DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) SIM UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA STUDENT : W0706833 SUPERVISOR : MAK LIN SENG PROJECT CODE : JUL09/BEHE/22 A project report submitted to SIM University in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering May 2010 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) ABSTRACT Signal generator produces alternating current (AC) of the desired frequencies and amplitudes with the necessary modulation for testing or measuring circuits. Users are able to know what state the circuit is in when the signals are distorted, attenuated or missing entirely. Therefore, it is important that the amplitude generated by the signal generator is accurate. The objective of this project is to design a signal generator using Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) to generate a few basics waveform such as square waves, triangular waves and sine waves. These waveforms will be output to a oscilloscope since with just the LCD on the FPGA development board is not able to display the waveforms. The project will be divided into 3 main areas. The first is the development of different waveform signals which can be selected, second will be the development of selecting different frequencies for the waveform output and thirdly is to transfer these signals to Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) which then output to the Oscilloscope. 1 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor Mr. Mak Lin Seng for his guidance, constructive suggestion and encouragement has given me a great helped in providing me a good basis in this project. I am also grateful to Mr. Min Thu Naung for his patience and precious time in providing the utmost support for my project. Special thanks to Xilinx’s field engineer Mr. Felix Keng in favour of providing a workshop for ISE and FPGA Starter Kit training. I wish to extend my gratitude to my family and wife, Ms. Shannon Teo for their understanding and patience throughout this period. 2 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................. 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................... 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................ 3 LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................... 6 LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................................... 8 CHAPTER ONE .......................................................................................................... 9 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 9 1.1 BACKGROUND .................................................................................................. 9 1.2 OBJECTIVE ..................................................................................................... 10 1.3 SCOPE............................................................................................................. 10 CHAPTER TWO ....................................................................................................... 11 REVIEW OF THEORY AND PREVIOUS WORK DONE..................................... 11 2.1 OVERVIEW OF SIGNAL GENERATOR ................................................................ 11 2.2 SIGNAL GENERATOR BLOCK DIAGRAM .......................................................... 12 2.2.1 Memory Allocation ................................................................................ 13 2.2.2 Waveform Generator Engine ................................................................. 13 2.2.3 Digital Gain ............................................................................................ 13 2.2.4 Digital Filter (Interpolation) .................................................................. 14 2.2.5 Digital-to-Analog Converter .................................................................. 14 2.3 OVERVIEW OF HARDWARE DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE (HDL) ........................ 15 2.3.1 2.4 Review on VHDL and Verilog .............................................................. 15 OVERVIEW OF FPGA DEVELOPMENT BOARD ................................................ 16 2.4.1 FPGA Programming Process ................................................................. 17 2.4.2 Review of Different FPGA Development Board ................................... 18 CHAPTER THREE ................................................................................................... 21 PROJECT MANAGEMENT ................................................................................... 21 3.1 PROJECT PLAN AND SCHEDULE ...................................................................... 21 3.2 GANTT CHART ............................................................................................... 24 CHAPTER FOUR ...................................................................................................... 25 3 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE IMPLEMENTATION ...................................... 25 4.1 CLOCK SOURCE .............................................................................................. 25 4.2 DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTER ................................................................ 26 4.2.1 SPI Communication ............................................................................... 27 4.2.2 Interface Signals..................................................................................... 30 4.2.3 SPI Communication Details ................................................................... 31 4.2.4 Communication Protocol ....................................................................... 32 4.3 SLIDING SWITCH TO SELECT DIFFERENT OUTPUT WAVEFORM ...................... 34 4.4 ROTARY PUSH-BUTTON SWITCH TO SELECT DIFFERENT OUTPUT FREQUENCIES ............................................................................................................ 35 4.4.1 Rotary Encoder Design .......................................................................... 35 4.4.2 Rotary Signals Design............................................................................ 36 4.4.3 Discrete LEDs Design............................................................................ 40 4.5 SIGNAL GENERATOR WORK FLOW ................................................................. 41 4.5.1 VHDL Implementation of a Signal Generator ....................................... 41 4.5.2 VHDL Implementation of the Waveform .............................................. 43 4.5.2 VHDL Implementation of the Rotary and Left Right LEDs ................. 45 CHAPTER FIVE ....................................................................................................... 46 TIMING SIMULATION .......................................................................................... 46 5.1 TIMING SIMULATION ON THE SIGNAL GENERATOR ........................................ 46 5.2 TIMING SIMULATION ON THE OUTPUT WAVEFORM - SQUARE WAVE............. 46 5.3 TIMING ANALYSIS OF ROTARY AND LEFT RIGHT LEDS ................................. 47 CHAPTER SIX .......................................................................................................... 48 TESTING AND VERIFICATION ........................................................................... 48 6.1 OUTPUT WAVEFORM - SINE WAVE ............................................................... 48 6.2 OUTPUT WAVEFORM - SQUARE WAVE .......................................................... 51 6.3 OUTPUT WAVEFORM - TRIANGULAR WAVE .................................................. 54 CHAPTER SEVEN .................................................................................................... 58 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ....................................................... 58 7.1 CONCLUSION .................................................................................................. 58 7.2 RECOMMENDATION FOR FUTURE WORK ........................................................ 58 CHAPTER EIGHT .................................................................................................... 61 4 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) REFLECTION ......................................................................................................... 61 8.1 HARDWARE SKILL .......................................................................................... 61 8.2 SOFTWARE SKILL ........................................................................................... 61 8.3 PROJECT MANAGEMENT................................................................................. 62 8.4 PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED ............................................................................. 62 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................... 64 APPENDICES ............................................................................................................ 66 APPENDIX A: FPGA STARTER KIT COMPARISON ...................................... 66 APPENDIX B: VHDL SOURCE CODE – TOP LEVEL ...................................... 67 APPENDIX C: VHDL SOURCE CODE – SINE WAVE ..................................... 71 APPENDIX D: VHDL SOURCE CODE – SQUARE WAVE .............................. 74 APPENDIX E: VHDL SOURCE CODE – TRIANGULAR WAVE .................... 77 APPENDIX F: VHDL SOURCE CODE – LEFT RIGHT LEDS .......................... 80 GLOSSARY................................................................................................................ 83 5 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 Frequency, Period and Amplitude of a Sine Waveform ........................ 11 Figure 2.2 Amplitude Modulation (AM) and Frequency Modulation (FM) ........... 12 Figure 2.3 Block Diagram of a Signal Generator .................................................... 12 Figure 2.4 Signal Generator Memory Allocations .................................................. 13 Figure 2.5 DAC Input and Output Signal................................................................ 14 Figure 2.6 Output Signal with Clocking ................................................................. 15 Figure 2.7 HDL Modelling Capability .................................................................... 16 Figure 2.8 Xilinx’s Spartan-3A FPGA Development Kit Board ............................ 17 Figure 2.9 FPGA Programming Process ................................................................. 18 Figure 4.1 Block Diagram of a Signal Generator .................................................... 25 Figure 4.2 CLK_50MHz ......................................................................................... 26 Figure 4.3 SMA-style Connector ............................................................................ 26 Figure 4.4 CLK_AUX ............................................................................................. 26 Figure 4.5 DAC Onboard ........................................................................................ 27 Figure 4.6 Block Diagram of LTC2624 Quad DAC ............................................... 