The Five Pillars of Islam

The Five Pillars of Islam
The Fundamentals of a Muslims’ Life
‘Muslims’’ should be ‘Muslim’s’
Muslims consider that everything they do in this life is to be done with the intention of pleasing Allah
(God), in accordance with His guidance. The Islamic belief is built upon five pillars which are the
framework of a Muslims life.
Re ‘The Islamic belief’ reword to ‘This guidance of Islamic belief’
Re ‘Muslims life’ should be ‘Muslim’s life’
Paragraph can be more attractive.
Muhammad, The final Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said:
“Islam is built upon five pillars: The testimony that there is no god but Allaah and that Muhammad is
the Messenger of Allaah (Shahadah); establishing regular prayer (Salaah); Paying Charity (Zakah);
Fasting Ramandan and Hajj (Pilgrimage)”
Re ‘Allaah’ change to ‘Allah’
Re ‘Zakah’ change to ‘Zakat’
Re ‘Ramandan’ change to ‘Ramadan’
Re ‘Fasting ramadan’. Would be better to say ‘Fasting the month of ramadan’ as non muslim readers
wouldn’t really know what is meant but just ‘fasting ramadan’.
Re ‘god’ should be ‘God’.
Re ‘and Hajj (Pilgrimage)’ should be ‘and performing Hajj (Pilgrimage).’
I feel this paragraph is too cluttered here and somewhat overwhelming to read (for non muslims). It
would be better off in numerical order instead of a whole paragraph, eg. Islam is built upon five pillars;
1. The testimony that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
2. Establishing regular prayer (salaah)
3. Paying charity (zakat)
4. Fasting Ramadan
5. Hajj (pilgrimage)
These five formal acts of worship when acted upon in a humble and sincere manner help strengthen a
Muslim’s faith and obedience to Allah.
Re ‘These five acts of worship when acted upon’ reword?
Good introduction. The main point of mentioning how these 5 pillars are the framework of a muslim’s
life was covered.
Intro sounds dull. You could introduce by saying everything has a foundation that needs to be solid etc
and islam has 5 pillars that are the foundation of faith etc.
Introduction nice and concise.
1. Declaration of Faith: Shahada
The declaring of faith is bearing witness that there is no God worthy of worship but Allah, and that
Muhammad is His servant and messenger.
Re ‘messenger’ change to ‘Messenger’
Insert ‘(peace be upon him)’ after Muhammad’s name.
The first part of the declaration of faith implies that
 No person, object or being has the right to be worshipped except Allah alone
 Allah alone is the Creator and Sustainer of all that exists and He has power over all things
 Allah has no partner, equal, father, mother or son
Re ‘The first part of the declaration of faith implies that’ remove words ‘of faith’. Repeated too many
times and readers will know what the points are referring to.
Re final point. Instead of mentioning that, maybe just say ‘He neither begets nor is He begotten’ Surat
Re ‘equal’ in 3rd point seems to be out of place with the rest of the examples given.
Re 1st point ‘worshipped except Allah alone’ can get confusing. Could say instead that there is only one
God, who deserves to be worshipped alone.
Re 3rd point. Also has no wife.
The second part of the declaration of faith is that Muhammad is His servant and final messenger.
Muslims believe that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the final Prophet in a long chain of Prophets
sent to call the people to the obedience and worship of God alone. Some of these Prophets include
Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Solomon and Jesus (peace be
upon them all).
Re 1st sentence. Reword to ‘The second part of the declaration is that Muhammad is His servant and
final Messenger, the final Prophet in a long chain of Prophets sent to call the people to the obedience
and worship of God alone.’
Re 2nd sentence. Replace ‘Some of these Prophets include’ with ‘They include’.
Not sure final sentence is necessary.
Re ‘sent to call the people to the obedience and worship of God alone’. Can be rephrased.
Re final sentence. Good. All the main prophets and messengers mentioned.
Just as Moses (peace be upon him) was sent with the Torah (the original uncorrupted revelation sent
to Moses) and Jesus (peace be upon him) with the Gospel (the original, uncorrupted revelation - not
the present-day versions), Muslims believe that Muhammad (peace be upon him) was sent with the
Qur’an to demonstrate how its teachings should be applied. He is the best example for all.
