Uttlesford Community Hub Old Police Station, 45 Stortford Road, Great Dunmow, Essex CM6 1DQ Tel 01371 878400 infocvs@btconnect.com www.cvsu.org.uk FUNDING NEWS – February 2015 Viridor - changes to scheme Viridor has changed its funding model. They are introducing three bands of funding to make it easier for our applicants to choose the scheme that best suits their ambitions. The new bands are small grants up to £20,000; main grants of £20,000-50,000; and large grants up £250,000. They don't give many large grants out. Deadlines vary across the country. http://www.viridor-credits.co.uk/about-us/funding-models/ Red Nose Day Community Cash Grants The Red Nose Day Community Cash Grants scheme has opened, after a two-year hiatus, across much of England. This year’s funding is aimed at small organisations that are working to help local people living tough lives in deprived and disadvantaged areas across the country. For more: http://www.comicrelief.com/rednoseday Orchard Planting 2015 The Tree Council is offering funding through its Orchard Winfalls initiative to assist schools and community groups proposing to undertake well-planned orchard planting projects during National Tree Week later this year. Schools and community groups which are charities or other not-for-profit organisations in the UK are eligible to apply for funds to support projects where the total tree planting costs are between £100 and £700. For more info http://www.treecouncil.org.uk/Grants/Orchard-Windfalls Community Energy Saving Competition The Department of Energy and Climate Change is inviting community groups and other not-for-profit organisations in England to apply for grants of up to £20,000 to develop innovative energy-saving ideas that could help slash energy bills. The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) has launched the £100,000 Community Energy Saving Competition as part of its commitment to the UK’s first Community Energy Strategy which was published in January 2014. The strategy outlines the role that communities can play in helping to meet the UK’s energy and climate change challenges. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/power-to-the-people-government-boost-tocommunity-energy Innovation, Excellence & Strategic Development Fund 2015 The Department of Health has launched its Innovation, Excellence and Strategic Development Fund (IESD) for 2015-16. Charities and other not-for-profit and incorporated organisations that work to improve the health and social care of people across England can now apply to this highly competitive fund. For more http://www.thirdsector.co.uk/4m-department-health-fund-openapplications/fundraising/article/1330329 Galaxy Hot Chocolate Fund The Galaxy Hot Chocolate fund aims to provide small one-off grants for individuals and community groups whose projects focus on sporting and leisure activities and community improvement. Deadline: 22 February 2015 Each week five awards of £300 will be given out to individuals and groups to help with their community orientated programmes. One of these awards will go to the project receiving the most public votes each week whilst the others will be selected by a panel of judges taking into account: The extent to which the proposed initiative will help the local community The extent of the proposed initiatives reach The perceived local need for such hobbies, sporting or leisure activities. http://www.galaxyhotchocolate.com/ Grants for War Memorials – War Memorials Trust This scheme, funded by English Heritage and The Wolfson Foundation and administered by War Memorials Trust, is currently being reviewed. As such, information may be subject to amendment in the near future. A maximum of 75% of eligible costs are available up to a maximum grant of £30,000. Eligible projects are: • Freestanding war memorials in England with no other functional purpose than as a war memorial (plaques, bridges and buildings, for example are ineligible) • Projects must be over £3,000 to be eligible Eligible works include: urgent and necessary repairs and structural stabilisation; cleaning, under certain circumstances; works relating to ‘hard’ landscaping which form an integral part of the design of the memorial; reinstatement of lost elements which form an integral part of the design of the memorial when supported by historical evidence. Ineligible works include: new war memorials; works to graves of any type; maintenance; alterations or additions to the original design; relocation; addition of names; cosmetic cleaning; work which has already started or been completed. Annual deadlines are 31 March, 30 June, 30 September and 31 December. The scheme is currently confirmed until 2015. http://www.warmemorials.org/grantsforwarmemorials/ Small Grants Scheme – Foyle Foundation This scheme is designed to support smaller charities in the UK, especially those working at grass roots and local community level, in any field, across a wide range of activities. Applications are welcomed from charities that have an annual turnover of less than £100,000 per annum. Larger or national charities will normally not be considered under this scheme. Nor will the Scheme generally support charities that are able consistently to generate operational surpluses or which have been able to build up unrestricted reserves to a level equivalent to three months turnover. The Foundation plan to make one year grants of between £1,000 and £10,000 to charities which can demonstrate