SUNY COLLEGE AT OLD WESTBURY BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES PROGRAM Course: BS2100 Hybrid Biology for Non-Science Majors Spring 2016 Lecture Class Room NSB S- 100 Laboratory Class Room NSB S- 102 Instructor: Dr. Eric L. Schwartz Telephone Number - 628-5613 Office:NSB S- 201 Office Hours: Tuesdays 12 Noon – 1:00PM or by appt. E-Mail: Lecture Class Meets Thursdays from 1:00PM to 2:30PM Plus Labs and online material. Course Info can be found at and on Blackboard Course Description A one-semester lecture/laboratory course in general biology for non-science majors. Surveys the major concepts and principles of biology, including cell structure and function, genetics, ecology, diversity and evolution. Topics related to the human experience are also discussed. Course Objective To acquire understanding of basic biological principles with an emphasis in the following areas: The basis of life: cellular structure, function and chemistry as well as the basis of inheritance: genetics, molecular genetics and reproduction. In addition, major organ systems of the human body: digestion, circulation, blood, respiration and brain/nervous system and major concepts in evolution as well as basic laboratory research skills. Learning Outcomes: Natural Sciences "Understanding of the methods scientists use to explore natural phenomenon, including observation, hypothesis development, measurement of data collection, experimentation, evaluation of evidence, and employment of mathematical analysis. " Course Materials Every student is required to have the latest SUNY Old Westbury Version of Sylvia Mader’s Inquiry Into Life Lab Manual and have authorized access to McGraw Hill Connect for Sylvia Mader’s Inquiry into Life Textbook. The most cost effective method to get these materials is the package the Bookstore is stocking which has Mader’s Textbook 1-semester access of Connect including full EBook packaged within the Mader Lab Manual. McGraw Hill Higher Education ISBN # 9781308702155 There are required online assignments that you will need to complete and a full E-Book version of the textbook is included. Once you have access to the Connect materials, at your own option you can purchase a full color printed loose leaf version of the text book and have it sent to you for a nominal fee. It is expected that you will have familiarized yourself with the lecture topics before each scheduled lecture. You are required to complete all online assignments and quizzes for each chapter to be eligible to take the unit exam that covers those chapters. This must be completed before each exam. In addition, there will be in-class quizzes in Lecture and in Lab so preparation is paramount to being successful in the course. Remember. There will be no extra credit assignments that you can complete towards the end of the course to raise grades that are lower than you hoped for. It is highly recommended that you stay on track with the material and study regularly so that you can earn the grade that you want or need. Grading Policy The final grade will be calculated as follows – Overall Lecture Grade - 75% Overall Laboratory Grade - 25%. Remember, you must pass the lab component of the course to pass the course. The lecture grade will be calculated as follows; Highest 2 of the 3 In Person Unit exams 20% each = 40% *Lowest unit exam grade grade will be dropped Online assignments and online quizzes – 15% - (Must be done prior to each of 3 unit exams) Comprehensive Final exam – 25% In person quizzes and attendance – 10% Online Discussion Board Participation – 10% Prior to each exam you need to post a response to the posted question and also comment on / respond to a fellow classmates response. The laboratory grade will be calculated as follows; Midterm lab practical exam - 20% Final lab practical exam - 20% Lab quizzes - 20% Written laboratory report - 20% Participation - 20% This includes attendance, lab exercises, & summary questions Remember, you must pass the lab portion of the course to pass the course. In the event of a missed exam, it is up to the discretion of the instructor whether that exam may be dropped. In the event that you must miss an exam, you must inform the instructor before the scheduled exam time. Make up lecture exams will only be given for medical reasons. No make-up practical exams will be given. Late assignments will not be accepted without substantial point deductions. Unless you contact your instructor ahead of time, you will receive a zero on late assignments. Remember. There will be no extra credit assignments that you can complete towards the end of the course to raise grades that are lower than you hoped for. It is highly recommended that you stay on track with the material and study regularly so that you can earn the grade that you want or need. Withdrawal after seven weeks will be given only for medical reasons. Remember - You must receive a passing grade in lab in order to get credit for the course. Attendance is required in the laboratory. More than two absences for any reason will result in failure (each 2 times you are late counts as 1 absence). SUNY COLLEGE AT OLD WESTBURY BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT Spring 2016 BS2100 Hybrid Biology: Non-Science Majors Professor: Dr. Eric Schwartz Thursdays 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM NSB S- 100 Plus Online Materials Textbook: Most Current SUNY Old Westbury Edition of Sylvia Mader’s Inquiry Into Life Lab Manual packaged with with McGraw Hill Connect for the Text Book. It is expected that you will have familiarized yourself with the lecture topic before each scheduled lecture. You are required to complete all online assignments and quizzes for each chapter to be eligible to take the unit exam. Class Dates 1/28/2016 2/4/2016 2/11/2016 2/18/2016 2/25/2016 3/3/2016 3/10/2016 LECTURE