Fakulti Pengajian Pendidikan, UPM KOD KURSUS: EDU 5818 NAMA KURSUS: INSTRUCTIONAL SUPERVISION COURSE EVALUATION A COURSEWORK Marks 1. Review of one journal articles related to instructional supervision. Due in 28-29/03/15 (Peperiksaan Pertengahan) 10% 2. Essay on supervisory options for teachers. Due in 16/05/15 (Perjumpaan 6) 10% 3 Mid semester test covering Lecture 1 - 5 on 28-29/03/15 (Peperiksaan Pertengahan) 30% 4. Project paper “Developing instrument for Evaluating Teaching and Learning”. Due in week 23-25/05/15 (Peperiksaan Akhir) 20% B Final Exam Lecture 6-9 on 23-25/05/15 (Peperiksaan Akhir) 30% Total 100% A) COURSEWORK EVALUATION 1 (10%): GROUP OF 2 SUBMISSION – REVIEW OF A JURNAL ARTICLE (ULASAN MAKALAH EMPIRIS) Due in 28-29/03/15 (Peperiksaan Pertengahan) You are required to search an empirical/conventional research jurnal articles relating to instructional supervision (last five years). Please emel to ramlibasri@gmail.com to confirm your article. Based on your understanding of the article prepare a review based on the following sub-topics: 1. What is the objective of the study and its relevance to instructional supervision? (4 marks) 2. Prepare a summary the literature review. (4 marks) 3. What is the research instrument and describe how data is collected. (4 marks) 4. What are the major findings of the study (4 marks). 5. What are the contribution of the study to instructional supervision theory or practice? (4 marks) Please ensure your submission has a cover page (EDU 5818: Tugasan 1: Ulasan Makalah Kajian Empiris; Tittle of Article; Name; matrix number and Center number; Name of Lecturer: Dr. Ramli Basri); your review paper and a copy of the article. Submit your review together with your mid term answer script. EVALUATION 2 (10%): GROUP OF FOUR SUBMISSION– 3-PAGE ESSAY ON SUPERVISORY OPTION FOR TEACHERS Due in 16/05/15 (Perjumpaan 6) 1. Read on supervisory options for teachers in: a) Chapter 12: Clinical Supervision, Researching Practice, Teacher Learning. in Sergiovni, T. J., Starratt, R. J. (2002) Supervision a redefinition. (7th ed.) Boston: Mc Graw Hill. (UPM Library LB2806.4 S484 ); and b) Chapter 13–Supervisory options for teachers. in Sergiovani, T. J., Starratt, R. J. (2002) Supervision a redefinition. (7th ed.) Boston: Mc Graw Hill. (UPM Library LB2806.4 S484 ) 2. Choose one supervisory option for teachers and prepare an essay explaining this options (imagine you are presenting and trying to convince your fellow teachers in your school) 3. Format of essay: a) b) c) d) EDU5818: Name, Matrix no and Center; Name of Lecturer: Dr. Ramli Basri. Topic of supervisory option. Summary of the supervisory option (5 marks). Describe how this option is implemented OR how this option can be implemented at your institution (10 marks). e) Present your reflection on this option (5 marks). 4. Topic of presentation (choose any topic): a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Clinical supervision Peer supervision Mentoring Lesson study Looking at students work & Using protocol Self directed supervision Inquiry based supervision Informal supervision Instructional leadership and becoming a teacher leader. EVALUATION 3 (30%): Mid semester test covering Lecture 1 - 5 (120 minutes test. 30 multiple choice questions (answer all) and two esei question, answer just one in the question paper) 28-29/03/15 (Peperiksaan Pertengahan) EVALUATION 4 (20%): GROUP OF FOUR SUBMISSION: PROJECT PAPER “EVALUATING TEACHING AND LEARNING” (max 5 students per group) Due in 23-25/05/15 (Peperiksaan Akhir) 1. Based on the course material and your further readings in instructional supervision, develop a proposal (instrument with 15 to 20 items) to evaluate the practice of “Teaching and Learning” on aspects or dimensions of your choice. 2. How? Assume you are a supervisor and this is like preparing a research proposal. Read jurnal, articles, books, research papers on instructional supervision, effective schools, effective teachers, instructional leadership…and search for INSTRUMENT FOR SUPERVISION for various aspects or dimensions of teaching and learning. 3. Writing and presentation format: a) Cover: Name, Matrix no and Center, Topic and Semester 1 2012-2013: Name of Lecturer Dr Ramli Basri b) 1st page: table of contents c) Contents: Introduction, Purpose/objective of the Instrument; Theoretical framework for the instrument (literature review); Elaboration of the instrument (what is it for and how to use it); and the instrument. d) Last page: Reference (use APA system). e) Appendix: Main jurnal, papers and articles used in the project. f) Discussion on evaluation shall be continuous from lecture 1. 4. Marking scheme for the project paper: No. Tittle 1. Introduction Marks Background of Instrument A. Objective B. Domain of instrument 2. Theoretical Framework (Literature review) 3. Instrument /5 /10 A. Instruction: 1. Information about the instrument : Objective, assist / assess, method of supervision, who can use this instrument; 2. Information about the teacher being supervised; 3. Information about Supervisor B. Instruments domain and items (including notes & reflection column) /5 /10 /5 C. Instrument scale 4. Conclusion /5 Reference Annex TOTAL /40 B) FINAL EXAM: 30% Final Exam Lecture 6-9 on 23-25/05/15 (Peperiksaan Akhir) (180 minutes test. 30 multiple choice questions (answer all) and two essay question, answer just one in the question paper).