BME 1450 Term Paper Tomasz Szwedowski 991555009 1 The Effect of Position Measurement Error on Finite Element Validation Tomasz D. Szwedowski Abstract— Strain measurement is important in the validation of finite element models of physically loaded structures. The recent use of strain gages in the study of biomechanical environments has introduced new concerns that ultimately affect the quality of the analyses. Specifically, the highly irregular shapes of biological structures, such as bone, highlight the need for accurate measurement of strain gage positions. Threedimensional coordinate digitization has emerged as a possibility for such measurements and warrants a critical analysis of the errors that may be encountered when using such a technique. This critique statistically evaluates the ability of such measurements to accurately reproduce known positions and also uses an example study to demonstrate the ability of the technique to produce successful validation of a finite element (FE) model of the human cranium. Index Terms— strain gages, experimental error, validation I. INTRODUCTION I n recent decades the methods for the numerical analysis of stress in physically loaded structures have evolved enormously. However, these advanced techniques will never completely replace experimental stress/strain analysis. One of the most important applications of strain measurement is in the validation of the numerical methods, among other uses such as for sensors in active control systems, material property characterization and the health monitoring of structures. [1] The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of 3D coordinate digitization as an appropriate method of transforming the location and vector information of strain gages into the computational space of the FE model. The goal being that such an accurate and precise method will allow for direct comparison of experimental strains with those as resolved from the FE analyses for the purpose of model validation. II. BACKGROUND Experimental validation of finite element models of Manuscript received November 7, 2005. T.D. Szwedowski is with the Orthopaedic Biomechanics Lab at Sunnybrook and Women’s College Health Sciences centre, 2075 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, On, M4N 3M5. (416)-4805056 email: physically loaded engineered structures has been commonplace for many years. FE models introduce assumptions about the physical phenomenon that is being considered in the loaded structure and it becomes apparent that validation of the FE models is paramount in evaluating the potential of the model for numerical hypothetical studies especially in biological applications. The main overriding reason from the development of FE models can be based on several anecdotal realities. The FE method allows the resolution of field information throughout the entire bulk of a structure. A more complete picture is presented of the physics of the problem than would be seen from an experimental viewpoint. Strain gage based strain measurement is limited by the amount of information available as compared to the FE analysis. Strain gage testing only allows for a few discrete points, on the surface of the solid structure of interest. The deficiencies presented strongly advocate the development of FE solutions when analyzing complex structures and loadings. Accurate and precise FE models become extremely useful in performing hypothesis tests that would be impractical experimentally. In the case of biomechanical analyses experimental testing is restricted by many factors associated with ex vivo testing such as degradation of the fresh tissue as well as the environment of the tissue. These in addition to possibilities such as limited supply of adequate tissue as well as justification for diverting such tissues from transplantation programs. Some of the most recent applications of strain gage experimentation have been in the validation of FE models of bony structures. Considerable success has been demonstrated in the development and validation of models of the pelvic, scapular and metacarpal bones. [2]-[4] In all these studies strain gages were affixed directly to the cortical surface of the bone with physiologically relevant loadings applied. Strain gages operate on the principle that the resistivity of a wire changes with deformation. It has also been observed that the relation between the change in resistance and strain is almost linear. These properties were first observed in 1856 by Lord Kelvin but were not used for strain measurement until the 1930’s. [5] Modern strain gages are essentially wires etched out of metallic foil. (See Figure 1) The 3D coordinate data of the fiducial markers and strain age vectors were recorded using a MicroScribe™ (Immerson BME 1450 Term Paper Corp., San Jose, CA). The 5-axis articulated arm allows the operator to contact any point in space with a stylus to record the position. According to company literature, the MicroScribe™ detects the position based upon optical digital measurement of the rotations of the articulations. The company claims that this feature greatly reduces environmental noise and interference as well as a precision of 0.101 mm. Figure 1 - Example of typical bonded electrical resistance strain gage. III. METHODS A. Experimental 1) Strain Gage Application A formalin preserved cadaveric specimen of a complete human cranium was obtained. The left side of the craniomaxillofacial complex was dissected away to reveal the musculature. The masseter and internal pterygoid muscles were severed at the midpoint and standard 1.0mm sutures were used in a crosshatch pattern to affix a stainless steel connecting rod to the severed end of the insertion portion of the masseter. A 1.0 inch stainless steel rod with flashing was inserted through the spinal opening and affixed using locking bolts to the cortical bone. The overlying fat pad and connective tissue were removed from the surface of the zygomatico-temporal complex. The exposed cortical bone was de-fatted using standard strain gage degreaser followed by acetone. The surface was then abraded using a 320-grit silicon carbide sanding paper. Seven 3mm 350 axial or rosette resistance strain gages (Tokyo Sokki Kenkyujo Co., Tokyo) were bonded to the specimen using M-100 bonding adhesive (Vishay Measurement Inc., Malvern, PA). The procedure for application of the gages was as described in the Vishay Measurements Group: Manual for Strain Gage technology.