LEARNING IN THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES 2004/05 ACET Pack 1 An Information Pack For Development Projects ACET Consortia, Family Learning, Family Literacy, Language & Numeracy, Ethnic Minority Achievement Grant, First Steps, School Links (non-formula funding) Our home page is: www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/ACET The County Council reserves the right to make, with notice, alterations to the procedures The County Council receives funding support from the Gloucestershire Learning and Skills Council June 2004 Light Green -1D:\533578435.doc (last edited: 03/08/04) What is ACET? ACET is Gloucestershire County Council’s Adult Continuing Education & Training service, and is mainly funded by Gloucestershire Learning and Skills Council and Gloucestershire County Council. ACET works in partnership with colleges, education providers and more than 200 community organisations to make adult education widely available. It acts as a conduit for local organisations to access funding for innovative learning projects. Through a network of 8 district-based consortia, grass roots organisations are able to contribute to, and influence the content and delivery of community education. ACET supports consortia in their management of learning projects, and employs a team of development workers to co-ordinate local activities. ACET works with arts and community centres, and other organisations such as schools and Early Years Centres to develop successful approaches to Family Learning. In partnership with Gloucestershire County Council’s Economic Development Unit, it seeks to promote lifelong learning initiatives that contribute to widening participation, social inclusion, and economic regeneration. Community-based learning contributes to workforce development, and can play an important role in raising the aspirations and achievements of Gloucestershire people. If you want to know more about ACET and its activities, please call Jim Austin (Head of ACET) on 01452 425418. -2D:\533578435.doc (last edited: 03/08/04) LEARNING IN THE COMMUNITY PACK 1: GUIDE TO CONTENTS This pack contains information, criteria and support for identifying which strand of ACET development project funding will best suit your needs. It forms the first part of a 'family' of packs to help you to decide how best to support your project. Once you have read the information in these packs, you will then be able to identify which of the six programmes best meets your needs. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Information Pack for Development Projects (light green) Consortia Projects Application Pack (green) Family Learning Application Pack (yellow) Family Literacy, Language and Numeracy (blue) Ethnic Minority Achievement Grant Application Pack (cream) First Steps Application Pack (mauve) School Links Application Pack (pink) Guide to applying for, managing and evaluating projects (orange) Please see reply slip overleaf to order your pack or contact your ACET Local Development Worker or relevant ACET Officer. You can also have a copy on disk (Word 97 or rich text format), via email (contact the ACET office for these versions) or the ACET Website (www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/ACET). This pack contains supporting information such as: The current ACET Priorities Consortia, Family Learning, Family Literacy, Language and Numeracy, Ethnic Minority Achievement Grant, First Steps and School Links objectives and priorities. The criteria, which are used for choosing successful applications. Sources of staffing support from ACET to help you with your application for development project funding Remember that you need to ensure that your project proposal is discussed and supported by the appropriate Consortia and/or ACET Development Officer. You need to ensure your application is signed by your Consortium Convenor or Development Officer and is submitted to ACET by the bidding deadlines where these apply. -3D:\533578435.doc (last edited: 03/08/04) LEARNING IN THE COMMUNITY Request for Development Funding Opportunities Pack Name: ………………………………………………………………… Organisation: ………………………………………………………………… Address: …………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………….. Post code: ………………………………. Tel no: ………………………………………………….. Email: ………………………………………………….. Please tick information required: Hard copy Electronic version Consortia Projects Application Pack Family Learning Application Pack Family Literacy, Language and Numeracy Application Pack Ethnic Minority Achievement Grant Application Pack School Links Application Pack First Steps Application Pack Please return to Asiyah Patel, ACET, Education Department, Shire Hall, Westgate Street, Gloucester, GL1 2TP. Tel no: 01452 425429 or email: asiyah.patel@gloucestershire.gov.uk or Fax to: 01452 427607 -4D:\533578435.doc (last edited: 03/08/04) ACET LEARNING IN THE COMMUNITY INFORMATION PACK FOR DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS (Non-Formula) CONTENTS 1. Social Inclusion 2. The Gloucestershire County Council ACET Service Strategic Objectives 3. Priority target areas (27 most deprived wards in Gloucestershire) 4. Priority groups 5. Consortium Projects: Priorities 6. Family Learning: Priorities 7. Family Literacy, Language and Numeracy: Priorities 8. Ethnic Minority Achievement