MARY, MOTHER OF GOD CHURCH Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time FRIDAY – February 17, The Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order 8:15 Mark Smith, request of Tess Jordan Charles Mai, request of Gerry/Karin Duffy 12:00 William Krenza (4th Anniv), request of Wife/Family William T. Gorman, request of Ken/Kathy Falls SATURDAY – February 18, Blessed Virgin Mary 8:15 Tom Walsh, request of Wife/Family Thomas Pontecorvo, request of Family He said to him, "See that you tell no one anything, but go, show yourself to the priest and offer for your cleansing what Moses prescribed; that will be proof for them." The man went away and began to publicize the whole matter. He spread the report abroad so that it was impossible for Jesus to enter a town openly. - Mark 1:44-45b NEXT WEEKEND Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time DAILY ST. MARY CHAPEL MASSES 8:15 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. Monday to Friday 6:30 a.m. Communion Service SATURDAY VIGIL MASS (February 18) 5:00 PM Florindo Mezzacappa, request of wife, Dorothy Heather Sherman, request of Mom/Dad/Family MARY, MOTHER OF GOD CHURCH February 19, 2012 7:30 Eleanor Schultz, request of Meehan Family 9:00 Erwin Mattern, request of son, Doug/Family Patricia Berdell, request of Gerry/Karin Duffy 10:30 Robert Flanagan, request of Family Art Bradley, request of Buckley/Trivett Families St. Mary’s Parishioners 12:00 Tom Walsh, request of Wife/Family Rose Tarantino, request of Molicki Family 5:00 PM Evelyn McGuiness, r/o Lichtenstein Family MONDAY – February 13 8:15 Gaspare and Mary Chiarel, r/o Mona Kavanagh Robert Hennessey, r/o Thomas/Elaine McColgan 12:00 Regina Kraemer, request of M/M Gary Carmody Regina Kraemer Smith, r/o M/M Gary Carmody TUESDAY – February 14, Sts. Cyril & Methodius St. Valentine Day 8:15 Eugene V. Brennan, Jr., request of Son Charles Kammerer, r/o the Gallagher Family 12:00 Ronald DeModna, request of Richie Dolan Eugene Meny, request of the Taraski Family SANCTUARY CANDLE In Loving Memory of Anne Chalker, request of Maryanne and Tom Mauro. WEDNESDAY – February 15 8:15 Special Intention for the Gent Family, request of Eileen Theall Julia and Frank Crowe, r/o Julia Clifford 12:00 Barbara Clyne, request of the De Pinto Family Carol Haimowitz, request of M/M Gary Carmody ADORATION CHAPEL CANDLES In Loving Memory of William Carragher, Jr., request of Wife and Children. In Loving Memory of Stephen Gent, request of Mom and Dad. THURSDAY – February 16 8:15 Margaret Dicks, request of Daughter Charles Mai, request of Tess Jordan 12:00 Maria Esther Lopez, request of Irma Laush John Oswald, request of Family 1 MIDDLETOWN, N J Love one another as I have loved you... Dear Parishioners, Congratulations to all Giants fans on your team’s victory last weekend. It certainly was a very exciting game! Just think --- in 2014 the Super Bowl will be played in Met-Life Stadium. That will be something big in our area and what if it is a Giants – Jets Super Bowl? It certainly would guarantee a crowd in the cold weather! Today is World Marriage Day and we give thanks to God for the Sacrament of Marriage. This is a day developed by World Marriage Encounter to accent the Sacrament of Marriage for all of us. Let us pray for a spirit of fidelity to the Sacrament by all who are celebrating it and deepen in all whom are preparing for the Sacrament the same spirit of readiness to live the Sacrament. A couple of weeks back Bishop O’Connell kicked-off his Annual Appeal. Our Parish goal this year is $140,000. As of this writing, we do not have any parish reports. When we get one I will pass it on to you. In the meantime, let all of us give consideration to our participation and make our pledge. If you do not have a pledge card – please pick up one in the Narthex. Thank you to all who have already made their annual commitment. The Season of Lent is fast approaching. On February 22nd, we will begin with Ash Wednesday. Begin to get ready now to make the commitment of accepting ashes on that day. Remember it is a public sign of our commitment to repentance during the season. This journey of working to achieve a change of heart is what we dedicate ourselves to when we accept ashes. All Masses and Services on Ash Wednesday will be in Mary, Mother of God Church. We will have Mass at 6:30 a.m., 8:15 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 12:00 noon and 7:30 p.m. We will also have prayer services at 3:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. I hope this schedule will help everyone begin the season with a time of prayer. Someone asked me this weekend after