focus - US Scouting Service Project

Volume 12, Number 6
January 2006 Cub Scout Roundtable
February 2006 Cub Scout Theme
Tiger Cub Requirement # 4
Cub Scout Roundtable Leaders’ Guide
Our Cub Scouts are getting ready to celebrate another
anniversary of Cub Scouting, but with a little twist. The
year is not 2006 but 2106!! Our boys will have fun using
their imaginations and looking into the future. What will a
Blue and Gold Banquet be like 100 years from now? What
kind of food will be served? Will our Cub Scout uniform be
a one piece jumpsuit like the astronauts wear? How will our
future be different from the world we now live in? Let’s see
if we can find out.
Cub Scout Roundtable Leaders’ Guide
Some of the purposes of Cub Scouting developed through
this month’s theme are:
 Personal Achievement, Boys will be aware that the
goals they meet today will make a difference in the
 Good Citizenship, Boys will learn that many things
will change in the future, however, we still have a
responsibility to our community.
 Fun and Adventure, Boys will have a chance to
explore futuristic ideas.
The core value highlighted this month is:
 Courage, Boys will learn that even though the future
will be different from today, everyone still has to do
the right thing.
Can you think of others??? Hint – look in your Cub Scout
Program Helps. It lists different ones!! All the items on
both lists are applicable!! You could probably list all twelve
if you thought about it!!
Let’s See, what is this month’s theme – Oh, yes, “Cubs in
the Future.” In our future are many changes and they will
be coming faster and faster. New computers, new games,
new vehicles (Have you seen the ads for the hybrids that are
coming out now?), new efforts to save the environment,
historical buildings and places, better knowledge of how to
treat and care for the wonderful human bodies God has
given us. But when I went through most of the Pow Wow
Books, the only future thing I found was SPACE. I tried to
spread out what was in Baloo to give you some other future
stuff, too, but resources were limited. Space was probably
the whole future when I was a boy watching the progress
Webelos Scholar & Engineer
toward the first Moon landing from Shepard to Grissom to
Glenn, from Mercury to Gemini to Apollo (Remember the
Christmas Eve flight of Apollo 8 and Bible reading from
Space on this man’s first flight around the moon?) But now
days, Space travel is accepted and our Cubs are looking
forward to many other things in their future. Make use of
their imagination, please.
When I saw Julie prepared this month’s material, I started
with the SGV-LBA-VH Pow Wow CD. This turned out to
be a great choice!! That book had a nice distribution
between space and other future items. Be sure to check out
the Cubnac skit they (and SHAC) had!!
Now this is the Blue and Gold Banquet theme, so keep it
fun. Celebrate that birthday party in a future style – design
new uniforms (there are hints in Baloo), have aliens visit,
create new occupations, have computers and robots doing
exciting things!
Speaking of change – My Pastor told me this one Q: Do you know how many Lutherans it takes to change a
light bulb?
A: CHANGE?? Did you say CHANGE??
Thank you for the Pow Wow Books
I received many, many Pow Wow Books this month. Thank
you all. I now have Sam Houston Area , Heart of America,
Greater Saint Louis, Great Salt Lake, (These last two caused
me a problem when I was copying stuff onto my machine –
they have the same initials – GSL), Baylakes, Alapaha
(Valdosta, GA), Baltimore and Northern NJ. Santa Clara
County council and the Verdugo Hills, Long Beach Area,
San Gabriel Valley Pow Wows are yet to happen! This
should be a really great year on Baloo. If I missed thanking
someone, sorry. I will begin mailing CD swaps out after my
RT on January 11, 2005.
National makes a patch for every Cub Scout Monthly theme.
This is the one for this theme. Check them out at
Page 2
Months with similar themes to
Cubs in the Future
Dave D in Illinois
Looking at the evolution of this theme, it is interesting to see
the year change from 2000 to 2030 (The 100th Anniversary
of Cubbing) to this year’s approach, “Look 100 years into
the future, 2106”) CD
2000 AD
New Worlds
2000 AD
The World Tomorrow
2000 A.D.
Living in 2000 A.D.
The World Tomorrow
Living in A.D.2030
Living in A.D.2030
Living in the 21st Century
Tomorrow's World
Thanks to Scouter Jim from Bountiful, Utah, who prepares
this section of Baloo for us each month. You can reach
him at or through the link to write
Baloo on CD
2005-2006 Cub Scout Roundtable Planning Guide
“As we look into the future we understand that things will
change. Even so, we need to remain true to the values that
guide our lives. Amen.”
The Spirit of ‘76
Scouting Jim, Bountiful, Utah
2006 is the 76th Birthday for Cub Scouting. In 1776, the
men who signed the Declaration of Independence could
hardly conceive of what the next 230 years would bring. It
would take nearly 40 years and two wars for the Union they
were creating to finally become independent of England.
They could never envision that some 85 years latter the
Union they created would have its greatest crisis nearly
tearing it apart. But the union they created has given the
world, the light bulb, the airplane, the assembly line, the
telephone, the television, and technology that moves at a
pace so quickly that the founding fathers would just stand in
amazement at what creations have come to be. We stand on
the edge of a new millennia and we look forward. What will
the world look like in the year 2076, 300 years from the
beginnings of our nation? Will our children’s children find a
way to save the earth from the problems that loom darkly
over our future now? Will the way we communicate be as
vastly different as it was in 1776 from today? What will be
the mode of transportation, and where will our energy come
from? How will we dress, what will we do for recreation,
and what will be the language of the world? Many of the
Cub Scouts of today will be alive to see the third centennial
of our nation. Ten-year-olds will be eighty and seven yearolds will be a youthful seventy-seven. This month let us
help our young charges to envision the world they will leave
for their grandchildren, the world they will help create.
A Heap
Sam Houston Area Council
It takes a heap of working with a boy to make a man.
A heap of care and patience, and you’ve got to understand
That he won’t be any better than you were as a lad,
Unless a spark is kindled to show him what is bad.
He looks to you for guidance, and he looks to you with pride
It’s up to you to demonstrate you can’t just let it slide.
For with that eager mind of his, he watches you each day;
Judges you by what you’re doing not just by what you say.
Santa Clara Council Pow Wow Book
“In the Troop you will have to think for yourself and stand
on your own feet. You will have to stop yourself from
following a crowd if you are not sure that crowd is on a
Scoutly job; you will have to stop yourself from giving up a
thing because it seems dull and hard. You will need real
pluck and steadiness.”.” – Lord Robert Baden-Powell
“The best thing about the future is that it only comes one day
at a time.” - Abraham Lincoln
“I never think of the future. It comes soon enough.” - Albert
“In every conceivable manner, the family is link to our past,
bridge to our future.” Alex Haley
“The future ain't what it used to be.” - Yogi Berra
“Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future.” –
Niels Bohr, Nobel Laureate
“Those who have knowledge don’t predict. Those who
predict don’t have knowledge.” – Lao Tzu
“It takes a lot of courage to show your dreams to someone
else.” – Erma Bombeck
“Dream the dreams that have never been dreamt.” – David
“Some men see things as the yare and say why … I dream of
things that never were and say why not.” – George Bernard
Shaw, Back to Methuselah
“Hold fast to dreams for it dreams did, life is a broken
winged bird that cannot fly.” – Langston Hughes
“Wisdom doesn’t necessarily come with age. Sometimes
age just shows up all by itself.” – Tom Wilson
“How many cares one loses when one decides not to be
something but to be someone.” – Coco Chanel
“Each of us literally chooses, by his way of attending to
things, what sort of universe he shall appear to himself to
inhabit.” – William James
“Instead of thinking about where you are, think about where
you want to be. It takes twenty years of hard work to
become an overnight success.” – Diana Rankin
“Good history is a question of survival. Without any past,
we will deprive ourselves of the defining impression of our
being.” – Ken Burns
Page 3
Famously Wrong Predictions
Be careful what you predict. It may come back to haunt
you…or laugh at you.
“Computers in the future may weigh no more that 1.5 tons.”
– Popular Mechanics, forecasting the relentless march of
science, 1949
“I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.”
– Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943
“I have traveled the length and breath of this county and
talked with the best people, and I can assure you that data
processing is a fad that won’t last out the year.” – The
editor in charge of business books for Prentice Hall, 1957
But what…is it good for?” Engineer at the Advanced
Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968, commenting
on the microchip.
“There is not reason anyone would want a computer in their
home.” – Ken Olson, president, chairman and founder of
Digital Equipment Corp., 1977
“This ‘telephone’ has too many shortcomings to be seriously
considered as a means of communication. The device is
inherently of no value to us.” – Western Union internal
memo, 1876.
Smith’s paper proposing reliable overnight delivery
service. (Smith went on to found Federal Express Corp.)
“If I had though about it, I wouldn’t have done the
experiment. The literature was full of examples that said
you can’t do this.” – Spencer Silver on the work that led
to the unique adhesives for 3-M “Post-It” Notepads
“Professor Goddard does not know the relation between
action and reaction and the need to have something better
than a vacuum against which to react. He seems to lack the
basic knowledge ladled out daily in High Schools.” – New
York Time editorial about Robert Goddard’s
revolutionary rocket work, 1921
“Drill for oil? You mean drill into the ground to try to find
oil? You’re crazy!” – Drillers who Edwin L. Drake tried
to enlist to his project to drill for oil in 1859
“640K ought toe be enough for anybody.” – Bill Gates,
“$100 million dollars is way too much to pay for Microsoft.”
– IBM 1982
“Louis Pasteur’s theory of germs is ridiculous fiction.” –
Pierre Pachet, Professor of Physiology at Toulouse, 1872
“Ours has been the first and doubtless the last, to visit this
profitless locality.” – Lt. Joseph Ives after visiting the
Grand Canyon in 1861
The abdomen, the chest, and the brain will forever be shut
from the intrusion of the wise and humane surgeon” – Sir
John Eric Ericksen, British surgeon, appointed SurgeonExtraordinary to Queen Victoria 1873
“We don’t like their sound. Groups of guitars are on the
way out.” – Decca Executive, 1962, after turning down
the Beatles
“Everything that can be invented has been invented.” –
Charles H. Duell, Commissioner, U.S. Office of Patents,
“With over 50 foreign cars already on sale here, the Japanese
auto industry isn’t likely to carve out a big slice of the US
market.” – Business Week, August 2, 1968
“Who want toe hear actors talk?” – H. M. Warner, Warner
Brothers, 1927
“Market research reports say America likes crispy cookies,
not soft chewy cookies like your make.” – Response to
Debbi Fields’ idea of Mrs. Fields’ Cookies
“We don’t need you. You haven’t got through college yet.”
– Hewlett Packard excuses toe Steve Jobs, who founded
Apple Computers instead.
Airplanes are interesting toys, but they are of no military
value whatsoever.” – Marechal Ferdinand Fock, Professor
of Strategy, Ecole Superieure de Guerre
“No matter what happens, the U.S. Navy is not going toe be
caught napping.” – U.S. Secretary of Navy, December 4,
“While theoretically and technically television may be
feasible, commercially and financially it is an impossibility.”
– Lee DeForest, inventor
“The concept is interesting and well-formed, but in order to
earn better than a ‘C,’ the idea must be feasible.” – Yale
University management professor in response to Fred
Recruiting Leaders
Bill Smith, the Roundtable Guy
Your Pack’s Blue and Gold Celebration is on track and
ready to go. The B&G committee you recruited last
September - right after your annual program planning
session - is doing their job and reporting that everything is
right on schedule.
Congratulations! That’s the way a good pack committee
and leadership should operate.
So what are you going to do in February? Take the month
off? Instead, why not start at your Blue and Gold to take a
What leaders and other key adults in your pack will
still be around next fall? You will most likely lose a
few and they must be replaced so your pack can
continue to provide a quality program to the boys.
 What are the big activities scheduled for spring and
summer that will require more leadership and adult
help? It’s just about time to bring some new faces into
your Corps of Scouting Discovery
This is the time to take inventory of all your leaders. Who
will be staying on for the coming year? Who will be going
on to Boy Scouts with their graduating Webelos? Who will
Page 4
be moving away from the community? It is much easier to
recruit replacements and to enlarge your committee right
after your Blue & Gold banquet, before summer comes.
Yes, it will take that long to get new folks on board - They
will need to be selected, recruited, trained and mentored into
your Cub Scouting world.
We do not lack competition;
what we need are allies and team members.
Go out and recruit them.
Remember for your new leaders – Fast Start training and
Youth Protection training is available on-line Fast Start training
Youth Protection Online
Good Cub Packs have Good Leaders.
We don't get good leaders by accident. It takes planning and
hard work.
Start right now at your Blue and Gold Banquets to take a
good look at the leadership needs of your Cub Pack.
As you approach the end of your Webelos year,
consider which of your present Pack leaders will be
going on with their graduating sons to Boy Scouts?
Who will replace them? When will they be trained?
Will your Pack's program continue with no interruption?
Who will lead the new Dens as Tigers graduate to
the Wolf program, Wolves to Bear, and Bears to
Webelos? This will occur in most Packs in April or
Who will be in charge of Roundup, Pack finance,
the Pack's camping program?
Its time to take stock. The Blue and Gold is an
excellent place to look for new leaders. All the parents
are there and it gives us the lead time to do a good
recruiting job.
Effective recruiting takes planning.
Selecting the right prospects
What do you know about the parents of boys in your pack?
Try to match people with jobs. Have you had all the parents
fill out a Parent Talent Survey Sheet? Some years ago I
found a great Personal Information sheet on the internet.
You can download a copy from:
Choosing a recruiter
Who knows the prospect? Is there someone in your
organization who commands the respect of one you hope to
recruit? Someone to whom they might say “yes.”
Closing the Deal
Never attempt to recruit over the phone or standing up at a
meeting and asking for volunteers.
The key factor is asking them personally. This should be
done in a face to face situation, preferably while you are
wearing your uniform. If you ask someone personally to
basically give what you're giving, it is much harder for them
to say no.
In Scouting, we are in serious competition with a
host of adversaries:
We compete against intolerance, violence and hate;
We compete against neglect, deceit and abuse;
We compete against drugs and street gangs;
We compete against rejection, loneliness, and humiliation;
We compete against illiteracy, ignorance and despair.
There are two items this month –
Character Connections by Carol from American Elm
A Blue & Gold Dinner Agenda from Sam Houston
Area Council
Character Connections
Carol E. Little, CS RT Commissioner
American Elm District, Black Swamp Council
The Character Connection information in this article and
on , my website come from
excerpts from friends interested in helping other Scouters get
needed information about the new program. Jamie Dunn,
Three Rivers District –Cub Training Chair; Blaine in Coon
Rapids, MN; Sean Scott, Council Vice President, Public
Relations, California Inland Empire Council and Sean’s
Philmont Report with one of the authors of the new
Character Connections, Dr. Matt Davidson. Thanks, for the
Character Connections involves 12 core character values,
but the program does not assume there are only 12 values, if
we can succeed in creating a strong character foundation
with our scouts they will learn other values later. Also,
although each achievement emphasizes one particular CC it
doesn't mean that it is the only character value that can be
focused on in that activity.
When the first Character Connections achievements came
out in the new Tiger books, leaders were not used to
teaching character building. The old BSA Ethics in Action
program which attempted to make character an optional
element of the program did not succeed. Character
Connections, by being integrated into the books,
achievements, materials, and so forth, we are building on a
child's developmental ability.
CC also involves three dimensions that aren't separate or
even separable-- to know, commit and practice. The boy
needs to know the CC (head), commit to it (heart) and
practice it in his daily life (hand). Character is both caught
and taught. We see someone exhibiting character and follow
their example in our community. We can also teach
character by telling, discussion, experience and modeling.
This is where the discussion points in the books come into
The end goal of CC is to establish a moral identity for our
youth. Until a boy takes on Scouting's values as his or her
own, it isn't a violation of a child's personal morals to break
those values. Values are situational, too. In the context of a
Scout meeting, a boy may quite comfortable reciting the
Page 5
pledge or discussing the importance of not littering.
However, under pressure from his peers in a non-Scouting
setting, the boy needs to have a sense of greater conviction
to those same values to stand behind them as strongly when
they may not be as popular for him or her to follow them.
CC can be integrated into achievements in the following
1. Say you're working on a conservation project or hike.
You're out in nature, and you come across a pile of rubbish
left by some campers or hikers. One of your boys makes a
comment about how rude or careless littering is. Ask the
boys why they think it's rude to litter. This is the KNOW
component. They've seen an example of littering, and now
they realize that it's not nice to toss your trash in the woods.
Ask them how they felt when they came across the pile of
trash. Did it distract them from everything else that was
around them? Did it make them forget that they were
looking for animal tracks, or a certain type of plant?
2. This is the Commit phase, where these boys realize that
they don't want to be thought of in the same way as they're
thinking of whoever left the trash. Now that you've guided
them to discover how they feel, they establish a personal set of
values about littering. The important part here is that it is easy
to break a rule we don't believe in or hold as a personal value.
People speed because they don't think it's too wrong--they
consider themselves good drivers and capable of handling a
vehicle at a higher speed than the posted limit, or because the
importance of being someplace sooner outweighs the
importance of breaking the law. Speeding just doesn't violate
most people's core values or beliefs. Most people, though, do
have a value system that prevents them from shoplifting.
Doing so would violate their personal values.
3. Cultivation of a sense of community and the impact that
values have on the boy's place in that community. we've
helped the boys establish *for themselves* that littering is
wrong, guided them to understand how they feel about the
person that left the trash, and realize that they don't want to
be thought of in the same way. Now we apply the last
part of the program, Practice. where the values are broken
into actual skills. Here it may help to script the steps toward
the end goal so that difficult concepts can be better
understood.. Help them make the decision to pick up the
trash, and to not litter themselves. It's not until they have an
opportunity to actually do/avoid something that the three
parts come together and a character connection is made.
