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Prof. Dr. Martin Kanoushev
Name: KANOUSHEV, Martin Stefanov
Born: August 9th, 1966, Sofia, Bulgaria
Nationality: Bulgarian
Occupation: Senior Research Fellow, Associate Professor
Address: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Sociology
Department “Society of Knowledge: Science, Education and Innovations”
13-A Moskovska Street, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
Tell. (00 359 2) 980 95 22; Fax (00 359 2) 980 94 89
1984 – Graduated High School, Veliko Tarnovo.
1991 - M.A. in Sociology at the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”.
1992 - 1993 - Post-graduate Specialization in History of Sociology at the Department of
Sociology, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”.
1995 - 1996 – Fellowship, Research Support Scheme, Open Society Foundation, Prague,
Research Topic: “National Identity in the Period of Transition – Historical Resources”.
2000 - Ph.D. in Sociology at the Institute of Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
Department Sociology of Deviant Behavior, Research Topic: “Crime, Criminality,
Punishment: A Sociological Study of the Penal Justice”.
2000 – 2001 - Fellowship, Maison des Sciences de l'Homme et de la Societe, Sofia-Paris,
Research Topic: “Norm, Deviation and Pathology in the Criminal Law (Sociological
2003 – Fellowship, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social
Sciences, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Wassenaar, Research Topic:
“Penal Power and Social Identity: Late modern versus Post-socialist Societies”.
2004 – Fellowship, Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society,
Graz, Austria, Research Topic: “Technological Construction and Postmodern
Metamorphoses of the Biopolitics: from Disciplinary Technologies to Biotechnologies of
2005 – 2006 – Fellowship, Centre for Advanced Studies, Sofia, Research Topic:
“Transformations of the Institutional Practices in the Bulgarian Legal System: Criminal
Law and Psychiatric Knowledge”.
July 2006 – Specialization, Department of Sociology, University of Kassel, Germany,
Research Topic: “Sociology of Law – Contemporary Problems and Perspectives”.
October 2006 – Specialization, Center of Economic and Social Aspects of Genomics,
University of Lancaster, Research Topic: “Ethics in Forensic Genetics”.
2007 – Habilitation in Sociology at the Institute of Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of
Sciences, Department Sociology of Deviant Behavior, Research Topic: “The Social
Construction of Deviant Subject”.
July-August 2007 – Specialization, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris,
Research Topic: “Sociology of Medicine: Toward Critique of the Concept of “Mental
2008 – 2009 – Fellowship, Centre for Advanced Studies, Sofia, Research Topic: “Regimes
of Truth: Social Context of Authority of the Criminal Law in Bulgarian “Transitions”:
1878-1900, 1944-1956, 1989-2000”.
1991 – 1996 – Researcher at the Institute for Critical Social Studies, Sofia.
1993 – 2007 – Research Fellow at the Institute of Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of
Sciences, Department Sociology of Deviant Behavior.
1993 – 1999 – Assistant Professor in Sociology at the Sofia University “St. Kliment
1995 – 1998 – Assistant Professor in Sociology at the Plovdiv University “Paisii
1996 – 2000 – Senior Researcher in Study of Public Opinion and Corruption at the Center
for Study of Democracy.
1998 – 2007 – Associate Professor in Sociology of Deviant Behaviour at the Plovdiv
University “Paisii Hilendarski”.
1999 – 2004 – Associate Professor in History of Sociology at the New Bulgarian
University, Sofia.
2000 – 2007 – Associate Professor in Sociology at the Sofia University “St. Kliment
2007 – 2008 – Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of
Sciences, Department Sociology of Deviant Behavior.
2008 – Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of
Sciences, Department Society of Knowledge: Science, Education and Innovations.
2008 – Associate Professor in Sociology at the New Bulgarian University, Departnent
Philosiphy and Sociology, Sofia.
1990 – 1991 - National Consensus in Bulgaria – Conditions of Possibility.
1990 - Test on Pre-Electoral Political Tolerance.
1991 - The “Left-Right” Political Axis and the Post-totalitarian Ideological Space.
