Deviance in US Society - SOCY 1004* Recitation Syllabus - Fall 2009 *This syllabus is intended as a supplement to Professor Watterworth’s course syllabus. Please review his syllabus for assignments, readings, exams, course policies and conduct for what is expected of you. ___________________________________________________________________ Teaching Assistant: Amanda Shigihara, M.A. E-mail: Office: KTCH 35 Office Hours: Monday 9am -11:50am Wednesday 1pm - 3pm And by appointment Recitations and locations: Section 011: Mon. 8:00-8:50am Section 012: Wed. 10-10:50pm Section 013: Mon. 2:00-2:50pm GUGG 2 MUEN E123 HLMS 237 Recitation Description: The purpose of recitation is to supplement the SOCY 1004 class lecture. My job as an instructor is to provide you greater clarity on the concepts of deviance in society as it is understood by sociologists. The goal of this course is to (1) create critical thinking skills (2) help you better understand the content of class lectures and (3) make the sociology of deviance relevant in order for you to make connections from sociology to real life situations and events. Finally, this recitation serves to evaluate participation, attendance, assignments, and the research paper. Attendance/Participation/Class assignments: Since this recitation is meant to help you better understand the material covered in the larger lectures, your participation is important in the learning process. Your participation grade is made up of your attendance, class assignments, group work, participation in discussions, debates, and your classroom behavior. When we cover potentially sensitive subjects please be courteous to all in the class. NOTE: If you miss 2 out of the first 3 recitations you will be dropped from the recitation, there is a waitlist!!! Attendance is required. Late in-class work, assignments, or participation is NOT accepted. The only time in class work can be made up is if you have a documented excuse. My Policies: 1. Your recitation number (e.g. 011, 012, or 013) must be on all written ASSIGNMENTS and EXAMS to be graded. 2. You are responsible for all recitation notes, materials, announcements, and syllabus instructions. If you miss a class, YOU are RESPONSIBLE for all missed material. YOU need to contact your classmates for any missed information. DO NOT email me with “I missed class today, can you tell me if I missed anything important…” 3. No cell phones, text messaging, or iphone internet. Point deduction is up to my discretion. 4. No Laptops are allowed in recitation. Point deduction is up to my discretion. 5. In the case of inappropriate behavior, I reserve the right to ask students to leave the classroom. 6. Keep all returned graded work/exams, students are responsible for providing proof of any grade disputes. 7. Do NOT drop off any assignments to my office, this includes under my door, on my desk, my box, etc. 8. I Do NOT grade emailed assignments. 9. NO grades will be mailed through the internet because of confidentially agreements. 10. I DO NOT EXCEPT LATE WORK. There is only one major research paper this semester and a few assignments, they due when they are due, NO EXCEPTIONS. You need to make arrangements if you cannot make it to recitation on the day that they are due. University Policies: ~You are expected to adhere to the University’s honor code. The specifics can be found at ~If you require any accommodation for disabilities, please let me know by the end of the third week so that your learning needs may be met. You will also need to provide documentation from Disability Services, which can be obtained through Willard 332 (303-492-8671 and ~You are expected to adhere to the behavior standards listed in the Rights and Responsibilities Regarding Standards of Conduct. The specific policies can be seen on the site – ~Sexual harassment is not tolerated. For specifics on creating a fair and safe class environment, you can see policies and report them at, or call the Office of Sexual Harassment at 303-492-2127, or call the Office of Judicial Affairs at 303-492-5550. Readings: While it is your responsibility to read the required readings at your own pace, I have structured out the weeks to stay ahead of yourself and to be able to participate in the recitations. If you do not read until the night before an exam, you will have a very difficult time passing