CURRICULUM VITAE - University of Miami

February 2006
Current Academic Rank:
Primary Department:
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
United States
Doctor of Philosophy
State University of New York at Buffalo
Industrial Engineering/Human Factors, 1980
Master of Science
State University of New York at Buffalo
Industrial Engineering, 1976
Bachelor of Science, Magna Cum Laude
State of New York College at Buffalo
Honors Psychology, 1975
University of Miami School of Medicine
Department of Psychiatry and Behavior Sciences
August 1999 – Present
University of Miami
Department of Industrial Engineering
May 1994 - Present
Center on Research and Education for Aging and Technology
University of Miami School of Medicine
August 1999 – Present
Center on Aging
University of Miami School of Medicine
August 2002 - Present
Miami Center on Human Factors and Aging Research
University of Miami, School of Medicine
August 1993 - 1999
Graduate Studies
Department of Industrial Engineering
University of Miami
June 1997 – August 1999
Associate Professor
University of Miami
Department of Industrial Engineering
August 1989 - May 1994
Associate Professor
University of Miami, School of Medicine
Department of Health and Family Medicine
April 1993 - Present
Faculty Fellow
University of Miami
Center for Adult Development and Aging
August 1989 - Present
Associate Professor, Tenured
State University of New York at Buffalo
Department of Industrial Engineering
September 1986 - May 1991
Applied Ergonomics Group, Inc., Buffalo, New York
1983 - Present
Major focus: consulting in the areas of industrial ergonomics,
automation, and environmental design. Clients include: International
Business Machines (IBM), Hewlett Packard, United States Postal
Service and Levi Strauss.
Research Director
Stein Gerontological Institute, Miami, Florida
January 1987 - May 1993
Senior Research Associate
Advanced Automation Concepts, Buffalo, New York
April 1983 - May 1989
Major focus of research: human/computer interaction and aging.
Served as the Principal Investigator for a study assessing the
suitability of commercial training programs for teaching older workers
text editing and for a follow-up study concerned with development of
effective strategies to teach older learners to successfully interact with
Senior Research Associate
Buffalo Organization for Social and Technological Innovation, Inc.,
(BOSTI), Buffalo, New York
1980 - March 1983
Major focus of work: environmental design with an emphasis on
office design, safety and aging.
Multi-disciplinary Center on Aging
State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York
Books and Book Chapters:
Czaja, S.J (in press). The Older Worker and Productivity. In J. Birren (Ed.) Encyclopedia
of Gerontology, 2nd Ed. New York: Elsevier Inc.
Czaja, S.J. (in press). Employment and Older Adults: What Can We Expect in the Future?
In S.K. Whitbourne & S. Willis (Eds.) The Baby Boomers at Midlife: Contemporary
Perspectives on Middle Age. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc. Inc.
Czaja, S.J. & Nair, S. (in press). Human Factors Engineering in Systems Design. In
Salvendy, G. (Ed.) Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics, 3rd Ed. New
York: John Wiley and Sons.
Czaja, S.J. & Lee, C.C. (in press). The Application of Human Factors Engineering to
Issues of Aging. Schulz, R., Noelker, L., Rockwood, K., Sprott, R (Ed.). Handbook
and Encyclopedia of Aging, 4th ed. New York: Springer Publishing Co.
Czaja, S.J. (in press). Internet Applications and Older Adults. In Schulz, R., Noelker, L.,
Rockwood, K., Sprott, R (Ed.). Handbook and Encyclopedia of Aging, 4th ed. New
York: Springer Publishing Co.
Charness, N., Czaja, S. J., & Sharit, J. (in press). Age and technology for work. In K. S.
Schulz & G. A. Adams (Eds.) Aging and Work in the 21st Century. Mahwah, NJ:
Charness, N., & Czaja, S. J. (2005). Adaptation to new technologies. M. Johnson, V.L.
Bengston, P. Coleman, T. Kirkwood (Eds.). The Cambridge Handbook of Age and
Aging (662-669), London: Cambridge University Press.
Czaja, S. J. & Lee, C. C. (in press). The potential influence of the Internet on the transition
to older adulthood. In H-W. Wahl, C. Tesch-Romer, A. Hoff (Eds.). Emergence of
new person-environment dynamics in old age: a multidisciplinary exploration.
Czaja, S. J. & Moen, P. (2004). Technology and employment. In R. Pew and S. Van Hamel
(Eds.) Technology and Adaptive Aging (150-178), Washington, D.C.: National
Research Council.
Fisk, A.D., Rogers, W., Charness, N., Czaja, S.J., & Sharit, J. (2004). Designing for Older
Adults: Principles and Creative Human Factors Approaches. London: Taylor and
Czaja, S.J. & Lee, C. C. (2003). The applications of Human Factors Engineering to
Issues of Aging. In D. J. Ekerdt (Ed.). The Macmillan Encyclopedia of Aging. New
York: Macmillan Reference USA.
Czaja, S.J., & Lee, C.C. (2003). The impact of the Internet on older adults. In N. Charness
and K.W. Schaie (Eds.) Impact of Technology on Successful Aging (pp. 113-133).
New York: Springer Publishing Company.
Czaja, S. J. & Lee, C. C. (2003). Designing computer system for older adults. In J. Jacko &
A. Sears (Eds.) Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction (pp, 413-428). New
York: Lawrence Erlbaum and Associates (IEA).
Ownby, R.L., Czaja, S.J., & Lee, C.C. (2002). Older Adults, information technology, and
behavioral health care. In N.A. Dewan, N.M. Lorenzi, R.T., Riley, S.R. Bhattacharya
(Eds.). Behavioral Healthcare Informatics (pp. 77-86). New York: Springer Press.
Czaja, S. J. (2001). Technological change and the older worker. In J.E. Birren
& K.W. Schaie (Eds.) Handbook of the Psychology of Aging (5th Ed.) (pp. 547-555).
California: Academic Press.
Czaja, S. J., (2001). Telecommunication Technology as an Aid to Family Caregivers. In
W. Rogers & A. Fisk (Eds.) Human Factors Interventions for the Health Care of
Older Adults (pp. 165-178). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc.
Schulz, R., Czaja, S.J., & Belle, S. (2001). Overview and intervention approaches to
family caregiving: Decomposing complex psychosocial interventions. In W.A.
Rogers and A.D. Fisk (Eds.), Human Factors Interventions for the Health Care of
Older Adults (pp. 147-164). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Association, Inc.
Czaja. S. J. (2001). Ergonomics and Older Health Care for Older Adults. In M. D. Mezey
(Ed.), The Encyclopedia of care of elderly, (pp. 241 –243) New York: Springer
Publishing Co.
Czaja, S. J. & Lee, C. C. (2001). The Internet and Older Adults: Design Challenges and
Opportunities. In N. Charness, D. C. Park, and B. A. Sabel (Eds.), Aging and
communication: Opportunities and Challenges of Technology, (pp. 60 –81). New
York: Springer Publishing Co.
Schulz, R., Gallagher-Thompson, D., Haley, W., & Czaja, S. J. (2000). Understanding the
Interventions Process: A Theoretical/Conceptual Framework for Intervention
Approaches to Caregiving. In R. Schulz and M. Ory (Eds.), Handbook of dementia
caregiving. New York: Springer Publishing Co., 33-60.
Czaja, S. J., Eisdorfer, C., & Schulz, R. (2000). Future Directions for Caregiving:
Implications for Intervention Research. In R. Schulz and M. Ory (Eds.), Handbook of
dementia caregiving (pp. 283-319). New York: Springer Publishing Co.
Czaja, S. J. (1998). Designing a Computer-Based Communication System for Older
Adults. In V.J. Berg Rice (Ed.) Clinical Ergonomics (pp. 143-134). Newton MA:
Butterworth- Heineman.
Czaja, S. J. (1997). Computer Technology and the Older Adult. In M. Helander and T.
Landauer (Eds.) Handbook of Human - Computer Interaction (pp. 797-812). NorthHolland, 797-812.
Czaja, S. J. (1997). The Role of Human Factors Engineering in Systems Design and
Evaluation. In G. Salvendy (Ed.) The Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics
(2nd Ed.), John Wiley and Sons.
Czaja, S. J. (1996). Using Technologies to Aid the Performance of Home Tasks. In A. D.
Fisk and W. A. Rodgers (Eds.) Handbook of Human Factors and the Older Adult.
