UDHS Business Education /Investments I / Course Number 686 Date Units / Standards Quarter 1 Unit 1: Budgeting Creating a Budget Income Taxes— Federal, State, Local Quarter 2 Unit 2: Conservative Investing Rates of return and yields on conservative investment instruments FICA Taxes Federal Tax Allowance (Exemption Per Person) Emergency Fund Six steps in the financial planning process Rule of 72 Investing by age Saving for Retirement Conservative Investment Instruments NBEA Standards: Accounting I. Understand how the accounting system provides business information III. Assess financial conditions and operating results to interpret Financial risk and age ABCs of Finance video NBEA Standards: Accounting I. Understand how the accounting system provides business information III. Assess financial conditions and operating results to interpret Quarter 3 Unit 3: Basic Investing Information & Terminology Quarter 4 Unit 4: Investing in the Stock Market Bernie Madoff’s fraudulent scheme Dow Dividend Approach to Investing Basic stock market terminology Putting together a Dow Dividend on-line tracking portfolio using three variations (High Yield Ten, Beat the Dow 5, and the Foolish 4) Stock market diversification factors, their definitions, and how they affect individual stock prices Computing profit/loss by buying and selling stock Two ways companies raise capital Putting together a personal portfolio ($70,000) Diversifying one’s portfolio IPOs “Trading” stocks (selling and buying) Stock Index (indices) and stock averages Doing a cash reconciliation sheet Bond Ratings Retirement fund options Mutual Funds risk NBEA Standards: Essential Questions financial statements to make informed business decisions IV. Recording of financial transactions and the preparation of financial statements financial statements to make informed business decisions IV. Recording of financial transactions and the preparation of financial statements What is a budget? What are income taxes as opposed to property taxes? What income taxes do you have to pay? What is a graduated income tax? What is the difference between a rate of return and a yield? Where can one find the rates of return and yields for various types of conservative financial instruments? What are the risk Stock investing risk Sector and Industry information used as a comparison Analyst ratings and projections of stocks NBEA Standards: Accounting I. Understand how the accounting system provides business information III. Assess financial conditions and operating results to interpret financial statements to make informed business decisions IV. Recording of financial transactions and the preparation of financial statements Who is Bernie Madoff? What did Madoff do and how did he do it? What red flags should Madoff’s investors noted? How are corporate bonds rated? Accounting I. Understand how the accounting system provides business information III. Assess financial conditions and operating results to interpret financial statements to make informed business decisions IV. Recording of financial transactions and the preparation of financial statements What are the basic strategies of the Dow Dividend approach of investing? How does on set up an on-line portfolio? How does one determine how to select stocks for one’s personal portfolio? Which tax that you pay on your income is a graduated tax? What does OASDI mean? What are the two types of FICA taxes? Which of the FICA taxes has a cap? What is a cap on income taxes? What federal income tax bracket did your salary fall in? What federal income tax bracket did your salary fall in when you subtracted the federal tax allowance from your earnings? What is the PA state income tax rate? What is the Upper Dublin local income tax rate? factors associated with each type of investment instrument? What questions do you need to ask before investing in conservative investment instruments? What questions do you need to ask before investing in money market accounts? What questions do you need to ask before investing in a savings account? What is the F.D.I.C. and what is its purpose. Looking at the spreadsheet listing rates for all of the conservative investment instruments we studies, what has the highest return? What options did you choose for the follow- Why do individuals take the risk to invest in junk bonds? What factors must be considered when buying and selling stocks? How do investors compute their gain or losses on stocks they purchase and sell? What factors should be considered when diversifying a portfolio? What retirement fund options are available? What are the two ways shareholders make money by owning stock? What is a P/E ratio? What is beta? What is yield? What is market capitalization and how does one compute it? Where can one find information on publiclytraded companies on Yahoo? What is an index? How is comparing one company to another in the same sector or What is the benefit of a tax-sheltered retirement fund? What is the benefit of having a Roth retirement fund? Which option would be best for you and why? Does one size fit all when it comes to selecting retirement options? What is the importance of investing for retirement as early as possible? up problems? What is the Medicare tax rate for an employee? Who has to match the employees’ Medicare tax contributions? What is the Social Security tax rate for an employee? Who has to match the employees’ Social Security tax contributions? What percentage of your budget (before and after the allowance is computed) is consumed with the taxes you have to pay each month? Are you surprised that taxes take a significant amount of your monthly income? On a budget of $_________ a year, what items did you industry helpful? If a company has a high P/E, one of two things will happen in the future? What are they and under what circumstances will they occur? have difficulty including in your budget? What items did you choose to live without? What is the easiest way to save money each month? How soon in life should you start to save for retirement? If you have money left over each month, what should that money be used for when you first start working? When you interviewed your parents about their budgets throughout their adult years, what did you learn? What financial advice did your parents give you? What is the difference between conservative and risky investment strategies? What are your 4 investment goals (in order from top to bottom)—that help you assess your willingness to take a risk? What is a W-4 Statement? When does an individual have to complete a W-4 statement? What did you learn from the budget activity? List 5 items. What conservative investment instruments are available for you to invest in? What is a stock? What is a bond? Who issues bonds? What are the two ways that corporations raise capital? What entity does not issue stock—bonds are the only securities issued. What is a security? What is principal? What is a return on investment? What are the three time periods bonds can be issued for? What is the safety, return, ease of getting cash, and ease of opening an account for each type? What is inflation? What is deflation? What is the FDIC and what does it do? What is the minimum investment in a bond? Assessments Activities / Events What are treasuries? What is a muni? Budget Packet— Information, questions, and parent interview sheet Conservative investments packet listing various types of conservative investment instruments. Budget Packet Conservative investments instruments packet. Cases (5) following the conservative investments packet. Internet project on federal government bonds using the public debt and Treasury Department Websites to check the rates of savings bonds (I and E) and Treasury securities. Internet project using www.bankrate.com Internet site to look up prevailing rates of return on investment instruments. Funding Your Dreams Setting up a personal tracking portfolio A History of the Dow Doing stock trades (buying and selling) Internet research on the Dow 30 using three variations of the Dow Dividend approach (High Yield 10, Beat the Dow 5, and the Foolish 4) Setting up an on-line tracking portfolio to video video Internet research on retirement funds Career Links Prepare a spreadsheet and graph showing the prevailing rates of the conservative investment instruments. Follow-up project using spreadsheet information. Investing by age worksheet Internet project on Bernie Madoff and Ponzi schemes Demystifying the Stock Market video track the Dow Dividend portfolio ($30,000) www.google.com www.google.com www.google.com www.google.com www.yahoo.com www.yahoo.com www.yahoo.com www.yahoo.com