Tier 3 Strategic Initiatives

Agriculture Water Supply Expansion
Program for British Columbia
December 30, 2003
Program Charter
2003 - 2006
The Agriculture Water Supply Expansion Program for British Columbia is a joint initiative between
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the Province of British Columbia. The lead for the Province is
taken by the BC Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries and supported with in kind funding from
the Ministry of Forests, Ministry of Water Land and Air Protection, Land and Water BC Inc. and the
Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management.
Ministry of Agriculture,
Food and Fisheries
Program Charter
Agriculture Water Supply Expansion for BC
The concept for a National Water Supply Expansion Program for Agriculture evolved out
of the water shortages and droughts that were experienced in the Prairies. The program
has already spent $10 million dollars in the prairies in 2002/2003 to develop agricultural
water supply expansion projects. The program has now been extended throughout the rest
of Canada to fund farm and regional infrastructure and strategic water supply studies.
Funding in British Columbia is expected to be $5.6 million over the life of the 4 year
agreement. This funding is in addition to the existing funding that is provided to the
British Columbia Peace River region through the Rural Water Development Program
(RWDP) administered by the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration (PFRA) for the
fiscal year 2003 -2004 only. The program funding will be provided in three tiers as
described in this paper.
An analysis of agriculture water supply issues in British Columbia was scoped out by
Golder Associates Ltd. in the fall of 2002 and presented in a March 2003 report. The
report will be used as a guide to assess the NWSEP program needs for various regions of
the province.
Program Criteria
1. The program shall be governed by the Canada – British Columbia Agreement for the
National Water Supply Expansion Program.
2. The signing party to the agreement noted in item 1 above on behalf of the province of
British Columbia will be the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries.
3. Partnering provincial agencies to the agreement (those providing in kind
contributions) and the British Columbia Agriculture Council will form part of the
Water Supply Water Supply Program Working Group.
4. Compliance with water licensing and environmental laws and regulations and due
diligence are the responsibility of farmers, ranchers and other program applicants.
Program coordinators as assigned by the Water Supply Water Supply Program
Working Group for Tier 1 and Tier 2/3 will address compliance with the Canadian
Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA).
5. Effective partnerships between agriculture interests and environmental agencies need
to be developed and fostered and are an important part of achieving the objectives and
outcomes of the program.
6. The program must be structured in a way that encourages and supports on-farm
stewardship activities with respect to water management and enhance the potential for
rural economic growth. The program must reduce the risk of water shortages, result in
Program Charter
Agriculture Water Supply Expansion for BC
a long term water supply solution and meet the target priorities as identified in the
scoping report prepared by Golder Associates Ltd.
7. Projects must be scientifically, technically and financially feasible and be
environmentally acceptable. Projects must not result in conflicts or water shortages
for other approved water uses or compromise efforts to ensure fair and balanced water
allocations between approved water uses.
To ensure the agriculture sector/community has access to a secure, good quality water
supply to meet its growing needs and to reduce the risk of future water shortages through
the planning and development of suitable and secure rural water supplies.
Program Description
The primary water related issues that the program will address are inadequate
infrastructure, drought vulnerability, range/pasture management, operational water
quality needs and expanded development. The NWSEP comprises three primary program
elements as described below. Detailed lists of eligible projects and costs are provided in
Schedule C.
Tier 1 – On Farm Infrastructure
On farm, licenced crown range or leased land water development infrastructure and water
management improvements that secure water and promote agricultural development. The
program will fund development and rehabilitation of water storages; new water supply
infrastructure to the farm; upgrading of existing water supply infrastructure where
efficiency improvements are evident; water conservation initiatives; water management
techniques that improve on farm water use efficiency; and where required for food safety,
water treatment for irrigation, stock watering or crop washing.
Program Allocation to Tier 1 - $2,000,000
Financial Assistance – The program will provide (1/3) of the eligible costs to a maximum
of $5,000 per project in a given year. There is a program maximum of $15,000 per
applicant over life of the program.
Eligible Applicants – Individual farmers and ranchers in British Columbia
Tier 2 – Multi User Infrastructure
Larger scale infrastructure projects that will provide agricultural water to multiple users
for the purposes of irrigation, livestock watering or crop washing. The projects must be
intended to contribute to growth of the agriculture sector. The program will fund
development and rehabilitation of water storages; new water supply infrastructure for
agriculture; upgrading of existing infrastructure that is primarily for agriculture water
supply; expansion of three phase power in areas where irrigation is restricted by power
Program Charter
Agriculture Water Supply Expansion for BC
supply; water metering and other water conservation initiatives; and projects that enhance
water use efficiency and improved water management for agriculture.
