ABSTRACT - Department of Math & Computer Science

Intelligent Web Topics Search Using Early Detection and Data Analysis
Ching-Cheng Lee, Yixin Yang
Mathematics and Computer Science, California State University at Hayward
Hayward, California 94542
Topic-specific search engines that offered users relevant
topics as search results have recently been developed.
However, these topic-specific search engines require
intensive human efforts to build and maintain. In addition,
they visit many irrelevant pages. In our project, we
propose a new approach for Web topics search. First, we
………...Example Format for Abstract…Here.….. THIS IS
USED FOR EXAMPLE rance information such as
appearance times and places for candidate topics. By
these two techniques, we can reduce candidate topics’
crawling times and computing cost. Analysis of the results
and the comparisons with related research will be made
to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.
1. Background
Search engines are widely used for information access
in World Wide Web. Today’s conventional search
engines are designed to crawl and index the web, and
produce giant hyperlink databases. These search engines
may return hundreds or more links to user's queries provided that the right key word is used in the query.
Despite the power of searching, these search engines lack
the capabilities of finding the relevant Web sites for a
giving specific topic. It is important to add capabilities to
search engines that provide topic-related search.
Various topic-related search systems have recently
been proposed. One approach is the topic-specific search
engine Mathsearch. This search engine offers higher
quality search results, but it requires intensive human
efforts [12]. J. Cho, H Garcia-Molina and L. Page
proposed an efficient crawling through Uniform Resource
Locator (URL) ordering scheme [7]. Their scheme guides
the web crawler to rank web pages on both content and
link measure. But the disadvantages of their system are
that it requires scanning of the entire text of web page and
does not account for topic relevance. Another approach is
Focused Crawler [2] that utilizes both web link structure
information and content similarity (based on document
classification). The main drawback of this system is that it
visits too many irrelevant pages and requires additional
seed pages in order to add new topics.
Most recently, J. Yi and N. Sundaresan [6] proposed
an effective web-mining algorithm called topic expansion
to discover relevant topics during the search. This scheme
avoids visiting unnecessary Web pages and the whole text
from a web page, and it does not need intensive human
effort. The system mines the relevant topic as follows.
First, it collects large number of Web pages. Then it
extracts words from the text that is contained inside
HTML document tags. From the extracted words, this
system selects some words that are potentially relevant to
the target topic. Finally, the system uses a formula and a
relationship-based architecture for finding the relation
between words to refine and return the relevant topics.
Although the topic expansion scheme is far better than
other schemes, it has some drawbacks in that it still needs
much human involvement and multiple iterations of Web
sites crawling. The number of Web crawling times
depends on the number of the given candidate topics.
Additionally, if a new incoming word does not appears in
this relationship-based architecture, the new incoming
word will not easily be detected although this word is
highly relevant to the target topic.
In this project, we propose a new scheme that uses
early detection and data analysis techniques for detecting
and analyzing candidate topics. By these, we can reduce
candidate topics’ crawling times and computing cost to
make the system more efficient.
2. The Research
2.1. System Architecture
Our system consists of the following six components:
a web crawler, a page parser, a stop word filter, a
candidate topic selector, a candidate topic filter, and a
relevant database as illustrated in Figure 1.
Stop word
topic filter
Figure 1. System Architecture
The core parts of the system will be the candidate topic
selector and the candidate topic filter. Candidate topic
selector performs early detection when words are
extracted. Candidate topic filter analyzes occurring times
and places of candidate topics to eliminate the false
candidate topics and find brand new Internet words. By
applying the early detection and data analysis methods in
these two components, our system can reduce candidate
topics’ crawling times and computing cost, thus make the
system more efficient. In the following, we describe each
of the component in more details.
2.2. System Components
The system is implemented as follows:
Web Crawler: The Web Crawler crawls the World Wide
Web, retrieves and processes large amount of web pages.
Our web crawler is a fast, memory-limited and highly
flexible web crawler. In addition, our web crawler has
two features not found in most web crawlers. They are:
(1) It detects the file types, if a hyperlink references to
some big ZIP files, application files, audio and video
files, this web crawler will detect and choose to skip these
large files.
(2) It can avoid visiting irrelevant web pages. If our web
crawler detects that a web page is not relevant to the
target topic, it can just avoid retrieving most of the URLs
in this web page.
Therefore, in our implementation, the web crawler is
more efficient and robust in that it won’t choke on unreadable file formats.
