Action Plan for the Development and Implementation of the Qualifications Framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the period 2014-2020 CONTENTS 1. ABBREVIATIONS …………...……………………………………………..............………………………………………………… 2. ...................................................................................................................................... I NTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 3. ...................................................................................................................................... G LOSSARY ..................................................................................................................................... 4. ...................................................................................................................................... V ISION ........................................................................................................................................... 5. ...................................................................................................................................... M ISSION.......................................................................................................................................... 6. GOALS........................................................................................................................................... 7. SWOT ANALYSIS............................................................................................................................ 8. ...................................................................................................................................... A CTIVITIES .................................................................................................................................... a. Package 1 Designing the QFBIH .................................................................................................................... ................... b. Package 2 Testing the QFBIH ............................................................................................................................................... c. Package 3 Development of the QFBIH and its Implementation ............................................................................................................................................... d. Package 4 Development of human potential and quality assurance of the implementation of the QFBIH Action Plan ........................................................................................................... e. Package 5 Review and further development of the QFBIH ...................................................... f. Table of activities................................................................................................................... 9. Members of the Commission for the Development of the QFBIH................................................................................................................................................ .. 10. BASELINE QUALIFICATIONS FRAMEWORK IN BIH ........................................................................ ABBREVIATIONS APOSO BD BiH CIP CoE EC ECVET EKO (English: EQF) ENIC/NARIC ENQA EQAR EQAVET ESCO EU ETF EUA HEA HEAARS QF BiH MCA NKO NPP NQF QF-EHEA RS UNESCO VŠU (English: HEI) Agency for Pre-primary, Primary and Secondary education Brcko District Bosnia and Herzegovina Centre for Information and Recognition of Documents in Higher Education Council of Europe European Commission European system of credit points in vocational education and training European Qualifications Framework European Network of Information Centres in the European Region/National Academic Recognition Information Centres European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education European Quality Assurance System in Vocational Education and Training European system of skills , competences / qualifications and occupations European Union European Training Fund European University Association Agency for the Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance in BiH Agency for the Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions in RS Qualifications Framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina Ministry of Civil Affairs State Qualifications Framework Teaching Curriculum State Qualifications Framework Qualifications Framework of the European Higher Education Area Republika Srpska United Nations Education, Science and Culture Organisation Higher Education Institutions 1. Introduction The rapid development of modern technology and markets in Europe and aging population have created numerous challenges for the education systems of European Union member states, as well as those that wish to join the EU – including Bosnia and Herzegovina. One of the main requirements is the necessity of a systemic appraisal of education and training in each state and its comparison with education systems in other countries through common European reference meta-frameworks: the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning and the European Higher Education Area. The necessity for education to prepare experts, who can respond successfully to the continuously changing economic challenges and the dynamic labour market, terminates definitely the view of education as a single, initial period of life, which has a its beginning, end and application stage. In modern times, education becomes a lifelong process. Following several years of preparation, in April 2008, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union adopted the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning, in order to promote mobility and lifelong learning for all European citizens. A proposal to amend and expand the role of the European Qualifications Framework followed in May 2013, primarily in the purpose of supporting and accelerating the implementation of national qualification frameworks, and assisting the development and implementation of evaluation and recognition of non-formal and informal learning in EU member states. The European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning is aimed at facilitating the recognition and comparison of qualifications, thereby facilitating citizens’ mobility, the establishment of a lifelong learning concept and quality assurance for education and acquired qualifications. The strategic goal of the European Qualifications Framework is to ensure that the qualifications acquired by the citizens meet the social and economic needs of individual countries and the European Union as a whole. This includes quality assurance for all qualifications, access to education for all citizens, and horizontal and vertical advancement/progression through the education system. The European Qualifications Framework introduces eight common reference levels, described through a generic presentation of the complexity of knowledge, skills and competences, achieved on the basis of learning outcomes. The eight levels include all types and classes of qualifications and all learning modes. They serve as an instrument for recognition, understanding and