Academic Press, pp. 311-334
Czaja, S. J. (1996). Aging and acquisition of Computer Skills. In W. A. Rodgers, A. D. Fisk
and N. Walker (Eds.) Aging and Skilled Performance: Advances in Theory and
Applications, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., 201-221
Czaja, S. J. (1990). Human Factors Research for an Aging Population. National Research
Council, National Academy of Science Press, Washington, D.C.
Czaja, S. J. (1991). Job Design for Older Workers. In A. Mital and W. Karwowski
Ergonomics and Workplace Design, Elsevier Press, 345-369.
Czaja, S. J. (1988). The Use of Computers by the Elderly. In M. E. Helander (Ed.)
Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction. New York: North-Holland.
Czaja, S. J. (1987). Human Factors in Office Automation. In G. Slavendy (Ed.)
Handbook of Human Factors Engineering. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Refereed Articles:
Czaja, S.J., Charness, N., Fisk, A.D., Hertzog, C., Nair, S., Rogers, W., Sharit, J. (in press)
Factors Predicting the Use of Technology: Findings from the Center on Research and
Aging and Technology Enhancement (CREATE). Psychology and Aging
Czaja, S.J., Schulz, R., Belle, S.H., Burgio, L., Armstrong, N., Gitlin, L.N., Coon, D.W.,
Martindale-Adams, J., & Stahl, S. (in press). Data Safety Monitoring in Social
Behavioral Trials: The REACH II Experience. Clinical Trials
Sharit, J., Czaja, S.J., Balasubramanian, G., Augenstein, J.S. & Schell, V. (in press). An
Approach for Investigating the Information in ICUs. Behavior and Information
Mitrani, V.B., Lewis, J., Feaster, D.J., Czaja, S.J., Eisdorfer, C., Schulz, R., Szapocznik, J.
(2006) The role of family functioning in the stress process of dementia of caregivers:
A Structural family framework. The Gerontologist Vol.46., No.1, pp 97-105
Bank, A., Czaja, S.J., Arguelles, S., Rubert, M., & Eisdorfer, C. (2006). The Value of
Telephone Support Groups Among Ethically Diverse Caregivers of Persons with
Dementia. The Gerontologist Vol 46., No. 1, pp 134-138
Czaja, S.J., & Hiltz, R.S. (2005). Digital Aids for an Aging Society.
Communications of the ACM, October 2005/Vol.48. No.10.
Mitrani, V. B., Feaster, D.J., McCabe, B.E., Czaja, S.J., & Szapocznik, J. (2005). Adapting
the Structural Family Systems Rating to Assess the Patterns of Interaction in
Families of Dementia Caregivers. The Gerontologist, 45(4), 445-455.
Sharit, J., Czaja, S. J. Hernandez, M., Yang, Perdomo, D., Lewis, J., Lee, C. C., & Nair, S. S
(2004). An evaluation of Performance by Older Persons on a Simulated
Telecommuting Task. The Journals of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, Vol.
59B, No.6, P305-P316.
Belle, S. H., Zhang, S., Czaja, S. J., Burns, R., & Schulz, R. (2004). Cognitive enhancement
medication utilization among persons with Alzheimer’s disease who have a family
caregiver: Findings from the Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer’s Caregiver Health
(REACH) project. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 12, 250-257.
Loewenstein, D. A., Acevedo, A., Czaja, S. J., & Duara, R. (2004). Cognitive Rehabilitation
of Mildly Impaired Alzheimer Disease Patients on Cholinesterase Inhibitors.
American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 12 (4) 395-402.
Schulz, R., Belle, S. H., Czaja, S. J., McGinnis, K. A., Stevens, A., & Zhang, S. (2004). The
Effects of Long Term Care Placement of Dementia Patients on Caregiver Health and
Well Being. Journal of the American Medical Association, 292, No. 8.
Sharit, J., Czaja, S.J., Perdomo, D., & Lee, C.C. (2004). A cost-benefit analysis
methodology for assessing product adoption by older user populations. Applied
Ergonomics, 35, 81-92.
Schulz, R., Belle, S.H., Czaja, S.J., Gitlin, L. N., Wisniewski, S.R., Ory, M.G. (2003).
Introduction to the Special Section on Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer’s
Caregiver Health (REACH). Psychology and Aging, 18, 357-360.
Eisdorfer, C. E., Czaja, S. J., Loewenstein, D. L., Rubert, M. P., Arguelles, S., Mitrani, V.,
& Szapocznik, J. (2003). The effect of a family therapy and technology-based
intervention on caregiver depression. The Gerontologist, 43 (4) 521-531.
Sharit, J., Czaja, S.J., Nair, S., & Lee, C.C. (2003). The effects of age and environmental
support in using telephone voice menu systems. Human Factors, 45, 234-251.
Czaja, S.J., Lee, C. C., Schulz, R., & Belle, S. H. (2003). A methodology for describing and
decomposing complex psychosocial interventions. Psychology and Aging, 18,
Belle, S. H., Czaja, S. J., Schulz, R., Mendelsohn, A., Gitlin, L. N., Burgio, L., Jones, R., &
Ory, M. (2003).Using a new taxonomy to combine the uncombinable: integrating
results across diverse caregiver interventions: Psychology and Aging, 18, 396-405.
Gitlin, L N., Belle, S.H., Burgio, L., Czaja, S.J., Mahoney, D., Gallagher-Thompson, D.,
Burns , R., Hauck, W., Schulz, R., & Ory, M. (2003). Effect of multi-component
interventions on caregiver burden: The REACH project at six months follow-up.
Psychology and Aging, 18, 361-374.
Czaja S.J. & Schulz, R. (2003). Does the treatment make a real difference? The
measurement of clinical significance. Alzheimer’s Disease Quarterly, 4, 216-228.
Czaja, S.J., & Sharit, J. (2003). Practically relevant research: Capturing real world tasks,
environments and outcomes. The Gerontologist, 43, 9-18.
Pillemer, K., Czaja, S.J., Schulz, R., and Stahl, S. (2003). Finding the best ways to help:
Opportunities and Challenges of Intervention Research on Aging. The Gerontologist,
43, 5-8.
Czaja, S.J., and Rubert, M. (2002) Telecommunications technology as an aid to family
caregivers of persons with dementia. Psychosomatic Medicine, 64, 469-476.
Czaja, S.J., Sharit, J., Charness, N., Fisk, A.D., & Rogers, W. (2001). The Center for
research and education on aging and technology enhancement (CREATE): A
program to enhance technology for older adults. Gerontechnology, 1, 50-59.
Czaja, S. J., Sharit, J., Ownby, R., Roth, D., and Nair, S. (2001). Examining Age Differences
in Performance of a Complex Information Search and Retrieval Task. Psychology
and Aging, 16, 564 -579.
Burgio, L., Corcoran, M., Lichstein, K.L., Nichols, L., Czaja, S.J., Gallagher-Thompson, D.,
Bourgeouis, M., Stevens, A., & Ory, M., (2001). Judging outcomes in psychosocial
interventions for dementia caregivers: The problem of treatment implementation. The
Gerontologist, 41, 481-489.
Mitrani, V. B. & Czaja, S. J. (2000). Family-Based Therapy for Family Caregivers: Clinical
Observations. Journal of Mental Health and Aging, 4(3), 200-209.
Salthouse, T.A. & Czaja, S.J. (2000). Structural Constraints on Process Explanations in
Cognitive Aging. Psychology and Aging, 15, 44-55.
Sharit, J., Czaja, S. J., Iakovou, E., & Moses, J. (2000). A Human Factors Systems Approach
to Examining Oil Spills in Tank Barge Operations: Analysis and Reappraisal of
Management Policies. Maritime Policy Management, 27, 41-52
Smith, M.W., Czaja, S. J, & Sharit, J. (1999). Aging, Motor Control, and the Performance of
Computer Mouse Task. Human Factors, 41, 389-397.
Sharit, J. & Czaja, S. J. (1999). Performance of a Complex Computer-Based
Troubleshooting Task in the Bank Industry. International Journal of Cognitive
Ergonomics and Human Factors, 3, 1-22.
Czaja, S. J. & Sharit, J. (1998). The Effect of Age and Experience on the Performance of a
Data Entry Task. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 4, 332-351.
Sharit, J., Czaja, S. J., Nair, S., Hoag, D. W., Leonard, D., & Dilsen K. (1998). Subjective
Experiences of Stress Workload, and Bodily Discomfort as a Function of Age and
Type of Computer Work. Work and Stress, 12, 125-144.