27 Figure 4.7 Single SPI Slave Communications ........................................................ 28 Figure 4.8 Multiple SPI Slave Communications ..................................................... 29 Figure 4.9 Digital to Analog Connections Schematic ............................................. 29 Figure 4.10 Simple Transfers of Data.................................................................... 30 Figure 4.11 SPI Communication Waveforms ........................................................ 31 Figure 4.12 32 Bits Communications Protocol ..................................................... 32 Figure 4.13 24 Bits Communications Protocol ..................................................... 33 Figure 4.14 Slide Switches .................................................................................... 34 Figure 4.15 Rotary Push-Button Switch ................................................................ 35 Figure 4.16 Push-Button Switch ............................................................................ 35 Figure 4.17 Rotary Shaft Encoder Circuitry .......................................................... 36 Figure 4.18 Signals from Rotary Encoder ............................................................. 37 Figure 4.19 Chatter signal...................................................................................... 37 Figure 4.20 Misinterpreted Chatter Signals ........................................................... 37 Figure 4.21 Signals of Designed Filter .................................................................. 39 Figure 4.22 Events and Direction Signals ............................................................. 39 6 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) Figure 4.23 Discrete LEDs .................................................................................... 40 Figure 4.24 LED Design ........................................................................................ 40 Figure 4.25 Signal Generator Flow Chart.............................................................. 42 Figure 4.26 Output Waveform Flow Chart............................................................ 44 Figure 4.27 Flip-flops design ................................................................................. 45 Figure 5.1 Simulation Result on the Signal Generator ............................................ 46 Figure 5.2 Simulation Result on the Output Waveform – Square Wave ................ 47 Figure 5.3 Simulation Result on the Rotary and Left Right LEDs ......................... 47 Figure 6.1 1 Hz Sine Wave with X, 200 ms/div and Y, 2 V/div ............................. 48 Figure 6.2 10 Hz Sine Wave with X, 50 ms/div and Y, 2 V/div ............................. 49 Figure 6.3 100 Hz Sine Wave with X, 5 ms/div and Y, 2 V/div ............................. 49 Figure 6.4 1 kHz Sine Wave with X, 500 us/div and Y, 2 V/div ............................ 50 Figure 6.5 10 kHz Sine Wave with X, 50 us/div and Y, 2 V/div ............................ 50 Figure 6.6 100 kHz Sine Wave with X, 5 us/div and Y, 2 V/div ............................ 51 Figure 6.7 1 Hz Square Wave with X, 200 ms/div and Y, 2 V/div ......................... 52 Figure 6.8 10 Hz Square Wave with X, 50 ms/div and Y, 2 V/div ......................... 52 Figure 6.9 100 Hz Square Wave with X, 5 ms/div and Y, 2 V/div ......................... 53 Figure 6.10 1 kHz Square Wave with X, 500 us/div and Y, 2 V/div .................... 53 Figure 6.11 10 kHz Square Wave with X, 50 us/div and Y, 2 V/div .................... 54 Figure 6.12 1 Hz Triangular Wave with X, 200 ms/div and Y, 2 V/div ............... 55 Figue 6.13 10 Hz Triangular Wave with X, 50 ms/div and Y, 2 V/div ................... 55 Figue 6.14 100 Hz Triangular Wave with X, 50 ms/div and Y, 2 V/div ................. 56 Figue 6.15 1 kHz Triangular Wave with X, 500 us/div and Y, 2 V/div .................. 56 Figure 6.16 10 kHz Triangular Wave with inputX, 50 us/div and Y, 2 V/div ...... 57 Figue 6.17 10 kHz Triangular Wave with X, 50 us/div and Y, 2 V/div .................. 57 Figure 7.1 Un-interpolated Signal ........................................................................... 59 Figure 7.2 Interpolated Signal ................................................................................. 59 Figure 7.3 Character LCD Interface ........................................................................ 60 Figure 7.4 LCD Screen ............................................................................................ 60 7 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 FPGA Starter Kit.................................................................................... 19 Table 3.1 Project Plan ............................................................................................ 23 Table 3.2 Gantt Chart ............................................................................................. 24 Table 4.1 DAC Interface Signals ........................................................................... 30 Table 4.2 Command and Address Assignment ...................................................... 34 Table 4.3 XNOR Truth Table ................................................................................ 38 Table 4.4 XOR Truth Table ................................................................................... 38 8 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Signal Generator is a tool that can produce various patterns of waveforms at a variety of frequencies and amplitudes. Basically, a signal generator is used to generate signal with precise controlled frequency and amplitude characteristics to mimic the input signal of the circuit being tested. It is generally used in designing, testing and troubleshooting electronic devices. Signal generators generally fall into one of the two categories: function generators and arbitrary waveform generators. Function generators are the simpler of the two types. They produce simple repetitive signals in waveforms such a square waves, sine waves and triangular waves. Arbitrary waveform generators are more complicated. Other than the ability to generate the standard waveforms, it also can produce waveforms such as sin(x)/x [4], exponential, cardiac, etc. A combination of signals is also possible and it operates at clock rate of a few GHz which is much higher than the function generators. Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) provides an attractive platform for these signal generators in-terms of performance, power consumption and flexibility in configuration. FPGA is a semiconductor device that can be configured by the customer or designer after manufacturing. FPGAs are programmed using a logic circuit diagram or a source code in a Hardware Description Language (HDL) to specify how the chip will work. The most common HDL used to program FPGA is Very high speed integrated circuit Hardware Description Language (VHDL) and Verilog. 9 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA 1.2 WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) Objective The main objective is to design a signal generator using Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) to generate a few types of waveforms - square waves, triangular waves and sine waves are the main objective of this project. As technologies are fast changing, a modifiable tool is essential and comparing to those high-priced signal generation instruments, an FPGA-based signal generator fits the bill. By modifying the soft coded VHDL or Verilog, we can develop a signal generator catering to our needs. Through research, design, programming and analysis, the goal of this project could be attainable. 1.3 Scope The design of signal generator requires the following approach to obtain the objective of this project Research and study on signal generator and how signals are generated Research and study on the FPGA Research on the different types of FPGA development board which is available in the market Study and choose one of the two types of application language suitable for FPGA: VHDL(chosen) and Verilog Implement algorithms and functions on the FPGA development board with VHDL coding Stimulation and evaluation on the output 10 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) CHAPTER TWO REVIEW OF THEORY AND PREVIOUS WORK DONE 2.1 Overview of Signal generator Signal generators deliver a sinusoidal output of accurately calibrated frequency. The output signals are usually frequency or amplitude modulated. Signal generators are typically used to measure the output in simple electronic repair and design, therefore output accuracy is critical. Accuracy is the way in which the output level of a signal generator is controlled. When generating the signal, an attenuator is used to maintain this output. The stability and intensity of the signal is maintained and made stronger by the inbuilt amplifier [2]. The signal generator may use Digital Signal Processing (DSP) to synthesize waveforms, followed by a Digital to Analog Converter to produce analog output [3]. The signal generator will operate in the audio frequency range, ranging from 20 Hz to 20 KHz or quantity of cycles per second. The frequency and the amplitude are adjustable and must be able to maintain constancy over the tuning range. Figure 2.1 Frequency, Period and Amplitude of a Sine Waveform If the generator needs to operate above the audio frequency range, it will often include modulation function such as Amplitude Modulation (AM) and Frequency Modulation (FM). AM is the variation of the signal’s amplitude where its frequency remains constant and FM is the variation of the signal’s frequency where its amplitude remain constant. Figure 2.2 shows an example of AM and FM signals. Other than these 11 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) common modulations, today’s signal generators include Phase Modulation (PM) and Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM). Figure 2.2 2.2 Amplitude Modulation (AM) and Frequency Modulation (FM) Signal Generator Block Diagram Figure 2.3 shows the block diagram of a signal generator. The Waveforms Generator Engine will output waveform from the waveforms sequence stored in Onboard Memory. This output waveform will go through Digital Gain for amplification or attenuation before heading for the Digital Filter to be interpolated. The interpolated waveform will go through Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) to output analog waveform triggered by the Clock. This analog waveform will lastly go through the Analog Filter to have most or all of its unwanted signals removed before generating the ideal output. Onboard Memory Waveform Generation Engine Digital Gain Analog Filter Output Figure 2.3 Digital Filter (Interpolation) DAC Block Diagram of a Signal Generator 12 Clock DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA 2.2.1 WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) Memory Allocation Figure 2.4 illustrates on the memory allocation for waveforms and sequence instructions stored on the Onboard Memory device of a signal generator [5]. The signal generator requires limited memory to store a single period of the waveforms since its outputs are repetitive and with a standard library it is able to generate periodic waveforms. Loading of multiple waveforms and sequence instructions are possible but more complicated ones may occupy a significant block of memory. Figure 2.4 Signal Generator Memory Allocations 2.2.2 Waveform Generator Engine Waveform Generator Engine is a program to link and loop waveform segments. Linking and looping can be divided into sequence generation mode and script generation mode. Comparing sequence and script generation mode, the latter is more advance but not all signal generators possesses. Other than outputting a predetermined series of waveforms with the sequence instructions stored in the onboard memory, script generation mode can have a waveform sequences that depends on an external or internal trigger to generate an output signal. 