comparison of qualifications on the basis of quality, within EU countries and beyond. Understanding the significance of the European Qualifications Framework for its further socio-economic reform, and its education reform in particular, Bosnia and Herzegovina is undertaking activities aimed at developing its Qualifications Framework. The Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina has adopted a series of decisions, which are necessary for the development of a Qualifications Framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina. On 24 March 2011, the BiH Council of Ministers rendered the Decision on Adoption of the Baseline of the Qualifications Framework in BiH. On 11 January 2013, it rendered the Decision on the Appointment of a Commission for the Development of the Qualifications Framework in BiH. The Commission was tasked to develop and propose a work plan for all major activities related to the development of a Qualifications Framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 2. Glossary European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF) - an instrument for the establishment of levels of qualifications, structured to act as a means of identifying and understanding qualifications among national qualifications frameworks. National Qualifications Framework (NQF) - an instrument for the classification of qualifications acquired in a particular country, which provides the basis for clarity, accession, progression, acquisition and quality of qualifications. Qualifications Framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina (QFBIH) - an instrument for the classification of qualifications acquired in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which provides the basis for clarity, accession, progression, acquisition and quality of qualifications. Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area (QF-EHEA)- a document adopted by the Conference of European Ministers of Education, held in Bergen in 2005. It defines the generic descriptors for each of the three cycles of higher education and it is applied in all signatory states to the Bologna Process. Qualifications - a formal title of the result of a process of assessment and validation obtained once a competent body determines that an individual has achieved the learning outcomes as per the defined standards. Learning outcomes – a description of what a student/learner knows, understands and is able to perform on the basis of a completed learning process, defined through knowledge, skills and competences. International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) - an international standard classification of education. Knowledge – a set of facts, principles, theories and practices, which are related to a particular field of work or study, resulting from the adoption of information through the learning process. Within the context of the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning, knowledge is described as theoretical and/or factual. Skills - the ability to apply knowledge and use the “know how” principle to perform a certain task. They help in the problem solving process aimed at solving a problem. Skills can be cognitive (including the use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking), practical (including physical agility and use of methods, materials, devices and instruments) and social (communication and cooperation skills, emotional intelligence, etc.) Competence - the ability to apply knowledge, skills and personal, social and methodological abilities at work or while learning, both in private and in professional development. Within the context of the European Qualifications Framework, competences are described as responsibility and independence. Lifelong Learning- linking formal, non-formal and informal learning in order to acquire the ability for continuous improvement of quality of life. Formal Education- learning led by a teacher or an instructor, acquired in educational institutions and in accordance with curricula approved by responsible education authorities. It ends with the awarding of an official document. Non-formal Education/ Learning - an organised process of learning and education focused on improving, specialising or amending knowledge, skills and competences in accordance with special programmes implemented by education and training providers (regular schools, training centres, companies, agencies, etc.) Informal Learning – spontaneous learning and acquiring of knowledge and skills through everyday activities. Inclusive Education - the right of every person to equal opportunity during education. This particularly includes the right of children with developmental difficulties and gifted children to develop their potential to the maximum through support which includes flexible programmes, adequately prepared teachers, expert support and welcoming, aimed at developing tolerance, acceptance of differences and later social inclusion. Validation of Non-formal and Informal Learning - a series of procedures aimed at assessing the competences acquired through non-formal or informal learning, including the issuance of a certificate by a responsible institution in accordance with pre-defined and accepted criteria and standards. Quality Assurance - a system and procedures applied in order to preserve the agreed standards of products and services, including their continued improvement. Workload - the estimate time for all learning activities, which is necessary for the achievement of certain learning outcomes. Credit point - a measurement unit for the range/volume of competences acquired. It is determined on the basis of the average total time successful students/learners require for acquiring such competences. Example: ECTS point (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) in higher education. Level Indicators/ Descriptors - a generic description of learning outcomes of a particular level. Reference Level of Qualification - the complexity of competences acquired, which is described by a set of descriptors. Qualification Standard – the standard which establishes the conditions for the acquisition of an official document on a particular qualification. It includes all data necessary for determining the level, the credit points and the profile of a qualification, as well as data required for quality assurance of the qualification standard. Occupational Standard - a list of all jobs which an individual performs within a particular occupation and a list of competences required for their successful performance. 