5th Grade - Elementary Science Bundle # 3 Title Creating and Changing Earth’s Surface Link to Integrated Process Skills Link to Assessment Link to Related Assurance Words Suggested Dates Oct 4 – Oct 22 (14 days) Link to Related Non-Fiction Big Idea/Enduring Understanding Guiding Questions Changes over time affect the surface of the Earth and can be rapid and easily observed or gradual and hard to detect. How can natural processes and forces change the surface of the earth? What are some ways landforms form and change? The resources included here provide teaching examples and/or meaningful learning experiences to address the District Curriculum. In order to address the TEKS to the proper depth and complexity, teachers are encouraged to use resources to the degree that they are congruent with the TEKS and research-based best practices. Teaching using only the suggested resources does not guarantee student mastery of all standards. Teachers must use professional judgment to select among these and/or other resources to teach the district curriculum. Knowledge & Skills with Student Expectations District Specificity/Examples 5.7 Earth and Space. The student knows Earth's surface is constantly changing and consists of useful resources. The student is expected to: Including: Through process, review: Rapid Changes to Earth’s Surface (such as Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Land/Mud slides, Tsunami, hurricane, flooding, fire) 5.7b recognize how landforms such as deltas, canyons, and sand dunes are the result of changes to Earth's surface by wind, water, and ice Slow Changes to Earth’s Surface (such as weathering, erosion, deposition, mountain development, [soil formation], [cave formation] Embedded Review TEKS: 3.7 Earth and space. The student knows that Earth consists of natural resources and its surface is constantly changing. The student is expected to: 3.7b investigate rapid changes in Earth’s surface such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and landslides 3.7c identify and compare different landforms, including mountains, hills, valleys, and plains Constructive Forces: creation / building up Such as Volcanic lava creating new land, water leaving mineral deposits, deposition, landform formation Destructive Forces: destroying / breaking apart Such as: earthquakes, tornadoes, erosion, weathering, tsunami, volcanoes Weathering (introduced in 3rd grade) Involves the breaking down of earth materials through direct contact with atmospheric conditions such as heat, water, ice, and pressure NOTE: Elementary does not cover “chemical weathering” Erosion (introduced in 4th grade) Slow destruction of a substance; Process of the movement of loosened or weathered materials from one place to another often due to wind, water, moving ice, creep, and gravity such as canyons, caves, sea arches, valleys 4.7b observe and identify slow changes to Earth’s surface caused by weathering, 5th Grade Bundle 3, 2010-2011 3/9/2016 Suggested Resources (See note above) AIMS 5th Grade Earth Science Texas Core Curriculum “Earth Changes”, page 240 “Weathering Activity Cards, page 251 “Erosion”, page 262 “Agent Erosion”, page 264 “River Run”, page 275 “Sandy Beaches”, page 283 AIMS 4th Grade Earth Science Texas Core Curriculum “A Drip On a String”. Page 32 “Wash and Wear Cave”, page 42 TAKscopes Changes to Land (old 5.11a/.12a) Engage:stalagtite / stalactite model Explore: W.E.D Explain Gateways, 5th Grade 4.2: Forces of Nature: Wind and Weather, page 127 4.3: Explain: Forces of Nature” Constructive and Destructive Page 1 of 6 5th Grade - Elementary Science Bundle # 3 erosion, and deposition from water, wind, and ice Deposition (introduced in 4th grade) Settling or placement (deposit) of rock, sediment, and organic matter such as with delta formation, at the base of mountains, and sand dunes 4.3: Explore: The Forces of Water, page 131 4.3: Evaluate Forces of Nature Constructive and Destructive Landforms including: Deltas o formed at the mouth of a river where the river flows into an ocean, sea, estuary, lake, reservoir, flat arid area, or another river o formed from deposition of sediment over a long period of time Canyons o Deep ravine between cliffs often carved from the landscape by a river o Formed from the erosion process over long periods of time Sand dunes o Ridge of sand created by the wind (erosion and deposition) o Often found in deserts or near lakes and oceans) Valleys o An area of elongated low-land typically surrounded by much higher hills and mountains o Form in a variety of ways such as separation of Earth’s Crust (Rift valley), formed by a glacier (Glacial Valley – U shaped), Slow process of erosion (River valleys) o Unlike a canyon, a valley is broad, with a large area of valley floor, rather than a narrow profile Mountains (introduced in 3rd Grade) o Several types; made of earth and rock materials o Slow formation, Earth’s crust movement Plains (introduced in 3rd Grade) o Formed primarily by erosion and deposition of sediment BrainPop “Volcanoes” “Earthquakes” “Natural Disasters” GeoScience: Change Over Time: (Focus on landforms or changes in land observed -5th Grade PPT: Teacher background on WED and sedimentary rock and overview of lessons (campus share folder > Science Curr Information >GeoScience Change Over Time > 5th Grade) -Engage – WED of mineral block; Explore – wind, glaciers 1 (“a” can use “clay” recipe from TAKScopes; “b” can add gravel to “sand” glacier and make in cups); glaciers 2 (can just have cubes from glacier (1) melt); water erosion – very similar to FOSS stream table activity using other materials (add marbles instead of blocks in FOSS) -Explain – great pull together