Learning English through Film: A Teaching Plan with Learning

Mak Yu Hong, Tony
Teaching materials on We are Together
Copyrights owned by the author
Teaching materials on We are Together
A Musical World
Level of Students: Form 6 students
Class Size:
40 students forming 10 cooperative learning groups (4 students per group)
Module Duration: 7 lessons
Lesson Duration: 40 minutes per lesson
Film Synopsis & Rationale of Choosing the Film:
Film Chosen:
We Are Together (2006)
Paul Taylor
Language: Zulu (with English subtitles) and English
We are Together (2006) is a documentary film illustrating how a group of young orphans suffering from
threats of AIDS/HIV transform themselves to Agape International Choir members. These orphans living
in bad environment and having poor quality of life learn to sing and perform their splendid songs in New
York. As recorded in this documentary, the growth of Agape Choir marks a significant success of helping
the Agape orphans to see the world in a new vision, providing a comprehensive overview of how beliefs
and music transforms one’s life. This module “A Musical World” is therefore designed to enable students
to analyze elements of a documentary film We Are Together (2006) by examining its trailer, clips and
reviews with understanding of the power of music in film and society. Various tasks are included to
further develop students’ understanding of how a filmic text (documentary) conveys meanings and
advance students’ language proficiency in meaningful contexts including drafting and presenting a
proposal of inviting Agape Choir to perform a concert in Hong Kong, reinforcing the theme of the film
“we are together” symbolizing human unity & the module “A Musical World”.
Students’ Previous Knowledge (SPK):
1. Students have watched narrative films before and understood basic features of a film.
2. Students have developed skills in analyzing poster, trailer and clips of a narrative film.
3. Students have written film reviews on narrative films based on a writing frame before.
4. Students have read authentic proposals of different kinds (e.g. students’ proposals on club activities).
Objectives and Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to …
1. describe elements of a documentary film using We Are Together as example.
2. advance critical skills in analyzing poster, trailer and clips of a documentary film.
3. construct skills of criticizing, reading and writing a film review on a documentary.
4. explain functions of music in film and society, examining factors behind the success of Agape Choir.
5. cultivate skills of discussing, writing and presenting a proposal as follow-up language-learning tasks.
Mak Yu Hong, Tony
Teaching materials of A Musical World
Copyrights owned by the author
Teaching Procedures
Teaching Procedures
Resources &
Pre-film-viewing stage
Mind-mapping with Questioning
Teacher writes the following text on the blackboard as the core of mind-mapping:
“Music & Songs + Charity = ?”. Students are guided to brainstorm ideas to extend the
mind-map. Selected answers will be jotted down on the blackboard. Teacher then asks
students to recount their experiences (if any) in participating singing campaign, an
activity of integrating music and charity together.
Mind-mapping helps students to Worksheet for
connect the module with their video-viewing task
schemata for radiant thinking (See Appendix 1)
Together with mind-map, the
video fosters students’ learning
of the film and visualizes
Video-viewing task – On Singing Campaign:
A video around 2 minutes (Agape Choir Interviews - THE SING CAMPAIGN students’ understanding of the
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JG4aH5bDons) is shown in class. Then, students issues portrayed. In other words,
are asked to fill in the worksheet (See Appendix 1) in point forms in one-minute silent “[h]aving visual representations
time after viewing the video. Students then get into groups to exchange ideas gained in mind can help students see
from the video on a singing campaign performed by Agape Choir. Teacher guides the
students to develop preliminary understanding of Agape Choir and the relationship concepts” (Vondracek, 2009,
among music, video, film and society.
Analyzing Film Trailer
After getting some ideas of what the film is about from the poster, students are given a
worksheet (See Appendix 2) and they are asked to jot down notes after viewing the
film trailer of a documentary We Are Together two times for different purposes. The
whole class discusses ideas related to the film trailer based on the questions of the
The use of film trailer aims to
Worksheet on Film
Trailer (See
watch the film. Guided questions on Appendix 2)
motivate students to predict and
worksheets give students ideas of
looking at the documentary We Are
Together with self-film connections.
Mak Yu Hong, Tony
Teaching materials of A Musical World
Copyrights owned by the author
Analyzing Film Poster
A worksheet with poster (See Appendix 2) is distributed to each group. Each group will
analyze the film poster of We Are Together with the guided questions within 5-10
minutes. The whole class then engages in a discussion of the poster leaded by the
teacher. Groups will be invited to provide their opinions to facilitate poster analysis.
Film poster allows students to Worksheet on
think about the theme of the Poster Analysis
film before in-depth analysis in (See Appendix 3)
post-film-viewing stages.
Mini-lecture: Sub-genres, Functions, Elements of Documentary Films
Teacher introduces concepts related to documentary films including its sub-genres,
functions and essential elements (See Appendix 4 for Students’ Handout & Teacher’s
PowerPoint Slides. This interactive mini-lecture aims to help students develop basic
concepts of looking at a documentary, preparing students to critically analyze film clips
they are going to watch in the while-filming stage.
of Students’ Handout
documentary may cultivate (See Appendix 4)
understanding of documentary Teacher’s
We Are Together.
PowerPoint Slides
(Appendix 5)
While-film-viewing Stage
session. (*DVDs of We Are Together are purchased and placed in the school library.)
Part 2: Filming Documentary – Analyzing Clips from We Are Together
Teacher guides students to analyze clips from We Are Together with whole-class
discussion on the development of Agape orphanage and narrative skills of the
documentary using the character and narrative map distributed in Part 1 as framework.
segments of films are showed to
like Character Map
Part 1: Watching the First 20 minutes of We Are Together
The first 20 minutes of We Are Together is showed in class. Students are given a
character and narration map (See Appendix 6) to help them understand changes and
growth of Agape orphanage (Maps will be used in part 2). An after-school film-viewing
session for the remaining parts (after the first 20 minutes, i.e. the remaining 66
minutes) of the documentary We Are Together (2008) is held. Students are asked to
view the whole film in this session. Alternatively, they can watch the film either in the
school library or public library if they cannot go to the after-school film-viewing
Character Map and Narration (See Appendix 6)
Map are used to foster students’
learning of the protagonists and Narration Map
plot development in We Are (See Appendix 7)
Together. Through analysis with
film clips, students gain a higher
help students understand the
film elements better (Considine
& Baker, 2006).