Replace last word with ‘mankind’.
Remove the words ‘uncorrupted’ as it doesn’t sound right.
Remove ‘sent to Moses’ as it’s mentioned at the beginning of the sentence.
Maybe add the significance of the declaration, eg: ‘The significance of this declaration is the belief that
the only purpose of life is to serve and obey God, and this is achieved through the following the Qur’an
and teachings and practices of the last Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).’
Re ‘(the original uncorrupted revelation sent to Moses)’ seems to be repetition of what is said in the
beginning of the sentence.
I feel this final paragraph isn’t necessary at all and sidetracks to another topic really.
Re ‘uncorrupted’. You’re trying to say a lot but it might not digest well with the readers who do not
know what you mean by ‘uncorrupted’.
Re ‘to demonstrate how its teachings should be applied’. Could explain better.
This paragraph could instead be explaining the concept of prophethood in islam because many people
don’t understand what you mean by this book was revealed to this man etc.
Re final sentence. Doesn’t make sense.
2. Prayer In Islam: Salah
Spell ‘Salah’ as ‘Salaah’
Verily, I am Allah! There is none worthy of worship but I, so worship Me and offer prayer for
My remembrance." [Taha 13-14]
Insert open quotation marks.
Verse reference should be (Qur’an 20:14)
You could put the verse which speaks about the importance of prayer.
Salat, the ritual Prayer, is the second pillar of Islam after the declaration of faith. Prayer in Islam is the
most act of worship in a Muslims life. It establishes a personal spiritual connection with their Creator.
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
Reword paragraph to: ‘Salaah, the second pillar of Islam, is the most regularly performed act of
worship in a Muslim’s life, establishing a personal spiritual connection with the Creator. This connection
is based on many characteristics such as faith, worship and submission, increasing when one submits
to Allah in prayer. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
Re 2nd sentence. Awkward sentence.
Re ‘most act’. Unclear wording.
Re ‘most act’. Seems to be a word missing. Perhaps ‘most important act’?
Re ‘most act’. Most what?
Re 1st sentence. The heading says this so don’t need to repeat.
Re 3rd sentence. Very simplistic for the beautiful meaning of what you’re trying to convey!
“Prayer is a pillar of the religion (Islam). Whoever establishes it, establishes religion; and whoever
destroys it (e.g. neglects it), destroys religion.” [Tabrani]
Remove hadith reference.
There are 5 daily prayers which are performed at dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset, and nightfall. A
Muslim may pray almost anywhere, such as in fields, offices, factories, or universities.
Reword to: ‘Five daily prayers are performed; one each at dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset and
nightfall. A Muslim may pray almost anywhere, such as in fields, offices, factories, or universities,
provided they are clean.’
I think it can be better expressed.
Change 2nd sentence to ‘The prayer can be offered anywhere.’
Change 2nd sentence to ‘A Muslim may pray almost anywhere and anytime within its ‘window of
timeframe.’’ Not sure if that’s the best wording, but you know what I mean.
Each prayer does not take more than a few minutes to perform and consists of recitation of the Holy
Quran, Glorifying and Supplicating to Allah, and various body postures such as standing, bowing,
prostrating, and sitting.
Reword to beginning to: ‘Each prayer takes only a few minutes to perform and consists of recitation of
the Holy Qur’an, …. and sitting.’
Unnecessary paragraph.
Re ‘Glorifying and Supplicating’. Don’t think you need capitals for these words.
Prayer is the centre of a Muslims life, and it is the best way for a Muslim to truly live in Submission to
Allah. The special connection that a Muslim has with their Creator is based on many characteristics
such as Faith, Worship and Submission; all of these are put into practice, as well as improved and
increased, when one submits to Allah in prayer.
Remove paragraph. I’ve incorporated the latter part of the paragraph to the end of the 2 nd paragraph
in this section, as you speak of connection with the Creator there also.
Unnecessary paragraph.
Re ‘based on many characteristics … Allah in prayer.’ Don’t like the wording and the sentence
In reality, when a prayer is performed correctly with complete concentration, it will have an enduring
affect on the person, and his heart will be filled with remembrance of Allah. Once the prayer is
complete one will be fearful as well as hopeful of Allah, in which he would not want to disobey Him.