1991 – 1994 - The Social Conflict in the Period of Transition.
1992 - The Public Space and The Modern School.
1992 - Ethno-methodology of the Situation of Inquiry (Critique of the Public Opinion
1992 – 1993 - Ethno-methodology of the Political Funeral.
1993 – 1994 - Rewriting History: 1944-1989 and after that (Ethno-methodology of the
“History of Bulgaria” Textbook).
1995 – 1996 - National Identity in the Period of Transition - Historical Resources.
1995 – 1999 - Criminal Behavior and Social Deviancies.
1996 – 2000 - The Bulgarian Public Opinion about Corruption.
1997 – 2001 - Social Networks and Economic Capitals – Genesis of New Political Elutes.
1998 – 2000 - Telematics and Communications Technologies – Industrial Comparative
1999 – 2001 - Business, State Administration and Corruption in the Bulgarian Society.
2000 – 2001 - New Bulgarian Elutes – Geopolitical Priorities, Social Assessments and
Value Orientations.
2001 - The Human Security in Central and Eastern Europe.
2001 – 2002 - The Problem of the Corruption in the Balkan Countries – Comparative
Sociological Research.
2002 – 2004 - Sociology of Deviant Behavior.
2004 – 2006 - Democratic Legitimacy and Political Rationality: A Genealogy of the Legal
Institutions in Eastern Europe.
2005 – 2007 - Institutionalization of the Ethics in Science Politics.
2006 – 2008 - Violence and Minors: Transformations of the Social Control in the Postsocialist Bulgaria.
2007 – 2009 - Sociology of Medicine: Toward Critique of the Concept of “Mental Illness”.
Bulgarian – native; Russian – fluent; English – fluent
MS Windows, Word, Excel, Access, SPSS, PowerPoint.
Kanoushev, M. 1994. “History as a Political Field of Social Conflict”. In: The Social
Conflict in Conditions of Transition, Institute of Sociology, Sofia.
Kanoushev, M. 1994. “The Public Opinion in Bulgaria - Political and Economic Index”,
(co-authorship). BBSS Gallup International, Sofia.
Kanoushev, M. 1995. “The Topic of Personal Biography in the Historical Narrative”. In:
The Rewriting of Bulgarian History, Institute for Critical Social Studies, Sofia.
Kanoushev, M. 1995. “Disciplinary Functions of the Invisible School Program”. In: The
Rewriting of Bulgarian History, Institute for Critical Social Studies, Sofia.
Kanoushev, M. 1995. “Bulgarian School - Norm Order and Sanctions”. In: Behavior and
Deviance’s, Institute of Sociology, Sofia.
Kanoushev, M. 1995. “The Public Opinion in Bulgaria - Political and Economic Index”,
(co-authorship). BBSS Gallup International, Sofia.
Kanoushev, M. 1996. “Ethnomethodological Gaze on the Historical Discourse”, (coauthorship). In: Sociological Problems 3.
Kanoushev, M. 1996. “Expert Knowledge and Public Opinion”. In: Archive 1-2.
Kanoushev, M. 1996. “The Public Opinion in Bulgaria - Political and Economic Index”,
(co-authorship). BBSS Gallup International, Sofia.
Kanoushev, M. 1996. “The School Unit in History: an Ethnomethodological Experiment”.
In: Archive 1-2.
Kanoushev, M. 1997. “The Public Opinion in Bulgaria - Political and Economic Index”,
(co-authorship). BBSS Gallup International, Sofia.
Kanoushev, M. 1997. “Individualized Punishment”. In: Sociological Problems 1-2.
Kanoushev, M. 1997. “State Frontiers and Treaties in the New Bulgarian History”. In:
National Identity in the Period of Transition – Historical Resources, LIK, Sofia.
Kanoushev, M. 1997. “Wars in the New Bulgarian History”. In: National Identity in the
Period of Transition – Historical Resources, LIK, Sofia.
Kanoushev, M. 1997. “The Symbolic Topology in the Balkans”. In: Sociological Problems
Kanoushev, M. 1997. “The Politics as Seen Through the Prism of Public Opinion”, (coauthorship). Sova - 5, Sofia.