Mass, when the Fair was this year and of course, I was happy to tell that it is June 25th to June 30th. We have the same Ride Company as we have had the past two years and the cars for the raffle will be arriving in a couple of weeks. Our leadership team is actively getting ready for this big event in our parish. If you want to join them leave a message at the Parish Office for Pat Pilgrim or Debbie Bacci and they will be happy to talk to you about it. Just want to throw out an opportunity for all of us that sometimes we do not accent enough. Our Adoration Chapel, which is open round the clock, is there for our time of prayer. If you can make a commitment to giving some particular time to Adoration each week or get into the habit of making a time of prayer part of your day. Think about doing it for example when you drop off or pick up for an activity on Campus. I notice people sitting in cars with the engine running. Spend some of the “waiting time” in the Adoration Chapel. God bless all of you, Fr. Mike ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME “To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven.” Ecclesiastes . . .a time to be born. . . . . . .a time to love. . . . . . . .. . . . . . .a time to heal. . . . . . . . Sister Sharon, Sarah Aliffi-Baez, Jan P. Flanagan, Shirley Wilkens, Harriet Landry, Peggy Wood (np), and we ask God to watch over those who are hungry, the homeless, our Country, for all those facing unemployment, for the people, especially the children in third world countries, for those in Nursing Homes and Rehabs, all health care providers, for those children with cancer and all those who are dying from cancer, for those that suffer from depression, for all those with eating disorders and incurable diseases of the vital organs, for all those waiting for organ transplants, for an end to abortion, for all those with incurable autoimmune diseases and for all those who are afflicted with MS, CF, Lou Gehrig’s disease, for those who suffer from Alzheimer disease and their families. (2)… Vera Liskiewicz; (3)… Angela Colaianni (np), Joseph Wehner, Mary Patricia, and Graysen McDow; (4)… Richie Dolan, Dorothy Sloand, and Sofia Zuaro (np, 15-mo.old); (5)… Sister Laura Garges, osf, Addie Calandriello (former SMS teacher), Maria Tama (np), Carolyn Corey (np), Laurie Tietjen, Joanne Muller, Elizabeth Zielenbach, Pat Teehan, Sylvia Meo (np), Mona Kavanaugh, Vic and Louise Morgano (np), Henry Caldaro, Avery Perpinan (8 mo.-old, np), Angela Brummert, Vincent Leishman (np), Bonnie Osborne, Frank Gobbo (np), Roberta ‘Bobbie’ Lonergan, Bill Flanagan (np), Pat McAuliffe (np), Margaret Burke, Joan McTigue, Henry Ballasty, Wayne Nef, Mac and Terry Lyden, Michael Dunzello, Patrick Moran, Rita Whelan, Rita Young, Nancy Russell (np), Gary and Lorrie Hermann (Parents of Sister Sharon), Eileen D’Alvia, James Joseph Gentilesco (np), John Acer, Russell Drone, Rita Romeo (np), Most Rev. John C. Reiss (Bishop Emeritus), Florence J. Smith, Kenneth McGrath, Tracy Spece (np), Morgan, Ned Ryan, Fr. Bob Tynski, Patricia Seaman (np), Rosemary Markowski (np), Colin Bibaud (child), Peggy Franznick, Ruth Byrnes, Tyler Smith (PREP Student), Alexandra Confusione (child), Irma Sanchez (np), Patrick Mayer, Vincent Fumo (np), Kevin Kret (St. Leo’s), Karen Hopkins, Halie Palmer (PREP student), Terry McGhee (St. Ann’s), Daniele Keigher, Brian Keigher, Anne Liddy, and Noel Anderson. The Confusione Family expresses their heartfelt thanks to the parishioners of St. Mary’s for their prayers for little Alexandra Confusione. Alexandra had been on chemotherapy for two years and has been off the chemo for a year now and is cancer free. She is five years old now and doing well, but please continue to pray for her. . . .a time to be Born to Eternal Life…. Anne Kilbride, Alfred O’Neil, Gertrude Mulcahy, Thomas Ferrazzano, Daniel Flanagan (father of Maureen O’Malley), Bonnie Jean Moe, Joseph Iorio and for aborted babies and those men and women who died this week in the Service of our Country. . . .Pray for our servicemen and women at home and abroad, for those serving our Country overseas, Daniel Dunne, U.S. Navy Bootcamp ~ H.M. Ashley Thompson, U.S. Navy, ~ Lt. Col. Kevin Meisler, Army Reserve ~ Todd M. Cox, U. S. Air Force – Iraq ~ Captain Josh Pershing, U.S. Air Force, 3 rd tour-Iraq ~ Master Gunnery Sgt. C. T. Gregoire, Marines ~, James G. Bruncati, U. S. Air Force ~ SFC Wesley Briggs, U.S. Army ~ 2 tour in Iraq, stationed in Egypt; Kiera Connerty, West Point graduate, Black Hawk helicopter pilot ~ Iraq; Justin and Nicole Westmoreland, Air Force, Lance Cpl. Jonathan Bagnato, Andrew Leroy, Jeffrey Benffer, Ryan Trachman ~ Marines, and Fr. John Ryan. “Lord, hold our troops in Your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen.” 3 FEBRUARY 12, 2012 Today We Observe World Marriage Day THIS WEEK Intercession for Life For abused and neglected children: that their circumstances will be known, their safety assured, and their sense of self-worth restored; We pray to the LORD: Thank You! Stewardship of Treasure Week of February 4-5, 2012: Intercession for Vocation Awareness Regular….........