Drury, C. G., Czaja, S. J., Prabhu, G. V., Mayne, R. W., & Noland S. (1998). Furniture
Tipping Accidents: Redesign for prevention. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 30,
Czaja, S. J. & Sharit, J. (1998). Age differences in attitudes towards computers: the
influence of task characteristics. The Journals of Gerontology: Psychological
Sciences and Social Sciences 53B, 329-340.
Czaja, S. J., Sharit, J., Nair, S. & Rubert, M. (1998). Understanding sources of user variability
in computer-based data entry performance. Behavior and Information Technology. 19,
17, 282-293.
Woolley, S. M., Czaja, S. J. & Drury, C. G. (1997). An assessment of falls in the
elderly. Journals of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, 52A, M80-M87.
Pose, M. S., Czaja, S. J. & Augenstein, J. (1996). The usability of information
technology within emergency care settings. Computers and Industrial Engineering,
31, 455-458.
Czaja, S. J. (1995). Aging and Work Performance. Review of Public Personnel
Administration, 15, 46-61.
Czaja, S. J. (1994). Employment Opportunities for Older Adults: Engineering Design and
Research Issues. Journal of Experimental Aging Research, 20, 265-274
Sterns, H. L., Czaja, S. J., Barrett, G. V. & Barr, J. K. (1994). Issues in Aging and Work.
Journal of Applied Gerontology, 13, 7-19.
Sharit, J. & Czaja, S. J. (1994). Aging, Computer-Based Task Performance and Stress.
Ergonomics, 37, 559-577.
Czaja, S. J., Weber, R., Nair, S. & Clark, M. C. (1993). A Human Factors Analysis of ADL
Activities: A Capability-Demand Approach. Journal of Gerontology, 48, 44-50.
Czaja, S. J., Guerrier, J., Nair, S. & Landauer, T. (1993). Computer Communication as
an Aid to Independence for Older Adults. Behavior and Information Technology,
12, 197-207.
Czaja, S. J. & Sharit, J. (1993). Age Differences in the Performance of Computer-Based Work.
Psychology and Aging, 8, 59-67.
Czaja, S. J. & Sharit, J. (1993). Stress Reactions to Computer-Interactive Tasks as a Function
of Task Structure and Individual Differences. International Journal of
Human-Computer Interaction, 5, 1-22.
Sharit, J., Vishwanathan, V. & Czaja, S. J. (1991). A Note on Computer Analysis of a
Thermocouple-Based Respiration Signal for Assessing Human-Computer Interactive
Task Performance. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 1, 73-76.
Clark, M. C., Czaja, S. J. & Weber, R. (1990). Older Adults and Daily Living Performance.
Human Factors, 32, 537-549.
Bishu, R. M., Drury, C. G., Czaja, S. J. & Sharit, J. (1989). The Effects of Grouping and
Cueing in the Performance of Location Tasks. Applied Ergonomics, 20, 206-212.
Gawron, V. J., Drury, C. G., Czaja, S. J. & Wilkins (1989). A Taxonomy of Independent
Variables Affecting Human Performance. International Journal of Man-Machine
Studies, 31, 643-672.
Czaja, S. J., Hammond, K., Blascovich, J. & Swede, H. (1989). Age Group Differences
in Learning to Use a Text-Editing System. Behavior and Information Technology,
8, 309-319.
Czaja, S. J. & Barr, R. (1989). Technology and Everyday Life. The Annals, American
Academy of Political and Social Science, 503, 127-137.
Czaja, S. J. (1987). Safety and Security of the Elderly: Implications for Smart House
Design. International Journal of Aging and Technology. 1, 49-67.
Czaja, S. J., Cary, J., Drury, C. G. & Cohen, B. (1987). An Ergonomic Evaluation of
Traditional and Automated Offices. Office Technology and People, 3, 231-246.
Helander, M., Czaja, S. J., Drury, C. G., Cary, J. & Burri, G. (1987). An Ergonomic
Evaluation of Office Chairs. Office Technology and People, 3, 247-262.
Aykin, N. & Czaja, S. J. (1986). Simultaneous Regression Model for Double Stimulation
Tasks. Human Factors, 6, 633-644.
Czaja, S. J., Hammond, K., Blascovich, J. & Swede, H. (1986). Learning to Use a Word
Processing System as a Function of Training Strategy. Behavior and Information
Technology, 5, 203-316.
Brill, M., Czaja, S. J., Marqulis, S. & McFarlin, D. (1983). Take the Stress Out of Your Clean
Room. Industrial Research and Development, 185-188.
Czaja, S. J. and Drury, C. G. (1981). Training Programs for Inspection. Human Factors, 23,
Czaja, S. J. & Drury, C. G. (1981). Aging and Pre-training in Industrial Inspection. Human
Factors, 23, 485-494.
Czaja, S. J. & Drury, C. G. (1978). A Regional Evaluation of Emergency Medical Technicians.
Journal of Emergency Medical Services, 7, 77-83.
Czaja, S. J. (1975). Age Difference in Life Satisfaction as a Function of Discrepancy Between
Real and Ideal Self Concepts. Journal of Experimental Aging Research, 1, 81-86.
Other Works and Publications:
El-Attar T., Gray, J., Nair, S., Ownby, R., Czaja, S.J. (2005). Older Adults and Internet Health
Information Seeking. Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and
Ergonomics Society, September 27-29, 2005, Orlando, FL
Nair, S., Lee, C.C., Czaja, S.J. (2005). Older Adults and Attitudes Toward Computers: Have
They Changed with Recent Advances in Technology? Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting
of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, September 27-29, 2005, Orlando, FL
Sharit, J., Czaja, S.J., Hernandez, M., &Yang, Y. (2004). Investigating Issues in Aging and
Work Performance Using a Customer Service Task Simulator. Proceedings of the 48th
Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, (pp.238-242).
Ownby, R.L. & Czaja, S.J. (2003). Healthcare Website Design for the Elderly: Improving
Usability. Proceedings at the AMIA 2003, November 8-12, 2003, Washington, DC .
Ownby, R.L. & Czaja, S.J. (2003). Information Architecture Problems for the Elderly in
Healthcare Websites. Proceedings at the CHI 2003, April 5-10, 2003, Ft. Lauderdale,
Ownby, R.L., Czaja, S.J., Gray, J. T., Carmin, & Cheryl N. (2003) Problems in Healthcare
Website Designs: Implications for Usability and Comprehension in the Elderly. Vol. 4 of
the Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Human - Computer Interaction 2003,
Crete, Greece, pp. 241-245.
Reynolds, C., Czaja, S.J., & Sharit, J. (2002). Age and perceptions of usability of telephone
menu systems. Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and
Ergonomics Society, pp.191-195.
Czaja, S. J., Sharit, J., Nair, S., & Lee, C. C. (2001). Age group differences in subjective
perceptions of telephone menu systems. Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, pp. 216-220.
Czaja, S.J. (2000), Promoting employment opportunities for older adults: opportunities and
challenges for human factors engineering. Proceedings of the XIVth Triennial Congress of
the International Ergonomics Association and 44th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors
and Ergonomics Society, pp. 1- 4.
Kalasky, M. A., Czaja, S. J., Sharit, J., and Nair, S. N. (1999). Is speech technology robust
for older populations? Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and
Ergonomics Society.
Czaja, S. J., Sharit, J. & Nair, S. (1998). The Effectiveness of Design Interventions in
Improving the Ability of Older People to Perform Computer-Based Work. Proceedings of
The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 42nd Annual Meeting, pp.148-151.
Czaja, S. J. and Sharit, J. (1997). The Impact of Age and Experience on the Performance of
Computer Tasks. Proceedings of the 41st annual Meeting of the Human Factors and
Ergonomics Society, pp. 144-147.
Nair, S. N., Hoag, D. W., Leonard, D. C., Sharit, J. & Czaja, S. J. (1997). The Effects of Age
and Experience on Workload for Computer Tasks. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of
the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, pp. 141-144.
Czaja, S. J. (1996). Interface design for older adults. Advances in Applied Ergonomics:
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Applied Ergonomics, USA Pub. Corp.,
Sharit, J., Czaja, S. J., Dilsen, K. & Augenstein, J. (1996). A systems analysis of a trauma
center. Advances in Applied Ergonomics: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference
on Applied Ergonomics, USA Pub. Corp., pp. 996-1001.
Czaja, S. J., Sharit, J. & Nair S. (1995) Age differences in perception of workload for a
computer task. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 39th Annual
Meeting, San Diego, Vol. 1, pp. 129-133.
Czaja, S. J., Drury, C. G. & Noland, S. (1994). An Ergonomic Evaluation of the Postal
Window Counter. Proceedings of the 12th Triennial Congress of the International,
Ergonomics Association, Toronto, Canada, Vol. 5, pp. 213-216.