activity to vocabulary and TEKS) -Elaborate – pictorial assessment FOSS Kit - Landforms Investigation 2 and 3 FOSSWEB Landforms Module Summary - Investigation 2 and 3 Teacher Resources: Student Sheets Stream Table Set-Up (page 7) Landform Vocabulary (page 8) Stream Table Ideas (page 12) United Streaming “Earth’s Changing Landscape (7:14) 5th Grade Bundle 3, 2010-2011 3/9/2016 Page 2 of 6 5th Grade - Elementary Science Bundle # 3 -Our Changing Earth segment “Geologist’s Notebook: Why land Goes Up and Down (11:00) Some Processes that Change the Earth's Surface lesson idea Understanding Constructive and Destructive Forces Pictures of Erosional Landforms Pictures of Depositional Landforms River Delta Diagram River Delta Formation Over Time Picture Palo Duro Canyon State Park (Texas) Picture Canyon Screenshot Sedona Canyons Grand Canyon Mongolian Sand Dune Beach Sand Dune Valley Picture Glacial Valley Glacial Valley 2 Mountain Picture 1 Volcanic Mountain 1 Mountain Collage Plains in Texas Panhandle Great Plains Scientific Investigation and Reasoning 5th Grade Bundle 3, 2010-2011 Back to Top 3/9/2016 Page 3 of 6 5th Grade - Elementary Science Bundle # 3 5.1 Scientific investigations and reasoning. The student conducts classroom and outdoor investigations following home and school safety procedures and environmentally appropriate and ethical practices. The student is expected to: 5.1a demonstrate safe practices and the use of safety equipment as described in the Texas Safety Standards during classroom and outdoor investigations 5.1 Scientific investigations and reasoning. The student conducts classroom and outdoor investigations following home and school safety procedures and environmentally appropriate and ethical practices. The student is expected to: Add statement about proper use and disposal of soil 5.1b make informed choices in the conservation, disposal, and recycling of materials 5.2 Scientific investigations and reasoning. The student uses scientific methods during laboratory and outdoor investigations. The student is expected to: 5.2a describe, plan, and implement simple experimental investigations testing one variable 5.2b ask well-defined questions, formulate testable hypothesis, and select and use appropriate equipment and technology 5.2c collect information by detailed observation and accurate measuring 5.2d analyze and interpret information to construct reasonable explanations from direct (observable) and indirect (inferred) evidence 5.2e demonstrate that repeated investigations may increase the reliability of results 5.2f communicate valid conclusions in both written and verbal forms 5.2g construct appropriate simple graphs, tables, maps, and charts using technology, including computers, to organize, 5th Grade Bundle 3, 2010-2011 3/9/2016 Page 4 of 6 5th Grade - Elementary Science Bundle # 3 examine, and evaluate information 5.3 Scientific investigation and reasoning. The student uses critical thinking and scientific problem solving to make informed decisions. The student is expected to: 5.3a in all fields of science, analyze, evaluate, and critique scientific explanations by using empirical evidence, logical reasoning, and experimental and observational testing, including examining all sides of scientific evidence of those scientific explanations so as to encourage critical thinking by the student 5.3 Scientific investigation and reasoning. The student uses critical thinking and scientific problem solving to make informed decisions. The student is expected to: Including when and why we use and don’t use: Jetties Dams Levees SeaWalls and Rebuilding coast / shoreline / banks after flooding / hurricanes Using Levees for Flood Protection Use any available current events as discussion points 5.3c draw or develop a model that represents how something works or looks that cannot be seen such as how a soda dispensing machine works 5.3 Scientific investigation and reasoning. The student uses critical thinking and scientific problem solving to make informed decisions. The student is expected to: 5.3d connect grade level appropriate science concepts with the history of science, science careers, and contributions of scientists 5.4 Scientific investigation and reasoning. The student knows how to use a variety of tools and methods to conduct science inquiry. The student is expected to: 5.4a collect, record, and analyze information using tools including calculators, microscopes, cameras, computers, hand lenses, metric rulers, Celsius thermometers, prisms, mirrors, pan balances, triple beam balances, spring scales, graduated cylinders, beakers, hot plates, meter sticks, magnets, collecting nets, and notebooks; timing devices including clocks and stopwatches, and materials to support the observation of habitats of organisms such as terrariums and aquariums Including: Notebooks Cameras (evidence gathering) Hand lens 5.4b use safety equipment including safety goggles and gloves Related Assurance Words 5th Grade Bundle 3, 2010-2011 Back to Top 3/9/2016 Page 5 of 6 5th Grade - Elementary Science Bundle # 3 Assessment Assessment Probes Understanding Student Ideas in Science (Page Keeley), Volume 1 “Beach Sand”, page 163 “Mountain Age”, page 169 Back to Top Performance Assessment Brainstorm ways to prevent wind and water erosion. Relate this to the real world. GeoScience: Change Over Time: Grade 5: Page 29 Evaluate: Identify Landforms and Processes that create them. Understanding Student Ideas in Science (Page Keeley), Volume 3 “Summer Talk”, page 177 Scenario / Open-Ended Multiple Choice In what ways can a river change the land around it? Related Non-Fiction 5th Grade Bundle 3, 2010-2011 Back to Top 3/9/2016 Page 6 of 6