3. Vision The Qualifications Framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina (QFBiH) will allow every citizen the acquisition of identifiable, reliable and recognised qualifications, which are comparable to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF. It will provide access to lifelong learning, increase competitiveness and social inclusion and enable links to the European labour market and education area. It will also contribute to the development of an education system linked to the labour market, as well as economic and social development of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 4. Mission The Qualifications Framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina establishes and develops reliable and identifiable qualifications, based on quality and lifelong learning, relevant for the labour market and comparable to qualifications in other countries in Europe and the world. The implementation of the Qualifications Framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina supports the development of education based on learning outcomes and a system of internal and external quality assurance at all levels of education, mechanisms for the evaluation and recognition of non-formal and informal learning, increased access to education, social inclusion of all participants and coherence of the education system. Through the introduction of transparent qualifications within eight levels, the Qualifications Framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina builds public confidence in the value of education documents and contributes to easier employability. The Qualifications Framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina creates the conditions for the society’s progress towards European integration by fulfilling the goals of the EU 2020 Strategy through increased mobility, flexibility and competitiveness of the labour force, and better links between the education system and the labour market, thereby allowing the citizens a European and regional progression of their qualifications. 5. Goals The Qualifications Framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina is an instrument necessary for assuring equal use and application of standards: education and occupations, learning outcomes, qualifications, professional competence and certification of education service providers. The Qualifications Framework determines the standards of learning outcomes expected from students and adults that acquired a certain qualification. At the same time, the Qualifications Framework guarantees equality and reliability of qualifications both for the employers and for the learners. The general goals of the Qualifications Framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina are identified through four key lines of action: 1. Linking, facilitating communication and creating partnerships between all the relevant stakeholders; 2. Linking with the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF) and the Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area (QF-EHEA), and consequently with the qualifications frameworks of other countries. This creates the basis for simpler recognition of BiH qualifications in other countries and recognition of qualifications from other countries in BiH; 3. Reform of the BiH education system, including development and introduction of learning outcomes into the curricula, establishment and improvement of the quality assurance system, relating to the needs of the labour market, mobility and other needs of individuals and the society; 4. Development of a system of evaluation and recognition of non-formal and informal learning within the lifelong learning process. The specific goals of the Qualifications Framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina are: Understanding different types of qualifications and their relationships; Comprehensible presentation of education achievements to employers, learners and parents; Guiding individuals in the selection of education and career; facilitating mobility and more transparent access to education throughout the life of an individual; Facilitating identification and recognition of national qualifications abroad and of foreign qualifications in Bosnia and Herzegovina ; Creating the pre-conditions for introducing a quality assurance system for existing and new qualifications; Contributing to quality employability; Creating the pre-conditions for the development of a system of evaluation and recognition of competences acquired through non-formal and informal education / learning; Improvement of co-operation with all social partners; Promoting education. 6. SWOT Analysis In the purpose of an easy preparation of all activities related to the achievement of pre-defined general and specific objectives, it is very important to analyse all internal and external, as well as positive and negative factors, during the development of project tasks. An analysis of all internal strengths and weaknesses in BiH, as well as external opportunities and threats, is presented in the table below: ADVANTAGES / STRENGTHS Expressed political will and BIH commitment to develop a qualifications framework Existence of starting documents required for further work QFBiH Commission appointed by the Council of Ministers of BiH Long tradition and huge experience in implementing formal programmes in general, vocational and higher education Experience in implementing the Bologna process Existence of good examples of internal and external quality assurance systems Involvement in international activities and projects Involvement in the work of European bodies which coordinate the development and implementation of qualifications frameworks Reform of all curricula based on learning outcomes Existence of examples of learning outcomes, occupational standards and qualifications standards. WEAKNESSES / SHORTCOMINGS Learning outcomes not visible enough to the user Formal education still mainly based on “input” (contents) and not on learning outcomes Rare good examples of implementation of learning outcomes Insufficient involvement of competent persons from BiH in the education reform process Insufficient flexibility of the formal education Insufficient level of development of internal and external quality assurance systems at levels of education Absence of a system of evaluation and recognition of informal and non-formal learning Insufficient experience/practices in certification of education service providers Insufficient links between the education sector and the labour market OPPORTUNITIES EU and other financial and expert assistance in the development of a qualifications framework Awareness of the need to reform education, develop a transparent quality assurance system Awareness of the need for an increased mobility of citizens and lifelong learning Awareness of the need for better links with employers and other stakeholders, and for the THREATS Formal education which is not based on learning outcomes Insufficient willingness of key stakeholders to transform education towards a knowledgebased society Most of the key stakeholders still perceive the process of development and implementation of a qualifications framework as a purely development of mutual partnerships in the interest of all Awareness of the need for better international identification and comparability of qualifications from BiH Existence of good regional links and support, as well as possibilities for further co-operation Good co-operation with international experts, particularly those coming from countries with experience in developing and implementing qualifications frameworks Availability of good and bad practice examples from other countries Influence and positive pressure resulting from international student and teacher mobility bureaucratic process Presence of interest-based groups which are slowing down the process of development and implementation of a qualifications framework Lack of confidence of individuals, groups and institutions towards frequent education reforms Insufficient understanding and absence of adequate capacities of the business sector for the development of a qualifications framework Lack of information and lack of understanding among students, parents, employers and the public about the benefits of a qualifications framework Impact of the economic situation Absence / inability to provide adequate financial means for the development and implementation of a qualifications framework 7. Activities The implementation of all activities towards the achievement of the above goals and adequate results will be conducted through a series of activities, organised in five major activity packages (P1-P5), as follows: Activity Package 1 P1. 