Grant: Priorities 9. School Links: Priorities 10. First Steps: Priorities 11. Criteria for approving ACET (non-formula) widening participation development projects 12. Data Collection requirements 13. The 14 (Curriculum) Areas of Learning 14. Sources of Support & Advice: ACET Staffing Guide 15. Useful websites and resources for your Project -5D:\533578435.doc (last edited: 03/08/04) 1. SOCIAL INCLUSION ACET is trying to promote Social Inclusion in Gloucestershire through funding Widening Participation development projects. ACET wishes to develop ways of reaching and delivering to new learners and learners from targeted groups and communities and draw them into regular learning activity. We can do this by working with you in funding development projects which both assist us with ‘action research’ and which: Engage new learners in new learning opportunities Reach and work with adults who haven’t traditionally taken part in learning opportunities (See in this pack – Priority Groups). Promote active new partners: Involve new organisations in playing a part in Adult and Community Learning (ACL). Meet local needs: Provide resources to identify needs which learning can help meet, especially in priority wards (see this Pack). Respond to these imaginatively with quality assured work. Help us to learn and share lessons (Action Research): Learn lessons from planning and delivering development projects and communicate these to providers, other partners, the county Learning Partnership and the Learning + Skills Council. Learn lessons for good practice in widening participation from the learners involved in these projects. Listen to learners and communities: Promote ways in which learners and communities can influence the learning opportunities available to them - promote learning, which is responsive. Celebrate Learning and Adult Learners’ Achievements Deliver and / or participate in events to celebrate and promote adult and community learning and the achievements of learners Support Adult Learning Festivals such as Adult Learners’ or Family Learning Weeks. Build local capacity: Work with organisations and groups to develop the skills and systems needed to deliver quality learning opportunities. Involve organisations in 'peer inspection' of work. Prepare organisations to take on possible contracted work where this is wanted. -6D:\533578435.doc (last edited: 03/08/04) 2. THE GLOUCESTERSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL ADULT AND CONTINUING EDUCATION SERVICE Strategic Objectives (2004/05) 1. To identify the barriers to learning for adults in the county and develop strategies and programmes to meet the needs of the community in overcoming these barriers. 2. To ensure that there is a flexible and responsive delivery of programmes that lead to wider participation and progression in adult learning. 3. To ensure that a co-ordinated programme of support for learners will be promoted to help adults participate, achieve, and make appropriate progression. 4. To ensure that the curriculum is reviewed and revised to meet the developing needs of adult learning. 5. To ensure that the service is responsive to the developing national and local priorities for adult learning and takes steps to promote in particular, basic skills, widening participation, family learning provision, neighbourhood renewal, citizenship, IT skills at all levels and modern foreign languages. 6. To place the quality of learning for individuals as the highest priority and work to enable the availability of learning for all within the county. 7. To ensure that resources are secured and effectively managed. Please refer (Section H of Application Forms) to the relevant strategic objective(s), which apply to your project when writing your application for project funding. -7D:\533578435.doc (last edited: 03/08/04) 3. PRIORITY TARGET AREAS Your development project may choose to target activity in a Priority Ward (see previous page). Activity in target wards should still seek to reach, or support developments, which will lead to the recruitment of new learners and widen participation. The 27 most deprived wards of Gloucestershire Alvington, Aylburton and West Lydney Awre Barton and Tredworth Beacon-Stow Brockworth Cam East Cam West Cinderford East Cinderford West Cirencester Beeches Cirencester Watermoor Dursley Eastington and Standish Grange Hesters Way Innsworth with Down Hatherley Kingsholm and Wotton Littledean and Ruspidge Lydbrook and Ruardean Matson and Robinswood Moreland Pittville Podsmead Prior's Park Tewkesbury St Mark's Cheltenham St Paul's Cheltenham Westgate -8D:\533578435.doc (last edited: 03/08/04) 4. PRIORITY GROUPS Development Projects can also be targeted at Priority Groups. These projects may take place anywhere in the County where there are identified needs or to explore needs. The following are ACET Priority Groups. They reflect those groups who are often socially excluded and who are under represented in Adult and Community Learning. Black and Minority Ethnic Groups Disabled adults Adults with a learning difficulty Younger men and unemployed men over 50 Unemployed people, benefit claimants or people looking to return to work or learning (returners) People without formal qualifications or with low skills People who need help to improve their skills in literacy and/or numeracy