Phase Diagram Worksheet

Name: _______________________________
Chemistry 22
Phase Diagram Worksheet
Answer the questions below in relation to the following phase diagram.
1. Which section represents the solid phase? _______
2. What section represents the liquid phase? _______
3. What section represents the gas phase? ________
4. What letter represents the triple point? ________
5. What’s so special about the triple point?
6. Different points on a phase diagram are often described as “at equilibrium.” What does this term
mean? (You might need to look it up!)
7. What is this substance’s melting point at 1 atmosphere of pressure? _________
8. What is this substance’s boiling point at 1 atmosphere of pressure? _________
For questions 9 – 11, refer to the phase diagram below
of a pure substance.
(A) Sublimation
(C) Vaporization
(B) Condensation
(D) Melting
(E) Deposition
9. If the pressure decreases from 1.5 to 0.5 atmospheres at a constant temperature of 50˚C, which of the
processes occurs? ____________________________
10. If the temperature increases from 10°C to 50°C at a constant pressure of 0.5 atmospheres, which of the
processes occurs? ____________________________
11. If the temperature decreases from 110°C to 40°C at a constant pressure of 1.1 atmospheres, which of the
processes occurs? ____________________________
12. What is unique about the phase diagram for water? Explain.