Student Version Operations and Maintenance Manual Contact Sheet for P09452: Compressor Installation, Interface, and Education First Name Last Major/Title Team Role Email Cell Phone Snehapriya Rao ME Project Lead 917-628-5839 Edward Budriss ME 267-210-6822 Alex Scarangella ME 914-806-6144 Edward Wolf CE 203-648-3155 Anna Cheung ISE Individual Contributor 518-588-7375 Margaret Bailey ME/Professor (Endowed Chair) Guide 585-475-2960 Marca Lam ME Professor Consultant 585-475-6871 Lawrence Agbezuge ME Professor Consultant 585-475-2157 John Wellin ME Professor Consultant 585-475-5223 Amy Hortop ME Professor Consultant 585-475-5628 Rizk Sinada Civil Instructor/ Project Manager RIT FMS Consultant 585-475-6716 Scott Wolcott CET Professor Professional Engineer Consultant 585-475-6647 Dave Hathaway ME Operations Manager Consultant 585-475-2184 Dave Harris Director, Environmental Management Consultant 585-475-2060 Jim Yarrington Director of FMS Consultant 585-475-6932 Bobby Colon RIT Legal Counsel Consultant 585-475-6932 Individual Contributor Individual Contributor Individual Contributor Contact Sheet for P09452: Compressor Installation, Interface, and Education First Name Last Scott Delmotte Ray McKinney Mike Bunce Terry John Skip McCarville Kingham Morrison Major/Title Manager Development Engineering Condition Monitoring Specialist Direct of Recruiting PCB Piezotronics Field Applications Engineer GE Energy Optimization and Control - Field Application Engineer Regional Manager Team Role Contact (Painted Post) Email Cell Phone 607-937-2113 Contact (Olean) 716-372-4340 Contact (Olean) 716-375-4311 Consultant/Sales Consultant/Sales Consultant/Sales 609-238-3535 281-844-4685 Jason Vigil Professional Engineer, Jensen Engineering, PC Consultant 585-482-8130 Willis Boulter Boulter Rigging Consultant 585-261-3102 Calculations and Simulations Cooling Loop Calculations & Specifications Some of the heat of compression is transferred through the cylinder wall into four water jacket channels. Each of these channels is identical. For the theoretical analysis of this transfer, these channels were approximated as being round. The exact dimensions of theses channels and other relevant geometries are unknown so approximate values were used and may be changed as more precise information becomes available. The following is a list of assumed dimensions and other parameters. The only value that is uncertain is the diameter; the assumption is based on the known result. Description delta t in compressor circum number of jackets K steel K water flow water density of water assumed D mass flow rate viscostiy of water Cp water Value 116.67 21.99 2.00 43.00 0.58 300.00 999.84 1.64 0.32 3.15E-04 4181.30 Unit K inch # W/m*K W/m*K GPH kg/m^3 in kg/s Pa*s KJ/Kg-K Relevant Parameters: Heat transfer (conduction + convection) Nu .023 Re 0.8 Pr .4 Re DH m A Heating fluid in round channel Reynolds number equation Heat transfer coefficient Results: Description Re prantle number water Value 16290.36 7.00 Unit # # nusselt number h forced convection Q 117.30 136.07 536.89 2147.55 7329.5956 # BTU/ft^2*hr*F W W BTU/Hr delta t of water 10.00 o F From these results we are able to find a heat exchanger that will be able to handle the required thermal load. The following components are suggested to make up the cooling system. Thermal Analysis Thermal analysis was performed to approximate the amount of heat generated from running the compressor. The heat of compression, heat from the inefficiencies in the motor, the heat from free convection, and radiation off the surface of the compressor were calculated. This document contains the calculations and results. Heat of Compression Approximation The heat of compression was approximated so that a heat exchanger could be sized for the purpose of removing excess heat from the cylinder and compressed air. Assumptions and other necessary data are listed below. Assume: Constant specific heat and specific heat ratio Atmospheric pressure in the cylinder at BDC Frictional losses are negligible k 1.4 1.004 1.29 527.67 14.7 Cp,air ρair Tamb Pamb kJ/kg-K kg/m^3 R psi Table 1: Parameters Bore Stroke Vclearance Disp. Total Volume 6 5 3.3399057 0.0000547 141.37167 0.0023167 273.90761 0.0044885 Table 2: Cylinder Data in in in^3 m^3 in^3 m^3 in^3 m^3 Temperature: TComp. TAmb. Pout(psi) 51.25 PComp. * P Amb. k 1 k Tout(F) 293.9232349 Volumetric Flow Rate: V V2 Total1 VClear. P2 k P1 V 2 V2 * RPM * 1 ft 3 1728in 3 Mass Flow Rate: m air VDisp. VClearance.Exp. * RPM Heat Generated: q m c p T 51.25 Speed(RPM) 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 psi Flow Rate(cfm) 22.3369 22.9751 23.6133 24.2515 24.8897 25.5279 26.1661 26.8043 27.4425 28.0807 28.7188 29.3570 29.9952 30.6334 31.2716 31.9098 Mdot (kg/min) 1.9910 2.0479 2.1048 2.1616 2.2185 2.2754 2.3323 2.3892 2.4461 2.5030 2.5598 2.6167 2.6736 2.7305 2.7874 2.8443 Heat gen.(kJ/min) 250.8944 258.0629 265.2313 272.3997 279.5681 286.7365 293.9049 301.0733 308.2417 315.4102 322.5786 329.7470 336.9154 344.0838 351.2522 358.4206 Heat gen.(BTU/hr) 14268.1225 14675.7831 15083.4438 15491.1044 15898.7650 16306.4257 16714.0863 17121.7470 17529.4076 17937.0682 18344.7289 18752.3895 19160.0502 19567.7108 19975.3715 20383.0321 Table 3: Calculated values for outlet pressure of 51.25 psi P-V Diagram (Frame Side Cylinder) 60 Pressure(psi) 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 -25 25 50 75 100 125 150 Volume(in^3) Figure 1: P-V Diagram (Frame Side Cylinder) P-V Diagram (Outer Side Cylinder) 60 Pressure(psi) 50 40 30 20 10 0 -25 0 25 50 75 100 Volume(in^3) Figure 2: P-V Diagram (Outer Side Cylinder) 125 150 Room Temperature/ Ventilation Calculations The ventilation of the room is important for the comfort of the people in it. The heat that is created by the compressor could potentially heat the room to unbearable temperatures if it is not dissipated. The amount of ventilation in the room must remove the heat from the compressor as well as the heat generated by the people operating the compressor and performing lab experiments. The heat emitted into the room was previously calculated from motor inefficiencies and black body analysis and was found to be approximately 3000 BTUs per hour. The table below shows all of the values that were needed to approximately calculate the air flow required to keep the test cell temperature