Program Allocation to Tier 2 - $2,500,000
Financial Assistance – The program will provide (1/3) of the eligible costs to a maximum
of $5,000,000 per project.
Eligible Applicants – Incorporated groups of farmers and ranchers, agricultural and
conservation groups, rural municipalities, irrigation districts, agribusiness, provincial
government agencies, crown corporations.
Tier 3 – Strategic Work
Activities that will serve to increase the opportunities for strategic partnerships and to
enhance Partner and stakeholder understanding of the operational and developmental
limitations to the water resources in their communities. Projects include the development
of information technologies and/or the dissemination of information, including but not
limited to regional groundwater studies; groundwater exploration and testing; regional
water management planning; water supply planning and feasibility studies; and
information extension activities.
Program Allocation to Tier 3 - $1,100,000
Financial Assistance – The program will contribute up to one hundred percent (100%) of
the eligible costs to a maximum of $500,000 per project.
Eligible Applicants – Incorporated groups of farmers and ranchers, agricultural and
conservation groups, educational institutions, rural municipalities, irrigation districts,
agribusiness, provincial government agencies, crown corporations.
Program Funding
The Agriculture Water Supply Expansion Program for British Columbia is a joint
initiative between Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the Province of British
Columbia. Primary funding is provided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. British
Columbia will provide in kind contributions to match the Tier 2 level funding. Partnering
provincial agencies will identify in kind contributions to match the $2,500,000 funding
that is being provided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. See Schedule B attached.
Partnering agencies that are providing in kind contributions are the Ministry of Forests,
Ministry of Water Land and Air Protection, and the Ministry of Sustainable Resource
Management. These agencies will also be a member of the Program Technical Steering
Program Charter
Agriculture Water Supply Expansion for BC
Program Management and Administration
The program will be managed by a Water Supply Water Supply Program Working Group
which will appoint a program coordinator for Tier 1 from the British Columbia
Agriculture Council and a program coordinator for Tier 2 and Tier 3 from Agriculture
and Agri-Food Canada. See Schedule A for a Program Chart. The management structure
will allow applications from all three tiers to be processed by the Water Supply Water
Supply Program Working Group. Applications for Tier 1 projects will be made through
the Tier 1 program coordinator. Applications for Tier 2 & Tier 3 projects will be made
through the Tier 2 & Tier 3 coordinator. A Water Supply Water Supply Program
Working Group will be established to provide program direction. Tier 1, 2, and 3 will be
administered centrally through Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
Program Co-ordinators
Program co-ordinators will be responsible for ensuring that the program operates on a day
to day basis. The British Columbia Agriculture Council will provide a project coordinator for Tier 1 projects and Agriculture and Agri-food Canada will provide a project
co-ordinator for Tier 2 and 3 projects.
Tier 1
The program co-ordinator for Tier 1 projects will be supplied by the BC Agriculture
Council. The program coordinator will be a member of the Water Supply Water Supply
Program Working Group and will take direction from the co-chairs of the Water Supply
Water Supply Program Working Group. The BCAC program co-ordinator has the
responsibility for day-to-day administration of the Tier 1 program. Duties will include:
a) developing Fund materials for distribution to public and applicants;
b) handling public enquiries;
c) co-ordinating and preparing packages for review by the Water Supply Water
Supply Program Working Group;
d) assisting clients with the application process and providing technical
assistance as required;
e) program planning and reporting.
f) ensuring the requirements or the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act
are addressed.
The British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, other provincial and
federal agencies will provide supporting resources to assist with program administration
as needed.
Tier 2 and Tier 3
A program co-ordinator will be supplied by Agriculture and Agri-food Canada for the
administration of Tier 2 and Tier 3 projects. The program coordinator will be a member
of the Water Supply Water Supply Program Working Group and will take direction from
the co-chairs of the Water Supply Water Supply Program Working Group. The Program
Co-ordinator will have day to day responsibility for administration of the Tier 2 and 3
parts of the program. Duties include:
Program Charter
Agriculture Water Supply Expansion for BC
developing Fund materials for distribution to public and applicants;
handling public enquiries;
co-ordinating and preparing packages for review by the Water Supply Water
Supply Program Working Group;
ensuring that projects implemented under the program are delivered through
service contracts or through contribution agreements with the prospective
coordinating management of contracts as necessary with the project manager;
program planning and reporting.
Ensuring the requirements of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act
are addressed.