4. Cool down, where discussion of what went well, what
could have gone better, and what might come next can be
How to do a Character Connection activity:
1. Reserve judgment—let them give their ideas
2. Open ended questions—require scouts to think and give
personal ideas.
3. Feeling questions—what did they felt about the
experience—that makes it personal to the scouts.
4. Judgment questions— about their feelings
5. Ask guiding questions and stay on track.
6. Closing thoughts—Bring discussion to an end.
This isn't a classroom type of program. Rather, it's a method
by which we as leaders can have an informal discussion with
our youth and allow them to discover how they feel about
something. As in all Scouting activities, Make it simple,
make it FUN! Examples found in the 2005 Character
Connections Packet are collected from 2002 to present so
that future Leaders will have the resources we had from the
To learn more check out Character Connections
The Purposes of Cub Scouting and Character Connections
How Character Connections are used as part of the
Character Connections Chart #13-323A Chart explaining
Character Connections
2005 Character Connections Packet Examples of the
different areas covered by Character Connections from past
Program Helps (from 2002 to this year's 2005 - 2006),
Roundtable Resource sheets, and the 2003 Cub Scout Books.
Character Connections Data Some history behind the
Character Connections Overview of all ranks on a chart.
C Connections Outdoor Grid Ideas for outdoor activities.
“Cubs in the Future” Blue and Gold Banquet Agenda
Sam Houston Area Council
Agenda items not explained here, will be found in
appropriate sections of Baloo’s Bugle (e.g. “Scouting
Around the World” may be found in Opening Ceremonies)
 Hand-out Pack newsletters and Pack Meeting programs.
 Den Displays: Every month, dens should bring displays
to show what they have done since the last pack
meeting. Ideas for this month  22nd Century Uniform and Costume Show
 Parade of 22nd Century transportation vehicles
 The Trail from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts Maze:
Page 6
Opening/Flag Ceremony
Sam Houston Area Council
Baloo Songs/Activities
Baloo is a Cub leader who knows how to have fun, and likes
to share that fun with others. Start THE Blue & Gold (as
well as every pack meeting) with a fun participation song or
activity for all Cubs and family members. This should be
led by an energetic adult (or Den Chief or Webelos Scout)
acting as Baloo for the Pack meeting. This encourages
people to be at the pack meeting on-time and it gets the
show rolling with a bang. Later in the Pack meeting, Baloo
will also be the one leading cheers for songs, skits and
Baloo’s Profound Thought: When you're riding in a
time machine going far into the future, don't stick your
elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil.
 Baloo Run-ons: Your Baloo should be ready with some
Run-Ons so he/she can jump in when there is a lull in
the action setting up for awards, prepping a skit, …
You should have some skits by the dens to show off their
acting ability and at least one Audience Participation to get
everyone involved.
This and That Narrative:
This has been in Baloo before but if you haven’t used it
before, this story is always good. CD
Rollicking Robots
Flag Recipe:
Be sure to have some fun action songs to give the Cubs
“wiggle time” as my Mother used to say, as well as, some
more serious Scouting and Patriotic ones, too. Intersperse
these as appropriate throughout the program. Have a really
lively one right after the opening.
Make a list of the cheers you wish to use that night. Look
over the awards list and pick appropriate cheers for the
awards as well as a few to have on tap for skits, songs and
when recognizing the Blue & Gold committee and all the
pack leaders.
What’s coming up for your Pack in the near future?
The Birthday for Robert Lord Baden-Powell, founder of
Scouting is February 22nd (The same as George
Washington’s real birthday!! But a different year – BP –
1857, George Washington – 1732 (Which by the way are the
digits used for the square root of 3 (Sq Rt of 3 = 1.732)).
Make special recognitions for your departing Webelos
leaders and families.
Open the time capsule that the transitioning Webelos had
assembled a few years before.
Provide some recognition for all of your leaders and
committee members, your Chartered Org, and those who
have helped you during the year. Keep them light, quick and
Baltimore Area Council
For the someone in your pack who has done an extra special
job for the Pack or Den. Draw a rocket on a piece of
cardboard, make a model rocket or present the person with a
cheap rocket.
Have a label for the rocket with the person’s name, an
explanation of the award, and why they earned it
22nd Century Awards
For this ceremony, build two cardboard transporter portals.
If your venue doesn’t have a stage with a curtain, then you
should also have an opaque sheet between the portals
(perhaps a sheet of black plastic). In a school cafeteria with
a stage, the entrance portal may be at ground level (with
access to the side entrance to the stage) and the appearance
portal can be in the middle of the stage so that the boys can
walk quickly from one to the other unseen by the audience.
Cubmaster’s Minute
Have an inspirational thought to close the meeting.
Something for the parents and boys to leave with and think
about. Not sure how to do this? If there is a Scoutmaster at
your Blue and Gold, ask him in advance to be ready with
one. Part of his job as Scoutmaster is to close every Troop
Meeting with a Scoutmaster’s Minute.
CM Minute - Johnny Appleseed
And then finish it with a closing ceremony lead by one of
the dens
I Made a Promise
Achievement 4, How I Tell It
This requirement is about Communication. Getting our
Tigers to talk with others and be positive in what they say.
They may learn how to carry on conversations and a little
about mass communication.
Tigers can learn there are many modes of communication –
when we talk, write, dance, sing or draw pictures. We
communicate too with our faces when we frown or smile
and our bodies with how we stand or move our arms.
Our uniforms and beads (on our Tiger totems) and patches
communicate information about who we are and what we
like to do.
Adults communicate through newspapers, magazines, books
(Harry Potter) television and radio. Be open to showing all
these to your tigers to help them search, Discover and Share.
Achievement 4 Family Activity
4F - At a family meal, have each family member take turns
telling the others one thing that happened to him or her that
day. Remember to practice being a good listener while you
wait for your turn to talk.
Mealtime conversations should be kept positive. Sharing
your day’s activities could be become a regular family
Page 7
activity. Try to do this at a meal when everyone is there.
Sharing amongst family members is always good so try to
keep doing it even if only a few members are present.
The requirement helps promote Family
Understanding, one of the Ten Purposes of Cub
This requirement involves doing a Character Connection on
Respect. There are three elements to every Character
Connection. A Tiger must first know what is correct, then
practice doing it and finally commit to doing it in the future.
If you want more info on Character Connections there is a
BSA Bin Item 13-323A or go to Bill Smith’s Virtual
roundtable at -
For the Respect Character Connection –
Know – Have the Tiger discuss how he can show respect
while talking with others. How to listen respectfully. How
he may interrupt and still be respectful.
Practice – Have him participate in a family conversation
(The one for this requirement would be great!!) Then
discuss how he and others showed respect.
Commit – Have him discuss how it felt to be respected
while he talked and how he felt showing respect o others.
Have him make a list of three things to remember to help
him talk respectfully.
Achievement 4 Den Activity
4D - Play "Tell It Like It Isn't"
This is the old “Whistling Down the Alley” game where the
boys line up and pass a secret along. By the time it gets to
the end, it usually is different than the start. The more boys
the more fun. The Adults should join in, too, to make the
line longer.
After the game discuss how things your Tiger may hear may
not always be accurate. That messages change as they are
passed from person to person. Discuss, too, how unkind
words (gossip) can do harm and is often untrue. Cubs
should only try and say things that are true. Honesty is a
core value of Cub Scouting.
Achievement 4 Go and See It
4G - Visit a television station, radio station, or newspaper
office. Find out how people there communicate with others.
This is very easy. Where I live we have a great radio station,
WJBR ( that invites Scouts up to tour.
Then, if the Den wants to, they tape them saying the Pledge
of Allegiance. Every day at 7:00 AM, they play a tape of a
group (school class, Den, Troop, Club). They even came to
my roundtable and had us one morning saying the Pledge.
I really like it when I hear a Tiger Den; they are so honest
and excited. And most say it correctly – saying “One Nation
Under God” as a continuous phrase without a pause. Of
course it helps that the morning DJ, Michael Waite, grew up
in Indiana, the Heartland of America, and his assistant, Mr.
Rhoads is an experienced Philmont trekker!! I have heard
the Pledge said on several other area stations so maybe there
is one by you.
Our local newspaper encourages tours. When my son’s Den
went for Communicator, they inserted a picture of the Den
on the front page and ran enough copies so each Scout could
get one!!
February Tiger Activities
Sam Houston Area Council
Requirement 4D – Tell it like it isn’t. Use a futuristic
Elective #25 - Snack Time. Take turns for den snacks. Make
them futuristic.
Elective #33 – Clean-up Treasure Hunt. Taking care of the
environment is important for the future.
Elective 34 - Conservation. Talk about how conserving
affects the future.
Elective 47 – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Talk about how
recycling affects the future.
Internet Scout Patch - Earn It!
U.S. Scouting Service Project
This is an educational program of the U.S. Scouting
Service Project and is not part of the advancement
program of any WOSM Scouting Association
Cub Scout (Under 11 years old) Requirements:
Do ANY 8 of Requirements 1 through 11 AND Do
Requirement 12
Online help -
(You can find the Boy Scout (over 11 years old)
requirements here)
Computer Access Find out where computing resources are
available in your community or school OR visit a store
where computer hardware, software and accessories are sold.
Share with your leader (or a parent) and with your Den what
you learned.
Getting Connected Find out what internet service you use
at home, or your parents use at work or learn about a service
that is available in your home town. Discuss with your
parents and Den Leader what you learned.
Online Safety Learn about Online safety and how to protect
yourself on the Internet. With your parents, guardian, or
Scout Leader, go to and
complete each lesson.
Web Browsers Explain what a browser (for example;
Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Opera,
Amaya, or Lynx) is and how use a browser to find
information on the World Wide Web.
Using the World Wide Web Demonstrate how to connect
to the Internet and World Wide Web using a computer &
modem or other device (Cable Modems, DSL, etc) . Once
Page 8
Explain the difference between a web page and a website.
Demonstrate what a "link" is and how it works.
Explain how to change from one URL to another.
Searching for Information Use a search engine on the
World Wide Web Examples of search engines include;
Google (, Yahoo
(, AltaVista
(, Lycos
( and FirstGov (
Find a website which addresses some part of Scouting.
Using the Web for Scouting Visit and
under the category “Let’s Go Surfing”, find and print out
games, songs or skits. (If Bears find a game, song or skit
they like and get their Den Leader’s approval, they can plan
and conduct one of the above during a den meeting and
complete Achievement 24c.)
Your Own Web Page With the help of an adult build a
simple web page and show it to your Scout Leader (or a
parent). This web page should include text, a link, and a
graphic. (note: This web page does not have to be put on the
internet to qualify and can be done as a den project.)
Discuss with your Scout leader (or a parent) how an
individual with disabilities can access the web.
Using E-mail Show how to send and receive e-mail.
Internet Communications Explain what Messenger-type
services (AOL Instant Messenger, MSN Messenger, Yahoo
Messenger, etc.) are and how to use them. Explain to an
Adult what to do when somebody you don't know tries to
chat with you. Explain what to do when somebody tries to
find out where you live or go to school. With an adult
present, use one of these tools.
Safe Computing Explain what a computer virus and worm
are. Explain how to protect your computer from viruses,
worms, and other malicious programs.
Downloading Software Explain to your Scout Leader what
can go wrong with your computer when you download
software and how to safely download software. If you have a
home computer, discuss with your parents what software
you can download on your home computer.
Beaver recipient for every 60 units chartered in its territory.
Nominations are due to the Council by a date they set.
Generally, nomination forms are available at Council
Offices, on the web or at Roundtables. Be sure to nominate
someone you know who is an outstanding Scouter. And
keep nominating them. (Commissioner Dave told me he
nominated one Scouter about five times until he was
selected). It is said this award seeks the recipient. The
recipient does not seek the award.
Note on Word Searches, Word Games, Mazes and such –
In order to make these items fit in the two column format of
Baloo’s Bugle they are shrunk to a width of about 3 inches.
Your Cubs probably need bigger pictures. You can get these
by copying and pasting the picture from the Word version or
clipping the picture in the Adobe (.pdf) version and then
enlarging to page width. CD
Things from the Future Word Search
Julie Byler
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach, Verdugo Hills Councils
Find the names of some things that we will find in the future
in the word search below. They can be upside down,
backwards, forwards or diagonal.
Silver Beaver Award
Kommissioner Karl
It’s Beaver season in most councils! Each fall most councils
seek out their top volunteers. The Silver Beaver is the
highest award a local council can bestow upon a volunteer.
The Silver Beaver Award is presented upon action of the
Council Executive Board through the nomination and
recommendation of the District Committee for outstanding
service to youth within the Council or for outstanding
longtime service to youth by a registered Scouter residing
within the Council. The average tenure for Silver Beaver
candidates is ten years or longer. Candidates for this award
must be nominated, and self-nomination is not allowed. The
amount of awards a council may present is determined by
the size of the council. A council is allowed one Silver
Space Ship Hunt
Baltimore Area Council
 Hide around the room many spaceships cut out of
construction paper.
 As each person arrives, they are told to hunt for the
 The person finding the most wins.
Page 9
Make More Words
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach, Verdugo Hills Councils
Here are some ideas for word games. Use your imagination
and you can think of a lot more.
How many words can you make from the letters in
Examples: ant, tattoo
How many words can you make from the letters in
Cubs in the Future?
Examples: sub, tire
How many words can you make from the letters in
space flight?
Examples: pat, flea
Shuttle Maze
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach, Verdugo Hills Councils
Help the Space Shuttle Pilot find his way back to the Earth
Looking closely without a Microscope
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach, Verdugo Hills Councils
Science is about testing and about looking closely. Some
scientists use microscopes to take a close look. We're going
to use a simple piece of paper. Here's what you do:
 Take a piece of paper and cut in the middle a “window”
1” square. (It's easiest to fold the page in half before
you cut.)
 Choose something interesting: a tree trunk, a leaf,
flower, the soil surface or a slice of soil from a shovel.
 Put your window over the thing and look at it closely.
 Take your time- this is not a race.
 To help you see more details, draw a picture of what's
inside your square.
 Now let's think about what you've found.
Space Word Scramble
Baltimore Area Council
Words can be found horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
Sam Houston Area Council
Find words listed below.
They may be across, down or diagonal
Green Men
Ray Guns
Page 10
Star Contest Gathering Activity
Baltimore Area Council
For each of the terms listed write the correct word
containing “STAR.”
1. Sea Animal
2. Bird
3. Heavenly body
4. Outstanding young actress
5. Used when washing clothes
6. A song
7. Right hand side of a boat
8. Meaning to begin
9. To go hungry
10. To surprise someone
Answers: 1. Starfish, 2. Starling, 3. Star, 4. Starlet, 5.
Starch, 6. Stardust, 7. Starboard, 8. Start, 9. Starve, 10.
Cub Scouts in the Future
Julie Byler
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach, Verdugo Hills Councils
Equipment: Cards with each of the letters below, printed
large enough for the audience to read with the corresponding
sentence printed on the back. Enough Scouts to read the
cards in turn. Narrator: In 2030, just 24 years from now,
Cub Scouting will be 100 years old. You Tigers, Wolves,
Bears and Webelos will be adults. Some of you may be
Eagle Scouts having earned the badge in your teens and
making your family proud. (There is no past tense to being
an Eagle Scout)
A hundred years from now in 2106 A.D., the Cub Scout
program will be 176 years old. Most of you boys will have
sons, grandsons and great-grandsons who are or have been
Cub Scouts.
In 2130 Cub Scouts will be 200 years old. You could even
have a great great grandson who will soon be a Tiger Cub.
This is what the Cub Scouts in the future will look like.
Cub # 1: C - Curly hair, if any, or straight, blond, black
brown or bald.
Cub # 2: U - Understanding and helpful, loving our
Cub # 3: B - Blue eyes or brown.
Cub # 4: S - Studious or Athletic, maybe both.
Cub # 5: C - Cheerful and willing.
Cub # 6: O - Outings to the moon.
Cub # 7: U - Uniforms and advancement.
Cub # 8: T - Tall or short.
Cub # 9: S - Silly skits and songs
Put them all together and they spell the
future of our world.
Cub Enterprise
Greater St. Louis Area Council
Set Up – Four Cubs with cards that have their words on the
back in LARGE print and an appropriate picture on front.
Cubmaster: Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages
of the Starship "Cub Enterprise". Our four-year
Cub # 1:
Cub # 2:
Cub # 3:
Cub # 4:
To explore new territories in Cub Scouting.
To advance by achieving new skills.
To live by the cub Scout Promise.
To go on to explore new worlds and galaxies in
Boy Scout Troops and Venture Crews.
Be sure to add a flag salute, recitation of Cub Scout Promise
or Law, and a prayer after the four Cubs finish.
Scouting From The Future
Greater St. Louis Area Council
Arrangements: Cubmaster and five Cubs. Each Cub wears
some futuristic version of the uniform (e.g. pointy shoulders
made of aluminum foil) and carries a black cardboard piece.
Cubmaster: Welcome Scouts, families, and friends! Our
theme this month is “Cubs in the Future.” Now,
we don’t know what the future holds for us, but
why don’t we take a glimpse into the future at a
group of Cub Scouts reading their newspaper
slates in the future.
Cub # 1: Hmm... Look at the Help Wanted ads... It says,
“Wanted: Computer expert to update records
from 50 years of space missions.” That sounds
like a good job.
Cub # 2: Wow! In the Travel Section, it says trans-Lunar
tours are half price. I have to tell my Parental
Cub # 3: Here’s a deal... It says we can turn in our
outdated atomic water heater for a new antimatter
unit for only 100 credits.