at an acceptable level. Description Symbol Value Units Temp of Machine Shop Tshop 70 Fo Max Temp. Tmax 80 Fo Heat From Compressor Heat Gen. From People* qcomp met 3000 22 Avg. Exposed Skin Area Askin Number of People in Cell npeople Specific Enthalpy Exiting Air⁺ hin 26.2 BTU/lb Specific Enthalpy Entering Air⁺ Specific Volume of Air (exiting) Relative Humidity of the Shop hout 1/ RH 29.8 13.71 60 BTU/lb ft3/lb % BTU/hr BTU/hr-ft2 2 ft2 15 # *Metabolic heat generation for a person standing, relaxed ⁺From psychrometric chart negligible moisture added from people Heat generated from people was calculated from the following equation: q people n people met Askin 15 22 2 660 BTU hr Rounding up to account for additional heat sources, the total heat generation is: qtotal qcomp q people 4000 BTU hr Conservation of energy for our control volume (test cell) is used in the following equations to calculate the necessary volumetric flow rate. m in hin qtotal m out hout m m V in out out out Vout out hout hin qtotal Vout qtotal 400013.71 254CFM out hout hin 29.8 26.2 This calculation is a good approximation and depends on the number of people that are in the room operating the compressor, so the recommended ventilation flow rate should be 250-300 cubic feet per minute. The mechanical HVAC drawings of building nine indicate that the test cell (room 09-2329) should be equipped with two 12 inch diameter ducts that lead to exhaust fans on the roof (EF-31 and EF-32). Validation is required for duct functionality and if it will meet the new compressor’s needs. 1st floor drawing showing existing 12" ducts Fan schedule: See EF-31 and EF-32 Acoustic Analysis Part of the safety aspect of operating and maintenance of the compressor is ensuring that there will not be any acoustic damage or interference. The current planned site for the installation is the test cell located in the machine shop. The test cell is currently equipped with insulated door and wall. It was assumed that with a full class, the doors will have to kept open for the class to view the compressor when it is operating. Worst case scenario, the doors will be open, a machine in the shop will be operating, and the compressor will also be operating. Test - Used a sound level meter o Mode: SPL o Range: A Hi o Response: Fast Decibel value of the compressor when operating is approximately 85dB Once compressor is installed, next team must verify that it operates at 85 db for current calculations to be effective. - Table 1: Data from sound meter Noise Dose 100( 8 tn 2 c1 c 2 c ... n ) t1 t 2 tn (L90) 5 Scenario 1, Class Time: Assuming door open, exposure to noises for an hour, machine in shop is running, and compressor is running Noise Dosage 100(( 1 1 1 )( ) ( )) 183 75.8 16 Noise Dosage 8.12 Dose < 50, hearing conservation is not needed when exposed for an hour Scenario 2, Maintenance: Assuming door open, exposure to noises for 8 hours, machine in shop is running, and compressor is running Noise Dosage 100(( 8 8 8 )( ) ( )) 183 75.8 16 Noise Dosage 64.9 Dose > 50, hearing conservation is needed when exposed for 8 hours Maximum length of time exposed to multiple noise sources with out hearing protection is 6 hours Speech Interference Level Using the A-weighted dB measure compared the rating to the graph in Figure 1 to understand the furthest distance students can stand before background noises interfere with communication. Figure 1: Permissible distance between a speaker and listener ( With the compressor operating (85dB), the furthest the students can stand is 2ft away before it is difficult to hear the professor or lab guide. This will need to be taken into consideration when designing labs. ANSYS Models Test Cell The test cell and surrounding rooms were modeled using SolidWorks. Dimensions of the test cell and surrounding rooms were calculated using an AutoCAD file of building 9, provided by Facilities Management. This model was then imported into ANSYS to perform structural and modal analysis. The model was constrained at the top of the walls as well as basement walls. Using the built in ANSYS material list, the building was defined to be construction grade concrete. The weight of the compressor was then applied over the footprint of the skid on which it sits. The mesh was refined several to make sure the model was accurately capturing true deformation and stress values. After two iterations the deformation plateau at 0.00402in. ANSYS result as followed: Figure 1: Deformation due to static load of compressor (top view) (MAX = .00402in) Initial simulation for the testing of the static load of compressor revealed the floor itself was not structurally acceptable to support the compressor. With these larger then acceptable stress and deflection in the supporting surface our team worked with PE, Jason Vigil. It was recommended that two I-beams be inserted under the final location of the compressor as seen in figure 2. Figure 2: Excerpt from PE report I-beams were then modeled in Solid Works to the specifications laid out in the PE’s report. The I-beams were designed to the dimensions for a W8 x18 Beam as specified. The initial simulation had the beams located directly under the extremes of the skid. The material was defined as structural steel and imported into ANSYS. The I-beams were constrained as shown in figure 2 (at concrete beams and floor) and static loading simulations were recompiled. Figure 3: Deformation due to static load of compressor with I-beams under skid extremes With the addition of the two I-beams (figure 1) the deflection of the floor decreased to below 4 thousandths of an inch. Through communications with Jason Vigil, the results achieved in the ANSYS modeling aligned with values he had calculate and deemed safe. To determine if there could be any improvements by moving the I-beams more central, towards the highest deflection and stress areas, the ANSYS models were rerun with the beams moving inward in one-foot increments. As the I-beams were moved inward resulting in the max deformation traveling from .0037in to .0029in (figures 4, 5, 6) at three feet inboard of compressor skid. ANSYS results as follows: Figure 4: Deformation due to static load of compressor, I-beams inboard 1 foot Figure 5: Deformation due to static load of compressor, I-beams inboard 2 feet Figure 6: Deformation due to