2.2.3 Digital Gain The Amplifier and Attenuator are to maximize the digital signal’s amplitude accuracy. When amplified signals are output as analog signal after DAC, users are able to adjust the amplitude of the signal without the need to reload a different waveform. DAC is to convert digital waveforms in the memory to analog waveforms. 13 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) 2.2.4 Digital Filter (Interpolation) Both the digital and analog Filter is used to provide the best approximation of an ideal analog signal. During digital to analog conversion, digital filter are used to interpolate the signals to increase the effective sampling rate. But the digital filter might not be able to remove unwanted signals completely. The analog filter is able to attenuate these DAC signals and remove the unwanted signals through applying a low pass filter, high pass filter or a band pass filter. Figure 2.5 shows the input (raw signal) and output signal (filtered signal that had gone through interpolation, conversion and filtering). Figure 2.5 DAC Input and Output Signal 2.2.5 Digital-to-Analog Converter Clocking of DAC is critical as it will affect the frequency accuracy and its effect is measurable. Referring to Figure 2.6, whenever the clock clocks on the rising edge, the DAC will generate the output signal with the sampled points of the single period waveforms sequence stored in the memory. 14 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA Figure 2.6 2.3 WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) Output Signal with Clocking Overview of Hardware Description Language (HDL) There are now two standard industrial HDL, Very high speed integrated circuit Hardware Description Language (VHDL) and Verilog. With the complexity of FPGA design, many specialist design consultant has his or her own specific tools and libraries written in VHDL or Verilog. As a result, designers of FPGA had vendors of VHDL, Verilog and Electronic Design Automation (EDA) provide tool that provides an environment suitable for both HDL to be used in unison. The choice of which to use is not therefore based solely on technical capability but on: personal preferences EDA tool availability commercial, business and marketing issues 2.3.1 Review on VHDL and Verilog VHDL has two advantages, firstly it allows system’s behaviour to be modelled and simulated before logic synthesis tools were used. Secondly, it allows switching between different modelling of the system. 15 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) Verilog allows switch-level modelling which are useful for exploring new circuits. And it ensures that all signals are initialized to “unknown” so that designers will produce necessary logic to initialize their design. Figure 2.7 HDL Modelling Capability Figure 2.7 show the modelling capabilities of VHDL and Verilog cover a slightly different spectrum across the level of behaviour abstraction. VHDL contains more features that allow it to model up to the highest level in design but not to the lowest level whereas Verilog can model down to the lowest level but not the highest. The main difference between the two is that Verilog is based on C and VHDL is based on ADA. 2.4 Overview of FPGA Development Board A Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is a semiconductor device that can be configured by the customer or designer after manufacturing – hence the name “FieldProgrammable” [7]. The first FPGA industry sprouted from Programmable Read Only Memory (PROM) and Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs). Both PROM and PLDs are field programmable, however programmable logic are hard-wired between logic gates. Due to the advancement of technology, FPGA now has programmable gates and programmable interconnect between gates. 16 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) Over the years, there is a trend to form a complete “system on a programmable chip” by combining the logic blocks and interconnects of traditional FPGA with embedded microprocessors and related peripherals. Xilinx’s Spartan-3A is one of these hybrid technologies, which is shown in Figure 2.8. It features some of the I/O ports, switches and components integrated on it. Figure 2.8 2.4.1 Xilinx’s Spartan-3A FPGA Development Kit Board FPGA Programming Process Figure 2.9 illustrates the process of FPGA programming. When the system compiled a HDL code written at the design entry level, it output a Register Transfer Level (RTL) netlist. When the input HDL is successfully synthesize at the synthesizer, it produces a HDL of this gate-level code that can be mapped into the FPGA hardware. Compiling and simulation of this gate-level HDL can be done at the actual level to 17 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) avoid any code written at RTL disappeared at the final gate level implementation. Thus, debugging of error can be done at actual level. Figure 2.9 2.4.2 FPGA Programming Process Review of Different FPGA Development Board Xilinx and Altera are the current FPGA market leaders but the more prominent one would be Xilinx since it is controlling over 50% of the market according to some reports. Xilinx has two FPGA development boards which met the minimum requirement for the design of a signal generator, Spartan-3A and Spartan-3AN. In terms of specification, there is no difference between the two (Appendix A). But Spartan-3N has one specific feature which Spartan-3A did not. It is the ‘Non-volatile configuration from internal SPI Flash’ [1] meaning to say that the Flash memory is able to stored information even when not powered. 18 WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA Then comparing Xilinx’s Spartan-3A and 3AN with its competitive development board, Altera’s Cyclon II and III, Alteras’ is not as comprehensive as Xilinxs’ (Appendix A) in terms of specification. Cyclon II need an external clock input and Cyclon III has no analog interface which is critical in my design and Xilinx’s Spartan3A and 3AN has both integrated onboard. Xilinx’s Spartan- Xilinx’s Spartan- Altera’s Altera’s 3A 3AN Cyclon II Cyclon III 700K 700K - - Slices 5888 5888 - - Logic Cells 13248 13248 18752 Logic 18752 Logic Elements Elements 11776 11776 - - 50MHz Crystal 50MHz Crystal Oscillator Oscillator (Open slot for user- (Open slot for user- installed clock) installed clock) 4Mbit Platform Flash 4Mbit Platform Flash PROM PROM 8Mbyte SDRAM 32Mx16 DDR2 32Mx16 DDR2 SDRAM 1Mbyte SDRAM SDRAM 512Kbyte synchronous 32Mbit pareallel Flash 32Mbit pareallel Flash SRAM SRAM 2-16Mbit SPI Flash 2-16Mbit SPI Flash 4Mbyte Flash 16Mbytes Devices Devices 4-channel D/A 4-channel D/A converter converter 24-bit 2-channel A/D 2-channel A/D coder/decoder( converter converter CODEC) Signal Amplifier Signal Amplifier Start Kit System Gates CLB FlipFlops Clock Memory Analog Interface Table 2.1 external clock input(SAM connector) 50MHz onboard oscillator 256Mbit DDR Flash - FPGA Starter Kit Comparing the specification of Altera’s and Xilinx’s Development Kit, the latter shows that it more compatible. And comparing Xilinx’s Spartan 3N and Spartan 3A 19 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) development kit, Spartan 3A was able to meet the design’s minimum requirement and it is more affordable compared to the other. 20 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) CHAPTER THREE PROJECT MANAGEMENT The project was not acted according to the planned schedule. The actual dates were behind schedule due to multiple assignments and exams from my other modules, work commitments, and personal issues. But the main contributing factor was during the design of the signal generator as I have no knowledge in FPGA and HDL. From my busy schedule, I had spared two days to attend a workshop recommended by my project supervisor which was provided by Xilinx. The workshop provides fundamental knowledge on VHDL programming, basic operation of the FPGA development kit and basic analytical skills in FPGA design. VHDL programming book needs to be read, signal generator related program and research papers needs to be read up for reference whether or not problem arises during the design of signal generator. Project plan and schedule will be presented and delays in the schedules will be discussed. 3.1 Project Plan and Schedule Task 1 – Project Proposal Writing and Submission was able to complete on time. Task 2 – Research for a Suitable FPGA Development Board for Designing a Signal Generator was able to meet schedule. Xilinx’s Spartan 3A was selected after studies were done on a few similar FPGA Development Boards. At the same time, research was done on simple FPGA based signal generators. Improvement on the board was not needed as the board itself is already sufficient. Task 3 – Research and writes a suitable HDL took longer than expected, this is due to the lack of basic knowledge on HDL. Although simple program were used during the attended workshop, it was still difficult to digest. Finally after a long research, VHDL (advantage discussed in chapter 2.3.2) was selected as the preferred HDL. First, the square wave was developed and followed by 21 WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA other waveforms. Then different output frequencies are implemented using LEDs as indication. Task 4 – Evaluation of Design and Model Testing was delay due to the prolonged schedule of Task 3.2. This had also made the tasks that follow overlaps and many tasks have to be run concurrently. Finalize program and testing and simulation has to be performed concurrently. Documentation on test results and simulation results has to run concurrently with task 5. Task 5 – Preparations for final report took up a lot of time since junks of materials need to be organized and documented. And lastly, final poster and oral presentations took more than 2 weeks to be prepared. Date S/No. Date Start Finish Days Project Proposal Writing and Submission 5-Aug-09 30-Aug-09 26 1.1 Meet up with supervisor 5-Aug-09 5-Aug-09 1 1.2 Project research, proposal write up and review 6-Aug-09 22-Aug-09 17 1.3 Supervisor review proposal 23-Aug-09 23-Aug-09 1 1.4 Finalize project proposal (submission on 31st Aug) 24-Aug-09 30-Aug-09 7 31-Aug-09 5-Oct-09 36 31-Aug-09 6-Sep-09 7 7-Sep-09 7-Sep-09 1 8-Sep-09 28-Sep-09 21 design 29-Sep-09 5-Oct-09 7 Research and Writes a Suitable HDL 6-Oct-09 8-Feb-10 126 1 Task Research for