Mak Yu Hong, Tony
Teaching materials of A Musical World
Copyrights owned by the author
Post-film-viewing Stage
Jigsaw reading on film reviews & Agape Choir members’ writing
Students are divided into groups. Each group is given four sets of materials (Either sets
1-4 or 5-8) (See Appendix 8) on both film reviews and writings related to the film.
Each student needs to skim the text and jot down ideas in point forms in a 10-minute
preparation time. A 10-minute follow-up in-group presentation will be given for each
The post-film-viewing stage is  Jigsaw Reading
designed to scaffold students to
Materials Sets
examine the inter-connection
1-8 (Appendix 8)
among text, production and  Writing a Film
audience (TAP) of the media
group member to discuss findings together, followed by a 10-minute discussion with
the group with different sets of materials, forming self-criticisms of We Are Together.
A debriefing (10 minutes) is given by the teacher thereafter to summarize the reading
materials and introduce assessment 1 (See Appendix 9), providing a framework for
students to write their own film review as one of the assignments for this module.
triangle (Considine, 2009) for
film analysis. This stage
(Appendix 9)
consists of several tasks asking  Rubrics for
students to write film review
Writing Film
workshop with interactive role
(Appendix 10)
play helping students to  Role Play
Homework: Writing Film Review with a writing framework (Assessment #1)
Role Play: Discussion on Inviting Agape Choir to Perform in Hong Kong
Within a group, students are assigned different roles (See Appendix 11 for roles) and develop ideas for writing their
group’s proposal based on the
(Appendix 11)
they need to discuss details of inviting Agape Choir to perform in Hong Kong.
concepts they have learned in  Proposal Writing
Writing Proposal Inviting Agape Choir to Have a Performance in Hong Kong
Teacher provides a 10-minute briefing on how students can write the proposal, in
(Appendix 12)
applying students’ learning in the film and the role play. Group proposal-drafting time while-film-viewing
will be given to facilitate group members’ communication for writing the proposal Peer and self-evaluation are  Peer-evaluation
implemented in the group
following the proposal writing guidelines distributed (See Appendix 12).
presentation of draft proposal
(Appendix 13)
Group Presentation on the Draft Proposal (Assessment #2)
 Rubrics for
Groups present their draft proposal to the class (4 minutes per group) with peer to engage students.
Assessment 2 & 3
evaluation. Teacher reminds students to hand in the final written proposal one week
(Appendix 14 & 15)
after this session, furnishing students with sufficient time for group communication.
Homework: Writing Proposal (Group-work) (Assessment #3)
Mak Yu Hong, Tony
Teaching materials of A Musical World
Copyrights owned by the author
Assessment for the Module:
Item Assessment
Film Review
Group Presentation on Draft Proposal
Written Proposal of Inviting Agape Choir to Perform in HK
See Appendix 10
See Appendix 14
See Appendix 15
Teaching Materials
Appendix 1 Worksheet on Video-viewing Task
Appendix 2 Worksheet on Poster Analysis
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
Appendix 6
Appendix 7
Appendix 8
Appendix 9
Appendix 10
Appendix 11
Appendix 12
Worksheet on Analyzing Film Trailer
Mini-lecture on Documentary: Students’ Handout
Mini-lecture on Documentary: Teacher’s PowerPoint Slides
Character Map
Narration Map
Jigsaw Reading Materials
Writing a Film Review: Guidelines
Rubrics for Assessment 1: Writing Film Review
Role Play Worksheet
Proposal Writing Guidelines
Appendix 13 Peer-evaluation Form
Appendix 14 Rubrics for Assessment 2: Group Presentation of Draft Proposal
Appendix 15 Rubrics for Assessment 3: Written Proposal
Buzan, T. & Buzan, B. (2003). The Mind Map Book. Great Britain: BBC Worldwide Limited.
Considine, D. M. (2009). From Gutenberg to Gates: Media Matters. Social Studies, 100(2), 63-74.
Considine, D. M. & Baker, F. (2006). Focus on Film: Learning It through the Movies. Middle Ground, 10(2),
Leifer, T. (Producer), Moya, S. (Writer) & Taylor, P. (Producer/Writer/Director) (2007). We Are Together
[Motion Picture]. New York: Palm Pictures.
Vondracek, M. (2009). Teaching with Multiple Methods in Mind: Eleven Ways to Reach All Students,
Science Teacher, 76(3), 38-41.
Mak Yu Hong, Tony
Teaching materials of A Musical World
Copyrights owned by the author
Video-viewing task: Agape Choir in a Singing Campaign
Appendix 1
Worksheet on Video-viewing Task
Using one to two sentences, describe what Agape Choir is.
Agape Choir is
Using one to two sentences, describe what the singing campaign is about
The singing campaign
There are interviews with members of Agape Choir.
Jot down some key messages that the choir members have mentioned in the video.
Music is used in the video. What do you think are the functions of music in a video like this?
What are the differences between a music video and video with music embedded?
Mak Yu Hong, Tony
Teaching materials of A Musical World
Copyrights owned by the author
Source: http://www.clashmusic.com/files/imagecache/big_node_view/files/images/We%20Are%20Together.jpg
Appendix 2
Analyzing Film Trailer of We Are Together
Worksheet on Analyzing Film Trailer
1st trailer-viewing Task: Basic information of the film
Film title:
Film genre: ___________________________________
Description of the Film: ___________________________
Draw a picture here illustrating a scene from
the trailer that impresses you most.