$29,119.00 Children’s………...450.00 For all priests, especially those of our diocese that they may provide an example and guidance to all youth, We pray to the LORD: T O T A L $29,569.00 TODAY Candle Offering………………………$ 355.00 Second Collection Diocesan Assessment Fund -----------------------------IN THE NARTHEX Thank You! God bless you for your continued support Souper Bowl of Caring Collection Bake Sale sponsored by Mater Dei Prep to benefit their upcoming Fashion Show ------------------------------- Knights of Columbus Membership Drive following all Masses _____________________________________________ Many, many thanks to our priests, deacons, and parishioners of St. Mary’s for your continue support of our Annual SouperBowl of Caring project. A total of $4,066.47 was collected, as well as toiletries and non-perishable food items. All money and food collected benefits our parish St. Vincent DePaul Society. DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET + BENEDICTION Thursday, February 16th 7:15 – 8:15 p.m. St. Mary Chapel May God Bless you abundantly for your generosity! From St. Faustina’s Diary – Divine Mercy in My Soul February 2, 1931 “I promise that the soul that will venerate this image will not perish. I also promise victory over its enemies already here on earth, especially at the hour of death. I Myself will defend it as My own glory. 4 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Purification and Enlightenment In the RCIA, we are approaching the next step in our process. Historically, this period of Purification and Enlightenment is patterned after the way that people were prepared for initiation in the early church. In the first and second centuries, it was a time of intense prayer and fasting. The catechumens, candidates and the community prayed for deliverance. Not until the Second Vatican Council, was the original understanding and practice of Lent restored. The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy affirms that the season of Lent has a twofold character; it is a time for recalling or preparing for baptism, and for penance. In this way the entire church prepares to celebrate the paschal mystery of Jesus Christ at the Easter Vigil and throughout the season. The primary lens of this period is conversion and discernment. The rites of this period seek to probe the need for healing and transformation that still exists in the elect, in preparation for baptism. The elect will reject evil at their baptism, and the scrutinies prepare them to make this rejection. The scrutinies foreshadow a lifetime of celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation. +Sister Gloria Our Poor Boxes are The Bread Boxes for the Poor Meeting Christ in Prayer Our St. Vincent de Paul Society has set up poor boxes beneath the Statue of the Good Shepherd in the Narthex of Mary, Mother of God Church. Please don’t forget about us as you enter or leave Church. God Bless you, and Thank You for your response During the season of Lent, Sister Mary Cleary and Jackie Callahan will be offering a program called “Meeting Christ in Prayer” – modeled on the St. Ignatius Spiritual Exercises. The program will be offered twice during Lent: 1. St. Ann’s on Thursday mornings for eight weeks beginning February 23rd, at 11:00-12:15 p.m. OR 2. St. Catherine’s on Thursday evenings for eight weeks beginning February 23rd, 6:45-8:15 p.m. Members of St. Vincent de Paul Society “SOUP’S ON” Each session will include group prayer, Scripture readings, simple prayer techniques, guided meditation, faith sharing and reflection. No experience necessary just a hunger for a deeper spiritual life and people who want to be aware of God’s presence in their daily lives. Please call: Starting Friday night, February 24th at 6:30 p.m. and each Friday during Lent, we will have our annual Prayer/Soup Supper in the St. Mary Elementary School Cafeteria, followed by Stations of the Cross in the Church at 7:30 p.m. For AM Sessions at St. Ann’s call 732 787-0315 We will have Evening Prayer and two Delicious Soups (new menu). Please come and bring your family and friends. There is No