MSSE 470/HIST 457/POSC 457 Dr. Hulsey & Dr. Cude Fall 2015

MSSE 470/HIST 457/POSC 457
Dr. Hulsey & Dr. Cude
Fall 2015
Comprehensive Unit Plan
HIST 457/ MSSE 470
Name: Kerry Reilly
Date: 20 November 2015
Grade Level & course this unit is designed for: 8th grade World History up to 1500s
1. Content Topic: War Culture in the Aztec and Spanish Empires
2. Concept: Power
3. Essential Questions/Overarching Understanding: How does war influence the Aztec empire? How does
war and power, interact with society, families and values of any empire Empire?
4. Rationale/Introduction Paragraph: My unit follows the exploration unit of eighth grade. The students will
have already learned about the British empire and Spanish empire and their interactions with the new
world. I will be teaching the students about the role that warrior culture played in the Aztec empire before
and while they interacted with the Spanish. The students will learn through examining primary sources,
creating objects out of ideas and realia, and by establishing values of the warrior culture. These skills will
then enable the students to critically evaluate power and those who hold power. The students will be able
to historically think about the Aztecs and then apply their knowledge, from the unit, to their lives in the
United States and how our country values those with power. Students will be thinking about who in their
lives have power and how they interact with them and determine how to make the interactions positive
even if they aren’t the ones with the most power. As a teacher I want to create students that ask thoughtprovoking questions that inspire them to make changes. Grand changes are not always the goal, but rather
students that have an emotional connection to an idea so much so that they feel compelled to action, to
change or empower what they are passionate about. Through this unit, I hope that students will see that
innovations, establishing power, and hard work can bring about change. And through those realizations, I
hope the students will be inclined to find their passions and involve themselves in change.
References/List of Sources:
Aztec Warriors. (n.d.). Retrieved November 18, 2015, from
Aztec Warriors. (n.d.). Retrieved November 18, 2015, from
Cartwright, M. (2015, March 18). Aztec Warfare. Retrieved November 18, 2015, from
Aztec culture. (n.d.). Retrieved November 18, 2015, from
Sahagún, B. “Of how the Spaniards entered Moteucçoma's private home, and what happened there."
Book 12, Chap. 18, p.125 in Florentine Codex. ca. 1570-1585. In We People Here. Translated
and edited by James Lockhart. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.
MSSE 470/HIST 457/POSC 457
Dr. Hulsey & Dr. Cude
Fall 2015
Part II: GUIDED REFLECTION ESSAY : In the eighth grade, there is an emphasis on the beginnings of the
new world that was facilitated by the British and Spanish empires. When choosing a topic for my unit
plan, I wanted to dive deeper into Aztec culture that the Spanish interacted with during their conquest.
The Aztecs are seldom a weeklong unit in middle school. In fact, when looking at a middle school
textbook for world history up to the 1500s, the Aztec culture had less than a chapter before it was
described in detail in reference to the Spanish conquest. I believe it is important that students learn in
depth about the Aztec culture so they can better understand why the empire was able to fall to the
Spanish and also why our world looks the way it does today.
I choose to focus on warrior and war culture in the Aztec empire because it had strong influence
on the lifestyle and society of the Aztecs. The Aztecs were one of the most famous warrior cultures and
it benefits students to learn about the way it started, the way it was condoned and how it created the
culture we learn about.
After choosing Aztec warrior culture as my topic, I knew that I would have to compare it to the
empire’s main opposition, the Spanish. I didn’t want the whole unit to be a comparison between the two
empires, because it was defeat the purpose of diving in to the Aztecs. Thus, I decided to focus on the
Aztecs but each day, compare them to the Spanish and point out similarities and differences. Another
area I eventually had to reassess was the Spanish references because they tended to tell specific stories
about how the Aztecs were “brutal savages that needed to be conquered.” So my content choices were
supplemented with the Aztec sources and what they said about the culture that was centered on war. But
the sources needed to be paired with Spanish sources because I still wanted my students to gain a wellrounded assessment of the interactions between the two empires. Since my unit comes after an
exploration unit that teaches the students about the Spanish and British empires, on the first day the
MSSE 470/HIST 457/POSC 457
Dr. Hulsey & Dr. Cude
Fall 2015
teacher will review the pertinent information on the Spanish and introduce the Aztec society. And I also
introduce the students to what the unit is going to look like in the following week. My content days
include the Aztec army, life of warriors, influences on society and citizens, battle plans in war, weapon
innovations and inventions, and the final battle and collapse of the Aztec empire.