The British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, other provincial and
federal agencies will provide supporting resources to assist with program administration.
Agency staff will provide support resources to assist with program administration and
delivery primarily through staff that are assigned as project managers to approved
Water Supply Water Supply Program Working Group (PWG)
The Water Supply Water Supply Program Working Group (PWG) will oversee the
implementation of the National Water Supply Expansion Program and be responsible for
administration and implementation of the Agreement. PWG functions will include:
taking all reasonable steps to ensure that neither Canada nor British
Columbia is unwillingly exposed to financial commitments beyond those set
out in Section 6 of the Agreement and outlined in Schedule “A” of the
establishing other sub-committees as required to assist in the effective
planning, coordination, and implementation of projects and activities under
approving standards and procedures to ensure adherence to the intent and the
terms and conditions of this Agreement are adhered to;
approving guidelines and criteria for the assessment and approval of project
review and approve/reject projects and issue project authorizations;
approving other guidelines, forms and documents;
determining each Party’s roles and responsibilities associated with specific
projects or grouping of projects approved in the work plan;
ensure program coordinators implement approved projects through contracts
or contribution agreements with the respective proponents;
ensuring all contracts are awarded through a competitive process, for
example public tender, except in those cases where the Water Supply Water
Supply Program Working Group feels that a tendering process is not in the
public’s best interest and if so, developing a policy to deal with non-tendered
Program Charter
Agriculture Water Supply Expansion for BC
meeting with other federal, provincial and municipal representatives or other
persons, as required, to facilitate cooperation and coordination of activities
under this Agreement;
k) ensuring that activities under the program are reported to the Parties on a
regular basis, annually as a minimum, and in a format deemed appropriate to
meet the needs of the Parties and sufficiently detailed to account for
expenditures against the progress of the work;
l) ensuring the best utilization of funding resources toward meeting the
program objective, including the appropriate reallocation of available funding
among the program elements if necessary based on the changing conditions
and priorities over the course of the Agreement;
m) preparing and approving for each fiscal year an annual work plan which will
identify those projects and activities to be delivered by each Party and which
will be considered as eligible as part of the cost-sharing commitment under
the terms and conditions of the Agreement;
n) ensuring that program visibility is consistent with the division of funding
between Parties and meets both federal and provincial requirements for
communications; and
o) ensuring an evaluation of the program is carried out within the term of this
The PWG will consist of voting members as follows:
i. Three federal agency members, including the Tier 2 and 3 program coordinator
and federal Co-Chairperson, as appointed by the federal Minister of Agriculture
and Agri-food.
ii. Provincial agency members will consist of a minimum of four, including a CoChairperson, as appointed by the British Columbia Minister of Agriculture,
Food and Fisheries and other provincial agency members that have provided in
kind contributions to the program.
iii. The Tier 1 program coordinator and one other farm representative as appointed
by the BCAC.
The PWG shall be headed by the Co-Chairpersons and alternates shall be named, one (1)
from the other Federal members and one (1) from the other Provincial members, to act in
the absence of the Co-Chairpersons.
The PWG will set up its own procedures with respect to determining the frequency and
format of meetings, accessing internal resources for secretariat services, or addressing
any other matters deemed necessary to ensure a proper and effective conduct of business.
Decisions of the PWG will be reached on the basis of consensus. In the event of
disagreement, the decision on the matter of dispute will be deferred and the Co-Chairs
will use whatever means deemed appropriate to establish consensus by the Parties.
Program Charter
Agriculture Water Supply Expansion for BC
The PWG, through its work plan, will establish program priorities.
The PWG has the final authority on all strategic decisions including the approval of all
projects subject to compliance with the terms of funding established by the Canada
British Columbia Contribution Agreement for the National Water Supply Expansion
Application and Approval Process
Tier 1
Applications will be submitted by individual farmers or ranchers in British Columbia to
the program coordinator. Schedule C provides further details on projects that are eligible
for funding under Tier 1. The program co-ordinator will ensure that applications are
complete and will prepare information for review by the PWG.
Tier 2 and Tier 3
Applications will be submitted by incorporated groups of farmers and ranchers,
agricultural and conservation groups, educational institutions, rural municipalities,
irrigation districts, agribusiness, provincial government agencies and crown corporations
to the program coordinator. This does not preclude the possibility that the PWG may
take the lead in initiating and approving projects seen to be necessary to meet any of the
strategic priorities in the program. The program co-ordinator will ensure that applications
are complete and will prepare information for review by the PWG.