static load of compressor, I-beams inboard 3 feet In further discussions with Jason Vigil (PE), I brought up the results of the FEA. Through talking to him he stated that while the skid will be static, it makes sense to move the beams into the high stress areas. But when the compressor is operating there will be dynamic forces in play and the beams located at the extremes of the skid will be better able to cope and dissipate forces more uniformly. Utilizing the same model, modal analysis was carried out to ensure that we did not encounter any resonance issues within the structure. The model was constrained exactly as from static analysis and simulations carried out. The frequency at which the compressor operates is 8.33Hz. The first mode was found at 58.59 Hz. The second mode was found at 64.69 Hz. And third mode was found at 76.30 Hz. These can be viewed in figures 7, 8, 9. ANSYS results as follows: Figure 7: 1st mode vibrational response Figure 8: 2nd mode vibrational response Figure 9: 3rd mode vibrational response In additional communications with our teams PE, Jason Vigil, he had arrived at natural frequency of 8.5 Hz, which was based on the floor structure alone, a rather conservative approach. With the addition of the walls to the model, a great deal of damping would be expected, but with a value of 58Hz results seems high. This could be due to a number of assumptions present in the model, such as empty rooms and perfect geometry. In conversations with the PE, he stressed his case stating that the models used are often grossly oversimplified to allow for the worst-case scenario. A more accurate natural frequency would be a located somewhere between the 8.5 and results achieved through modal analysis. Compressor Skid Using the documents provided by Dresser Rand, the skid was modeled in SolidWorks and then imported into ANSYS. The skid was constructed from the material IS 2062. The skid’s I-beams are of the type ISBM 150. For purposes of analysis, the skid was constrained at each of its mounting locations, ten in total. The forces due to reciprocation were then applied to the model at compressor mounting locations. The mesh was refined several times in the areas of concern (front and rear mounting locations) to ensure the model was accurately capturing true deformation and stress values. After several iterations all values plateau ensuring accurate results. The moment due to reciprocation induced a maximum deformation of .0054in (figure 10) and a maximum stress of 7951.8psi (figure 11). ANSYS results as followed: Figure 10: Total deformation of skid due to moment created by primary forces (MAX=.0054464 inch) Figure 11: Stress due to forces generated from compressor. Yield strength for material of skid (IS 2062) is 36,259psi providing a factor of safety present in the skid of 4.56. A factor of safety two-three is commonly used, but since this compressor is designed to operate in many different environments and have a fairly large lifespan, the increased FOS represents that need of safety in the wide range of operational environments. Modal analysis was also carried out on the skid itself to see if the operational speed of the compressor would have and damaging vibration affects on the skid. The model of the skid was constrained identical to what was found in the static analysis. The 4th mode of vibration occurring at 182.21 Hz was found to be in the same direction as would be found from compressor operation (figure12). This mode is much higher than the operation speed of the compressor, resulting in no concern for any safety issues with resonance, though a slight pulse might be seen at this frequency from the accelerometer placed on the skid. Figure 12: Modal deformation occurring at 4 th mode, (182.21 Hz) significantly above frequency of compressor operation. Installation Manual Prior to the compressor being delivered to campus, the test cell should be fully prepped and ready to receive the compressor. The test cell should be cleared of any unnecessary storage, such as the Formula team’s old dynamometers, and fellow students’ design projects. Additionally the following should be carried out: Prior to compressor arrival Structural reinforcements Following the plans set forth by our designs teams PE, Jason Vigil, I-beams should be installed as specified. Please review all documentation provided by Mr. Vigil in appendix 1. Quotes have been obtained for contractor cost and can be found in the budget. It is highly suggested to work with FMS to finalize the contractor. Figure 1: Excerpt from Jason Vigil’s (PE) recommendations Additional Electrical Requirements Prior to the compressor arriving on campus the test cell should be outfitted with all the appropriate electrical supplies. -220 volt 1 phase feed for the motor supply -120 volt supply for the data acquisition system -120 volt for ventilation and coolant pump requirements A quote for the contracted work is located in the team budget. It is highly suggested to work with FMS to finalize the contractor. Cooling Water requirements Prior to the installation of the compressor in the test cell, the chilled water supply should be plumbed into the room for easy connection to the compressors cooling system. The compressors cooling system will be installed after the compressor is permanently located. See cooling system installation. It is highly suggested to work with FMS to finalize the contractor. Ventilation Requirements Contingent on whether the drawings in the ventilation calculations are validated, a single Greenheck GB-91 roof exhaust fan is more than ample. See ventilation calculations. Given that at 250 CFM, a 12 inch round duct will only generate a pressure drop of .015 inches of water per hundred feet. This is a very low pressure, at which the GB-91 could exhaust over 800 CFM. If the drawings are not confirmed and the GB-91 is not in place, then a similar, but smaller, exhaust fan could be used. 1/8 horsepower would be plenty to meet our needs. If the 6 inch duct must be used, then the horsepower should be increased to 1/6 to 1/4 horsepower due to the much greater pressure drop of 0.5 inches of water per hundred feet. It is highly suggested to work with FMS if a contractor is needed. **For any questions pertaining to the additions to the test cell please contact Dave Harris or Dave Hathaway. Scheduling