[7] 2) Specimen Testing Tomasz Szwedowski 991555009 2 The prepared specimen was then rigidly fixed to a custom fabricated fixture with 1 axis of rotation and planar translation for adjustment of the load direction relative to the zygomaticotemporal complex. The fixture with the specimen in place was mounted to the static table of an axial/rotational mechanical testing machine (MTS Corp., Minneapolis, MN). Load was applied to the specimen through tension application to the masseter muscle through the sutured steel rod. The load was provided by the hydraulic cross head of the MTS through a load cell for load control during the experiment. The strain gages were connected to a digital acquisition device (Iotech, Clevelan, OH). The specimen was loaded by the MTS with a ramp up to 150N in tension on the masseter muscle. Strain output was acquired for 7 channels at a frequency of 25 measurement/s for 20 seconds for a total of 500 data points per load case trial. The ramp loading was repeated 3 times for each load direction, for 5 load directions for a total of 15 experimental trials. 3) 3D Coordinate Digitization For each loading direction the three-dimensional coordinates of three fiducial markers, the origin of the strain gages as well as a second points to define the vector direction of the strain gage in the experimental space were acquired using the MicroScribe™. Using image-processing software (Amira, TGS Berlin) the coordinates of the fiducial markers were recorded, which are radiolucent on the CT images of the specimen. This was possible because CT acquires 3D image data in the form of 2D cross-sectional slices at regularized intervals in the vertical direction. The specimen was imaged at a resolution of 512x512 at 1 mm intervals for a total of 415 individual slices. The rigid affine transformation of the following form was extracted from the software between the CT and experimental fiducial markers: r11 r CT 21 T Exp r31 0 r12 r22 r13 r23 r32 0 r33 0 t1 t 2 t3 1 [3] , where the 3x3 matrix of r-values are the rotation cosines and the 3x1 column vector is the homogenous translation. This transformation matrix was then used to map the strain gage direction vectors from the experimental to the computational space. The fourth row of the matrix simply accounts for the combination of rotation and translation and acts as an identity. The procedure simply involves matrix multiplication with an additional dimension added to the 3D position vector to satisfy BME 1450 Term Paper Tomasz Szwedowski 991555009 the rules of matrix multiplication. 3 Table 1 - Linear regression analysis of the components between the CT and Transformed fiducial marker positions. Table 2- Table 1 - Linear regression analysis of the FE and experimental strain from the transformed position and vector data. B. Finite Element Modeling A 3D reconstruction of the specimen was developed from the CT images. The reconstruction was used to generate a FE mesh to which the experimental boundary and loading conditions were applied and a novel technique was used to Table 2 summarizes the results of the regression analysis map the average pixel value to the individual elements. The between the FE and experimental strains at the locations in the average pixel values were then scaled to produce the Y=mx Regr. Std. t P-value R R2 elastic modulus of bone using empirical relations. FE +b Error analyses were performed and the contour tensor data for .992 .057 17.419 < .0001 .950 .902 m the surface nodes was extracted. 10.812 2.153 5.021 < .0001 b The transformed strain gage direction vectors are directions transformed from the experimental space for all then used to resolve the FE strains by the following: loading cases considered at the same time. FE u T Tu [3] , where is the normal strain in the direction of the gage vector, u is the unit strain gage direction vector and T is the 3D numerical strain tensor at the origin of the gage. CT vs. Tranformed Fiducial Coordinates 8 6 C. Statistical Analysis The experimental fiducial coordinates were transformed to the computational space using the calculated rigid transforms for each load case. The statistical analysis of the data was performed in the SPSS 11.5 software package (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL). The first component of the analysis was to directly compare the individual coordinate components of the CT fiducial markers against the same components of the corresponding experimental fiducial marker coordinates after transformation. Linear regression analysis was performed in order to assess the 1:1 relationship that should be present between the components of the coordinate vectors. After assessment of the quality of the transformation of the fiducial markers to the computation space the validated transforms were then used per load case basis to transform the gage vector directions to the FE space. These positions and directions were then used to extract the normal strains as per the method described earlier. These transformed strains were then compared directly to the experimental readings obtained during mechanical testing. The results were fitted with a linear regression model. 