I choose to include the army, life of warriors, weapon innovations and battle plans because each
of those topics influenced the treatment of citizens in the empire. I want the students to gain an
understanding of how life was ruled around warfare. Then the students are able to relate to their lives in
the United States and how our society is shaped by the military. I also choose to include the final battle
by the Aztecs against the Spanish. This event cannot be left out of the unit because it is a vital piece of
history but it also shows how the two empires interacted and how advantages and disadvantages played
a crucial role in the conquest of the Aztecs.
Throughout my lesson, I wanted to employ many techniques for learning so students were never
bored and were able to gain as much as possible from the unit. Warrior culture is valuable to look at
because it is prevalent in the United States military, so that will be a life connection that I will make
throughout the unit. Students should always be able to relate school to their lives and think critically
about the world they live in and how it got to the place it is today. In the introductory day, I have the
students play a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors with certain restrictions for three groups. This will
provoke the students to see how unfair the battles were because they were at a disadvantage. This is how
life worked back in the 1500s because some empires had more money and resources to be able to win
battles, but this is also how life works today in the United States; some people with more resources will
be able to be more successful because of their advantages. But I also want the students to learn,
throughout the unit, that there are things that citizens of the empire can do to combat the disadvantages
MSSE 470/HIST 457/POSC 457
Dr. Hulsey & Dr. Cude
Fall 2015
they have. On every day of my unit, I engage in discussions with the students because it is important to
me that they are able to voice their opinions and also defend them, which is a life skill that they must be
able to do. But it is important to me that students are heard by their peers and they are able to develop
opinions with the help of their peers. To facilitate intelligent and well thought out discussions I prove the
students with stems that ask them to finish the statements of “I see… I think… I wonder…” this way
students can better communicate with each other and the teacher. I also love an active classroom, which
is why I employed teaching strategies like, but not limited to, Each One- Teach One, a GRASP that
includes working with realia and manipulatives, and Web Quests. All of these strategies have something
in common; they are inquiry based and student centered. The students are not sitting in rows listening to
the teacher lecture. They are using computers, searching information and working in table groups of four
or five students, discussing in small groups and sharing with the class. The students are the leaders of
their education in my unit plan; this way my students can really find something that they are passionate
about. The students will also be using many historical thinking skills like analyzing primary sources,
evaluating at history as a chronological time line that continues, seeing culture through the eyes of the
citizens and understanding the historical significance of events in the Aztec culture.
Writing this unit plan on a topic that I was none too familiar with at the beginning of this year
has changed my teaching in many ways. The first way is my now extensive appreciation for quality
research. I was really interested in my topic but didn’t know much and thus my research really helped
me to plan my lesson and gain a deeper understanding of the topics that I wanted to include in the unit.
Another aspect of my teaching that I believe has been changed for the better is the need for an active and
differentiated classroom. My future classroom will be filled with students that bring in so many different
and special qualities about them. They will need a classroom that facilitates growth and positive learning
MSSE 470/HIST 457/POSC 457
Dr. Hulsey & Dr. Cude
Fall 2015
and I believe that can be done through many teach strategies and activities based in student inquiry. Now
I have a better idea of what I want my future classroom to look like so that students have a better chance
to succeed.
Part III: COMPREHENSIVE UNIT CHART: lessons are for 90 minute class periods
DAY 1 Topic for the day: Introduction to the Aztec and Spanish
Purpose/Objective(s): (1) Students will understand the history of each empire. (2)
Students will think chronologically.
List the main points of day’s content.
Hook for the unit –Rock, Paper, Scissors
Review with students that we just learned
about the Spanish empire in the
exploration of the New Americas unit
Tell students how the unit is laid out and
how the unit is going to link the histories
of the Spanish and Aztec empires and how
advantages played a role in each empire in
relation to war culture.
Bulk of information will be in depth with
the Aztec empire. The Spanish empire
will be used as a reference and
compare/contrast empire.
Aztec Empire
-Time period
-Past wars
Review Spanish Empire from prior
exploration unit
-Time period
-Past wars
Warrior culture of Aztec Empire
- How warriors interacted and
displayed themselves in society
Reasons the Aztec would engage in
- Acquire territory
- Acquire resources
- Stop other rebellions
- Collect sacrificial victims to honor
Outline of way you will teach and assess
1. Hook- Rock, Paper, Scissors Game. Students
will be divided into 3 groups when they walk
into the classroom. One groups is going to
play the game with no restrictions on which
object (Rock, Paper, Scissors) they can use.
