Chapter 2 Study Guide/Guided Notes TEST AUG 31, 2012 HAND COPIED SET OF THE STUDY GUIDE IS WORTH 10 BONUS POINTS ON TEST DAY. 1. Mendeleev created the first periodic table by arranging elements in order of? Increasing atomic mass 2. How did chemists change Mendeleev’s periodic table in the early 1900s? They used atomic number instead of atomic mass to organize the elements. 3. From an element’s location in the periodic table, you can predict? It’s properties. 4. Which of these statements about a column of the periodic table is true? The elements have similar properties. 5. Because atoms are so small? Scientists create models to describe them. 6. What natural event provides enough energy for the nuclear fusion reactions that create the heaviest elements? A supernova 7. Most metals are NOT? Liquid at room temperature 8. In general, which of the following statements about metals is true? Metals show a wide range of chemical properties. 9. In the periodic table, the most reactive metals are found? In Group 1, the first column on the left. 10. To make most synthetic elements, scientists use powerful machines called? Particle accelerators. 11. Why would it probably be very difficult to determine the chemical and physical properties of a newly discovered synthetic element? The element’s nuclei would break apart very quickly 12. Which group contains the most elements? Metals 13. At room temperature, more than half of the nonmetal element are? Gases. 14. Which property of bromine could you NOT predict based on the fact that it is a nonmetal in the halogen family? Liquid at room temperature 15. How does nuclear fusion crate new elements inside stars? Small nuclei combine to form larger nuclei. 16. The sun is made up mostly of? Hydrogen 17. A material is said to be ductile if it? Can be pulled out, or drawn into a long wire. 18. In an atom, the number of protons equals the number of? Electrons. 19. The elements in a row of the periodic table? Have properties that change in a pattern. 20. The elements in a column of the periodic table? Have similar properties. 21. What information in the periodic table indicates the number of protons in an atom? The element’s atomic number. 22. Which parts of the atom move around the nucleus? Electrons 23. The atomic number of an element is based on the? Number of protons in its nucleus 24. What prediction did Mendeleev make that came true less than 20 years later? He said that three new elements would be discovered, and he described their properties. 25. The two most common alkaline earth metals are? Calcium and Magnesium 26. Which of the following statements about transition metals is true? They include familiar metals such as gold, silver, copper, and nickel 27. Which group of elements shares characteristics with both metals and nonmetals? Metalloids. 28. The elements that do not ordinarily form compounds are? Noble gases. 29. Which particles in atoms have a negative electric charge? Electrons 30. Fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine are part of a family called? Halogens. 31. The modern periodic table is organized according to atomic mass. False – Atomic number 32. The horizontal rows in the periodic table are known as groups. False – Periods 33. The elements in a group of the periodic table that have similar characteristics. True 34. Protons have no charge, they are neutral. False – Neutrons 35. Describing a metal as malleable means that it can be pounded into a new shape. True 36. The most chemically reactive metals are in Group 1 of the periodic table. True 37. Nonmetals can be found on the left side of the periodic table. False – Right side 38. In general, the physical properties of nonmetals are similar to the properties of metals. False – Different from. 39. Fusion is the process in which existing nuclei combine and make a new nuclei. True. 40. Atoms of the halogen family of elements typically gain two electrons when they react. False – One Electron.