that such a grant will make a significant difference to their work. Demonstrating ongoing sustainability is also important, particularly if the organisation has recently lost local authority or other regular funding. No multi-year funding awards will be made. There are no deadlines for submission. Applications will be received at all times but it may take up to four months to reach a decision. http://www.foylefoundation.org.uk/small-grants-scheme/ Comic Relief Local Communities Programme Comic Relief Local Communities Programme awards grants up to £10,000 to voluntary and community organisations working across Essex, Southend and Thurrock. Any grant must be at least 30% of the total cost of the project and we cannot consider supporting your organisation if you are currently in receipt of funding directly from Comic Relief. Applications will be accepted until Monday 2nd March. For more http://www.essexcommunityfoundation.org.uk/grants/our-grantmaking/fundsinviting-applications BeyondMe Seeks new Charity Partners BeyondMe is currently recruiting 50 new charities and community interest companies from across the UK to join its portfolio and be selected to receive 12 months of funding and business skills from young professionals. BeyondMe is a charitable movement which brings together professionals, businesses and charities to make a meaningful impact on the world beyond them. It creates teams of seven colleagues who donate their time, skills and money together for a year to a charity they are passionate about. Since launch in 2011, BeyondMe has donated over £450,000 and 4,500 volunteer hours. For more www.beyondme.org.uk Essex Community Foundation (ECF) Grants (ECF) grants are available to voluntary and community groups all year round under their Rolling Programme (i.e. no deadlines) and can support core running costs, specific project costs, etc. so you can apply at any time. Generally you can apply for up to £10,000 (over one year) by using the ‘up to £1,000’ or ‘over £1,000’ online application form in conjunction with the general guidelines on the How to Apply, Grants page on the ECF website. Some funds do however only meet at specific times of the year and may have specific criteria; these are promoted on the Funds. For more details go to: www.essexcommunityfoundation.org.uk MacMillan - Supporting you to Help Others Grant 2015 The Supporting You to Help Others Grants programme aims to provide people affected by cancer with opportunities to use their experiences to support others, while also receiving support themselves. Funding is available for the following: Start-up costs for new self help and support and user groups. Development funds to support the ongoing activities and development of self help and support projects for people affected by cancer. User involvement grants to encourage the involvement of people affected by cancer in the design and improvement of cancer services. Individual development grants to enable people affected by cancer to develop their skills and use their cancer experience to help support others affected by cancer. Individuals or groups of people affected by cancer, and organisations and professionals working in partnership with people affected by cancer in the UK are eligible to apply. Grants can be for up to £500 for projects that have been running for less than 12 months and up to £3,000 for projects that have been in existence for more than 12 months. Grants for individual development are provided for the actual cost of the activity. Deadlines 13 March, 15 May, 24 July and 16 October http://www.macmillan.org.uk/HowWeCanHelp/CancerSupportGroups/HowWeSupportYo urGroup.aspx Kids Fund – Field Studies The Kids Fund is part of the Field Studies Council (FSC) which is a registered charity aiming to ‘Bring Environmental Understanding to All’. The FSC is an independent educational charity committed to raising awareness about the natural world via a network of 17 residential and day centres. Courses are provided for schools and colleges at all levels in addition to adult individuals and family courses, outreach education, training and consultancy. Course content with be discussed with the group and the learning location but could include: Hands on investigation of life in ponds and rivers Catching small mammals like woodmice or shrews Nightwalks and use of bat detectors Challenge activities such as low ropes course, natural wall climbing or raft building Fun actitivies with an environmental theme to build teamwork Campfires and BBQs The FSC fund will pay for up to 80% of the course fee for groups of disadvantaged young people to attend a non-curriculum day or residential course at an FSC Learning Location. Various deadlines throughout the year. http://www.field-studies-council.org/supporting-you/applying-to-fsc-kids-fund.aspx Starbucks Youth Action Grants This scheme is managed by UK Youth working in partnership with Starbucks. The scheme aims to inspire and empower young people to make a difference in their communities and to enable them to bring their ideas to life. Grants of up to £2,000 are available. Young people aged between 16 and 24 years in England that have completed an NCS programme are eligible to apply. Deadline 6 March http://www.ukyouth.org/our-work-with-young-people/corporate-responsibility/youthaction#.VNnz3vmsXUU Living Waterways Awards The aim of the Awards is to recognise and celebrate best practice in waterway improvements throughout the