Cub # 4: I can’t figure out what this article is talking
about. Does anyone know what a Chevy, a Ford,
or a Toyota is? It sounds like some sort of old
fashioned transportation mechanism.
Cub # 5: Hey guys! Look at the time! We are going to be
late to our Pack Meeting at the Sector 5 Virtual
Reality Elementary School, Let’s burn vapor!
Boys run off
Cubmaster: Well, it looks like some things have stood the
test of time and Scouting will remain a big part of
future boy’s lives. Please stand and join me in the
Pledge of Allegiance to our present flag.
To Be an American (Flag Ceremony)
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach, Verdugo Hills Councils
4 uniformed Cub Scouts, carrying suitable
props (such as a megaphone, nightcap, church model, and a
star) speak the following lines.
Cub #1:
Cub #2:
Cub #3:
You can say anything you want to say, whoever
you may be. Some things cost a lot of money,
but speech is free.
That’s what it means to be an American.
You can write anything you want to write and
dare to disagree.
That’s what it means to be an American.
You can’t be put in prison, unless you’ve been
fairly tried. You can choose your place of
worship with your family by your side.
Encouraged to reach for the stars, we live here
with pride.
Page 11
That’s what it means to be an American.
You can dream any dream you want to dream,
and make it all come true. Land on the Moon
where the flag flies true. We are blest to live
where liberty is for me and you.
That’s what it means to be an American.
Sam Houston Area Council
PERSONNEL: Den leader or Den Chief and a Den of 9
Cub Scouts, each with a sign with his part on the
back in LARGE letters and an appropriate related
picture on the audience side.
DEN LEADER or DEN CHIEF: From its beginning on
Brownsea Island, the Scout idea spread around
the globe until it is now the largest and most
influential youth movement in the free world.
Although there may be some differences in the
program, the whole movement adheres to these
fundamental principles.
Cub # 1: Duty to God and respect for individual beliefs.
Cub # 2: Loyalty to one's country and respect for its laws.
Cub # 3: Strength of world friendship and Scouting
Cub # 4: Service to others - community development.
Cub # 5: Universal regard for Scout Promise and Law as a
life guide. 6. Voluntary membership.
Cub # 6: Service by volunteer leaders.
Cub # 7: Independence from political influence and
Cub # 8: Unique program for training youth in
responsibility, citizenship, physical and mental
development, and character guidance through use
of den and packs, group activity, recognition
through awards, and learning by doing.
Cub # 9: Outdoor program orientation.
Will everyone stand and please say with us
the Cub Scout promise, and then remain standing
for the Pledge of Allegiance?
Planet Unknown
Baltimore Area Council
Personnel: Den leader and whole Den.
Equipment: U. S. flag, Pack flag, stands for each, weird
space like head pieces, and two astronaut space helmets.
Personnel: Two Cub Scouts with spacemen helmets bring
U.S. flag to front of Pack, where they meet Den Leader and
rest of Den who are making space talk (eek-eek-eek, or
bleep-bleep, Etc.).
Cub #4:
1st CUB SPACEMAN: No matter where we go or what we
see, planted firmly on the pinnacle of American Faith, the
U.S. flag has proved an inspiration to untold millions.
2nd CUB SPACEMAN: Men have looked upon the flag as
a symbol of National unity.
pledging our allegiance to her.
Flag Recipe:
Sam Houston Area Council
This is a classic and is always appropriate. It can be an
opening or a serious skit. I use it whenever visit a group
that is forming a new pack to demonstrate how to run a
Pack Meeting. CD
Ingredients (Cast and Supplies):
6 Cub Scouts
1 cup red crepe paper bits
1 cup blue crepe paper bits
1 cup white crepe paper bits Stars (glitter)
Large pot
American Flag
Spotlight (Optional)
 Cub Scouts form semicircle around large pot.
 American flag is folded properly and hidden in a pot.
 Each Cub Scout is holding the ingredients he adds.
Cub # 1:
We are going to fix for a treat that is really
And make for a recipe... the greatest in the land.
Cub # 2:
First we'll put in a heaping cup of red for
courage true, (He adds red paper bits to pot)
Cub # 3:
And then we will add for loyalty, a dash of
heavenly blue, (He adds blue paper bits to pot)
Cub # 4:
For purity, we will now sift in a layer of
snowy white, (He sprinkles in white paper bits)
Cub # 5:
We will sprinkle in a pinch of stars to
make it come out right. (He adds glitter)
Cub # 6:
We will stir and stir and then you will see,
Cub # 7:
That what we have made is... (He
uses a large spoon and pretends to stir, taking
care not to disturb flag)
Now all the Cubs carefully pull out the flag,
making sure that it is displayed properly
Participate in Scout Sunday/Scout Sabbath
Sam Houston Area Council
 Make arrangements with your charter organization, if a
local church or synagogue for a special Scout Sunday/
Sabbath service. If your charter organization is not a
church or synagogue, make arrangements with
member’s place of worship and hold a Scout Sunday
The most successful Scout Sunday Services I have had
over the years were at the Baptist Church where my troop
was chartered. They had a weekly Sunday Evening service
(as well as a morning service). Rev Kirshner had told me
he was given free reign to do whatever he wanted in the
evening to build up attendance. We had great turnouts for
our Scout Sunday services in the evening. Everyone could
go to their own church on Sunday morning and come out
at night to Scout Sunday. Also, we would always serve
refreshments and so had everyone there setting up. Just a
thought if your chartered org or a member’s church has a
regular Sunday evening service. CD
Page 12
Plan to complete religious emblems of faith and
present them at Scout Sunday services, if possible.
Page 13
February Wolf Electives
Sam Houston Area Council
Elective #2 – Be an Actor.
 2a. Futuristic skit with costumes.
 2b. Futuristic skit props and scenery.
 2c. Futuristic skit sound effects.
 2d. announcer for skit.
 2e. paper bag masks for the costumes.
Elective 5g – Spare time Fun – build a rocket.
Elective 6 – Books, Books, Books. Read a Science Fiction
Elective 11 – Sing Along. Sing a futuristic song.
Elective 12 – Be an Artist.
 A. sketch a futuristic drawing.
 B. tell a futuristic story in three steps.
 D. paint scenery for skit.
 E. use a stencil for Blue and Gold Banquet table
 F. Make a Blue and Gold Banquet futuristic poster.
February Bear Achievements and Electives
Sam Houston Area Council
Achievement 6 – Take care of your planet. Stress that this
ensures the future.
Achievement 9a – What’s Cooking. Make oatmeal cookies
(name and shape them something futuristic) for the den or
B&G Banquet.
Achievement 13b – set up a savings account. Saving for the
Achievement 21
 a-b & f – Build a model rocket, display, and another
futuristic model.
 g. build a rocket and launch pad display.
Elective 10a – Make a papier-mâché mask of a futuristic
Building a City of the Future
Greater St. Louis Area Council
The dens can make a "City of the Future" for display at the
pack meeting.
 Start with a wood, cardboard, or plaster base.
 Let the boys brainstorm together and then design their
city before they begin.
 Have the boys collect natural objects like pebbles,
twigs, etc.
 Use wood blocks, matchboxes, or other materials to
make buildings.
 Your city could have a solar energy collector for power.
What should it look like? Let the boys decide!
 The boys might have unusual ideas for housing or a
rocket port. Use them!
 You could add a large plastic or glass dome such as a
large, clear bowl turned upside down to control the air
circulation and protect from cosmic rays. But only if
the Cubs say so!
 Maybe your pack could have a design competition with
prizes for the best or most original ideas!
Flying Saucer
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach, Verdugo Hills Councils
 2 Paper plates
 Paint, crayons or markers
 Stapler
 String or yarn - about 16”
Decorate the bottom side of both paper plates to look like a
flying saucer.
With an adult's help, poke a small hole in the center of the
paper plate that will be the top half of the flying saucer.
String the thread through the hole; the longest part of the
string will hang out the bottom side of the paper plate.
Tie the string and use a piece of tape or a staple to keep it in
Staple both paper plates together so the decorated bottom
sides are facing out.
You now have your very own flying saucer; you can play
with it or hang it up!
Shooting Star
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach, Verdugo Hills Councils
 A small piece of thick paper, felt, or other flexible,
easy-to-cut material
 one or two colors
 Scissors
 Pencil
 Reinforcements (optional)
 Glitter (optional)
 Markers (optional)
 Glue
Cut a circle from paper, felt or other material.
A good circle template is a coffee mug.
Starting at the edge, cut a spiral going to the center of the
Decorate with glitter or markers.
Cut a small star, about 1” or 2” wide.
Make a tiny hole in the star.
The ornament will hang from this hole, so you might want to
use reinforcements (these are doughnut-shaped pieces of
plastic used to reinforce the holes in notebook paper
and are available at stationery stores).
Decorate the star with glitter or markers. Glue the star to the
center of the shooting star.
Stand-Alone Star
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach, Verdugo Hills Councils
 Printer (optional)
 Scissors
 Crayons or markers (optional)
 Stiff paper (like card stock, oaktag or thin
cardboard) or Styrofoam meat trays
 Two paper stars are needed to make one 3-dimensional
Page 14
Either draw two identical stars on a piece of stiff paper
or print out a star template.
Decorate the two stars (if you like) on both sides, then
cut them out.
Make one slit in each star.
On one star, the slit goes from an inner corner to the
center point of the star;
On the other star, the slit goes from an outer corner to
the center point.
Slip the two stars together through the slits you just cut.
For stability, you may have to tape the stars a bit where
they meet at the slits.
You now have a great three-dimensional star decoration
that stands by itself on a table.
Punched Tin Stars
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach, Verdugo Hills Councils
You can make these shiny ornaments from disposable
aluminum pie plates or roasting pans. They make great
decorations for Christmas, Cinco de Mayo and other
 A disposable pie plate or roasting pan (clean)
 A large nail
 A marker
 String or yarn
 Scrap cardboard or newspaper
 Scissors
 Draw a simple design on the disposable aluminum pie
plate. Cut out the design.
 Work on scrap cardboard or a thick pile of newspaper
(to protect your work surface).
 Using a large nail (or a hole punch), make a hole
towards the top of the design (this is where you will
hang the ornament). Using a nail, make indentations to
decorate the cutout. Attach a string to the hole near the
top. You now have great aluminum decorations for any
Solar System Model
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach, Verdugo Hills Councils
This is a model of our Solar System, picturing the Sun and
the nine planets that orbit it: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Nicolaus
Copernicus (1473-1543) was a Polish astronomer who
developed the Copernican System, a model of the solar
system where all the planets orbit the Sun.
 A round piece of cardboard about 1 ft across (the
cardboard from a frozen pizza works well)
 Lots of colors of oak tag (or construction paper)
 Scissors
 Tape
 String
 Pencil, crayons or markers
 A compass (for making circles)
 Find the center of the large cardboard circle by drawing
a line from top to bottom and a line from right to left.
 The point at which these two lines meet is the center of
the circle. This will be the position of the Sun.
 Using a compass, draw the orbits of the 9 planets (draw
circles around the center of the piece of cardboard).
 The first 4 planets orbit relatively close to the Sun; then
there is a gap (this is where the asteroids orbit). Then
the last 5 planets orbit very far from the Sun.
 Using an awl, the sharp point of scissors or a large nail,
punch a series of holes in the cardboard.
 First, punch a hole in the center (this is where the Sun
will hang).
 Then punch one hole somewhere on each circle (orbit);
a planet will hang from each hole.
 Cut circles from oak tag (poster board) to represent the
Sun and each of the planets.
 Since the range in size of the Sun and the planets is far
too broad to represent accurately, just make the Sun the
biggest. Make Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune a
bit smaller than the Sun. Make the remainder of the
planets much smaller. Remember, Saturn has beautiful
 Write the name of each planet on its back.
 Tape a length of string to each planet (and the Sun).
 Lace the other end of each string through the correct
hole in the large cardboard circle (Mercury goes in the
inner orbit, Venus goes in the second orbit, Earth goes
in the third etc.).
 Tape the end of the string to the top side of the
 After all the planets (and the Sun) are attached, adjust
the length of the strings so that the planets (and Sun) all
lie in one plane.
 To hang your model, tie three pieces of string to the top
of the cardboard - then tie these three together. Tie
them to a longer string (from which you'll hang your
model). You now have a model of our solar system.
Page 15
Ice Cream Carton Space Helmet
Baltimore Area Council
Clean a 3 gallon ice cream carton, then invert (turn it upside
down) it and cut an opening for the face.
Paint the helmet with a metallic paint.
Decorate with spiraled pipe cleaners, bottle caps, ping pong
balls, porn poms, nuts and bolts or other scraps.
Spaceship Sailing
Baltimore Area Council
Supplies: 10 small paper plates (7” or less), straws - paper
or plastic, stapler and scissors, paint or crayons if you want
colorful spaceships
 Staple 5 pairs of paper plates together, faces in.
 Put staples all around the edges.
 Arrange the 5 pairs of plates in a cross shape or ring.
 Then staple the 5 pairs of plates to each other.
 Cut straws into two inch pieces.
 Staple the cut straws across the open spaces. (straws
will make your space ship stronger)
 Make 1 space ship for each Cub Scout.
With this craft you can also play a game!
How to play:
 Stand in pairs at opposite ends of the playing area.
 Sail the space ship between you.
How to score:
 A player gets 1 point each time he catches a spaceship.
Atom Slide
Baltimore Area Council
 1” Styrofoam ball
 ¼” Red pom-pom
 ¼” Yellow pom-pom
 4” Pipe cleaner
 12” Pipe cleaner
 Cut the 12” pipe cleaner in half
 Make an oval big enough to go around the 1” Styrofoam
 Glue the ovals on the ball at angles to each other.
 Glue the red and yellow pom-poms on the ovals as
shown in the illustration.
 Make a loop out of the 4” piece of pipe cleaner
 Glue the loop into the back of the Styrofoam ball.
Time Capsule Centerpiece:
Sam Houston Area Council
A time capsule project is good for any level, but especially
good for Tiger and Wolf Dens, so that they can open it when
they receive their Arrows of Light and see how much things
have changed. Decorate this like a spacecraft, by painting
on windows and gluing on rocket fins and a nose cone.
18” long piece of 6” (or larger) outer diameter threaded PVC
sewer pipe
PVC threaded plug to fit the sewer pipe.
6” inner diameter PVC cap
PVC cement
Items (or pictures of items) that are uniquely 2006 or are
special to the boys
Photos of the Den
Decorating Placemats:
Sam Houston Area Council
Materials: Construction paper tempera paint potatoes
lamination material stencils
 Using potatoes, let the boys carve futuristic shapes on
the end of them, to make stamping shapes.
 Cut the potato so that it has a large flat surface. Cut out
the pictures or use others and pin them to the potato’s
flat side.
 Carve the potato away around the picture, leaving the
 Dip the stamp in tempera paint and decorate the
construction paper.
 Make enough placemats for all Scouts and guests.
Stencil names on them. Let dry and laminate.
 As an alternative, carve the end of an art gum eraser
instead of a potato. These will be more permanent
stamps, but the eraser is also still useful as an eraser.
Page 16
Paper Plate UFOs:
Sam Houston Area Council
Materials: 2 paper plates, paper bowl, glue, markers or
 Tape two paper plates together to create a curved top
and bottom.
 Glue a paper bowl to the center top to make a cabin for
the "crew.” Let dry.
 Use markers or crayons to draw insignias, windows,
doors, aliens in the windows and doors, etc.
 To make a game out of this activity, designate a landing
pad, and then toss flying saucers through the air like a
Frisbee. See whose lands the closest to the landing pad.
Rocket Tie Slide
Greater St. Louis Area Council
22nd Century Uniform Items:
Sam Houston Area Council
Aluminum foil epaulet loops
Cell phone hats – bend metal hanger to make two
TV goggle glasses with GPS compass
Wrist watch communicators
Cellophane neckerchief
Rocket neckerchief slide
For even better ideas, have the boys imagine a future
and create items that fit with that future.
 White art foam board
 White pipe cleaners and
 Glitter chenille
 Sticks
 Glue
 Black Marker
 Scissors
1. Cut out the basic outline for the younger boys. Let the
older boys cut their own out.
2. Using the basic outline, leave off the exhaust part and
cut straight across.
3. Cut out another cylinder to use for the top.
4. Attach the white pipe cleaners to the back to anchor to
form the loop for the neckerchief.
5. Put 2 holes in the bottom part and slide the pipe cleaner
through (should not be more than the width of the top
6. Have the boys make their exhaust out of the glitter
chenille sticks and attach to the bottom of the cylinder
and then glue the whole piece to the back part.
Sam Houston Area Council
Materials: Clean empty baby food jars, tissue paper (many
colors), white glue, foam brush
 Tear the tissue paper to small pieces or random shapes.
 Squeeze a bit of glue into the bottom of the jar, and
 Cover inside of the jar evenly with the foam paintbrush
 Stick bits of tissue paper inside the jar until it covers all
of the glue.
 Let dry, and keep clean.
A to Z of Outer Space
Greater St. Louis Area Council
This game is similar to Madlibs. Give each boy a letter or
two and have him come up with a something spacey that
starts with the letter and then place it where the
corresponding letter is. (Or you can just call for words from
the audience at the Pack Meeting but then not everyone may
have a word chosen)
A ____________ B ____________ C ____________
D ____________ E ____________ F_____________
G ____________ H____________ I _____________
J ____________ K____________ L ____________
M ___________ N____________ O ____________
P ____________ Q____________ R ____________
S ____________ T ____________ U ____________
V ____________ W ___________ X ____________
Y ____________ Z ____________
The other day I saw A and B walking down the C. I said D
to them but they didn't say E. F I said and ran after G. Again
I yelled H. This time they heard me. When they stopped, I
saw they had a J and a K with them. 'We can't talk now. We
are going to L this and M is waiting for it. So I said goodbye and went to lunch. At the N I had an O and P and got in
my Q to go. When I got there, I found I had lost my R. Then
I knew it was going to be a bad S. So I picked up my T, U,
V, W and X, said so long to my Y and got on my Z and left.