2nd trailer-viewing task: Self-film connection
1. What feelings would you get after watching the trailer? Circle the faces indicating your feelings.
Why do you get such feelings?
Source of the Picture: http://www.hnormanwright.com/images/feelings.JPG
Mak Yu Hong, Tony
Teaching materials of A Musical World
Copyrights owned by the author
What will you expect to see in the documentary We Are Together after watching the trailer?
Appendix 3
Analyzing Film Poster of We Are Together
Worksheet on Poster Analysis
(Teacher’s Version with Suggested Answers)
Label elements of the film poster as many as you can.
Main Character
Film Title
Means “we are together”
Casts & Credits
Production Companies
(Source of Poster: http://www.co-op.ac.uk/newsitems/news2007_0178.htm)
The window is opened and a Black woman is looking outside with a smile.
What meaning does it convey?
The idea of hopefulness is featured in the poster as the woman is no longer framed by the
window and she looks at the side where lights (symbolizing hopes) come from, suggesting
that this breakthrough makes her feel happy.
WE ARE TOGETHER is in capital letters. What does it imply?
The words “WE ARE TOGETHER” in the poster refer to the film title We Are Together and this
can be seen as the tagline reminding us “We are all together”, featuring human unity. Also,
capitalized words form important message that the writer wants to shout out.
Describe the background of the poster. Together with other elements of the poster,
what message does this poster convey instead of just advertising the film?
The background of the poster is blue with portrayal of a blurred image like shadows of trees.
With lighting from the left side, the whole poster implies
the message that hopes are present in
front of the woman, matching the reality of how Agape orphanage suffering from AIDS and
HIV transforms into an international choir using music to inspire others.
Mak Yu Hong, Tony
Teaching materials of A Musical World
Copyrights owned by the author
Appendix 4: Mini-lecture on
Documentary Film: An Introduction
Documentary – Students’ Handouts
Notes from Mini-lecture
Documentary is
Filming Strategies of Documentary Films:
Selected types of documentary films:
 ______________________________
 ______________________________
 ______________________________
 ______________________________
Self-reflection on Documentary
For you, what is documentary? What does documentary mean to you?
Do you consider We Are Together (2006) as documusical or social documentary or both? Why?
3. Self-exploration on Documentary
Find a documentary from YouTube that impresses you most. Jot down its source (the website) and explain
why you are impressed by the film:
Mak Yu Hong, Tony
Teaching materials of A Musical World
Copyrights owned by the author
Appendix 5: Mini-lecture on
Mini-lecture on Documentary
– Teacher’s PowerPoint Slides
Documentary – Teacher’s PowerPoint Slides
Documentary: What is it?
• Documentary has been a film form usually
motivated by an explicit social mission. (Waugh, 1977)
• As makers and producers use documentary as a way
to engage with and present social reality, their
filmed "information" is also obviously constrained
( a n d e n a b l e d ) b y t h e v e r y me d i a t i o n o f
film/video/television/Internet process they are
working with. (Lesage, 2006)
Documentary Films
Tony Mak
Lesage, J. (2006). New worlds of documentary. Jump Cut : A Review of Contemporary Media, 48.
Retrieved 24 May 2009 from http://www.ejumpcut.org/archive/jc48.2006/docIntro/index.html
Waugh, T. (1977). Nonfiction Film Theory and Criticism: Revisionism made simple. Jump Cut: A Review of Contemporary Media, 15, 25-26.
Retrieved 24 May 2009 from http://www.ejumpcut.org/archive/onlinessays/JC15folder/DocyBookRev.html
Selected types of documentary
Documentary: Filming Strategies
• “In making documentaries, filmmakers must
observe events and make sense out of them. They
move from observation — gathering information
or data — to description, formulating a coherent
narrative structure to convey what they have
observed. Different strategies can be used to get
from one stage of the process to the other. How
these strategies are chosen and implemented
depends upon the filmmaker's priorities and point
o f v i e w. “ ( F i s c h el , 19 89 )
Social documentary
Broadcast television documentary
Home movies
Selected from Lesage (2006).
Fischel, A. (1989). Engagement and the documentary. Jump Cut, 34, 35-40.
Retrieved 24 May 2009 from http://www.ejumpcut.org/archive/onlinessays/JC34folder/DocyEngagemtFischel.html
Lesage, J. (2006). New worlds of documentary. Jump Cut, 48.
Retrieved 24 May 2009 from http://www.ejumpcut.org/archive/jc48.2006/docIntro/text.html
Mak Yu Hong, Tony
Teaching materials of A Musical World
Copyrights owned by the author
• “The docudrama is a fact-based
representation of real events. It may
represent contemporary social issues--the
approach--or it may deal with older
h i s t o r i c a l
e v e n t s . ”
• Documusical = “[T]elevision documentaries
that use purpose-composed verse, music
and song within a documentary setting”
(Paget & Roscoe, 2006)
• Example: Feltham Sings (2002)
- The Museum of Broadcast Communications
Source: http://www.museum.tv/archives/etv/D/htmlD/docudrama/docudrama.htm
• Example: Threat (1984)
Paget, D. & Roscoe, J. (2006). Performance and authenticity in the documetary musical. Jump Cut, 48.
Retrieved 24 May 2009 from http://www.ejumpcut.org/archive/jc48.2006/MusicalDocy/index.html
Mini-lecture on Documentary
– Teacher’s PowerPoint Slides
Social documentary
Broadcast television documentary
• Documentaries on social issues
• Broadcast television documentary
is the documentaries showed on TV.
• Example: Tokyology: Pop-culture (2008)
Mak Yu Hong, Tony
Teaching materials of A Musical World
Copyrights owned by the author
Documentary: More examples…
Home movies
• Child Labor Series - Street Seller
• Home-made movies
– a form of documentary
• Playing For Change: Peace Through Music Trailer
For you, what is documentary?