Allah says:
Replace ‘and his heart will be filled’ to ‘filling his heart’.
‘In reality,’. You were always speaking in reality you weren’t saying theory before so no need.
‘affect’ should be ‘effect’.
‘and his heart’ change to ‘and his or her heart’.
‘will be fearful’. This can create confusion for the first time readers.
in which he would’ change to ‘in which he or she would’.
"Verily, the prayer keeps one from the great sins and evil deeds" (Surah Al Ankaboot).
Add full stop at end of verse. Reference verse as (Qur’an 29:45)
The repeated standing before Allah will keep a person from performing sins during the day, and is a
type of purification for ones soul. Therefore it should be used as a time of repentance where the
worshipper sincerely asks Allah for forgiveness of sins.
Reword beginning of sentence to: ‘Repeated standing before Allah prevents a person from…”
Re ‘ones soul’ should be ‘one’s soul’
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) asked his companions:
“If one of you had a river by his door in which he bathed five times a day. Would any filth remain on
him?” They said, “No.” Then the Prophet replied: “Likewise, Allah wipes away sins with the five daily
Beautiful way to end.
The prayer section is well said, very informative.
3. Obligatory Charity/Almsgiving: Zakat
"And be steadfast in prayer; give Zakat; and bow down your heads with those who bow
down (in worship)." (2:43)
Reference verse as (Qur’an 2:43)
Almsgiving is the fourth pillar of Islam prescribed by God. It is an obligation on every Muslim, man and
woman, who possess enough means to distribute a certain percentage of their annual savings or
capital in goods or money among the poor and the needy.
Re ‘fourth’ should be ‘third’.
Re 2nd sentence. Very very plain.
Replace ‘Almsgiving’ with ‘Charity’.
If zakat is the 4th pillar, then the heading should be in number 4 to avoid confusion.
All things belong to God, and wealth is therefore held by human beings in trust. The original meaning
of the word Zakat is both ‘purification’ and ‘growth.’ Our possessions are purified by setting aside a
small portion for those in need, and, like the pruning of plants, this cutting back balances and
encourages new growth. The Prophet (peace be on him) said:
Reword 1st sentence to: ‘Since all things belong to God, wealth is held by mankind in trust.’
Re ‘zakat’ add that it is from the Arabic words.
Re ‘this cutting back balances’. Rephrase.
You can put this paragraph before the one above it.
"God has made Zakat obligatory simply to purify your remaining property."
Source not identified.
Below are some key points about Zakat
Remove this sentence.
I think keep the 2nd, 3rd and 4th points as I believe they would be the most effective.
Annoying, simplistic sentence.
It is first and foremost a duty enjoined by God and hence a form of worship. In the Qur'an the
payment of the Obligatory charity is frequently mentioned in the same sentence or verse as the
establishment of the prayers, for example: These are verses of the Book full of wisdom, a
guide and mercy to the doers of good - those who establish prayer (salat) and pay
zakat … these are the ones who will prosper. (Qur’an 31:1-5)
Change ‘Obligatory’ to lower case, ie. ‘obligatory’
Change word ‘salat’ in verse to ‘salaah’.
Use quotation marks for verse.
Reference should be (Quran 31:2-5)
This seems obvious from what was mentioned above.
It this point is going to be included in the pamphlet, then it needs to be understood as to why it’s
mentioned in the same verse as prayers – the importance of this connection. So i think it’d be best to
not include it at all.
Re 1st sentence. Already mentioned that it is obligatory.
Re ‘same sentence or verse as the establishment of the prayers’. You need to show why this fact is
Re ‘These are verses of the Book full of wisdom, a guide to mercy to’. Can delete this and continue
with verse.
Zakat is a purification from selfishness and greed in the heart and encourages sympathy
towards the poor and needy. The giving of charity is a regular reminder of the bounty that Allah
has bestowed upon us and that we need to be grateful and not arrogant or boastful. Allah
enjoins on us humility and a spirit of generosity, while He asks us to avoid pride in ourselves
and greed for worldly possessions.
Reword 1st sentence to: ‘Zakat is a purification from selfishness and a greedy heart, encouraging
sympathy towards the poor and needy.