UK. Entries are welcome from regeneration projects, schemes or initiatives of any size from across the UK that are located on, or immediately adjacent to, an inland waterway. All finalists are invited to attend an awards ceremony and dinner. For more info : https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/living-waterways-awards-2015 Business Green Leaders Awards The fifth annual BusinessGreen Awards have been launched. The programme is designed to recognise and promote individuals, teams and businesses in the UK that are engaged in 'trailblazing sustainable thinking' and are capable of establishing the template other businesses can adhere to as we all move to a low carbon economy. For more info https://www.businessgreen.com/bg/news/2391806/businessgreenleaders-awards-2015-could-you-be-a-winner Home Office - Child Abuse Inquiry Support Fund Grants are available to registered charities and other voluntary and community sector organisations in England and Wales which have experienced an increase in demand as a direct result of the announcement of the Child Abuse Inquiry on 7th July 2014. For more info : https://www.gov.uk/government/news/child-sexual-abuse-inquirybidding-opens-for-victims-fund Home Office - Child & Adult Victim Sexual Abuse Support Fund Grants are available for registered charities and other voluntary and community sector organisations in England and Wales providing local or national services to victims of sexual abuse to help meet the increased demand on those services Bids must be submitted by 2 March. To submit bids organisations must email OPCCNGrants@norfolk.pnn.policy.uk. See http://www.norfolk-pcc.gov.uk/sexual-abuse-victims-fund Strengthening Faith Institutions Programme Grant for registered charity or organisation established for charitable purpose to deliver a new programme that will help strengthen and support faith institutions across England For more details see : https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-strengthening-faithinstitutions-programme-now-open-for-bids Lloyds Banking Group Social Entrepreneurs Programme 2015 Round Open Lloyds Banking Group has launched a new round of its Social Entrepreneurs Programme which aims to support community-focused businesspeople across the UK to start or scale-up their projects. Individuals who are leading or planning to set up a project or social enterprise may apply. There are two strands : Start Up and Scale Up, support available as follows :'Start Up' grants of £4,000 awarded and a place on a Start Up School for Social Entrepreneurs (SSE) learning programme. 'Scale Up' grants of £15,000 awarded and a place on a Scale Up School for Social Entrepreneurs (SSE) learning programme. The deadline for receipt of applications is 3pm on 2 April 2015. For more information see : http://www.the-sse.org/schools/26/lloyds-banking-groupsocial-entrepreneurs-programme O2 Think Big for 2015 – Helping Young People to Tackle Problems in Society O2 Think Big aims to find young people with great ideas and help them turn their ideas into reality. This is done by awarding funding and delivering training and support. Projects have to help the community or tackle a problem with society. Projects that only help one person will not be accepted. Beyond that, applicants can do everything or anything - in fact the more bold and creative the ideas, the better. The following is available under Think Big (Level 1): * £300 cash for the project. * Training and support. * A Think Big merchandise pack. * Communications tools. * Support from the team of O2 helpers. * Chances to win gig tickets and other prizes. All Think Big projects that successfully complete their Think Big project and have carried out an Exit Interview can apply to Think Bigger (Level 2). Projects that are invited to be taken further could receive the following: * Up to £2,500 cash for the project (given in stages). * Free O2 broadband for a year. * Support from O2 mentors. * The chance to win gig tickets and merchandise for the project group. * The opportunity to progress on to the Alumni programme. Projects must help the community or tackle a problem with society and funding can be spent on anything appropriate that will make the project work, apart from on a salary for the applicant. Individuals or groups between the ages of 13 and 25 can apply for, and run, a project; however, people of any age can get involved by becoming fans or members of the project in the UK. The next deadline for application is 11th March 2015, with further rounds to follow. More information. http://www.o2thinkbig.co.uk/ Scottish Power Energy People Trust – Open for Applications Grants of up to £50,000 are available to registered charities in Great Britain for projects that address fuel poverty explicitly and as the primary purpose and include the provision of energy efficiency advice. Organisations can apply for funding to support projects or schemes covering the following: 1. Energy efficiency measures - improving home energy efficiency through draught proofing, insulating and/or other practical measures. 2. Income maximisation - providing funding to front line charities that carry out benefits advice to households missing out on financial help that they are entitled to through welfare benefits and tax credits. 