Find a documentary from YouTube that
impresses you most. Jot down its source
(the website) and explain why you are
impressed by the film.
We Are Together (2006) is a documentary.
Do you consider We Are Together (2006) as
documusical or social documentary or both?
Share your findings with your classmates.
Slindile Moya
Describe Slindile’s siblings. How is their life?
Source of the Picture Features Slindile Moya:
Describe Slindile.
I am Slindile who
Appendix 6:
Character Map
Character Map of We Are Together
Mak Yu Hong, Tony
Teaching materials of A Musical World
Copyrights owned by the author
Circle the Character Trails Demonstrated
Add other character trails not showed in the chart
that are demonstrated by Slindile (if any).
Slindile’s Actions Captured in the Film
Source: http://fortdeposit.info/character/CharacterTraits-sm.jpg
Slindile’s Strengths / Slindile’s Potentials
Slindile’s Weaknesses
Appendix 7:
Narration Map
Narration Map of We Are Together
Problems Encountered by Agape Orphanage and Their Solutions:
Fill in the following T-chart:
Problems Encountered
Mak Yu Hong, Tony
Teaching materials of A Musical World
Copyrights owned by the author
Factors behind the Success of Agape Choir
Extend the mind-map below. Draw as many branches as you can.
Factors behind the Success of Agape Choir
Timeline of the Film Narration
Summarize how the film illustrates the growth of Agape Choir by marking key events on the timeline:
Mak Yu Hong, Tony
Teaching materials of A Musical World
Copyrights owned by the author
Appendix 8: Jigsaw Reading Materials
Jigsaw Reading Material: Set 1
(Source: http://www.channel4.com/film/reviews/film.jsp?id=165041&section=review&page=all#reviewnav)
We Are Together (Thina Simunye) Review By Steve Watson
(3 out of 5 stars)
A group of South African orphans sing their way through adversity in this original and surprisingly uplifting documentary
In 2003 filmmaker Paul Taylor spent three months volunteering at the Agape Orphanage in South Africa's KwaZulu-Natal.
Profoundly affected by his experiences there, he later returned with a camera and crew to document the children's tough but happy
existence, and their extraordinary talent for singing together.
Our first view of the orphanage has the look of Jacob's amateur video in Danish drama After The Wedding - a piece of film
produced to celebrate the good Christian work being done by people struggling against adversity thousands of miles away.
There's the same clutch of tumbledown dormitories and common rooms with peeling walls, and the same cute, broad-grinning
children playing happily despite their deprivation, but Taylor wants to get beyond cliched tugs at the heartstrings. The orphanage
has a choir that is planning to record an album and travel to London to perform, and Taylor follows the children as they encounter
various setbacks along the way. Slindile is an endearingly shy girl with a sly smile who gives half reluctant interviews to the
camera, but who seems to come to life when she sings. It's the stuff of cliche and stereotype, yet she's so natural and unaffected that
any cynicism is washed away. Hers is the sort of singing voice that can simultaneously express power and fragility, joy and pain.
It's a pure, awe-inspiring talent and to see her begin a song cautiously and build in confidence as the children around her join in is
genuinely beautiful.
Slindile lives at the orphanage with some of her brothers and sisters, but we also follow her to her family home where her older
brothers and sisters live, some of them with children of their own. Her older sister explains that she'd love to have them all living
together under the same roof but that she simply can't afford to look after all the children.
It's a harsh life and this understated documentary offers a rare and fascinating view of it. These are not the conventional images of
Africa ravaged by war and famine, yet the children live literally side by side with death, both of their parents buried in makeshift
mounds a few feet away from the house, and Sifiso, Slindile's older brother, chronically ill in bed. It becomes clear that he is dying
of Aids and their acceptance of the fact speaks volumes about the disease's impact in Africa.
Some of Taylor's scenes do stray into cliche - the stock sequence that sees a group of disbelieving African children playing in the
snow for the first time. For the most part, he demonstrates great skill in allowing the children to speak for themselves, revealing
their personalities and idiosyncrasies to make an affecting, inspiring film.
An impoverished community presented without pity or condescension, We Are Together evades the pitfalls of do-gooding
sentimentality and is an utterly original and deeply affecting documentary.
Mak Yu Hong, Tony
Teaching materials of A Musical World
Copyrights owned by the author
Jigsaw Reading Material: Set 2
(Source: http://www.channel4.com/film/reviews/feature.jsp?id=165039)
Paul Taylor on We Are Together
Paul Taylor on We Are Together
First-time director Paul Taylor talks about how his experience as a
volunteer in South Africa formed the basis of an award-winning
While studying filmmaking Paul Taylor traveled to South Africa as part of a volunteer program to
work with children affected by the Aids crisis. He was stationed at an Agape Orphanage, where
children who have lost their parents through the disease are helped. Bolstered by their collective
strength, the community formed a choir. During the making of his film We Are Together, Taylor saw
the start of their worldwide tour to raise awareness of Aids and poverty, and the release of a
successful album. The film has picked up audience awards at many festivals for its inspiring,
uplifting story centered on the spirited Moya children, and gained support from Bono, Kanye West
and Alicia Keys. All profits from the release of the film are entering an education fund for the Agape
Do you have a filmmaking background, or was this simply a film borne out of you finding a
good story?
I was a film student, at Bournemouth University. I went to South Africa after my first year on a
volunteering program, and that's when I met the kids at Agape. I came back, carried on studying and
wanted an excuse to go back out there. I saw there was potential in the story. I started scraping
funds together to return the following summer and make the film.
With all the profits going into an educational fund for the Agape children, how did you get
such experienced people involved in the project?
We got the footage and went round showing people what we had, and telling them about the project.