The PWG will review final decisions on approvals or rejections. In all cases decisions
will be based on criteria established by the PWG as per the Contribution Agreement for
the National Watetr Supply Program. Considerations include importance of the issue to
the industry and the environment, amount of funding from other sources, and expected
effectiveness of the proposal for dealing with agricultural water supply issues.
Record of Decisions/Appeals
All decisions of the PWG regarding application approval or rejection will be recorded in
the minutes of the meeting. Minutes should also record members present and abstentions.
Reasons for rejecting an application will be provided to the applicant.
1. The Water Supply Water Supply Program Working Group will participate in an
evaluation of the National Water Supply Expansion Program to be carried out at
a national level, between April 1, 2006 and March 31, 2007
2. The Water Supply Water Supply Program Working Group will provide all
information as may be required for the evaluation.
Program Charter
Agriculture Water Supply Expansion for BC
The PWG will ensure that procedures are in place to ensure the accountability of
successful applicants in the use of approved funds. This will include a requirement for
periodic progress reports and may involve a compliance audit to ensure procedures for
appropriate use of program funds are in place. Successful applicants are advised that nonperformance may result in ineligible claims. Payment will be based on receipt of
invoices. Proponents could receive progress payments once receipts are submitted for
portions of projects. A random audit of projects will be done.
The National Water Supply Program is intended to enhance water supplies to agriculture
in British Columbia. This will be realized by providing funds to support a range of
activities. Schedule C provides details on the types of activities the Fund could support.
Although, comprehensive the list of activities is not intended to be limiting. Other
activities, not discussed in this section could be funded. Items that are clearly noted as
inelgible will not be funded.
All Projects
Already constructed projects are not eligible. The NWSEP program is targeted at the
planned development of long term water supply solutions.
All projects must meet Provincial and Federal Acts and should follow standards and
guidelines. Tier 1 and Tier 2 projects administered by Agriculture and Agri-food Canada
must be constructed in compliance with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act
(CEAA). Provincial sales tax (PST) is eligible.
The following costs are not eligible:
- Legal costs
- Land acquisition costs (purchase of lands or any interest therein)
- Leasing costs (land, buildings, equipment)
- Maintenance and operational costs
- Refundable portion of the GST
- Interest costs on borrowed capital or interest costs resulting from late payment
- Farm Equipment
- In-house water treatment costs
- Water protection activities funded under other federal or provincial programs
- Costs of administrative services provided by eligible applicants
Program Charter
Agriculture Water Supply Expansion for BC
Communications and Reporting
Communication about the National Water Supply Program is targeted at the agriculture
industry, relevant government agencies and other funding partners. Objectives of the
communications initiatives are to:
Ensure awareness of availability of the program and its objectives to
potential applicants.
Inform targeted parties of approved projects and progress in meeting
program objectives.
Successful applicants will be asked to take reasonable steps to identify the National
Water Supply Program and all sponsoring agencies in their activities and reporting.
Annual Report
Annual Reports are completed and submitted by the Chair of the PWG to the Provincial
and Federal Ministers of Agriculture. The report contains:
 Projects and initiatives funded
 Progress in achieving objectives of the fund
 Identification and rationale for variances to the Work Plan
 Financial status and financial statement
The reports are submitted within 90 days of the end of the calendar year
Conflict of Interest
In cases where a PWG member either individually sponsors or is reasonably perceived to
be a major or singular beneficiary of a project application, the member may speak to
clarify the proposal or respond to questions, but must excuse themselves from the
evaluation discussion and decision. The onus is on members to identify situations in
which they are in a potential conflict of interest to the Chair at the commencement of the
meeting. Such instances shall be recorded in minutes of the meetings.
Successful applicants proposing to implement projects where they in turn will be
adjudicating applications will be required to agree to the same guidelines.
NWSEP policy on GST and PST
PST - The PST is an eligible cost for producers since they are not entitled to a rebate on
PST. If the PST has been itemized on the invoice, include the PST amount in the eligible
costs. If the invoice does not itemize the PST, do not attempt to reduce the invoice
amount by the applicable PST rate.
Program Charter
Agriculture Water Supply Expansion for BC
GST - The GST is not an eligible cost for producers since they are generally entitled to a
rebate on GST. If the GST has been itemized on the invoice, do not include the GST
amount in the eligible costs. If the invoice does not itemize the GST, reduce the invoice
amount by 7/107 to account for the current 7% GST rate. Note: GST does not apply to
PST so be sure to reduce the invoice total by the PST amount prior to carrying out the
GST calculation.