Kanoushev, M. 1998. “Bulgarian History in Context of the Balkan State Relationships”,
(co-authorship). In: The Image of the Other, Nauka I Izkustvo, Sofia.
Kanoushev, M. 1998. “The Bulgarian School – Normative Order, Deviations, and
Sanctions”. In: Sociological Review, Special Issue.
Kanoushev, M. 1998. “The Politics as Seen through the Prism of Public Opinion”, (coauthorship). Sova - 5, Sofia.
Kanoushev, M. 1999. “The Contemporary Prison – Evident and Latent Functions”. In:
Sociological Review 1.
Kanoushev, M. 1999. “Law and Social Deviations”. In: Minor Age and Deviant Behavior,
Prosveta, Sofia.
Kanoushev, M. 1999. “Public Opinion in Bulgaria: Monitoring of the Corruption”. Center
for Study of Democracy, Sofia.
Kanoushev, M. 1999. “The Problem of Corruption into Balkan Countries – Comparative
Sociological Research”. Center for Study of Democracy, Sofia.
Kanoushev, M. 1999. “The Politics as Seen Through the Prism of Public Opinion”, (coauthorship). Sova - 5, Sofia.
Kanoushev, M. 2000. “Crime, Criminality, Punishment: A Sociological Study of the Penal
Justice”. Institute of Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia.
Kanoushev, M. 2000. “Bulgarian Transition – Limits of the Politological Discourse”. In:
Social Networks and Structural Transformation of the Capitals After November 10th, 1989:
A Conceptualization of the Transition, LIK, Sofia.
Kanoushev, M. 2000. “Political Discourse Concerning Corruption in the Bulgarian
Society”. Center for Study of Democracy, Sofia.
Kanoushev, M. 2000. “The Space of Justice – Power of the Law or Power of the Norm”. In:
Critique and Humanism 2.
Kanoushev, M. 2000. “Public Opinion in Bulgaria: Monitoring of the Corruption”. Center
for Study of Democracy, Sofia.
Kanoushev, M. 2000. “The Problem of Corruption in the Balkan Countries – Comparative
Sociological Research”. Center for Study of Democracy, Sofia.
Kanoushev, M. 2001. “The Corruption in the East European Countries – Problems and
Relations between Political Systems, State Institutions and Civil Society”. Center for Study
of Democracy, Sofia.
Kanoushev, M. 2001. “Dimensions and Current Condition of the Human Security in Central
and Eastern Europe”. Center for Study of Democracy, Sofia.
Kanoushev, M. 2001. “Norm, Deviation and Pathology in Criminal Justice (Sociological
Perspective)”. In: Annuaire, Maison des Sciences de l'Homme et de la Societe, Sofia-Paris,
Kanoushev, M. 2001. “Public Opinion in Bulgaria: Monitoring of the Corruption”. Center
for Study of Democracy, Sofia.
Kanoushev, M. 2001. “The Problem of Corruption into Balkan Countries – Comparative
Sociological Research”. Center for Study of Democracy, Sofia.
Kanoushev, M. 2002. “Dimensions and Current Condition of the Human Security in Central
and Eastern Europe”. Center for Study of Democracy, Sofia.
Kanoushev, M. 2002. “The Crime without Reason” and the Mechanics of Penal Power
(Towards Sociology of Social Deviations)”. In: Sociological Problems 1-2.
Kanoushev, M. 2003. “Prison and Discipline: A Genealogy of the New Technologies of
Social Control”. In: International Journal of Prison Studies 3, International Center for
Prison Studies, London, United Kingdom.
Kanoushev, M. 2003. “Criminality and Delinquencies”. In: Yearbook of the Department of
Sociology, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium.
Kanoushev, M. 2003. “Penal Power and Social Identity: Late modern versus Post socialist
Societies”. In: Annual Report of Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities
and Social Sciences, Wassenaar, The Netherlands.