Manivannan, P., Czaja, S. J., Drury, C. G. & Ip, C. M. (1993). The Impact of Age on Visual
Search Performance. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 37th
Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, pp. 172-177.
Czaja, S. J. (1993). Enhancing the Home Safety of the Elderly: Technological and Design
Interventions. Life span Design of Residential Environments for an Aging Population,
Proceedings of an Invitational Conference, American Association of Retired Persons, 71-75.
Czaja, S. J. & Nair, S. (1992). Difficulties Encountered by Older Adults in the Performance
of Everyday Activities. S. Kumar (Ed.), Advances in Industrial Ergonomics and Safety,
Taylor & Francis: London.
Czaja, S. J. & Sharit, J. (1991). Stress Reactions to Computer Interactive Tasks: Job Design
and Person Factors. Y. Queirmec and F. Daniellou (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th Congress
of the International Ergonomics Association, Taylor & Francis: Paris, France, July.
Czaja, S. J. (1990). Aging and Work Performance. B. Das (Ed.), Advances in Industrial
Ergonomics and Safety II, Taylor and Francis: London, 27-32.
Sharit, J., Czaja, S. J., Brunskill, C. T. & Bogart, D. R. (1990). A Methodology for
Assessing Stress Reactions to Computer-Interactive Tasks. B. Das (Ed.) Advances in
Industrial Ergonomics and Safety II, 373-377.
Czaja, S. J., Clark, M. C., Weber, R. A. & Nachbar, D. (1990).Computer Communications
Among Older Adults. Proceedings of the Human Factors 34th Annual Meeting, 146-148.
Czaja, S. J., Joyce, T. B. & Hammond, K. (1989). A Comparative Study of Text-Editing
Programs Among a Sample of Older Adults. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society,
33rd Annual Meeting, 179-181.
Weber, R. A., Czaja, S. J. & Bishu, R. (1989). Activities of Daily Living of Elders - A Task
Analytic Approach. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 33rd Annual Meeting, 182186.
Czaja, S. J. & Sharit, J. (1988). Aging and Performance of Computer-Interactive Tasks: Job
Design and Stress Potential. F. Aghazadeh (Ed.), Trends in Ergonomics/Human Factors V,
North Holland: Amsterdam, 185-190.
Czaja, S. J. (1987). "Aging and Work Performance." Proceedings, Invitational Conference on
Aging and Human Factors. National Research Council, (National Academy of Science),
Committee on Human Factors, August.
Czaja, S. J. (1986). "Training and Retraining for Middle Age and Older Workers."
Proceedings, Invitational Conference on Aging and Vision, National Research
Council (National Academy of Science), Committee on Vision, February
Czaja, S. J. (1985). The Role of Ergonomics in Clean Room Design. Proceedings Ninth
Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Bournemouth England, September.
Aykin, N. & Czaja, S. J. (1985). Effects of Stimulus Complexity on Double Stimulation
Tasks. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 29th Annual Meeting, Baltimore
Maryland, September 81-85.
Gallwey, T. J. & Czaja, S. J. (1981). An Evaluation of the Harris Inspection Test.
Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, 634-638.
Drury, C. G., Schiro, S. G., Czaja, S. J. & Barnes, R.E. (1977). Human Reliability in
Emergency Medical Response. Proceedings of the 1977 Annual Reliability and
Maintainability Symposium.
Czaja, S. J., Zajkowski, M. M. & Drury, C. G. (1976). Knowledge and Skill Measures of
Emergency Medical Technicians. Proceedings of the 6th Annual Congress of the
International Ergonomics Association.
Czaja, S.J., (2005) “ The Impact of Aging on Access to Technology”. Paper prepared for the
IBM Symposium on Cognitive and Learning Difficulties Affecting the Use of
Information Technology Systems. International Business Machines Corporation,
Accessibility Center, Hawthorne, NY
Czaja, S.J. (2004). Training and Skill Acquisition for Real World Functional Tasks. Paper
prepared for the Symposium on Cognitive Training for Older Adults. National
Institute on Aging/National Institute of Health, March, Washington, D.C.
Czaja, S. J. (1999). “Information Technology and the Future of Caregiving”. Paper prepared
for invitational conference on “The Next Generation of Caregiving Research”, Las
Vegas, Nevada, June.
Czaja, S. J. (1996). “Towards an Every-Citizen Interface for the National Information
Infrastructure: Work Daily Life: Considerations of Older Adult Populations.” Paper
prepared for National Research Council, National Academy of Science workshop on
Toward an Every Citizen Interface to the National Information Infrastructure,
Washington, D.C.
Czaja, S.J. & Meadows, S. (1986). "Age Changes in Functioning: Implications for Human
Actions Engineering." Preliminary paper prepared for the National Research Council
(National Academy of Science), Committee on Human Factors.
Technical Reports
Czaja, S.J., Charness, N., “Older Worker Training: What We Know and Don’t Know”. Report
prepared for AARP, December 2005.
Czaja, S.J. “Aging and Work: Current Trends and Issues”. Report prepared NIH/NIA, Division
of Social and Behavioral Sciences, October 2004
Czaja, S.J. and Drury, C.G. "An Ergonomic Analysis of Lobby Furniture." Technical report
prepared for the U.S. Postal Services, September 1991.
Drury, C. G. and Czaja, S. J. "An Ergonomic Redesign of the Window Counters." Technical
report prepared for the U.S. Postal Services (USPS), April 1989.
Helander, M. E., Czaja, S. J., Drury, C. G., Cary, J. and Burri, G. "An Ergonomic Evaluation of
Office Seating." Technical report prepared for International Business Machines (IBM),
November 1986.
Czaja, S. J., Cary, J. and Drury, C. G. "An Ergonomic Evaluation of Office Facilities."
Technical report prepared for National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
(NIOSH), June 1986.
Czaja, S. J. "Safety and Security of the Elderly: Implications for Smart House Design."
Technical report prepared for the National Council on Aging, 1986.
Czaja, S. J., Hammond, K., and Drury, C. "Accidents and Aging: A Final Report." Prepared for
Administration on Aging, Grant # 90ar0035.
Czaja, S. J. and Ruiz, V. "A Survey Analysis of Clean Room Garments." Technical report
prepared for IBM Corporation, September 1984.
Czaja, S. J., Drury, C.G. and Shealy, J. Ergonomics in Manufacturing. Training manual
prepared for IBM Corporation, September 1983.
Czaja, S. J. "Hand Anthropometrics." Technical paper prepared for the National Center for a
Barrier Free Environment, Contract #300-82-0236, March 1983.
Steinfeld, E. and Czaja, S. J. "Human Factors Research with Disabled Children." People's
Center for Housing Change, August 1980.
Czaja, S. J. and Drury, C. G. "Knowledge Retention by EMT's Part 1." Lakes Area Emergency
Medical Services, Inc., RE-107-76.
Czaja, S. J. "EMT Training Effectiveness in Western New York." Lake Area Emergency
Medical Services Inc., RE-107-76.
Czaja, S. J. "EMT Evaluation Study." Lakes Area Emergency Medical Services, Inc., RE-102-
Proposals under Review:
Principal Investigator Sara J. Czaja, Ph.D.., Co-Investigator, David Kaufman, PhD,
“Maximizing the Potential of E-Health for Seniors”, NIA/NIH 10/1/06-9/30/09, $843,632
Principal Investigator Sara J. Czaja, Ph.D. “ A Computer Integrated Telephone System for
Caregivers” Langeloth Foundation, Proposal # 00762, 7/1/06 – 6/30/08, $318,972
Principal Investigator Sara J. Czaja, Ph.D., Co-Investigator, Laurence B. Gardner, M.D.
"Center for Excellence to Promote a Healthier Workforce, NIH/NIOSH 3/1/06 - 2/28/11,
Funded Research:
Principal Investigator Frank J. Penedo, PhD, Co- Principal Investigator, Sara J. Czaja, Ph.D.,
“Quality of Life Intervention in Advanced Prostate Cancer” National Institute on Health,
04/01/05 – 03/31/07, $302,000
Principal Investigator S.J. Czaja. “Center on Research and Education for Aging and
Technology”. National Institute on Aging/National Institutes on Health. 8/1/04 to 7/31/09,
Co-Principal Investigator (R. Schulz, P.I.) “ Caregiver Interventions for Caregivers of SCI
Patients”, National Institute of Nursing Research, 12/1/02-11/30/07, $2,077,000.