a Suitable FPGA Development Board 2 for Designing Signal Generator Compare different readymade FPGA development 2.1 board 2.2 Select a suitable FPGA development board Detail study on the selected FPGA development board 2.3 (components and functionality) and its limitation. Possibility for any improvement on the board to suit 2.4 3 Research on VHDL and Verilog - study and write 3.1 simple code to simulate each HDL 6-Oct-09 2-Nov-09 28 3.2 Write program for signal generator with preferred HDL 3-Nov-09 25-Jan-10 84 3.3 Finalize program for simulation 26-Jan-10 8-Feb-10 14 Evaluation of Design and Model Testing 25-Jan-10 14-Mar-10 49 4.1 Finalize prototype (model and specification) 25-Jan-10 7-Feb-10 14 4.2 Testing and simulation 8-Feb-10 28-Feb-10 21 4.3 Documentations on test and simulation results 1-Mar-10 14-Mar-10 14 4 22 WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA Report Writing and Submission 8-Mar-10 4-Jun-10 89 5.1 Consolidate document and data 8-Mar-10 14-Mar-10 7 5.2 Report writing and Poster Preparations 15-Mar-10 9-May-10 56 10-May-10 16-May-10 7 17-May-10 4-Jun-10 18 5 Final check on report and poster (submission on 17th 5.3 May) Final Poster and Presentation Preparation (Presentation 5.4 on 5th Jun) Table 3.1 Project Plan 23 WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA 3.2 Gantt Chart Table 3.2 Gantt Chart 24 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) CHAPTER FOUR HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE IMPLEMENTATION Figure 4.1 shows the block diagram of the signal generator. With input from the clock and switches (frequencies selection and waveform selection), FPGA will process the data and transfer to Digital-to-Analog Converter every micro second. This data will be output to an Oscilloscope. 50MHz OSCILLATOR FREQUENCIES SWITCHES FPGA WAVEFORM SWITCHES D/A CONVERTER OSCILLOSCOPE Figure 4.1 4.1 Block Diagram of a Signal Generator Clock Source The FPGA Starter Kit supports three primary clock input sources. First, the kit includes an on-board 50 MHz clock oscillator. Second, clock signals and other highspeed signals can be generated from the FPGA through a SMA-style connector or clocks can be supplied off-board via the SMA-style connector. Third, a 133MHz clock oscillator is installed in the CLK_AUX socket with an option to substitute a separate eight-pin DIP-style clock oscillator in the socket provided. All the mention three inputs are shown in figure 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 respectively. 25 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA Figure 4.2 Figure 4.3 WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) CLK_50MHz SMA-style Connector Figure 4.4 CLK_AUX As the 50 MHz clock oscillator is sufficient, CLK_SMA and CLK_AUX will not be considered. The 50 MHz oscillator is equivalent to a 20ns period with a 40% to 60% output duty cycle [1]. The oscillator is accurate to +/-2500 Hz or +/-50 ppm [1]. 4.2 Digital-to-Analog Converter The Spartan 3A FPGA Starter Kit Board includes an SPI-compatible, four-channel, serial Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC). The DAC device is a Linear Technology LTC2624 quad DAC with 12-bit unsigned resolution [1]. As shown in figure 4.5, the 26 WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA four outputs from the DAC appear on the J21 header which uses the Digilent six-pin Peripheral Module format. Four DAC Output: Linear Tech LTC2624 Quad DAC DAC_OUTA DAC_OUTB DAC_OUTC DAC_OUTD SPI_MOSI: (AB14) SPI_SCK: (AA20) DAC_CS: (W7) DAC_CLR: (AB13) DAC_OUT: (V7) 6-pin DAC Header (J21) Figure 4.5 DAC Onboard GND 1 VCC REF LO REF D DAC D DAC REGISTER INPUT REGISTER VOUT D 14 13 DAC C DAC REGISTER INPUT REGISTER REF B 6 __ CS/LD INPUT REGISTER DAC REGISTER DAC B 5 15 VOUT C VOUT A 4 VOUT B INPUT REGISTER 3 DAC REGISTER REF A DAC A 2 16 REF C 12 ____ CLR 11 CONTROL DECODE LOGIC 7 SDO 10 SDI SCK 32-BIT SHIFT REGISTER 8 9 Figure 4.6 Block Diagram of LTC2624 Quad DAC 4.2.1 SPI Communication Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) is a simple interface that allows one chip to communicate with one or more other chip. FPGA uses SPI to communicate digital values to each of the four DAC channels. The SPI bus is a full duplex, synchronous, 27 WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA character-oriented channel employing a simple four-wire interface [1] and most importantly, there is only one master and can have one or more slaves. The master is always the one who initiates communication. When in communication, a clock is generated by the master and two bits of data (one bit in each direction since SPI is synchronous and full duplex) are transmitted each time the clock toggles. For data to fit on a single wire, data are to be serialized before being transmitted. And there are two wires for transmitting the data, one for each direction. The master and the slave know beforehand the details of the communication such as bit order, length of data words exchanged, etc. Referring to figure 4.7, the connections are called SCK, MOSI, MISO and SSEL. The SPI master (FPGA in this case) drives the bus clock signal (SPI_SCK) and transmit serial data (SPI_MOSI) to the selected SPI slave (DAC in this case) [1]. At the same time, the SPI slave feedback serial data (SPI_MISO) to the SPI master. Slave select (SSEL) is an output from the SPI master to SPI slave to indicate that communication is starting (SSEL pulled to active low). In the case of multiple SPI slave, only one SSEL line is activated at a time and slaves that are not selected must not drive the SPI_MISO line. SPI Master Figure 4.7 SCI MOSI MISO SSEL SPI Slave Single SPI Slave Communications 28 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) SPI Slave SPI Master SCI MOSI MISO SSEL SPI Slave SPI Slave Figure 4.8 Figure 4.9 Multiple SPI Slave Communications Digital to Analog Connections Schematic Figure 4.10 shows a simple transfer of data between the master and a slave. Looking at the figure, assuming that 8-bits of data are to be transmitted starting with the Most Significant Bit (MSB). The master pulls the SSEL to Low to indicate that communication is starting. The master toggles the clock eight times and send sends eight data bits through MOSI and all data bits are received by MISO at the same time. The master then pulls SSEL High to indicate that the transfer is over. [11] 29 WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA Figure 4.10 Simple Transfers of Data 4.2.2 Interface Signals The table 4.1 below lists the interface between the FPGA and the DAC. The SPI_MOSI, DAC_OUT, and SPI_SCK signals are shared with other devices on the SPI bus. The DAC_CS signal is the active-Low slave select input to the DAC. The DAC_CLR signal is the active-Low, asynchronous reset input to the DAC. Signal FPGA Pin Direction SPI_MOSI AB14 FPGA to DAC Description Serial data: Master Output, Slave Input DAC_CS W7 FPGA to DAC Active-Low chip select. Digital-toanalog conversion starts when this signal returns High. SPI_SCK AA20 FPGA to DAC Clock DAC_CLR AB13 FPGA to DAC Asynchronous, active-Low reset input DAC_OUT V7 DAC to FPGA Table 4.1 Serial Data from the DAC DAC Interface Signals The serial data output from the DAC is primarily used to cascade multiple DACs. This signal can be ignored in most application although it does not demonstrate fullduplex communication over the SPI bus. 30 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) 4.2.3 SPI Communication Details A detailed example of the SPI bus timing is shown in Figure 4.11. Each bit is transmitted or received relative to the SPI_SCK clock signal. The bus is fully static and supports clock rates up to the maximum of 50 MHz [1]. The FPGA transmit data on the SPI_MOSI signal starting with the MSB when DAC_CS slave select is pull Low. During the rising edge of the SPI_SCK, data on SPI_MOSI are captured by the LTC2624 DAC. The data must be valid for at least 4 ns relative to the rising clock edge. During the falling edge of SPI_SCK, data captured by LTC2624 DAC are transmitted through DAC_OUT signal. During the next rising edge of SPI_SCK, FPGA will capture this data. To make sure bit 31 will not be missed, during the first rising edge of SPI_SCK after DAC_CS goes Low, first DAC_OUT value must be captured by FPGA. When all the data bits are transmitted, DAC_CS will be pulled to High to indicate the completed transaction between FPGA and SPI. Then only will the actual digital-toanalog conversion process takes place within the DAC. Figure 4.11 SPI Communication Waveforms 31 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) 4.2.4 Communication Protocol The DAC supports both 32-bit and 24-bit protocol. The 32-bit communication protocol required to interface with the LTC2624 DAC is shown in figure 4.12 whereas the 24-bit communication is shown in figure 4.13. Referring to figure 4.12, SPI interface is formed by a 32-bit shift register inside the DAC. Each 32-bit command word would consist of a COMMAND followed by an ADDRESS and then DATA. When a new command word enters the DAC, the previous 32 bit command word is sent back to the master. This returned command from the DAC can be ignored even though it can also be used to verify the accuracy of the command which was sent earlier. Figure 4.12 32 Bits Communications Protocol The FPGA will send from the Most Significant Bit (MSB) to the Least Significant Bit (LSB). The FPGA will first send out eight Don’t Care (dummy) bits followed by a 4bit COMMAND. The most commonly used command with the board is COMMAND[3:0] = 0011 binary. This command will immediately updates the selected DAC output with the specified data value. After sending the 4-bit COMMAND, the FPGA will send a 4-bit ADDRESS to selects one or all of the DAC output channels. The FPGA will then continue to send a 12-bit unsigned data value which the DAC will convert to an analog value on the selected output(s). Lastly, another four Don’t Care (dummy) bits will be sent forming the 32-bit command word. 32 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA Figure 4.13 WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) 24 Bits Communications Protocol The difference between the 32-bit communication protocol and the 24-bit communication protocol is the latter does not sent out eight Don’t Care (dummy) bits at the beginning. After that, the sequence is the same. The 4-bit COMMAND is loaded first followed by the 4-bit ADDRESS and lastly the 16-bit DATA including the 4 dummy bits. The COMMAND (C3-C0) and ADDRESS (A3-A0) assignments are shown in Table 4.2. The first four commands in the table consists of write and update operations. Command ‘0000’ load the data word from the shift registers into the input register of the selected DAC, n. Command ‘0001’ copies data word from the input register to the DAC register. These data words which are copied into the DAC register becomes the active 16, 14 or 12 bits input code which in turn is converted to an analog voltage at the DAC output. The update operation also powers up the selected DAC if it had been in power down mode. ADDRESS is the assignment of input register of the DAC. COMMANDS C3 C2 C1 C0 0 0 0 0 Write to Input Register n 0 0 0 1 Update (Power Up) DAC Register n 0 0 1 0 Write to Input Register n, Update (Power Up) All n 0 0 1 1 Write to and Update (Power Up) n 0 1 0 0 Power Down n 1 1 1 1 No Operation ADDRESS A3 A2 A1 A0 33 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA 0 0 0 0 DAC A 0 0 0 1 DAC B 0 0 1 0 DAC C 0 0 1 1 DAC D 1 1 1 1 All DACs Table 4.2 4.3 WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) Command and Address Assignment Sliding Switch to Select Different Output Waveform Slide switches on the development board are used to select desired output waveform pattern being Square waves, Triangular Waves and Sine Waves. There are four slide switches on Spartan 3A development board as show in figure 4.14. For this project, only three of the switches are used being SW0, SW1, and SW2. Figure 4.14 Slide Switches When the switch is in High, ‘1’ or ON position (pushed up), it will connect the FPGA pin to 3.3V, logic High. Similarly, when the switch is in OFF position (pushed down), it connects the FPGA pin to ground, logic low. These switches typically exhibit about 2 ms of mechanical bounce as there is no de-bounced circuitry [1]. 