The second group will only be able to use 2
options (Rock and Paper). And lastly, the
third group can only use one option (rock).
Now the students have to play “Rock, Paper,
Scissors”, best out of three, with someone
not in their respective group. The winner of
the game moves on and plays another
winner. Then slowly the last two players
emerge and they play.
2. Then there is a discussion between all the
students about how their restrictions played a
significant role in how likely it was that they
would win. A discussion of fairness and
limitations will emerge.
3. Tell the students what the next week is going
to look like and that I will be teaching them
about how the Spanish and the Aztec
Empires interacted in history and how
advantages played a significant role in their
linked histories of warfare.
4. Start presentation of the history of the two
-Start describing and teaching the Aztec
-Describe and review what the students know
about the Spanish Empire
5. Students will be filling out a graphic
organizer that separates the two empires, and
they are able to see how they are different.
6. On the back of the graphic organizer is a
section that shows the chain reaction of how
MSSE 470/HIST 457/POSC 457
Dr. Hulsey & Dr. Cude
the gods
All males expected to fight and
become warriors
Religious and political necessity
Fall 2015
the Spanish came to invade the Aztec
empire. Students will be able to see how the
Spanish interacted with the Aztecs when they
came to their empire.
Teacher goes through the PowerPoint about
the reasons that an Aztec warrior would
engage in battle.
Then teacher starts a discussion about why
the American Armed Forces would engage in
battle. What do the students know about
when the Armed Forces were forced into
battle? Reference 9/11 and Iraq War
Answers to questions I want my students
to know:
- When students were limited in the R/P/S
game, they were at a disadvantage to
win because they didn’t have the same
“resources” as the other students. This
relates to the Aztecs not having the same
resources that the Spanish had, thus they
were at a disadvantage.
- It was necessarily fair, but is how
society works; the weak will be taken
over by those who have more power.
- The American Armed Forces were
pushed into war in Iraq because of Al
Qaeda’s actions on 9/11/2001 in New
York City. The country had to protect its
assets and prevent future attacks.
- The Armed Forces also engage in war to
prevent other countries from becoming
dangerous nations.
DAY 2 Topic for the day: Ideology of warfare in the 2 separate empires
Purpose/Objective(s): (1) Students will be able to describe the warfare in the two
empires. (2) Students will understand that warfare and society influenced each other and
was very closely linked. (3) Students will be able to analyze primary sources.
Ask the students what they know about
the American Military. Any family
members? Any stories?
Introduce the Aztec empire army
Hierarchy of Aztec army
- Elite Aztec Warriors
- Eagle Warrior societies
- Jaguar warrior societies
- Otomies
- The Shorn Ones
- Each One, Teach one
The process of advancing and moving up
in society
- Capturing prisoners, sacrifices
- Work uniforms and helmets to show
Teacher asks the students what they know
about the American military. This transitions
to teaching about the Aztec military.
Teacher tells the students about the Aztec
empire and their army structure, through a
PowerPoint of just photos of the Aztecs.
Hierarchy of Aztec Army is explained. The
students will be put in table groups and given
a section of the hierarchy to investigate.
They are given 15 minutes to do a WebQuest
to explain their section of the hierarchy.
Then the students check their answers with
the teacher then present to the class.
The whole class will listen and take notes on
various parts of the hierarchy and how
warriors move up in society and the life of a
MSSE 470/HIST 457/POSC 457
Dr. Hulsey & Dr. Cude
- Created confidence in the army
Life of Aztec warriors
- Short life spans
- Strong men
- Group takes precedent over the
- Expertise in weaponry
Discuss Aztec war and warrior appearance
- Primary source analysis of war
- Primary source analysis of pictures of
Discuss Spanish war and warrior culture
at home and abroad
- Primary source analysis of pictures of
Have students note the difference and
similarities in picture sources
Start discussion of how society influences
what people do for a living
- Societal factors: parents, community,
school, friends, religion
- How do these things influence what
you want to do with your life?
warrior (Each one, teach one).
In the PowerPoint, display primary source
accounts of war and pictures of warriors
from Aztecs. Put students into table groups
to further analyze and discuss what the
passage says about warfare in their culture
and what the photo shows about warriors.
Each table grouping is given a passage and a
picture and each table gets the same two
Have each group share one interesting thing
with the whole class on what they learned
from the either the passage or the photo.