Charge. Free-Will Offering accepted to cover expenses. Thank You. For PM Sessions at St. Catherine’s call 732-495-7779. -5 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SPEND VALENTINE’S DAY WITH US! ST. MARY’S BLOOD DRIVE February 14th 4:00 – 9:00 p.m. St. Mary’s Elementary School Cafeteria It only takes one hour. . .the donation part only about 10 minutes. Come and join us! Refreshments and relaxation are a given! Added Bonus! ! ! We have chocolate for Valentine’s Day! Any questions or sign-up information, Please call Darlene at 732-383-5536 6 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Nurturing generous disciples to serve as the hands and feet of Christ “Brothers and sisters: Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 Are you doing everything possible for the glory of God? Or, is there maybe some other way that you could generously share your time, talent or treasure for God’s glory? Think about it. 7 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Stewardship - Continued We are called to go beyond our borders…our Twinning Ministry To promote growth and understanding of our Twinning Ministry, Twinning Team members will provide monthly updates and information about our Twinning effort on this Stewardship page. As we have been doing on the second Sunday each month for the past year, let us continue to pray for our Sister Parish, Our Lady of Assumption, in Sololá, Guatemala. Our Twinning Team is planning another visit to our Sister Parish the first week of May. Please pray for the Team as they again travel to Sololá to gain firsthand experience of the needs of the people, their customs, and their culture. When the decision to Twin was made, one of our goals was to develop a viable and loving relationship with the Our Lady of Assumption parishioners. We continue to focus on developing this relationship and have learned, through our visitations that relationship building takes time. We want our relationship to become a bridge whereby the love of God flows in both directions as we learn to care, share, and pray for one another. Thank you for your prayers and for supporting our “Hearts for Sololá” and “Great Flea Market 2011” fund raisers. You are making a difference in the lives of our friends and neighbors in Sololá. -David Legg, for the Twinning Team Lenten February 22 n d Our next Parish Mission will be starting the First weekend of Lent when Fr. John McGowan, CSSR will join us and preach at all Masses on February 25th/26th. Fr. McGowan will give the homily at the daily Masses on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of that week and also, will lead us in the Mission Service and Sermon each evening Monday thru Wednesday beginning at 7:30 p.m. in Mary, Mother of God Church. All Masses and Services will be in Mary, Mother of God Church. Masses 6:30 a.m., 8:15 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 12:00 noon and 7:30 p.m. Prayer Services 3:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. 8 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME The Music Ministry sends our Congratulations and Best Wishes to Jessica Kortenhaus and her husband Rob who welcomed their beautiful new baby daughter, Elizabeth (Lizzie) Grace into their family, on January 28th. The Contemporary Group, which sings at the 12:00 Noon Mass twice a month will take a short break while Jessica is out on Maternity Leave. They will resume rehearsals some time in March. New members are always welcome. Please call the Rectory Office for more information on becoming a part of that group. (732-671-0071) In the mean time, you are all more than welcome to sing and rehearse with the Adult Choir. The Adult Choir will have a rehearsal this coming Thursday at 7:00 p.m. for cantors and 7:30 p.m. for everyone. There will be a Wedding Music Workshop, tomorrow evening; February 13th beginning at 7:30 p.m. in Mary, Mother of God Church. All couples planning to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage are encouraged to attend. It will be most helpful to couples in selecting appropriate Liturgical/Sacred music for their Wedding Mass or Ceremony. The next workshop will take place in August 2012. The Adult Choir will sing at the 7:30 p.m. Mass on Ash Wednesday, February 22nd, Mary, Mother of God Church. Blessings and Peace, Doris Ramme Our Poor Boxes are The Bread Boxes for the Poor The Bereavement Group of the Parish of Saint Mary meets twice weekly. Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m. the group ministers to parents who have lost a child. The meetings are held in the Ministers’ Room off the Narthex in Mary, Mother of God Church. Wednesday evenings the group ministers to those that may have lost a spouse, parent, close friend, sibling, etc. Our St. Vincent de Paul Society has set up poor boxes beneath the Statue of the Good Shepherd in the Narthex of Mary, Mother of God Church. Please don’t forget about us as you enter or leave Church. God Bless you, and Thank You for your response Members of St. Vincent de Paul Society Questions? call Eileen or Bob Batz at 732-787-8566. 9 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SAVE-THE-DATE REMINDERS! Witness of Wayne Weible on Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary In Medjugorje There is some great news regarding our fundraising agreement with Viridian Energy! You can now save money on your Gas bill! And the savings are excellent! The potential savings on your bill with NJ Natural Gas are 25.06%. The Viridian current rate is 0.470 and the Utility rate is 0.621. Viridian will pay the Parish $20.00 per family that switches over! In addition we will receive a residual monthly incentive. Viridian will still pay $10.00 to the parish for every family that switches their electricity over plus $2.00 a month. Saturday, March 24th, 6:30 p.m. Mary, Mother of God Church “Parish Ministries: Working Together to Connect Others to Jesus.” , We have tested the waters and there were no surprises! Hopefully, this information will convince you to sign up for the electricity with JCP&L and gas with NJ Natural Gas. Calling all Ministry leaders, parish groups, parishioners and guests . . . . .YOU are ALL invited by the Stewardship Team to join them as they will host the above This is quick, simple and NO COST to you. Please take a minute to review this program online and sign-up online at: (upper right corner follow prompts become a customer) or by phone just call 1-866-663-2508 and mention the associate id for St. Mary’s is # 21484 and our parish will be credited! workshop. DATE: March 31 TIME: 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon WHERE: Bulman Center Meeting Rooms I & II Any questions - call Jim Nerney at 908-601-5410 or email Parish Fair June 25 through June 30 t h May 19th The 9th Annual Spring Into Summer 5K run/walk is scheduled for Saturday, May 19, 2012. Mark your calendar as it will be here before we know it! For more race information, race application, and online registration --please go to or call Steve Denery at 732-275-6307. If you would like to join the Fair Committee – please leave a message at the Parish Office for Pat Pilgrim or Debbie Bacci and they will be happy to talk to you. (732-671-0071) 10 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME St. Mary’s Parish Senior Group Purge Your Medicine Cabinet 1) Toss all expired medicines. Before you toss pills in the trash, seal them in a plastic bag mixed with coffee grounds or kitty litter to prevent kids or pets from accidentally ingesting. Better yet, bring to a pharmaceutical take back program, where they will be taken to a special facility for environmentally friendly disposal. Find one in your area at 2) Restock the basics. Musts: ibuprofen for aches and pains; acetaminophen for fevers; hydrocortisone cream for rashes and other skin irritations; and diphenhydramine (Benadryl) for allergic reactions. 3) Most pills and capsules should not be stored in your bathroom, which can be humid and cause deterioration. Also, keep ALL medications out of the reach of children and teens. It is a known fact that family medicine cabinets are very inviting to some teenagers. BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY! A Sweetheart Offer Many of us Seniors have taken advantage of low-priced Early Bird Specials at local restaurants, but, how abut a Complimentary Breakfast? Regal Pointe is inviting us to join them for a complimentary breakfast at the Middletown Pancake House on Thursday, February 16th at 9:00 a.m. While we enjoy a delicious Valentine breakfast they will tell us about Monmouth County’s most talked about Independent Senior Living Community. Seniors, please RSVP, seating is limited! Call Linda or Elaine at 732-957-0083 or call Eileen at 732-671-4122. Hope to see you there! Eileen Theall Attention Men! Catholic Men for Jesus Christ will host their 15th Annual Men’s Conference on Saturday, February 25th, at St. Raphael-Holy Angels Parish in Hamilton. The theme of this year’s Conference is Champions of Faith.” The day offers an excellent opportunity to hear inspirational speakers and interact with other men who are interested in learning about how to be a Champion of Faith. Cost is $25 per person in advance ($30 at the door): $10 for students. Coffee and lunch will be provided. For more information or to register online go to To register by mail, send the name(s) of each person registering, your check, and a self-addressed stamped envelope, to Catholic Men for Jesus Christ, c/o Emmaus House, 2116 Lawrenceville Road, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648. 