Completed Research
Principal Investigator, S. J. Czaja, “Multi-Site Intervention for Diverse Caregivers”, National
Institute on Aging, 9/30/01 – 8/31/04, $1, 220,000.
Principal Investigator, S. J. Czaja, “ Aging and Job Stress: The Impact of Technology-Based
Jobs”, National Institute on Aging/National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health,
11/01/00-6/30/04, $131,000.
Principal Investigator, S.J. Czaja, “The Impact of Pharmacological Interventions on Caregiver
and Care Recipient Outcomes”, Pfizer Pharmaceutical Co. 12/1/00-11/30/04, $79,916.
Principal Investigator, S.J. Czaja. “Center on Research and Education for Aging and
Technology”. National Institute on Aging/National Institutes on Health. 7/1/99 to 6/30/04,
Principal Investigator, S. J. Czaja. “The Impact of Aricept on the Functional Performance of
AD Patients and Caregiver Distress”. Pfizer Pharmaceutical Co, 9/1/99 to 8/31/04, $152,000.
Principal Investigator, S.J. Czaja. “Application of Statistical Optimization Techniques to
Intervention Research”. National Institute on Aging/National Institutes on Health, $90,000
Co-Principal, S.J. Czaja. “Optimization of Information Technologies in a complex high-risk
organization”. National Science Foundation. 9/97-8/99, $180,286.
Co-Principal, S.J. Czaja. “Family-Based Intervention for Care-Givers”, funded by the National
Institutes on Aging/National Institutes on Health, 9/15/95-7/31/00, $1,905,013.
Co-Investigator, S.J. Czaja. “Human factor analysis of human reliability in marine systems”,
funded by the U.S. Coast Guard, 9/15/95-9/14/96, $193,551.
Principal Investigator. S.J. Czaja. “Miami Center on Human Factors and Aging Research”,
minority supplement funded by National Institutes on Aging/National Institutes on Health,
7/1/97-6/30/98, $50,000.
Principal Investigator. S.J. Czaja. "Miami Center on Human Factors and Aging Research,"
funded by the National Institutes on Aging, 8/15/93 - 8/14/98, $1,300,000.
Principal Investigator. S.J. Czaja. "Miami Center on Human Factors and Aging Research",
funded by Ryder System Inc., matching funds, 05/01/94 - 08/14/95, $250,000.
Principal Investigator. S. J. Czaja. "Human Reliability Analysis of the Ryder Trauma Center",
University of Miami Seed Grant, 01/15/95 - 12/31/95, $40,000.
Co-Investigator. S.J. Czaja. "A Human Factors Evaluation of the Logistics Software Interface",
Ryder System, 01/15/95 - 06/01/95, $43,000.
Co-Principal Investigator, S.J. Czaja. "Occupational Ergonomics and Safety Training Grant,"
(7/1//93-6/30/97). The objective is to develop a graduate degree program, within industrial
engineering, in occupational ergonomics. Funding is expected for an additional four years by
the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, $46,000.
Principal Investigator, S.J. Czaja. "Human Factors and Aging Research Program," (8/15/8905/15/93) The primary objective of the research was to develop an active program in aging
research with an emphasis on human factors. The intent of the program was to stimulate
collaboration between the Industrial Engineering Department and the Stein Gerontological
Institute, $202,536.
Principal Investigator, S.J. Czaja. "Age Differences in Task Stress for Computer Interactive
Tasks," (1/1/89-9/31/91). The primary objective of the research was to evaluate the stress
associated with computer-interactive tasks. The tasks varied along the dimensions of cognitive
complexity and pacing requirements. Funded by the National Institute on Aging (NIH),
Principal Investigator, S.J. Czaja. "Computer-aided Communication for the Elderly," (1/1/884/31/90). The objective of the research was to test the feasibility of home computers for older
adults and to evaluate system design features which impact on performance as well as
applications useful for this population. The work, which was funded by the Markle Foundation,
was done in collaboration with Bell Communications Research (Bell Core), $205,000.
Principal Investigator, S.J. Czaja. "Task Based Assessment of Functional Ability in the Aged,"
(7/1/84-11/31/89). The objective of the research was to apply Human Factors Engineering task
analytic techniques to identify the physiological demands of daily living activities and sources of
performance difficulties for older adults. Funded by the National Institute on Aging (NIH),
Principal Investigator, S.J. Czaja. "Work Processing Training for Older Workers, Phase II,"
(11/1/86-4/31/89). The goal of the research was to identify difficulties older people encounter
while learning text editing and to develop training strategies to overcome these difficulties.
Funded by the National Institute on Aging (NIH), $335,435.
Principal Investigator, S.J. Czaja. "Word Processing Training for Older Workers Phase I,"
(11/15/83-11/14/84). The goal of the research was to evaluate the effectiveness of commercially
available training programs in teaching older workers computer skills. Funded by the National
Institute on Aging, $53,018.
Principal Investigator, S.J. Czaja. "Accidents and Aging," (1/1/81-12/31/82). The project
examined existing accident data and identified those activities, environments or products, which
are most hazardous to the elderly, and developed hazard patterns based on Human Factors
analyses to describe the cause of accidents. Funded by the Administration on Aging, $71,146.
Co-Investigator, S.J. Czaja. "Productivity in the Office," (1981-1983). Longitudinal survey of
17,000 office workers at 60 installations nationwide to determine the relationship between the
physical environment of the office and workers' environmental satisfaction, job satisfaction, and
job performance. Funded by the National Science Foundation and public and private
Editorial Responsibilities:
Co-Editor, ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interactions. Special issue on Information
Systems for an Aging Society (in press)
Associate Editor, Journal of Aging and Mental Health.
Co-Editor, The Gerontologist, Special Issue: Challenges of Translational Research on Aging:
The Experience of the Roybal Centers, 2003.
Co-Editor, Experimental Aging Research, Special Issue: Engineering Design for an Aging
Society (1994).
Editor, Human Factors, Special Issue: Human Factors and Aging (Vol. 32, 1990).
Editor, Office Technology and People, Special Issue: Office Automation, 3, November 1987.
Editorial Board, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics.
Journal Review Responsibilities:
Applied Ergonomics
Psychology and Aging
The Journals of Gerontology
The Gerontologist
Journal of Aging and Mental Health
Interacting with Computers
Human Factors
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied
Journal of Applied Social Psychology
Professional and Honorary Organizations:
Member, Advisory Committee, Increasing Inner-City Access to Health Information Project,
New York Academy of Medicine/Columbia University, 2005-present
Fellow, American Psychological Association, 2004
Fellow, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2004
Fellow, Gerontological Society of America
Member, Ergonomics Society
Member, International Society on Gerontechnology
Chair, External Advisory Board, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Center on Aging, 2003present.
Chair, External Advisory Board, University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa, Center on Aging, 2003present.
Chair, Council of Technical Groups, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2002-2003.
Co-Chair, Fourth International Conference on Gerontechnology, Miami Beach Florida,
November, 2002.
Chair, Steering Committee, Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer’s Caregivers Health (REACH)
project. 2001-present.
Technical Program Chair, Program on Aging, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 19982000.
Co-Chair, Technical Program on Aging, 12th Congress of the International Ergonomics
Association, August, 1994
Co-Chair, Engineering Design for an Aging Society, Conference, October 23-25, 1991, Drexel
University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
President, Technical Group on Aging, Human Factors Society, 1989-1991
Subcommittee on Accreditation, Professional Standards Committee, Human Factors Society,
Advisory Panel, National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health, 1988
Secretary/Treasurer Organizational Design and Management Technical Group, Human Factors
Society, 1985-1987
Technical Program Chair, Aging Program, Human Factors Society Annual Meeting, 1986
Program Committee, 2nd Annual Meeting of the Organizational Design and Management
Technical Group, Human Factors Society, 1985-1986
Program Committee Behavioral and Social Science Section, Annual Meeting of the
Gerontological Association, 1985
President, Human Factors Society, Western New York Chapter, 1984
Workshop Co-Chair, Occupational Ergonomics Conference, Toronto, Canada, 1984
Workshop Chair, Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, 1981
Honors and Awards:
Provost’s Award for Scholarly Activities, University of Miami, 1998.
Researcher of the Year, College of Engineering, University of Miami, 1995.
Graduate Student Association Dissertation Research Award, March 1979
"Varying Training Techniques Across Age Span for a Visual Inspection Task," Administration
on Aging -- Dissertation Grant, 1978-1979
Other Professional Activities:
Chair, Division 20 Fellows Selection Committee, American Psychological Association, 2005present
Chair, Fellows Selection Committee, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2006- 2008
Member, Fellow Selection Committee, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2004 2005
Member-at-Large, Division 20, American Psychological Association, Nov 2004 – Present
Chair, IRG-3 Study Section, National Institutes of Health, 2001 – June 2005.