Using the STEMS, “I see… I think… I
wonder…” Then bring the students back to
the PowerPoint.
Using similar primary sources that are
pictures of Spanish warriors, the teacher will
show the pictures on the overhead and ask
for student’s ideas about how they look and
how they are different from Aztec Warriors.
Prompt the students to start thinking about
how societal factors influence what people
do for a living or how they chose a path in
life, this will relate to the next day’s lesson.
DAY 3 Topic for the day: Empire warfare influencing lifestyle
Purpose/Objective(s): (1) Students will be able to describe the motivations and strategies
in battle plans of warfare and how it shaped the military. (2) Students will be able to
analyze and assess primary sources.
Painting of Aztec warrior to spark interest
Go through how an Aztec warrior was
trained and brought up in the world
- Boy and girl roles
- Youth culture of war
- Need to be born into the warrior elite
- Role of women in warfare
Go through how a Spanish warrior was
trained and brought up in the mother
- Boy and girl roles
- Youth culture of war
- Related to Today
Battle plans of famous battles
- Pearl Harbor attack
- Battle of Antietam in the American
Civil War
- Analyze the battle plans and why they
were successful
Discuss the important Aztec battles
- Flower wars
- Wars with Cempoloa
Show a painting of an Aztec warrior at the
very beginning of class. Then move through
the PowerPoint and teach the students about
Aztec warriors and give them information on
boy/girl roles, youth culture, and the role of
women in warfare.
Discuss how a Spanish warrior is brought up
in that culture. Discuss the role of boys and
girls and allow the students to make
connections from information previously
learned about the Aztec youth culture.
Show the students videos of the two battles.
One of the attacks on Pearl Harbor and the
other of the Battle of Antietam in the
American Civil War.
Teacher will start a discussion about why the
battle was successful and what they were
fighting against and for.
Place emphasis on the Aztec battles that
occurred before the Spanish invaded.
Show students the battles of the Spanish
versus the Aztecs by analyzing primary
sources of the fights.
Fall 2015
MSSE 470/HIST 457/POSC 457
Dr. Hulsey & Dr. Cude
 Battle plans of Aztec and Spanish
 Primary sources of battles fought by
Aztec and Spanish
- Sources from Bernardino de Sahagún
about accounts of Aztec warfare
- Hernán Cortés account of Spanish
Battle Plans created for each empire in a
- Show how Aztecs fought, strategies
- Show how the Spanish fought
- What was different?
- What was similar?
- How could the Aztecs have improved
their battle plans in your opinion?
Look at why the Spanish were more
Remind students that the Aztecs were at a
disadvantage but they still had to work
hard to survive
Analyze how young men and women who
enlist in the USA Armed Forces are
viewed differently in reference to each
Fall 2015
Teacher will create understandable battle
plans for each empire that was engaged in
the battle. Students will have the battle plans
in front of them to mark on.
Students and teacher will have a class
discussion about the motives and actions of
each empire. What was different? What was
similar? Students will think critically about
how the Aztecs could have improved their
battle plans to have beaten the Spanish.
Let the students discuss in small table
groups- what would an Aztec victory have
meant for the history of the Aztecs? What
made the Spanish more successful? What did
they have that the Aztecs didn’t? What did
they bring with them that made them
Teacher will remind the students that the
Aztecs were at a disadvantage yet the still
had to work hard for the survival of their
Students will look back at the battle plans of
the Pearl Harbor attacks and Antietam and
discuss in small groups how the United
States worked hard for the survival of our
How do our government and our military
fight for their survival in everything they do?
Ask the students how children are typically
brought up in a violent culture today? How
are they impacted? What about children who
are children of army parents, how are they
affected? How are women treated differently
in our society and relate it back to the Aztec
Answer to the questions I want my
students to know:
- The Spanish empire was fighting for the
crown; they were following orders of
converting the natives of the new land.
- The Aztecs were fighting to take over
land and establish dominance. So in this
aspect, the Aztec and the Spanish were
- A victory for the Aztecs could have
made their empire last longer, but the
Spanish were determined to take the
land and the resources, so they wouldn’t
have stopped trying.
- Spanish were more successful because
they had more resources from the crown
that made them able to fight long and
tough battles.
- The US military fights to keep our
country safe and free, from attacks on
our soil and our government.
MSSE 470/HIST 457/POSC 457
Dr. Hulsey & Dr. Cude
Fall 2015
DAY 4 Topic for the day: Weapon and War Innovation
Purpose/Objective(s): (1) Students will understand that innovations can lead to success.