11 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME The Recent Gifts made to the Mortgage Reduction Initiative has been extraordinary! Sincere thanks for your generosity. Gifts Received during January 2012. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$12,917.50 Every $1,000 reduction in the mortgage principal saves the parish an additional $1,050 in interest over the life of the loan. Please consider extending your pledge or making a one-time donation to our Mortgage Reduction Effort. Thank you and May God Bless you for your generous response and continued support of your Church, Mary, Mother of God PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF DATE FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY “IF YOU LIVE IN ME AND MY WORDS STAY PART OF YOU, YOU MAY ASK WHAT YOU WILL AND IT WILL BE DONE FOR YOU.” JOHN 15:7 PRAY FOR THE SICK CONVINCED OF THE POWER OF PRAYER AND THE NEED OF CONVEYING A SENSE OF CARING, THE COMMUNITY OF ST. MARY WILL COME TOGETHER IN ST. MARY CHAPEL, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21ST, AT 7:30 P.M. TO PRAY FOR ALL THE SICK AND SUFFERING. KNOW SOMEONE WHO IS SICK, PHYSICALLY, MENTALLY, SPIRITUALLY........ JOIN US AS WE PRAY FOR THEIR HEALING AND PEACE. DEACON CHARLIE 12 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME St. Mary’s Faith Community Nursing Ministry Automobile Airbags – Know the Risks There is no question that airbags have saved thousands of lives. However, the government also estimates that hundreds of people have been killed by their airbags, and therefore, it is important to know the risks. A car’s airbags fully deploy in 1/25th of a second, or, approximately 200 miles per hour. Any object moving this fast can be dangerous. Several simple tips can help ensure that the airbag does its job properly and doesn’t create more injuries than it prevents. Children (are the most vulnerable to airbag-related injuries) should always ride in the back seat of a car. Young children and infants should be buckled up in an age-and-size appropriate child safety seat. Drivers and front-seat passengers should always wear both their lap belts and shoulder belts to keep them from being thrown into the airbag while it is being deployed. Drivers should make sure that their seats are far enough away from the airbag to avoid the impact from the airbag opening and to give it time to deploy. Although this advice may be difficult for some drivers, particularly shorter ones, it will help prevent possible serious injury and even death. Courtesy of Roy D. Curnow Civil Trial Attorney Eileen Theall, R.N. The Breast Cancer Support Group will be meeting Tuesday, February 21st at 7:30 p.m., at Mary, Mother of God Church, Ministers’ Room. Please mark your calendars and join us as we support one another in the fight against breast cancer. Our group is a faith-based gathering, providing spiritual guidance, information and support. Please contact Donna Large with your interest in this group at or 732-241-6461. _________________________________________ Does your child need a little extra help with schoolwork? Does your child need some tutoring? I am a very trustworthy, knowledgeable paraprofessional, also, a PREP teacher and parishioner, available to help you. Please call Lori at 732-895-1159. 13 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME St. Mary’s Travel Group Presents Trips for 2012 All trips contact Fran Timpanaro 732 708 0430 for your reservation Sunday, February 26th St. Mary’s Travel Group goes to Broadway “Godspell”. . . .This beloved classic returns to Broadway. Godspell is a timeless tale of friendship, loyalty and love that has touched the hearts of countless theatergoers all over the world. You may have heard the song “Day by Day!” $110 includes Orchestra seat and transportation, and driver’s gratuity. Bus leaves at 11:00 a.m., show time 2:30 p.m., which leaves time to have a nice lunch or shop. (4 tickets left) Monday, March 5th Philadelphia Flower Show Enjoy a day of spring in March. The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society will present “Hawaii Islands of Aloha.” From towering waterfalls and waves of orchids, to glowing volcanoes and serene sunsets – the 2012 Flower Show is an immersion of dramatic landscapes and tranquil spirit of Hawaii. You will be