34 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA 4.4 WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) Rotary Push-Button Switch to Select Different Output Frequencies The Rotary Push-Button Switch integrates two different functions. First, the switch shaft rotates and output values whenever the shaft turns. Secondly, it acts as a pushbutton switch when the shaft is pressed. The Rotary Push-Button Switch in this project is used to select different output frequencies ranging from 0.1 Hz to 100 KHz when it rotates and is used to reset the signal when is pressed. Figure 4.15 4.4.1 Rotary Push-Button Switch Rotary Encoder Design In figure 4.16, when the knob of the rotary push-button switch is pressed, it connects the associated FPGA pin to 3.3V, thus logic high is generated. It uses an internal pulldown resistor within the FPGA pin to generate a logic low at all other times and in this project, it is used to reset the output signal when the knob is pressed. Figure 4.16 Push-Button Switch 35 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) The Rotary push-button switch is also used to select different output frequencies of 0.1 Hz, 1 Hz, 10 Hz, 100 Hz, 1 KHz, 10 KHz and 100 KHz when the knob is turn accordingly. Referring to Figure 4.17, the basic principles of the rotary encoder is like a cam connected to a shaft which controls two push-buttons switches. Depending on which way the shaft is rotated, one switch will open before the other. Similarly, as the rotation continues, one switch will be closed before the other. Both switches will be closed when the shaft is in a stationary position. [1] Figure 4.17 4.4.2 Rotary Shaft Encoder Circuitry Rotary Signals Design To be able to provide logic signals to Spartan-3A device which can be work with, one side of each switch is connected to ground such that the signal is always Low or ‘0’ when the switch contacts are closed. During rotation, the switch contacts will be open therefore a PULL-UP resistor is required to raise the signal to High or ‘1’. Figure 4.18 show signals detected by Spartan-3A. Due to human input, irregularity of the pulses is expected [13]. The red and green brackets indicate that the logic levels are consistent with the switch positions displayed in the diagram. 36 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA Figure 4.18 WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) Signals from Rotary Encoder Another thing to be expected is ‘chatter’ signals as mechanical parts are prone to bounce, especially switch contacts [13]. Figure 4.19 shows a signal where chatter was observed. A High signal of approximately 2.5 ms was seen when the switch opened. The signal then closed for 1 ms, opened for 1 ms then it closes momentarily before finally settling and providing a steady High signal. Figure 4.19 Chatter signal The direction of rotation is determined by the actual High and Low signals of ‘A’ and ‘B’ without ‘chatter’ signals. The Right rotation is read when ‘A’ goes High and ‘B’ goes Low. Left rotation is read when ‘A’ goes Low and ‘B’ goes High. [1] Figure 4.20 shows that when a single step is rotated, the ’chatter’ signal could be interpreted as additional rotation in either direction. Figure 4.20 Misinterpreted Chatter Signals 37 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) In order to minimise the effect of a chatter signal, a design to filter the signal is necessary. The design will only detect the first change of the signal and ignoring all subsequent same signals until the other switch also changes state. Flip-flops are used to provide the ‘memory’ for the above mention function. The signals of the designed filter, rotary_q1 and rotary_q2 are show in figure 4.21. rotary_q1 is set (High) when A is High and B is High, reset (Low) when A is Low and B is Low. rotary_q1 behaves like a XNOR gate. Input Output A B A XNOR B 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 Table 4.3 XNOR Truth Table rotary_q2 is set (High) when A is Low and B is High, reset (Low) when A is High and B is Low. rotary_q2 behaves like a XOR gate. Input Output A B A XOR B 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 Table 4.4 XOR Truth Table Both rotary_q1 and q2 will remember current state in all other cases. The bold lines indicate signals that are being forced and the normal lines are indicating that the flip- 38 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) flop memory is retaining the current state. The signals look clean and the direction is still determinable although it has a slight difference in signal behaviour now. Figure 4.21 Signals of Designed Filter By comparing the output of the rotary filter with the original outputs, the direction can be determined. Referring to figure 4.22, when rotary_q1 changes from Low to High, rotary_q2 indicates the direction with state ‘0’ as turning right and ‘1’ as left. Remember “The Right rotation is read when ‘A’ goes High and ‘B’ goes Low. Left rotation is read when ‘A’ goes Low and ‘B’ goes High.” which was stated with figure 4.18. Therefore, rotary_q1 can be used to determined each event and rotary_q2 to determine the direction. [13] Figure 4.22 Events and Direction Signals 39 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA 4.4.3 WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) Discrete LEDs Design Spartan-3A Starter Kit board has eight individual surface-mount LEDs labelled LED7 through LED0 located above the slide switches as shown in figure 4.23. Figure 4.23 Discrete LEDs Figure 4.24 shows an example of a simple 8-bit shift register which is control by the rotary events. Each shift register bit is then optionally inverted (by pushing the rotary press switch) on the way to the output pin which drives the corresponding LED. The LED has a side connected to a pin on the device through a 390 Ohm resistor which limits the current to approximately 3.5 mA. Figure 4.24 LED Design 40 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) Each click of the shaft will moves only one position of the illuminated LED. Even when the rotary knob is turning really slowly or click ‘one position’ in an instant, it will only moves the LED by one position and not several position with the single clock cycle pulses. In this project, the LED’s 8-bit shift register “00000001”, “00000010”, “00000100”, “00001000”, “00010000”, “00100000” and “01000000” indicate the selection of the output frequency of 0.1 Hz, 1 Hz, 10 Hz, 100 Hz,1 KHz, 10 KHz and 100 KHz respectively. The maximum output frequency this signal generator can output is only 100 KHz, anything more would output distorted waveform. The last 8-bit shift register “10000000” is assigned with 100 KHz too. 4.5 Signal Generator Work Flow Putting Chapter 4.1 – Clock Source; 4.2 – Digital to Analog Converter; 4.3 – Selecting Different Output Waveform; 4.4 – Selecting Different Output Frequencies together, a Signal Generator’s Flow Chart and its subroutine flow chart can be formed. Subroutine includes output waveform of Square Wave, Sine Wave, Triangular Wave and a Rotary – Left Right LEDs Flow Chart. 4.5.1 VHDL Implementation of a Signal Generator Referring to the Signal Generator’s Flow Chart in figure 4.25, ‘start’ cycle consists of the selection of Sine Wave, Square Wave or Triangular Wave and the initialising of the DAC SPI. ‘sendBit’ cycle is the transmission of the data when SPI_SCK is Low. In ‘clockHigh’ cycle, FPGA captures the ‘sendBit’ data when SPI_SCK is High. When ‘csHigh’ cycle is active, the actual digital-to-analog conversion process will start within the DAC. 41 WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA start SW (0) = 1 Y DAC = Sine N SW (1) = 1 Y DAC = Square N SW (2) = 1 Y DAC = Triangular N DAC_CS = 0 SPI_SCK = 0 dacCounter = 23 N Sine_output or Square_output or Triangualr_output = 1 Y sendBit SPI_SCK = 0 SPI_MOSI = dacData(23) dacData = dacData << 1; clockHigh SPI_SCK = 1 dacCounter = 0 Y N dacCounter = dacCounter -1 csHigh DAC_CS = 1 Figure 4.25 Signal Generator Flow Chart 42 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) 4.5.2 VHDL Implementation of the Waveform The generation of the Square Waveform, Sine Waveform and Triangular Waveform is basically applying one mythology. The difference between the three is the value of the ‘ramData’ which is needed to form the shapes of the waveform. Therefore, only the generation of one type of waveform would be discussed. Referring to the flow chart in figure 4.26, the first cycle ‘Load Address1’ sets the address for getting the first word from memory. The second and third cycle, ‘Address1 Wait1’ and ‘Address1 Wait2’ are wait cycles until word is loaded. Forth cycle ‘Load Address2’ get the first word from memory and set the address for getting the second word from memory. Fifth and sixth cycles are wait cycles too. Seventh cycle ‘setOutput’ sets the output data. ‘delay’ cycle consists of 42 cycles of delay and 1 new output cycle. 43 WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA Load Address1 SineOutput = ‘0’ ramAddr = counter (47 to 44) state = address1Wait1 Address1 Wait1 State = address1Wait2 Address1 Wait2 State = loadAddress2 Load Address2 Data1 = ramData & “00000” ramAddr = counter (47 to 44) + 1 state = address2Wait1 Address2 Wait1 State = address2Wait2 Address2 Wait2 State = setOutput setOutput Sineoutput = data1 counter = counter + 1 delayCounter = 42 delay delayCounter = delayCounter - 1 N delayCounter = 0 Y SinenewOutput = 1 Figure 4.26 Output Waveform Flow Chart 44 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) 4.5.2 VHDL Implementation of the Rotary and Left Right LEDs As mention in Chapter 4.4 - Rotary Push-Button Switch to Select Different Output Frequencies, the rotary signals to determine the rotation direction and events was designed as flip-flops shown in figure 4.27 as it can provide the ’memory’ for this function. The Low to High transition of ‘rotary-q1’ is used to form a synchronous pulse and remember the rotated direction and this ‘flip-flops’ will be able to maintain this synchronous design. ‘rotary_event’ which is stated in the code enables the shift register to operate and ‘rotary_left’ is used to determined the direction. Figure 4.27 Flip-flops design 45 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) CHAPTER FIVE TIMING SIMULATION 5.1 Timing Simulation on The Signal Generator Comparing figure 5.1 (Timing Simulation of the Signal Generator) with figure 4.23 (Signal Generator flow chart) shows that both the flow coincides. Looking at DAC start, FPGA will transmit the data when dac_cs is ‘Low’. LTC2624 DAC will transmit data on the SPI_MOSI when SPI_SCK is ‘Low’. FPGA will capture these data when SPI_SCK is ‘High’. DAC end happen when 24 bits of data are capture by FPGA (rising edge of SPI_SCK) and causing dac_cs turns ‘High’ Figure 5.1 5.2 Simulation Result on the Signal Generator Timing Simulation on the Output Waveform - Square Wave Referring to figure 5.2, sw[1] is ‘High’ meaning to say that square wave output was selected. 