Reword 2nd sentence to: It is a regular reminder of the bounty that Allah has bestowed upon us and
the need to be grateful, not arrogant nor boastful.
Re final sentence. Repetition of previous sentence.
Re final sentence. Not needed.
A Muslim understands that everything we are given is a trust from Allah so knows they are not
spending from our own wealth but rather, spending from what Allah entrusted in their care.
Viewed in this way, Zakat can be seen as a test for those who have been given wealth (that
they spend in the way of Allah). Allah says: "He has raised some of you in ranks above
others that He may test you in the gifts He has given you." (Qur’an 6:165)
Reword 1st sentence to: ‘A Muslim understands that everything they are given is a trust from Allah,
knowing they are not spending from their own wealth ... their care.’
I like this point as it dhows that even the wealthy need to pay zakat.
This is similar to the point about zakat as a trust mentioned above. Perhaps they can be combined.
Re 1st sentence ‘from Allah so knows they’ change to ‘from Allah so a Muslim knows they’.
Re ‘from our own wealth’ change to ‘from their own wealth’.
Re 1st sentence. Already mentioned or implied.
It ridges the gap between different socio-economic classes and groups and is a type of social
security, however, unlike government tax; it is not given to anyone except those deemed to be
in need. This charity reduces poverty and ensures equality by making it obligatory that the rich
share some of their wealth with the less fortunate instead of hoarding it all to themselves.
" that this (wealth) may not circulate solely among the rich from among you."
Second word should be ‘bridges’.
Replace semi colon after the word ‘tax’ with a comma.
Reword 2nd sentence to: ‘This charity reduces poverty and ensures equality by making it obligatory
upon the rich to share some of their wealth with the less fortunate.’
Re verse. I think it refers to booty at the time of the prophet 3alayhis salaam. Please make sure it’s
not used out of context and perhaps find a better verse if this is the case.
I like this point as it shows Islam doesn’t regard the wealthy more important as the less fortunate.
Re 1st sentence. Lol perfect! See this is innovative and it’s not simplistic .. it attracts the reader.
Re 2nd sentence. Already mentioned and is an obvious point.
Excellent use of verse.
A remarkable aspect of this obligation is that charity actually enhances our wealth. Allah tells us
in the Qur’an that the Zakah that you give to seek the pleasure of Allah shall be repaid
to you many times over.” (Surah Rum 30:39)
Use open quotes for the verse.
Reference verse as (Qur’an 30:39)
Again, similar to the point mentioned previously. I think they can be joined into one part.
End 1st sentence with ‘because God blesses the person with more in return.’
A person may also give as much as he or she pleases as additional voluntary charity
Replace ‘he or she’ with ‘they’.
I think the above points can be further summarised and start off with ‘Zakat is;’ followed by the points.
I don’t think there’s a need for dot points in this section. Quite a few things have been repeated
throughout. I think it would be better to re organise and condense the information so that there are a
few paragraphs, each dealing with a different aspect of zakat, and flowing nicely.
Nicely put section.
Re paragraph beginning with ‘All things belong to God,’ all the way through to the end of the dot points
can be changed entire to: ‘God tests mankind with affluence and poverty to distinguish between then
generous and the greedy, Allah says: “He has raised some of you in ranks above others that He
may test you in the gifts He has given you.” (Qur’an 6:165). To show true gratitude towards Allah,
The Provider, the Muslim must fulfil the obligation of zakat, and spend out of the trust given to him –
that is, his wealth and riches. By almsgiving, the hearts are purified from selfishness and pride and
those in need are shown compassion. The prophet peace be upon him said: “God has made zakat
obligatory to purify your remaining property.” Zakat ensures that the gap between different socio
economic classes and groups is abridged, and prevents wealth from being completely in the possession
of the upper class; “So that this (wealth) may not circulate solely among the rich from among
you.” (Qur’an 59:7). A remarkable aspect of zakat is that it actually enhances our wealth. Allah tells
us in the Qur’an, “The zakat that you give to seek the pleasure of Allah shall be repaid to you
many times over.” (Qur’an 30:39).’ It’s shorter and sums up the points you wanted.
Zakat explained well. Key points are very straight forward.