People recovering from mental illness Disadvantaged Families Family Carers Elderly people People in isolated rural areas Prisoners & ex-offenders Other groups at risk of social exclusion -9D:\533578435.doc (last edited: 03/08/04) 5. CONSORTIUM PROJECTS: PRIORITIES Reaching new learners and widening participation Trying out initiatives designed to involve harder to reach geographical communities or groups who are underrepresented in adult and community learning and at risk of social exclusion. (see: Priority Wards, Priority Groups) Capacity Building Projects designed to build the skills, contacts and influence of the Consortia and/or their members; projects which will develop the ability to offer community-based learning. Listening to Learners and Communities Projects designed to promote learner/community involvement in the Consortia and which help us listen to learners and identify needs. Celebrating Adult and Community Learning and the Achievements of Adult Learners Projects designed to deliver events and programmes and festivals which raise public awareness of the value of adult and community learning, offer (e.g.) taster activity and which celebrate learners’ achievements. These may link to such national initiatives as Adult Learners’ Week. This type of project must be submitted by a partnership of organisations with one lead body responsible. 6. FAMILY LEARNING: PRIORITIES Projects in this category aim to get adults and children learning as or within a family or to help parents/carers learn how to support their children’s learning. They have two main aims: To develop the skills or knowledge of the adult and child To help parents/carers to be able to support their children’s learning and development more actively and with greater confidence and to be able to understand why that support is important. Projects can include curriculum development, new delivery mechanisms and promotional activities (Family Learning Week/Adult Learners’ Week). - 10 - D:\533578435.doc (last edited: 03/08/04) 7. FAMILY LITERACY, LANGUAGE AND NUMERACY: PRIORITIES Programmes in this category have three main aims: To improve the literacy, language and numeracy skills parents/carers. To improve the ability of parents/carers to help their children. To help children acquire literacy, language and numeracy skills. of There is a schedule of Learning & Skills Council approved Family Literacy, Language and Numeracy programmes that may be bid for. 8. ETHNIC MINORITY ACHIEVEMENT GRANT: PRIORITIES Increasing Black and Minority Ethnic community participation in learning. Raising levels of achievement in learning. Projects that could be supported include curriculum development, developing new delivery mechanisms and promotional activities, which lead to the recruitment of new learners. 9. SCHOOL LINKS: PRIORITIES These projects provide Access to Learning programmes in the community and aim to: Help schools develop their learning role for the wider community. Help local learners develop confidence in learning through an appropriate curriculum, which includes Information, Advice and Guidance together with Literacy, Language and Numeracy Support. 10. 1ST STEPS: PRIORITIES This programme should focus on barriers to learning by: Delivering introductory learning opportunities to targeted learners in priority community settings including Language, Literacy and Numeracy support, together with Information, Advice and Guidance on progression opportunities. Ensuring that transport/childcare needs are met. - 11 D:\533578435.doc (last edited: 03/08/04) NOTE: ACET is in partnership with Go-IAG. Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) should normally be made available on Widening Participation Development Projects, which involve learners. Talk to your ACET Development Officer for advice or contact Go-IAG 01452 833655 (www.go-iag.org.uk) - 12 D:\533578435.doc (last edited: 03/08/04) 11. CRITERIA FOR APPROVING ACET (NON-FORMULA) WIDENING PARTICIPATION DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS Is it worthwhile? Is there evidence that it meets local needs? Is it achievable? Realistic? Is it new/ innovative work for that organisation or consortium? Could it be funded from other sources or does it need this funding to happen? Is it making use of other funding sources if this is appropriate? Is it value for money? Is it strategic? (Does the service/project contribute to achieving ACET Strategic Objectives?) Where does it come from? Does it help to progress the medium term objectives of the Organisation, Family Learning or Consortium? Does the service or project also support (e.g.) a District Authority strategy; a Community Plan, Health Promotion strategy, a school development plan, the education development plan? Has the proposer shown how it may be mainstreamed or built upon? Direct beneficiaries Who is the target group or groups (if applicable)? Does it reach a Priority Ward? Does it aim to reach new learners? Does it widen participation? How many people/learners will benefit and in what way? What are the intended outcomes for them? How will information, advice and guidance be provided? Quality assurance Does the service/project seem to be well thought through with some milestones indicated? How will the service/project be monitored and evaluated? Who will do this? Has the