(2) Students will be able to recreate a concept with realia and manipulatives and think
a work sheet with four
 Weapon innovations and inventions
drawing boxes on it and the names of four
 Weapons used by the Aztec
weapons above the boxes. This will be for
Macahuitl- sword like weapon
Used for close contact battle
Made from wood, 3-4 inches wide
and 3-4 feet long. Flint imbedded in
sides. Why?
- Not used like a sword, why would it
be beneficial?
- Cuauhololli- club made of wood with
heavy balls at the end
- Used to smash and crush
- Atlatls- spear throwing device, for
long distance battles.
- A stick with a handle on one end and
hook that engages a light spear or
dart on the other end.
- Darts were more powerful than bows
- Bow and Arrow also utilized
Weapons used by the Spanish
- Lances- long wooden spears with
iron or steel ends
- Used in close combat
- Swords- used well when riding
- Narrow but 3 feet long
- Made of steel
- Harquebus- early invention of a
- Disadvantages: Slow to load, heavy
and firing is complicated, why?
- More effective as a scare tacticwhy?
- Horses- how was this an advantage?
GRASP of weapon making
Students are Aztec engineers and must
produce a weapon for a council of military
leaders to judge for use in an upcoming
the student to draw their interpretation of
what the weapon looked like.
2. Describe the Macahuitl weapon of the Aztecs
and let the students freely draw what they
believe it looked like. Below the box is a line
for one advantage of the weapon and one
disadvantage of the weapon.
3. In their table groups, the students collectively
think of one advantage and disadvantage of
the weapon.
4. Repeat parts 2-3 for Aztec weapon
Cuauhololli, and Spanish weapons
Harquebus and lance.
5. Given various toys and materials, students
are prompted to work in groups and build a
replica or variation of an Aztec or Spanish
weapon invention, as if they are Aztec
Engineers and they must present it to a
council of military leaders for an
upcoming battle.
-Toy bats, toy balls, Legos, art materials can
all be used to make the replica/innovation
6. Students then have the opportunity to go
around the room and look at the other
inventions and can try to use them, if
applicable, in a museum format.
7. Discuss, in pairs the benefits that the Aztecs
had because of their weapons. Then the
students share in a group and decide on one
benefit that they will share with the class.
8. Discuss, in pairs the benefits that the Spanish
had because of their weapons. Then the
students share in a group and decide on one
benefit that they will share with the whole
9. On an exit card the students will answer the
following questions: How does innovations
and inventions aid in the success of an
empire in war?
10. What invention, in your opinion helped the
Aztecs most? Helped the Spanish most?
11. The answers to the questions will be used to
help the teacher plan for the upcoming lesson
and the review day.
12. Answers to the questions that I want my
students to know:
MSSE 470/HIST 457/POSC 457
Dr. Hulsey & Dr. Cude
Fall 2015
With innovations and inventions the
empires are able to emphasis their
strengths, and create tools that aid their
weaknesses in battle.
DAY 5 Topic for the day: The Final Fight
Purpose/Objective(s): (1) Students will know how each empire’s last fight played a role
in its fall from power or its conquest. (2) Students will be able to assess information
through multiple perspectives. (3) Students will understand historical significance.
The Last battle fought between the Aztecs
and the Spanish
Hernán Cortés
Moctezuma II
Spanish Advantages
- Help from the Tlaxcala Tribe
- Allied with the Spanish because of
the constant flower wars with the
Aztec power
- Cempoala was dominated by the
Aztecs and Moctezuma for many
- Felt empowered to join the Spanish
side of the battle
- Many allies
Aztec Advantages
- The Aztec empire contained roughly
300,000 warriors
- Warriors well versed in combat
unique to their empire and landscape
Aztec disadvantages
- The Spanish was able to recruit
tribes that felt marginalized by the
Aztec center of power
The final battle
Role that warriors on each side, played in
the battle
Moctezuma welcoming the Spanish
Small pox hit the Aztecs and killed many
Siege of Tenochtitlan- lasted 8 months
Destruction of the city
Post War Values
Tlaxcala- treatment in society
- Treated better because of their early
decision to align themselves with the
- But working closely with Spanish,
hurt their society
- Epidemics, emigrations, rough work
in the canals
Introduce the lesson for the day. The final
battle between the Aztecs and the Spaniards
that lead to the Conquest of the Aztecs.
2. Remind the students who the leaders of the
two battling sides are, Cortés and
Moctezuma II.