Muslims believe that the laws decreed by Allah are for the ultimate good of mankind. Since these laws
are in themselves perfect, the closer that we can observe these laws, the closer that we will be to
perfection. Therefore, if every Muslim in the world were to do their duty and act upon this pillar, there
would be far less poverty in the world.
Reword 2nd sentence to: ‘Since these laws are in themselves perfect, the closer we observe them, the
closer we will be to perfection’.
Reword 3rd sentence to: ‘Therefore, if every Muslim were to do their duty and act upon this pillar,
poverty would decrease in the world’.
Unsure this is the best way to conclude this section, as zakat is, as has been described, not merely
about reducing poverty.
Re 2nd sentence. Seems a bit misleading, as we can’t ever attain anywhere near perfection.
End 1st sentence as ‘mankind to ensure social cohesion’.
Conclusion is good, but one thing missing from this section is that zakat is only 2.5% of savings.
Re first two sentences. These can be mentioned in the conclusion.
Re 3rd sentence. Yes! Relate it to daily life, not just spiritual.
4. Fasting (Siyaam):
"Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may attain
piety." [2:183]
Reference verse as (Qur’an 2:183)
Fasting is an act of obedience and submission to Allah's commands through the highest degree of
commitment, sincerity and faithfulness to seek Allah's mercy and to ask for forgiveness from sins.
A bit difficult to follow, and isn’t this applicable to all worship? I think a more specific intro would be
Re ‘faithfulness to seek’ change to ‘faithfulness in order to seek’.
The sentence is very general.
Every year during the month of Ramadan, Muslims fast from dawn until sundown, abstaining from
three primal physical needs of human beings - food, drink, and sexual relations.
Good! Clear and well put.
The fasting during Ramadan is obligatory on every adult, sane, and able Muslim. There are some
exceptions for those required to fast such as children, the sick, the mentally unhealthy, the elderly,
women in periods of menstruation and travelers.
Reword paragraph to: ‘Fasting is obligatory upon every adult, sane, and able Muslim. Children, the
sick, the mentally unhealthy, the elderly, women in periods of menstruation and travelers are exempt.
Replace ‘women in periods of menstruation’ with ‘menstruating women’.
Re ‘adult’. Perhaps define it in the Islamic sense, ie. Have to have reached puberty.
Re ‘for those required to fast’. Might be better to say ‘where people are not required to fast’.
Change ‘sane, and able’ to ‘physically and mentally capable’.
Although fasting is beneficial to health, it is regarded principally as a method of spiritual selfpurification. By cutting oneself off from worldly comforts, even for a short time, a fasting person gains
true sympathy with those who go hungry, as well as growth in his or her spiritual life.
Reword ‘a fasting person gains’ to ‘a fasting person also gains’
End paragraph at the word ‘hungry’ and delete remainder, as it’s already been mentioned. The
paragraph should also be moved to after the below hadith, as the benefits of fasting should be grouped
Re ‘cutting oneself off’ and ‘those who go hungry, as well as growth in his or her spiritual life.’ Needs
It is done out of deep love for Allah, with a genuine virtue of devotion, honest dedication and closeness
to Allah, for fasting is for Allah and Him alone. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said,
Reword paragraph to: ‘Fasting is for Allah and Him alone, out of deep love for Him, with a genuine
virtue of devotion and honest dedication. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said;’
Re ‘It is done out of’ reword to ‘It is performed with the’.
For the fasting person there are two times of joy; a time when he breaks his fast and a time of joy
when he meets his Lord, and the smell coming from the mouth of the fasting person is better with
Allah than the smell of musk." [al-Bukhaaree]
Remove hadith reference.
Fasting is a means of learning self-restraint and patience. With patience, Muslims are able to
strengthen their worship to Allah alone. Fasting purifies the soul and helps it acquire the habit of
obeying Allah by defeating the desires of the heart and promoting steadfastness.
Replace first word of 2nd sentence with ‘It’.
Delete this paragraph as it seems to be a bit repetitive of the fourth paragraph.
Re 2nd sentence. Sounds awkward.
Re 2nd sentence. Link it to patience in life, manners etc, because you already mentioned better
obedience to Allah.