proposer thought about how to disseminate the findings and to whom? Capacity and track record Is the organisation likely to be able to deliver this service/project? What relevant experience do they have? Have they thought about what support they will put in place? Have they had other projects or work proposals approved in the past? Did they deliver? On time? - 13 - D:\533578435.doc (last edited: 03/08/04) 12. DATA COLLECTION REQUIREMENTS Learner Detail Forms: (supplied by ACET) Learners must fill in Learner Detail Forms for any widening participation development project. ACET’s funding is dependent on this. In some instances this may be accompanied by a supplementary enrolment form. It is important that learners sign the Learner Detail Forms and that the project tutor or other responsible worker also signs. ACET has worked with Art Shape Ltd to produce an alternative Learner Detail Form which may be suitable for adults with (e.g.) learning difficulties. Please enquire if this may be of interest to you. Registers: (supplied by ACET) A register must be taken of all learners for any project which involves them, recording attendance and absences / withdrawals. Project Reports: (Pro-Formas supplied by ACET in Grant Aid Acceptance Pack, supplied at the time of project approval – electronic copies can be requested) You will be required to submit a brief interim report (Projects over £500) and a final report at the end of your widening participation development project. Please return your learner detail forms and registers to: Peter Hancock, Gloucestershire County Council ACET Service, Quayside Wing, Shire Hall, Westgate St, Gloucester GL1 2TP. Please return your project report forms to: Asiyah Patel, Gloucestershire County Council ACET Service, Quayside Wing, Shire Hall, Westgate St, Gloucester GL1 2TP. Or, if submitting by email: asiyah.patel@gloucestershire.gov.uk Please also provide your ACET Development Officer with a copy of your report(s). If in any doubt about these data collection requirements, please contact your ACET Development Worker or Officer (see ACET Staffing List overleaf). - 14 D:\533578435.doc (last edited: 03/08/04) Project Evaluation All projects applied for through a local Consortium take part in an annual review workshop (usually in the summer period) where the lessons learnt from each project are pooled so we can identify the good practice in promoting social inclusion through learning and in techniques for widening participation. Peer Inspection As part of ACET’s commitment to quality and to building organisations’ capacity, your project may be involved in ‘peer inspection’. This would involve, for projects where teaching and learning is going on, a colleague from another organisation or ACET itself, visiting your project and observing the teaching. There is feed back and the process is intended to be supportive and developmental. You can contact ACET’s Quality Assurance Officer, Jacqueline Rinaldi, for information and advice. - 15 D:\533578435.doc (last edited: 03/08/04) 13. THE 14 (CURRICULUM) AREAS OF LEARNING Adult and Community Learning is now defined under 14 areas of learning. If your project is going to deliver learning opportunities, please decide which area the learning fits best. Enter this on your application form in the box required in your application form. If in doubt, ask ACET! Area 1 Sciences and Mathematics Area 2 Land-Based Provision Area 3 Construction Area 4 Engineering, Technology and Manufacturing Area 5 Business Administration, Management and Professional All aspects of business administration and management, legal, estate agency, accounts, economics, assessor/teacher. trainer awards, marketing, quality assurance and personnel staff. Area 6 Information & Communication Technology Mathematics and sciences, including physics, chemistry, biology and geology. Environmental and conservation studies. Agriculture, horticulture, equine, animal care, gardening, fishing, environmental practice, chain-saw use and landscaping. Construction trades and crafts, including electrical, mechanical and engineering services. Surveying and highways. DIY. Marine/aero/automotive, ca/cycle maintenance, chemical, energy, electrical/electronic and mechanical engineering. Manufacturing, processing, coating, mining, quarrying and extraction. Area 8 Hospitality, Sports, Leisure and Travel Area 9 Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy Area 10 Health, Social Care and Public Services Area 11 Visual and Performing Arts and Media Area 12 Humanities Area 13 English, Languages and Communications Area 14 Foundation Programming Hotel/restaurant reception, food and beverages, catering, cooking. Travel and tourism, leisure services, sports coaching, exercise and fitness, outdoor activities, recreational sports and games. Travel agency. Hairdressing, beauty therapy, massage, massage for sports, therapeutic techniques. Care/health/dental, counselling, parenting, preretirement, bereavement, assertiveness, Play work, public/emergency services. Art and design, crafts, ceramics, carving, dressmaking, embroidery, weaving, photography. Performing arts/theatre, music, dance. Journalism, media/video/radio/printi ng, design and technology. Arts management. General studies, history, genealogy, sociology, psychology, geography, law. Religious studies/comparative religions, philosophy, classics, ancient languages. Access to HE. English, communications, writing, French/German/Italia n/ Spanish etc, community languages, EFL. Employability programmes, foundation studies, life skills, basic skills, key skills, ESOL, citizenship, programmes for those with learning difficulties and disabilities. Returnto-work and vocational skills. - 16 D:\533578435.doc (last edited: 03/08/04) ICT users, engineers and technicians, programming/software website design. Software use, DTP, CAD and keyboarding skills. Area 7 Retailing, Customer Service and Transportation Merchandising/ Distribution and packing, import and export, warehousing, call centres, fork-truck driving, air/marine/road/rail and goods transportation. 