3. Fuel debt assistance - providing assistance, or funding the provision by other persons of assistance, to reduce or cancel debts for household electricity or gas supply, where such assistance is provided as part of a package of measures aimed at providing customers with long-term relief from fuel poverty. Remaining 2015 deadlines for applications are 19 May and 15 September 2015. For more see: http://www.energypeopletrust.com/content/ Arts Council Research Grants 2015-2018 The Research Grants Programme 2015-18 will help build on collective knowledge and deepen understanding of the impact of arts and culture and to promote greater collaboration and co-operation between the arts and cultural sector and research partners. The central aims of the Programme are: * FURTHERING OUR KNOWLEDGE: Deepening our understanding of the impact and benefits of arts and culture. * INCREASING CAPACITY: Promote greater collaboration and co-operation between the arts and cultural sector and research partners. * WORKING IN PARTNERSHIP: Working in partnership with others to build and improve the evidence base around the impacts of arts and culture. * INFLUENCING: Persuade commissioning authorities to invest in culture to bring positive cultural, social, educational and economic change. The application must be a joint collaboration between an arts and/or cultural organisation and a research partner. The arts and/or cultural organisation must be the lead applicant. The research partner can be an individual, team or organisation with a minimum of three years' experience of carrying out cultural, social, educational or economic research. A total of £700,000 is available for 2015-16, with indicative budgets of £900,000 available for 2016-17 and 2017-18. In the first round (2015-16) organisations can apply for funding for projects that last for up to three years. Applications can be made for grants between £50,000 and £100,000 per year. Deadline is 12 March http://www.artscouncil.org.uk/funding/apply-funding/apply-for-funding/research-grantsprogramme-2015-18/ Community Sport Activation Fund – Sport England The fourth round of this Fund opened on 20 January 2015. The kind of projects Sport England expect to fund include: • Activities reflecting a broad range of sports • Informal opportunities which could lead to regular participation • Multi-sport activities which provide people with a range of choices and opportunities to suit them • Family orientated activities with a focus on the 14 plus age group • Local activator roles that focus on directly organising and delivering new opportunities for participation. Projects can be up to three years and grant awards will range from £50,000 - £250,000. The closing date for applications is 20 April 2015. http://www.sportengland.org/funding/our-different-funds/community-sport-activationfund/ Power to Change The Power to Change is an independent charitable trust endowed with £150 million from the Big Lottery Fund to support community businesses across England. The Power to Change has been inspired by the real-life stories of successful community businesses around the country. In the face of tough economic times, there are hundreds of examples nationwide of people coming together to improve their local areas. From community-owned pubs and sports clubs to community-managed woodlands and parks, these enterprises are working for the benefit of local people. The biggest of its kind in Europe, the Power to Change will help more of these amazing community enterprises to succeed. Funding and support will be available to organisations at each stage of their journey to becoming a sustainable community business, from inspiring and nurturing ideas to scaling up and expansion. The Trust will also play a broader national leadership and advocacy role to increase awareness of the social and economic benefits of community enterprise. In the coming months, the Power to Change will operate an initial grants programme for existing community businesses already making a difference in their local communities. More information available at http://www.biglotteryfund.org.uk/powertochange and http://www.thepowertochange.org.uk If you require any further help or assistance with any of the above funding programmes or advice on any aspect of funding or group development please contact Jacqueline Davies, Funding & Information Officer infocvs@btconnect.com 01371 878400 Voluntary Sector Training VST have now finalised their training programme for Spring 2015. Most courses have full details on the VST website and are available to book right now. For more details phone 01371 876747 http://www.voluntarysectortraining.org.uk/ Introduction to Safeguarding A comprehensive introduction to safeguarding. This course is ideal for anyone new to working with children, young people or vulnerable adults. Moving Into Management The ideal course for new managers – giving you tools and techniques to ease the stress. Costing and pricing your project or service The aim of this workshop is to create a better understanding of the key principles of costing your product or service – essential for people bidding for grants or contracts! Making a Simple Film with your Phone NEW!! Making a short film to promote your organisation now becomes easy and is a good tool to promote your services. Date: 17 February 2015 Start: 10:00 End: 16:30 Date: 25 February 2015 Start: 10:00 End: 16:30 Date: 02 March 2015 Start: 10:00 End: 13:00 One day course DUNMOW Date: 04 March 2015 Start: 10:00 End: 16:30 One day course Read More One day course CHELMSFORD Read More One day course CHELMSFORD Read More COLCHESTER Read More