In the month of Ramadan, Muslims sense an increased feeling of unity due to fasting and breaking
their fast collectively. Muslims also feel an increased awareness about the state of affairs of the
Muslims and non-Muslims all around the world and of the hardships that they endure.
Reword 2nd sentence to: ‘They also feel an increased awareness about the state of affairs across the
globe and the hardships endured.’
Play on the feeling of unity by saying something like: ‘The Muslim in Sudan knows that he is as hungry
as the Muslim in America etc. This physical association results in true empathy towards the poor and so
prompts one to assist them and sacrifice from their wealth.’
Fasting is also a means for one's sins to be forgiven. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
Delete this sentence and use the quote at the beginning where you’ve mentioned forgiveness.
"He who fasts Ramadhan, due to his faith and hoping for reward (from Allah) then his past sins are
forgiven." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim]
Replace ‘Ramadhan’ with ‘Ramadan’.
Remove hadith reference.
5. Pilgrimage (Hajj):
“And Hajj (pilgrimage to Makkah) to the House (Ka‘bah) is a duty that mankind owes to
Allah, for those who can afford the expenses (for one’s conveyance, provision and
residence)” [Aal ‘Imraan 3:97]
Insert full stop at tend of verse.
Reference verse with (Qur’an 3:97)
Pilgrimage to the sacred house of Allah must be done once in a person’s life, if they can afford the
expenses and if they can handle the travel. Pilgrimage involves following in the footsteps of the
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) when he did pilgrimage, and it is a journey full of emotion,
and a journey which requires a lot of patience and endurance.
Remove ‘if they can’ near end of 1st sentence.
Reword 2nd sentence to: ‘It involves following in the footsteps of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be
upon him) when he performed pilgrimage, and is a journey full of emotion requiring a lot patience and
Reword 1st sentence to: ‘Once in a lifetime, a Muslim who is physically and financially able must
complete the pilgrimage to the sacred house of Allah (Mecca).’
Delete ‘when he did pilgrimage’ in 2nd sentence, as it’s already stated.
Begin a new sentence at: ‘It is a journey full of emotion,…’
Re ‘once in a person’s life’ insert ‘at least’ before that text.
Re ‘if they can handle the travel’. Reword?
Re ‘Pilgrimage involves following in the footsteps of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) when
he did pilgrimage’. Reword?
Delete ‘and it is a journey full of emotion, and a journey which requires a lot’ and begin new sentence
as ‘It is an emotional journey, requiring much patience and endurance.’
Re ‘journey full of emotion’. Describe what type of emotion.
Change ‘full of emotion’ to ‘full of emotion and spirituality’.
Performing the pilgrimage is a temporary suspension of all worldly activities. It is a time for one to
reflect, worship, and seek the forgiveness and pleasure of Allah. It is a time to bring the people
together as one. People of every colour, and every race come together and worship the One true God
without any hatred in their hearts. Male pilgrims all wear the same simple clothes which strip away
distinctions of class and culture so that all stand equal before God.
Replace word ‘People’ at beginning of 4th sentence with ‘Muslims’.
Re ‘Male pilgrims all wear the same clothes’ replace with ‘All pilgrims dress in the same pure white
clothes’ instead of singling out just men.
Re 3rd sentence to the end of the paragraph. Needs to be changed to make it flow better.
Re ‘pilgrimage is a temporary’ reword to ‘pilgrimage requires a temporary’.
Re 4th and 5th sentences. It’s hard to say this without explaining that it happens once a year and all the
people of the world go to Saudi. Also explain what the simple clothing is so the people get a feel or put
a picture.
Re ‘the same simple clothes’. Sounds immature. Try using ‘common type of clothing’ or ‘identical form
of clothing’ or ‘similar’.
This great act of worship was prescribed by Allaah so that we might praise Him and glorify Him, and
thank Him for His great blessings and bounty.
Reword to: ‘This great act o worship was prescribed by Allah so that we might praise, glorify and thank
Him for His great blessings and bounties.’
The benefits behind the pilgrimage are many. One main benefit is that it brings a person closer to their
Lord and it is a means for the expiation of their sins. The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of
Allaah be upon him) said:
Reword last part of 1st sentence to: ‘.. Lord and is a means for the expiation of sins.’
Replace ‘Allaah’ with ‘Allah’.