3. Teach the students the advantages and
disadvantages of each empire and what
would potentially make them successful.
4. Teach about the various tribes the Spanish
was able to acquire for help. Why would you
be inclined to help the Spaniards if you were
in their tribe?
5. Pose the following questions to the students
to discuss why these attributes are considered
advantages or disadvantages.
6. The Spaniards had many allies in a country
they just recently found. Why would this be?
7. Why would the Aztec, with 300,000 warriors,
be at a disadvantage still?
8. Watch a video showing how the final battle
went and the interactions of the two empire
9. Discuss the video
10. Teach about the details of the final battle.
Why would Moctezuma II welcome the
Spanish and Cortés to his capital and
11. Discuss the role of the warriors, from each
empire, and how they played a vital and
influential role in the war.
12. What was the motivation behind destroying
13. What were the post war values of the
Spanish? How did they choose to rule this
new area?
14. Teach the students what happened after the
Spanish won the war, how the Spanish
reacted, how they changed the Aztec empire
15. Ask the students why it would be a good or
bad idea to integrate the Aztec into society.
How would the Spanish benefit, in your own
MSSE 470/HIST 457/POSC 457
Dr. Hulsey & Dr. Cude
Cempoala- town was used for routes to
haul maize and other resources by the
Integration of the tribes and the Aztecs
into the Spanish society
Role that indigenous people played in
Aftermath of the Aztec warriors being
How the Spanish power increased after
the conquest of the Aztec
- Aztecs no longer exist after August
Fall 2015
16. Based on what the students know about the
differences in the two cultures, was a
blended society a good idea?
17. Answers to questions that I want my
students to know:
- People in the peripheral tribes would be
inclined to fight for the Spanish because
the Aztecs marginalized them.
- Aztecs were brutal leaders and had
- The Aztec could be at a disadvantage
because the Spanish was able to recruit
help along the way, and the small pox
disease killed many Aztec warriors.
- Moctezuma welcomed the Spanish
because he thought he would be able to
reason with them and it was part of their
culture to welcome visitors.
- The capital was destroyed so it was
clear that the Spanish were in charge
and would be taking over the whole
- Post war values were to rule the whole
empire of the Aztecs. They wanted to
integrate the indigenous people and
convert them to the Spanish peoples
DAY 6 Topic for the day: Review Day
Purpose/Objective(s): Students will review pertinent information that will demonstrate
the main ideas of the objectives of each day
No new content will be taught, just review
Background history of Aztecs and Spanish
Starts to each empire
Interactions of Spanish and Aztec empires
Warfare in Aztec empire
Warfare in Spanish empire
Warrior Culture
Battle Plans
Final Battle
1. Play a review game with students, Jeopardy.
The categories will be Aztec warfare,
Spanish warfare, warrior culture, battle
plans, and the final battle.
- Students will be dividing into three
teams and play against each other
- Each team will be given turns to choose
a category and a point value. Student
will take turns answering. The first
student will be read a question and he or
she answers the question and if he or
she gets it right on the first try, the point
are given to the team.
- If the student answers wrong, she or he
is given 10 seconds to confer with the
teammates. The other teams are also
allowed to confer with their teammates
and whichever, first student of their
team, answers first, gets the points for
that question.
- Then the first student moves to the back
of the group and the next student is up.
Whichever team answers the question
MSSE 470/HIST 457/POSC 457
Dr. Hulsey & Dr. Cude
Fall 2015
correctly, gets to picks the next category
and point value question to answer.
Then repeat questions 4 & 5.
2. The students answer questions based on the
information from the week.
3. During the last 15 minutes of class, students
are able to ask the teacher about anything
they are still confused about for the test the
following day.
DAY 7 Topic for the day: Assessment Day
Purpose/Objective(s): Students will demonstrate their knowledge of how warfare is
different in each empire, how they were motivated and how war culture was shaped by
Content assessed from whole week prior
Assessment will be
- 20 multiple choice questions
 Questions about battle plans,
warrior culture, youth culture,
and the final battle.
- 3 short answer (multiple sentences)
 How do the values of the
Aztec warriors relate to the
values that the United States
holds for its military?
 How does innovations and
inventions aid in the success of
an empire and their battle?
 Why would Moctezuma have
welcomed Cortés to his
- 1 extended answer question
 Why was the Spanish empire
able to gain aid from other
tribes? Would you have joined
up with the Spanish if you
were in the Cempoloa tribe?
Why or why not?