15. SOURCES OF SUPPORT AND ADVICE: ACET STAFFING GUIDE ACET Staff Job Title Days Worked Vacant (Clerical Support: Abdus Meah) Development Officer (Staff & Curriculum Development) Mon, Tues & Wed Louise Aslett (Hayley Clewes – Clerical Officer Temp position) Senior Project Manager - CLiP Full time Churchil Audi (Clerical Support: Asiyah Patel) Jim Austin (Clerical Support: Lia Barrow) Development Officer (Monitoring, Evaluation & Research) Head of ACET Full Time Liz Baker Clerical Officer (Family Learning) Clerical Officer Mon, Tues & Wed Full Time Mike Beaton Training, Marketing and IT Administrator Full time Julie Bird Development Officer (Literacy, Languague & Numeracy) Partnership Development Officer Clerical Officer (Family Learning) Full time Lia Barrow Sue Blackmon Jo Brown Variable Thurs & Fri Brief Job Role/s To develop the ACET Training Programme and oversee the work of the Curriculum Support Team in giving advice and support to tutors and consortia members. Managing CLiP – an ESF Equal programme funded project that is working with 15 partner organisations to find innovative ways to get adults from particular target groups into learning opportunities. To provide ACET and the GLP with effective research & development. Email Address 01452 426484 louise.aslett@gloucestershire.gov.uk 01452 426789 churchil.audi@gloucestershire.gov.uk To manage the service and be accountable to the County Council and LSC for the production and delivery of the annual Adult Learning Plan, the Self Assessment Report, Development Plan and reports to the Cabinet and Scrutiny Committee of the County Council. Clerical support to the Family Learning, Family Literacy, Language & Numeracy Team. Clerical support to the Head of the Service 01452 425473 jim.austin@gloucestershire.gov.uk 01452 426998 elizabeth.baker@gloucestershire.gov.uk 01452 425418 lia.barrow@gloucestershire.gov.uk Training Organisation & Promotion, IT Support, Financial Admin & Monitoring, Newsletter and Snippets Bulletin, Design and Production of Publicity. To develop ACET Literacy, Language & Numeracy Provision. 01452 423969 michael.beaton@gloucestershire.gov.uk 01452 426555 julie.bird@gloucestershire.gov.uk Job share post, to support the CLiP partners in meeting their objectives. Clerical support to the Family Learning, Family Literacy, Language & Numeracy Team. 01452 425972 sue.blackmon@gloucestershire.gov.uk 01452 426998 joanna.brown@gloucestershire.gov.uk - 17 D:\533578435.doc (last edited: 03/08/04) Telephone No. ACET Staff Hayley Clewes Days Worked Job Title Brief Job Role/s Telephone No. Email Address Temporary Clerical Officer (Recruitment and Selection) Fri Co-ordinate recruitment and selection activities for internal posts within Adult Education. 01452 425967 hayley.clewes@gloucestershire.gov.uk Clerical Support Mon, Tues, Wed & Thurs Full Time Support Louise Aslett in CLiP 01452 426484 Data input for MIS system. 01452 425958 thelma.cripwell@gloucestershire.gov.uk Thelma Cripwell Clerical Officer (Management Information System) Hilary Davis Administrator (Glos. Learning Partnership) Mon, Tues & Wed To develop and maintain administrative systems which support the development and management of the GLP. 01452 425424 hilary.davis@gloucestershire.gov.uk Patricia Dyson Gloucestershire Skills Unit Professional Development Centre Manager Full Time 01452 423969 patricia.dyson@gloucestershire.gov.uk Katrien Eggermont Skills for Families Administrator Mon - Fri Provides leadership and management for the development and delivery of Glos Basic Skills Development Unit (GBSDU), as part of the County’s CLiP Equal Project. Working with partners to develop, implement and manage all aspects of the Glos Basic Skills Development Unit. Administration Skills for Families (ACET) 01452 425923 katrien.eggermont@gloucestershire.gov.uk Susan Fleming Development Worker (Family Literacy, Language & Numeracy) Senior Adult Education Manager (Local Development) Flexible 01453 845130 Mobile: 07909937170 specialsue16@hotmail.com Development Officer (Management Information Systems) Full Time Early Years Tutor/day to day development work on Family Literacy Language & Numeracy programmes. To manage the work of the Local Development Team and the 8 ACET Consortia, including oversight of strategic priorities, development project funding, Learning Communities Development, Adult Learners’ Week activity and links with voluntary and Community Organisations. Develop and maintain MI systems. 