Page 17
Space: The Final Frontier
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach, Verdugo Hills Councils
Divide the group into 2 smaller groups and assign each
group one of the words listed below. Read the story. After
each of the words is read, pause for the group to make the
appropriate response.
Way out there (Point ahead moving
finger from left to right)
ASTRONAUT(S): Onward and upward (Stand up and
thrust arm toward sky)
In the whole universe there's an enormous place, which we
all refer to as merely SPACE. ASTRONAUTS spend many
hours untold searching that SPACE where mysteries unfold.
They bring back dust and rocks galore, with each
striving to always learn more. They circle around for days in
SPACE, keeping up such a strenuous pace. Our country
explored SPACE and then, very soon, our
ASTRONAUTS landed upon the moon. Oh what a thrill as
we witnessed the sight; ASTRONAUTS raised our flag on
that first moon flight. Right out there through outer
SPACE, upon the moon stands our flag in place, just where
the ASTRONAUTS left it that day, as a part in history they
did play. One fact discovered, about which story writers
won't pleased, was that the moon is not really made of green
cheese. So way out in SPACE when you see the Man-inthe-MOON, remember the ASTRONAUTS
proved we can't eat him at noon. But all of this is old today;
ASTRONAUTS often go in
SPACE and say, ”travel in SPACE, here and there, is easily
done without a care.”
This and That Narrative:
Sam Houston Area Council
This has been in Baloo before but if you haven’t used it
before, this story is always good. CD
Before he tells the story, the narrator divides the audience
into 5 groups and assigns each a "part" - a sound and action
each group makes at the mention of a certain word. The
narrator pauses after each capitalized word. The words and
their responses are:
1. NORMAN Say "Oh, my!" and raise both hands
2. RIGHT Say "This!" and raise right hand
3. LEFT Say "That!" and raise left hand
4. THIS Say "Right!" and raise right hand
5. THAT Say "Left!" and raise left hand
All - GENIUS All clap and Cheer!
Practice as you assign the parts
Well, now that everyone is entirely confused, let’s begin!
This is the story of NORMAN, a boy who wanted very
much to be a GENIUS. But, no matter how hard he tried, it
just didn’t work out. You see, NORMAN had a problem - he
could not tell RIGHT from LEFT.
At school, the teacher would say, "When you know the
answer, raise your RIGHT hand." By the time NORMAN
figured which hand was which, it was too late! At home it
was the same thing. It was, "NORMAN, you have your
LEFT shoe on your RIGHT foot."
Things weren’t any better outside. In football, they would
send him in at LEFT end and he would be RIGHT. In
baseball, they’d yell, "NORMAN, ‘move to your LEFT!"
He’d move RIGHT.
Poor NORMAN! No matter what he did, it wasn’t RIGHT!
or LEFT! But NORMAN was determined! Finally, he
figured out what to do. He’d call it THIS and THAT. THIS
for RIGHT and THAT for LEFT. Somehow, it all seemed
easier. And in no time, he had it down pat.
One day, while NORMAN was home alone, a burglar forced
his way in. NORMAN was frightened! The burglar asked
where his mother’s jewels and furs were. NORMAN said,
"In the closet." But when the burglar said, "Which way is
THAT, NORMAN, of course answered, "LEFT." The
burglar followed these instructions and found himself in the
kitchen! Being a smart burglar he said, "THIS isn’t
RIGHT!" and NORMAN said, "Oh, yes it is - but your asked
for THAT!"
The burglar became angry and said, "Now listen, I asked
where the closet is, do you understand THAT?" And
NORMAN answered, "Oh, yes THAT is LEFT!" The
burglar said, "THIS is enough!" And NORMAN said, "Oh,
no, THIS is RIGHT!" Exasperated, the burglar said, "Oh,
forget it! Just tell me where the closet is!" And NORMAN
said, "Turn THIS." But naturally, the burglar misunderstood
and turned the knob on the door in front of him, and plunged
headlong down the basement stairs.
Just then, NORMAN’s parents came home, and when he
told them what had happened, his father said the words he’d
been waiting so very long to hear, "NORMAN, you’re a
Scout Rocket
Greater St. Louis Area Council
Make the parts of the rocket using
cardboard and poster board.
 Orange for Tiger Cubs,
 Light Blue for Bobcats
 Red for Wolves,
 Dark Blue for Bears,
 Khaki for Webelos.
 The top of the rocket should be
yellow for the Arrow of Light.
Note – The picture needs updating.
You need a stage for the Tigers, too!!
Or use the large emblems of Tiger cubs,
Bobcat, Wolf, Bear, Webelos and Arrow
of Light on the fronts of the rocket parts. (Cub Scout
Insignia Card Set, Item # 34150)
Cubmaster: Tonight we are welcoming our newest pack
members and their parents. Each rocket must have a starting
base. And in Scouting, the starting base is Tiger Cubs. Call
up Tigers and Adult partners and present Awards to parents
Page 18
to present to Tigers. We welcome you with a Big Round of
Applause!! (Clapping in a big circle).
Cubmaster: Would all the scouts earning their Bobcat
tonight, please come forward with their parents. In scouting,
the Bobcat award is given when the boys have achieved in
learning the basis of Cub Scouting. Let the Cub Scouts
demonstrate the requirements they have completed for
earning this rank. Scouts will you please show us: (Choose a
few of these, doing all may be a challenge) the handshake,
the Scout Sign, the Motto (pause for boys to recite), the
Salute (pause for boys demonstrate), the Law of the Pack
(pause for boys to recite), and the Cub Scout Promise (pause
for boys to recite). Present awards to parents to present to
Cubs. We welcome you all to the beginning of the Cub
Scout trail with a Blast Off Cheer.
Cubmaster: The next step in building our rocket is the Wolf
Rank. These scouts are on their way to having fun while
learning about their family, religion and world. Would the
Wolf scouts, please stand. (If you have a Wolf award to
give, continue). Tonight we recognize our new Wolf Scout
(s), (names). Present awards to parents to present to Cubs.
Thank you for all your hard work. Let’s give them a Heap
Cubmaster: The next step in the path of scouting is the Bear
Scout Award. The scouts continue to work on their path to
learning about the world, family and themselves through
sports, woodworking, and other projects. Would the Bear
Scouts please stand. (If you have a Bear award to give,
continue). Tonight we recognize our New Bear Scout (s),
(names). Present awards to parents to present to Cubs.
Thank you for all your hard work. Let’s give them a
Supersonic Cheer.
Cubmaster: The next step in the path of scouting is the
Webelos Scout Award. The scouts continue to work on their
path to learning about the world, family and themselves
through sports, woodworking and other projects while they
prepare for the next phase, which is Boy Scout. Would the
Webelos Scouts please stand. (If you have a Webelos award
to give, continue). Tonight we recognize our New Webelos
Scout (s), (names). Present awards to parents to present to
Cubs. Thank you for all your hard work. Let’s give them a
Class A Clap.
Cubmaster: The final piece to our rocket is the Arrow of
Light. Second year Webelos work on the Arrow of Light
award to prepare themselves for the world of Boy Scouting.
Would our second year Webelos please stand for the benefit
of the new scouts, to encourage them to complete the rocket
even though the may not have any other advancement at this
time. They can see how far you have come in you time with
us.. And to encourage you to complete the rocket and earn
your Arrow of Light!!
Past, Present and Future,
A Bobcat Advancement Ceremony)
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach, Verdugo Hills Councils
Bobcat badge and card
Participants: Cubmaster, New Bobcats and parents
A young boy stood in front of a group of
people. It was his first Cub Scout Pack Meeting many years
ago. He lifted his right arm and held 2 fingers in the air to
give the Cub Scout Sign and said...
I promise to do my best,
To do my Duty to God and my country,
To be square and
(this line was replaced with “To help other people” in 1971)
To obey the Law of the Pack
Since that night, hundreds of thousands of boys have
repeated the same procedure, as they became Cub Scouts. In
the Future it will be as it is for you tonight, a promise to be
honorable, truthful, kind and helpful. Tonight, we are
welcoming (name of the boy(s)), to our pack and invite his
(their) family to come forward as we present his (their)
Bobcat Badge(s). Will the parents and new Bobcat
recipient(s) please come forward?
(Name of the boy), you have indicated that you wish to
become a part of the Cub Scout program. Therefore, join the
ranks of many young men who began their adventure in
Scouting as a Cub Scout years ago. In doing so, you have
learned, as they have, the symbols of the Cub Scouts: The
Cub Scout Sign, Handshake, Salute and Motto. You are able
to repeat the Cub Scout Promise and the Law of the Pack.
As your Cubmaster, I now ask if you are ready to become a
Bobcat in our Pack and accept the obligation of the Cub
Scout Promise?
New Bobcat: Yes, I am.
Will all the Cub Scouts from the past and
present please stand and join
(name of the boy), and myself in repeating the Cub Scout
Promise, just as the Cub Scout of years ago have. (Raise
your arm in the Cub Scout Sign.)
I promise to do my Best
To do my Duty to God and my Country.
To help other people and
To Obey the Law of the Pack.
(Name of the boy), you have promised, as many thousands of
Cub Scouts before and after you, to do your best as a Cub
Scout. So on behalf of all the boys who have worn or will
wear the uniform of a Cub Scout, I encourage you to
remember your Promise and to wear your Cub Scout
uniform with pride and honor.
Welcome to our Pack. I am giving your parents your Bobcat
Badge; they will sew it on your uniform when you have
done a Good Turn as a Cub Scout. (Thank the parents for
their help as you hand the badge to them. Shake hands with
the new Cub Scout using the Cub Scout handshake).
If your pack has other traditions for new Bobcat
installations (e.g. Placing his clothespin on a totem to mark
his rank progression) be sure to work them into the
ceremony. If your pack does not use the Good Turn before
sewing the Bobcat Badge in place, delete that line. CD
Page 19
Akela the Guiding Star
Julie Byler
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach, Verdugo Hills Councils
Cubmaster: Every boy who joins Cub Scouts, whatever
his age, first earns the Bobcat badge by learning the Cub
Scout Promise, the Cub Scout sign, the Cub Scout salute, the
Cub Scout Handshake, the meaning of Webelos, the Law of
the Pack and the Cub Scout Motto. He earns his badge with
the guiding help of Akela, the adults in each boy’s life.
In the beginning, man enjoyed the stars - the twinkling bits
of light that would light his way. Like the Tigers, they
started with small journeys close to home.
Asst CM:
Would the following Tiger Scouts and
their parents please come forward?
(List boys earning the Tiger badge.)
(Present badge to parents to pin on their son's shirt.
Then Tigers may sit down)
Cubmaster: Like Wolf Scouts, as man watched the sky he
learned more and noticed that he could make out shapes and
that they were constant. He could go farther, meet new
people and try new things. He could take longer adventures
over rivers and forest covered mountains and still find his
way home, the stars guiding him.
Asst CM:
Would the following Wolf Scouts and
their parents please come forward?
(List boys earning the Wolf badge.)
(Present badge to parents to pin on their son's shirt.
Then Wolves may sit down.)
Cubmaster: Soon, like the Bear Scouts, man needed new
adventures. He took journeys upon the water. He learned
that the stars are different the world over but still can guide
you safely. He learned about cultures and languages
different than his own. He was safe in knowing that the stars
were always there to guide him homeward.
Asst CM:
Would the following Bear Scouts and
their parents please come forward?
(List boys earning the Bear badge.)
(Present badge to parents to pin on their son's shirt.
Then Bears may sit down.)
Cubmaster: Then, like the Webelos Scout, man became
braver and more knowledgeable. Man with his good mind
and hands could build ships that could float on the wind.
Even though Flight could be dangerous it took him closer to
God. God had created the stars and the stars would get him
where he needed to be.
Asst CM:
Would the following Webelos Scouts and
their parents please come forward?
(List boys earning the Webelos badge.)
(Present badge to parents to pin on their son's shirt.
The Webelos may sit down.)
Cubmaster: The Future unfolds and Man is in Space. Like
the Webelos earning their Arrow of Light, the ultimate
challenge has been achieved. Nothing can hold him back.
He can go anywhere, be anything and still be guided by the
same stars that brought him to this place of honor and glory
tonight. The wish has become reality
Asst CM:
Would the following Webelos Scouts and
their parents please come forward?
(List boys earning the Arrow of Light badge.)
Congratulations on achieving the highest rank in Cub
(Present badge to parents to pin on their son's shirt.
Then Webelos may sit down.)
Cubmaster: As you began this trip you needed a Star to
guide you. The North Star is Akela. Akelas are everywhere
your parents, teachers, den leaders and even your
Cubmaster, the people who steer you on the right path, trail
and course are all Akela.
Stay the course and always do your best.
Congratulations to all of you!
Sam Houston Area Council
Cubmaster or Advancement Chairman: Tonight, we
have a group of possible future firemen, professional
athletes, EMTs, veterinarians, and Generals and Admirals
who are taking their first step on the trail to success. We call
it the “Cub Scout Trail.” Will the following possible future
Mayors (Tigers) and their constituents (Parents) come
forward? Let these future leaders of the people repeat with
me the Tiger Cub Motto. All Tigers repeat the Tiger Cub
The Cubmaster or Advancement Chairman gives the badge
to the parent(s) who pin it on their son.
Cubmaster or Advancement Chairman: Tonight, we
have a group of possible future astronauts, bank presidents,
elected officials, prosperous merchants, and captains of
industry who are taking another step toward success on the
“Cub Scout Trail.” Will the following possible future
Senators (Bobcats) and their constituents (Parents) come
forward? Let these future lawmakers repeat with me the
Cub Scout Promise and the law of the Pack: All Bobcats
repeat the Cub Scout promise and Law of the pack.
The Cubmaster or Advancement Chairman gives the badges
to the parent(s) who pins it on their son.
Cubmaster or Advancement Chairman: Next, we have
another group of future world citizens—Olympic Gold
Medal Winners, gifted writers, diplomats, college
professors, and future engineers who will shape our
tomorrows. These Cub Scouts have completed the first 12
achievements and have earned the badge of Wolf. Will you
Cub Scouts come forward with your parents?
The Cubmaster or Advancement Chairman gives the badge
to the parent(s) who pin it on their son.
Cubmaster or Advancement Chairman: Parents have a
tendency to think of them as just little boys, but these are the
ones who will sit on the Supreme Court benches, the future
captains of industry who will help solve the problems of
Page 20
pollution, grapple with the challenges of world peace and
prosperity and overcome the limitations of energy and
resources. You have completed the required achievements
of the rank of Bear. Will Bears please come forward with
your parents?
The Cubmaster or Advancement Chairman gives the badge
to the parent(s) who pin it on their son.
Cubmaster or Advancement Chairman: It’s not too farfetched for us to think of our Webelos Scouts as the movers
and shapers of our future. They have demonstrated an
ability to perform necessary accomplishments in earning
Activity Badges. A journey of a thousand miles begins with
just one step. Will the following Webelos Scouts step up
and be recognized?
The Cubmaster or Advancement Chairman gives the badge
to the parent(s) who pin it on their son.
Cubmaster or Advancement Chairman: Scouting is in
the business of Character building and will deliver to a
nation a great gift, a new generation of prepared young
citizens—physically strong, mentally awake, and morally
straight—young people who are growing through their
Scouting experience, learning the lessons of responsibilities
of citizenship and priding themselves on the great
accomplishments of our country.
Solar System Advancement Ceremony
Baltimore Area Council
Arrangements: Ceremony board resembles chart of Sun
and planets with Cub as the Sun and Cub ranks as planets. A
small blue and yellow cardboard rocket should be made for
each Cub getting a badge and placed on or under his rank. If
a loop of masking tape is placed on the back of each rocket,
the rocket can be moved by the Cubmaster to the new rank
as the parents are presenting the badge. (Use Cub Scout
insignia stickers.)
CUBMASTER: Will the Den Chiefs (Den Leaders) please
bring forward the Cub Scouts who are ready for
(Den Chiefs bring Cubs forward and give their names.)
Cub Scouts, we are happy to see you have taken another
flight forward in our Cub Scout galaxy. Please face your
fellow Cub Scouts and Den Chief (name) will lead them in
the Den cheer. (Den Chief leads Den cheer.)
Den Chiefs, will you please bring the parents of these Cub
Scouts forward.
(Den Chiefs bring parents forward placing each Cub Scout
between his parents.)
These Cub Scouts have done a fine job in our Pack. They are
progressing through the Cub Scout galaxy. This would not
be possible if it were not for the interest and help of their
parents. I’m proud of the parents in our Pack. As I move
your rocket forward on our galaxy, your parent(s) will
present you with your badge.
(Cubmaster calls of names as he moves rockets to
appropriate ranks on ceremony board while parents
presents badges. Cubmaster leads cheer and congratulates
Cubs and parents with Cub Scout handshake.)
Martian Land Deeds
Baltimore Area Council
Props: Martian Land Deeds for each Cub Scout earning an
award, and a large scroll (proclamation) to be read by the
Cubmaster. If you really want to get the Cubs excited, dress
up the Cubmaster like a green, one eyed, etc., Martian.