Program Charter
Agriculture Water Supply Expansion for BC
Schedule A
Program Flow Chart
Submits application to program
Tier 1 Program Coordinator
Tier 2 and 3 Program Coordinator
Water Supply Water Supply
Program Working Group
Screening and Rating
Assign Project Manager/Liaison
Program Delivery Tier 1
 BCAC Coordinator / Administrator
 Agricultural Sector, Organizations
Program Delivery Tier 2 and 3
 PFRA Coordinator / Administrator
 Federal and Provincial agencies &
Project Administration - AAFC
Notes: The Program Coordinators and Administrators may be the same person if desired
RESOURCE COMMITMENT (3 year program)
Financial Contribution
Ministry of Forests – Research
Range Management Practices for sustainable water quality
Ministry of Forests – Research
Livestock grazing in riparian areas adaptive management
Ministry of Forests – Province
Range staff time spent on water issues pertaining to range
Ministry of Forests – Southern
Alternative silviculture systems for forest management
Ministry of Forests – Southern
Forest hydrology, ecology and soil science consulting
Ministry of Forests – Southern
Penticton Creek watershed experiment
Ministry of Forests – Southern
Climate, snow, sediment and streamflow monitoring in west
arm demonstration forest
Ministry of Sustainable Resource
Management of information snowpacks, stream flows,
groundwater, aquatic values
Ministry of Sustainable Resource
LRMP and SRMP initiatives to manage water and provide for
agricultural development
Ministry of Sustainable Resource
Defining in-stream flow requirements and drought response
Ministry of Water Land and Air
Drinking water and groundwater protection – source to tap
assessments, response plans etc.
Ministry of Water Land and Air
Water quality assessment studies
Program Charter
Agriculture Water Supply Expansion for BC
Ministry of Water Land and Air
Aquifer mapping and characterization (partner with water
purveyors, other resource agencies
Ministry of Water Land and Air
Water protection policy, guidelines, objectives – water
conservation and water use efficiency
Ministry of Water Land and Air
Watershed / limnological studies / applied research
Total to date
Ministry of Water Land and Air
Schedule C
National Water Supply Program Activities in British Columbia
Tier 1 - On-Farm projects
On-Farm projects include water development or water protection projects that benefit a
single user - farmer, rancher, aboriginal farmer on an Indian Reserve, agri-business or
rural enterprise involved in actual agricultural production - e.g. Confined Animal Feeding
operation, agricultural processing plant). Projects can be on private land, crown land that
is leased to a farm entity or crown land that has tenure to the farm through a water licence
or permit to occupy crown land.
Maximum federal funding from all sources will not be greater than 1/3 of project cost
GST is NOT an eligible cost
Projects solely for domestic water supply are not eligible.
Eligible Costs
Use of own
Non Eligible Costs
Eligibility of in use of own equipment and
in kind costs handled on case by case
The program will not cover
the replacement of existing
equipment such as
submersible pumps, filters
or softeners, watering
bowls, pressure tanks, or
stock tanks etc. as they are
not providing access to any
previously unusable source.
These costs are considered
regular maintenance.
Program Charter
Water wells
Agriculture Water Supply Expansion for BC
Eligible Costs
Non Eligible Costs
Wells must be for irrigation, livestock
watering or facility for crop washing
Equipment warranty or
Routine maintenance such
as shock chlorination or acid
treatments to remove
mineral scale or sediment
from existing wells.
Replacement pumps
Water witching is not
Dip tubes (small diameter PVC tubes or
pipes that are inserted into a well below
the well cap and that allow easier
monitoring of water levels in the
production well.
Extended well monitoring or
groundwater studies (these
are usually completed for
provincial licensing
purposes and beyond the
scope of the program).
Deepening an existing well to obtain a
more secure water supply
The rehabilitation of an
existing well
New pump for a new water
Unused or abandoned water
wells with no history of
agricultural water use
Funding is eligible under the
Federal National Farm
Stewardship Program for
the proper abandonment of
wells that have been used
as an agricultural water
All drilling and construction costs
associated with the construction of a new
water well. Eligible costs include test
drilling, elogging or gamma logging, well
construction costs, well development,
pump testing, water quality sampling and
testing. Up to one dry test hole can be
funded even if does not result in a useable
source of water. The drilling of more than
one test hole must be pre-approved to be
eligible for funding.
Solar or wind power supply are eligible for
remote water systems
Water well
Program Charter
Agriculture Water Supply Expansion for BC
filled or offstream
Eligible Costs
Non Eligible Costs
Dugouts must be for irrigation or livestock
watering purposes.