1 Designing the QFBiH A. Designing and linking all components / elements of QFBiH: i. Analysis of EU instructions / conclusions and experiences from other countries in developing and implementing qualifications frameworks (their strengths, weaknesses, challenges and solutions) and learning about the current solutions in BiH ii. Defining, developing and incorporating domains of learning outcome (knowledge, skills, competences) into the curricula iii. Designing the structure of sets of learning outcomes1 iv. Defining characteristics for the classification of qualifications v. Defining workloads, credit points and learning outcomes2 vi. Designing the structure and the contents of qualification standards vii. Designing the structure and the content of occupational standards viii. Designing the basic structural elements of education / study programmes ix. Designing the structure of the BiHQF website x. Links with the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF) and the Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area, in the interest of identification and recognition of BiH qualifications abroad and of foreign qualifications in BiH In the future, learning outcomes and sets of learning outcomes should be carefully elaborated, as key elements of a qualifications framework. 2 See Annex: Baseline of the QF in BIH B. Defining processes / procedures and inclusion of relevant implementing bodies i. Education and learning (formal, non-formal, informal) ii. Examination and grading iii. Awarding qualifications iv. Developing a proposal of qualification standards, occupational standards and programmes v. Recognition of previous learning, including evaluation of non-formal and informal learning vi. Evaluation, accreditation, licensing vii. Quality assurance (internal and external: of education, examination and grading, awarding of qualifications, evaluation of occupational and qualification standards, evaluation of the programmes and work of institutions, accreditation and licensing of programmes and institutions) viii. Defining the role and responsibilities of implementing bodies (ministries, agencies, schools, universities, boards, commissions, teams, etc.) in the purpose of greater employment ix. Promoting co-operation of implementing bodies, labour market stakeholders and social partners in the purpose of better quality employment and increased mobility C. Developing examples and work instructions i. Developing examples of all components / elements of the QFBiH ii. Simulation of defined processes / procedures iii. Developing instructions for the work of implementing bodies, including instructions for internal and external quality assurance of all processes / procedures Activity Package 2 P2. Testing the QF BiH: A. Development of selected examples of occupational standards i. Development of occupational standards and, for some examples, co-ordinated with the development of qualification standards B. Development of selected examples of qualification standards i. Development of selected examples of qualification standards for all levels of the Qualifications Framework, possibly for different profiles C. Development of adequate education / study programmes i. Development of adequate programmes in co-ordination with the development of qualification standards D. Testing processes / procedures of implementing bodies for selected examples i. Process analysis and development of instructions for internal and external quality assurance for all processes / procedures E. Development and testing of the IT platform, including the QFBiH website F. Analysis, testing and, if needed, changes and amendments to elements / components and processes / procedures of implementing bodies i. Analysis of the QFBiH and, if needed, changes and amendments to elements / components and processes/procedures ii. Analysis, grouping and proposing the structure of sector councils. Activity Package 3 P3. Development of QFBIH documents and implementation: A. Developing proposals and adoption of legal documents at appropriate levels of authority i. Decision on Changes and Amendments to the Decision on the Appointment of the QF BiH Commission – adoption by the Council of Ministers of BiH ii. Decision on the Adoption of the Action Plan for the Development and Implementation of the QF BiH 2014-2020 – adoption by the Council of Ministers of BiH B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. iii. Decision on the Adoption of the QFBiH – adoption by the Council of Ministers of BiH Improving the quality assurance system i. Improve legislation related to quality assurance at all levels of education and qualification (to be performed by: responsible education authorities) ii. Adapt the existing internal and external quality assurance bodies (to be performed by: responsible education authorities in co-operation with HEA, APOSO and education institutions) iii. Education and training of persons working in internal and external quality assurance bodies Development and presentation of self-certification reports and referencing reports in relation to EQF and QF-EHEA i. Self-certification report for QFBiH in relation to QF-EHEA(to be performed by: the Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA), responsible education authorities, experts) ii. Referencing report for QF BiH in relation to EQF (to be performed by: MCA, responsible education authorities, experts as ordered by education authorities) Establishment and adaptation of the work of relevant bodies (at appropriate levels) in the purpose of implementing the QFBiH: i. Establishing the QFBiH Implementation Council (to be performed by: authorities responsible for education and employment, to be appointed by the Council of Ministers of BiH) ii. Extension of the mandate of the QF BiH Commission and its adaptation to new tasks iii. Establishing sector councils Preparation of the IT base and website (to be performed by: MCA in co-operation with relevant education and other authorities) Developing occupational standards i. Preparation of work and training of staff of relevant partners and bodies ii. Co-ordinated development of occupational standards depending on strategic interests and harmonised with the development of qualification standards