CUBMASTER: (holds large scroll in hands and reads.) We,
of Mars, in the interest of establishing a permanent and
desirable civilization, will provide a Martian Land Deed to
any earthling who can qualify for space travel and
exploration by earning one or more of the Cub Scout badges
listed on the deed.
Said deed will provide one acre of Martian land for every
listed badge earned by a Cub Scout. (Call names of Cubs
receiving awards, identify awards they are to receive and
present deed, with badges attached)
In recognition of advanced training and preparation for
space travel, we of the planet mars grant (how many badges
earned) acres of land to Cub Scout (Cub’s name) for earning
the badge(s) listed below:
Bobcat badge:
(Continue for Wolf Badge; Bear Badge; Arrow Points,
Webelos Activity Pins, Webelos Badge; Arrow of Light
Whereof, we set our hand this day of (month) (year)
Cubmaster: (Name) Committee Chairman: (Name)
Space Ball
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach, Verdugo Hills Councils
Lots of kids spread out around a SPACE that has some
definition or boundary and not too far away apart from one
One kid starts out with the ball and throws the ball to
another kid. If the kid who threw the ball aims badly, then
that kid has to sit down. If the kid who was being thrown
the ball gets a good pass but drops or dodges the ball, he is
out and sits down and gives the ball to someone else.
When the game gets down to two kids, then each one puts
one hand behind his back and tosses the ball back and forth
until someone messes up.
Hang Time
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach, Verdugo Hills Councils
Needs: At least two players, one Ref with a stopwatch and a
tennis ball.
To play:
One player throws the ball in the air and then catches it. The
Ref times (counts) how many seconds the ball stays in the
air and this is recorded.
If the player drops the ball, record 0 and move to the next
player. The next player then takes his/her turn. Do this for
however many rounds you want and then add up the
seconds; the player with the most time wins.
You can vary the rules to allow a player to not catch the
ball; stop counting time when the ball hits the ground.
Page 21
Blast Off!
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach, Verdugo Hills Councils
Participants: All who want to play (but no less than 3).
All the boys stand in a small circle. The leader in the center.
The leader tosses the ball into the air calling the name of one
of the boys.
At that moment the rest BLAST OFF running away from the
one who tossed the ball.
When the one who was called has the ball he says: " Stop!"
and everybody has to stop.
The one who has the ball can take three steps to get nearer to
the closest person and throw him/her the ball.
Several things could happen:
 If he touches the person with the ball, that person has a
spot, and he is now the leader for the next round.
 If he doesn't touch the person with the ball, that person
is "clean" (does not get a "spot"), and the one who threw
the ball gets the "spot.” He becomes the leader and has
to throw the ball and name someone.
 Whoever gets 3 spots is out. The last person left wins.
 The game does not have a time limit; it finishes when
there is only one person left or most of the players
decide to end it.
The time limit on Cub Scout games is flexible. A good
leader lets the Cubs play the game until just before they
stop having fun.   It may take you awhile until you
can successfully judge this point with your den. CD
Space Stations
Baltimore Area Council
Two chairs are placed facing each other about eight feet
apart. The Space Stations are made with a blindfolded
player sitting in each chair.
The boys stand in a single file. On signal from the leader
one player from each team tries to go silently through the
“strait”. If either one of the blindfolded players hears
anything, he points to the location of the sound.
If he is right, he joins the team of the detected player and the
detected player becomes the Space Station. The team
getting the most players through the strait in a given time is
the winner. Where conditions warrant it, the listeners may
use water pistols to good advantage.
Electric Shock
Baltimore Area Council
Divide the group into two equal teams. The teams face each
other, and the players on each team stand side by side, a
little distance apart.
At the starting signal the first player on each team taps the
shoulder of the player next to him. The second player
quickly taps the shoulder, of the third player. The third
player taps the shoulder of the fourth player.
This continues until the end player calls out “Ouch!” That
means he has gotten the electric shock. The first team to
“feel” the electric shock wins.
The next time you play the game, the head player goes to the
end of the line, and the second player becomes the first.
Cast Off
Baltimore Area Council
Cut out balloons from cardboard and paint them in bright
colors. Attach large tin cans to them with cord. Then hang
them from a tree limb or clothesline. Toss stardust (iron
washers) into the balloon baskets. Each one in counts 5
points. The winner is the player with the most points.
Light Saber
Baltimore Area Council
Have Cub Scouts bring flashlights (with good batteries)
from home. Tape a paper towel roll to the end of the
flashlight. Cover the flashlight and roll completely with
aluminum foil. Cut out the section where the switch is
Use as “pretend” LASER BEAMS. Be careful that the Cub
Scouts do not use the Laser Beam as a sword; instead, have
them aim the Laser Beam at a target on the wall.
Alien Egg
Greater St. Louis Area Council
Supplies: an alien egg (ball about the size of a volleyball
covered with aluminum foil).
 Divide the boys into pairs.
 Tell them that you have been given an alien egg.
 The egg cannot be moved from place to place unless it
is carried between the heads of two people.
 The egg is unique in this way because it must be in
contact with human brain waves while it is in motion or
the baby alien inside might get upset, break open the
egg, and eat the carpeting.
 The object is for each pair to crawl sideways, with the
egg between their heads, to the end of the playing area
and back. They must then exchange the egg with the
next pair in line without using their hands.
Space Flight
Baltimore Area Council
Form teams in separate circles, each facing the center. Give
the captain of each team an object representing a satellite.
On signal, the holder of each satellite starts passing it around
his circle (the earth). Each Cub Scout passes it to the next
until the captain holds it again. He should shout “one” and
send it around again. The first team to complete ten trips
around the earth wins the game.
Eating in Outer Space
Greater St. Louis Area Council
Supplies: clothesline, doughnuts, paper cups, string.
 When it is time for refreshments, let your astronauts eat
in "weightlessness" as they do in outer space.
 With thread, suspend doughnuts from a clothesline.
 In addition, fill paper cups half full with water.
 Tie at three points and suspend one cup near each
doughnut. Each astronaut will try to eat the doughnut and
drink the water without touching them with his hands.
 There will be a lot of fun as the powdered sugar bounces
against their faces and the water dribbles down their
Page 22
Force Field
Greater St. Louis Area Council
Supplies: a long rope.
 Divide the room or field in half by tying a rope from
one side to the other about 3 feet above the ground.
 Gather the entire group on one side of the rope.
 The rope represents an electric force field.
 Players who accidentally touch it are zapped with
electricity. They must fall to the floor and remain there
for the rest of the game.
 The object of the game is to get everyone from one side
of the force field to the other without getting zapped.
 Players cannot jump but must work together to lift each
other carefully over the force field.
 To help, only one object may be used – a chair or desk
to stand on or a broom held by players on ether side to
assist the member.
 Be sure that players do not throw each other over the
force field and that the last person doesn't dive over it.
Space Race
Greater St. Louis Area Council
This is a simple Space Race Derby relay.
Divide the den into teams.
For each team, stretch a 15 foot length string between chairs.
Before tying to the second chair, insert a paper cup with a
hole in the center.
Each boy on a team blows a cup the length of the string and
returns it.
Continue in relay fashion until all have raced.
Test your materials ahead of time to ensure the cup will
slide on the string when the cub blows on it!! CD
Flying Saucers
Greater St. Louis Area Council
Supplies: Two paper plates per boy, markers and staplers
Each boy makes a flying saucer by stapling together 2 paper
plates face to face.
Decorate as desired.
Divide the den into two groups, lining up in single file about
15’ from the “worm- hole”. (a hula-hoop suspended from a
tree branch or ceiling).
Each boy tries to fly his saucer through the “worm- hole”.
The first group to get all the saucers through is the winner.
In the Future
Sam Houston Area Council
Tune: Lion Sleeps Tonight
Zoo-oo-oo-oo-oom up up away.
(Zoom away, I zoom away,…)
In the future, the far-off future,
Rockets in the skies.
In the future, the far-out future,
Rockets in the skies.
Zoo-oo-oo-oo-oom up up away.
(Zoom away, I zoom away, …)
Going to school is really cool,
On rocket-powered bikes.
Going to school is really cool,
On rocket-powered bikes.
Zoo-oo-oo-oo-oom up up away.
(Zoom away, I zoom away, …)
On the streets are flying feet,
Rockets on my shoes.
On the streets are flying feet,
Rockets on my shoes.
Zoo-oo-oo-oo-oom up up away.
(Zoom away, I zoom away, …)
When the Robots Go Rollin’ In
Sam Houston Area Council
Tune: When the Saints go Marchin’ in
When the robots, go rollin’ in
When robots go rollin’ in.
Oh I want to be undercover
When robots go rollin’ in.
It was my room, Mom said to clean
My room Mom said to clean.
It swallowed up, my favorite truck
It swallowed up my favorite truck.
It made a ball, with all my clothes.
It made a ball with all my clothes.
The room was clean, it looked at me,
I didn’t like how it looked at me.
And so I jumped, into the air
And landed on my little chair.
Then as it turned, it made a twitch
I turned him off with its big ol’ switch.
Oh this I will remember
When robots go rollin’ in.
Page 23
Space Cub Scouts
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach, Verdugo Hills Councils
Tune: Do Your Ears Hang Low
Do your ears point high?,
Mr. Spock's your kind of guy.
On the Starship Enterprise,
Out in space we're gonna fly.
Where no man has gone before.
Through the universe and more.
Do you ears point high?
Are your ears quite long?
Then you must be a Klingon,
Will you sneak up on our ship
Till our radar shows a blip?
Then we'll blast you with our phasers
Our ship is the one that stays here.
Are your ears quite long?
We are Space Cub Scouts.
"Beam em Up!" is what we shout.
On the Enterprise we work
We report to Captain Kirk.
Through the struggles and the strife,
Looking for new forms of life.
We are Space Cub Scouts.
Oh Give Me The Sky
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach, Verdugo Hills Councils
(Tune: Home on the Range)
Oh, give the sky, where I like to fly
Where the birds and the airplanes go by
Where often is heard just a whirlybird
And the skies are not cloudy all day.
Up, up in the sky
Where the birds and the insects go by
Where often it's heard just a whirlybird
And the skies are not cloudy all day.
How often at night when the skies are bright
With the light from the glittering stars
Have I stood here amazed and asked as I gazed
If I could touch one of those hot stars.
Oh, give me a sky where the bright yellow sun Glows
brightly down long, long sunbeams
Where graceful white kites go gliding along
Like white sheets in my silly day dreams.
Where the sky is so pure, the west winds so free,
The breezes so balmy and light
That I could always fly my plane in the sky
Through all of the big cities bright.
My Dream
Greater St. Louis Area Council
Tune: Home on the Range
Oh give me a suit that an astronaut wears,
And a ship that he flies to the moon.
If I study the stars and the planets out there,
My dreams will surely come true.
Oh, how I dream of the stars
And the sky, and the planets and moon.
I know if I dream, just as an astronaut does,
Then I’ll be an astronaut too.
In The Future Summertime
Baltimore Area Council
Tune: In the Good Old Summertime
In the future summertime, In the future summertime,
Blasting off for summer camp
On Mars will be so fine.
Hot dog pills and instant meals
Before us when we dine.
The food’s all dehydrated
In the future summertime.
In the future summertime, In the future summertime,
Our Cubmaster’s an android,
His brain’s electrified,
His uniform is spiffy,
It’s one big neon sign.
When R2 leads our pack meeting
In the future summertime.
In the future summertime, In the future summertime,
Hiking the canals of Mars
Through the manmade pines
We’ll cover one mile with each step.
It’s hard to keep in line,
When there is no gravity
In the future summertime.
Down by the rockets
Baltimore Area Council
tune: Down by the Station
Down by the rockets
Early in the morning.
See the spacemen waiting For the time to go.
Rockets fueled and ready
Pushing all the buttons
Roar! Roar! Woosh! Woosh! Off they go.
On To Two Stars
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach, Verdugo Hills Councils
(Tune: On Wisconsin)
On to two stars, on to two stars,
Climbing all the while.
Do your best, just show the rest,
And wear a real Cub Smile.
(keep striving).
Blaze the trail that others follow, Follow to your call,
On Cubs, then on, until- We're on the two stars All.
Page 24
The Daring Spaceman
Baltimore Area Council
Tune: When Johnny Comes Marching Home
I am a daring astronaut, Hurrah, hurrah,
I’m getting ready to lift off, Hurrah, hurrah,
The rocket takes me high in space,
My ship is a most comfortable place,
To a space adventure, I am on my way.
I’m orbiting now around the moon, Hurrah, hurrah,
I think I’ll land there very soon, Hurrah, hurrah,
I pitch and yaw and roll through space,
I’ve not seen these sights any other place.
I’m a daring spaceman. Won’t you come with me?
Let’s fly to other planets now, Hurrah, hurrah,
Come fly with me, I’ll show you how, Hurrah, hurrah,
We’ll stop at Mercury, Venus, Mars,
At Neptune we’ll take a good look at the stars,
What a lovely sight, The wonderful world of space.
Space Derby Song
Baltimore Area Council
tune: Camp Town Races
Cub Scouts all join in the song, Doo-dah,! Doo-dah,!
Spaceship wire is mighty long, Oh, dee-doo-dah-day
Going to fly so fast, Going to get ahead,
Bet my money on a blue spaceship,
Somebody bet on the red.
The Astronaut’s Plea
Baltimore Area Council
tune: My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean
I went for a ride in a spaceship,
The moon and the planets to see.
I went for a ride in a spaceship,
And listen to what happened to me.
Bring back, bring back,
Oh bring back by spaceship to me, to me.
Bring back, bring back,
Oh bring back my spaceship to me.
I went for a ride on a spaceship
The capsule was crowded and I
Developed a cramp in my muscles.
So I took a walk in the sky.
I went for a walk In my spacesuit
The ship was controlled from the ground
And someone In charge down at NASA
Forgot I was walking around.
Robert Baden-Powell
Sam Houston Area Council
Tune: Father Abraham
Robert Baden-Powell had many Scouts
Many Scouts had Robert Baden-Powell.
I am one of them, and so are you.
Let me tell you what to do...
Right arm.
Robert Baden-Powell had many Scouts
Many Scouts had Robert Baden-Powell.
I am one of them, and so are you.
Let me tell you what to do...
Right arm, left arm.
Continue with:
Right arm:
Do Cub salute repeatedly
Left arm:
Add left arm handshake motion
Right foot:
Add right foot stepping up and down
Left foot:
Add left foot stepping up and down
Chin up:
Add head nodding up and down
Turn around: Add turning in place
Sit down:
Sit down!
Sam Houston Area Council
There was a pack that had a prize
and Cubby was his name, oh
C-U-B-B-Y, C-U-B-B-Y, C-U-B-B-Y
And Cubby was his name, oh.
There was a pack that had a prize
and Cubby was his name, oh
(Clap)-U-B-B-Y, (Clap)-U-B-B-Y, (Clap)-U-B-B-Y
And Cubby was his name, oh.
Continue verses substituting an additional clap
for a letter each time.
Last Verse
There was a pack that had a prize
and Cubby was his name, oh
5 claps, 5 claps, 5 claps
And Cubby was his name, oh.
Jet Swirl Pizza Appetizers
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach, Verdugo Hills Councils
Similar to meat-filled calzones.
 1 (10 ounce) can refrigerated pizza crust dough
 ¼ lb. each thinly sliced Genoa salami, pepperoni
sausage, provolone cheese
 ½ cup shredded mozzarella cheese
 Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C).
 Lightly grease a large baking sheet.
 Roll pizza crust dough into an approximately 10x14”
rectangle on the baking sheet.
 Layer with Genoa salami, pepperoni and provolone
 Sprinkle with mozzarella cheese to within ½” of dough
 Roll jelly roll style.
 Seal the edge with a fork.
 Bake in the preheated oven 25 minutes, or until golden
 Slice into 1” pieces to serve.
 Original recipe yield: 5 servings.
Page 25
Flying Saucers
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach, Verdugo Hills Councils
Hearty cookie with oats, coconut and wheat flakes cereal.
Great for a snack.
 1 cup shortening
 1 cup white sugar
 1 cup brown sugar
 2 eggs
 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
 ½ teaspoon baking powder
 ½ teaspoon salt
 2 cups rolled oats
 2 cups whole wheat flake cereal
 1 cup flaked coconut
 Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C).
 Grease cookie sheets.
 In a large bowl, cream together the shortening, white
sugar and brown sugar until smooth.
 Beat in the eggs one at a time,
 Then stir in the vanilla.
 Combine the baking powder, baking soda and oats; stir
into the sugar mixture.
 Fold in the wheat cereal and coconut.
 Drop dough by teaspoonfuls onto the prepared cookie
sheets. Flatten slightly with a fork.
 Bake for 10 to 12 minutes in the preheated oven, or until
light brown.
 Original recipe yield: 3 dozen.
Apple Half Moons
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach, Verdugo Hills Councils
Short Cut - try using chunky applesauce in place of apples.
Or go wild with fruit preserves!
 1/3 cup sour cream
 ¾ cup butter
 1 egg yolk, beaten
 ¼ cup raisins
 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
 1 tablespoon brown sugar
 1½ cups all-purpose flour
 1 teaspoon apple pie spice
 ¼ cup white sugar
 2 apples - peeled, cored and chopped
 Stir together to blend sour cream, egg yolk and vanilla
 In a large bowl stir together flour and sugar.
 Cut in ¾ cup butter or margarine until like coarse
 Mix in sour cream mixture until well blended.
 Divide dough in half and chill until easy to handle (3
hours or so).
To Make Filling:
 In small saucepan, melt the 1 tablespoon margarine.
 Add apples, raisins, brown sugar and apple spice and
 Stir occasionally, until apples are fork tender.
 Remove excess liquid and cool.