People were very supportive; we got a lot of good deals from post production houses. Our main
editor, Masahiro Hirakubo [who works frequently with Danny Boyle] was just at a good time in his
career, looking for something interesting and challenging to take on.
Mak Yu Hong, Tony
Teaching materials of A Musical World
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Jigsaw Reading Material: Set 3
(Source: http://www.channel4.com/film/reviews/feature.jsp?id=165039&page=2)
Paul Taylor on We Are Together
Why did you set out to make the film? Was it mainly to raise money for the children and
promote awareness of their situation and the problem of Aids in South Africa?
We did hope there would be some benefit for the kids, but we wanted to tell an engaging story so
that people would learn about and understand the issues facing poor South Africans. We wanted to
touch people with this story.
Do you think that cinema is an effective way of reaching people and promoting awareness of
issues such as this?
People shape their views of different cultures through film. That's where people experience different
lives. But you don't want to just be preaching to the converted. We have picked up a lot of audience
awards at film festivals. I didn't have any big ideas that the film would change the world, but if one
person rethinks their viewpoint then it's been worthwhile. I don't think you can delude yourself you
have the power to make a huge difference.
Did you set out to make this film around your own agenda, or on the arc of your changing
experience and understanding, or was it more organically formed?
We have the impression that the lives of people in South Africa are depressing and full of suffering.
But that's just a small part of their experience, there's also so much laughter and fun, people having
a good time. A lot of what we see in this country from there is negative and one-dimensional. My
viewpoint was broadened by my volunteer work. As much as there is sorrow, there is also a lot of fun.
The film on paper doesn't do the result justice. It's a very uplifting film.
One of the young boys, Mtho, is a great character, very smart and funny. What was you
experience with him?
Mtho is such a bright, sharp little kid. When I was filming I would ask him a question on camera and
he knew I knew the answer to it already, so he would say, 'Why are you asking me that, Paul? You
know all this.' The humour and personalities of the kids helps people connect to the issues. We set
about the capture their fun, but it was so abundant it was impossible to miss.
Mak Yu Hong, Tony
Teaching materials of A Musical World
Copyrights owned by the author
Jigsaw Reading Material: Set 4
(Source: http://www.channel4.com/film/reviews/feature.jsp?id=165039&page=3)
Paul Taylor on We Are Together
How did you go about editing what must have been many hours of footage?
We shot 160 hours of footage. As it was my first film I was very cautious about missing stuff so I
overshot a lot. The work editing was about balancing out the sorrowful experiences with the joy, and
making sure one didn't overpower the other. We had a selection of moments. I was reflecting on the
understanding we had come to after being there for a long time.
The film shows much of the close community of Agape and the village, and how the children
are taken care of by that community. What were your experiences of this?
There is a real solidarity in the community; people look out for each other. They don't have fences;
people don't have definite plots of land. There are massive economic contrasts in South Africa. The
affluent areas have huge fences and big dogs. They live in their own little world. In the poor
communities everyone's homes are mixed together. A child can be disciplined by any adult in the
community. In this country if someone else tells your children off it is taken as an offence. I don't
think the difference is geographical. I am sure communities in London and across the country were
far more solid before they knocked down the houses and built council flats.
How are the profits for the film being used to help the children?
We want to raise enough money to put together an educational fund that can pay the Agape kids'
school fees in perpetuity. We also want to help other kids in their community. In South Africa school
isn't free, so the more you pay, the better an education you get. We need to raise £500,000 and we
are 20 percent there so far. We've put together an album with EMI with the kids singing with Paul
Simon and Ladysmith Black Mambazo.
Mak Yu Hong, Tony
Teaching materials of A Musical World
Copyrights owned by the author
Jigsaw Reading Material: Set 5
(Source: http://www.eyeforfilm.co.uk/reviews.php?film_id=12578)
We Are Together
Reviewed By: Amber Wilkinson
Twelve-year-old Slindile has a smile like the sun breaking through rain. It has a warmth and a freshness that seems all the more
incredible when you consider the emotional loss she has suffered. For Slindile is an orphan and, although she frequently visits her
older siblings who still live in the family home in South Africa’s KwaZulu Natal, for the most part she lives at the Agape orphanage
with other kids who have almost all lost their parents to the ravages of AIDs.
Despite losing much, however, the hope in these children still burns strong and is perhaps never more apparent than when they join
together to sing in beautiful harmony.
“I sing a song to remember my mother,” says Slindile, and she is not alone. The children’s culture places an emphasis on song
within the family, meaning they grow up with it. As a local celebrity musician puts it: “We can’ all speak at once but we can all sing
at once.”
Director Paul Taylor was a volunteer at the orphanage for three months and it was only after returning to the UK that he had the
idea of shooting a film of the children as they in turn attempt to record a CD which they hope will bring in much-needed funds, that
will help them to expand the orphanage.
The resulting documentary, certainly does tell that story – complete with all its triumphs and setbacks. But this is also the story of
Slindile’s brother Sifiso, who gradually and devastatingly succumbs to AIDs during the course of the film. Most of all, however,
this is the story of hope in adversity and of working hard to you’re your dream into a reality.
Taylor has created a highly emotional document, capturing life as it is for Slidile, her blood relatives and her extended family at the
orphanage. Because he knew the children prior to picking up a camera, there is a closeness to his filming and a naturalness to the
testimony. There are moments of joy so sublime, you feel your heart swell with the sound of the children’s voices and segments of
sadness as sharp as a scalpel.
All of the profits from the theatrical, DVD and soundtrack release of the film will be donated to an education program for the
children of Agape and kids affected by HIV/AIDs. But as the clutch of audience awards (at the EIFF and Tribeca Film Festivals
among others) testify, this isn’t a piece to see just because it is worthy, it is a documentary that will take you on a journey as
emotional as it is uplifting.