Transportation Boulter Rigging Company Coordination between RIT, Boulter Rigging Corp., and Dresser-Rand will be essential for smooth installation of compressor. Dresser-Rand will prepare the machine for shipment to Boulter Rigging Corp. in Webster, NY. The compressor will then be transported to RIT by Boulter and moved into the proper location. Proper equipment will be used to ensure safety and clearance constraints are met. Boulter Rigging Company will be responsible for delivering the compressor to RIT as well as placing the compressor in its final resting place. The recommended delivery path shown in figure 2 shows the best path for delivery. It should also be noted that while the compressor is on the slab and not in its final resting place, the load must be distributed over a minimum of 60sqft as stated in Jason Vigils (PE) recommendations. Figure 2: Installation path - 45 feet of transportation across floor with basement underneath. Loading bay area has foundation and can use fork lift until the entrance to the old machine shop. When being movied into location, the load must be distributed over 60 sqft for adaquate load distribution. Installation Mounting Once the compressor is moved into the test cell it should be located as described in figure 3. The mounting holes should be marked and then compressor can be moved back out of the room to allow for the drilling of the mounting holes. Once the mounting holes are drilled and deemed adequate, the compressor can be moved back to its final location and the process of securing it can begin. Figure 3: Top View of Test Cell with Components and Locations After the compressor has been placed atop its mounting holes measures should be taken to ensure that the compressor is completely level. Using a level, shim the bolt holes until the compressor is level. After achieving a level compressor frame, the 12mm diameter grade 8 bolts can be pushed through to the bottom of the slab. On the bill of materials, it was suggested to purchase 108 inches of 12mm grade 8 threaded rods. If using the rods, it must be cut to 8 inch length prior to mounting. Using the appropriate washers, nuts and 6” x 6”x ¼” steel plates the sequence of tightening can begin (100 ft/lbs). Please also refer to figure 1 section 3 for plate installation. The bolts should also be tightened after the compressors first start up to ensure none have come loose. Cooling System Installation After the compressor has been installed, the cooling system can be outfitted to the machine. The location of the heat exchanger is not fixed. Locate a suitable location for the heat exchanger. Then the plumbing of the cold water supply to the compressor can be carried out. Once the chilled water supplies are plumbed and secured, the placement of the coolant storage tank should be determined, remembering that a heating element will be placed within. Figure 5: cooling loop diagram The emersion heater probe should be installed into the storage tank. To do this, an approximate 2” hold should be drilled in the side of the tank. This hole is to allow for clearance between the plastic and the hot probe. Refer to the hazard analysis for possible dangers and mitigation. Next a stainless steel plate should be fabricated to allow for the attachment of the probe and for easy attachment to the storage tank. Once the probe has been installed to the tank, the tank can be secured within the room. Final plumbing of the cooling system can be carried out. Refer to figure 5 for cooling loop layout. Sensor Install There are numerous sensors that will be installed onto the compressor. The scope of this project is to allow for flexibility in the location and configuration of all sensors. As laboratory experiments evolve, it may become necessary to add or move additional sensors to different locations. The following information includes sensor locations and manufacturers’ preferred installation methods for the sensors to be used in the DAQ system. Sensor Placement The following locations are the preliminary mounting points for the sensors specified in Table 1. A B D C Figure 6 - Top view Schematic of Dresser-Rand Compressor Position A A B C Sensor X-axis Velocity X-axis Accelerometer Inner Bore Pressure Z-axis Accelerometer Model # PCB VO622A11 PCB 623C00 PCB 102A21 PCB 623C00 Mounting Stud/Magnetic Mount Stud/Magnetic Mount Bore Hole Stud/Magnetic Mount D D Y-axis Velocity PCB VO622A11 Y-axis Accelerometer PCB 623C00 Table 1 - Sensor Placements of Figure 1 Stud/Magnetic Mount Stud/Magnetic Mount J K E I F G H Figure 7 - Air and Cooling Water Schematic Position E F G H H I I J J K Sensor Inlet Air Pressure Tank Air Pressure Tank Air Temperature Model # PCB 101A05 PCB 102A21 Omega RTD-NPT72-E-DUAL-MTP Outlet Air Temperature Omega RTD-805 Air flow meter Omega FTB-936 Water Inlet Flow Rate Omega FV101 Water Inlet Temperature Omega FV101 Outlet Water Temperature Omega FV101 Outlet Water Flow Rate Omega FV101 Inlet Air Temperature Omega RTD-805 Table 2 - Sensor Placement of Figure 2 Mounting Stud Mount Bore Hole Bore Hole Adhesive Mount Pipe Fitting Pipe Fitting Pipe Fitting Pipe Fitting Pipe Fitting Adhesive Mount L Figure 8 - Frame Oil Schematic Position L L Sensor Model # Oil Temperature Omega PR-12 Oil Pressure PCB 101A05 Table 3 - Sensor Placement of Figure 3 Mounting Pipe Fitting Bore Hole Adhesive Mount Adhesive mounting bases are recommended to prevent an adhesive from damaging the sensor base or clogging the mounting threads. Below is a table of PCB’s suggested mounting adhesives. Magnetic Mount Magnetic mounts are to be used for temporary sensors on a magnetic surface. A thin layer of silicone grease should be applied between the sensor and magnetic base, as well as between the magnetic base and the structure. Stud Mounting This type of installation is to be used for the permanent installation of sensors. First, grind or machine on the test object a smooth, flat area at least the size of the sensor base, according to the manufacturer's specifications. Then, prepare a tapped hole in accordance with the supplied installation drawing, ensuring that the hole is perpendicular to the mounting surface. Install accelerometers with the mounting stud and make certain that the stud does not bottom in either the mounting surface or accelerometer base. A thread-locking compound may