01452 425966 Peter.hancock@gloucestershire.gov.uk Vacant (Clerical Support: Asiyah Patel) Peter Hancock 4 flexible 18 D:\533578435.doc (last edited: 03/08/04) ACET Staff Job Title Days Worked Jo Hodder Electronic Information Officer Full Time Joanna Jackson (Clerical Support: Liz Baker) Development Officer (Family Learning) Family Learning [3 days] Sara Kinane Family Literacy, Language and Numeracy Advisor Clerical Officer (Regeneration & Social Inclusion) Temporary Clerical Officer (Recruitment and Selection) Temporary Administrator Sally Lewis (Clerical Support: Julie King) Development Officer (Access & Participation) Full time Duncan Liddle (Clerical Support: Abdus Meah) Development Officer Vacant (Clerical Support: Julie King) Development Officer (Black & Minority Ethnic Access & Participation) 21 hours per week. Alternate Weds, every Thurs & Fri. To be reviewed Julie King Louise King Anthea Knight Email Address 01452 425426 jo.hodder@gloucestershire.gov.uk 01452 426768 joanna.jackson@gloucestershire.gov.uk Flexible Advise/Liaison with providers and partners on curriculum, quality and project monitoring Mobile: 07810852394 sara.kinane@gloucestershire.gov.uk Full Time Clerical support to Penny Noble, Sally Lewis. 01452 427331 Julie.king@gloucestershire.gov.uk Full time Co-ordinate recruitment and selection activities for internal posts within Adult Education. 01452 425967 Louise.king@gloucestershire.gov.uk Tues, Thurs Supports the works of the Literacy, Language & Numeracy Development Centre Access issues such as transport, childcare, interpretation, rural issues, breaking down barriers that students have to enable them to participate in learning activities. First steps and school links programmes. 01452 425967 anthea.knight@gloucestershire.gov.uk 01452 426791 sally.lewis@gloucestershire.gov.uk Responsible for Marketing activity, including the range of publications produced by ACET. 01452 426788 duncan.liddle@gloucestershire.gov.uk Development of work, which will increase participation in learning of Black Minority Ethnic Communities. 19 D:\533578435.doc (last edited: 03/08/04) Telephone No. Coordinates and maintain ACET material for publication on ACET, Corporate/Partnership web sites. Develops and maintain, in partnership with other team members, databases for use within the ACET service. Co-ordination of Family Learning Team, and Skills for Families Project. Development of Family Learning Curriculum and Family, Literacy, Language and Numeracy Curriculum. Skills For Life [2 days Mon & Thurs] (Marketing & Information) Brief Job Role/s ACET Staff Abdus Meah Job Title Days Worked Email Address 01452 426423 abdus.meah@gloucestershire.gov.uk 01452 425549 penny.noble@gloucestershire.gov.uk Mon, Tues, Wed Job share post, to support the CLiP partners in meeting their objectives. 01452 425972 angela.norman@gloucestershire.gov.uk Clerical Officer (Local Development) Senior Adult Education Manager (Quality Development) Full Time Clerical support for Churchil Audi. 01452 425429 asiyah.patel@gloucestershire.gov.uk Mon, Tues, Wed & Thurs Clerical Officer Mon & Tues all day. Wed a.m. only 01452 426785 zandra.prentice@gloucestershire.gov.uk Rob Randall Development Worker (Family Literacy, Language & Numeracy) 01452 425923 rob.randall@gloucestershire.gov.uk Jacqueline Rinaldi Quality Development Officer Full time-term time only (starts 6th Sept) Mon, Tues, Wed Overall responsibility for monitoring and developing the quality of ACET-funded courses Assisting Jenny with financial matters. Processing invoices both to and from ACET, purchase orders, monitoring SLA’s and student info, etc. Tutor/day to day development work on Family Literacy Language & Numeracy programmes. 01452 425952 jacqueline.rinaldi@gloucestershire.gov.uk Liz Sainsbury Family Learning & Numeracy Worker/Basic Skills Tutor Trainee Development officer Administrative Officer By arrangement C/o 01452 425923 graham.sainsbury@virgin.net Clerical Officer (Management Information System) Full Time Angela Norman Asiyah Patel Vacant (Clerical Support: Abdus Meah) Zandra Prentice Monique Smith Mandy Spear Georgina Stubbings Full Time Telephone No. Clerical support to Chris Pilditch, Sue Allies and Duncan Liddle. Responsible for programmes relating to Family Education, Access and Participation and ACET Marketing. Based in Economic Development Unit and Quayside House. Penny Noble (Clerical Support: Penny Noble) Clerical Officer (Quality Development) Senior Adult Education Manager (Regeneration & Social Inclusion) Partnership Development Officer Brief Job Role/s Full time Full time Full time To manage the peer inspection of provision, and to work on other quality assurance initiatives Adult Basic Skills Tutor on Family Literacy, Language and Numeracy programmes Trainee attached to Sally Lewis (Access and Participation) Management of support staff and activities. Provide support to the Head of ACET on policy & strategic issues and partnership work. Coordinate Recruitment & Selection for ACET. Data input for MIS system. 