In order to determine the file types, our system uses
methods in java.net package prepared by java 2 Platform
SE 1.3 to determine the type of the remote object, if the
remote object is of type such as ZIP files, application
files, image files, etc., our web crawler will skip these
unreadable or too-large files. By this way, we get wellformatted HTML pages. Then our web crawler will pass
the web page to the page parser (other layers such as stop
words filer and candidate topic selector will be invoked
from then on). Candidate topic selector will perform part
of the early detection in that if the system detects a web
page is obviously irrelevant to the target topic the
candidate topic our web crawler will avoid retrieving
most of the URLs in that web page to make our system
more efficient.
HTML Parser: The HTML Parser parses and extracts
metadata as text from the downloaded web pages. In this
project, we choose to use anchor text metadata as
metadata information. Because anchor text is most
frequently occurred in a HTML document and is most
reliable one among four kinds of hyperlink metadata [6].
Page parser is implemented as follows:
When the page parser receives a well-formed web
document from the crawler, it parses the document for
elements with names corresponding to the hyperlink
elements (A for anchor tags, IMG for image tags, etc.),
and extracts the attribute values.
Stop Words Filter: The Stop Words Filter gets the
words from the HTML parser and filters all the common
words and words that are obviously irrelevant to the target
topic. Common words are words that are too popular or
too generic such as “welcome”, “best”, “a”, “that”, “is”,”
in” etc., Stop words filter could be target-specific and
needs minimal human interference in the process of this
topic-mining scheme. After this step, words are passed
onto candidate topic selector. All stop words are stored in
a database table for easy access and easy update. User
may update the stop words database in the middle of a
mining iteration, and a set of common words can be
reused for different target topics. Stop words filter checks
every term, if a term is in the stop words database, then
the term will be disqualified as candidate topics.
detected. After this step, the detected relevant terms will
be stored in the relevant term database described below
for future uses as knowledge base of search engines. In
our system, for each candidate topic, we use a simple but
adequate formula to filter them:
Candidate Topic Selector: The Candidate Topic
Selector selects candidate topics with respect to the
specified target topic. It performs early detection of
candidate topics and all terms that are co-occurred with
the target topic can be considered as candidate topic. The
candidate topic selector is implemented as follows:
The Candidate Topic Selector receives words from
stop words filter. For every words, candidate topic
selector computes and updates occur times of each word
and the times the word co-occurred with the target topic.
A record for this word is stored in the database. Every
word (excluding the stop words) will be kept in database
as a record; the records are for the relevance computations
in subsequent components. The same candidate selection
will be applied to all anchor text metadata in a page, and
the system will recursively perform the same procedure
for all the crawled URLs.
When a user chooses to stop selecting candidate topics
or the number of URLs crawled reaches a user-specified
count, candidate topic selector will be stopped. Only the
words that are frequently co-occurred with the target topic
can be finally deemed as candidate topics. User can also
define the smallest co-occurred numbers as a criterion for
candidate topics. If the co-occurred time is less than the
smallest co-occurred number, the word cannot be
considered as the candidate topic.
In this formula, co is the number of times a candidate
topic co-occurred with the target topic. to is the total
occur times for a candidate topic. MAXco is the maxim
number of co among all candidate topics. r stands for the
filtering metric; c is the user-defined threshold.
Candidate Topic Filter: The Candidate Topic Filter is
activated at the end of mining, it retrieves candidate
topics from the database, and then uses a simplified yet
powerful formula to compute the relevance of each
candidate topic and decide whether to keep the candidate
topic as relevant word or not. By analyzing the candidate
topics’ occurrence information, relevant words can be
to MAXco
Relevant Term Database: The Relevant Term Database
contains the relevant topic data for the user-specified
target topic. A database will be created with three tables
stop_words. Stop_words table stores words that are too
popular or obviously irrelevant to the target topic;
candidate_topics table store words that are coming from
extracted metadata and are potentially relate to the target
topic; the relevant_terms table is for the final results.
3. Experimentation
3.1. The Experiments
Prompt application from any windows system such as
Windows XP, Windows ME etc. JDK1.4.1 and Microsoft
Access database are used as our develop tools. To connect
to the database, an ODBC data source must be registered
with the system through the ODBC data sources. When
the program starts, a java GUI window will pop up as in
Figure 2. User needs to enter a seed URL and the target
topic, and then the program will start to run. User may use
any URL as the seed URL, but for best result, user can
use some domain control knowledge to decide the seed
Figure 2. The Java GUI Window
Our system has the following features, besides the
simplified filtering algorithm:
- It detects the file types and handle correspondingly. For
example, if a hyperlink references to some ZIP files,
application files, audio or video files, the system will
detect and choose to skip these large files.