4 Rsq = 0.9999 0 Rsq = 0.9985 Load Case 3 -4 Rsq = 1.0000 -6 Load Case 2 Rsq = 1.0000 -8 Load Case 1 -10 -10 Rsq = 0.9999 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 6 8 V. DISCUSSION It should be noted that the linear regression performed in the analysis of the experimental versus the FE strains is not an entirely appropriate analysis. In linear regression there is a clear distinction between the dependent and independent variables, in that it is assumed that the value of one continuous variable is dependent on the value of the other. In FE validation analysis the strains at the gages are defined as distinct entities not dependent on one another although linearly related. [6] This means that although linear regression does give an indication as to the overall trend, the trend is known before the investigation in that there should Slope t-statistic 301.809 463.681 387.089 68.624 327.239 4 Figure 2 – Plot of fiducial marker positions. X-axis is the CT coordinates while the Y-axis is the transformed coordinates. The following are the results obtained from the statistical analyses of the direct comparison between the individual components of the CT and transformed experimental position vectors. Table 1 summarizes the results of the linear regression analysis between the CT and experimental fiducial marker position vector components for each loading case. Load Case 1 Load Case 2 Load Case 3 Load Case 4 Load Case 5 Load Case 4 -2 IV. RESULTS Linear Regression Slope Intercept .992 -.018 .995 -.013 .994 -.015 .998 -.129 .993 -.017 Load Case 5 2 P-value <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 R 1.000 1.000 1.000 .999 1.000 2 R 1.000 1.000 1.000 .999 1.000 Standard Error Slope Intercept .003 .017 .002 .011 .003 .013 .015 .076 .003 .016 BME 1450 Term Paper be a one-to-one ratio. As such the correlation coefficient is much more applicable to the experiment in question. The results of the analysis on the accuracy of transformation of the experimental position and vector direction data are extremely good. The slopes of the regression curves are between .992 and .998 with r and r 2 values of exactly 1.00 in most cases. (Refer to Table 1) In addition the significance of these regression fits are excellent and reflected in the very low P-valued observed from the hypothesis tests on the slope of the regressions. In the case of the coordinate transformation accuracy comparison, linear regression is applicable because the transformed coordinates are indirectly dependant on the coordinates of the fiducial markers measured in the CT images. This is so because the calculation of the rigid transform requires the CT coordinate data and the fact that the experimental coordinates are being transformed to the computational (CT) space. The second part of the analysis establishes the assessment of the quality of the measurement of the strain gage position and vector direction data in its use for the comparison between the experimentally recorded and the FE strains. It was deemed insufficient as a route to attaining the goal of this paper to simply demonstrate that the transformation of the fiducial markers is accurate but that the resulting data comparison would also show sufficient agreement for the sole purpose of assessing the validation of the FE model. These two notions are distinct because to omit the assessment of the validation of the FE model would in effect be a claim that because the fiducial markers are transformed accurately and precisely that this agreement can be extended to any relevant data such as the position and vector direction data. As such the demonstration of excellent agreement between the FE and experimental strains is necessary to establish the 3D coordinate digitization as a gold-standard method for model validation. The results (Refer to Table 2) show excellent agreement between the FE and experimental strains. The correlation coefficients as well as the r2 values are on par with the results from similar studies of bone. [2][4]. Any discrepancies between the FE and experimental strains are not attributed to errors in the measurement of the positions and directions. This is an important outcome, in that it removes doubt as to the quality of the validation due to these measurements. This allows investigators to focus on the issues that do influence the discrepancies ultimately leading to improvements in model validation practice as a whole. There are a great number of sources of error that can be attributed to strain measurement itself but these topics are beyond the scope of this treatment and will be omitted. VI. CONLCUSIONS The statistical analysis has demonstrated that the Tomasz Szwedowski 991555009 4 transformation of the fiducial markers from the experimental to the computational space is extremely accurate. Secondly, the successful agreement between the FE and experimental strains not only validates the FE models but also the 3D digitization of strain gage positions and directions. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] S.F. Muller de Almeida, J.S. Hansen. “Enhanced measurement of strain distributions,” Experimental Mechanics vol. 38, pp. 48-54, Mar. 1998. A.E. Anderson, C.L. Peters, B.D. Tuttle, J.A. Weiss. “Subject-Specific Finite Element Model of the Pelvis: Development, Validation and Sensitivity Studies,” Transactions of the ASME, vol. 127, pp. 364-373, Jun. 2005. S. Gupta, F.C.T. van der Helm, J.C. 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