Urban Tech Advisory Meeting Minutes Tuesday, April 3, 2007 – 2:00

Urban Tech Advisory Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, April 3, 2007 – 2:00-4:00
Attended by Banks: Gary Hartman, Forest Grove: Bob Neuhardt, Nathan Strimling, Hillsboro:
John Goucher, Sherwood: Traci Sutherland, NWRESD: Bob Clabuagh, Paul Nelson, Jonathan
Thurman, Sue Nelson, Scott Cummins, Rich Sutherland
NWRESD Updates
eSIS System & Rollout
- Sue Nelson distributes updated schedule of events
- Sue asks that if anyone has expected training that is not on the calendar they contact
her or Kris McFarland
- Nathan Strimling informs that FGSD is running eSIS on some machines with as little as
128mb Ram, but he is hoping to have budget to upgrade those machines for next school
year / John Goucher has a similar situation in Hillsboro
o Sue mentions the upgrade to 9.1 coming up and that it should have no additional
impact on these machines (or any others)
- Sue informs all that eSIS will be offline and unavailable for the week of July 16-20, 2007
for the Year End Transition and some system maintenance and upgrades
- Sue points to cross out of new Teacher Assist due July 30, states that this will not be
happening at that time and she will update as new details become available
- Rich Sutherland, Sue Nelson, Kris McFarland and Thanh Nguyen will be attending an
eSIS this month in Canada and will address some of the current issues
- Sue mentions that demographics data has been converted for every district except
Hillsboro and that Dorrie is working on HSD currently
- Rich Sutherland states that NWRESD is looking at adding a third database server and a
fourth application server
o Bob Clabaugh is currently working on numbers for these additions as well as
adding a second SAN shelf to the budget for next year
- Sue adds that Teachers Standards & Practices (TSPC) and ODE are working on an
upload that will provide information on teachers licensure, documentation and end dates
that can be downloaded into CIMS or provided in an ASCII file
o If you would like a user name and password into this system, please contact Sue
eSIS Home computer support
- Susan James is putting together documentation and FAQ for self help to be posted
online that will include both PC and MAC
Fiscal System RFI
- Rick Wahlstrom, Jim Harrington and Tim Collier are in Phoenix this week looking at the
Infinite Visions system for possible use in smaller districts
- We are currently looking at a two tier approach with Infinite Visions for smaller districts
and a different system for larger districts, and are still determining the district size
change point from one to the other
CIMS Fiscal Update
- Sue states that Pearson has sold SIMS to a new vendor. The new vendor is still
supporting SIMS but we should expect a change to the look and feel over the next
couple of years with the chance the new vendor will roll CIMS and two other programs
into one new larger program
- Bob Clabaugh states that NWRESD is doing testing on version 4.5 of presentation
server for legacy applications and finding it to be more stable overall
Bob adds that they are testing two ways to run applications, both from the EXE on the
server and from DLL’s on the user computer (which has a better connection overall). He
is expecting to have a couple of servers online within the next week or two
- Bob states that he is moving some things such as the Spam filter and Intrusion Detection
Devices to the Citrix Servers due to the extra space available and to allow outside
access without creating openings in the firewall
- Bob is also working on using eSIS through Citrix and having some success – John
Goucher would like more information on how this is being done
- The product expected to replace SPED-EZ is on hold due to a lack of time and
resources available to aal, more information will be available after the conference
o As a result of this, SPED-EZ may remain in service longer than originally
expected (01/2008)
- Bob Clabaugh adds that in a related matter, he can now trace problems on eSIS that
cause system lock ups (he suspects it is from multiple users accessing the same record)
and will be looking to identify why this is happening and how to prevent it in the future
Spam Filtering
- The new Ironport filter is now in place. Bob Clabaugh states that with this program is a
feature called Message Tracker which allows individual users to easily track messages
and create usage reports. If you would like access, please contact Bob
o Gary Hartman of Banks requests access
- Bob adds that one less feature of Ironport is it does not identify phishing attempts as well
as the last program, but he has submitted this request to the parent company and will
follow up on response
- John Goucher states Hillsboro is currently using Tumbleweed but is looking at possible
replacement programs
- Bob informs that another Ironport feature is the ability to add Spam reporting buttons to
Internet Filters
- Jonathan Thurman distributes Proxy Filtering Category Selections worksheet and asks
all to please review list and mark appropriate School District levels, with logic that some
areas that are blocked on NWRESD level will not be blocked at urlblacklist level due to
o Jonathan Thurman would prefer some categories be added as grey rather than
except (such as Yahoo Mail and Wikipedia) so that while the sites would still be
accessible, individual pages can be blocked based on content
- Jonathan states that the weighted phrase list was last updated in May of 2006 and he
will be looking at this to update as needed
- Tracy from Sherwood asks if she can add sites for blocking to her local list or if she
should just forward to ESD. Jonathan says that School Districts can add it to their local
block list for immediate effect, but should also forward it to the NWRESD to be added to
the overall list. The benefit being that from the ESD level, all would benefit from findings
of other individual districts.
