
Lesson Plan Template for Foreign Language Classes
Semester: 2
Class: Latin I
Quarter: 3
TSW identify and translate nouns and
adjectives for case, number, and gender.
TSW distinguish between singular and
plural direct objects in Latin.
Week: 6
Date: Wed. 3/4
2 Chapter: 7 SOLs: LI.1, LI.2, LI.4,LI.7
Finish villa reading
in textbook and the
accompanying WS
Exercise 7b in the
textbook (pg.40)
X Communications
X Culture
__Social Studies
Extras: Victoria needs to finish her Ch.4 quiz at the very beginning of class; talk to her, Marc,
Chelsea, and Elsa about make up work.
Warm-up: The teacher will check with students for make-up work,
check HW, and collect exit slips from Friday while students fill in a slip
with noun endings without any notes.
Pass back quizzes/student self-assessment: While the teacher goes over
select parts of the quiz, students will fill out a short self-assessment to
determine what they are doing well on, what they need to improve on,
and how they might study differently for the next quiz. Slips should be
completely filled out and turned in.
Fact of the Day: Today’s fact of the day is about Minerva/Athena, the
goddess of wisdom, represented by an owl, and always armed in a war
Grammar Introduction: Students will finish filling out their notes
sheet from Friday as the teacher introduces noun declensions and
Accusative plural endings. (Also, there are a few typos on the notes
sheet which the teacher should point out at this time!)
Grammar Practice: Go Fish!: Students will play a card game in (preassigned) pairs. Each card set is made up on 20 cards with pictures of
vocabulary words the students already know, in singular (one object) or
plural (more than one) forms. Students will be introduced to the phrase
“Habesne _______?” (Do you have any _______?) to play the game.
The object of the game is to make a pair of like objects (one singular,
one plural). When students ask each other questions, it should represent
the appropriate Latin form of that word, and students should record all
questions they ask (ex – Habesne lupos?). Teacher will model with a
student first.
Story Summaries/Story Translation: The teacher will lead the class in
translating Ch. 7 story by calling on students at random to translate.
Students will stop occasionally to alter/add to their summaries from HW
as necessary.
Culture Introduction: Students complete a worksheet as they read
about Roman villas in their book. They will start in class and finish for
homework, if necessary.
Closing Activity: Students will decline a noun-adjective pair (written
on the board) on a piece of loose-leaf paper to turn in. Since they have
not done this before, the teacher will help them first decide the
appropriate gender of the noun, and then which set of endings to use for
the adjective. Students will turn in their papers before leaving.
warm-up slips
quizzes, selfassessment
FOD sheet,
notes sheet from
“go fish” Latin
whiteboard &
markers (to write
loose leaf & pen
Ecce Romani
textbook, HW
story summaries
Culture WS
loose leaf paper
& pen
Lesson Plan Template for Foreign Language Classes
Differentiated instruction (adaptations) for
heritage learners, special needs, LDs, gifted:
special needs – Student with vision troubles will be
provided with a culture WS that is adequately
multiple intelligences – Go Fish! activity
is good for kinesthetic, oral, and visual
gifted – students will get various amounts
of assistance from the teacher during the
Go Fish! activity as necessary, with gifted
students receiving very little intervention
Futures Assessments and Dates:
 Quiz 7 on Wednesday, March 4
 Go Fish! activity
 Unit Test, Ch.1-7: Friday, March 6
 warm-up
 student self-assessment (quiz 6)
 Oral story translation
 closing activity - declining
Reflection/Suggestions for future use:
Students LOVED the Go Fish game so much that I think I am going to include in tomorrow’s
lesson plan as well – we got through everything today (this has not been too much of a problem
for me so far), but we weren’t able to spend quite as long on some of the activities as I would
have liked.
I was glad to see that we were able to get through the whole story translation in about 25-30
minutes – this story was not particularly long, but they will get longer in the near future, so I will
have to plan accordingly so that we are not spending the whole class translating stories.
Students really seem to be enjoying the mythology facts of the day – I have noticed that a
handful of students who usually daze out fairly quickly are quite alert and have a lot to share with
the class during this five minutes. I would like to come up with some sort of project with
mythology to extend on these facts of the day which would also tie in using Latin.
I got really good responses on both the exit slips from last Friday and the student selfassessment slips today. I will continue to use the self-assessment slips on future quizzes.
Noun-adjective pairs are going to be a source of great confusion for the students, which I
anticipated (this is one of the hardest concepts in early Latin!). We’ll do more practice with these
tomorrow so that I can better read how they understand this point.