8’hE0 is the ‘High’ part of the square wave and the time taken was around 5 us. Combining the ‘High’ and ‘Low’ part of the waveform the period is 10 us and by 46 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) calculation, the frequency is 100 kHz which is the output frequency selected for this simulation. Figure 5.2 5.3 Simulation Result on the Output Waveform – Square Wave Timing Analysis of Rotary and Left Right LEDs Figure 5.3 shows the timing analysis of rotary signals and left right LEDs. It shows that the LEDs is working with the input signals. Figure 5.3 Simulation Result on the Rotary and Left Right LEDs 47 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) CHAPTER SIX TESTING AND VERIFICATION For all the three types of output waveforms, their frequencies are ranging from 0.1 Hz to 100 kHz with Voltage in the vertical axis and Time Base in the horizontal axis. 6.1 Output Waveform - Sine Wave Point A to B indicates a complete cycle of a 1 Hz Sine Waveform in figure 6.1. With a 200 ms/div on the x axis, one cycle of a triangular waveform is seen to have a period of 1 sec. Base on calculation with the formulae, Period = 1/Frequency, the results are true. A few other different frequencies of Sine Waveform are shown below. A Figure 6.1 B 1 Hz Sine Wave with X, 200 ms/div and Y, 2 V/div 48 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA A Figure 6.2 B 10 Hz Sine Wave with X, 50 ms/div and Y, 2 V/div A Figure 6.3 WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) B 100 Hz Sine Wave with X, 5 ms/div and Y, 2 V/div 49 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA A Figure 6.4 B 1 kHz Sine Wave with X, 500 us/div and Y, 2 V/div A Figure 6.5 WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) B 10 kHz Sine Wave with X, 50 us/div and Y, 2 V/div 50 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA A Figure 6.6 6.2 WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) B 100 kHz Sine Wave with X, 5 us/div and Y, 2 V/div Output Waveform - Square Wave Point A to B indicates a complete cycle of a 1 Hz Square Waveform in figure 6.7. With a 200 ms/div on the x axis, one cycle of a triangular waveform is seen to have a period of 1 sec. Base on calculation with the formulae, Period = 1/Frequency, the results are true. A few other different frequencies of Square Waveform are shown below. 51 WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA A Figure 6.7 1 Hz Square Wave with X, 200 ms/div and Y, 2 V/div A Figure 6.8 B B 10 Hz Square Wave with X, 50 ms/div and Y, 2 V/div 52 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA A Figure 6.9 B 100 Hz Square Wave with X, 5 ms/div and Y, 2 V/div A Figure 6.10 WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) B 1 kHz Square Wave with X, 500 us/div and Y, 2 V/div 53 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA A Figure 6.11 6.3 WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) B 10 kHz Square Wave with X, 50 us/div and Y, 2 V/div Output Waveform - Triangular Wave Point A to B indicates a complete cycle of a 1 Hz Triangular Waveform in figure 6.12. With a 200 ms/div on the x axis, one cycle of a triangular waveform is seen to have a period of 1 sec. Base on calculation with the formulae, Period = 1/Frequency, the results are true. A few other different frequencies of Triangular Waveform are shown below. 54 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA A Figure 6.12 B 1 Hz Triangular Wave with X, 200 ms/div and Y, 2 V/div A Figue 6.13 WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) B 10 Hz Triangular Wave with X, 50 ms/div and Y, 2 V/div 55 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA A WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) B Figue 6.14 100 Hz Triangular Wave with X, 50 ms/div and Y, 2 V/div Figue 6.15 1 kHz Triangular Wave with X, 500 us/div and Y, 2 V/div 56 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA A Figure 6.16 B 10 kHz Triangular Wave with inputX, 50 us/div and Y, 2 V/div A Figue 6.17 WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) B 10 kHz Triangular Wave with X, 50 us/div and Y, 2 V/div 57 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) CHAPTER SEVEN CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 7.1 Conclusion The objective of this project was to design a FPGA based Signal Generator which is able to output a few types of waveform. The objective was completed as planned in Project Plan and Schedule. This FPGA based Signal Generator is able to generate three type of waveforms being square, sine and triangular wave. The Signal Generator was able to output desired waveform correctly but referring to figure 6.2 and 6.13 for Sine and Triangular Waves respectively, the output was not so ideal. Both Sine and Triangular Waveforms are jagged, meaning to say that the waves outline look like steps instead of a smooth line. These waveforms can be improved graphically by switching to high output frequency onboard and decreasing Timebase to smaller units per second which is similar to figure 6.6. Switches are used in conjunction with selectable parameters which allows the user to select desired output waveform type and also selects the output frequencies of 0.1 Hz, 1 Hz, 10 Hz, 100 Hz, 1k Hz, 10k Hz or 100 kHz. The signal generator is only able to generate waveform up to 100 kHz. Any waveform generated with frequency more than 100 kHz will look the same. 7.2 Recommendation for Future Work The Signal Generator is now generating Sine and Triangular waveform with stepping outline. Improvement on the program can be done so as to output higher resolution waveform. This signal generator is now generating waveforms with 16 samples. We can get a better waveform outline by increasing the samples size from 16 to 32 samples. More and compact stepping could be seen on the waveforms with 32 samples but it would still not be a smooth waveform. 58 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) Interpolation is a better function to apply rather than increasing the sample size. Interpolation will get the first and second word, and then it will interpolate between the two with lower bits of counter then set it as output. To put it simply, it is to estimate the value between two values which has been tabulated. Figure 7.2 shows an example of an interpolated signal. Figure 7.1 Figure 7.2 Un-interpolated Signal Interpolated Signal Right now, the selection of frequency is indicated by the LEDs and the value of the chosen frequency is displayed on the oscilloscope when output to it. These values could actually be displayed on the onboard Character LCD Screen. The LCD is a practical way to display a variety of information using standard ASCII and custom characters. The FPGA controls the LCD via the eight-bit data interface as shown in Figure 7.3. 59 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA Figure 7.3 Character LCD Interface Figure 7.4 LCD Screen 60 WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) CHAPTER EIGHT REFLECTION 8.1 Hardware Skill This is my first encounter with a FPGA development board and every component onboard was a new experience for me. Throughout this project I have gained basic knowledge on some onboard components and have tried to implement them. SPI DAC was one of the components. The FPGA uses a Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) to communicate digital values to each of the DAC output. I have also learnt the mechanism operation of the rotary switch onboard. This rotary switch was able to interact with the LEDs, indicating the frequencies used to generate waveforms. Other than the rotary switch with the eight LEDs, another four sliding switches are used to select the output frequency. 8.2 Software Skill Very high speed integrated circuit Hardware Description Language (VHDL) was one hardware programming language that I have learnt to do this project. VHDL is a strongly typed language which means that an object must have a data typed and only the defined values and operation can be applied to the object. Applying VHDL on FPGA, not only memory bits but also logic gates can be controlled. Xinlix ISE (Integrated Software Environment) Project Navigator was another software application which I had learnt to use. ISE Project Navigator controls all aspect of the development flow and is a graphical interfaced for users to access software tools and relevant files associated with the project. VHDL code and Testbench was written and tested with ISE Project Navigator. 61 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA 8.3 WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) Project Management Project management was critical for me due to my lack of knowledge on the project requirements. Thus, I have to be very discipline in all areas to make up for the losses in time during the early stages when I need to learn the required skills from scratch. Time management plays an important role as it helps to plan and ensures that all tasks are carried out. And this has benefited me at work or in school as it has well utilised my time and built up my multitasking ability. 8.4 Problems Encountered Many obstacles were encountered during the development of the project but most of them were solved be it hardware or software. As I had zero knowledge on two critical parameters, FPGA development board and its programming language VHDL, more time and effort has to be spent to familiarise myself to the FPGA development board and VHDL hence causing a delay in my schedule. At the start of the development, creating a User Constraint File (UCF) was already a problem. Through reading the user guide and the attended workshop, I was able to define the needed UCF. During the development, problems were encountered in DAC communication. I had sought help from a senior with FPGA experience. We went through my written code and found the flow of the shifting of registers was not right. He gave me pointers and with his help I was able to have my DAC communication working. I had problems again during the implementation of the rotary push-button switch. I had sought help from Xilinx’s vendor and the senior. Both recommended me to use a reference design for the rotary encoder interface which was written in PicoBlaze assembly language (Xilinx specific 8 bit soft core processor). Since I have already started my project with VHDL and did not have the luxury in time to implement the 62 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) project in another programming language, I had to study the flow of the PicoBlaze’s design and implement it in VHDL. One more problem I encountered is the jagged outline of the output waveform. I had tried to use interpolation in my design to overcome this problem but it did not turn out well. The desired output was not achieved (ideal output was discussed in Recommendation and Future Work). The failure might have happen during capturing of the data and calculation in the source code. Other than these major obstacles, minor ones are encountered too but were overcome without much delay. 