be applied to the threads of the mounting stud to guard against loosening. Screw Mounting Like a stud mount installation, screw mount installations are to be used on thinwalled surfaces. A cap screw passing through a hole of sufficient diameter is an acceptable means for securing the accelerometer to the structure. A thin layer of silicone grease at the mounting interface ensures high-frequency transmissibility. Source: DAQ Install A key component to the educational application of this project will be with the use of the Data Acquisition system. The diagram below shows what will ultimatley be produced in the succeding projects. System-level overview of the compressor Data Acquisition System At this point, all the sensors should be mounted on the compressor. It should also be noted that signal conditioners and connector cables for the sensors need to be specked out and purchased. At the time of this document’s publication, the total project budget, DAQ unit, and cable lengths are subject to change. These variables should be clearer once the compressor arrives on campus. Given the relationship with Dresser-Rand, it is possible that a NI PCI-4474 may be donated. For that reason, it is assumed that this will be the primary 8-channel DAQ for the LabView computer. Ray McKinney from Dresser-Rand in Olean, NY has been the primary contact for designing the data acquisition unit. From his contacts, he is currently investigating if he can get the temperature and pressure sensors donated for the project. He also might be able to get a PCI-4474 card either donated from National Instruments or from a customer recall site in Israel. Additionally, Ray has been working to get replacement sensors for the Omega products. We will be working with him in the future to see if these sensors can be swapped out for Bently Nevada Solutions. High-level installation steps: 1. Install as many sensors on the compressor as the budget allows. 2. Install the NI PCI-4474 card (or final DAQ) onto the LabView Computer. 3. Run and secure all cabling to sensors/signal conditioners to the LabView Computer. 4. On the LabView Computer, configure the LabView Compressor Project to accept all the sensors. All the random number generators will have to be replaced, and all the sensors will need to be calibrated. a. IP: LOGIN: Dave PASSWORD: P09452 5. Test the DAQ to ensure it is measuring the correct information. - - Bulleted Installation Procedure: Formula Team has vacated room to new area to secure their stock materials: o Temporary movement to another cell. Room should be vacated beginning the quarter prior to compressor arrival to allow for all contracted work to take place. o Need to have clear access to floor and surrounding walls of Test Cell. o Engine Dyno will be removed from the back 4 feet of the room. Senior Design Team will prepare for the compressors arrival: o Order and purchase any items used in the installation process. Boulter, storage racks, tools, sensors, etc. Mounting hardware and plates. Structural reinforcement by general contractor before compressor is installed. Electrical services before the compressor is installed. Cooling pipe installation services by general contractor before compressor is installed Orders should go out as soon as possible after approval. o Provide necessary information to Boulter: On schedule and route for transportation. Materials necessary for install. Structural concerns and requirements. Provide structural engineer’s analysis and suggestions. o Prepare the room for compressor: Clean up and create a sustainable work environment. Ensure unrestricted access to all areas of the room and input supplies. Mark and drill the required holes needed for mount installation when compressor is placed in final position. Identify and mark the location of the control panel and emergency stop. Room must be vacated of all materials to give sufficient room to rigging company. Ensure that path to the room is clear of any obstructions. o After Installation Assemble and install storage rack, desk, and work bench in test cell Placement of these items should follow the Test Cell Layout. Upon completion, these items will be used for storage of equipment. Place computer, DAQ, tools, spare parts, etc. in proper locations Provide all safety material in the test cell. Post signs and stickers Place necessary safety equipment in the room (see safety document) - Install and hook up cooling system Coolant tank, heat exchanger, heater, valves and piping Install and hook up sensors and data acquisition unit See sensor install for specifications and locations. Preparations by Boulter for relocation: o Transport machine from Dresser-Rand to Boulter Rigging Company Provide sufficient time for Boulter to know machine. Verify that the correct equipment will be used and is available. o Transport machine from Boulter Rigging Company to RIT machine shop loading bay. o Upon arrival to RIT: Unload from truck with fork lift. Forklift will place machine on skates in new addition of shop. o Use skates to transport machine across the machine shop Use no less than 4 carts to ensure sufficient load distribution Locate the carts underneath machine with proper access. o Place machine in final location with mounts over bolt holes in floor. Place machine as precisely as possible with limited loads being seen by floor. Safety Manual Prior to installing, operating, or performing maintenance on the compressor, review all safety procedures and operating manual. Be aware of all reciprocating components, electrical hazards, pinch-points, rotating parts, and pressurized equipment. Once the compressor is operational, there are normal daily operating procedures that should be maintained. Observe All Hazard and Warning Labels PERSONAL PROTECTITIVE EQUIPMENT Always Wear the Appropriate Safety Gear Safety glasses or goggles Gloves Ear protection TORQUING SAFETY POINTS These Are Unsafe Tool Uses! Never torque any fasteners or flanges on a unit that is running or pressurized Use correct torquing procedures Use correct size / range torque wrench Do not use cheater bars or pipes on wrenches Use thick wall sockets, no chrome sockets Make sure you have good support to back up hydraulic wrenches and torque multipliers LIFTING SAFETY Use Your Legs, Spare Your Back Know the weight of the item you are lifting Bend at