Member, IRG-3 Study Section, National Institutes of Health, 1999-Present
Member, HUD 2 Study Section, National Institute of Aging, National Institutes of Health, 19971999
Participant, National Research Council, (National Academy of Science) Panel Workshop on
Technology for Adaptive Aging
Co-Chair, National Research Council, (National Academy of Science), Committee on Aging
and Human Factors
Member, National Council (National Academy of Science) Panel on Every-Citizen Interface and
National Information Infrastructure
Professional Presentations (1989-2006)
Invited Presentations:
Czaja, S. J. (2006). The Implications of an Aging Society for the Design of Information Systems.
Invited Presentation. IBM T.J. Watson Research Center. Hawthorne, NY, January
Czaja, S.J.(2006). Aging and Technology: Design Challenges and Opportunities. Invited
Presentation. University of Maryland School of Medicine, Division of Gerontology, MD.,
Czaja, S.J. (2005). Technology in the Workplace: Implications for Older Workers. Invited
Presentation. Bentley College, Waltham Massachusetts, October
Czaja, S.J. (2005). Translating Needs & Wants into Product & Services: Human Factors
Approaches. Invited Presentation. Scripps Gerontology Center, Oxford, Ohio, October
Czaja, S.J. (2005). The Impact of Aging on Access to Technology. Invited Presentation. IBM
Accessibility Center. Hawthorne, New York, October
Czaja, S.J. (2005). Using Technology to Support Family Caregivers of Dementia Patients.
Invited Symposia. 12th Congress of the International Psychogeriatric Association, Stockholm,
Sweden. (September)
Czaja, S.J. (2005). Older Adults and Internet Health Information Seeking. Critical Issues in EHealth Research Conference. Invited Poster Presentation. National Cancer Institute,
Bethesda, MD.
Czaja, S.J. (2005). The Potential Role of Technology in Health Care Delivery of Older Adults.
Invited Presentation. University of Alabama, Center for Mental Health and Aging,
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Czaja, S.J. (2005). The Potential Role of Technology in Health Care Delivery of Older Adults.
Invited Presentation. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL.
Czaja, S.J. (2005). From the Laboratory to Real Life: Living Longer, Living Better. Invited
Presentation. Alumni Weekend, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL.
Czaja, S.J. (2004). Human Factors Contributions Design and Training for Older Adults:
Findings from CREATE. Invited presentation. 57th Annual Meeting of the Gerontological
Society of America, Washington, DC.
Czaja, S.J. (2004). Evaluation of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) in Diverse Older
Populations: Reflections and Implications Invited presentation. 57th Annual Meeting of the
Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC.
Czaja, S.J. (2004). Decomposing the Effects of Multi-Component Interventions: Conceptual,
Methodological, and Analytical Issues. Invited Presentation, Indiana University Place
Conference Center, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Czaja, S.J. (2004). The Potential Role of Technology in Healthcare Delivery for Older Adults.
Invited Presentation, Columbia University Medical Center, October, New York, NY.
Czaja, S.J. (2004). The Potential Role of Technology in Health Care Delivery for Older Adults.
Invited Presentation, University of Kansas Distinguished Lecture Series, University of Kansas
Medical School, Kansas Missouri, March.
Czaja, S.J., (2004). Training and the Acquisition of Real World Functional Tasks. Invited
speaker. Symposium on Cognitive Training for Older Adults, National Institute on Aging,
March, Washington, D.C.
Czaja, S.J., Technology in the Workplace: Implications for Older Workers. Invited participant.
Pre-Conference Workshop, Adaptive Technology for Successful Aging. 56th Annual Meeting of
the Gerontological Society of America, San Diego, California, November, 2003.
Czaja, S.J. Information Technology for Geriatric Population: A futurist view. Invited Plenary
address. Eleventh International Congress of the International Psychogeriatrics Association,
Chicago, IL August, 2003.
Czaja, S.J. Implications of Age-Related Changes in Cognition for the Performance of
Technology-based tasks. Invited Presentation for the 2002-2003 Colloquium Series, University
of Florida, Gainesville, FL April, 2003.
Czaja, S.J., & Sharit, J. Technology and An Aging Workforce: Findings for the Center for
Research and Education on Aging and Technology Enhancement. Invited Presentation for the
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Cincinnati, Ohio, April, 2003.
Czaja, S.J., & Moen, P. (2003). Preparing for an Older Workforce. Invited Presentation for the
Workshop on Technology for Adaptive Aging, National Academy of Sciences, Washington
D.C., January.
Czaja, S.J., (2002). Technology and older adults: Findings from the CREATE project. Invited
Presentation for the Cognitive Science Colloquium Series, Georgia Institute of Technology,
Atlanta Georgia, October.
Czaja, S.J. (2002). Design of ecologically valid research protocols and measurement strategies.
Invited presentation for the Cornell Gerontology Research Institute, Cornell University, April.
Czaja, S.J. (2002). Depression among caregivers. Invited presentation at the 15th Annual
Meeting of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatrists, Orlando Florida, March.
Czaja, S.J. (2002). Technology, Aging and Human Factors Engineering. Invited presentation
for the Industrial Engineering Seminar Series, State University of New York at Buffalo,
Czaja, S. J. (2001). Impact of computers and the Internet on the elderly. Invited presentation
Impact of Technology for Successful Aging Conference. Penn State University, October.
Czaja, S. J. (2001). Potential use of speech recognition among older adults. Invited
presentation at the 9th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, New Orleans,
Czaja, S. J. (2001). Interface Design for Older Adults. Invited presentation at the Conference
on Aging and Associated Disabilities in the Information Age. Johns Hopkins Univ, June, 2001.
Czaja, S. J. (2001). Center for Research and Education on Aging and Technology Enhancement.
Invited symposium at the 17th World Congress of the International Association of
Gerontechnology, June, Vancouver.
Czaja, S.J. (2001). Designing for older users. Invited workshop presented at the 2nd Biennial
Conference, Older Adults and the World Wide Web, Spry Foundation, Washington, D.C.,
Czaja, S.J. (2000). Promoting employment opportunities for older adults: Opportunities and
challenges for Human Factors Engineering. Invited plenary address presented at the XIVTH
Triennial Congress of the International and Ergonomics Association and 44th Annual Meeting of
the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, San Diego, California, July.
Czaja, S. J. (2000, February). Telecommunications technology as an aid to family
caregivers. Invited presentation at the Human Factors Interventions for the Health Care of
Older Adults Conference, Destin, FL.
Czaja, S. J. (2000). Aging, cognition, and the performance of technology-based tasks. Invited
symposium. Cognitive Science Colloquium Series, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta,
Georgia, January.
Czaja, S. J. (1999). The role of cognition to everyday competence in older adults. Invited
seminar. Mortimor Distinguished Lecture Series, University of South Florida.
Czaja, S. J. (1999). The Implication of an Aging Workforce for Job and Workplace Design.
Invited seminar. National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Cincinnati, November.
Czaja, S. J. (1999). The Implications of Future Developments in Technology for Older Adult
Populations. Invited plenary address presented at the Third International Conference on
Gerontechnology. Munich, Germany, October.
Czaja, S. J. (1999). Making computers accessible to older populations: Designing usable
systems. Invited paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological
Association, Boston, August.
Czaja, S. J. & Lee, C. C. (1999). Training and the Use of the Internet in Older Adults. Invited
paper presented at the German American Academic Council Meeting. University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, Michigan, May.
Czaja, S. J. (1999). Computer Ergonomics. Invited paper presented at the Senior Chi
Development Consortium at the annual meeting of Human Factors in Computer Systems,
Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, May.
Czaja, S. J. (1999). Senior Chi: How Can We Make Technology “Elderly Friendly”? Invited
paper presented at the annual meeting of Human Factors in Computing Systems, Pittsburgh,
Philadelphia, May.
Czaja, S. J. (1999). Applied Research: Computer Use by Older Adults. Invited paper presented
at the Conference on Older Adults, Health Information, and the World Wide Web, National
Institute of Health/Natcher Center, Bethesda, MD, March
Czaja, S. J. (1999). Supporting the Efforts of Alzheimer’s Caregivers through Technology.
Invited paper presented at the 45th annual meeting of American Society on Aging, Orlando,
Florida, March.