20 D:\533578435.doc (last edited: 03/08/04) Monique.smith@gloucestershire.gov.uk 01452 425484 mandy.spear@gloucestershire.gov.uk 01452 425958 georgina.stubbings@gloucestershire.gov.uk ACET Staff Job Title Days Worked Lesley Wagstaffe (Administrator: Caroline Smith) Learning Partnership Co-ordination & ACET Strategic Projects Manager Full Time Mike Sharp Senior Administrative Officer Full Time Brief Job Role/s Co-ordination of Gloucestershire Learning Partnership: 3 days per week Project development & management for ACET & management of research officer: 1 day. To provide financial and administrative support to ACET 21 D:\533578435.doc (last edited: 03/08/04) Telephone No. Email Address 01452 425421 lesley.wagstaffe@gloucestershire.gov.uk 01452 425402 michael.sharp@gloucestershire.gov.uk ACET Staff Job Title Curriculum Support Team Jane Griffiths Curriculum Support Worker (Disability) Kath Pickering Deborah Summers Gill Thomas Meg Walker Days Worked Brief Job Role/s Telephone No. Email Address 40 days To support the ACET team in matters of access, both physical and the curriculum. 01452 540606 griff.j.c@blueyonder.co.uk Curriculum Support Worker (ICT) Curriculum Support Worker (Community & Language Development) 40 days per annum 40 days Supporting IT tutors across the county 01594 810180 kath@kpscomputing.demon.co.uk Curriculum Support Worker (Art & Crafts) Curriculum Support Worker (Health & Fitness & Older Learners) 40 days 01453 731135 gill@thequarryhouse.com 40 days Responsibility for giving support and advice on Arts and Crafts. Support tutors who teach in the area of health & fitness, & those who are specifically teaching older learners. 01453 884268 megwalker@pnex.freeserve.co.uk Employed by Cirencester College (ACET Funded) To support the activities, membership, networking, information gathering and sharing, development, project development and capacity building of the ACET Consortium. 01285 640994 x264 hmb@cirencester.ac.uk 01386 438853 (home-based) wendy2butler@aol.com 01452 614405 (home-based) hamer@freshfrontiers.fsnet.co.uk Local Development Workers Hazel Blackburn Local Development Worker (South Cotswolds) Give advice & support to Language tutors & help in developing the Community Curriculum. deborahsummers@stroudcol.ac.uk To co-ordinate Adult Learners’ Week locally. Combined with College/Community role. Wendy Butler Vacant Rosemary Hamer Vacant Local Development Worker (North Cotswolds)/ Family Learning Development Officer Local Development Worker (Forest) Local Development Worker (Gloucester) Local Development Worker (Tewkesbury) 0.3 post Mon pm, Tues & Thurs 16 hours To support the activities, membership, networking, information gathering and sharing, development, project development and capacity building of the ACET Consortium. 0.3 post flexible To co-ordinate Adult Learners’ Week locally. 0.3 post flexible 22 D:\533578435.doc (last edited: 03/08/04) ACET Staff Job Title Local Development Workers Jane Manning Local Development Worker (Cotswold Vale) Katie Ordonez Local Development Worker (Temp until Sept) (Stroud) Barbara Page (from Sept 2004) Vacant Karen King Days Worked Employed by Stroud College (ACET Funded) Employed by Stroud College (ACET Funded) Local Development Worker (Cheltenham) Local Development Worker (South Cotswolds) Brief Job Role/s To support the activities, membership, networking, information gathering and sharing, development, project development and capacity building of the ACET Consortium. Telephone No. Email Address 01453 548189 janeacet@yahoo.co.uk 01453 761180 katieordonez@stroudcol.ac.uk barbarapage@stroudcol.ac.uk To co-ordinate Adult Learners’ Week locally. Combined with College/Community role. To support the activities, membership, networking, information gathering and sharing, development, project development and capacity building of the ACET Consortium. Employed by Cirencester College (ACET Funded) To co-ordinate Adult Learners’ Week locally. To support the activities, membership, networking, information gathering and sharing, development, project development and capacity building of the ACET Consortium. To co-ordinate Adult Learners’ Week locally. Combined with College/Community role. Family Learning Development Workers Julie Gates Family Learning Development Worker (Projects) Susan Lewis Family Learning Development Worker (Lads and Dads) Wendy Butler Family Learning Development Worker (promotions) Flexible Development and monitoring of Family Learning projects, with a specialism in ICT. Mobile: 07909 937175 julie_gates@btinternet.com Flexible Development of Family Learning activities and with a specialism in Lads and Dads and Adult Basic skills Mobile: 07909 937184 suelewis8@hotmail.com Flexible Development of Family Learning activities with a specialism around PR Mobile: 07909 937172 wendy2butler@aol.com 23 D:\533578435.doc (last edited: 03/08/04) 15. USEFUL WEBSITES AND RESOURCES FOR YOUR PROJECT CHELTENHAM BOROUGH COUNCIL Municipal Offices, Promenade, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL50 1PP Email enquiries@cheltenham.gov.uk Phone 01242 262626 Website www.cheltenham.gov.uk COTSWOLD DISTRICT COUNCIL Cotswold District Council, Trinity Road, Cirencester Gloucestershire GL7 1PX Email cdc@cotswold.gov.uk Phone 01285 623000 Website www.cotswold.gov.uk FOREST OF DEAN DISTRICT COUNCIL Council Offices, High Street, Coleford, Gloucestershire GL16 8HG Email council@fdean.gov.uk Phone 01594 810000 Website www.fdean.gov.uk GLOUCESTER CITY COUNCIL Gloucester City Council, North Warehouse, The Docks Gloucester GL1 2EP Email No general email address Phone 01452 522232 Website www.gloucester.gov.uk TEWKESBURY BOROUGH COUNCIL Gloucester Road, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire GL20 5TT Email resources@tewkesburybc.gov.uk Phone 01684 295010 Website www.tewkesburybc.gov.uk - 24 D:\533578435.doc (Last edited: 03/08/04) GLOUCESTERSHIRE FIRST Gloucestershire First, Chargrove House Business Centre, Main Road, Shurdington, Near Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL51 4GA Email info@glosfirst.co.uk Phone 01242 864190 Website www.glosfirst.co.uk/home.asp GLOUCESTERSHIRE INFORMATION ADVICE & GUIDANCE PARTNERSHIP c/o Connexions, Southgate House, Southgate Street Gloucester GL1 1UW Email iaginfo@connextionsglos.org.uk Phone 01452 833655 Website www.go-iag.org.uk GLOUCESTERSHIRE LABOUR MARKET INFORMATION UNIT (GLMIU) Conway House, 33-35 Worcester Street, Gloucester GL1 3AJ Email info@glmiu.co.uk Phone 01452 450030 Website www.glmiu.co.uk GLOUCESTERSHIRE LIBRARIES & INFORMATION SERVICE County Library, Arts and Museums Service, Quayside House Shire Hall, Gloucester GL1 2HY Email clams@gloucestershire.gov.uk Phone 01452 425020 Website www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/index.cfm?ArticleID=63 GLOUCESTERSHIRE LOCAL INFORMATION NETWORK Email john.forster@gloucestershire.gov.uk (Chair) Phone 01452 425706 Website www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/Environment/Glin/index.asp GLOUCESTERSHIRE ON THE INTERNET (GlosNET) Phone 01452 425000 Website www.gloucestershire.gov.uk - 25 D:\533578435.doc (Last edited: 03/08/04) LEARNING AND SKILLS COUNCIL GLOUCESTERSHIRE (LSCG) Conway House, 33-35 Worcester Street, Gloucester GL1 3AJ Email info@lsc.gov.uk Phone 0845 0194189 Website www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/lsc/ LEARNING PROVIDERS – FURTHER EDUCATION COLLEGES CIRENCESTER COLLEGE Cirencester College, Fosse Way Campus, Stroud Road, Cirencester Gloucestershire GL7 1XA Email student.services@cirencester.ac.uk Phone 01285 640994 Website www.cirencester.ac.uk GLOSCAT Brunswick Road, Gloucester, Gloucestershire GL1 1HU Email info@gloscat.ac.uk Phone 01452 532000 Website www.gloscat.ac.uk HARTPURY COLLEGE Hartpury College, Hartpury House, Gloucestershire GL19 3BE Email enquire@hartpury.ac.uk Phone 01452 702132 Website www.hartpury.ac.uk NATIONAL STAR COLLEGE OF FURTHER EDUCATION Ullenwood, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL53 9QU Email enquiries@natstar.ac.uk Phone 01242 527631 Website www.natstar.ac.uk ROYAL AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Stroud Road, Cirencester, Gloucestershire GL7 6JS Email admissions@rac.ac.uk Phone 01285 652531 Website www.royagcol.ac.uk - 26 D:\533578435.doc (Last edited: 03/08/04) ROYAL FOREST OF DEAN COLLEGE Five Acres, Coleford, Gloucestershire GL16 7JT Email enquiries@rfdc.ac.uk Phone 01594 810283 Website www.rfdc.ac.uk STROUD COLLEGE Stratford Road, Stroud, Gloucestershire GL5 4AH Email enquire@stroudcol.ac.uk Phone 01453 763424 Website www.stroud.ac.uk LEARNING PROVIDERS – THE UNIVERSITY OF GLOUCESTERSHIRE Park Campus, PO Box 220, The Park, Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL50 2QF Email info@glos.ac.uk Phone 01242 532700 Website www.glos.ac.uk MULTI AGENCY INFORMATION DATABASE FOR NEIGHBOURHOODS (MAIDeN) MAIDeN, Gloucestershire County Council, Shire Hall, Westgate Street, Gloucester, GL1 2TH Email maiden@gloucestershire.gov.uk Phone 01452 426891 Website www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/environment.maiden/default.asp RESEARCH & MONITORING UNIT (part of the Education Department of Gloucestershire County Council) Research & Monitoring Unit, Education Department, Shire Hall, Westgate Street, Gloucester, GL1 2TP Email educr&m@gloucestershireg.gov.uk Phone 01452 425329 Website www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/index.cfm?ArticleID=176 BASIC SKILLS AGENCY The Basic Skills Agency (BSA), Commonwealth House, 1-19 New Oxford Street, London WC1A 1NU - 27 D:\533578435.doc (Last edited: 03/08/04) NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ADULT CONTINUING EDUCATION (NIACE) 20 Princess Road West, Leicester LE1 6TP Email enquiries@niace.org.uk Phone 0116 204 4200/4201 Website www.niace.org.uk/ NEIGHBOURHOOD STATISTICS Website www.statistics.gov.uk/neighbourhood UKONLINE Email editor@ukonline.gov.uk Website www.ukonline.gov.uk - 28 D:\533578435.doc (Last edited: 03/08/04) LIBRARY SERVICES for EDUCATION Churchdown Lane, Hucclecote, Gloucester. GL3 3QL 01452 427240 Fax: 01452 427243 e-mail: lse@gloucestershire.gov.uk Opening hours Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 9.00 – 4.45 Wed 9.00 – 6.00 Open during school holidays by appointment Library Services for Education supporting Adult Education Did you know that by joining Library Services for Education you can borrow resources to support your teaching? We have books and information in other formats in the following curriculum areas: IT Arts and crafts Languages Reminiscence materials Local history Cookery Gardening Poetry Health and fitness Basic Skills Creative arts Media Childcare Music Family Learning For an annual membership fee of £100 (which can be included in your ACET bid) you can borrow boxes of books and individual loans of five items at a time to support your work with adults. Please contact Susan Westwood, Manager at Library Services for Education on 01452 427247 for further information or to discuss your individual requirements. - 29 D:\533578435.doc (Last edited: 03/08/04)