the knees (not your waist) and lift using your legs Ask a co-worker to help with the load Use a crane, hoist, fork truck etc. if in doubt Proper Crane and Sling Use Inspect all lifting straps and chains for cuts or other damage before using Verify lifting capacity of cranes or chain falls Check lifting eye bolts for bent or damaged thread section Use Proper Swivel Eye Bolts LOCKOUT, TAG-OUT ELECTRICAL POWER Before performing any work on the unit ensure that the electrical power has been de-energized and locked out at the breaker panel to prevent accidental electrical shock or start up of the unit Normal Daily Operating Procedures • Check the oil level • Check discharge pressure is zero • Turn on the cooling water • Start the compressor unloaded • Select the compressor load: 50% or 100% • Do this within 10 minutes to prevent overheating • Compressor discharge pressure will rise to the setting of the backpressure valve (typically around 35 psi). Normal Operation Depressurize Before Valve Cover Removal Be careful where you place your hands and finger when tightening the piston rod jam-nut with hammer wrench Typical Reciprocating Compressor Cylinder Assembly Cylinder Pinch-Points Running Gear Pinch-Points Pinch-Point Electric Motor Drive Belts Pressurized Valve Cover Hot Discharge Temperatures: Compressor Cylinder & Discharge Bottle Electric Motor Shock Hazard Hazards Analysis To ensure the safety of faculty and students during the use of the compressor, a hazard analysis was performed. The team systematically went through the different sub components of the compressor and identified possible catastrophic failures. The next team should review the hazard analysis, to ensure that there were not any areas overlooked. Each hazard should also be reassigned to the new team members to cover suggested mitigation or to create a new strategy. Educational Labs Investigation: Compressor P-V Diagrams & Efficiency This investigation explores the concepts of isentropic compression in a Dresser-Rand single piston, double acting, reciprocating compressor. Utilizing a high sample rate pressure transducer located in the bore of the cylinder and a crank position sensor, we are able to generate real-time plots of pressure vs. volume. This can be compared with the theoretical pressure vs. volume diagram. Assuming adiabatic compression and negligible pressure drop through the valves, a theoretical p-v diagram can be generated. Do this by charting and plotting volume values for a variety of pressure values between atmosphere and the maximum absolute pressure that the compressor achieves (use the equation for adiabatic compression and expansion for values between atmospheric and the maximum pressure. Some important values are tabulated below and may be of use. The theoretical P-V diagram should look similar to the one shown below. VTDC,Outer 2.545 VTDC,Frame 0.795 VBDC,Outer 143.916 VBDC,Frame 142.167 P-V Diagram (Outer Side Cylinder) 60 Pressure(psi) 50 40 30 20 10 0 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 Volume(in^3) Assignment Before starting the compressor, make yourself aware of all startup procedures and take all the necessary safety precautions. Before recording any data, be sure to run the compressor for a minimum of 5 minutes to ensure that the compressor has had time to reach steady state. Using the Labview interface, locate the thermal fluids lab 1 tab and begin logging pressure and volume data by pressing “Log Data” and saving the values in a .txt file format. The log data feature will automatically log data for a limited amount of time due to the large number of samples per second. These values can be imported into excel and plotted to create the experimental p-v diagram. Create a formal report section comparing experimental data with theoretical predictions, following the guidelines and specific topics below. Fully documented calculations for theoretical values. We will assume that the air entering the cylinder is at atmospheric pressure when the piston is at bottom dead center. Compute enough values to produce a nice smooth curve. When performing calculations, make sure that valve-opening pressure is identical to the experimental outlet pressure and the pressure in the cylinder is constant after the valve is opened. Be sure to incorporate the clearance volume in your calculations. State all assumptions. Generate one chart with both theoretical and experimental plots. Discuss the general agreement between the measured pressure curve, and the theoretical predictions. Do they agree within the experimental errors? If not, what else might account for the discrepancies (other than simple human error)? Compute average error in pressure over one cycle. Were our assumptions valid? Explain. Using the information presented on the compressor interface calculate the efficiency of the compressor. What are some causes for the inefficiencies present in compressor? Note: The Lab developed should be tested once the DAQ and compressor are operational to ensure they are suitable for student labs. This means having a Thermal Fluids lab professor as well as students test the lab and correct or modify any necessary aspects. Investigation: Vibration of Compressor Skid The single stage, dual acting compressor applies an oscillatory load on the skid that it is attached to. Refer to Figure 1 to see a diagram of this compressor. For this lab, use the accelerometer attached to the skid to acquire displacement data. With the data produce a spectral plot. After recording the frequencies shown by the spectral plot compare them to the ANSYS model developed by the Senior Design Team and your own model. Also record the maximum deflection. Figure 1: Single Stage Dual Acting Compressor ANSYS Modeling Results Using the documents provided by Dresser Rand, the skid was modeled in SolidWorks and then imported into ANSYS. The skid was constructed from the material IS 2062. The skid’s I-beams are of the type ISBM 150. For purposes of analysis, the skid was constrained at each of its mounting locations, ten in total. The forces due to reciprocation were then applied to the model at compressor mounting locations. The mesh was refined several times in the areas of concern (front and rear mounting locations) to ensure the model was accurately capturing true deformation and stress values. After