63 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) REFERENCES [1] Spartan-3A/3AN FPGA Starter Kit Board User Guide (Online) [2] How Does a Signal Generator Work? (By an eHow Contributing Writer, Online) [3] Signal Generator (Online Encyclopedia) [4] Christopher Ziomek, Differences between Signal Generators, Function Generators and Arbitrary Waveform Generators, Jun 22 2009 (Online) [5] Signal Generator Architecture - Analog Output to Advanced Features (National Instruments, Online) [6] Douglas J. Smith, VHDL & Verilog Compared & Contrasted Plus Modeled Example Written in VHDL, Verilog and C (Online) [7] Field-programmable gate array (Online Encyclopedia) [8] Ed Klingman, FPGA programming step by step, April 2004 (Online);jsessionid=Z LEX2N1YKFEXBQE1GHOSKH4ATMY32JVN?pgno=2 64 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA [9] WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) Quadrature amplitude modulation (Online Encyclopedia) [10] What is SPI? (Online) [11] DAC Data Sheet (Online),C1,C1155,C1005 ,C1156,P2048,D2170 [12] Spartan-3E FPGA Starter Kit Board User Guide (Online) [13] Rotary Encoder Interface for Spartan-3E Starter Kit (Online) interface.pdf [14] Hardware Description Language (Online Encyclopedia) (Online Encyclopedia) [15] Verilog (Online Encyclopedia) [16] VHDL (Online Encyclopedia) [17] Generic DDS Generator [18] Pong P. Chu, “FPGA prototyping by VHDL examples”, Wiley,2008 65 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA APPENDICES APPENDIX A: FPGA STARTER KIT COMPARISON 66 WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA APPENDIX B: WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) VHDL SOURCE CODE – TOP LEVEL library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL; use work.ALL; entity spartan3e_test is port( CLK_50MHZ led SPI_SCK SPI_MOSI DAC_CLR DAC_CS btn_north btn_south btn_west btn_east SW ROT_A ROT_B ROT_CENTER ); end entity spartan3e_test; : in std_logic; : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); : out std_logic; : out std_logic; : out std_logic; : out std_logic; : in std_logic; : in std_logic; : in std_logic; : in std_logic; : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); : in std_logic; : in std_logic; : in std_logic architecture rtl of spartan3e_test is --state machie for the program control and DAC type dacStateType is ( start, sendBit, clockHigh, csHigh ); signal dacState : dacStateType := start; signal dacCounter : integer range 0 to 23; signal dacData : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); --three types of wave constant ddsAddressSize : natural := 4; constant ddsWordSize : natural := 3; constant ddsCounterSize : natural := 48; constant outputSize : natural := 8; signal Sineoutput,Squareoutput,Triangularoutput : unsigned(outputSize - 1 downto 0); signal SinenewOutput,SquarenewOutput,TriangularnewOutput : std_logic := '0'; signal step : unsigned(ddsCounterSize - 1 downto 0); signal freq_selection : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); begin SineWave: entity work.sine generic map ( ddsAddressSize => ddsAddressSize, ddsWordSize => ddsWordSize, ddsCounterSize => ddsCounterSize, 67 WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA outputSize ) => outputSize port map ( clock reset step Sineoutput SinenewOutput ); => CLK_50MHZ, => ROT_CENTER, => step, => Sineoutput, => SinenewOutput Squarewave: entity work.square generic map ( ddsAddressSize => ddsAddressSize, ddsWordSize => ddsWordSize, ddsCounterSize => ddsCounterSize, outputSize => outputSize ) port map ( clock => CLK_50MHZ, reset => ROT_CENTER, step => step, Squareoutput => Squareoutput, SquarenewOutput => SquarenewOutput ); Triangularwave: entity work.Triangular generic map ( ddsAddressSize => ddsAddressSize, ddsWordSize => ddsWordSize, ddsCounterSize => ddsCounterSize, outputSize => outputSize ) port map ( clock => CLK_50MHZ, reset => ROT_CENTER, step => step, Triangularoutput => Triangularoutput, TriangularnewOutput => TriangularnewOutput ); rotary: entity work.left_right_leds port map ( clk led freq_selection rotary_a rotary_b rotary_press ); process (CLK_50MHZ) begin if rising_edge(CLK_50MHZ) then if ROT_CENTER='1' then case freq_selection is when "00000001" 0.1Hz 68 => CLK_50MHZ, => led, => freq_selection, => ROT_A, => ROT_B, => ROT_CENTER => step <= x"000001AD7F2A"; -- WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA when "00000010" => step <= x"000010C6F7A0"; -- when "00000100" => step <= x"0000A7C5AC47"; -- when "00001000" => step <= x"00068DB8BAC7"; -- when "00010000" => step <= x"004189374BC6"; -- when "00100000" => step <= x"028F5C28F5C2"; -- when "01000000" => step <= x"199999999999"; -- when "10000000" => step <= x"199999999999"; -- when others => step <= x"000010C6F7A0"; -- 1Hz 10Hz 100Hz 1000Hz 10KHz 100KHz 100KHz 1Hz end case; end if; end if; end process; process(CLK_50MHZ, btn_south) variable dacDataToSend : unsigned(11 downto 0); begin if rising_edge(CLK_50MHZ) then if btn_south = '1' then dacState <= start; else -- transfer data to DAC every us case dacState is when start => if sw(0) = '1' then dacDataToSend := unsigned(Sineoutput) & "0000"; elsif sw(1) = '1' then dacDataToSend := unsigned(Squareoutput) & "0000"; elsif sw(2) = '1' then dacDataToSend := unsigned(Triangularoutput) & "0000"; else dacDataToSend := x"000"; end if; -- initialize DAC SPI dacData <= "0010" & "1111" & std_logic_vector(dacDataToSend) & "0000"; if SquarenewOutput OR TriangularnewOutput) = '1' then DAC_CS <= '0'; SPI_SCK <= '0'; dacCounter <= 23; (SinenewOutput OR else dacState <= sendBit; dacState <= start; end if; when sendBit => SPI_SCK <= '0'; 69 WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA SPI_MOSI <= dacData(23); dacData <= dacData(22 downto 0) & "0"; dacState <= clockHigh; when clockHigh => SPI_SCK <= '1'; if dacCounter = 0 then dacState <= csHigh; else dacCounter <= dacCounter - 1; dacState <= sendBit; end if; when csHigh => DAC_CS <= '1'; dacState <= start; end case; end if; end if; end process; DAC_CLR <= '1'; end architecture rtl; -- for output frequency f use this formula: -- (2^(ddsCounterSize-ddsAddressSize) * f / 1MHz) * 16samples -- e.g. for 1kHz ouput frequency: -- (2^(48-4) * 1kHz / 1MHz) * 16samples = 281474976710 = 0x004189374BC7 -- some other values for testing: -- 0.1Hz: 0x000001AD7F2A -- 1Hz: 0x000010C6F7A0 -- 10Hz: 0x0000A7C5AC47 -- 100Hz: -- 1kHz: -- 10kHz: -- 100kHz: 0x199999999999 70 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA APPENDIX C: WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) VHDL SOURCE CODE – SINE WAVE library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use work.all; entity sine is generic ( ddsAddressSize : natural; ddsWordSize : natural; ddsCounterSize : natural; outputSize : natural ); port ( clock : in std_logic; reset : in std_logic; step : in unsigned(ddsCounterSize - 1 downto 0); Sineoutput : out unsigned(outputSize - 1 downto 0); SinenewOutput : out std_logic ); end sine; architecture rtl of sine is signal counter : unsigned(ddsCounterSize downto 0); type stateType is ( loadAddress1, address1Wait1, address1Wait2, loadAddress2, address2Wait1, address2Wait2, setOutput, delay ); signal state : stateType := loadAddress1; signal data1 : signed(outputSize downto 0); signal delayCounter : natural range 0 to 43; signal ramAddr : unsigned(3 downto 0); signal ramData : unsigned(2 downto 0); begin process (clock,reset) begin if rising_edge(clock) then -- simple sine wave simulator case ramAddr is when "0000" => ramData <= "100"; when "0001" => ramData <= "101"; when "0010" => ramData <= "110"; when "0011" => ramData <= "111"; when "0100" => ramData <= "111"; 71 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) when "0101" => ramData <= "111"; when "0110" => ramData <= "110"; when "0111" => ramData <= "101"; when "1000" => ramData <= "100"; when "1001" => ramData <= "010"; when "1010" => ramData <= "001"; when "1011" => ramData <= "000"; when "1100" => ramData <= "000"; when "1101" => ramData <= "000"; when "1110" => ramData <= "001"; when "1111" => ramData <= "010"; when others => ramData <= "000"; end case; end if; end process; process(clock, reset) variable delta : signed(outputSize downto 0); variable signedFraction : signed(ddsCounterSize - ddsAddressSize downto 0); variable interpolatedProduct : signed(ddsCounterSize - ddsAddressSize + outputSize + 1 downto 0); variable interpolated : signed(outputSize downto 0); begin if reset = '1' then counter <= (others => '0'); elsif rising_edge(clock) then case state is -- set address for getting the first word from memory when loadAddress1 => SinenewOutput <= '0'; ramAddr <= counter(ddsCounterSize - 1 downto ddsCounterSize - ddsAddressSize); state <= address1Wait1; -- some wait cycles, until word is loaded when address1Wait1 => state <= address1Wait2; when address1Wait2 => state <= loadAddress2; -- get first word from memory and set address for getting next word when loadAddress2 => data1 <= signed('0' & ramData) & to_signed(0, outputSize - ddsWordSize); ramAddr <= counter(ddsCounterSize - 1 downto ddsCounterSize - ddsAddressSize) + 1; state <= address2Wait1; -- some wait cycles, until word is loaded when address2Wait1 => state <= address2Wait2; when address2Wait2 => state <= setOutput; 72 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) when setOutput => Sineoutput <= unsigned(data1(outputSize - 1 downto 0)); counter <= counter + step; delayCounter <= 42; state <= delay; -- add some wait cycles for 1us when delay => if delayCounter = 0 then SinenewOutput <= '1'; state <= loadAddress1; else delayCounter <= delayCounter - 1; end if; end case; end if; end process; end architecture rtl; 73 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA APPENDIX D: WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) VHDL SOURCE CODE – SQUARE WAVE library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use work.all; entity square is generic ( ddsAddressSize : natural; ddsWordSize : natural; ddsCounterSize : natural; outputSize : natural ); port ( clock : in std_logic; reset : in std_logic; step : in unsigned(ddsCounterSize - 1 downto 0); Squareoutput : out unsigned(outputSize - 1 downto 0); SquarenewOutput : out std_logic ); end square; architecture rtl of square is signal counter : unsigned(ddsCounterSize downto 0); type stateType is ( loadAddress1, address1Wait1, address1Wait2, loadAddress2, address2Wait1, address2Wait2, setOutput, delay ); signal state : stateType := loadAddress1; signal data1 : signed(outputSize downto 0); signal delayCounter : natural range 