Slindile writes in her blog on the www.wearetogether.org website: “The film has shown me that life goes on whatever happened in
the past, I shouldn’t stick on it because in life there are bad and good times. I have learnt a lot about the movie and I hope it will
help more people living with HIV and some who have no parents.” She adds: “When we watched it for the first time it was just me
and my family and we cried a lot. But it also made us laugh a lot so I like the film for that.” And so say all of us.
Mak Yu Hong, Tony
Teaching materials of A Musical World
Copyrights owned by the author
Jigsaw Reading Material: Set 6
(Source: http://movies.nytimes.com/2008/07/04/movies/04toge.html)
The Gifts That Song Can Bring By NATHAN LEE
Published: July 4, 2008
So there you are, going about your life, worried about your job, or the price of gas, or whether you can afford
next month’s health insurance premium. And then for one reason or another you come across We Are
Together, a documentary about the bright-eyed, golden-voiced children who live at Agape, an orphanage in
South Africa.
You look at their smiles, witness their optimism and marvel at the harmony of their songs, which they
rehearse for a coming trip to England. You’ve seen this sort of thing before, but the film, directed by Paul
Taylor, happens to be especially well photographed, and the youngsters more winning than most. So you’re
humbled and remember to feel blessed that you’ve got a job to worry about losing in the first place and that
your brother isn’t dying of AIDS.
All of which is very humanizing, and you can never have too much humanity. So you feel good and leave it
at that. Or maybe you push a little deeper, and wonder to what extent the filmmakers were or were not
involved in their subjects’ lives. You think about the relative fortune of these particular children as they’re
flown around the world and booked into recording studios, and whether there isn’t something problematic
about the type of documentary concerned with an uncommonly privileged subset of the woefully
There’s a lump in your chest as you ponder such questions, but it passes soon enough, and you go about your
Mak Yu Hong, Tony
Teaching materials of A Musical World
Copyrights owned by the author
Jigsaw Reading Material: Set 7
(Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/films/2008/03/03/we_are_together_2008_review.shtml)
Reviewer's Rating
User Rating
We Are Together (Thina Simunye) (2008)
Reviewed by James Rocarols
Contains sight of terminally ill
Updated 28 February 2008
people and bereavement theme
Jointly financed by record companies, TV stations and charities, this documentary showcases the a cappella
singing talents of children from the Agape Orphanage in South Africa, while also aiming to raise awareness
about AIDS-afflicted communities. Paul Taylor's small-scale film has won festival prizes, but comes across as
perhaps too slight to cause ripples in the manner of that other world music celebration, the Buena Vista Social
Taylor discovered the Agape children while on holiday from film school in 2003 and returned to make this documentary,
which focuses on the choir's preparations for a fund-raising concert in England. Already orphaned by AIDS, the children
endure yet more hardships during the course of the film. Their trip to the UK is abruptly cancelled and then their school
building burns down, but despite these various hardships the troupe carry on singing with the same joyful defiance. Their
story loses momentum somewhat once the trip is cancelled, until a redemptive finale sees them performing on stage
alongside Alicia Keys and another more predictable patron, Paul Simon.
We Are Together strongly conveys the strange duality of life in South Africa: lives that are blighted by poverty and HIV
are routinely accompanied by the singing and dancing that are so integral to South African culture. An abiding image is
that of an HIV-positive man literally singing from his death-bed. As expected, this humbling film has its fair share of
uplifting moments and, even if you're not a fan of this type of singing, one can only admire some of the mighty fine voices
on display.
Mak Yu Hong, Tony
Teaching materials of A Musical World
Copyrights owned by the author
Jigsaw Reading Material: Set 8
(Source: http://documentaries.about.com/od/revie2/fr/agape.htm)
We Are Together: The Children of Agape - Movie Review of Thina Simunye (2006)
The Children of Agape Advocates for Change
About.com Rating
By Jennifer Merin, About.com
Beyond The Agape Orphanage
Happy ending? Yes, but we understand--in our heads and hearts--the urgent need for more to be done.
To show HIV's effect on families, Taylor follows Slindile home, where she sings with her family (they've always
expressed feeling through song, we learn, as is tradition), visits her HIV-infected brother, Sifiso, watches him die,
buries him, and weeps with her siblings--although, Sifiso's last wish was for them to be happy.
Remember, Slindile is 12 years old. Her eldest sister, now family matriarch--with her own infant--isn't much older. The
personal tragedy they face is harrowing, yet they cope and carry on. Their strength of character is inspiring.
Paul Taylor’s success in gaining his subjects' trust results in a honest, sensitive, compelling film. Taylor eschews
cinematic gimmickry, fancy camera angles, special effects. Other than that you know he's behind the camera, Taylor
keeps himself out of the film. The pure verite works extremely well. The focus is on the kids and their circumstances,
as it should be. Bravo!
The children of Agape sing their way into your conscience, making you grateful for your good circumstances and
regretful about squandering resources that could/should be used for the welfare of those who cannot provide for
themselves. Slindile, Mbali and their peers raise their voices for all children who’ve not yet found the means or
guidance to let the world know that they matter and deserve to live decently, with respect and comfort.
Mak Yu Hong, Tony
Teaching materials of A Musical World
Copyrights owned by the author
Appendix 9:
Writing a Film Review: Guidelines
Writing a Film Review: Guidelines
General Structure of a Film Review
Source: http://www.hf.ntnu.no/scl/abstracts/wojciechowicz.pdf
Analysis is more important than summary of the film. 
We all know about the content of the film.
We are more curious in your film criticism and personal reflection.
At least, you need to include the following elements in your review:
1. Summary of the film
2. Analysis of the film
3. Personal reflection
Feel free to structure your film review with personal style.
Remember, a user-friendly thorough and insightful film review
needs to take its purpose and audience into consideration.
