
Name: Jessie James Tan
Course: BS-IM
Title: Business Ethics Ethical Concepts and Cases 3rd.ed.
Author: Manuel G. Velasquez
Book No.: HF5387V441993
(Book Review8)
Chapter5 (Ethics and the Environment)
“As the earth in a short few decades becomes twice as crowded with human
beings as it is now, and as human societies are confronted with dwindling resources in the
midst of mounting accumulations of wastes, and steadily deteriorating environment, we
can only foresee social paroxysms of an intensity greater than any we have so far
This quote is about the environment that we are in today. It is said that in a
number of years the world will be full of humans and that the resources will be less and
also we will see that the environment will be near its end. If we won’t act now the future
world will be a waste full of people living in it. Such companies are trying to make
income but do not think of the things that he has done to the environment. There are those
plants and factories that create waste that ruins our environment. There must be an action
to take so that the environment will be saved. Companies can gain income and not harm
the environment. They must think and act ethically for the future world to be saved.
Chapter summary:
This chapter is about the proper way of thinking of the environment and being
ethical when it come to environmental issues. The environment today is fast fading it is
because of the people who do not think of what they are doing to the environment.
Companies make living do not care what happens to the surroundings. The companies
should act ethically so that they would think to themselves that what they are doing is
unethical. The companies must take into consideration the environment and the products
that they are creating doesn’t leave any waste behind it must be 0% waste. If people will
not act soon then there will be no more environment to have.
Chapter6 (The Ethics of Consumer Production and Marketing)
“Marketing management appears to be more concerned about generating revenues
than they are about ethical and fair treatment to customers. “
There are growing numbers of companies that are present today. A lot of which
are known and the others are still yet to be known. Today the companies are aiming for a
high income and generate money with the help of the customers. There are some
companies that the main concern is generate income but do not think of the ethical and
fair treatment to customers. The companies should also think ethically they can make a
code of ethics that will be the standards for their company. They should also think of the
customers and if it is fair for them. They should not take for granted the customers
because there will come a time that the customers would stop patronizing the business
even if it is the last company in the world. The key to that is fair and just treatment to the
Chapter summary:
In a business there are three important things the first is the production for the
products second is the marketing of the products and the main is the end consumer. There
must be an ethical understanding about these things. First when it comes to production
the business should consider a lot of things for the product to be perfect. The company
must do proper things for the products. Next is the marketing, the marketing of products
should be done ethically. There must be a proper way of marketing the products the
competition on the competitors. The last is the consumer, companies must be fair to the
consumer because they are the life of the business. The consumers must get the quality of
product from what they paid for. These three must be done ethically so that the business
will have no trouble in anything.
Chapter7 (The Ethics of Job Discrimination)
“Discriminatory is the act of individuals, these critics argue, and its individual
women and minorities whom it mistreats; consequently, we should not say that
discrimination exists until we know that a specific individual was discriminated against in
a specific instance.”
There is always a tension that will be built in every company. These tensions are
the discrimination. Discrimination is in a lot of forms that can offend people. An example
of this is the race when your color is black some dislikes you and also the status of living
if you are in a high class society and if you are not. This discrimination are the acts of
individuals that must be stop. There must be fair treatment not only just to some but to
all. We also should not judge that discrimination is there until we prove that there is
really discrimination.
Chapter summary:
This chapter is about the discrimination that is happening in a business. A lot of
businesses do their discrimination hidden. Almost all of the time somehow they are doing
discriminatory acts without them knowing. A simple example is the hiring of an
employee there will always be discrimination in the aspects of where did the person
graduated, the looks and color, the race and many more. Companies should not
discriminate other people because the people they are discriminating didn’t choose to be
that way and does not deserve to be discriminated. There must be balance in everything
and companies should always be fair not for some of the people but for everybody.