- John Goucher requests that Jonathan Thurman send him the URL for the Proxy Filter
- Jonathan adds that that the Realplayer proxy problem with the ODE site has not been
fully resolved and he has found no reliable source code on this yet. Although, Rainier,
Knappa, and Seaside have fixed this problem by opening a firewall port for ODE Servers
- Rich Sutherland adds as a final note that sometimes keyword usage can open access to
otherwise blocked sites (such as searching for Gun vs. Gun Control or Firearms vs.
Firearm Legislation)
eEbits – Network Changes
- There are no real updates at this time, but it is still being looked into
- Traci Sutherland states that delays she has seen with Qwest in delivery and follow up
make the deal less attractive as the year end nears. Bob Clabaugh agrees and adds that
he has seen where delays in invoicing have resulted in billing crossing fiscal years.
Network Monitoring – Cacti Update
Bob Clabaugh distributes a Network Access Layout diagram
Bob states the new server for Cacti has the fastest external storage he has ever seen
and the time it takes to monitor 34,000 points on the network has been decreased
o Bob will be reviewing the list of network points checked to see what can be
scaled back
- Bob adds that anyone can access the network system monitor and that if you have
trouble logging in to contact him
Metadot Web Hosting
- Nathan Strimling wanted to move Forest Grove to Metadot but Metadot is unable support
the district’s needs based on resources
- Paul Nelson states some districts are already running a Moodle server
- Traci Sutherland says the only real complaint she has is that the course creator is too
wide open. Paul says this has been addressed and has been fixed in the current version,
but only for new registers not existing members.
- Paul informs there will be a Moodle Users Group meeting in May and he will send out
more details as they become available
- Paul adds that one benefit of using Moodle is it allows the sharing of classes between
schools and that entire units can be copied between schools
Automated Calling System
- Jonathan Thurman states that EMA is in the process of updating the module on
employee profiles for better integration using the ODE ID’s
- Rich Sutherland asks Scott Cummins to add “Subfinder Caller System” to the agenda for
the next meeting
- Jonathan is also in the process of cleaning up the current data to remove duplicates,
errors and omissions and is hoping the system will be ready by April 23 with training on
April 16 and will update as date gets closer
- Rich Sutherland states that NWRESD is considering adding a part time person to be the
administrator of the system and that the position should be posted by July 1
- John Goucher asks about the stability of the system. Jonathan Thurman says while he
did not originally like it, version 1.0.2 is much better however the vendor is trying to gain
PC Anywhere access to the server
Video Streaming
- Paul Nelson distributes a step-by-step guide to installing United Streaming
- Paul states a major benefit of this program is it allows teachers to set downloads for later
and they will be downloaded overnight to a network file, reducing daytime bandwidth use
- If you need a login, please contact Roxanne Bartlett
- If you have any questions or problems or would like to schedule an Inservice, please
contact Paul Nelson
- Rich Sutherland says this item should stay on the agenda for future discussion
Google Student Email
- Paul Nelson distributes an information sheet on GMail
- Paul states that Warrenton, Scappose, Vernonia, and Astoria are using a test version of
the Education Edition currently
- Paul adds that a benefit of the GMail Education version is it does not contain
- Paul informs that you can also route the students GMail through the district mail server
for archives or Spam Filter as well
- Comment is made that kids and the teachers also like the feature of Google Apps
- Paul says a drawback is that currently to access a students mail folders you must
change the password to login, there is also no archive for deleted items
- Rich Sutherland adds that GMail has a service where they will print out all of your emails
in hardcopy and mail them to you. He will test this feature and report back.