Some film reviews of We Are Together for your reference:
(They are the articles used in the Jigsaw Reading Activities)
 http://documentaries.about.com/od/revie2/fr/agape.htm
 http://www.eyeforfilm.co.uk/reviews.php?film_id=12578
 http://movies.nytimes.com/2008/07/04/movies/04toge.html
 http://www.bbc.co.uk/films/2008/03/03/we_are_together_2008_review.shtml
Mak Yu Hong, Tony
Teaching materials of A Musical World
Copyrights owned by the author
Appendix 10:
Rubrics for Assessment 1
Rubrics for Assessment 1: Writing a Film Review
The film review provides thorough and
The film review provides good analysis of the
The film review provides a superficial analysis
The film review is either full of fault analysis
insightful analysis of the film with critical
film with personal reflection. Arguments,
of the film with general personal reflection.
or at a very superficial level with little or no
personal reflection. Arguments, suggestions
suggestions, reflections are developed with
Arguments, suggestions and reflections are
analysis. Instead, only facts and summaries
and reflections are fully developed with
some supports and evidences in the film. The
generally developed though supports and
are presented.
supports and evidences in and out of the film.
review demonstrates good understanding of
evidences in the film are insufficient. The
lacked or very generalized. Arguments,
the filmic text.
reviewer demonstrates a fair understanding
suggestions and reflections may not develop
of the filmic text.
with supports and evidences. The reviewer
understanding of the filmic text.
Personal reflection may be
understanding of the filmic text.
Structure &
The review is structured in a very logical and
The review is structured in a logical and
The review is generally structured but ideas
The review is loose and lack of structure.
organized manner with clear transitions.
organized manner. Ideas are coherent and
are not always jointed together. Transitions
Ideas are not presented in an organized
Ideas are always coherent and jointed
jointed together with transitions. The reviewer
are not always clear and may be ineffective at
together skillfully. The reviewer shows
shows good understanding of the structure
times. The reviewer shows fair understanding
organization may be not logical and difficult to
excellent understanding of the structure and
and presentation of film reviews.
of the structure and presentation of film
follow. Transitions are either confused or
ineffective. No understanding of the structure
presentation of film reviews.
and presentation of film reviews are showed.
The language is error-free and fluent with
The language is mostly accurate with errors
The language is generally accurate though
The language use is poor, unconfident and
rare L1 influences. Complex sentences are
occur which do not affect communication.
unskillful with errors occur that always
used confidently and skillfully with a wide
Some complex sentences and a range of
communication. Different sentence structures
impede communication. Sentence structures
range of vocabulary to help present the ideas.
vocabulary items are attempted confidently.
and vocabulary items are attempted.
and vocabulary do not vary much.
The review always follows the genre features
The review follows the genre features with
The review generally follows most of the
The review does not follow or follows only
and takes its purpose and audience into
consideration of its purpose and audience.
genre features though its purpose and/or
some of the genre features. The purpose or
audience are/is not always taken into
audience of the proposal is rarely taken into
account, creating a user-friendly review.
Mak Yu Hong, Tony
Teaching materials of A Musical World
Copyrights owned by the author
Mak Yu Hong, Tony
Teaching materials of A Musical World
Copyrights owned by the author
Role Play Worksheet
On Inviting Agape Choir to Perform in Hong Kong
Group Members:
Appendix 11:
Role Play Worksheet
Concert Director cum Freelance Musician
Coordinator of Agape International Choir
Manager (Public Relation) of a Star Agency
Leader of We Are Together Concern Group
Opinions & Concerns
Coordinator of
Agape Choir
Manager of the _______________________________________________________________________
Star Agency
Leader of the
Possible Problems
Consensus of the Group: ______________________________________________________
Mak Yu Hong, Tony
Teaching materials of A Musical World
Copyrights owned by the author
Appendix 12:
Proposal Writing Guidelines
Proposal Writing Guidelines
Assessment #2: Writing a Proposal
Purpose of the Proposal: To propose a concert involving Agape International Choir in Hong Kong
Audience of the Proposal: ___________________________________________________________
Structure of the Proposal
You need to include the following items for your written proposal:
Executive Summary
Introduction & Background Information
Programme Description
Based on http://www.ecf.toronto.edu/~writing/handbook-proposals.html (Please refer to this website for details.)
*For you presentation, you need to present the executive summary of your draft proposal only.
Ideas for the Organization of the Proposal
Background Information:
Problems: ________________________________
Objectives (Why concert?): ____________________
Methods (Solutions): e.g. A Concert of Agape Choir
DETAILS of the Concert:
Time Schedule: __________________________________
Facilitates: _______________________________________
Budget: ___________________________________________
More Details…
Mak Yu Hong, Tony
Teaching materials of A Musical World
Copyrights owned by the author
Adapted from http://www.class.uidaho.edu/adv_tech_wrt/week4/proposal_intro/proposal_structure.htm
Questions to consider:
Source of the questions: http://www.class.uidaho.edu/adv_tech_wrt/week4/proposal_intro/how_persuasion_works.htm
Argument of fact:
1. Identify the problem. Show the problem exists.
Who does it affect?
Who cares about this topic?
What are the consequences of the problem?
What parts of the system does it affect?
When is it a problem?
When did it become a problem?
Where is it a problem?
In what parts of the system does the problem occur?
Why is it a problem?
What is the theory behind the problem?
What is the history behind it?
How did it become a problem?
What happened to cause the problem?
What have other people done with a similar problem? (Did it work?)
2. Determine the problem's importance. (Judge the problem)
Who does the topic you are dealing with affect?
Who is it important to?
Why is it important to them?
Why should anyone be concerned?
How important is it to them?
Is it important enough to spend money and time solving?
3. What kind of problem is this? (Define the problem.)
Is it a management problem, an environmental problem, an ethical problem, a computer modeling problem,
a lack of information problem, a lack of funding problem, a design problem, a sales problem . . . ?