To Assemble Pastry
 Roll each piece of dough to about 1/8” thickness and cut
with 2½” round cookie cutter.
 Place rounds ½” apart on ungreased cookie sheet.
 Place (skimpy) teaspoon of filling on each round and
fold in half.
 Seal edges with fork.
 Bake at 350°F (175°C) for 10 to 12 minutes or until
light brown.
 Remove and cool.
 Drizzle with lemon sugar icing made with ½ cup
powdered sugar, 1 teaspoon lemon juice (fresh) and 1
tablespoon water. Mix to drizzling consistency. If too
thick, add a little more water, if too thin, a little more
confectioners' sugar.
 Original recipe yield: 4 dozen.
Alien Meltdown
Baltimore Area Council
Snip one marshmallow into a triangular head and another
into a torso with arms. Insert mini chocolate chip eyes. then
assemble the Alien on a cookie for his “flying saucer”. Place
him in the microwave for about ten seconds on high and
you’ve got alien meltdown!! Cool, eat and enjoy.
Fried Saturn Rings
Baltimore Area Council
 Tart Apples
 Butter/Margarine
 Brown sugar
 Core the apples, peel only if the skin is tough.
 Slice into 1/2 inch thick rings.
 Sauté in butter until barely tender.
 Turn over and cook until tender.
 Sprinkle brown sugar and cover until sugar melts.
Baltimore Area Council
 1 Cub sugar
 1/4 cup margarine
 1/4 cup milk
 1 1/2 cups quick oatmeal
 1/4 cup chopped nuts
 2 1/2 tablespoons creamy peanut butter
 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
 Combine sugar, margarine and milk in sauce pan,
 Boil 1 minute.
 Pour hot mixture over oatmeal and peanut butter.
 Add nuts and vanilla.
 Mix, drop by teaspoon onto wax paper.
 Let cool until firm.
Page 26
Fast Space Age Soup
Baltimore Area Council
 1 can (14.5 oz) chopped tomatoes
 3 cans (14.5) chicken broth
 1/3 cup alphabet noodles
 1/2 cup quick cooking pearl barley
 8 oz frozen baby carrots
 1 pkg (10 oz) frozen corn
 1 pkg (10 oz)frozen cut green beans
 1 tsp dry oregano
 1/4 tsp pepper.
 Mix tomatoes, chicken broth, noodles and barley in a
 Bring to a boil over high heat stirring occasionally.
 Slice the carrots and add with corn and green beans.
 Season with oregano and pepper.
 Reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes or until the
barley is cooked.
Sam Houston Area Council
Mork Cheer
Nanoo Nanoo
Mr. Spock Cheer Live Long and Prosper
Mazda Cheer
Zoom Zoom
Nike Cheer
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach, Verdugo Hills Councils
Space Hero Applause: With arm thrust skyward saying,
“To infinity and beyond”
Star Trek Applause:
Pull out an imaginary
communicator saying, “Beam me up, Scotty.”
Baltimore Area Council
ROBOT APPLAUSE Walk in place, stiff-legged and stiff-armed and say ‘Does
not compute, Does not compute” in a sing-song fashion.
COMPUTER APPLAUSE Beep - gotta bug! Beep - gotta bug!
UFO APPLAUSE - Hold index fingers to forehead and
shout, “Take me to your leader.”
APOLLO APPLAUSE - Count down 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,
blast off! Blast off with your hands, gain orbit and say
‘Beep, Beep, Beep.”
STAR APPLAUSE-”Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle.”
SATELLITE APPLAUSE-move right hand in circle over
head, opening and closing the fist, while saying in a high
falsetto voice “Gleep-gleep-gleep.”
Greater St. Louis Area Council
Supersonic Wave arms wildly and open mouth as if yelling.
Then sit quietly for a few seconds, then yell loudly.
Skyrocket In pantomime, the group following the yell
leader, plant imaginary rockets in the ground, light a match
(on seat of their pants) and apply it to the rocket fuse. As the
rocket rises, the group begins to whistle (softly at first and
then louder) and after a short pause, all shout BANG!
Sam Houston Area Council
(Comes on stage with a stick in his hand. He
puts the point of the stick down on the floor,
picks it up, puts it down in another place,
repeating this many times)
Cubmaster: Baloo, what are you doing?
Oh, I’m just stickin’ around.
(Runs on stage with his hands grasping his
waist. He yells: “Help! It’s all around me. It’s
all around me. Help!”
Cubmaster: What’s all around you?
My belt!
Attention Stunt:
Sam Houston Area Council
Den runs up front all yelling “Attention! Attention” to the
audience. After a few seconds of this, when the audience is
all listening, the boys in the stunt all go silent. Post someone
in the audience to ask them “What do you guys want?”
Their answer will be “We just wanted some ‘attention’.”
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach, Verdugo Hills Councils
Q: What did Neptune say to Saturn?
A: Give me a ring sometime!
Q: What do you call a space magician?
A: A flying saucerer!
Q: What is the center of gravity?
A: V!
Q: What song do planets sing?
A: Nep-tunes!
Q: Why are false teeth like stars?
A: Because they come out at night!
Q: When is the moon heaviest?
A: When it’s full!
Q: Why did Mickey Mouse go into space?
A: Because he wanted to find Pluto!
Q: What do computers like to eat?
A: Chips! (My wife says Cookies is a better answer CD)
Q: What’s the man in the moon's favorite drink?
A: Crater-ade!
Q: Why did the germ cross the microscope?
A: To get to the other slide!
Baltimore Area Council
Why do astronauts go to the doctor before they’re launched
in to space?
(To get their booster shots)
How do astronauts bring their food to work?
(In launch boxes)
How fast does light travel?
(I don’t know, but it gets here too early in the morning.)
What did the command center say to the astronaut after the
count down?
(You’re fired!)
Why was the absent minded astronomer looking for a
(He wanted to turn on the sky light.)
What is green, wears a helmet, and flies around?
(An airsick astronaut.)
Page 27
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach, Verdugo Hills Councils
& Sam Houston Area Council
The following answers and questions can
be used in a Cubnac presentation (based on the Johnny
Carson "Carnac" routine). A Cub Scout dresses in a turban
and cape and his assistant carries in envelopes with
questions inside. After Cubnac holds each envelope to his
forehead in order to “telepathically” come up with the
answer (it is written on the outside of each envelope), he
states the answer out loud, opens the envelope and reads the
question. The boys can ham this up as much as they want.
Dances with Wolves
What would you say about den leader who
square dances with her den?
I Can Bear No More
Question: What does a new Webelos Scout say?
Question: What would you call Robert Cat if you were a
close friend?
Question: What would a group of older Cub Scouts say if
they didn’t know where they were at?
Bear, Aaron and Wells Fargo
Question: Name a rank, a Hank and a bank.
In Space Ships
Question: How will Cub Scout families go camping in
the future?
Arrow of Light
Question: What would you call 20 candles in a straight
First Class Scouts
Question: What is the goal for every boy to become?
Tiger Paws
Question: What do you call a group of Tiger fathers?
Alternate answer – A Den of Tigers taking a nap
Space Shuttle
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach, Verdugo Hills Councils
 Large cardboard box made to look like the space shuttle.
 Projector and film.
 Chairs for each Cub in skit. The chairs are placed
behind the shuttle with the astronauts sitting in the
Den Chief dressed to look like the ground
control. All other Cubs dressed as astronauts.
Den Chief: Well men, are you ready for your first mission?
Yes, sir!
Last Boy: Mr. Ground Commander sir! I have been
thinking about this first mission and there is
just one last question, "How do we get down?"
(Lights go out and projector is turned on with a film of the
landing of the first space shuttle to the music of Star Wars.)
Note: The projector and film can be obtained from several
different places, such as high schools, churches, or the
public library. If these places are not fruitful, ask your
Future Careers
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach, Verdugo Hills Councils
A large box that Cubs can step into and out of;
decorate front with knobs and dials. Costume pieces
representing the future career for Cubs to have on when they
announce their future career. (e.g Chef’s Hat for chef)
Cub #1: Ladies and gentlemen, this is the fantastic, terrific
magic future machine. By entering this machine
you will know your future career.
Cub #2: Let me try it first!
Cub #1: OK, enter the chamber (he turns dials on the
front). Come out and reveal your future. (This is
repeated for each Cub.)
Cub #2: Wow, I am going to be an inventor. I'll invent a
way to transport people and products instantly.
Cub #3: (enters then exits) Hey, I'm going to be a chef.
Dinner anyone?
Cub #4: (enters then exits) I'm going to be a doctor. Want
a shot?
Cub #5: (Enters then exits) I'm going to be a scientist. I'll
discover a new clean energy source.
Cub #6: (enters then exits) Yea, yea, yea! I'm going to be
a rock star. Where's my guitar?
Cub #7: (enters and exits) An astronaut, look at Mars!
Cub #8: I'm not sure about this, but here goes.
Cub #1: This way. (Turns dials.)
Cub #8: (enters, screams) No! No!
Cub #1: What's the matter? What will you be?
Cub #8: NO! I'll be a (pause for silence)
CUBMASTER!!! (Runs off stage with arms
Rollicking Robots
Sam Houston Area Council
Den ___ presents "The Rollicking Robots From The World
of Tomorrow."
(Robots enter slowly in a line, then turn to face audience)
We ‘re the very latest triumph of engineering skill;
We can walk, we can talk, we can raise an arm at will;
We ‘re really rather handsome, all gleaming steel and
Oh, everyone should have a little robot in the home.
You’ll never have to feed us, our wants are very few;
A sip of battery juice and a nut and bolt or two;
Our actions are dependable, just like a metronome;
Oh, everyone should have a little robot in the home.
Page 28
(As each boy takes his turn, he steps forward stiffly, takes
three steps and bows before he speaks.)
When Junior has some homework that no one can explain,
We're just the ones to help him, with our electronic brain.
Those nights when father moans and groans about his
income tax,
We’ll do the calculations, if he’d just feed us the facts.
We can help with mother’s gardening when she’s setting out
her plants,
Our feet are built for digging holes or stamping out red ants.
If sister fears she’ll oversleep because she stayed out late at
Just let us know the proper time, we’ll wake her up all right.
We’ll be glad to mind the baby when he’s crawling on the
And shock him, oh so gently, if he’s heading for the door.
To cheer you up, we’ll bring you music straight from our
And even go into a dance while rattling our resistors.
Robots go into their dance after #6 speaks:
Three slide steps to left;
then three slide steps back to position.
Three bounces forward; then three back to position.
Swing left arm and right leg forward and back;
then right arm and left leg.
Repeat these kicks, then bow.
We hope we have convinced you of our many splendid uses,
And we faithfully promise not to blow out any fuses.
We’ll be always be at your service with our every volt and ohm,
Now don’t you think that you should have a robot in your
Is There Life on Other Plants?
Baltimore Area Council
Characters: Head Scientist and Five Scientists
Props: One conference size table, six chairs, several brief
cases. Official looking papers scattered over table. Business
suit for Head Scientist, weird masks for other scientists.
Setting: The Head Scientist and the 5 Scientists are seated at
a conference table with their backs to the audience.
Head Scientist: (Rising, with back to audience) Gentlemen,
gentlemen. Please come to order. I have called you
here today to-make an important announcement. I
am sorry to tell you that after exhaustive studies, we
have come to a conclusion that there cannot
possibly be any life on the planet nearest us.
1st scientist: But what about the changes in color from
white to green that have been observed on the
planet’s surface? Don’t these indicate weather
changes and some kind of atmosphere?
Head Scientist: All tests show that there is some atmosphere
on the planet, but it is not enough to sustain life as
we know it.
2nd Scientist: Then how do you account for the ditches or
canals that have been seen with our telescopes?
Head Scientist: Latest viewings indicate that these are
merely natural ground formations, and there is no
proof whatever that they are made by any living
3rd Scientist: Then we must conclude that the flying saucer
stories are all hoaxes?
Head Scientist: No, of course not. Most of these sightings
have perfectly logical, scientific explanations, and
the rest are the direct result of mass hysteria.
4th Scientist: Then all the strange sounds picked up on
radio receivers come from our own transmitters or
are produced by atmospheric pressures?
Head Scientist: I’m afraid so.
5th Scientist: I, for one, am extremely disappointed. I’ve
always been sure we had neighbors on other
planets, or at least on the one nearest to us. Perhaps
not life as we know it, but some kind of intelligent
life, totally unknown to us.
Head Scientist: Gentlemen, I am going to adjourn this
meeting. I can see no point in discussing this matter
further. The tests have been so conclusive- that any
intelligent person must accept the fact that there is
no life on—
All: (Turning to audience to reveal weird masks or make-up)
Adventures In Space
Baltimore Area Council
Characters: Moon and 8 Cub Scouts
Props: Each Scout should have something from the country
he represents – A Lei for the Hawaiian, Wooden Shoes for
the Dutchmen, …
Setting: Have a large moon posted on the wall or stage. The
voice of the Moon should be out of sight.
MOON: Today is the day for adventures in Space. Cub
Scouts round the world are entering the race. To the
moon they will come on this special outing to tell of
the fun they have in Cub Scouting.
AMERICAN: I’m the boy from the U.S.A. BOY: Give us a
ball and we’re ready to play.
HAWAIIAN: Aloha!- From the land of pineapple and
sunshine, I bring laughter and music fine.
DUTCH: I have a Cub Scout brother, a nice young tyke, I
left him home with his finger in the dike.
ALASKAN: In the land of the Northern Lights,
ESKIMO: Fishing is one of our delights.
FRENCH: I’m from France where we’re known for eating.
The best place to do this is in a den meeting.
INDIAN: How! I bring brotherhood to the moon. May it be
universal - very soon.
SPANISH: Enthusiasm is the call of the day. In sunny Spain
we should “Ole.”
Page 29
ORIENTAL: Confucius words very very few, “You teach
them, or they teach you.”
AFRICAN: The jungles of Africa provide for our boys A
place to study wildlife and make lots of noise.
MOON: It sounds so exciting. I’ll start right away to form a
den of Moon Scouts without further delay.
The Robot-Inventors
Baltimore Area Council
Characters: 6 scientists in lab jackets (shirts, collars turned
inside, put on backwards) 7th scientist is dressed the same
way and has a top hat. One Cub dressed as robot with bunny
tail hidden under table. Feel free to combine parts if you
don't have that many Cubs. CD
Setting: Table, covered with old sheet reaching to floor at
front. Fishbowl or other glass bowl, test tubes, flasks, etc. on
table. The 6 scientists stand behind and at sides of table. One
of the scientists is reading a book plainly marked, “How to
Invent a Robot”, while another looks over his shoulder.
Another scientist is’ stirring in a large bowl with a large
wooden spoon.
Scientist #l: It doesn’t seem to be working.
Scientist #2: I can’t understand it.
Scientist #3: We’ll have to change the formula.
Scientist # 7 enters from stage left carrying top hat
Scientist #7: I’ve got it! I’ve got it! A friend of mine told me
just how to do it. (he places hat on table) You just say,
“Abracadabra 1-2-3”, reach in, and . . .
Scientist #4: Wait a minute. What did you say your friend’s
name was?
Scientist #7: Magisto the Magician. He says he’s pulled a
robot out of a hat lots of times.
Scientist #5: That’s “rabbit”, not “robot” you idiot! (they
chase scientist # 7 off stage waving book, spoon, etc.,
scientist #6 starts to join them, but stops and looks at hat on
Scientist #6: (shrugging shoulders) It might work!
Abracadabra l-2-3! (he takes hold of hat with left hand, tips
it toward himself at edge of table, reaches “in”-reaches
behind table and pulls out “robot” who has been hiding
behind table) Hey, it worked! Now I’ll just push this button
(pushes robot’s button-robot drops to all fours and hops off
stage showing a bunny tail)
Rocket Genius
Greater St. Louis Area Council
CAST: 4-6 Cub Scouts
SETUP: The scene is the launching pad of a large rocket
(fake it, or can be cut from a large piece of cardboard.)
There is an elaborate countdown, but the rocket fails to go
off at zero. All those present inspect it and check on a
number of highly scientific sounding devices  the supersonic sector wire;
 the exhaust fin fan stand;
 the sub-stabilizer oxidizer, etc.
Make up as many as you need for each boy to have line
All seem perfect.
Finally a small boy speaks up.
Scout: (Holds up a power cord) "I've found the trouble.
Somebody forgot to plug it in.
No Rocket Scientist
Greater St. Louis Area Council
Rocket pilot in cockpit on one side of stage.
Ground control with computer on other side of the stage.
Rocket Pilot: Mayday! Mayday! Engines on fire Mayday!
Ground control: We read you. Hang in there. We're going
to try and lock in on you with our computer.
Rocket Pilot: Well, hurry up! I can't hold on much longer.
I'm surrounded by flames.
Ground Control: O.K. This is critical. Before you eject -state your height and position.
Rocket Pilot: Oh, I'm about 5 foot 6, and I'm sitting down.
Pretends to push eject button and jumps out of cockpit
The Astronaut Physical
Greater St. Louis Area Council
Characters: NASA Doctor, 7 Astronauts (Cub Scouts)
 Doctor - White shirt turned backwards and white band
of cardboard with circle of foil attached, bandage on
 Astronaut #3’s finger has a band aid on it
 Astronaut #5 has a black eye
Desk with sign (Doctor is in), Seven chairs, pencil and index
card, large bottle as a medicine bottle, and cardboard with
picture drawn to show a rib cage with a roll of film in it.
Desk is in center of stage with Doctor behind it as
Astronauts enter from side slowly, jogging and flexing
Cub 1: (To other Cub Scouts) Well, today is the day for our
annual physicals. As Astronauts we should stay in good
physical shape.
