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Acid Rain & Lake Ecology: Worksheet

Please go through the interactive ACID LAKE. As you go through it, please answer
the following questions. Be sure to study these answers before you complete the
ACID LAKE Activity Check.
1. Acid rain is what type of pollution?
Air pollution
2. Where do most of the chemicals that cause acid rain come from?
Factories and cars
3. Does acid rain look any different than normal rain?
No it looks the same
4. What happens when acid rains falls from the skies?
Makes the water more acidic which can be harmful to plants and animals
5. How is acid rain measured? What is considered acidic?
pH scale, below 7
6. Pure water has a pH of what?
Pure water has a pH of 7
7. Healthy lakes have a pH of what? Is this basic, neutral, or acidic?
6.5-7, slightly acidic
8. What kinds of plants and animals like in this freshwater lake?
Lilly pad, crayfish, fish. Frogs, plankton
9. What happened to the number of plants and animals when the lake became
more acidic?
Frog eggs and tadpoles, salamanders, snails, copepods can’t live.
Fish like to eat these animals so when they start to disappear so will
the fish. Crayfish cannot grow a shell
10. What happens when the water becomes even more acidic (4.5-5.5)?
Most everything has dies, more plants, insects, crayfish, and the remaining frogs
11. What happens when the water becomes even more acidic (less than 4.5)?
can’t support life anymore in the water. Also starts to effect terrestrial
creatures such as bear who would get their food from the lake.
12. How many lakes in Canada have been hurt by acid rain?