All construction costs associated with the
construction of a new dugout. Eligible
costs include test drilling or test pitting to
confirm suitable geology (sample analysis
and consultant costs also eligible), dugout
construction costs, water quality sampling
and testing, and permanent snow fencing,
grass buffer strips. New dugouts will only
be considered where they can be
constructed at sites and to a size such that
they are judged to represent a secure
water supply source in times of extended
drought (as judged by AAFC-NWSEP
technical specialist). Dugouts must be
constructed to AAFC-NWSEP minimum
Must be a minimum of 4 metres
deep, (exception: elevated
reservoirs). Dugouts must have a
minimum 1.5:1 side/end slope.
(Horizontal/Vertical). The spoil pile
must be a minimum 5 metres from
dugout edge. Dugout volume must
meet AAFC-NWSEP standards
and be a minimum of 2000 cubic
metres (440,000 Imperial gallons)
(exception: non run-off filled
reservoirs such as elevated
reservoirs, permanent transfer
/storage systems, etc).
Expansion of an existing dugout where the
expansion results in a dugout meeting
AAFC-NWSEP standards as stated above
(depth, minimum slopes, minimum
volume, spoil pile distance from dugout,
Pumping systems to keep livestock out of
new or existing dugouts are recommended
and are eligible for funding, provided the
dugout is judged to provide a secure
source in periods of extended drought.
These systems will protect the water
quality and livestock and sustain the
supply. Fencing is also eligible where
installed along with a pumping system to
keep cattle out of the dugout.
Dugout aeration systems (wind or electric
Livestock access ramps into
dugouts are not eligible
(producers are encouraged to
consider off-dugout watering
Rehabilitation or cleaning of
existing dugout. Cleaning
the perimeter of a dugout to
eliminate weed growth is not
Power Supply and pumps
(exception power supply for
remote water supply
systems – solar or wind
power supply systems only)
Program Charter
Agriculture Water Supply Expansion for BC
Eligible Costs
Non Eligible Costs
compressors) on new or existing dugouts
used for agricultural purposes. To be
eligible, dugout aeration systems must
meet AAFC-NWSEP technical standards.
Liner for new dugout (liner must meet
AAFC-NWSEP technical standards).
All intake works (e.g. wet wells and
intakes for remote pumping and aeration).
Solar and wind power supply are eligible
for remote water systems
Dugouts that are filled with water diverted
from a stream must have a water licence
that authorizes water diversion.
Program Charter
Agriculture Water Supply Expansion for BC
Material and construction costs,
engineering or consulting fees for
the rehabilitation of existing dam
storage structures where the
water storage is deemed at risk
due to the integrity of the dam.
Material and construction costs
associated with the construction of
a new dam and reservoir, but only
where the reservoir has a
minimum water storage volume of
2000 cubic metres (440,000
Imperial gallons), is licensable by
the Province, and is judged to
represent a secure water source
in times of extended drought (as
judged by AAFC-NWSEP
technical specialist).
Dams creating water
storage volumes that are
smaller than the required
The eligibility of dams
creating storage reservoirs
greater than the CEAA
threshold requiring a
comprehensive study will
be determined by AAFCNWSEP technical
maintenance of existing
dams and reservoirs.
Developments that
contaminate a spring (e.g.
placing a dugout on it).
Pumping systems to keep
livestock out of new or existing
reservoir are recommended and
are eligible for funding, provided
the reservoir is judged to provide a
secure source in periods of
extended drought. These systems
will protect the water quality and
livestock and sustain the supply.
Fencing is also eligible where
installed along with a pumping
system to keep cattle out of the
NOTE - Dams must meet AAFCNWSEP and provincial criteria for
construction. Approval through the
Province and Department of Fisheries
and Oceans is required before
working in a watercourse.
Material and construction costs for
spring developments (source
development plus pipeline to
deliver water to point of use,
troughs) that are of proper
construction and that protect the
water source, such as a collection
well, cutoff trench or cutoff wall
that directs it into a gravity pipeline
to be used, or is pumped to where
it is used. (i.e. remote waterer).
Measures to protect the supply,
including fencing and landscaping
Program Charter
Agriculture Water Supply Expansion for BC
for surface runoff control.
NOTE – Spring Developments must
meet provincial standards and
Water supply to the
Remote Water
Systems from a
surface water source
(intention being to
keep animals away
from a water source)
Delivery systems that bring water
from a storage, licenced intake or
well located off the farm to the first
distribution point on the farm.
