the petition for affiliation
from the Metagenes Colony. WGA calls for a roll call vote. The vote is unanimous to accept the petition of
the Metagenes Colony for Affiliation as a Chapter of Alpha Rho Chi Fraternity.
The WGA will send ballots to all chapters and associations, per the fraternity’s Constitution and Bylaws and
will contact the Grand Lecturer to begin coordinating his attendance at the installation ceremony, tentatively
scheduled to be held in the DC area the weekend of March 11, 2005.
Motion made and duly seconded to adjourn, 8:30PM EST. Passes unanimously.
I do attest and affirm that the above text is an accurate record of the proceedings of the Special Meeting of
the Grand Council of Alpha Rho Chi Professional Architecture Fraternity, held via telephone Friday, January
7, 2005, to be included as an addendum to the Official Minutes from the Grand Council meeting held
Tuesday, January 4, 2005.
Respectfully submitted this 7th day of January, 2005:
Vicki J. Horton
Vicki J. Horton, WGS
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