Doctor: Come in, Come in. Please sit down.
Cub 1: Doctor, I’m sorry were so late.
Doctor: Doesn’t your watch tell time?
Cub 1: Oh no, I have to look at it.
Doctor: (To all Cub Scouts) Now lets check your senses of
balance…lift your left foot… (Cub Scouts lift left foot)
…and now your right foot… (Lift right foot)…now lift
both… (Cub Scouts try)…Hmmm… (Doctor rubs chin).
Now tell me, do you have any special problems?
Cub 2: (Holding up x-ray) I’m worried because I swallowed
a roll of film at our last space training.
Doctor: (Looking at x-ray) Relax, I’m sure nothing will
develop. NEXT!
Cub 3: (Holding up bandaged finger) Oh, doctor tell me,
will I be able to play the piano when my finger gets
Doctor: (Looking at finger) Of course!
Cub 3: Great I could never play before!
Doctor: (To Cub Scout 4) I see you look a little thinner.
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Cub 4: Yes, I have been exercising regularly. This morning
I touched the floor without bending my knees.
Doctor: Excellent, how did you do it?
Cub 4: I fell out of bed. By the way my brother is the next
Doctor: Call him immediately.
Cub 4: I don’t think he’ll come if I call him immediately,
his name is Sam.
Cub 5: Oh doctor, what can I do for my black eye?
(Covering eye)
Doctor: Wow, who gave you that shiner?
Cub 5: (Indignantly) No one! I had to fight for it!
Cub 6: Doctor, Doctor! My leg hurts!
Doctor: Here, rub this on your leg, it will relieve the pain
(handing him the bottle)
Cub 6: Will it make my leg smart?
Doctor: (disgusted) If it does, try rubbing some on your
Doctor: Well, well. Seems to me I can find only one thing
ailing you astronauts… Excess Energyitis!!!! I would
recommend a balanced diet, daily exercise, fresh air,
plenty of rest, and more astronaut training.
Frank Borman’s Prayer
Baltimore Area Council
Have the Cub Scouts and their families form a large circle
and hold hands. An adult or den chief reads the following
prayer which was broadcast to earth by astronaut Frank
Borman while on a moon-orbiting mission:
“Give us, 0 God, the vision which can see Thy love in the
world in spite of human failure. Give us the faith to trust Thy
goodness in spite of our ignorance and weakness. Give us
the knowledge that we may continue to pray with
understanding hearts, and show us what each one of us can
do to set forward the coming of universal peace.”
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach, Verdugo Hills Councils
A candle for each Scout and matches or a
Cub # 1: (lights candle) What did it feel like, astronaut,
as you flew into outer space? Did you mind
being cooped up in such a tiny place?
Cub # 2: (lights candle) Did the stars have points? Did
the clouds race by? Did they bump into you as
you sailed?
Cub # 3: (lights candle) Did you feel like a kite when the
string breaks away and it loses its balancing tail?
Cub # 4: (lights candle) Could you hear the wind as it
whistled by? Is the world really big and round?
Cub # 5: (lights candle) Were you scared, astronaut?
Were you happy and glad when you walked
again on the ground?
Cubmaster: (lights candle) Today these questions can be
answered from first-hand experience only by a small handful
of men and women. Think for a second: If you are prepared
and willing to take the challenge by 2030 AD, you could be
a member of that group, a larger group by then, but still a
very select group.
I Made a Promise
Sam Houston Area Council
Cub # 1: I made a promise—I said that in whatever I did, I
would do the very best I could.
Cub # 2: I made a promise—to serve my God and my
country the best I could.
Cub # 3: I made a promise—to help other people the best I
Cub # 4: I made a promise—to obey the Law of the Pack
the best I could.
Cub # 5: I have done my best, and I will do my best,
because I am the best.
Cub # 6: I am a Scout.
Cub # 7: Please stand and join us in reciting the Cub Scout
Blast Off
Greater St. Louis Area Council
Set Up:
Cards with letters on front and words on back in large print.
For better effect, have the cards make a rocket when
complete. Shape the card for B like the nose cone and the
cards for O, F, and F form the fins.
Cub # 1: B–Bye for now, my Scout brothers
Cub # 2: L–We had Lots of Fun
Cub # 3: A–Always in the scouting spirit
Cub # 4: S–So, we Send you off with this last thought
Cub # 5: T–Time is not to be wasted
Cub # 6: O–Overall, the Cub Scouting spirit
Cub # 7: F–Finds us New
Cub # 8: F–Friends !
Cubmaster’s Minutes
A Heap
Sam Houston Area Council
It takes a heap of working with a boy to make a man.
A heap of care and patience, and you’ve got to understand
That he won’t be any better than you were as a lad,
Unless a spark is kindled to show him what is bad.
He looks to you for guidance, and he looks to you with pride
It’s up to you to demonstrate you can’t just let it slide.
For with that eager mind of his, he watches you each day;
Judges you by what you’re doing not just by what you say.
Cubmaster Minute
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach, Verdugo Hills Councils
In the movie “Toy Story,” an action figure named Buzz
Lightyear became a hero. But at the beginning of the movie,
Buzz did not act much like a hero. He acted more like a
show-off, always thinking he was better than all the other
toys because he could fly. It took a few hard bumps for
Buzz to realize that he could not fly and that he was just
another toy. That was a sad discovery, but it led to a much
happier one. Buzz learned that when a person makes an
extra effort to help a friend, then he is a true hero.
Buzz rose out of his own disappointment and fear to help
Page 31
save his friend Woody from disaster. That’s the way it is
with us, too. We might never be able to fly off into space
and save a galaxy, but if we learn how to be trustworthy and
loyal to the people who depend on us, then we are heroes in
the deepest sense of the word
Baltimore Area Council
Closing Thought #1
The words “Aim for the Stars” have an important meaning
to Cub Scouts. Think of Thomas Edison who tried and
failed hundreds of times before he perfected the electric light
bulb. He never quit trying. A Cub Scout who tries to do his
best and keeps trying is preparing himself for greater
responsibilities when he becomes a man. What you do and
how well you do it becomes your launching pad to “aim for
the stars”
Closing Thought #2
We have talked this evening about what life will be like in
the future. Let’s take a few minutes for the present time. A
person’s perception of time keeps shifting. As the very old
can tell you, time goes more swiftly the longer you live. An
old man may look at a forest and remember when, in his
childhood, that land was a plowed field. Time becomes
telescoped, not by failing faculties, but by overlapped
images. Each age offers a different vision that you can
capture, borrow, and savor. The point is this - somewhere
along the way, each individual needs to recognize that there
is such a thing as personal time. Immediate events ranging
from toothaches to far-reaching political crises cannot be set
aside. But we really have a great deal of leeway in choosing
what we do with our time. If you have been thinking about
getting outdoors more often, have you set aside the time?
Closing Thought #3
Always remember, we are members of a team of men and
women and young people from many nations who have
ventured into space seeking the star of peace throughout the
Many of our U.S. astronauts were Scouts. The ideals of
Scouting - character development, citizenship training, and
personal fitness - which they developed as Scouts have
helped them in the tremendous task undertaken.
Johnny Appleseed
Sam Houston Area Council
If I gave you a choice, which would you rather have, the
apple or the seeds in the apple? I guess most of us would
choose the apple.
A long time ago there was a guy who would much rather
have taken the seeds. He was an avid collector of apple
seeds and because of this, people called him Johnny
Appleseed. For many years he walked across hundreds of
miles of our country, back when most of it was frontier land,
and everywhere he went he planted apple seeds. In later
generations, the trees that grew from those seeds fed many
thousands of people. That's real long range planning!
Many of us are interested mainly in the present. We don't
think ahead like Johnny Appleseed. Maybe you don't want
to go around planting apple seeds like he did. But there's
another kind of seed that you should be planting every day the seed of good feelings between you and your fellow man.
You can do it by living your Cub Scout Promise. Every
time you help other people, you are planting a seed of good
feelings. Each seed may start the growth of a tree of good
feelings in each person you help. So, every time you help
someone it may inspire them to help other people. Through
the years your simple acts of kindness can wind up affecting
the lives of thousands of people.
WEBELOS -to- Boy Scouts Bridging Ceremony
Del-Mar-Va Council
I picked this up at Del-Mar-Va Council Pow Wow a few
years ago and it has become my favorite bridging
ceremony. The bridge I made for this ceremony generally
gets used several times each year as other Packs in my
district borrow it for the ceremony. CD
Props –
4 - 5 to 6 foot 4 X 4's (or 2X6’s) for foundation notched to
5 - 4 foot 2x10's - one plain, one yellow, one blue, one
green, one red
All words are spoken by same person (Narrator, Cubmaster)
but you could divide them up amongst several leaders.
WEBELOS leader, will you please place the first post on the
stage in a North/South direction. (WL places post)
WEBELOS Asst. leader, please place the second post on the
stage three feet away from the first post in the North/South
direction. (WA places post)
These two posts placed here are symbolic of the foundations
of Scouting that these WEBELOS leaders have instilled in
their WEBELOS Scouts through activities and outings as
represented by the natural brown color.
Scout Master (name) and Assistant Scout Master or Senior
Patrol leader), please place your posts in an East/West
direction 3 feet apart over the North/South posts that are
already in place. (SM and SPL place posts)
As represented by the structure assembly, Boy Scouting will
build on the Scouting foundation begun in WEBELOS.
These leaders have set the stage for bridging the boys from
Cub Scouting into Boy Scouting.
WEBELOS Scout (name), will you and your parents please
bring the unfinished plank forward and place it across the
east/west posts. (Scout places plank)
This unfinished plank represents the boys as they arrived in
Cub Scouting, full of potential but unfinished.
WEBELOS Scout (name), will you and your parents please
bring the blue plank forward and place it snuggly against the
unfinished plank. (Scout places plank)
This Blue plank represents the Wolf and Bear years of Cub
Scouting where with the help of their parents the Scouts
became true blue and loyal friends.
WEBELOS Scout (name), will you and your parents please
bring the gold plank forward and place it snuggly next to the
blue planks. (Scout places plank)
This Gold plank represents their golden years in Cub
Scouting as Webelos learning important skills through
activity badges and culminating in the Arrow of Light.
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WEBELOS Scout (name), will you and your parents please
bring the green plank forward and place it next to the gold
plank. (Scout places plank)
This green plank represents their new beginning as Boy
Scouts, who will soon be green Tenderfoot scouts, anxious
to begin the Boy Scout trial toward Eagle.
WEBELOS Scout (name), will you and your parents please
place the final plank onto the bridge. (Scout places plank)
This last plank is red the predominant color in the Eagle
Scout Badge and represents the fact that as they step off the
bridge from Cub Scouting to Boy Scouting they are
beginning of their journey to becoming Eagle Scouts.
Webelos entering Troop (number), please assemble with
your parents at the unfinished board of the now completed
Bridge to Scouting?
As we present you with your Pack graduation Certificate,
will each parent please remove your sons Webelos
neckerchief and slide.
Scoutmaster invites boys across the bridge, calling each by
name and (performing whatever ceremonies are customary
for your pack and troop)
After all have crossed - Pack (number) please stand and
show your pride to the new Boy scouts from this Pack.
(Cheer (Blast Off), Applause)...
We are very proud of you all.
Sam Houston Area Council
Tonight, we are recognizing Webelos Scouts from our pack
who have earned the Arrow of Light Award -- the highest
honor in Cub Scouting.
We all know that the Cub Scout advancement plan follows
the life story of Akela, an Indian brave of the mythical
Webelos tribe. As we follow the Cub Scout trail, we follow
in the footsteps of Akela and, like Akela, learn many things,
so that someday we, too, may become brave Scouts. The
first thing that Akela had to learn was the law of his tribe. It
is the same in Cub Scouting. In order to become a Bobcat,
our boys must learn the law of the pack.
Bobcat_____, will you light the candle representing the
rank of Bobcat. (He does so).
When Akela was of Bobcat age, he was taken on short trips
into the forest by his father. Here, among the great trees and
streams, he became acquainted with the animals. From the
wolf he learned the language of the group, the tracks and the
ways of food. Much the same as Akela, our Cub Scouts
worked and learned and received the rank of Wolf.
Wolf Cub Scout _____, will you light the candle
representing the rank of Wolf. (He does so.)
Later Akela learned from the big, kindly bear the secret
names of trees and from other friends the calls of birds and
the language of the air. Just as Akela learned new things that
required a little more skill, so, too, do our Cub Scouts earn
the Bear badge.
Bear Cub Scout _____, will you light the candle
representing the rank of Bear. ( He does so. )
From his father, Arrow of Light, Akela learned the speech
and calls of the Webelos Tribe. After Akela had learned the
ways of the wolf and bear, and had passed the tests of the
tribe, he was admitted into the lower ranks of the young
braves. Thus, he became a Webelos Scout.
Webelos Scout _____, will you light the candle representing
the rank of Webelos. (He does so. )
Here we should stop and think of the inner meaning of the
word Webelos. It means "We'll be Loyal Scouts” -- to our
country, our home and to God. Now, as we look back down
our Cub Scout trail, we see how bright the pathway is bright
because you Cub Scout have helped make it so. You light
the pathway through Cub Scouting by doing your best, being
square and giving goodwill.
Will our Assistant Cubmaster please select those boys
worthy of receiving the Arrow of Light; and bring them and
their parents forward. (He brings them forward.)
Webelos Scouts, the emblem you see before you represents
the Arrow of Light Award. You have completed the four
ranks of Cub Scouting: Bobcat, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos.
There are seven rays in the Arrow of Light. As they are
lighted, you will hear how they stand for the seven great
virtues of life.
1. Wisdom - Wisdom does not necessarily mean superior
knowledge. It means putting to the right use the
knowledge that one possesses.
2. Courage - Courage is not the quality that enables men to
meet danger without fear; it is being able to meet danger
in spite of one's fear.
3. Self-Control - Self-Control isn't limited to the control of
one's temper but control of one's self in all things.
4. Justice - Justice is the practice of dealing fairly with
others without prejudice or regard to race, color or
5. Faith - Faith is the conviction that something unproved
by physical evidence is true.
6. Hope - Hope means to expect with confidence. Always
hope for better things to come.
7. Love - There are many kinds of love: love of family;
love of home; love of fellow man; love of God; and love
of country. All these loves are necessary for a full life.
You Webelos Scouts have fulfilled all requirements for the
Arrow of Light Award. Placed before you are the burning
candles which represent the ranks of Cub Scouting. May it
always be said of you, as a brave of the Webelos Tribe, that
you have reached the top of any ladder of achievement set
before you. You are soon to go into Scouting, there to be
tested again. May you every be successful.
It is an honor for me to recognize you Webelos Scouts and
to present you with these arrows. You may hang your arrow
in your room to remind you of the good times we have had
together in Pack.
Page 33
Great Salt Lake Council
When presented with interest and enthusiasm from the
leader, this badge will not seem like drudged up schoolwork!
Help the boys to learn that there is more to school than just
Some Ideas For Your Den Meeting
 Learn about the history of education, how schools
developed in America.
 Invite a grandparent to your den meeting to talk about
how school was when they were children. If not a
grandparent, try a retirement home.
 Invite the parents of WEBELOS Scouts to come to a den
meeting dressed in the type of clothes they wore to
school. Have parents bring along such things as class
pictures, yearbooks, report cards, etc., and allow each
ample time to share his/her school days with the den.
 Locate some old school books and compare to current
books being used.
 Invite someone who attended school when it
was a “one room building and all ages were
together” to talk to the boys about their
Plan A Field Trip
Briefly visit a school board meeting. Let them know you are
coming. They may be interested to know the boys are
working on the Scholar Activity Badge.
 To familiarize WEBELOS Scouts with "roots" of a
school system.
 To convince WEBELOS Scouts that schooling is
 To introduce WEBELOS Scouts to careers in education.
 To teach WEBELOS Scouts the benefits of a good
Seven Ways to Improve Yourself
1. Learn to Listen-Concentrate on the speaker, you may
miss important facts if you're not paying attention.
2. Develop good study habits--Have a study place away
from distractions. Have supplies handy. Do your
homework at the same time every day so it becomes a
3. Use the right reading technique -- slow careful reading
is necessary when you must understand and remember.
4. Improve your vocabulary -- Look up a word if you
don't know. Write it down and note the spelling.
5. Sharpen your writing skills -- Organize your thoughts.
Double-check your spelling and punctuation. Go over
your work. Read all the directions and make sure you
understand them. If you don't know the answer to one
question, skip it and come back to it at the end.
6. Learn how to take tests--Study for a test ahead of time.
Do not cram. Read all the directions and make sure
you understand them. If there is an answer you don't
know, skip it and come back to it.
7. Develop a positive attitude.
Game: Intelligence Test
This test is to see if you can follow directions. Just
concentrate, but remember, you only have two minutes.
Read everything before doing anything.
Put your name in the upper right hand comer of this
Circle the word name in sentence two.
Draw 5 squares in the upper left comer.
Put an x in each of those squares.
Put a circle around each square.
Stand up, turn around and sit back down again.
Draw a triangle in the lower left comer.
Put an x in the triangle.
10. Multiply 70 x 61.
11. If you have followed directions to this point callout "I
12. Now that you have finished reading this carefully, do
only #1, #2, and #12.
Game: Scout Law Dart Board
Needed: A dartboard with the numbers one through twelve,
 Have each boy, in turn, throw a dart at the dartboard,
 A point is scored if he can recite the point of the Scout
Law that relates to the number where his dart landed.
 If he is correct he gets one point and may continue
throw again.
 The first boy to score 12 points wins.