Argument of Policy:
1. What will you create to solve the problem?
What is your ultimate goal?
What is your specific project goal or objective (aside from writing a report of some kind for the end of the
semester, although this is one of your objectives)?
Mak Yu Hong, Tony
Teaching materials of A Musical World
Copyrights owned by the author
What kinds of information do you plan to obtain and present in your final project? What kind of information
do you think your final report will contain?
2. What do you plan to do? What steps will you take to accomplish your solution?
3. How will you evaluate whether your solution is feasible?
What makes you believe your solution is reasonable?
How does your solution solve the problem?
How much time will it take to complete your solution?
Are there enough people to solve the problem?
Will you be able to get the necessary help?
How much money will it take to create your solution?
Is there sufficient equipment and technology to solve it?
In what way is your solution useful? (cost effective, expedient, ethical, . . . ?)
Mak Yu Hong, Tony
Teaching materials of A Musical World
Copyrights owned by the author
Appendix 13:
Peer Evaluation Form
Peer-evaluation and Self-evaluation Form for the Presentation of Draft Proposal
This evaluation form is filled in by group _____. Our group leader is _________________________.
Give marks for items 1 to 4 for each group (see the attached rubrics for detailed description of each item) as peer-evaluation.
For your own group, you need to give both marks & comments as self-evaluation after your presentation.
Give 0 marks for groups with no attempt in presenting their work.
Every Item
Peer & Self
4 marks
3 marks
2 marks
1 mark
1. Content
2. Organization
3. Oral Fluency
4. Oral Accuracy
TOTAL (Marks)
Self-evaluation: (Please evaluate your group’s performance here.)
2 Strengths of Our Group’s Presentation:
2 Suggestions for Our Group’s Presentation:
Mak Yu Hong, Tony
Teaching materials of A Musical World
Copyrights owned by the author
Appendix 14:
Rubrics for Assessment 2
Rubrics for Assessment 2: Group Presentation of Draft Proposal
The draft proposal contains detailed and
The draft proposal is quite detailed with
The draft proposal is simple with some
The draft proposal lacks
Content of
many practical ideas showing high
information and practical ideas showing
understanding of its purpose. Arguments
understanding of its purpose. Arguments
understanding of its purpose. Some
low/no understanding of its purpose.
are fully developed with supports or
are developed with some supports or
arguments are developed with some
Arguments are always undeveloped or
evidences. High level of creativity is
evidences. Creativity is showed.
supports or evidences. Some creativity is
without supports and evidences. No
creativity is showed.
The organization is very clear and very
The organization is clear and easy to
easy to follow with good transitions.
follow with transitions. Different parts of
understandable but not easily followed.
Different parts of the presentation are
the presentation are coherence and
Transitions are showed but sometimes
Transitions are always unclear and
presentation are always unconnected.
The speakers demonstrate a presentation
The speakers always hesitate in the
presentation and/or ideas are always
presentation without hesitation, creating
presentation with some hesitations. Ideas
a listener-friendly environment. Ideas are
are rarely repeated.
sometimes repeated or confused.
Poor coherence is showed.
The speakers demonstrate a very fluent
coherence and not connected.
speakers demonstrate
The organization is loose or poorly
neither repeated nor confused.
repeated, creating problems for listeners
to understand its content.
The language use is always accuracy
The language use is mostly accuracy
The language use is generally accuracy
The language use is mostly inaccurate
(even error-free) with a wide range of
though some errors occur which do not
with errors occur that sometimes affect
communication. Grammatical structures
communication. Grammatical structures
complex sentences and vocabulary items
grammatical structures and a range of
and vocabulary items are limited but may
and vocabulary items are always simple,
used in the presentation.
vocabulary are attempted in presentation.
do not vary and are very limited.
Mak Yu Hong, Tony
Teaching materials of A Musical World
Copyrights owned by the author
Appendix 15:
Rubrics for Assessment 3
Rubrics for Assessment 3: Written Proposal
The proposal addresses all 5 parts of the
The proposal addresses all 5 parts of the
The proposal addresses all 5 parts of the
The proposal is incomplete. At least 1
part of the proposal (executive summary,
timeline & budgets) with details in a
developed with some supports and
suggestions are generally developed
Most arguments and suggestions are not
supports and evidences.
though supports and evidences are
developed. Supports and evidences are
rarely illustrated.
suggestions are fully developed with
Insufficient information is provided.
superficial information. Arguments and
Structure &
The proposal follows the structure,
The proposal generally follows the
The proposal is loose and lack of
attempting at presenting ideas from
structure but ideas are not presented
structure. Ideas are not presented in an
content from general to specific ideas in
from a general to specific way. The
organized manner and may be scattered.
a very logical and organized manner.
organization is generally logical and
organization is not always logical and
The organization is not logical and
Transitions are very clear.
organized. Transitions are clear.
organized. Transitions are not always
difficult to follow. Transitions are either
confused or ineffective.
The language is error-free and fluent
The language is mostly accurate with
The language is generally accurate
The language is poor with errors occur
with rare
errors occur which do not affect
though errors occur that sometimes
that always affect presentation of ideas.
sentences are used confidently and
sentences and a range of vocabulary
sentence structures and vocabulary items
items do not vary much. The language
vocabulary to help present the ideas.
items are attempted confidently.
are attempted.
use is unconfident and .unskillful.
The proposal always follows the genre
The proposal follows the genre features
The proposal generally follows most of
The proposal does not follow or follows
features and takes its purpose and
with consideration of its purpose and
the genre features though its purpose
only some of the genre features. The
Mak Yu Hong, Tony
Teaching materials of A Musical World
Copyrights owned by the author
user-friendly readable writing.
and/or audience are/is not always taken
purpose or audience of the proposal is
into consideration.
rarely taken into account.