Bacteria Poster Questions

Biology 11 Bacteria Lab – Part 2 - Bacteria Poster Questions
Use the laminated poster on different types of bacteria to answer the
following questions. Please put your answers including sketches on loose leaf:
1. What is the magnification on all photographs of the bacteria shown?
2. (a) What is the difference in shape between cocci, diplococci, and
(b) Draw each of the bacteria shapes.
(c) Give one example of each type of bacteria.
3. Some bacteria are said to be Gram negative (G-), and others are said
to be Gram positive (G+).
(a) Is there a difference in colour between G- and G+ bacteria? If so
what is the colour difference?
(b) Using the internet write a definition for G- and G+ bacteria.
4. (a) Make a sketch of a bacterium with peritrichous flagella.
(b) What do you think the word peritichous means? Hint- Where are
the flagella located?
(c) Give the scientific name of a bacterium with peritrichous flagella.
5. (a) Name a bacterium that is a spore former.
(b) What disease/illness does this bacterium cause?
6. The causative agent of a form of pneumonia is Klebsiella pneumoniae.
(a) What is special about this structure of bacteria?
(b) How might this special feature help the bacterium to survive?
7. What is Bacillus subtilis used for?
8. (a) Describe the cells of actinomycetes.
(b) What valuable substance do they produce?
9. (a) What disease is caused by Vibrio cholerae?
(b) Describe the appearance of the cells of Vibrio cholerae.
10. (a) Make a sketch of the bacterium known as Spirillum volutans.
(b) The flagella are said to be “polar”. What do you think this means?
11. (a) Sketch a spirochete.
(b) What disease is caused by Treponema pallidum?