Sam Houston Area Council
The Scholar Activity Badge experience can help to improve
the Webelos’ relationship with his school. It will help the
Scout understand why an education is important. When
presented with interest and enthusiasm from the leader, this
badge will not seem like drudged up schoolwork! Help the
boys to learn that there is more to school than just
1. Have the boys make a list of the things they like about
school. And another list of the things they don’t like.
Discuss them using the Start, Stop, Continue evaluation
2. Learn about the history of education, how schools
developed in America.
3. Invite someone to talk about careers in education.
4. Locate some old school books and compare to current
books being used.
5. Tour the city library.
6. Invite someone who attended school when it was a “one
room building and all ages were together” to talk to the
boys about their experiences.
7. Encourage the boys to be a part of their school’s safety
8. Visit a high school or college campus.
9. Discuss possible patrol service projects for the school.
10. Work on the Academic Belt Loops and Pins for
Language, Mathematics and Chess.
In school, at home, on the sports field or at Scout meetings,
each of us needs to evaluate what is going on, so that our
grades are good, our home life is happy, and we are meeting
Page 34
our team goals. An older method of evaluation was “Thorns
and Roses” where you list things that you have gone well
and things that you didn’t like. Current BSA training thinks
that this method can lead to the boys dwelling on the
negative, and fails to take the next steps toward figuring out
how to make your situation better.
What we recommend as an evaluation method is to use Start,
Stop, Continue (S.S.C.) when the boys (or groups of adults)
need to evaluate how an activity went, in their opinions.
Two out of three of these (Start and Continue) focus on the
positive, and even the ideas for what to Stop can empower
the boys to make the decisions on what they shouldn’t do, or
don’t want to do anymore.
START. What should we start doing that might be
better? What other new activities should we try? What
behavior might be better? What should we do next?
STOP. What activities or behaviors should we
stop, so that we have more fun or so that we get more
things done? What didn’t work?
CONTINUE. What went pretty well, and we
should do again next time? What did you like about
what has been going on?
As the new BSA prescribed evaluation tool, leaders can use
Start, Stop, Continue evaluations after every activity so that
the boys can empower themselves to keep improving. Try it
in Pack Committee meetings each month too. Start, Stop,
Continue is a positive way to evaluate the activities of the
Pack, so that feelings are less likely to be hurt when changes
are proposed.
Teach the boys how to count to ten in several languages:
# German Spanish Japanese Swahili Chinese Greek
As part of the Chess belt loop and pin. At one meeting have
an expert cover over how a chess game is played, and some
of the strategies and opening moves. Announce that there
will be a chess tournament. At a subsequent meeting hold a
timed chess tournament round-robin, so that everyone is
always playing someone. Each game has a time limit of 15
minutes, and the winner of each game is either whoever
takes the most pieces in that time limit or who gets a
Perhaps for the February “Cubs in the Future” Pack Meeting
You will need lots of old magazines, construction paper,
scissors, glue markers and pencils.
The world is changing rapidly, thanks to computers and new
technologies. Have the boys discuss what they think school
will be like in 30 years (2036).
 Will the students all be learning from computers?
 Will they interact with their teachers from a TV hookup at home?
 Will they travel to Mars for mathematics and to Saturn
for science?
 Will someone have invented a “smart pill” or brain
implant for each subject?
In the future, will we do away with some of the subjects that
are taught now? Which ones?
Can they imagine any new subjects that might be taught
instead? Which ones?
After the discussion, divide the boys into two or three
project groups to make posters of their view of education in
the future.
Make costumes for the “Cubs in the Future” Pack meeting,
using lots of aluminum foil (edges of foil can be very
 Aluminum foil radiation hats, to keep cell phones from
frying their brain.
 Computers, communicators, and displays on your
 Keyboard pants.
Great Salt Lake Council
Boys have a natural interest in how things work. The
Engineer Activity
Badge gives an introduction to how the big things in our
lives work.
One of the purposes of Cub Scouting is "fostering a sense of
personal achievement by developing new interests and
skills" in boys. This activity badge probably does this more
than any of the other badges.
Engineering is one of the most exacting of the professions
and the badge includes projects that will give a boy an
insight into some types of engineering.
Types of Engineers
Great Salt Lake Council
 Aeronautical Engineering: Deals with the whole field
of design, manufacture, maintenance, testing, and the
use of aircraft both for civilian and military purposes.
 Astronautical Engineering: Closely related to
aeronautics, but is concerned with the flight of vehicles
in space, beyond the earth's atmosphere, and includes
the study and development of rocket engines, artificial
satellites, and spacecraft for the exploration of outer
 Chemical Engineering: Concerned with the design,
construction, and management of factories in which the
essential processes consist of chemical reactions.
Page 35
Civil Engineering: Perhaps the broadest of the
engineering fields; deals with the creation,
improvement, and protection of the communal
environment; providing facilities for living, industry,
and transportation, including large buildings, roads,
bridges, canals, railroad lines, airports, harbors, and
other constructions.
 Electrical Engineering/Computer Science: Divided
broadly into the engineering of electrical power
distribution systems, electrical machinery, and
communication, information, and control systems.
 Geological & Mining Engineering: Includes activities
related to the discovery and exploration of mineral
deposits and the financing, construction, development,
operation, recovery, processing, purification, and
marketing of crude minerals and mineral products.
 Industrial or Management Engineering: Pertains to
the efficient use of machinery, labor, and raw materials
in industrial production.
 Mechanical Engineering: Covers the design and
operation of all types of machinery and small structures.
 Safety Engineering: Concerned with the prevention of
 Sanitary Engineering: A branch of civil engineering
that has acquired the importance of a specialized field
due to its great importance for a healthy environment,
especially in dense urban population areas.
Make Electricity with a Lemon Battery
Great Salt Lake Council
Materials: Lemon, steel wool, copper nail, zinc nail.
 Scrub a copper nail and a zinc nail with a piece of wool
until they are clean and shiny.
 Rinse the nails under the water faucet.
 Poke the pointed ends of the nails into the center of a
fresh lemon. Spaces the two nails about
 1” apart and leave 1/2” of each nail protruding.
 Take a small LED (light emitting diode) and touch the
leads to the two nails. You should see a glow.
When I was a Cub Scout, we stuck out our tongue and
touched the tops of the two nails and felt a tingle. What
Happened? You have just made a simple chemical battery
and the glow you saw or the tingle you felt on your tongue
was electricity! Because the lemon contains acid and water,
which reacts with the metals, zinc and copper, a slight
electrical current was formed and it passed over your tongue
from one nail to the other.
Unusual Catapult
Great Salt Lake Council
Materials: Thin cardboard, colored pencils, long rubber
band, scissors
1. Draw two separate five sided shapes, tracing the pattern
as shown.
2. Cut out. Lightly fold back along dotted lines.
3. Color each of the six separate sections a different color.
4. Overlap the two shapes and loop the rubber band over
every other corner to hold the two pieces of cardboard
together. The rubber band should be stretched slightly
but not too tight.
5. When you let go of the cards, which should be laying
flat on the table, the slightly stretched rubber band will
contract which will cause your contraption to “leap”
into a solid shape.
Why does this happen and is this really a
Why does this happen and is this really a Catapult? The
energy in the stretched rubber band pulls the cardboard
contraption into the shape. This illustrates what makes a
catapult spring in the simplest way imaginable.
Explain to your Scouts that some substances, such as elastic
or rubber, stretch when you pull them, but spring back into
their original shape when released
Although most catapults “fling” or “throw” something away
from them, this one uses the spring or force of the catapult to
“throw its flat shape “up” into a ball or solid shape. Even
though it is very different from a standard catapult, it
nevertheless operates on the same principles, only in reverse.
Sam Houston Area Council
One of the purposes of Cub Scouting is “fostering a sense of
personal achievement by developing new interests and
skills” in boys. This activity badge probably does this more
than any of the other badges. Engineering is all about
applied science, and it is one of the most exacting of the
professions. This badge includes projects that give boys an
understanding of this profession.
There are many types of engineers; chemical, electrical,
civil, petroleum, mechanical and industrial are just a few. It
usually takes a creative mind and attention to detail to be a
good engineer. Through work on the Engineer Activity
Badge, your Webelos Scouts will get an appreciation for
engineering and what it takes to accomplish engineering
1. Have the boys find pictures of different bridges and put
together a poster for the pack meeting.
2. Visit a college engineering or architecture department.
3. Invite an engineer or architect to visit the patrol meeting
to talk about their job.
4. Measure the dimensions of your meeting place and
include the locations of doors and windows. Show how
to sketch a simple floor plan with these measurements.
5. Make a block and tackle and demonstrate its use.
6. Make catapults and have a contest.
7. Compare design and Construction of various kinds of
bridges and make a model of one or more.
8. Visit a construction site with a contractor. Ask him to
explain the use of blue prints and the order of
9. Visit a power generation plant.
10. Work on the Academics belt loop and pin for
Page 36
Be forewarned that like most machines, all
catapults have the opportunity to be
dangerous, even small ones. Catapults were
originally invented with the intent to hurt
people, so leaders need to be very safety
conscious with boys around catapults. Be
safe, so that mistakes won’t lead to injuries.
Using wood scraps and an old ruler. Lay the ruler flat onto a
larger board and nail another board over and inch of the end
of the ruler. Then wedge a small board under the ruler to
form the leaf spring catapult.
Catapult Experiment: Use ruler and rubber eraser or other
soft projectile. Have boy strike the short end of the ruler
balanced on a dowel. How far did the eraser go? Now have
him try it with half the ruler over the edge of a table and hit
it with the same force. Why is there a difference in the
distance that the eraser flies?
The spring and lever action of a mousetrap can be harnessed
for many kinds of fun machines. Give the boys mousetraps,
string, tinker toys or K-nex and have a contest to build and
see how far their mousetrap contraption could throw a small
object like a dry bean. Below is an example with the
mousetrap pulling a lever that then throws the bean.
Hand the Webelos each one sheet of 8½ x 11 paper, two
foam cups, 4” of tape and a matchbox-sized car. Tell them
to build a bridge that will support the toy car as it rolls
across the bridge. They can cut or fold the paper into any
shapes that they want. They may use small pieces of tape to
help hold the paper in desired shapes but not to tape to the
cups. This can be a group effort, team play or on an
individual project. You can do something similar as a
tower-building contest.
Strong Bridge Ideas:
1. Cut a strip and roll it up. Use this as a center support.
2. Fold two long edges of the card.
3. Cut a strip and curve it under the bridge as a support.
4. Cut three strips and sandwich one folded in a zig-zag.
You will need: Lots of mini-marshmallows, toothpicks,
various weight objects.
Give teams of boys an equal number of
marshmallows and toothpicks.
Between two equal-height objects (like tables)
show them the distance that they must span
with their bridge. Tell them that the contest
will be to see how much weight their bridge
can hold in the very center of the bridge.
The bridge must be at least one toothpick wide
and you suggest that they use the
marshmallows to connect the toothpicks.
Tell them that the strongest shape is a triangle,
so build a truss bridge that has lots of triangles
in it.
There are five kinds of basic machines that were discovered in
ancient times. All complex machines are built out of some or
all of these basic machines: wheel (with axle), pulley, wedge,
screw and lever. This exercise will show the magic of how
pulleys, and blocks and tackles can make lifting something
heavy possible by exerting very little effort.
A pulley is a special kind of axle and wheel, where the axle is
connected to some object, and a rope goes around the wheel.
A block and tackle is formed by two pulleys that may each
have several wheels, and a rope goes around both pulleys.
Page 37
Ropes and pulleys can be connected in many assorted ways to
create different degrees of how easy it is to pull.
A simple “Come-along” can be made by tying a rope to a
fixed object (like a tree), running the rope behind the object
that you want to move, and pull on the rope while standing
near the tree. You will only have to pull half as hard to
make the object move, as if you tried to pull it directly,
because the tree actually helps you pull. You can also
achieve the same result by attaching a single-wheel pulley to
the object that you want to move.
By using two pulleys, you may form a block and tackle.
With pulleys that have enough wheels and enough rope, it
would be possible for a Webelos Scout to move just about
any heavy object that the rope and pulleys can support. The
illustrations below show how to move more than what you
normally are capable of pulling directly with a rope. The
Mother Earth News website also has some excellent
illustrations of blocks and tackles.
All matter has electrons and when electrons move we see the
effects of electricity. Metal and water are both good
conductors of electricity. Metals like copper and aluminum
are most often used to safely move electricity in appliances.
Our bodies are also fairly good electrical conductors,
because our bodies have a lot of water, which is why people
have to be very careful around electricity.
Insulators are things that do not conduct electricity very
well. Wood and plastic are two good examples of electrical
 Ten feet of 22-gauge coated copper wire
 6-volt lantern battery
 6 inch iron nail
 Steel paperclips
 Wire stripper and needle-nose pliers
 Gloves
Electromagnets take advantage of a
phenomenon where electricity moving in a
wire causes a magnetic field around the
wire (shown left).
A single straight wire, with electricity
flowing through it, however, has a very
small magnetic field. But when you wrap that wire round
and round about 50 times in a long neat coil, the magnetic
fields from all of the wraps add together to form a strong
magnetic field. You can also multiply the strength of the
coiled magnetic field, and make the coils much neater, by
wrapping the coil around a long piece of iron or steel (like a
nail). The more tight and neat the wraps are, the better it
will work.
To make current flow through the wire, we need to make an
electrical circuit. Strip a half inch of insulating plastic off of
each loose end of the wire, and with the pliers curl the ends
of the bare wires into U shapes. Scatter the paper clips on a
table nearby. Put on a pair of dry, cloth gloves, because the
wires may get hot when the current is flowing. Hook one
bare wire onto one of the springs on the lantern battery.
Now hook the other bare wire to the other spring connection
on the battery and voila you now have an electromagnet that
can pick up the paper clips and any other small ferrous
objects. The electromagnet will work until the battery is
drained or the circuit is broken.
Did you notice a spark when the second wire was connected
to the battery? Notice how warm the wires get as the
electrical current flows through them. Disconnect the wires
while the electromagnet is holding paperclips and watch it
drop them. Connect the circuit, pick-up paper clips in one
place and move the electromagnet over a box, then
disconnect a wire and drop the paperclips in the box.
Continue this until all paperclips have been moved.
Southern NJ Council
Aloha, Cub Scouts
Pow Wow in Paradise
November 4, 2006
We lost our home and the committee decided to reschedule.
Call Southern NJ Council, 856-327-1700, extension 24, or
visit the website, or write the chair at for the latest info
Central NJ Council
March 25, 2006
Call Central NJ Council, 609-419-1600, or visit the website, or write the chair at for the latest info
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach Area, Verdugo Hills
Rock Around the Pack
(1950’s theme)
February 4, 2006
Arroyo HS, El Monte, California
I have my registration form!!! CD
Santa Clara County Council
Pow Wow and University of Scouting
January 21, 2006
Santa Clara High School
Santa Clara, California 95051
Santa Clara County Council’s website is
and their phone number is 408-280-5088
On-line and paper registration is available!
Great Smoky Mountain Council - BSA
University of Scouting
March 4, 2006
Pellissippi State Community College
Knoxville, Tennessee
Great Smoky Mountain Council's service center phone
number is (865) 588-6514
Page 38
Great Salt Lake Council
Not you average kid’s site. A good collection of songs,
games, stories and other stuff
The Charles Schulz Museum –
Learn all about Charlie Brown, Lucy and the Peanuts gang
**** See note below on source of this item ****
You don't actually have to take the quiz. Just read this
straight through and you'll get the point. It is trying to make
an awesome point!
Here's the first quiz:
1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.
2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.
3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America
4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer
5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for
best actor and actress.
6. Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners.
How did you do?
The facts are, none of us remember the headliners of
yesterday. These are no second-rate achievers. They are the
best in their fields. But the applause dies. Awards tarnish.
Achievements are forgotten. Accolades and certificates are
buried with their owners.
Here's another quiz. See how you do on this one:
1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through
Name three friends who have helped you through a
difficult time.
3. Name five people who have taught you something
4. Think of a few people who have made you feel
appreciated and special.
5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.
6. Name half a dozen heroes whose stories inspired you.
The lesson: The people who make a difference in your life
are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money,
or the most awards. They are the ones that care.
"Don't worry about the world coming to an end today ......
It's already tomorrow in Australia." Charles Schulz
This item has been floating around cyberspace for about 6
years now, when tried to verify the authenticity
here is what they learned Origins from :
Charles Schulz (not "Schultz") was the cartoonist who
created and drew the immensely popular Peanuts comic
strip, which ran continuously for almost 50 years (from
October 1950 until Schulz's death in February 2000) and
appeared in more than 2,600 newspapers published in 75
different countries. Although Charlie Brown, Linus, Lucy,
Snoopy, and other of Schulz's cartoon characters often
expressed philosophical observations delivered with gentle
good humor, the above-quoted quiz about the importance of
having caring people in our lives, frequently reproduced
under a title of "Charles Schulz Philosophy" (or sometimes
"Charlie Brown's Philosophy") is not his handiwork.
An inquiry to the Charles M. Schulz Museum produced the
following response:
We get this request about once a month. Though this
saying/quiz is often attributed to Charles Schulz, he in fact
made no such statement.
The quotation "Don't worry about the world coming to an
end today . . . It's already tomorrow in Australia" that
appears at the end of the quiz evidently did come from the
pen of Charles Schulz, an adaptation taken from a Peanuts
strip originally published on 13 June 1980. We don't know
who the real creator of this quiz is, but it's been circulating
on the Internet since at least 2000, and somewhere along the
way someone appended Schulz's " . . . it's already tomorrow
in Australia" line to it, an addition that evidently misled a
subsequent reader into believing that Schulz had authored
the quiz itself.