iii. Evaluation of proposals and enabling access through the QFBiH website Developing qualification standards i. Preparation of work and training of staff of relevant partners and bodies ii. Co-ordinated development in relation to the development of occupational standards and programmes iii. Evaluation of proposals and enabling access through the QF BiH web page Development of new and modernisation of existing education / study programmes i. Preparation of work and training of staff of relevant partners and bodies ii. Co-ordinated development in relation to the development of qualification standards iii. Evaluation of proposals and enabling access through the website, including evaluation of institutions implementing the programmes (accreditation and licensing) Improving the system of recognition of foreign qualifications in BiH and national qualifications abroad using the QFBiH in accordance with the principles of the Lisbon Convention and accompanying documents i. Improve legislation related to the recognition of foreign qualifications in BiH and to national qualifications abroad (to be performed by: relevant education authorities) ii. Adapt the existing bodies for recognition of foreign qualifications in BiH and national qualifications abroad iii. Education and training of staff working in bodes for recognition of foreign qualifications in BiH and national qualifications abroad Activity Package 4 P4. Developing human resources and assuring quality of implementation of the Action Plan and the QFBiH: A. Training i. Training of staff of implementing bodes and partner institutions in BiH ii. Determining criteria and selecting experts iii. Training of experts B. International co-operation and building of the reputation of the QF BiH i. Active international co-operation, monitoring of and participation in the work of bodies in Europe and monitoring of the work of other countries of interest C. Dissemination of lifelong learning and the QFBiH i. Promotion of lifelong learning to stakeholders and the public ii. Open communication (via the website and other) with individuals and the public iii. Dissemination and promotion of the QFBiH within BiH and in other countries and bodies in Europe D. Quality assurance of the implementation of the Action Plan and the QFBiH i. Preparing reports on regular activities by all activity implementers ii. Monitoring activities and preparation of periodic reports iii. Submission of reports Activity Package 5 P5. Review and further development of the QFBiH: A. Analysis of the level of success of the implementation of the QF BiH i. Analysing the level of success in implementing the QF BiH (methods, parameters of success, etc.) ii. Drafting proposed changes and amendments to the QF BiH and relevant legal documents, including draft proposals for the evaluation of non-formal and informal learning B. Changes and amendments to the QF BiH-related documents C. Implementation of the evaluation of non-formal and informal learning i. Determining criteria, selection and training of experts ii. Training representatives of relevant bodies, partner institutions iii. Implementation of evaluation of non-formal and informal learning D. Developing revised / amended self-certification and referencing reports i. Revised / amended self-certification report on QF BiH in relation to the QF-EHEA ii. Revised / amended referencing report on QF BiH in relation to the EQF. Table of activities: Activit y P1-A P1-B P1-C P2-A P2-B P2-C P2-D P2-E P2-F P3-A P3-B P3-C P3-D P3-E P3-F P3-G P3-H P3-I P4-A P4-B P4-C P4-D P5-A P5-B P5-C P5-D 2014 x X X x x x x 2015 X X X X x x X x x x x x X x x X x x x x x X X X X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 2016 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 2017 x X x x X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x X x x X x x X x x x x x x X x x X x x x x x x X x x x x x x X x x x x x x X x x x x x x X x x x x x x X x x x x x x X x x x x x x X x x x x x x X x x x x x x x x 2018 2019 2020 x x x x x x x x X x x x x X x x x x x x x x x x X x x x x x x x x x x X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x X X X X X x x x X x x x X Activity Activity Package: P1-Designing the QFBIH P1-A To be Period: Resources performed from-to (people, by: (start and financial (who takes end of means, the lead, work) premises, who equipment) participates) QF BiH Commission; MCA and relevant ministries of education and labour; HEI; education agencies 3 and pedagogic institutes; employers’ associations and labour unions 01.2014- EU/CoE 12.2015 SDHEQS; BHQFHE TEMPUS; IPA 2012; Int'l donors; BiH institutions budget; national and int'l experts and IPA 2 Results of previous activities (as a precondition for successful further implementation) ction Plan Results achieved (indicate also the activity that depends on the result cited) esults of previous QF BIH activities esults of previous projects A verview and description of QF BiH Relements O T emplate for Learning Outcome Sets R T emplate for Occupational Standards T emplate for Qualification Standards B asic elements of programme structure S tructure of the QF BiH website O verview of results achieved in developing QF BIH aimed at identification and recognition of BiH qualifications P1-B P1-C QF BiH Commission; MCA and relevant ministries of education and labour; HEI; education agencies 4 and pedagogic institutes; employers’ associations and labour unions QF BiH Commission; MCA and relevant ministries of education and labour; HEI; education agencies 5 and pedagogic institutes; employers’ associations and labour unions 09.2014- EU/CoE 12.2016 SDHEQS; BHQFHE TEMPUS; IPA 2012; Int'l donors; BiH institutions budget; national and int'l experts and IPA 2 09.2014- EU/CoE 12.2016 SDHEQS; BHQFHE TEMPUS; IPA 2012; Int'l donors; BiH institutions budget; national and int'l experts and IPA 2 Activity Package: P2-Testing of QFBIH ction Plan abroad and foreign qualifications in BiH A O verview and description of all processes / procedures and inclusion of relevant bodies R eport on partnerships established and promoting further development ction Plan orking results and final results of P1-A, B orking results and final results of P2-A, B, C, D, E, F A xamples of QF BiH elements W imulation of processes / procedures nstructions for the work Wof implementing bodies E S I Activity P2-A P2-B P2-C P2-D To be Period: Resources performed from-to (people, by: (start and financial (who takes end of means, the lead, work) premises, who equipment) participates) QF BiH 06.2014- EU/CoE Commission; 06.2016 SDHEQS; HEI; education BHQFHE agencies6; TEMPUS; relevant IPA 2012; ministries; Int'l professional donors; BiH associations; institutions chambers; budget; projects and national schools and int'l experts and IPA 2 QF BiH 06.2014- EU/CoE Commission; 06.2016 SDHEQS; HEI; education BHQFHE agencies7; TEMPUS; relevant IPA 2012; ministries; Int'l professional donors; BiH associations; institutions chambers; budget; projects and national schools and int'l experts and IPA 2 QF BiH 06.2014- EU/CoE Commission; 12.2016 SDHEQS; HEI; BHQFHE education TEMPUS; agencies8; IPA 2012; relevant Int'l ministries; donors; BiH professional