Acid Rain - wml-science

Acid Rain
All rain is slightly acidic because of carbon dioxide in the air. In recent years
however, rainfall has become more acidic. This is caused by all of us!
The main cause of acid rain is burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and gasoline.
Automobile exhaust, power plants and other factories release acidic gases.
The two main acidic pollutants are sulfur dioxide and nitrous oxide.
SOx and NOx for short. When it rains these gases mix with water in the air to
form nitric acid and sulfuric acid. This acidic precipitation then falls to earth,
soaks into the ground and flows into our rivers and lakes making them more
Once on the land and in the water, the acidic water creates problems for all kinds
of animals and plants. Plants lose their ability to absorb nutrients from their roots
making them weaker. This can destroy forests and reduce the growth of farm
crops. Pine and Oak forests in California, Massachusetts, and Vermont are
showing damage from acid rain. Huge forests in Canada and Germany also
show the harmful affects of acidic soil.
Thousands of lakes in North America are dead or dying. They may look
beautiful, but are empty of fish! Amphibians and fish are born with deformities
and their populations are being reduced. Human health has also been affected
as children and elderly have respiratory and heart problems. Poisonous metals
such as mercury, lead and copper can be dissolved from rocks and our water
pipes. These deadly metals can then find their way to our water supply!
Even buildings and highways are dissolved by acid rain. Cherished monuments
are being destroyed slowly. With more effects being recognized everyday,
there’s no longer any question that it is time to…
What can you do to reduce this global problem?