Paragraph seems out of place. Some benefits of hajj have already been mentioned above, but this
section is introducing the benefits. It should be moved.
Re first two sentences. You already mentioned this.
“Whoever performs Hajj and does not utter obscenities or commit sin, will come back as on the day
when his mother bore him.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 1521; Muslim, 1350.
After ‘his mother bore him’ insert in brackets ‘ie pure of sins’.
A person gives up their time and their life to make this pilgrimage, and to experience it is like
experiencing nothing else in this world. It humbles a person, it makes them more patient, more
thankful and they see that they take so much of what they have been given for granted.
Reword paragraph to: ‘A pilgrim gives up their time and life to perform this pilgrimage, and to
experience it is life altering. It humbles a person, makes one more patient and thankful, realizing all of
life’s bounties they have taken for granted.’
I’d delete this paragraph as it doesn’t make sense. Just end the section with the quotation benefits of
Perhaps in this section mention the time of the pilgrimage, ie. ‘The annual hajj begins in the twelfth
month of the Islamic year (which is lunar, not solar, so that hajj and Ramadan fall sometimes in
summer, sometimes in winter.’
Re 1st sentence. Why? You haven’t explained what is so different about pilgrimage. You haven’t
explained the circumstances that they have to endure, crowds, dust, heat, walking all day etc.
To conclude, the five pillars of Islam have been prescribed, and a condition of being a Muslim is to
believe and act according to the five pillars. The pillars are nothing but practical, they have been made
easy for the Muslim, and the blessings behind them are manifold. Allah has set certain conditions on
each pillar, and for those who are in need or are unable to perform some – or the full – obligatory
duties, then Allah has eased their situation by making some concessions for them.
Reword paragraph to: ‘The five pillars of Islam have been prescribed by God, and condition of being a
Muslim is to believe and act according to them. They are practical, have been made easy, and …
situation by giving them concessions.’
Re 1st sentence. Awkward sentence.
Reword 2nd sentence to: ‘The pillars are practical and have been made easy for the Muslim, yet the
blessings behind them are manifold.’
Re ‘To conclude’. We know you’re going to conclude from the heading.
Conclusion lacks sophistication. Can be much more powerful.
“Allaah burdens not a person beyond his scope” [2:286]
Replace ‘Allaah’ with ‘Allah’.
Reference verse as (Qur’an 2:286)
Allah, Glory be to Him, is free of all needs, and all of the above has been set out only to benefit us.
I think the conclusion can be re-written.
Beautiful conclusion.
Replace ‘all of the above’ with ‘these obligations’.
General Feedback
 The major drawback was the simplicity of the work. I didn’t like the vocabulary used or the
sentence structure. At times it was too dull and just uninteresting. I understand it’s hard to
explain these topics to a non-Muslim audience but the most important role of these pamphlets
is to attract the reader’s attention to Islam. Once that’s done then the person would come and
ask about the pillars so your main priority is to present Islam not in an informative and
detached way but to attract the reader to how Islam is so holistic in the way it addresses all
aspects of life through just five pillars. I felt that that feeling was lacking in this pamphlet
 the use of evidence was selective and very well done
 I mentioned where parts should be taken out in the zakah section but the rest wasn’t too much
 The introduction and conclusion really need to be revised
 Other than that the points addressed were very wisely chosen and if they are presented in a
slightly better way I think we’ll have a great pamphlet
 Was a good read. A pleasure to edit.
 May Allah reward you all for your efforts.
 Wasalamu alaykum warahmatullah wabarakatuh
Insha-Allah this is going to be a great pamphlet, very enlightening, makes the reader want to discover
more in depth about the topics addressed.
Just some tiny amendments if could be changed inshaAllah.
1.Some verses have the name of the surah only, other verses have name of surah and number and
others only have numbers. I think if you wish to put the name of the surah plus the number, then all of
the verses in this pamphlet should be the same too so it gives a nice professional flow.Did I make
2. Some ahadith have “narrated by….” And some don’t. I think all the ahadith should have “narrated
by…” just so non Muslims understand it is the word of our Prophet SAW but was narrated by so and
so…. Ok? Ok…
3. Allah or Allaah? One “A” or double “AA”?? make up your mind and stick to one!