institutions associations; budget; chambers; national projects and and int'l schools experts and IPA 2 QF BiH 06.2014- EU/CoE Commission; 12.2016 SDHEQS; relevant BHQFHE Results of previous activities (as a precondition for successful further implementation) orking results and final results of P1-A, C Results achieved (indicate also the activity that depends on the result cited) W xamples of occupational standards E W xamples of qualification standards E W xamples of education / study programmes E W nalysis of processes / A orking results and final results of P1-A, C orking results and final results of P1-A, C orking results and ministries, HEA; HEARS; APOSO; HEI; schools and projects P2-E QF BiH Commission; TEMPUS; IPA 2012; Int'l donors; BiH institutions budget; national and int'l experts and IPA 2 01.2015- Int'l 12.2016 donors; IT experts and equipment final results of P1-A, B, C procedures planned orking results and final results of P2-A, B, C I nstructions for W internal and external quality assurance of all processes / procedures orking results and final results of P1-A, B, C W T base and QF BiH website I W orking results and final results of P2-A, B, C, D, F W orking results and final results of P3-A, B, D P2-F QF BiH Commission; MCA; relevant ministries of education and labour; HEI; education agencies9; employer associations and labour unions 01.2015- EU/CoE 12.2016 SDHEQS; BHQFHE TEMPUS; IPA 2012; Int'l donors; BiH institutions budget; national and int'l experts and IPA 2 orking results and final results of P1-A, B, C orking results and final results of P2-A, B,C, D, E W A nalysis of components and processes / procedures of QF BiH W and proposal for changes and amendments of QF BiH, if needed P roposal of sector councils Activity Package: P3-Development of QF BIH Documents and Implementation Activity P3-A To be Period: Resources performed from-to (people, by: (start and financial (who takes end of means, the lead, work) premises, who equipment) participates) QF BiH Commission; MCA; Council of Ministers of BiH 06.2014. (adopt decision on Commissio n status); Commissio n members; national experts; projects and MCA 06.2014 (adopt Action Plan); P3-B P3-C 12.2016 (adopt QF BiH) QF BIH 01.2015- EU/CoE Commission; 12.2016 SDHEQS; relevant BHQFHE authorities; TEMPUS; HEA; HEAARS; IPA 2012 APOSO; RS Int'l Higher donors, Education budgets at Council; appropriat higher e levels of education authority; institutions; national schools and int'l experts and IPA 2 HEA; HEAARS; APOSO; MCA; relevant education authorities; experts and QF BIH Commission 01.2015- EU/CoE 12.2017 SDHEQS; BHQFHE TEMPUS; IPA 2012; Int'l donors, budgets of appropriat e levels of authority; Results of previous activities (as a precondition for successful further implementation) orking results and final results of P1-A, B, C orking results and final results of P2-A, B, C, D, E, F Results achieved (indicate also the activity that depends on the result cited) W D ecision on Changes and Amendments to the Decision on the Establishment of the W Commission D ecision on the Adoption of the Action Plan D ecision on the Adoption of QF BiH orking results and final results of P1-B, C orking results of P2-D, F orking results and final results of P3-A orking results and final results of P1-B orking results and final results of P2-A, B, C, D, E, F W egislation related to QA at all levels of education L B odies Wadapted to internal and external QA ducation W and training of staff in bodies responsible for internal and external QA systemscompleted W eport on the improvement of the QA system in BiH W elf-certification report eferencing report E R S R national and int'l experts and IPA 2? P3-D Relevant authorities 03.2014- National 12.2016 experts; projects W orking results and final results of P3-A, B orking results and final results of P1-C orking results and final results of P2-A, B, C, D, E, F W ouncil for QF BIH Implementation established C E xtension W and adaptation of mandate of QF BiH Commission E stablishment of sector W councils orking results and final results of P3-A, B P3-E QF BiH Commission 01.2016- Int'l 12.2017 donors; IT experts and equipment esults of P1C R T platform and QFBIH website prepared R I esults of P2E R esults of P3A, B, D P3-F P3-G Sector councils; QF BiH Commission; Higher education institutions; higher education agencies10; relevant ministries; professional associations; chambers; projects and schools Sector councils; QF BiH Commission; 01.2016- BHQFHE 12.2020 TEMPUS; IPA 2012; Int'l donors; BiH institutions budget; national and int'l experts and IPA 2 01.2016- BHQFHE 12.2020 TEMPUS; IPA 2012; Int'l esults of P1C R ccupational standards R O esults of P2A, F R esults of P3A, B, D, E esults under P1-C R ualification standards Q P3-H P3-I Higher education institutions, agencies11; relevant ministries; professional associations; chambers; projects and schools donors, budgets of app. levels of authority, national and int'l experts and IPA 2 Higher education institutions; schools; education agencies12; pedagogical institutes and relevant ministries 01.2016- BHQFHE 12.2020 TEMPUS; IPA 2012 Int'l donors, budgets at appropriat e levels of authority, national and int'l experts and IPA 2 01.2016- BHQFHE 12.2017 TEMPUS; IPA 2012; Int'l donors, budgets at appropriat e authority level; national and int'l experts and IPA 2 Relevant authorities and CIP R esults f P2-B, F R esults of P3A, B, D, E esults of P1C R rogrammes P R esults of P2C, F R esults of P3A, B, D, E esults of P1C esults of P2F esults of P3A, B, C, D R I mproved system of recognition of foreign R qualifications in BiH and national qualifications R abroad Activity Package: P4- Developing human resources and quality assurance of the implementation of the Action Plan and the QF BiH Activity P4-A P4-B To be Period: Resources performed from-to (people, by: (start and financial (who takes end of means, the lead, work) premises, who equipment) participates) Projects (in 01.2014- EU/CoE collaboration 12.2020 SDHEQS; with the QF BHQFHE BIH TEMPUS; Commission), IPA 2012 national Int'l experts; donors; education national institutions; and int'l labour unions experts and IPA 2 QF BIH Commission and QF BIH Council 01.2014- EQF (ETF, 12.2020 European Commission; projects etc.); QF-EHEA (CoE, projects, etc.) and support through other related initiatives (ESCO, EQAVET, Europass, ECVET, etc.) Results of previous activities (as a precondition for successful further implementation) orking results and final results of P1-C orking results and final results of P2-A, B, C, D, E, F orking results and final results of P3-A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I ction Plan ll working results and final results Results achieved (indicate also the activity that depends on the result cited) W orkshops for staff of institutions implementing QF BiH and of partner institutions W W C riteria for the selection of experts W orkshops W for new experts A ctive int'l cooperation A A P articipation and monitoring of work of QF-EHEA bodies (Network of NC on QF-EHEA, BFUG, ENIC /NARIC, ENQA, EQAR, ERA, EUA, EURASHE, UNESCOCEPES, regional networks, etc.) P articipation and monitoring