0 to 43; signal ramAddr : unsigned(3 downto 0); signal ramData : unsigned(2 downto 0); begin process (clock,reset) begin if rising_edge(clock) then -- simple square wave simulator case ramAddr is when "0000" => ramData <= "000"; when "0001" => ramData <= "000"; when "0010" => ramData <= "000"; when "0011" => ramData <= "000"; 74 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) when "0100" => ramData <= "000"; when "0101" => ramData <= "000"; when "0110" => ramData <= "000"; when "0111" => ramData <= "000"; when "1000" => ramData <= "111"; when "1001" => ramData <= "111"; when "1010" => ramData <= "111"; when "1011" => ramData <= "111"; when "1100" => ramData <= "111"; when "1101" => ramData <= "111"; when "1110" => ramData <= "111"; when "1111" => ramData <= "111"; when others => ramData <= "000"; end case; end if; end process; process(clock, reset) variable delta : signed(outputSize downto 0); variable signedFraction : signed(ddsCounterSize - ddsAddressSize downto 0); variable interpolatedProduct : signed(ddsCounterSize - ddsAddressSize + outputSize + 1 downto 0); variable interpolated : signed(outputSize downto 0); begin if reset = '1' then counter <= (others => '0'); elsif rising_edge(clock) then case state is -- set address for getting the first word from memory when loadAddress1 => SquarenewOutput <= '0'; ramAddr <= counter(ddsCounterSize - 1 downto ddsCounterSize - ddsAddressSize); state <= address1Wait1; -- some wait cycles, until word is loaded when address1Wait1 => state <= address1Wait2; when address1Wait2 => state <= loadAddress2; -- get first word from memory and set address for getting next word when loadAddress2 => data1 <= signed('0' & ramData) & to_signed(0, outputSize - ddsWordSize); ramAddr <= counter(ddsCounterSize - 1 downto ddsCounterSize - ddsAddressSize) + 1; state <= address2Wait1; -- some wait cycles, until word is loaded when address2Wait1 => state <= address2Wait2; when address2Wait2 => state <= setOutput; 75 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) when setOutput => Squareoutput <= unsigned(data1(outputSize 1 downto 0)); counter <= counter + step; delayCounter <= 42; state <= delay; -- add some wait cycles for 1us when delay => if delayCounter = 0 then SquarenewOutput <= '1'; state <= loadAddress1; else delayCounter <= delayCounter - 1; end if; end case; end if; end process; end architecture rtl; 76 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA APPENDIX E: WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) VHDL SOURCE CODE – TRIANGULAR WAVE library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use work.all; entity Triangular is generic ( ddsAddressSize : natural; ddsWordSize : natural; ddsCounterSize : natural; outputSize : natural ); port( clock : in std_logic; reset : in std_logic; step : in unsigned(ddsCounterSize - 1 downto 0); --interpolate : in std_logic; Triangularoutput : out unsigned(outputSize - 1 downto 0); TriangularnewOutput : out std_logic ); end Triangular; architecture rtl of Triangular is signal counter : unsigned(ddsCounterSize downto 0); type stateType is ( loadAddress1, address1Wait1, address1Wait2, loadAddress2, address2Wait1, address2Wait2, setOutput, delay ); signal state : stateType := loadAddress1; signal data1 : signed(outputSize downto 0); signal delayCounter : natural range 0 to 43; signal ramAddr : unsigned(3 downto 0); signal ramData : unsigned(2 downto 0); begin process (clock,reset) begin if rising_edge(clock) then -- simple Triangular wave simulator case ramAddr is when "0000" => ramData <= "000"; --1 when "0001" => ramData <= "001"; --2 when "0010" => ramData <= "010"; --3 when "0011" => ramData <= "011"; --4 77 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) when "0100" => ramData <= "100"; --5 when "0101" => ramData <= "101"; --6 when "0110" => ramData <= "110"; --7 when "0111" => ramData <= "111"; when "1000" => ramData <= "110"; when "1001" => ramData <= "101"; when "1010" => ramData <= "100"; when "1011" => ramData <= "011"; when "1100" => ramData <= "010"; when "1101" => ramData <= "001"; when "1110" => ramData <= "000"; when "1111" => ramData <= "000"; when others => ramData <= "000"; end case; end if; end process; process(clock, reset) variable delta : signed(outputSize downto 0); variable signedFraction : signed(ddsCounterSize - ddsAddressSize downto 0); variable interpolatedProduct : signed(ddsCounterSize - ddsAddressSize + outputSize + 1 downto 0); variable interpolated : signed(outputSize downto 0); begin if reset = '1' then counter <= (others => '0'); elsif rising_edge(clock) then case state is -- set address for getting the first word from memory when loadAddress1 => TriangularnewOutput <= '0'; ramAddr <= counter(ddsCounterSize - 1 downto ddsCounterSize - ddsAddressSize); state <= address1Wait1; -- some wait cycles, until word is loaded when address1Wait1 => state <= address1Wait2; when address1Wait2 => state <= loadAddress2; -- get first word from memory and set address for getting next word when loadAddress2 => data1 <= signed('0' & ramData) & to_signed(0, outputSize - ddsWordSize); ramAddr <= counter(ddsCounterSize - 1 downto ddsCounterSize - ddsAddressSize) + 1; state <= address2Wait1; -- some wait cycles, until word is loaded when address2Wait1 => state <= address2Wait2; when address2Wait2 => state <= setOutput; when setOutput => 78 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) Triangularoutput <= unsigned(data1(outputSize - 1 downto 0)); counter <= counter + step; delayCounter <= 42; state <= delay; -- add some wait cycles for 1us when delay => if delayCounter = 0 then TriangularnewOutput <= '1'; state <= loadAddress1; else delayCounter <= delayCounter - 1; end if; end case; end if; end process; end architecture rtl; 79 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA APPENDIX F: WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) VHDL SOURCE CODE – LEFT RIGHT LEDs library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------entity left_right_leds is Port ( led,freq_selection : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); rotary_a : in std_logic; rotary_b : in std_logic; rotary_press : in std_logic; clk : in std_logic ); end left_right_leds; architecture Behavioral of left_right_leds is -- Signals used to interface to rotary encoder signal rotary_a_in : std_logic; signal rotary_b_in : std_logic; signal rotary_press_in : std_logic; signal rotary_in : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal rotary_q1 : std_logic; signal rotary_q2 : std_logic; signal delay_rotary_q1 : std_logic; signal rotary_event : std_logic; signal rotary_left : std_logic; -- Signals used to drive LEDs signal led_pattern : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0):= "00010000"; --initial value puts one LED on near the middle. signal led_drive : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); begin rotary_filter: process(clk) begin if clk'event and clk='1' then -- Synchronise inputs to clock domain using flip-flops in input/output blocks. rotary_a_in <= rotary_a; rotary_b_in <= rotary_b; rotary_press_in <= rotary_press; --concatenate rotary input signals to form vector for case construct. rotary_in <= rotary_b_in & rotary_a_in; 80 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) case rotary_in is when "00" => rotary_q1 <= '0'; rotary_q2 <= rotary_q2; when "01" => rotary_q1 <= rotary_q1; rotary_q2 <= '0'; when "10" => rotary_q1 <= rotary_q1; rotary_q2 <= '1'; when "11" => rotary_q1 <= '1'; rotary_q2 <= rotary_q2; when others => rotary_q1 <= rotary_q1; rotary_q2 <= rotary_q2; end case; end if; end process rotary_filter; -- The rising edges of 'rotary_q1' indicate that a rotation has occurred and the -- state of 'rotary_q2' at that time will indicate the direction. direction: process(clk) begin if clk'event and clk='1' then delay_rotary_q1 <= rotary_q1; if rotary_q1='1' and delay_rotary_q1='0' then rotary_event <= '1'; rotary_left <= rotary_q2; else rotary_event <= '0'; rotary_left <= rotary_left; end if; end if; end process direction; -- LED control led_display: process(clk) begin if clk'event and clk='1' then if rotary_event='1' then if rotary_left='1' then led_pattern <= led_pattern(6 downto 0) & led_pattern(7); --rotate LEDs to left else led_pattern <= led_pattern(0) & led_pattern(7 downto 1); --rotate LEDs to right end if; end if; -- Pressing the rotary encoder will cause all LED drive bits to be inverted. if rotary_press_in='0' then led_drive <= led_pattern; else 81 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) --led_drive <= led_pattern xor "11111111"; end if; --Ouput LED drive to the pins making use of the output flip-flops in input/output blocks. led <= led_drive; freq_selection <= led_drive; end if; end process led_display; end Behavioral; 82 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) GLOSSARY AC – Alternating Current Alternating current is the flow of electric charge periodically in reverses direction. FPGA - Field-Programmable Gate Array A field-programmable gate array (FPGA) is an integrated circuit designed to be configured by the customer or designer after manufacturing LCD – Liquid Crystal Display Digital display that uses liquid crystal cells that change reflectivity in an applied electric field DAC - Digital-to-Analog Converter HDL - Hardware Description Language A kind of language used for the conceptual design of integrated circuits. VHSIC - Very-High-Speed Integrated Circuit VHDL - VHSIC hardware description language VHDL is a hardware description language used in electronic design automation to describe digital and mixed-signal systems such as field-programmable gate arrays and integrated circuits. Verilog is a hardware description language used to model electronic systems. DSP – Digital Signal Processing DSP is concerned with the representation of signals by a sequence of numbers or symbols and the processing of these signals. AM – Amplitude Modulation AM is a method of sending information by modifying (modulating) the intensity (amplitude) of a carrier wave. 83 DESIGN A SIGNAL GENERATOR USING FPGA WONG PENG YEW (W0706833) FM – Frequency Modulation FM conveys information over a carrier wave by varying its instantaneous frequency PM – Phase Modulation PM is a method of sending information by modifying (modulating) the difference in phase (fraction of a wave length) between a signal and a reference. QAM – Quadrature amplitude modulation It conveys two analog message signals, or two digital bit streams, by changing (modulating) the amplitudes of two carrier waves. EDA - Electronic Design Automation EDA is a category of software tools for designing electronic systems such as printed circuit boards and integrated circuits. PLDs - Programmable Logic Device PLD is an electronic component used to build reconfigurable digital circuits. PROM - Programmable Read Only Memory PROM is a form of digital memory where the setting of each bit is locked by a fuse or antifuse. RTL - Register Transfer Level RTL description is a way of describing the operation of a synchronous digital circuit. LED - Light-Emitting Diode LED is a semiconductor light source. SPI - Serial Peripheral Interface SPI is a simple interface that allows one chip to communicate with one or more other chip. 84