- It detects the irrelevance of some pages thus avoid
visiting irrelevant web pages. If our system detects a web
page is irrelevant to the target topic, which page’s chance
of getting visited is much less than other seemingly
relevant pages, thus it can help our system staying in the
right mining direction.
Most of URL or web page errors are handled in a nice
manner by the system, such as URL referring to an empty
or removed page, server or client down. This feature
makes our system most robust. We use the following
criteria to evaluate the algorithm:
(1) The algorithm of algorithm should be evaluated by
considering the number of false inclusions (meaning
irrelevant terms are falsely considered as relevant).
The false inclusions should be minimized.
(2) The quality of algorithm should be evaluated by
considering number of relevant terms found versus
number of web pages crawled. At the same time, it
takes into accounts of the number of false inclusions.
3.2. Results and Comparisons
Table 1 is a summary of the mining results for target
topic “XML”. By applying our scheme to the hyperlink
metadata of EXAMPLR HERE
ages, our system
produced sets of relevant topics with good quality. In
table 1, the “Actual relevant topics” in left column means
the actual relevant topics detected from candidate topics
by people ( not by our application) this filed “Actual
relevant topics” is used for check our results. “Relevant
topics by c=0.055” means by using c=0.055 and run our
application, how many relevant topics detected by our
application. False inclusion refers to the irrelevant topic
terms that are included in the set of relevant topics by our
application. False exclusion refers to the relevant topics
that are not included in the set of relevant topics by the
As seen from the above results, our mining scheme
showed low false inclusion, for instance, our system
produced low rate of false inclusion with 0 false
inclusions in 51 relevant topics in the 4th iteration. Every
time a user runs the application and update the stop word
database, these steps called iteration.
In terms of number of relevant terms vs. number of
web pages crawled, our system exhibits very good result
for relevant topics and shows our system are more
efficient, comparing to the experiment results provided by
topic expansion system. That system used 4 iterations
with a total number of 34,000 web pages crawled to get
49 relevant topics out of 54 actual relevant topics; our
system crawled only 17,000 web pages for obtaining 51
relevant topics out of 57 actual relevant topics by 4
# of pages crawled
Candidate topics
1st Iteration
2nd Iteration
3rd Iteration
4th Iteration
Actual relevant topics
Relevant topics by c=0.055
False inclusion ( c=0.055)
False exclusion (c=0.055)
Table 1 Experiment for candidate topic “XML”
Another improvement of our system is that users do
not have to create a relation-based architecture. In other
similar systems, most of them need a relationship-based
hierarchy. In topic expansion system, users have to
expand the topic hierarchy after each iteration to help next
iteration get better results; In our system, after each
iteration, users may choose to add more stop words
(maybe target-specific) to the stop words table but user
don’t have to understand very well about the relationship
between words.
One more thing we have to realize is that in reality
there is no ultimate way of eliminating false exclusion
(meaning relevant terms in certain crawled pages are
falsely considered irrelevant by the algorithm). Other
research claimed that they can minimized false exclusion
from candidate topics to final relevant topics,. What they
did is to reduce the candidate topics set. However the
downside of their approach is the exclusion of a lot of
potential relevant terms from candidate topics set, thus the
completeness of candidate set is greatly compromised. On
the other hand, in our project, false exclusion is
empirically implemented by the filtering function, while
maintaining the completeness of candidate set.
4. Conclusions
Contrary to commercial search engines that output as
many results as possible including irrelevant garbage
pages, the topic relevance search's philosophy is to make
sure that the correctness of relevance is found while
trying to achieve the completeness. Since, when mining
for the relevance, huge number of web pages need to be
crawled, the efficiency becomes a very important issue.
In this project, we developed a new approach for
relevant topic search and demonstrated that our system
can efficiently mine topic-specific relevance words by
much smaller number of crawling times. We used early
detection method to select candidate topics from the text
inside HTML document’s anchor text metadata. Our
system analyzed the occurrence times and locations of
candidate topics in the filtering step so that false
candidate topics can be successfully eliminated and words
relevant to the user specified target could be found.
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