Czaja, S. J. (1999). Age, Attitudes, Employability and Computers. Invited paper presented at
the 45th annual meeting of American Society on Aging, Orlando, Florida, March.
Czaja, S. J. (1999). Technology is Now: Training Programs that Work for Older Adults. Invited
paper presented at the 45th annual meeting of American Society on Aging, Orlando, Florida,
Czaja, S. J. (1998). “Making Technology Accessible for Older Populations”. Invited paper
presented at the 51st Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society, Philadelphia.
Czaja, S. J. (1998). “Technology and the Older Worker”. Invited paper presented at the annual
meeting of the American Psychological Association, August, San Francisco, California.
Czaja, S. J. (1998). “Supporting the efforts of Alzheimer’s Caregivers Through Technology”.
Invited paper presented at the 44th annual meeting of American Society on Aging, San
Francisco, California, March.
Czaja, S. J., Sharit, J. and Nair, S. (1997). “Enhancing Employment Opportunities for Older
Adults”. Invited Paper presented at the 50th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological
Society of America, November, Philadelphia.
Czaja, S. J. (1997). “The Impact of Cognitive Aging on the Performance of Computer Tasks”.
Invited paper presented at the 16th Congress of the International Association of Gerontology,
Adelaide, Australia, August.
Czaja, S. J. (1996). “The Application of Human Factors Engineering to the Problems of Aging”.
Invited paper presented at the Annual meeting of the American Association of the
Advancement of Science, Baltimore, MD., February.
Czaja, S. J. (1996). “Myths and Realities of the Older Worker”. Invited paper presented at the
Fifth Meeting of the National Ergonomics Conference, Los Angeles, California, March.
Czaja, S. J. (1996). “Translating findings regarding Aging and Cognition into Guidelines for
Computer Tasks”. Invited paper presented at the Annual meeting of the American
Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, August.
Czaja, S. J. (1995). “The Implications of Workplace Technology for an Aging Workforce”.
Invited paper presented at 1995 annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Los
Angeles, November.
Czaja, S. J. (1995). “The Potential of Computer Technology as an Aid to Independence for Frail
Elderly”. Invited paper presented at the 1995 American Psychological Association Annual
Convention, New York, August.
Czaja, S. J. (1995). “Aging and the Acquisition of Computer Skills”. Invited paper presented
at the Seventh Annual Convention of American Psychological Society, New York, June.
Czaja, S. J. (1995). "The Implications of Computer Technology for Older Adults". Invited
paper presented at the Southeastern Conference on Aging and Skill Acquisition. Sandesten,
Florida, February.
Czaja, S. J. (1992). "Older Persons Use of Computers: Implications for Technology and
Housing Design." Invited address at the conference on Technology and Aging, sponsored by
the Brookdale Institute of Gerontology and Human Development, Jerusalem, Israel, November.
Czaja, S. J. (1992). "Human Factors Engineering and Employment of Older Adults." Invited
paper presented at the workshop on Applied Gerontology Research: Setting a Future Agenda,
sponsored by the National Institute on Aging (NIA) in collaboration with the Administration on
Aging (AOA) and the National Council on Aging (NCOA), Washington, D.C., August.
Czaja, S. J. (1992). "Computer Technology and the Older Worker". Invited paper presented at
the symposium on Human Factors and Aging: Driving, Robotics and Software Use". Annual
Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., August.
Czaja, S. J. (1992). "The Role of Human Factors Engineering in Design for an Aging
Population". Invited address at the conference on Technology for the Aging and Disabled,
sponsored by the Italian Institute on Foreign Trade, Milan, Italy, July.
Czaja, S. J. (1991). "Aging and Work Performance: Research and Policy Issues." Invited
keynote address at the Second International Stein Conference, Drexel University, Philadelphia,
Czaja, S. J. (1991). "Future Directions in Aging Research." Invited talk at the Presidential
Forum on Human Factors in the 1990's and Beyond: Socio-technical Problems and Challenges,
35th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, San Francisco, September.
Czaja, S. J. (1990). "Technology Access and Human Factors Engineering." Invited paper at
the conference on Technology Access for Persons with Disabilities, sponsored by the Center for
Therapeutic Applications of technology, SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York, October.
Czaja, S. J. (1990). "Aging and Work: Implications for Human Factors Research." Invited
paper at the Annual Meeting, International Industrial Ergonomics and Safety Conference,
Montreal, June.
Czaja, S. J. (1990). "Enhancing the Safety and Security of Older Adults." Invited paper at the
International Conference on Universal Design, sponsored by AARP, Miami, Florida, February.
Czaja, S. J. (1989). "An Ergonomic Analysis of Problems Encountered with Everyday Activities
by Older Adults." Invited paper at the symposium sponsored by the Behavioral and Social
Sciences, National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Aging, Annual Meeting of the
Gerontological Society of America, Minneapolis, November.
(Other Presentations)
Czaja, S.J. (2005) “Technology and Aging: Exemplars of Interdisciplinary Collaboration in
Diverse Settings”. 58th Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Orlando,
FL, November.
Czaja, S.J. (2005) “Design Interventions Can Make a Difference”. 58th Annual Meeting of
the Gerontological Society of America, Orlando, FL, November.
Czaja, S.J. (2005) Multi-Component Intervention for Family Caregivers: Findings from the
REACH II Trial. 58th Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Orlando,
FL, November.
Czaja, S.J. (2005). Older Adults and Attitudes Toward Computers: Have They Changed
with Recent Advances in Technology?. 49th Annual Human Factors and Ergonomics
Society Meeting. Orlando, FL, September
Czaja, S.J. (2005). “Predictors of Institutionalization of Dementia Patients”. Poster
Presentation at the 7th International Conference AD/PD, Sorrento, Italy, March.
Czaja, S.J. (2004). The potential of e-health to connect older people to health care services.
Panel presentation: Technology: A Means for Enhancing the Independence and Connectivity of
Older People, Computer Human Interaction Conference on Human Factors in Computing
Systems, Vienna, Austria, April.
Czaja, S.J. (2004). The potential role of e-health in health care delivery for older adults. Paper
presentation at the 2004 Conference for the American College of Preventative Medicine,
Czaja, S.J., (2003). The REACH Caregiver Intervention Trial: Outcomes and Transition effects:
The Placement Transition. Paper presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of the Gerontological
Society of America, San Diego, California, November.
Czaja, S.J., (2003). Use of Technology to Aid Family Caregiving. Paper presented at the 55th
Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, San Diego, California, November.
Czaja, S.J. (2003). The Center for Research on Aging and Technology Enhancement: An
Overview. Paper presented at the 111th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological
Association, Toronto, Canada, August.
Czaja, S.J. (2003) Technology in the Workplace: Implications for Older Workers. Paper
presented at the 111th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto,
Canada, August.
Czaja, S.J. (2003). An overview of Gerontechnology. Paper presented at the 10th International
Conference on Human – Computer Interaction, Crete, Greece, June.
Czaja, S.J. (2002). The internet and older adults: Usability issues. Paper presented at the 55th
Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Boston, MA, November.
Czaja, S. J. & Sharit, J. (2001). Design of ecologically valid research protocols and
measurement strategies. Paper presented at the 54th Annual Scientific Meeting of the
Gerontological Society of Aging, Chicago, Il., November.
Czaja, S. J., Sharit, J., Nair, S., & Lee, C. C. (2001). Age group differences in subjective
perceptions of telephone menu systems. Paper presented at the Human Factors and
Engineering Society, October, Minneapolis, MN.
Czaja, S. J., Eisdorfer, C., & Loewenstein, D. (2001). Normal aging in the human brain and
component abilities. Paper presented at the 10th Congress of the International Psychogeriatric
Association, Nice, France. September.
Czaja, S. J., Loewenstein, D., Ownby, R., & Eisdorfer, C. (2001). Prospective and everyday
competence. Paper presented at the 10th Congress of the International Psychogeriatric
Association, Nice, France. September.
Czaja, S. J., Ownby, R., Loewenstein, D., & Rubert, M. (2001). Aging, cognition and real
world task performance. Paper presented at the 10th Congress of the International
Psychogeriatric Association, Nice, France. September.
Czaja, S. J., Sharit, J., Nair, S., and Lee, C. C. (2001). Speech of comprehension and the
usability of telephone menu systems. Paper presented at the American Psychological
Association, San Francisco, CA, August.
Sharit, J. and Czaja, S. J. (2001). Using environmental support as a design aid for telephone
menus. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA,
Czaja, S. J. (2001). A methodology for integrating psychosocial interventions. Paper
presented at the XVII World Congress of the International Association of Gerontology,
Vancouver, July.