several iterations all values plateau ensuring accurate results. The moment due to reciprocation induced a maximum deformation of .0054in (figure 2). ANSYS results as followed: Figure 2: Total deformation of skid due to moment created by primary forces (MAX=.0054464 inch) Modal analysis was also carried out on the skid itself to see if the operational speed of the compressor would have and damaging vibration affects on the skid. The model of the skid was constrained identical to what was found in the static analysis. The 4th mode of vibration occurring at 182.21 Hz was found to be in the same direction as would be found from compressor operation (figure 3). Figure 3: Modal deformation occurring at 4th mode, (182.21 Hz) significantly above frequency of compressor operation Instructions 1. Take deflection data from the accelerometers attached at the point where the body of the compressor is bolted to the skid. These are the points where you will see maximum deflection due to vibratory load. 2. Generate a spectral plot wih LabVIEW 3. Compare these results with you model as well as the ANSYS results show above. 4. Explain your results Note: The Lab developed should be tested once the DAQ and compressor are operational to ensure they are suitable for student labs. This means having a Vibrations lab professor as well as students test the lab and correct or modify any necessary aspects. Test Plans Test Plan – Usability Testing 6-8 student test subjects, with 2nd to 3rd year engineering/computer abilities. 1-2 faculty test subjects. 5-10 minute overview of the project and compressor. Tasks to be completed by each test subject: o Start up Compressor Interface o Turn program on o View Graphs Screen and see if they can easily interpret information on the screen o Turn program off o Close out Compressor Interface o Access excel file Assessment Factors: o Thought process of subject as they are performing actions o Frequency of help requests o Number of errors made in execution of instructions (ie Laboratory) o Time to complete task o Intuitiveness/Navigation/Aesthetics/comments Other situations to test: Run program with the previous data file open while the new instance is set to save to the same file name Run program with previous data file open while the new instance is set to save to a different file name Prior to First Run E-Stop 1) Ensure power is connected to the control unit by using a voltmeter to check power supply to the control unit. 2) Press the E-Stop button located in the front of the room. 3) Ensure that the control unit has lost power. 4) Reset the circuit breaker. 5) Press the E-Stop button located in the back of the room. 6) Ensure that the control unit has lost power. 7) Reset the circuit breaker. 8) Press the E-Stop button located outside of the room. 9) Check that the control unit has lost power. 10) Reset the circuit breaker. Lock-Out Tag-Out for Control Panel 1) Pull down the power lever to shut down the main circuit breakers. 2) Use the lock-out tag-out lock to ensure the lock-out lever is restricted from moving. 3) Turn on the control panel. 4) Use a multi-meter to check that the control panel is not receiving power. 5) Turn off the control panel. 6) Un-lock the lock-out lever. 7) Pull the power lever up to return power to the main circuit breakers. Measure and Adjust Machine Level 1) Check that the compressor is fully installed on the vibe-prevention mounts. 2) Place a level on the base of the compressor. 3) Check that the compressor is level. If it is leveled, no further adjustments are necessary. 4) If it is not, determine the appropriate mount for adjustment. 5) Lift the compressor off of the adjustable mount. 6) Use a wrench to adjust the mount. 7) Return the compressor into the mount. 8) Check that the compressor is level. If it is leveled, no further adjustments are necessary. 9) If it is not level, repeat steps 5-8. Air Flow Results 1) Obtain the test results for the air circulation from Dave Hathaway. 2) Ensure that the room air will be fully circulated at least every 15 minutes. Miscellaneous Room Preparations 1) Use a simple lamp, or any other safe electronic device, to test the room’s wall outlets. 2) Use a laptop and spare Ethernet cable to test the internet connectivity of the CAT-5 connection outlet located in the front of the room. During First Run E-Stops 1) Start the compressor. 2) Press the E-Stop button located in the front of the room. 3) Ensure that the compressor has lost power. 4) Reset the circuit breaker. 5) Start the compressor. 6) Press the E-Stop button located on the control panel. 7) Ensure that the compressor has lost power. 8) Reset the circuit breaker. 9) Start the compressor 10) Press the E-Stop button located outside of the room. 11) Check that the compressor has lost power. 12) Reset the circuit breaker. Visual Safety and Maintenance Checks 1) Record all noticeable areas of moving parts that are potential safety hazards or pinch points. 2) Record any unexpected noises that occur. Lock-Out Tag-Out for Compressor 1) Pull down the power lever to shut down the main circuit breakers. 2) Use the lock-out tag-out lock to ensure the lock-out lever is restricted from moving. 3) Turn on the compressor. 4) Use a multi-meter to check that the compressor is not receiving power. 5) Turn off the compressor. 6) Un-lock the lock-out lever. 7) Pull the power lever up to return power to the main circuit breakers. Room Sound Levels 1) Obtain a Sound Level Meter from the Ergonomics Lab in the IE Department. 2) Record a sound measurement at a distance of 1m from the compressor. 3) Record a sound measurement at a distance of 1m from room 09-2329 with opened doors. 4) Record a sound measurement at a distance of 10m from room 09-2329 with closed doors. 5) Ensure all readings are within the safety requirements. Room Temperature 1) Obtain a type K thermocouple attachment and a multi-meter from John Wellin or a Thermo-fluids lab. 2) Obtain a temperature reading from 10m outside of room 09-2329 as a baseline ambient temperature value. 3) Stand in the center of the front half of room 09-2329, and record the ambient temperature value every minute for 12 minutes (to provide 3 cycles of the air exhaust system). 