curriculum guide - Adair County Schools


AP United States History – This course has been audited and approved by the AP

Standards board

Course Overview

AP U.S. History at Adair County High School is a year long course taught on the trimester block (75 minutes). It is a lecture course that covers all the topics in the U.S.

History Course Description. The class is open to sophomores and juniors. We are a rural high school and our goal is to encourage students to take a difficult curriculum so enrollment in the class is open. It is recommended that students have a B average in

World Civilization (Honors) but other students who have a strong interest in History or are motivated to do the work can enroll. Students who enroll need to understand the importance of keeping up with the demanding reading load.

Our number one goal is to give students a deep understanding of our nation’s history.

Our second goal is for the students to prepare for and successfully pass the AP U.S.

History Exam. Besides lecture and discussion students will also use historical data to support a position (analysis of numerous primary and secondary historical sources, charts, maps, and cartoons). Students will receive consistent practice on the interpretation and writing of Document-Based Questions. Students will also contrast various schools of historiography.

Course Texts and Supplementals

David M. Kennedy, Lizabeth Cohen, and Thomas A. Bailey. The American Pageant, thirteenth edition (Boston: Mcdougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin, 2006).

Each student will also have an edition of the following supplements:

The American Spirit Vol. I and II. Bailey and Kennedy’s text of primary sources along with test for those sources.

Mark Epstein, Fast Track to a 5, Preparing for the AP United States History Examination

(Boston: Mcdougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin, 2006).

Belohlavek/Kramer. Document-Based Questions Practice to Accompany The American

Pageant (Mcdougal Littell, 2006).

Kennedy/Cohen/Bailey, Student eBook to accompany The American Pageant, 13 th


Michael Hutchison, DBQ Practice, Book 1 and 2. (Culver City, CA: Social Studies

School Service)

Erica Amann, DAC Student Study Guide to AP US History (DAC Educational

Publications, 2003).

Clifton Dorset-Hill, Preparing for the A.P. United States History Examination A Review

Book For Students (Joplin, Missouri: Chalk Dust Press, 2005).

Steven E. Woodworth, The Essential of United States History 1500-1789 From Colony to

Republic (Piscataway, NJ: Research & Educational Association).

John F. Chilton, The Essentials of United States History 1789-1841 The Developing

Nation (Piscataway, NJ: Research & Educational Association).

Robert D. Geise, Barron’s Study Keys EZ-101 American History to 1877 (Hauppauge,

NY: Barron’s Educational Series).

Mary Jane Capozzoli Ingui, Barron’s Study Keys EZ-101 American History 1877 to the

Present (Hauppauge, NY: Barron’s Educational Series).

Exam Notes, (Piscataway, NJ: Research & Educational Association).

My room has a large collection of American Heritage and Civil War Times. It is also well supplied with historical series wall maps, reference books, and atlas. Our school library is well stock with important historical works and our students have access to our outstanding local college library at Lindsey Wilson College.

Other resources that I teach from: Doing the DBQ by Luther Spoehr and Alan Fraker,

US History Skillbook with writing instruction and practice and Threads of History both by Michael Henry, Debating the Documents: Interpreting Alternative Viewpoints in Four

Primary Source Documents, Pro vs. Con: Conflicting Views of Major Events in

American History by Education Innovations, Taking Sides: Clashing Views on

Controversial Issues in American History, Opposing Viewpoints in American History by

William Dudley, and Historical moments: Changing Interpretations of America’s Past by

Jim R. McClellan.

Teaching Strategies

Lecture and Discussion – supplemented with videos, DVDS, Field trips, and technology.

Students are also tested on the chapters from The American Pageant to insure that they are reading each chapter.

Regular practice on free response questions.

Regular practice on the analysis of primary resources and the writing of Document-Based


A comprehensive final exam at the end of each semester worth 20% of the semester grade.

This is my 18 th year teaching A.P. United States History. It has been my passion. It has helped many rural students to have educational opportunities that would have not been possible without Advanced Placement. Many of students have gone on to selective admission schools and a lot of them are studying history. Our A.P. US History program

has grown in numbers and in success over these 18 years. Our average class size in recent years is well over 30. Our group mean on the AP test has been well above the national average. For a rural school in south central Kentucky we feel this is outstanding.

Our students have really taken pride in outperforming the national average. The material before Reconstruction is prior to the High School Ky. Program of Study for U.S. history, but it does cover many of the concepts, not only in U.S. History, but geography, government, and economics as well.