Conversion of conveyance ditches
to pipeline or lining of ditches that
convey water to the farm where
ditch losses are calculated to be
greater than 25% of the amount of
water conveyed. The pipeline
costs are eligible to the first
distribution point on the farm.
Electric power line extension to
the intake site if current electric
power is not available.
Including, but not limited to,
troughs, stock tanks, pumps,
plastic tanks, cisterns, nose
pumps, piping and plumbing
supplies that are part of a longterm remote water system that is
intended to protect surface water
supplies (dugouts, streams,
Fencing to protect the water
source for a specific water supply
project is eligible.
Power supply (solar or wind power
system) for remote watering
systems are eligible.
Costs of any distribution
equipment such as
sprinklers or guns.
Backflood irrigation works
Any water system that
allows contaminated water
to drain back into the
Fencing not tied to water
Trucks, trailers or mobile
units for remote systems.
NOTE: a remote watering system with
fencing to protect the surface water
source will rate higher than a project
without fencing.
When constructed with a new or
rehabilitated water supply with the
intent of excluding cattle from
direct access to it (e.g. fencing a
riparian water supply is eligible
provided the water supply is also
obtained from that source).
Water Treatment
The cost of a water treatment
facility to ensure that potable
If it does not protect the water
source development identified
in the application (e.g. Riparian
Pumps, piping, electrical
Program Charter
Agriculture Water Supply Expansion for BC
water can be supplied to crop
washing facilities. Water treatment
for irrigation systems that are
irrigating crops that are eaten raw.
Provincial irrigation water quality
standards must be met.
Costs of the treatment unit,
controls, filters are eligible.
Water treatment
equipment for domestic
water use.
Not eligible if a potable
water supply is available to
the farm.
Funding for improvements to
irrigation system efficiency or
improved irrigation
management is available
under the Federal National
Farm Stewardship Program.
On farm water
Tier 2 Multi-User Projects
Incorporated groups of farmers and ranchers, agricultural and conservation groups, rural
municipalities, irrigation districts, agribusiness, provincial government agencies, crown
corporations are eligible to apply.
Maximum federal funding from all sources will not be greater than 1/3 of project cost
Maintenance and operating costs are not eligible
Non-refundable GST is eligible
Program Charter
Agriculture Water Supply Expansion for BC
Tier 2 - Multi User Projects
Project Type
facilities to
supply water to
agricultural water
Non – Eligible Cost
Eligible Cost
Materials and construction costs for
source development (e.g. test drilling
and well completion, surface storage
and intake), pipeline to deliver water
to the tank-loading facility, and tank
loading facility (including building,
required electrical and plumbing,
storage, monitoring and controls).
Consulting fees to find and develop
the water source and to design and
oversee construction of the tank
loading facility are eligible.
Power for new tank-loading facilities
constructed to serve rural agricultural
water needs
Roads for new tank-loading facilities.
This funding is for new access roads
(not upgrading of existing roads that
lead to the facility).
NOTE: Funding is calculated only on that
portion of the tank-loading facility (e.g.
storage volume) that is judged to be for
agricultural use. Tank loading facilities
located within hamlets, villages, towns
and cities are eligible but only for that
portion of the cost that is judged to be
solely for agricultural use. The maximum
funding $ amount for specific tank
loading facility projects will be determined
by AAFC-NWSEP technical specialists.
Water treatment equipment
Maintenance or repair to
existing tank-loading
facilities including water
source, tank loading
infrastructure, roads, power
Program Charter
Agriculture Water Supply Expansion for BC
Tier 2 - Multi User Projects
Project Type
Pipelines and
channels to
supply water to
water users
Non – Eligible Cost
Eligible Cost
Materials and construction costs for
source development (e.g. test drilling
and well completion, surface storage
and intake) and mainline distribution
system including materials and
construction costs (trenching,
augering under roads, canals, water
bodies). Consultant costs
(hydrogeologist for source
development, engineering, wildlife or
other surveys to satisfy CEAA) are
Individual project hookup costs for
tie-in to the regional pipeline. Eligible
material costs include the water line
downstream of the curbstop and all
mechanical appurtenances prior to
the pressure system required for the
safe and optimum operation of the
pipeline (e.g. valves, fittings, water
meter and any backflow prevention
devices, flow restrictors and/or
pressure reducers as required,
storage tank or cistern).
Pipeline systems for community
pastures, grazing associations or
groups of agricultural producers to
provide water to the point of
distribution for each user.
