Draft Agenda - National Indigenous Women's Resource Center

New Grantee Orientation
Tribal Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Coalitions
San Diego, CA
February 9-11, 2016
Day 1: February 9, 2016
Breakfast On Your Own
8:30 AM
Traditional Opening
Strong Hearted Native Women’s Coalition, Inc.
9:00 AM
Welcome and Introductions
Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women
Lucy Rain Simpson, Executive Director, National Indigenous Women’s
Resource Center (NIWRC)
Tribal Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Coalitions
9:20 AM
Overview of the Agenda
9:30 AM
Purpose Areas of the TDVSAC Grant
Bonnie Clairmont, Victim Advocacy Specialist, TLPI
Kelly Stoner, Victim Advocacy Legal Specialist, TLPI
A focus on Purpose Area (D): assisting Indian tribes in developing and
promoting state, local, and tribal legislation and policies that enhance best
practices for responding to violent crimes against Indian women, including
the crimes of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, sex
trafficking, and stalking.
10:30 AM
10:45 AM
Grant Fraud and Awareness Training
11:45 AM
Lunch (On Your Own)
1:15 PM
The Law and Policy Institute Technical Assistance Update/Session
Zachary Shroyer, OIG
Bonnie Clairmont, Victim Advocacy Specialist, TLPI
Kelly Stoner, Victim Advocacy Legal Specialist, TLPI
DRAFT AGENDA | January 11, 2016 3:00 PM
2:15 PM
2:30 PM
Rejuvenation, Grounding and Wellness – Strengthening the Movement
Jillene Joseph, Executive Director, Native Wellness Institute
This session focuses on building leadership through personal and
professional development. The session will include leadership, healthy
communication, healthy conflict resolution, establishing healthy worksite
norms and behaviors, defining concepts such as professionalism and respect,
understanding where unhealthy behaviors come from, learning and building a
sense of team and trust and learning how to move forward in a productive
way. There are many definitions of leadership, one being “to teach and
inspire.” NWI believes that all individuals, whether you are an elected tribal
official, executive director, grass roots advocate or other, has the opportunity
to develop leadership skills in order to more effectively contribute in a
positive manner to the community and the work in the domestic violence
4:00 PM
Facilitated-Led Discussion on Issues Pertaining to the Tribal
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Coalitions Program
Darla Sims, Grant Manager Team Lead, Tribal Affairs Division, OVW
5:00 PM
Adjourn for Day 1
Day 2: February 10, 2016
Breakfast On Your Own
8:30 AM
Addressing Campus Sexual Assault
Terri Poore, Public Policy Consultant
National Alliance to End Sexual Violence
10:15 AM
10:30 AM
IT Session: Inbox Alternatives: Getting Things Done with Less Email
Tang Cheam, Technology Director, NIWRC
This session will provide an overview of services that offer alternative ways
to communicate with team members on projects and planning utilizing a
more fluid process. Example services to be highlighted will include Slack,
Office365, and Dropbox. The goal of this session is to provide ways to
become less dependent on our overflowing inboxes.
12:00 PM
Lunch (On Your Own)
1:30 PM
GMFD – Managing Multiple Federal Grants/Financial Training
DRAFT AGENDA | January 11, 2016 3:00 PM
Donna Simmons (invited), Associate Director, Grants Financial
Management Division, Office on Violence Against Women, U.S.
Department of Justice
Suheyla Lasky, Financial Analyst, Grants Financial Management
Division, Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of
Montoya Whiteman, Senior Program Manager, First Nations
Development Institute
3:45 PM
4:00 PM
Facilitated-Led Discussion on Issues Pertaining to the Tribal
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Coalitions Program
Darla Sims, Grant Manager Team Lead, Tribal Affairs Division, OVW
5:00 PM
Adjourn Day 2
Day 3: February 11, 2016
Breakfast On Your Own
8:30 AM
Peer to Peer Session: Engaging Youth in Ending Violence Against
Native Women
Deleana Otherbull, Executive Director, Coalition to Stop Violence
Against Native Women
Amie Barnes, Executive Director, Seven Dancers Coalition
10:15 AM
10:30 AM
Camp HOPE California 2015
Casey Gwinn, Esq./President
Alliance for HOPE International
12:00 PM
Lunch (On Your Own)
1:30 PM
Tribal Coalition Reporting
Maureen Baker, Policy Associate,
Edmund Muskie School of Public Service
3:00 PM
3:15 PM
Facilitated-Led Discussion on Issues Pertaining to the Tribal
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Coalitions Program
Darla Sims, Grant Manager Team Lead, Tribal Affairs Division, OVW
DRAFT AGENDA | January 11, 2016 3:00 PM
4:45 PM
Final Thoughts/Closing Remarks
5:00 PM
Adjourn and Safe Travels!
This project was supported by Grant No. 2013-TA-AX-K025, awarded by the Office on
Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions,
and recommendations expressed in this publication / program / exhibition are those of the
author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice, Office on
Violence Against Women.
DRAFT AGENDA | January 11, 2016 3:00 PM