4) Stand in the center of the back half of room 09-2329, and record the ambient temperature value every minute for 12 minutes (to provide 3 cycles of the air exhaust system). Vibrations 1) Move outside the Test Cell (09-2329), shutting the door on way out. 2) Face the door to the Test Cell (one meter away from center) and make observations on any vibrations felt. 3) If vibrations can be felt through floor (step 4), move back from Test Cell one meter at a time until vibrations are no longer felt. 4) Repeat step 3 for all directions (right and left) and record values to create circle of influence. 5) Make final observations about effects from vibrations of the compressor. Removal and Re-install of Parts Lock-Out Tag-Out for Compressor 1) Pull down the power lever to shut down the main circuit breakers. 2) Use the lock-out tag-out lock to ensure the lock-out lever is restricted from moving. 3) Turn on the compressor. 4) Use a multi-meter to check that the compressor is not receiving power. 5) Turn off the compressor. 6) Conduct any necessary part removals and re-installs. 7) Un-lock the lock-out lever. 8) Pull the power lever up to return power to the main circuit breakers. Lifting Capabilities 1) Bring the lift crane into the test cell room with the compressor. 2) Ensure that the lift crane can fully access the compressor. 3) Check that manual lifting is possible for any areas that are not accessible by the lift crane. Planning Documents Finalized Bill of Materials Current Budget and Expenditures Dresser - Rand Appointed Budget Date Area Concerned P08452 14-Dec-07 Project Management 11-Jan-08 Project Management 18-Jan-08 Project Management 18-Jan-08 Project Management 18-Jan-08 Project Management 18-Mar-08 Project Management 28-Mar-08 Material 28-Mar-08 Project Management 29-Mar-08 Project Management 30-Mar-08 Project Management 31-Mar-08 Project Management 9-May-08 Project Management 9-May-08 Bill of Materials 16-Apr-08 Project Management 21-May-08 Project Management 21-May-08 Project Management Structural Estimate P09452 16-Jan-09 Project Management 16-Jan-09 Project Management 13-Feb-09 Project Management 13-Mar-09 Project Management 13-Mar-09 Project Management 6-Apr-09 Project Management 17-Apr-09 Project Management Description Olean Visit Lunch with Scott Van to Painted Post Van Fuel Meals Mileage to Dr. Bailey BOM Expenditures Van to Painted Post Van Fuel Lunch with Dresser-Rand Mileage to Dr. Bailey Lunch with Dresser-Rand Final Total of Purchased Parts Final Lunch CMVA Registration CMVA Hotel Expenses PE Consulting Work Painted Post Visit - Gas Painted Post Visit - Lunch RIT Review - Lunch Painted Post Safety Training - Gas Painted Post Safety Training - Lunch Olean, Sensor Review - Gas RIT Review - Lunch Total Spent Amount Remaining $16,000.00 Cost $150.00 $40.00 $60.00 $23.51 $38.88 $124.42 $127.31 $60.00 $32.00 $106.95 $95.70 $77.40 $2,043.39 $113.55 $460.00 $195.00 $1,800.00 $22.44 $83.82 $51.11 $58.23 $48.75 $20.00 $49.21 $5,881.67 $10,118.33 Scope of Supply A scope of supply document was created based off the hazard analysis findings. With the ability to customize portions of the compressor, the scope of supply communicated RIT’s present specific needs to Dresser Rand. - Relief Valve repositioned downward - E-stop o Incorporate into control panel - Bore Hole o Need two holes placed in the compression chamber (pressure transducer) o Need a hole placed in the discharge pulsation vessel (pressure sensor) o Need a hole placed in the oil sump (temperature sensor) - Handles Welded on to access panels - Clear strategically placed access panels o Purpose is to view components in motion o Suggested material – Lexan - Replace 480V 3 phase motor with 220V 1 phase motor Finalized QFD The quality function deployment assisted in the planning of engineering metrics, identifying customer needs, and tracking progress during the design phase. 9 3 9 9 9 9 9 Good A A A A 3 9 9 A A 9 A A 3 3 3 3 9 9 9 9 9 A 3 A A A A A 3 3 Good 5 4 3 2 Poor 1 Raw score A 297 243 270 297 252 189 189 486 513 324 Relative Weight 6% 7% 8% 7% 5% 5% 13% 13% 8% 9 9 8% 9 9 Binary - Have Required Documents 9 Binary - Have Required Documents 9 Binary - Research sensors for lab and health monitoring 9 Obtain List of Collected Variables 9 9 243 8 Hz < x Hz < 60 Hz 9 9 6% 75 dB < x < 100 dB A A 108 35 in < x in < 48 in A A A A Obtain List of Tools 9 5 Repair and Upkeep Tools 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 Lab Procedure Document 3 9 3 Installation Documentation 9 3 3 Sensors Noise 9 DAQ Temperature (Discharge) 3 9 Vibration Storage Area 9 9 1 3 9 3 Customer Perception 459 750 lbs < x lbs < 1500 lbs + 3% Technical Benchmarking + up dwn dwn dwn Engineering Metrics 12% Obtain Equipment on List Technical Targets Binary - Provide Ventilation System Customer Requirements Safety Account for total install safety and threats9 9 9 Consider safety (operation, start up, and shut 9 down)9 Provide accessibility procedures for components 9 3 Use proper safety equipment when working 9 on machine 9 3 Consider impact of vibration and sound 9 9 Ensure environment around room remains9 safe 3 Maintenance Capabilities Means to achieve lifting 9 9 Handle mechanical and electrical issues 9 Ensure proper safety equipment and guidelines 9 are used 3 Provide storage and work space for maintenance 3 9 Install Follow a detailed, precise timeline of the 9process Ensure proper safety measures are taken 9 9 3 Consider the layout space around the machine 9 9 Prevent disruption of classroom environments 9 by machine Future Uses Include basic setup of interface for future 9health monitoring Account for use of data acquisition equipment 3 Consider possibility of future modifications 3 for health monitoring Prepare labs pertinent to coursework 9 Dresser-Rand Involvement Keep up frequent discussions 9 Provide sufficient and ample documentation 9 + + + + 3 up + Poor up + 2 + Correlation Codes + + Very Positive + Positive - Negative - - Very Negative 1 + NO INPUT IN THIS AREA 70° F < x° F < 95° F Exhaust Ventilation Safety Equipment Customer Weights Preferred -- Accessability Space per Side + + - 30 sqft < x sqft < 60 sqft + ++ + Lifting Capability Safety Equipment Exhaust Ventilation Lifting Capability Accessability Space per Side Storage Area Temperature #REF! Noise Vibration DAQ Sensors Installation Documentation Lab Procedure Document Repair and Upkeep Tools A: Current 1-stage ESH A A A A A A A A A A A A Appendix