Cub Scouts Pack 221 Omaha/Naples Photo Release for Website I grant permission for my child’s photo to be included on the photo page of www.orgsites/tx/pack221 to depict the adventures of Cub Scouting. I understand my child’s first name only may be included with this photo if he is depicted winning an award. Group photos submitted of adventures at Scouting events including my child may also be published. The photo released is involved in Cub Scout related activities, at official Cub Scout meeting locations. This permission statement remains active, no expiration date, while my Cub Scout is registered with Pack 221. I also understand I may recant this permission statement at anytime simply by calling, emailing, or verbally advising the Cubmaster, Den Leader, Committee Member or Chairman. At that time any photo of my child will be removed. This photo release also provides permission to submit photos for publication in The Monitor or the Mt. Pleasant Daily Tribune as well as posters for exhibit. Please check boxes below [ ] [ ] The Monitor [ ] The Mt. Pleasant Daily Tribune [ ] Posters for exhibit Clearly print your child’s name: ___________________________________________ Clearly print your child’s name (if more than one child) __________________________ Print your name:_________________________________________________________ Signature: ______________________________________________________________ Witness: _______________________________________________________________ Date:__________________________________________________________________