1 to 1 computer grant at FGSD
Nathan Strimling says the program is going great and he is using Ghost to image the XP
Nathan adds that despite initial concern of abuse by students, he has had no problems
with physical abuse or loss of laptops and very limited password problems
Nathan says they are using a MIMO antenna currently but that it won’t integrate into the
future Cisco System
Rich Sutherland states that the Oregon legislature has approved funding for the 1-to-1
program for next year but that he expects the money will go to a different district
IDP Update and Demo
- Bob Clabaugh states that two Juniper Intrusion Devices have been allocated to the
NWRESD from a grant proposal written by Rich Sutherland, with one currently in use
- Bob is in the process of narrowing what is being looked at to improve traffic drops, with
the most important systems to protect being eSIS and servers for Fiscal
- John Groucher adds that KACE is another appliance box that does the same thing
- Bob adds that the system is currently in learning and monitoring mode with some ability
to detect obvious problems, and is moving towards active protection of systems
- Bob states that ample notice will be given before the system goes completely live and
begins blocking traffic
Training Opportunities HSD LAN Desk
- John Goucher informs that HSD will be hosting a LAN Desk training seminar in the first
or second week of July and that there will be three free seats if a minimum number of
people sign up
- Nathan Strimling and Bob Neuhardt ask Rich Sutherland to provide more information on
this event
- John Groucher adds that KACE is another appliance box that does the same thing
- Forest Grove is having trouble with taking and putting images, due to no Gateway
drivers, also some jobs would hit certain machines but not others
Bob Clabaugh, John Goucher and Nathan Strimling will be presenting at this event
Rich Sutherland adds that the next Technology Meeting will be at ACPE on the first day
and he will send out an email to all to get an exact number of attendees
Table Go Round
- White Project is currently in progress.
- Will be participating in Microsoft Beta for Longhorn Server
- Has eSIS training scheduled for May and August
- 1000-1400 new machines is on hold until Vista is eSIS compatible
- Rich Sutherland adds that HSD has an offer to smaller School Districts for excess
servers they will be getting rid of, contact Jim Harrington with any questions
- Has moved servers from old building
- Offices moving to city hall for 18 months on May 15
- Summer plans include hooking up city fiber to network
- Will be deploying wireless network in Middle & High Schools this summer but has
questions about adding voice, currently leaning toward using Mountain States
Forest Grove
- Has new servers coming in and are writing Mac grants for switch replacements to
replace 3COM equipment
- Paul Nelson says that on April 20 at NWRESD, he will be hosting a Tech Educators
lunch and meet for school tech teachers from 12:30-2:00 with free pizza. Paul will
forward information as details become more set
Next meeting May 2 – ACPE
Next scheduled network maintenance day is Sunday, May 6
Submit any training not on eSIS calendar to Sue Nelson or Kris McFarland
Contact Sue Nelson if you want access to TSPC System
Contact Bob Clabaugh if you want access to Ironport Spam Filtering Message Tracker
Complete Proxy Filtering Category Selection worksheet and return to Jonathan Thurman
Contact Bob Clabaugh if you want access to Cacti Network Access Monitor
Contact Roxanne Bartlett if you want access to United Streaming
Contact Paul Nelson if you want a United Streaming Inservice training session
Contact John Goucher if you want information on attending the LAN Desk training
session in July
Contact Jim Harrington if you are interested in the HSD servers available to small School
Rich Sutherland
- Prepare job description and posting for Automated Calling System Administrator
- Test email print feature for GMail and send details/results to Tech Group
- Send Nathan Strimling and Bob Neuhardt information on LAN Desk Training session in
- Send Tech Group email to get exact number of attendees for ACPE
Scott Cummins
- Add eSIS Conference Update to Agenda for next meeting
- Add “Subfinder Caller System” to the agenda for the next meeting
Bob Clabaugh
- Provide numbers for third database server and fourth application server for eSIS
- Include second SAN shelf in budget for next fiscal year
- Provide John Goucher with information on how eSIS can be run on Citrix Server
- Provide Gary Hartmand access to Ironport Spam Filtering Message Tracker
- Follow up on request to Ironport regarding phishing emails
Susan James
- Put together documentation and FAQ for eSIS Home Computer Support Self Help to be
posted online (including both PC and MAC)
eSIS Conference
- Get information on status of program to replace SPED-EZ
- Get information on status of new Teacher Assist
Jonathan Thurman
- Review weighted phrase list for Internet Filters
- Send John Goucher URL for Proxy Filter from Internet Filter list
- Send out updated information on status of Automated Calling System Live date
(expected April 23 with training April16)
Paul Nelson
- Send out information on May Moodle Users Group Meeting
- Send out information on Pizza Lunch April 20
Next Meeting: May 2, ACPE
*** These are the minutes as transcribed by Scott Cummins. If any items have been omitted or
need to be corrected, please contact Scott at (503) 614-1264 or scummins@nwresd.k12.or.us