carried away to a floral hula fest, romantic beach celebration, tropical ranch house surfers’ retreat and a rocky garden of the gods. $58 includes admission ticket, transportation and driver’s gratuity. Bus leaves at 8:30 a.m. Thursday, April 12th Lancaster, Pa --- “Sight and Sound Theatre” “Sight and Sound” where the Bible comes to life! Be the first to experience this brand new show. “JONAH” This popular biblical story of disobedience and betrayal coupled with God’s gracious mercy and love. You will explore the extreme elements Jonah encounters when he runs away. Cost $105 includes an enjoyable buffet lunch, time to shop, admission ticket, transportation and driver’s gratuity. This is sure to be a wonderful day. Bus leaves at 8:30 a.m. All Bus trips will depart from the Mary, Mother of God Church/Mater Dei Prep Parking lot. (unless otherwise noted) After you have reserved your seat – all checks are made payable to St. Mary’s Travel Group and mailed to Fran Timpanaro, 48 Starr Court, Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey 07716. 14 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Maternity Clothes Needed Birthright of Red Bank is in need of maternity clothes. If, per chance, you have maternity clothes that you not be using, please consider donating them. They can be dropped off at the Birthright office at 294 Broad Street, Red Bank on Mondays, Wednesdays, or Fridays between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. __________________________________________ Spring Gala The funds raised will be used to help carry out our mission of helping families who are caring for seriously ill newborns. Date: Place Time: Tickets Questions? Please call Tess Jordan 732-671-6566 Saturday, March 24 The Sheraton Eatontown 6:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. $125.pp St. Mary’s Athletic Association Presents th RSVP by March 5 . For tickets or information regarding Sponsorships, Ad Journal Opportunities or Auction donations, please call 732-239-7887 or visit Spring Soccer 2012 Open to boys and girls ages 4 – 14 Harmony School Fields Saturdays, April 7 – June 9, 2012 Send A Kid to Camp Fundraiser Providing Camperships for Children of Monmouth County Registration is $77 for one child, $117 for two or more per family. Register early to insure a spot in our program. Online registration open until March 3rd at: Gourmet Buffet & The Trenton Children’s Chorus in Concert Date: Sunday March 4th Buffet: 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Concert: 3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Place: Collier School Campus (Marlboro) Address: 160 Conover Road, Wickatunk, NJ Cost: $20. – Concert only $25. – Buffet only $45. – Buffet/Concert Combo Contact: 732-946-4771 x225 or 213 Email: If anyone has a large birdcage that they no longer need and would like to donate it, please call Annie at 732-484-5464. Live-in Home Health Aide Available Middle-age woman is very responsible, caring and dependable. For more information call Pat Pilgrim, 732671-1757. 15 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME David J.V. Meenan & Friends in ON BROADWAY The Song and Dance Spectacular! with Karen Feeney and The Royale Orchestra From the company that brought you the hits Sing, Sing Sing! and Deck the Halls comes their newest musical marvel, On Broadway. With a company of over 40 singers, tap dancers, and musicians, your favorite Broadway show stoppers will take center stage. Guinness Book record holder in Tap Dancing, David J.V. Meenan will lead his company of Broadway friends through an evening that you will talk about for years! SATURDAY, MARCH 31st, 8:00 p.m. Saint Mary's, Memorial Hall Theatre, New Monmouth CALL FOR TICKETS: (732) 530-1753 The Music Surprises galore as we perform not only your favorite Broadway songs, but music of all kinds: Proud Mary, Abba, Phantom, Jesus Christ Superstar, Gypsy, the 60's, Hairspray, Chicago, Evita and a whole lot more! The Titanic Join us for a special musical tribute to the 100th Anniversary of the Titanic The Comedy There is no telling what may happen on this stage, as the hilarity continues with your favorite comedians in all of their sketch comedies! TICKETS ON SALE NOW FOR THE FINAL SHOW OF THE YEAR! 16 END OF BULLETIN ANY TEXT OR GRAPHICS ENTERED ON THIS PAGE WILL NOT APPEAR IN THE PRINTED BULLETIN CHURCH NAME: Mary, Mother of God Church CHURCH CITY: Middletown, N J ROUTING CODE: S RUN NUMBER: 6 FILENAME: 03-0192.12b PHONE NUMBER: 732-671-0071 FAX NUMBER: 732-671-6125 EDITOR/ CONTACT: Joan Kaminski CURRENT FORMAT:EBSWTD – TEXAS DOUBLE Note to Press: This document printed at: 3/9/16 5:30 PM