exams, participating in recitations, or writing a successful research paper. Assignments: You have a 5 page Research Paper due at the end of the semester. This paper is to be written in ASA FORMAT with PROPER ASA CITATIONS. While it is due at the end of the semester, you are responsible for working on your research topic throughout the semester, creating a reference list, going through rough drafts, turning in one rough draft to be reviewed, discussing your topic among your peers in class, and then turning in a final product. I would prefer you not to write on the same topic as your peers, grading is also based on creativity. In upcoming weeks I will hand out a more in-depth grading rubric. The following assignments will help to guide you through the research paper process. Assignment 1: Think about possible research topics for deviance in US society, bring a list of at least 5 possible topics Due in recitation WEEK Sept. 21-25. Assignment 2: After choosing your research topic, think about the type of theoretical basis or a theorist to base your research on, bring a list of a few possible theories or theorists to class and write the relationship between the theory and topic Due in recitation WEEK Oct. 12-16. Rough Draft: Although you should be writing several rough drafts, you are to only turn in one for me to review. In order to do well on the paper, there needs to be significant improvement from the rough draft to the final. This rough draft may include an introduction, outline to the paper, notes, etc. and MUST HAVE AT LEAST 5 references Due in recitation WEEK Nov. 16-20. Research Paper: Due in recitation WEEK Nov. 30-Dec. 4, you are to choose an original topic on deviance in US society. It can range from a historical event to an ongoing contemporary issue. You are then to write a 5 page paper with at least 5 references (come talk to me if you think your paper will be over 5 pages) detailing: 1. A short summary of your topic 2. A description of how your topic relates to deviance in US society 3. At least one theory or social theorist to back your thoughts 4. Your subjective opinions about the topic (i.e. how you feel about the issue) 5. Societal opinions about your topic (e.g. how it is viewed by mass society) 6. A sum up of either the results of the historical deviant event, or your thoughts on the future of the deviance of which you wrote. NOTE: REVIEW ALL PLAGIARISM AND ASA FORMAT HANDOUTS. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROPER USE OF OTHER’S IDEAS AND WORDS, AS WELL AS ASA FORMAT. IMPROPER USE IS CONSIDERED CHEATING, WILL NOT BE TOLERATED, AND WILL BE DEALT WITH VERY SERIOUSLY, WHICH MAY RESULT IN FAILURE OF THE CLASS. Final Evaluation: Recitation is worth 40% of your grade. 1.) Attendance/Participation/Discussion 2.) Assignments and Rough Draft 2.) Research Paper 10% 10% 20% Holidays: Labor Day Sept. 7 (Mon.) Fall Break Nov. 23-25 (Mon.-Wed.) Thanksgiving Nov. 26-27 (Thurs.-Fri.) Last Day of Classes Dec. 11 (Fri.) Tentative Weekly Schedule: Week Aug. 24-26 Sept. Oct. Nov. Readings Topic/Assignments Introduction to the course 7-11 14-18 21-25 Labor Day Chapters 1-2 Chapters 3-5 28-30 Chapters 6-8 (Wed recitation cancelled) Defining Deviance Competing Perspectives Assignment 1 Due Theories of Deviance 5-9 12-16 Chapters 9-11 Chapters 14-17 19-23 26-30 Chapters 18-21 Chapters 13, 24, 26, 35 2-6 Chapters 38, 39, 41 9-13 16-20 Chapters 40, 45 23-27 30-Dec. 4 Fall Break Chapters 22, 36, 37, 42 Theories cont. Social construction of dev. Assignment 2 Due The power of deviance Sexuality and deviance Stigmatized individuals Rough Draft Due Unconventional lifestyles Paper Discussions (bring rough drafts) Fall Break White collar crime Final Papers Due In Class Dec. 7-11 Final Exam Review Dec. 12-17 Final Exams Student Contact Information: In the event that you cannot attend class, it is solely your responsibility to contact your classmates; instructors will NOT provide class notes or class covered material. Name:___________________E-mail:_________________Phone:_____________________ Name:___________________E-mail:_________________Phone:_____________________ Name:___________________E-mail:_________________Phone:_____________________ Name:___________________E-mail:_________________Phone:_____________________ Name:___________________E-mail:_________________Phone:_____________________