Course Outline

Unit 1: Colonial History

Text, Bailey and Kennedy, Chapters 1-5

(10 days)


Motives and types of colonization

Factors bringing the colonist to the New World

Three Worlds meet: European, African, Indian


SS-HS-4.1.1 & 5.1.1 are

Embedded in each unit

Contrast the middle, Southern, and New England colonies

Colonial Society

Primary resource activity:

Document skill – Determining what documents mean (U.S. History Skillbook)

Debating the Documents, Slavery and Virginia’s Enlightened Aristocracy

Unit 2: Independence and Constitution

Text, Chapters 6-9

(7 days)


France and Britain battle for North America

Our changing relationship with Great Britain-post 1763

Effects of mercantilism

Colonial cooperation

The movement toward Independence

Military victory and results of the Treaty of Paris



Reasons for the Articles of Confederation and its strengths and weaknesses

The Constitutional Convention – The people and the compromises

Ratifying the Constitution

Primary resource activity:

Pro vs. Con: The 1787 Constitution

Document skill: Determining Credibility: Whom do you believe?

Ben Franklin: A New American Identity? Interpreting Alternative Viewpoints in Four

Primary Source Documents

Loyalists and Patriots: Interpreting Alternative Viewpoints in Four Primary Source


Unit 3: The New Nation

Text, Chapters 10-12

(7 days)


Hamilton vs. Jefferson

The impact of the French-British conflict

Alien and Sedition Acts

The “Revolution of 1800”

Jefferson – foreign policy



The Louisiana Purchase

War of 1812: Causes and Results

The Era of Good Feelings


The Marshall Court Decisions

The Monroe Doctrine

Primary source activity:

1977 DBQ – The Alien & Sedition Acts

Taking Sides – Was Thomas Jefferson a Political Compromiser? Morton Borden (yes) and Forrest McDonald (no)

Unit 4: The Age of Jackson

Text, Chapters13-15, 17

(8 days)




The Election of 1824 and the founding of Jackson’s Democratic Party

The Rise of Mass Democracy-emergence of the “Common Man”

The Jackson Administration:

*Spoils System

*Nullification crisis

*Indian removal

*Jackson’s war on the Bank

Westward Expansion

Mexican War


Reform movements 1820-1850

Utopian experiments

The transportation revolution

Religious developments

Primary resource activity

Revivalists and Utopians: Reform in Antebellum America. Interpreting Alternative

Viewpoints in Four Primary Source Documents

Pro vs. Con: Indian Removal

DBQ Skills – Analyzing Charts

Debating the Documents: The War with Mexico

Unit 5: Prelude to Civil War

Text, Chapters 16, 18-19



(8 days)


Slavery and the Cotton Kingdom

Causes of the War

*Missouri Compromise



*Uncle Tom’s Cabin

*Compromise of 1850

*Kansas-Nebraska Act and Bleeding Kansas

*Dred Scott

*Lincoln-Douglas Debates

*John Brown

*Hinton Helper

*The Election of 1860

Primary source activity:

Debating the Documents: Was John Brown a Hero?

Debating the Documents: The Missouri Compromise

Debating the Documents: Calhoun vs. the Abolitionist

Pro vs. Con: Slavery in Federal Territory

Unit 6: Civil War and Reconstruction

Text, Chapters 20-22

(16 days)



Military strategies, advantages and disadvantages

The war – battles and results

The home front

Legacy of the war

Presidential vs. congressional Reconstruction plans

The South during Reconstruction

The legacy of Reconstruction

Primary resource activity:



Debating the Documents: Blue or Gray, Why Men Fought in the Civil War

Ken Burns Civil War series

Unit 7: The West

Text, Chapter 26

(12 days)




The Frederick Jackson Turner Thesis

The Miners

The Cattle Kingdom

The Homesteaders

The Indian Wars

The Reservation system

The fading frontier

Unit 8: The Gilded Age

Text, Chapters 23-25

(16 days)


Party politics

Political corruption and reform

Examine the Presidential administrations

American Industry comes of age









Lords of industry

Rise of organized labor

Populism and William Jennings Bryan


The “New Immigrants”

Social and cultural developments of the late 19 th


The Social Gospel

Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Dubois

Primary Resource activity:

1983 DBQ the Populist

Taking Sides – Was John D. Rockefeller a Robber Baron? Matthew Josephson (yes) and

Ron Chernow (no)

Where Historians Disagree: Populism – Audio visual series comparing the views of historians John D. Hicks, Lawrence Goodwyn and Walter T.K. Nugent with that of Richard Hofstadter

Primary Sources in U.S. History – The Social Gospel, Religion and Progressivism

1989 DBQ – Booker T. Washington & W.E.B. DuBois

Unit 9: Imperialism

Text, Chapter 27

(8 days)



The Changing role of the U.S. in the world – from isolation to world power

Reasons for new interest in world affairs

Territorial gains

The Spanish-American War

Results of the war

The Filipino insurrection

The Open Door Policy

Roosevelt’s “Big Stick” Diplomacy

The Panama Canal

Taft’s Dollar Diplomacy

Wilson’s “Missionary” Diplomacy – relations with Mexico

Primary resource activity:

The Panama Canal – Examining the Reliability of Sources

Mark Twain – American Culture and Anti-Imperialism

A Republic or an Empire –The American Debate over Imperialism

Above activities are from Primary Sources in U.S. History series

Pro vs. Con – Imperialism in Latin America (Good or Bad Influence)

