Feral Children and Institutionalization


Reading Activities and Notes

Feral Children and Institutionalization

Directions: Read pages 102-106 and complete the charts for Anna, Isabelle, and Genie. Next, complete the comparison chart for Anna,

Isabelle, Genie, and institutionalized children. Finally, complete the conclusion questions at the end of this document?



What type of treatment did Anna receive?


Lonely, and no contact with other people

How did Anna’s treatment, before she was 6 years old, affect her development?

What was the result of Anna’s situation? Why did this happen?

She was born to an unmarried woman. A woman’s father didn’t want to bring the child into his house, so, she attempted to place Anna in a children’s home. But it couldn’t because of expensive, Anna was mood to a series foster homes.

She was confined to an attic room where she was given only a minimum of care. She was undernourished and emaciated and received almost no human contact. So, she couldn’t speak, held, bathed, and loved because of abused.



What type of treatment did Isabelle receive?

How did Isabelle’s treatment, before she was 6 years old, affect her development?

What was the result of Isabelle’s situation? Why did this happen?


Unable to speak

Her grandfather kept her and her mother to a dark room and her mother was deaf.

She couldn’t speak and she could only a gesture because of her mother was deaf.

Reading Activities and Notes


How did Genie’s treatment affect her development?

What was the result of Genie’s situation? Why did this happen?


What type of treatment did Genie receive from her caregivers before she was

13 years old?


Her father was who hated children and when Genie was 13 years old, he confined her to a small bed room from the age of 20 months. Her father interacted with her, he behaved like an angry dog, barking, growling, and baring his teeth.

Her physical development was affected-she couldn’t stand straight. She cannot speak-lacks many basic skills

Trainers were able to teach her some language; however, she cannot speak well.

Reading Activities and Notes

Feral Children

Similarities Differences


Treatment Result Treatment

No human contact


No interest in other people and Died at age 10



Abused, and isolated from the outside world

They all three experience slow development

She was confined with her deaf mother. The mother was able to display love and affection and also communicate

Had human contact with her father. The contact was only to punish and intimidate



Eventually, she reached normal development levels.

Cannot mature past a 10 year old level. Must live in a developmental home


Do not experience affection, love, or human contact. Basic needs are met.


The majority of children die. Only some can walk and dress themselves. Most often children develop learning disabilities and attachment emotional issues or problems

Reading Activities and Notes

What human characteristics did feral children lack?

Conclusion Questions

Basic skills and communication were not fully developed. Socializing with other is extremely difficult.

According to the information in the comparison chart, what are some conclusions that can be understood about personality development and environment?

Children need human contact with others during their early years, especially communication, affection, and love

Would the nature viewpoint use this information to support its argument or would the nurture argument use this information to support its argument? Explain why.

Nurture would use this information because without human contact with other people do not develop basic skills and functions.