Maintenance, rehabilitation,
or repair of existing
regional pipelines or
Membership/share cost for
tie-in to an existing
Distribution of water on the
yard site (the area normally
used for housing and
intensive feeding of
livestock during the
fall/winter period).
Troughs, tanks, hydrants in
the yard livestock pens or
barn or not eligible
Program Charter
Agriculture Water Supply Expansion for BC
Tier 2 - Multi User Projects
Project Type
Where additional water is made
available to agriculture the cost of
engineering services, dam
construction, control works and water
conveyance to the agricultural area.
Rehabilitation of existing dams that
currently supply or will supply water
to agricultural areas.
Three phase
and Enhanced
Water Use
Regional Water
Non – Eligible Cost
Eligible Cost
Costs that are associated
with the project that are not
considered a benefit to
Costs of transmission line
installation, transformers and related
infrastructure that will improve
agriculture’s accessibility to electric
power and allow the use of larger
pumps for agricultural water supply.
On farm pumps, irrigation
equipment and other on
farm delivery equipment.
The purchase costs of meters for
agricultural users for a regional water
supplier where improved water
management techniques are being
implemented to enhance water use.
Weather stations, and other data
equipment that will improve
agriculture’s use of water.
Tier 3 Strategic Initiatives
Incorporated groups of farmers and ranchers, agricultural and conservation groups,
educational institutions, rural municipalities, irrigation districts, agribusiness, provincial
government agencies, crown corporations.
Maximum federal funding from all sources may extend to 100% of project cost.
Operating costs are eligible as determined by AAFC-NWSEP technical specialists.
Non-refundable GST cost is eligible.
Tier 3 - Strategic Initiatives
Project Type
Eligible Cost
Non – Eligible Cost
Program Charter
Agriculture Water Supply Expansion for BC
Tier 3 - Strategic Initiatives
Project Type
Test Drilling
Programs in
areas with
Non – Eligible Cost
Eligible Cost
All drilling, sampling and testing costs associated
with exploration for new water sources in areas
lacking groundwater data. Eligible only where
the test drilling program is approved by a
AAFC-NWSEP technical specialist. The work
must be overseen by an hydrogeological
consulant and must result in a report that
summarizes the investigation results. The
completed report and all drilling and testing
information must be given to the Province and to
Eligible costs include drilling and testing costs,
elogging or gamma logging, test well construction
costs, development of test well, pump testing of
test well , water quality sampling and testing, and
consultants fees.
NOTE: the requirement for elogging or gamma
logging of test holes will be determined by the
technical specialist
Watershed and
management or
protection plans
All activities that lead to the development and/or
implementation of a water supply management or
protection plan at the watershed or aquifer scale.
The plans must include agricultural water supply
A plan should address existing information and
gaps (assessments), prioritization of hot spots,
prescriptions, and actions to be taken.
Notes: Preference in the rating system will be given to
proposals that will analyze existing information
and seek to meet information needs, that will
prioritize activities to be undertaken, that have an
education and awareness component, and that
include action on the ground.
Operating costs
(e.g. salary,
costs) for
committees are not
Program Charter
Agriculture Water Supply Expansion for BC
Tier 3 - Strategic Initiatives
Project Type
Research and
pilot projects
Eligible Cost
Projects that have an agricultural focus and that
assist in the long-term development or protection
of water supplies: e.g. Ecotechnologies research
for treatment of feedlot run-off (constructed
wetlands, floodable meadow, vegetative and
forest filter strips), water quality control and
treatment (e.g. Barley Straw algae control
alternative in surface water dugouts).
Projects that investigate and document innovative
technology and/or approaches to water supply or
water protection issues faced by the agricultural
community, e.g. Frost free nose pump.
Notes: Preference in the rating system will be given to
proposals that include information dissemination
as part of an education and awareness
Studies whose primary purpose is the collection
and compilation of existing and/or new water
resource information and that improve the ability
of producers to compare water supply options and
develop water supplies: e.g. Regional
Groundwater Assessments on an area, county or
aquifer scale.
Land and resource management impacts on
stream hydrology.
Studies that determine the feasibility (technical,
environmental, financial) of mulit-user water
supply projects (e.g. regional pipeline feasibility
Activities (other than demonstration) that relate to
transfer of technical information related to water
supply, to the agriculture community and general
of Innovative
Technology and
Demonstrations of innovative technologies or
practices related to water supply or water
information for
future water
Non – Eligible Cost
Program Charter
Agriculture Water Supply Expansion for BC