Unit 10: The Progressive Era

Text, Chapter 28-29

(9 days)


Unit 11: World War I

Text, Chapter 30


Local, state, and national reform


Women’s issues

Consumer and environmental protection

Roosevelt’s New Nationalism, Taft’s policies, and Wilson’s New Freedom

Primary source activity:

President Theodore Roosevelt – Speak softly and Regulate When Necessary

Writing an Introductory Paragraph from U.S. History Skillsbook


(9 days)


Origins of the war

American neutrality

Reasons for our involvement

Wilsonian idealism and the 14 points

The homefront

Propaganda and civil liberties

Women and minorities

America fights in France

Treaty negotiations and Senate rejection of the Versailles Treaty

Results of the war

Unit 12: The Roaring Twenties

Text, Chapters 31-32

(9 days)


The post-war economy

The first red scare


Immigration restriction


Prohibition and crime

The automobile, radio and the movies

Jazz age culture

The economic boom and mass-consumption

The presidential administrations


Supply side theory

Promotion of business

Boom and Bust

Foreign Policy

Primary source activity:

1986 DBQ – The 1920s

Unit 13: The 1930s

Text, Chapter 32

(9 days)


Hoover’s and Roosevelt’s approaches to the Depression

New Deal – Effectiveness and criticisms

The Supreme Court fight

The Dust Bowl


Depression Demagogues

Shifts in political alignments – The Roosevelt coalition

Primary source activity:

1984 DBQ – Hoover and Roosevelt: Liberal or Conservative?

Unit 14: World War II

Text, 34-35


(9 days)


Origins of War – Europe in the 20’s and 30’s

* The rise of Nazism and Fascism

German, Italian, and Japanese aggression

Isolation and appeasement

Pearl Harbor

The Home Front

Japanese internment

Women and minorities

Economic impact

Military Strategy

European and African war

Island Hopping in the Pacific

D-day and victory in Europe

Atomic Bomb

Wartime diplomacy

Results of war

Primary source activity:

1988 DBQ the Decision to Drop the Atomic Bomb

Audio visual series – Bill Moyers the Dictator and the Democrat, a comparison of Hitler and Roosevelt

Unit 15: The Cold War Begins

Text, 36


(9 days)


Baby boom

The Truman Presidency

Origins of Cold War

United Nations

Fall of Eastern Europe


Truman Doctrine

Marshall Plan


Germany and the Berlin crisis

Anti-communism at home


Primary source activity:

Taking Sides: Did Communism Threaten America’s Internal Security after World War II.

John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr (yes), Richard M. Fried (no).

Unit: 16 Happy Days 1952-1960

Text, 37

(9 days)



Affluent American

Mass produced culture

Effects of Television

Eisenhower Administration and modern Republicanism

Brown v. Board of Education and the origins of the civil rights revolution

Space race

Interstate highways

Ike and the Cold war-Dulles and Brinkmanship


Primary source activity:

Organizing the DBQ from U.S. History Skillbook

Unit: 17 the Stormy Sixties

Text, 38

(9 days)



The Kennedy Administration

Kennedy and the Cold War

Origins of Vietnam

Bay of Pigs

Cuban Missile Crisis

Kennedy and civil rights

New Frontier

Moon shot

Peace Corps

Lyndon Johnson and the Great Society

Lyndon Johnson and Vietnam escalation

Civil rights revolution explodes

Counterculture and anti-establishment movements

Election of Nixon

60’s culture

Primary source activity:

Pro vs. Con – Vietnam Conflict (Commit American Troops or Stay Out)

Unit 18: The 70’s and beyond


Text, 39-41

(9 days)


Economic stagnation


Openings to China and the Soviet Union

Nixon and the Supreme Court


The Middle East and the oil crisis

Nixon’s domestic program



School busing and affirmative action

The Ford Administration

The fall of South Vietnam

The Carter Administration

Energy crisis and inflation

Carter and foreign policy

Human rights

Camp David Accords

Panama Canal Treaties


The Sandinistas

Iran Revolution and hostage crisis

The Reagan Revolution – America moves right

The New Right

The Moral Majority

Tax cuts and supply side economics

Reagan and the Soviets

Reagan’s military buildup


Gorbachev, Reagan, and the end of the Cold War


The fall of communism in Eastern Europe

The George H.W. Bush Administration

The death of the Soviet Union

The Persian Gulf War

Bush’s domestic battles

The Clinton Administration

Domestic policy

Post-Cold War foreign policy


George W. Bush

The election of 2000


War of Terror

Primary source activity:

Taking Sides – Did President Reagan Win the Cold War. John Lewis Gaddis (yes),

Daniel Deudney and G. John Ikenberry (no).

As the A.P. exam approaches students receive DBQ practice books to take home and work on. They will also take released exams as practice. Students receive a number of study guides and review outlines. We start the review process four to six weeks prior to testing.

My class also contains many other audio visual resources. I also have a large collection of primary sources which I may substitute for those listed.