Czaja, S.J. (2000). Integrating complex psychosocial interventions: application of the
Analytic Hierarchy Process. Paper presented at the 53rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the
Gerontological Society, Washington, D.C., November.
Czaja, S.J. (2000). Enhancing the usability of the internet for older adults. Paper presented
at the 53rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society, Washington, D.C.,
Czaja, S. J. (2000). Family-based interventions for caregivers. Paper presented at the 46th
Annual Meeting of the American Society on Aging, San Diego, California, March.
Schulz, R., Belle, S. H., & Czaja, S. (2000, February). Alzheimer’s disease caregiving
research. Presentation to the NIA AD Working Group, Bethesda, MD.
Czaja, S.J. (2000). Environmental support and age sensitive design. XIVth Triennial Congress
of the International Ergonomics Association, and 44th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors
and Ergonomics Society, San Diego, California, July.
Czaja, S.J., and Rogers, W. (2000). Designing for the older user. Tutorial presented at CHI
2000, the annual meeting of ACM’s Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction,
The Hague: The Netherlands, April.
Czaja, S. J. (1999). “Ethnic Differences in Symptoms of Depression”. Paper presented at the
52nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society, November, San Francisco,
Czaja, S. J. (1999). “Fitting Technology to the Needs of Caregivers”. Paper presented at the 52nd
Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society, November, San Francisco, California.
Czaja, S. J. (1999). “Translating Applied Research Findings into Guidelines for Interface
Design”. Paper presented at the 52nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society,
November, San Francisco, California.
Rubert, M., Ownby, R., and Czaja, S. J. (1999). “Relation of Cognitive Abilities to Performance
on Real Life Computer Tasks in Young and Old Adults”. Paper presented at the 50th Annual
Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society, November, San Francisco, California.
Czaja, S. J. (1999). “Is speech technology robust for older populations?” Paper presented at the
43rd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, October, Houston, Texas.
Czaja, S. J. and Rubert, M. (1998). “The Emerging Role of Technology Interventions for Family
Caregivers”. Paper presented at the 51st Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society,
Philadelphia, PA.
Czaja, S. J., Sharit, J. and Nair, S. (1998). “The Effectiveness of Design Interventions in
Improving the Ability of older People to do Computer-Based Work”. Paper presented at the
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 42nd Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois.
Czaja, S. J. (1998). “Improving the Ability of Older People to Perform Computer Tasks”. Paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, August, San
Francisco, California.
Czaja, S. J. and Rubert, M. (1998). “Aging, Cognition, and the Acquisition of Computer Skills.”
Paper presented at the 1998 Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
Rubert, M. P., Czaja, S. J. and Eisdorfer, C. (1997). “The Integration of Technology and Family
Therapy for Family Caregivers”. Paper presented at the 50th Annual Scientific Meeting of the
Gerontological Society of America, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Czaja, S. J. and Sharit, J. (1997). “The Impact of Age and Experience on the Performance of
Computer Tasks”. Paper presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and
Ergonomics Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, September.
Czaja, S.J. (1996). “Interface design for older adults”. Paper presented at the 1st International
Conference on Applied Ergonomics, Istanbul, Turkey, May.
Czaja, S. J., Sharit, J. and Nair, S. (1995). “Age differences in perception of workload for a
computer task”. Paper presented at 39th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics
Society, San Diego, October.
Czaja, S. J. and Sharit, J. (1994). "Implications of an Aging Workforce for the Management of
Technology". Paper presented at the 4th International Symposium on Human Factors in Design
and Management, Stockholm, Sweden, June.
Czaja, S. J. Drury, C. G. and Noland S. (1994). "An Ergonomic Evaluation of the Postal
Window Counter". Paper presented at the 12th Triennial Congress of the International
Ergonomics Association, Toronto, Canada, August.
Czaja, S. J. (1993). "Aging and Productivity: Myths and Realities." Paper presented at the
Fourth International Conference on Productivity and Quality Research, Miami, Florida,
Czaja, S. J. and Nair, S. (1992). "Difficulties Encountered by Older Adults in the Performance
of Everyday Activities." Paper presented at the International Industrial Ergonomics and Safety
Conference, Denver, June.
Czaja, S. J. and Sharit, J. (1991). "Stress Reactions to Computer Interactive Tasks: Job Design
and Person Factors." Paper presented at the 11th Congress of the International Ergonomics
Association, Paris, France, July.
Czaja, S. J., Clark, M. C., Weber, R. A. and Nachbar, D. (1990)."Computer Communication
Among Older Adults." Paper presented at the 34th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors
Society, Orlando, Florida, October.
Czaja, S. J., Joyce, J. and Hammond, K. (1989). "A Comparative Study of Text-Editing
Programs Among a Sample of Older Women." The 33rd Annual Meeting, Human Factors
Society, Denver, October.
Czaja, S. J. (1989). "Aging and Work Performance." Invited workshop, Annual International
Industrial Ergonomics and Safety Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, June.
IEN 311
IEN 312
IEN 557
IEN 657
IEN 665
Probability and Statistics
Experimental Design and Statistics
Human Factors and Ergonomics
Information Processing and Design
Human-Computer Interaction
Thesis and Dissertation Advising:
Committees Chaired
“Training Isokentic Power by Specific Muscle Groups of Older Women Due to Variations in
Training and Testing”, Michelle Carmel, Ph.D., 2001.
“A Comprehensive Examination of the Effect of Age on Occupational Accidents and Inquiries
at a Major Urban Health Care Facility”, Koshy, James, Ph.D., 1996.
"An Assessment of Falls Among the Elderly," Wolley, Sandra, Ph.D., 1989.
"The Effect of Stimulus Complexity on Double Stimulation Tasks," Aykin, Nuray, Ph.D., 1984.
"Use of an Error Questionnaire to Evaluate Text Editing Performance," Swede, Helen M.S.,
"The Impact of Relative Humidity on the Visual Comfort of VDT Operators," Joyce, Janet
M.S., May, 1989.
"An Ergonomic Analysis of Grocery Shopping Among Older People," Nair S., M.S. May, 1990.
"Variables Impacting on Age Differences in Visual Search Performance," Perikaruppan, M.,
M.S., December, 1992.
“Age-Differences in Voice Recognition Training: System Training and User Training”, Matthew
Kalasky, M.S., December, 1998.
“Problems Older Adults Encounter in Learning to Use Computer Mice”, Michael Smith, M.S.,
May, 1998.
“Designing Usable Software for Patient Charting,” Michael Pose, M.S., May, 1998.
“Human Reliability in Marine Systems,” John Moses, M.S., May, 1998.
“The Application of Statistical Optimization Techniques to Psycho-Social Interventions,” Chin
Chin Lee, M.S., May 1999
(Committee Member)
Maria H. van Zuilen, completed May 2001
I.M.Vishnu Bhatnager, completed 1987
Ram Bishu, completed 1986
Joseph Deeb, completed 1988
Brian Kleiner, completed 1990
Stephen Schwabish, completed 1992
Soha, Sadick, completed 1994
Valerie Gowan, completed 1988
Kathy McKernan, completed 1988
Gail Haldeman, completed 1997
Govind Balasubramaniam, completed 2000
Julian Sanchez, completed 2001
Mario Hernandez, completed 2005
University Committee and Administrative Responsibilities:
Member, Selection Committee for Provost Award for Scholarly Activity, 2006
Member, Tenure and Promotion Committee, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences.
University of Miami School of Medicine
Chair, Committee on Scientific Misconduct, University of Miami School of Medicine
Member, Search Committee, Vice Chair, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences.
University of Miami School of Medicine
Research Council on Behavioral Science Research, University of Miami School of Medicine
Library Task Force, University of Miami School of Medicine.
Faculty Senate, Engineering Representative, 1998 – 2000, University of Miami School of
Tenure and Promotion Committee, College of Engineering, University of Miami School of
Research Liaison Committee, University of Miami School of Medicine
Member, Committee on Women and Minorities, Faculty Senate, University of Miami School of
Member, Committee on Tenure and Promotion, Faculty Senate, University of Miami School of
Research Council, College of Engineering, University of Miami School of Medicine
Engineering Alternate, Faculty Senate, University of Miami School of Medicine, 1994-1996
Representative, College Council, University of Miami School of Medicine, 1992-1994
Advisor, Summer Fellowship Program, Center on Aging, University of Miami School of
Medicine, 1990.
Graduate Admissions Committee, SUNY Buffalo