of work of EQF bodies (National Contact Points; Advisory Group, etc.) O bservation and exchange of P4-C QF BIH 01.2014- Projects Commission; 12.2020 and int'l QF BIH donors Council; national experts; HEA; HEAARS; APOSO; CIP; ll working results and final results The media and the public P4-D QF BIH Commission 01.2014- Donors; 12.2020 projects; national and int'l experts ction Plan ll working results and final results experiences during development and implementation of NQF in other countries in the region and the EU A D issemination of importance of LLL among all stakeholders and partners (conferences, round tables, etc.) C ommunication with partners and the public, using modern technologies D issemination of QF BiH in BiH and in other countries N ational and int'l statements at public events and publications A E stablishment and operation of A internal QA system for the implementation of the Action Plan M onitoring and regular reporting on all activities and results to relevant bodies and the public on the development and implementation of QF BiH Activity Activity Package: P5-Review and further development of the QFBIH P5-A To be Period: Resources performed from-to (people, by: (start and financial (who takes end of means, the lead, work) premises, who equipment) participates) QF BIH Commission All implementer s from P1 to P4 01.2017- Donors; 12.2020 projects; int'l and national experts Results of previous activities (as a precondition for successful further implementation) ll working results and final results Results achieved (indicate also the activity that depends on the result cited) A efined methods and success parameters R eport on success level analysis in implementing QF BiH in accordance with defined methods and success parameters P5-B P5-C QF BIH Commission; relevant authorities; HEA; HEAARS;APOS O;RS Higher Education Council; Higher education institutions; schools QF BIH Commission; quality assurance bodies; education D 01.2018- IPA 2012; 12.2019 Int'l donors; budgets at relevant levels of authority; National and int'l experts 01.2019- Donors; 12.2020 projects; national and int'l experts and education orking results and final results of P5-A orking results and final results of P5-A, B roposed system of evaluation of nonformal and informal learning W hanges and amendments to legislation on QF BiH including incorporation of a system of evaluation of nonformal and informal learning into legislation at different levels of authority W riteria for the selection of experts reparation and P C C P institutions institutions implementation of education and training of experts in relevant institutions for the implementation of evaluation of nonformal and informal learning P5-D HEA; HEAARS; APOSO; MCA; relevant education authorities; experts and QF BIH Commission 01.2018- IPA 12.2020 2012;int'l donors; budgets at relevant levels of authority; national and int'l experts esults under P3-C orking results and final results of P4-D S tart of implementation of evaluation of nonformal and informal learning R R evised Selfcertification report W R evised Referencing report W orking results and final results of P5-A, B, C Further Tasks The Baseline Qualifications Framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina has been given this title because it represents the beginning of a long-term process of developing and establishing a qualifications framework in our country. Even when we do have a qualifications framework in place, which contains a successful synthesis of the strategic goals of the education system, its social partners and the society as a whole, we will have to be aware that there cannot be a final qualifications framework because that framework is subject to necessary change dictated by changes in the production systems and the introduction of new technologies in particular. The Baseline Qualifications Framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina represents our strategic commitment to develop a qualification standard, which will enable our country faster socio-economic progress and the sustainability of such progress. In order to materialize our commitment, it is necessary to continue our work on the qualifications framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina, both on its direct development and the anticipation of legal and institutional preconditions for its practical implementation. It is necessary that the qualifications are modern, that they are compatible with the labour market requirements and that they are in accordance with international standards. This includes developing quality assurance mechanisms for qualifications and a systemic definition of instruments for internal and external quality evaluation, which should remove unacceptable differences in quality that currently exist in our country. That brings in the issue of accreditation of educational institutions offering qualifications. It is particularly important that all activities equally involve all social partners and other relevant stakeholders in the field of education. The ultimate goal is to develop a system that will enable BiH companies to get qualified workers and facilitate the mobility of our workers in the European labour market. One of the very important further activities is the development and establishment of a recognition system for acquired knowledge, skills and competences through non-formal and informal learning. Apart from projecting the infrastructure, regulating the procedures, methodologies and ways of certification of previous learning, this new concept assumes resolving other issues. It primarily includes the need to introduce a credit system in secondary education as well, based on the European system of credit transfer in secondary vocational education (ECVET) and similar to the way the Bologna system regulated the issue in higher education. Apart from that, it is necessary to begin the development of specific learning descriptors for all occupations created on the basis of a generic framework, as well as to reform teaching curricula at all education levels so that they can become the basic means of achieving defined learning outcomes. This opens the issue of modularisation of curricula in secondary and higher education, redesigning the existing and introducing new qualifications, as well as the issue of certifying and recognising partial qualifications (this form already exists through the verification of knowledge of foreign languages and information technologies). The process of development of the Qualifications Framework in BiH necessarily implies activities related to the adoption of international qualification standards, with ISCED among the first. The Qualifications Framework in BiH should incorporate all forms of human resources development in our country. Therefore, this is a long-term and serious task, which requires a predetermined approach and accentuated ability to anticipate the times that will yet come. The Baseline Qualification Framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina represents the strategic commitment of our country to develop and maintain a high standard of qualifications acquired through education