TOPICS SCHEDULE Orientation and Requirements Study of Life The Molecules of Cells (Basic Chemistry) The Molecules of Cells (Organic Molecules) Cell Structure and Function Membrane Structure and Function Review for Exam I ****Exam I**** Metabolism: Energy & Enzymes Cellular Respiration E-Book Chapters Handout Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Cell Division Patterns of Gene Inheritance Chapter 5 Chapter 23 DNA Structure and Gene Expression Chromosomal Bases of Inheritance Biotechnology and Genomics Review for Exam II Chapter 25 Chapter 24 Chapter 26 3/17/2016 ****Exam II**** 3/24/2016 3/31/2016 Digestive System and Nutrition Spring Recess – No Classes Cardiovascular System Chapter 14 Respiratory System Review for Exam III ****Exam III**** Honor’s Convocation–BS2100 Lect. ends at 2PM Nervous System / Senses Evolution of Life Reproductive System Nature of Ecosystems Review for Final Exam ****Final Exam**** During Finals Exam Period Chapter 15 4/7/2016 4/14/2016 4/21/2015 4/28/2016 5/5/2016 Chapter 12 Chapter 17 Chapter 27 Chapter 21 Chapter 35 State University of New York College at Old Westbury SPRING 2016 Course: BS2100 Hybrid Biology for Non-Science Majors Lab Section Instructor: T.B.A. Telephone Number- 876-2750 Office:NSB- SLab Meets on Thursdays from 9:40AM to 12:40PM in Main Lab, Rm. S-102 Textbook: S. Mader: Inquiry Into Life, Lab Manual, Most Recent Old Westbury Edition Thursdays 1. 2/4/2016 Topics Orientation, Student Responsibilities Lab Safety/Metric System and Microscopy 2. 2/11/2016 Sampling Ecosystems / How Enzymes Function 3. 2/18/2016 Chemical Composition of Cells 4. 2/25/2016 5. 3/3/2016 Cell Structure & Function Patterns of Inheritance , Human Genetics & DNA Biology and Technology 6. 3/10/2016 LABORATORY PRACTICAL ***MIDTERM*** 3/17/2016 Animal Organization Basic Mammalian Anatomy I 3/24/2016 Cardiovascular System 9. 3/31/2016 Spring Recess – No Classes 10. 4/7/2016 11. 4/14/2016 Basic Mammalian Anatomy II & Homeostasis Nervous System and Senses Evidences of Evolution Review 12. 4/21/2016 7. 8. 4/28/2015 LABORATORY PRACTICAL ***FINAL*** Honors Convocation – No Classes 2PM – 6PM BS2100 Lab Classes Make-Up Day if Necessary Lab 30, 6 2 3 4 20, 21, 22 & Handout 11 & 12 14 15 & 16 17 & 23 23 State University of New York College at Old Westbury SPRING 2016 Course: BS2100 Biology for Non-Science Majors Lab Section Instructor: T.B.A. Telephone Number- 876-2750 Office:NSB- S-205 Lab Meets on Thursdays from 5:30PM to 8:30PM in Main Lab, Rm. S-102 Textbook: S. Mader: Inquiry Into Life, Lab Manual, Most Recent Old Westbury Edition Thursdays 1. 2/4/2016 Topics Orientation, Student Responsibilities Lab Safety/Metric System and Microscopy 2. 2/11/2016 Sampling Ecosystems / How Enzymes Function 3. 2/18/2016 Chemical Composition of Cells 4. 2/25/2016 5. 3/3/2016 Cell Structure & Function Patterns of Inheritance , Human Genetics & DNA Biology and Technology 6. 3/10/2016 LABORATORY PRACTICAL ***MIDTERM*** 3/17/2016 Animal Organization Basic Mammalian Anatomy I 3/24/2016 Cardiovascular System 9. 3/31/2016 Spring Recess – No Classes 10. 4/7/2016 11. 4/14/2016 Basic Mammalian Anatomy II & Homeostasis Nervous System and Senses Evidences of Evolution Review 12. 4/21/2016 7. 8. 4/28/2015 LABORATORY PRACTICAL ***FINAL*** Honors Convocation – No Classes 2PM – 6PM BS2100 Lab Classes Make-Up Day if Necessary Lab 30, 6 2 3 4 20, 21, 22 & Handout 11 & 12 14 15 & 16 17 & 23 23 SUNY COLLEGE AT OLD WESTBURY POLICY ON ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Administered by the Office of Academic Affairs As is the policy of all SUNY institutions, students are expected to maintain the highest standards of honesty in their college work. Any act which attempts to misrepresent to an instructor or College official the academic work of the student or another student, or an act that is intended to alter any record of a student’s academic performance by unauthorized means, constitutes academic dishonesty. Cheating, forgery and plagiarism are considered serious offenses and are subject to disciplinary action. Cheating Cheating is defined as giving or obtaining information by improper means in meeting any academic requirements. Examples of cheating, although not inclusive, include: unauthorized giving or receiving of information for an examination, paper, laboratory procedure, or computer assignment (file or printout); taking an examination for another student or allowing another student to take an examination for you; altering or attempting to alter a grade either on graded work or in an instructor’s records or on any College form or record. Forgery Forgery is defined as the alteration of college forms, documents, records, or the signing of such forms or documents by someone other than the proper authority. Plagiarism Plagiarism is defined as the use of material from another author whether intentional or unintentional, without referencing or identifying the source of the material. If students have any questions as to what constitutes plagiarism, it is their responsibility to get clarification by consulting with the appropriate instructor. ACCOMMODATIONS FOR STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS: If you have or suspect you may have a physical, psychological, medical or learning disability that may impact your course work, please contact Stacey DeFelice, Director, The Office of Services for Students with Disabilities (OSSD), NAB, 2065, Phone: 516628-5666, Fax (516) 876-3005, TTD: (516) 876-3083. Email: The office will help you determine if you qualify for accommodations and assist you with the process of accessing them. All support services are free and all contacts with the OSSD are strictly confidential. SUNY/Old Westbury is committed to assuring that all students have equal access to all learning activities and to social activities on campus. Rev. 12/2015