Kanoushev, M. 2004. “Psychiatric Expertise and Deviant Behavior: Toward Archaeology of
the Legal-medical Power”. In: Critique and Humanism 1.
Kanoushev, M. 2004. “Norm and Pathologies: The Diseases of the Bulgarian Transition”,
(co-authorship). In: Critique and Humanism 1.
Kanoushev, M. 2004. “Introduction” to Norm and Pathologies, Critique and Humanism
Journal 1.
Kanoushev, M. 2005. “The Modern Prison – Conditions of Possibility and Principles of
Existence”. In: Sociology of Deviant Behavior, Prosveta, Sofia.
Kanoushev, M. 2005. “Method and Rationality or How is Possible the Sociology of
Everyday Live”. In: Bulgarian Language Edition of Le Monde Diplomatique, March.
Kanoushev, M. 2005. “Machine and Production: Toward Ontology of Desire”. In:
Bulgarian Language Edition of Le Monde Diplomatique, June.
Kanoushev, M. 2005. “Memory and History or for the Truth between Facts and
Interpretations”. In: Bulgarian Language Edition of Le Monde Diplomatique, July.
Kanoushev, M. 2005. “Method and Rationality or for the Research Possibilities of the
Ehtnomethodology”. In: Sociological Problems 1-2.
Kanoushev, M. 2005. “The Prison and the Clinic – Two Topics of New Social Control”. In:
Prison Affair 1.
Kanoushev, M. 2006. “Technological Construction of the Biopolitics: from Disciplinary
Technologies to Biotechnologies of Control”. In: Yearbook of the Institute for Advanced
Studies on Science, Technology and Society, Graz, Austria.
Kanoushev, M. 2006. “Biopolitics and Human Rights: a Genealogy of the Problem of
Euthanasia”. In: Sociological Problems 1-2.
Kanoushev, M. 2006. “Social Inter-times and Political Rationality: Toward Sociology of
Govermentality”. In: The Worlds in Sociology, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”.
Kanoushev, M. 2006. “Introduction” to Higher Education and Scientific Research in
Knowledge Based Societies, Critique and Humanism Journal 1.
Kanoushev, M. 2006. “Introduction” to Biopolitics and Bioethics, Sociological Problems 12.
Kanoushev, M. 2006. “Transformations of the Institutional Practices in the Bulgarian Legal
System: Criminal Law and Psychiatric Knowledge”. Centre for Advanced Study, Sofia.
Kanoushev, M. 2007. “Ethics in Forensic Genetics”, (co-authorship). In: The
Institutionalization of Ethics in Science Policy, Genewatch, London, United Kingdom.
Kanoushev, М. 2007. Postsocialist Metamorphoses of the Criminal Law and Psychiatric
Knowledge in Eastern Europe. In: Institutions, Images, Hybrids, Volume I, Berlin,
Kanoushev, M. 2007. “Law and Psychiatry: Concerning the Problem of Medicalizing Forms
of Crime”. In: Sociological Problems 1-2.
Kanoushev, M. 2007. “Translation of Michael Walzer, On Toleration”. Critique and
Humanism Publishing House, Sofia.
Kanoushev, M. 2007. “Introduction” to Doctoral Researches – Problems and Perspectives,
Critique and Humanism Journal 2.
Kanoushev, M. 2008. “The Social Construction of Deviant Subject”. Critique and
Humanism Publishing House, Sofia.
Kanoushev, M. 2008. “The Problem of Euthanasia: Social Context and Ethics Grounds”. In:
The Institutionalization of Ethics in Science Policy, Sofia.
Kanoushev, M. 2008. “The Genetics Technologies: Scientific Rationality versus Ethics
Critic”. In: The Institutionalization of Ethics in Science Policy, Sofia.
Kanoushev, M. 2008. “Power, Truth and Subject in the Bulgarian Criminal Law”, (to
appear). In: Critique and Humanism 3.
Kanoushev, M. 2008. Expert Examination, Norm and Truth in the Bulgarian Judiciary
System. In: Roles, Institutions, Hybrids, Volume I, Berlin, Germany.