in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The text above indicates only the important, basic activities, which we shall undertake in the forthcoming period in order to establish and develop a qualifications framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Considering the fact that this framework should establish an internationally recognised qualifications standard in Bosnia and Herzegovina i.e. a new system, it is necessary to look at our legislation on education and analyse how it corresponds with the mentioned requirements. It is also necessary to think through the institutional preconditions for the implementation of the qualifications framework. Bearing in mind that this is a long-term task, there is the a need for a rapid establishment of an intersectoral commission, which will develop and recommend a work plan of all main activities within the development of a qualifications framework in BiH (including methodology, standards, required resources, timelines, operational teams, etc.) The intersectoral Commission for the Development of a Qualifications Framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina consists of 19 members-six from each of the constituent peoples and one representing the minorities- with appropriate regional representation. The Commission members should be representatives of the sectors of education, statistics, labour and employment, employers, the academic community and other social partners. The Commission should consist of representatives of the following sectors/institutions: five representatives of the education sector (Ministry of Civil Affairs, - Education Sector; Federal Co-ordination of Ministers of Education: two canton representatives; Ministry of Education and Culture of RS; Education Department of the Government of the Brcko District of BIH); three representatives of the Rectors Conference of Bosnia and Herzegovina; three representatives of education agencies in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Agency for Preschool, Primary and Secondary education; Agency for the Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance and the Centre for Information and Recognition of Documents in Higher Education); three representatives of the statistics sector (Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Federal Institute for Statistics, Republic Institute for Statistics of Republika Srpska); three representatives of the sector for labour and employment (Ministry of Civil Affairs – Section for Labour and Employment, Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Ministry of Labour and Protection of Veterans and Disabled Persons of Republika Srpska); one representative of employers in BIH (Association of Employers of Bosnia and Herzegovina) and one representative of the labour unions (Confederation of Labour Unions of Bosnia and Herzegovina). The Ministry of Civil Affairs is tasked with the implementation of the procedure for the appointment of the Commission, based on the list of candidates proposed by responsible education and other authorities. However, the Sector for Education of the Ministry of Civil Affairs will nominate its own representative to the Commission. The Commission shall render decisions on the basis of majority vote of the total number of members under the condition that this majority includes a minimum of two thirds of votes from the representatives of each constituent people. The Commission shall elect its Chairperson by majority vote of the total number of members. Upon the proposal of the Ministry of Civil Affairs (which has been previously approved by the Conference of Education Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina), the Commission shall be appointed by the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina with a mandate of one year. In the future, learning outcomes and sets of learning outcomes should be carefully elaborated, as key elements of a qualifications framework. 2 See Annex: Baseline of the QF in BIH 3 Agency for Pre-school, Primary and Secondary education of BIH, Agency for the Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance of BIH, BIH Centre for Information and Recognition of Documents in the Field of Higher Education, Republika Srpska Agency for Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions 4 Agency for Pre-school, Primary and Secondary education of BIH, Agency for the Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance of BIH, BIH Centre for Information and Recognition of Documents in the Field of Higher Education, Republika Srpska Agency for Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions 5 Agency for Pre-school, Primary and Secondary education of BIH, Agency for the Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance of BIH, BIH Centre for Information and Recognition of Documents in the Field of Higher Education, Republika Srpska Agency for Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions 6 Agency for Pre-school, Primary and Secondary education of BIH, Agency for the Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance of BIH, BIH Centre for Information and Recognition of Documents in the Field of Higher Education, Republika Srpska Agency for Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions 7 Agency for Pre-school, Primary and Secondary education of BIH, Agency for the Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance of BIH, BIH Centre for Information and Recognition of Documents in the Field of Higher Education, Republika Srpska Agency for Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions 8 Agency for Pre-school, Primary and Secondary education of BIH, Agency for the Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance of BIH, BIH Centre for Information and Recognition of Documents in the Field of Higher Education, Republika Srpska Agency for Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions 9 Agency for Pre-school, Primary and Secondary education of BIH, Agency for the Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance of BIH, BIH Centre for Information and Recognition of Documents in the Field of Higher Education, Republika Srpska Agency for Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions 10 Agency for Pre-school, Primary and Secondary education of BIH, Agency for the Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance of BIH, BIH Centre for Information and Recognition of Documents in the Field of Higher Education, Republika Srpska Agency for Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions 11 Agency for the Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance of BIH, Republika Srpska Agency for Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions, Agency for Pre-school, Primary and Secondary education of BIH and BIH Centre for Information and Recognition of Documents in the Field of Higher Education 12 Agency for the Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance of BIH, Republika Srpska Agency for Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions, Agency for Pre-school, Primary and Secondary education of BIH and BIH Centre for Information and Recognition of Documents in the Field of Higher Education